#y'all it was sooo funny
charlotterenaissance · 9 months
i'm kind of upset i wasn't able to watch odd squad as a kid because it is exactly my humor in a fun learning environment
like i just watched an episode because mark mckinney, kevin mcdonald, and scott thompson were in an episode. together. i had to check that out. and everyone.
it was a clue spoof. about shapes. it took me several minutes to realize that they were even teaching me about shapes!
kevin was a guy obsessed with rectangles who invented the ice cream sandwich and whose cake has been stolen. mark was a war general named pentagon doing A Voice who stole a farmhouse out of a painting. scott was a german professor of squares who stole a diamond that if you turn to the side is *gasp* a square. there's a fashion designer named triangle with triangle shaped hair whose triplet sister and brother helped her steal aformentioned cake because kevin never remembered their birthday, which is the same day as theirs by a massive coincidence.
the episode ends with kevin deciding the cake needed to be destroyed because of all the pain it caused and throwing it to the ground. agent otto screams like he just saw his parents killed in a car accident. everyone has round cupcakes because no one there will steal something without an edge.
i've never had more fun learning something while members of my favorite comedy troupe ran around to shape jokes
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carefulfears · 1 year
I hate when people dismiss the Phoebe thing as Scully simply having been jealous. She was his best friend first, and she did what any good friend would have
yeah it's pretty reductive, honestly. scully has been very protective of mulder since the pilot; the first 3 episodes of the show are literally her committing to him, holding a man hostage at gunpoint to find him, and cutting ties with her friends who make fun of him.
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this was largely her arc in squeeze, after only having known him for a couple of weeks, as she defends him to colton multiple times
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and, in the end, concludes that she would rather be “on the side of the victim” with mulder than climb the ladder with her classmates, and tells colton to fuck off the next time he’s rude about her partner
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in ghost in the machine, she's disapproving of jerry from the moment they meet, knowing literally nothing about him except that he used to work with mulder
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and she instantly recognizes the profile that jerry presents as mulder's work, whispering to him to ask if that's his, to which he replies "forget it, no" and then later fibs and says that jerry apologized for stealing it (once you tell your best friend you can't go back lol)
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all of these examples pre-date her behavior in fire, and are episodes where she's put in situations navigating mulder around other men
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y'all remember the first time she met krycek and just flat out refused to shake his hand lmao
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i touched on this a little bit in my post on fire, but scully really was just so enthralled by him from the very beginning. she grew up on a military base with her navy captain father and two brothers, and her only relationships have been with older men in power.
she instantly is so aligned with mulder and that there's something different in him than she's used to, but she's aware that the openness and softness that she's so drawn to in him makes him more vulnerable, and she's desperate to protect it
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in beyond the sea, the very next episode after fire, she screams at boggs that if mulder dies she'll gas him into hell herself, and boggs tells her that he's tasted the afterlife.
that it's a cold and dark place, and mulder's looking in on it now. she replies, "it might be a cold dark place for you, but it's not for mulder"
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she knows him, and she's so moved by him and what he wants to do in the world. these are the values that she left medicine to follow.
"jealousy" honestly doesn't even compare to the kind of ferocious protectiveness that she feels towards him from the very start, she really doesn't trust anyone around him for anything. they can't possibly get it like she does, if they treat him that way.
he may not care if people call him names or steal from him or try to make him walk through fire, but he really is just her best friend. and she can't stand it.
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ourskiesaboveus · 1 year
this is stupid but i had a lot of fun following the tournament and making propaganda so i wanted to make something after mike's defeat
comic under the cut for implied 115 spoilers and other vague misc spoilers (also bad art /hj)
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and then 114 happens
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Promo time!!
Oof her body
SLFJGHSKDHS wait all the ghosts??
Oh okay just Nancy xD presumably
LOL that's wild
Oh my gosh xD
Okay that's the last of my last thoughts!! Now time for a little. . .
Not as formal as any of the ones I say REVIEW for, even Abbott lol
Honestly I'd been hoping for something like that but they really committed o.o
I do think a full commitment would've been cool but I really miss Flower xdd :( and also I feel like there's a lot that could still be done with her character
If it takes more than just next episode to find her though that'd be cool! And even these four episodes without her has been interesting :o!
(makes me think of that sound lol. I don't remember what the name is but it's a tiktok sound xD)
That's just absolutely wild lol, I hope she sticks around xD but not for like, too long lol
She seems annoying xD
Also poor Sam and Jay with their friends xdd they didn't deserve that :(
I was just DYING throughout the entirety of this episode lol. Even throughout the cringe of second-hand embarrassment lol. Afterwards my mom even asked me if my show was funny or something like that when she came out here because I had been laughing so much lol. It was really just an amazing episode xD. Also Jay digging up Flower's death site for Sam 🥰🥰 we love a man like him /hj. Half joking because it wasn't just for her xD. Although the "because once my wife fell down the stairs" was so real and accurate 💀 xD.
All the ghosts were living for the chaos this episode and I was living for it xD. I mean, they usually are lol, but they had the especially sneaky drams-loving ones mainly involved lol. That certainly did not help Sam and Jay xD.
Also their poor friends xD. Thinking the entire (okay well like half) the time that they were gonna be murdered 💀. That's what you get for making slightly weird comments guys xD. Jokes in the moment, threats/promises later lol.
Now here's what I'm wondering: if Flower's still a ghost (I was gonna say alive dead again because alive was my go to but I've said that a lot lol), what was the pillar of light? They said one of the basement ghosts didn't disappear, and Crash was there, so: who was it?
Wait- they checked Stephanie right? o.o I remember she was in the preview so I think she was mentioned? But uh oh o.o
Hm! I don't know. Anyway, I might have more to say later, but I need to go eat and this is all I have in my brain right now lol :D.
So, yeah!! It was an absolutely amazing episode, I really liked it :). Halloween in March could've felt a little weird, but it was really fun lol!! Probably helped it not feel to out of town by the fact that Halloween wasn't a big focus (stuff happened and worked because of Halloween, but the focus was the stuff, ig, if that makes sense) lol. Anyway!! Everybody slayed this episode :DD. And just once again OH MY GOSH FLOWER AND CAROL ARE GHOSTS!! Flower still, because SHE'S ALIVE (DEAD)!! Still shocked over that lol. The well makes total sense though, poor girl xd. Love her <3 🥰. Also she sounded so scared down there 😭🥺. Poor girlie <33. But, yeah, I loooved this episode :D. It was so good!!
See you guys next time!!
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brown-spider · 10 months
Hi! I really love your Spidersona Sunny, they're such a mood. Ngl they crack me up with how done they already are with the whole hero gig😂 and I was curious about something.
Do you think Sunny and Miles would get along? They seem like they would be great friends for lots of reasons, like their shared love of art and how similar you said their worlds are. Also maybe a shared kind of disillusionment with heroing, cause let's be real, there ain't no way Miles is coming out of any of this even slightly okay. Highkey think he was a little depressed before he got jumped by hundreds of spider people and after having the friends and mentor he was desperate enough to give up his passions for, only for them to gaslight and betray the hell out of him, plus whatever fucked up shit that's for sure happening in Btsv, it's gonna get so much worse. That and I think Miles would find Sunny's ability to juke the canon, kinda like he does, so awesome. Deadpool joking about Sunny avoiding plot trauma by running off screen is everything. They just say, "nah, fam I'm good" and just leaves🤣
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Miles: If you teach me how to juke canon I'll watch Deadpool for you.
Sunny: Deal
I feel like Miles could make friends with anybody tbh 😂
Miles and Sunny's attitudes towards heroing are a bit different, i think. Miles stepped up to the mantle after building up confidence that he deserves it, that he can be someone ppl rely on. He's outraged by the idea that Spiderman as a symbol of heroism/hope can't "always" win or can't do "both." He also has bit of pettiness around the lack of reward/freedom/gratitude for being Spiderman; it comes with the territory of being a teenager who does selfless deeds on the daily only to get grounded or have his roomate not bother to dial 3 numbers or be told that he isnt allowed to stop his dad from dying-
Whereas Sunny doesn't have a sense of duty or optimism towards being Spiderman. They don't WANT to be someone people rely on, they NEVER believed that one person could "always" or "do both", they're resigned to the things happening around them.
Sunny doesn't know about canon events, courtesy of their Peter not telling them because they freaked out at the mere concept of a multiverse and want nothing to do with HQ outside of removing anomalies from their own dimension. Deadpool makes 4th wall breaking jokes but Sunny sees it the same way you and I would react if someone pretended to break the fourth wall; its just a joke. Like "haha, what if we were in a simulation." Of course, ever since they found out about the multiverse, those jokes became much LESS funny to them 😬
So yeah, Sunny dodging canon doesn't come from a determination to live up to what they think Spiderman should be, or out of defiance of The Way Things Are like how it is for Miles, its the exact opposite. They're avoiding responsibility and expectations, they've decided that nothing they do will make a Real difference except to make them More Depressed when they inevitably fail.
If Miles told them about canon events, their response would probably be something like "......... I wish you hadn't told me that." Because what are they supposed to do?? Not only are they being told that Fate has guaranteed certain tragedies occurred to hundreds of thousands of heroes WAY BETTER THAN THEM- but ALSO that those same far-more-skilled-heroes have dedicated themselves to making sure those tragedies continue to happen. So tell them, what the heck are they supposed to do??
They wouldn't do anything. But they also wouldn't stop Miles. They hate the concept of fate and would hope he breaks the algorithm with his friends and saves the day, because its way easier to place their faith in people who can Actually make change than to get involved and get themself hurt.
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mad-hunts · 16 days
okay, yeah, barton is a bad guy — that is pretty much a given but what if i told y'all that i got this image of him in my head of him dressed up in matching tuxedos with matilda and them just. attending a masquerade gala as part of some plot to get close to someone and actually not committing any atrocities, but they do do one small little... victimless crime near the end of it which might be Uh. Stealing some rich guys car on the way out or something and flipping him off as they drive off with it, laughing all the way, and it's honestly kind of funny in a bad way because WOW are they bold and perhapsss dare i say it's a little iconic because of the matching tux's + i just imagined them peeling out of the place in the poor guys car like why did they have to do him like that??
i mean it's obviously NOT Good that barton stole that guys car but he actually didn't hurt anyone and stealing the car wasn't even planned. it was just a spur of the moment decision, like i can just imagine them having this completely non-verbal exchange with their eyes once they see this SUPER expensive car in front of the place. because matilda just gets wide eyed like 'OOH, that is niceee' and barton just looks back at her like 'wanna steal it?' and of course she says 'yes, obviously,' like LMAOO idk i just thought it was kind of a nice deviance from the norm for them and they're bonding. criminally, mind you, but still bonding JSJSJ
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scattered-winter · 11 months
sometimes keith and acxa are siblings and sometimes they kiss once (1) before they realize that they're not into it. both are equally true depending entirely on my mood at the time.
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sinstained · 1 year
Shoutout to the lady I encountered the other day who said such and such is older than Methuselah, and said so in the most southern way possible.
she made me think of trash man here.
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bfuhrnerd · 1 year
Anyways, after seeing act 2 of the tournabout: ace attorney musical, I have decided to somehow get even less normal about it than before.
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grapeszn · 1 year
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winxys · 1 year
triples stans getting on my nerves tonight why r they making fun of kyungju for leaving the industry bc of her health ? y'all r weird
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bugfail · 10 months
being besties with someone who loves a show that I despise is so weird. my friend loves it forever and ever meanwhile I'm over here trying not to peel my skin off with the urge to redesign all the characters ngrnkfknrg
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
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cvntrlseecvntrlvee · 3 months
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famousblueraincoatmp3 · 10 months
the fact that there are MULTIPLE posts telling y'all to eat veggies is hilarious to me. like tumblr "no food is unhealthy" is going to listen to you. toddler mentality
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I find it soooo funny just how similar Jevil and L.L. are. It's their joker swag and I need to stop trying to deny it.
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