#xen layouts
wontune · 4 months
☆ Xen ( omega x ) lockscreens !
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froo6i · 2 years
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ourdadai · 2 months
✿ xen ꒰ omega x ꒱ lockscreens !
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i-jyeon · 2 years
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☆ random kpop boy icons
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i4uniq · 1 year
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[...] 'cause, baby, it's, baby it's you
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decks-writing-blog · 2 months
Whatever the Fuck Benrey is: Chapter Four: Didn't Matter
Chapter One
Previous Chapter
Benrey wasn’t tired but Gordon clearly expected him to go to bed. Normally he wouldn’t have but there wasn’t much else he could do. He wasn’t allowed to play on the Game Cube anymore because Gordon needed to sleep and apparently couldn’t with it on. And so, with a sigh, Benrey lay down on his side of the bed to stare up at the ceiling.
It was the perfect time to think. One of Benrey’s least favorite activities but maybe he could figure out a way to fix Gordon’s hand. The security officer uniform had been thrown out along with everyone else’s old clothes – excluding the HEV suit, that Gordon cleaned and put in a cardboard box – so getting that role back wasn’t likely to be an option anymore. But even outside of his having given it up at Gordon’s order because of the hand thing, he would still feel better if he could fix said hand thing.
And so he lay in the dark, staring at the ceiling, mentally going over everything he knew about human anatomy. Which beyond the physical layout of their bones that he copied for his own form and when creating his skeleton dudes, wasn’t much. There had to be something he could do though, right?
The answer came to him upon accidentally dozing off when his brain kindly replayed part of the first conversation he’d had with Gordon about his hand never growing back. In the dream they’d had the talk while in Xen and had been playing poker for some reason but it was close enough. Human limbs didn’t grow back but they could be reattached once lost.
Shaking himself the rest of the way awake, Benrey sat up and turned to look at Gordon. He’d rolled over to be facing Benrey. His face wasn’t calm as it should’ve been but instead scrunched up, his whole body tense and twitchy. Not a peaceful sleep then. Lucky him, Benrey was here to wake him from it.
He reached out to shake Gordon’s shoulder. “Wake up, buddy. ”
Gordon jolted awake with a loud gasp. He scrambled backwards, lifting his gun hand. Before it was all the way up though, he fell off the bed, landing on the floor with a thump and dragging the blankets with him. Benrey crawled over to look down at him. The fall hadn’t seem to bring him out of his post nightmare panic as he was still breathing heavy and his eyes roving around wildly.
Benrey took a deep breath and let out a stream of blue sweet voice. As always, Gordon calmed down immediately. Not many people responded to it as strongly as he did, making it another reason to like him.
By the time Benrey’s note ended, Gordon was starting to catch his breath. “That’s… very pretty.”
Him saying it was pretty was nothing new but not many people had nice things to say about it so Benrey was allowed to bask in that a little, right? “Eh, yeah, it is.”
With a groan, Gordon shifted before finally sitting up. Using the bed, he pulled himself to his feet and scrambled at the nightstand until the found his glasses. “Ugh, what happened?”
“You were having a nightmare so I woke you.” Benrey grabbed the blankets and pulled them back up onto the bed. “Also, I got good news. I know how fix your hand.”
Gordon raised and eyebrow but didn’t say anything as he sat on the edge of bed. Probably an invitation to continue, right? So pushing the pile of blankets on his lap to the side, Benrey shifted to sit next to Gordon, his legs hanging of the edge.
“You said, uh, that your hand can’t grow back but it can be reattached, right? So all we gotta do is go back to Black Mesa and find it, right?”
“Well, thanks for waking me and for the thought I guess. That won’t work though. It’s gotta be reattached like within a couple hours, I think. It’s been days, it’s probably rotted by now if something hasn’t eaten it.”
“Oh.” That was fine though because if reattachment was an option with one’s own hand why wouldn’t it work with someone else’s? “Just take my hand then.” He held up his right hand. “Chop off your gun hand and then put mine there instead. My hand grows back so it’s… uh, not a problem. If you want I can even do this.” He shifted his right hand to be about the same size and shade of brown as Gordon’s, even doing his best to mimic the nails and way the palm lightened. He did a pretty damn good job too even if the didn’t get all the little lines on the palm and fingertips quite right. In his defense those were impossible, there were too damn many. What purpose did they even serve?
Gordon stared at it in silence for a few seconds. “That’s a pretty cool trick and I appreciate the offer but I don’t… it doesn’t work like that. I don’t think hand transplants are a thing.”
“What? Why not?”
“I’m pretty sure they’re just not a thing people do.”
“Well, why don’t we try it and see what happens. I got, uh… magic healing powers or whatever so maybe it’ll work for us. You got a… a hatchet or something somewhere? Probably need towels too because it’ll get messy.” Benrey stood to start looking for one. “Or I could use my teeth. I can make them pretty sharp. Never bit through bone before though so that might…”
“Nope, absolutely fucking not! You’re not chopping or worse biting any part of me off. Don’t even fucking try it.”
Benrey turned to look at him to see he’d stood too. “Why so mad, bro? I’m trying to help.”
“I’m not mad.” True to his word, the emotion in his voice had settled down some. “I’m just… a bit freaked out because you just casually offered to bite my arm off.” He held his gun hand close to his chest as he turned his body away slightly. Did he think Benrey would try to bite it off without permission? “That’s a scary fucking thought, dude. Don’t bring that kind of thing up like it’s no big deal.”
“How else am I suppose to stick my severed hand to yours though? I don’t think it’ll attach to skin or… or your gun. So I gotta like… give it something to attach to.”
“Maybe drop the idea or at least it put on hold until we find a surgeon willing to try it so I don’t have to live through my hand getting cut off again. That shit hurts, man, like a lot. I know you probably don’t feel pain or whatever but… I’d rather keep the gun hand for forever then go through that again, all right?”
“So you can’t uh… just choose to stop feeling pain then?” Probably it was Benrey’s own fault for never paying attention before now. In his defense though, how was he supposed to guess humans were so fragile and pathetic? Maybe he should be disgusted with them for being so weak but… he didn’t really care. He disliked most humans anyway and Gordon had always been one of the few he did like, knowing he was soft and fragile didn’t change that. If anything, it made him like him more in a way because now he wanted to protect him.
“No, no I can’t. So, again, thanks for the offer but right now, it’s a big fucking no thank you.”
“Damn, okay.” And so Benrey would continue to feel bad and not be allowed to put the security officer uniform back on even if he ever did find a new one. He took something way from Gordon and couldn’t fix it, so it was only fair Gordon be allowed to continue to take that away from him.
“Good, glad we’re on the same page, finally. Now, if you don’t mind, I think I’m gonna play the Game Cube for a bit. I’ll keep the volume low so you can sleep if you want but I just… don’t wanna go back to bed right now.”
They’d played all their multiplayer games earlier and neither had had the chance to start the single player games. So instead of asking to play with him on one of those, Benrey pulled both chairs over so he’d be able to sit next to Gordon while he played. It wasn’t often he got a chance to watch someone else play something.
After choosing a game and inserting it into the Game Cube, Gordon settled into the chair Benrey had brought for him with a mumbled, “Thanks.”
“Mr. Freeman, are you sure you wanna go back to Black Mesa? I mean, uh… I mean we just got out and it wasn’t very fun when we were there. Especially for you, I think… right? You lost your arm and, and almost died like… a lot of times. Why would you wanna go back?”
Tommy was right, Gordon didn’t particularly want to go back, especially not after only maybe like four hours of sleep last night. If he was planning on suggesting this today he should’ve gone back to bed. But he’d already had one nightmare about losing his hand, adding the idea of Benrey biting it off to his mind could’ve far too easily resulted in returning to an even worse version of that dream. So instead he’d been stupid and played games for the rest of the night while Benrey watched and now he was regretting it because the only thing he’d done today was eat breakfast and step outside the hotel and he was already tired. The dessert heat that was starting to properly set in wasn’t helping. But alas, the longer they put off this reconnaissance trip, the harder it would be to get themselves to do it and so…
“No, I don’t particularly want to go back but we have to. We’re still trying to get in touch with someone who can give us some kind of compensation and to let us know what are jobs are if we still have any. We also should look for survivors and actually fucking help them if we can.” He looked pointedly at Benrey who didn’t even seem to be paying attention but whatever. Gordon had checked again with him before stepping out of their room and made sure he still didn’t have a gun. Not that that made him not dangerous, just less so. Though to be fair, he’d been far from the only one causing problems in that realm. Granted most of the people they’d killed had been clones so… it wasn’t as bad it as could’ve been. “I mean we know Darnold is probably still alive, right? So we should retrieve him even if he is the only one.”
Maybe Darnold would be able to do something about Gordon’s gun hand too since he was the cause of it. Probably not but in addition to being a living person and thus worth saving, it was more than enough reason to go back for him.
“I guess you’re right, huh? We got teleported out but not everyone’s so lucky.”
And so they went back to quietly waiting for Bubby and Dr. Coomer to return with the promised car. Hopefully they weren’t stealing it but Gordon wouldn’t put it past them. If so they would at least hopefully have the decency to do it in such a way that Gordon wouldn’t know for sure that it was stolen and thus he wouldn’t be considered complicit in the theft should they be caught.
It wasn’t a long wait as not even a full minute passed before a car rolled out of the hotel’s parking lot and made it way over to stop in front of them. Bubby was driving and Dr. Coomer sat in the passenger seat. The car was the same bright blue sedan that Gordon had somehow forgotten about seeing on Xen. His brain had been so shot at that point he’d likely have chalked it up to an hallucination if he wasn’t seeing it again here. He wasn’t going to ask though because digging Bubby’s secrets out of him wasn’t an adventure he was ready to embark on yet.
“Hello Gordon!” Dr. Coomer said as Bubby rolled down the window at Gordon’s gesture for him to do so.
“Yes, hello to you too, Dr. Coomer. Now Bubby, could you move to the back? I would like to drive.” It should help keep him awake and give him something to focus on that wasn’t bad thoughts.
“Hell no. It’s my car, I’m driving. Get in the back.” Without seemingly any button press from him, the back door clicked and swung open as if motorized. “I can’t believe you made me roll down my window for that.”
Gordon took a breath to insist he at least be allowed a turn at driving sometime during this trip but… let out it with a sigh instead. Arguing with Bubby was like arguing with a cat over dinnertime; useless, but unlike a cat, Bubby had the means to enforce his will. Besides, he was already rolling his window back up, again seemingly without any button press or crank. Did he control the car with him mind? That’d be pretty cool.
Tommy was already climbing in, sliding all the way to the far side. Very much not wanting to sit in the middle, Gordon turned to Benrey, gesturing him to go in. “You next. We, or you and Tommy if he volunteers instead, can swap for the window seat on the way back if you want.” It was only fair since the middle was always the worst seat. “As long you don’t put any glue in my seat this time anyway. If you do that, all bets are off and you’re getting shoved in the trunk for the return trip.” Not a threat Gordon could ever hope to enforce but it was the thought that counted.
“I’m outta glue. Used it all last time ‘cause I didn’t think I’d get another opportunity. What a waste.”
“Nope, not a waste. You got your laugh and now we don’t gotta worry about that anymore, a win-win. Now hop in the car.” Gordon gestured again.
Surprisingly Benrey obeyed without any further prompting. Gordon slid in after him, pulling the door shut behind him. Inside was pleasantly cool, yay for good air conditioning, and the seats were about as comfy as car seats could get. Which wasn’t very but it would help make the long trip there and back a bit less awful even if he did have to sit shoulder to shoulder with Benrey the whole time.
Tommy’s road games were fun for maybe a grand total of five minutes after they left the bounds of Tuefort. Not that Benrey had been able to participate much anyway being stuck in the middle back seat. He should’ve insisted they get a Game Boy or PS Vita before setting out on this road trip. Except he hadn’t even been given time to think about it. The others had all decided they were going without consulting him and then had just assumed he��d come with. A correct assumption because even if he didn’t want to go personally, if the rest of them were, he might as well too since he had nothing else to do, but it still would’ve been nice if they’d included him in the conversation.
Another reason he’d have liked to be consulted was, despite their intended destination, Gordon hadn’t put he HEV suit back on, nor had he even bothered to bring it. Benrey hadn’t thought much about his safety before but that was before he knew exactly how weak humans were. It was a miracle he’d survived and the fact that he did was probably due solely to the HEV suit because unlike the rest of them, he was just a normal human. So Benrey would’ve told him to put it back on if he’d been given the chance because him dying and staying that way would be a bummer. Too late now though, he should’ve paid better attention to their breakfast conversation.
About an hour into the ride, Gordon fell asleep. At first just slightly slumped towards Benrey. But then the bouncing of the car over the less than perfectly maintained road brought him closer and closer until he was leaning into Benrey. His height meant that his head rested against the side of Benrey’s instead of on his shoulder as was supposedly supposed to happen when one person fell asleep on another. Benrey didn’t care though, he was just sitting here doing nothing anyway.
He cared a bit more though when Gordon stole his arm. Hugging it, he pulled it to his chest. Gently trying to pull his arm out failed. Meaning if Benrey wanted freedom, he’d probably end up waking Gordon. Which… he couldn’t do, right? Because that was one of the rules for having a pet; when it fell asleep on one’s self, moving enough to wake it was wasn’t allowed. That’s what everyone who had pets always said anyway. Benrey had never understood why but he’d also never had a pet before. And he still didn’t quite get the point of such a law but Gordon was his pet now, right?
He’d taken responsibility for making sure Gordon didn’t steal anything during their journey through Black Mesa. And now because of how weak and fragile he knew Gordon was, especially without the HEV suit, Benrey was taking responsibility for helping keep him alive. Which, as far as he knew was how having a pet worked – unless the pet was immortal, like Sunkist but she was a special case – which made Gordon his pet and thus he wasn’t allowed to move enough to wake him. Meaning he was stuck like this for the rest of the trip.
Not necessarily a the worst thing though. Gordon was warm, soft and… so much touching was a lot but not an unpleasant ‘a lot’. Benrey had never been touched this much before. It was new and thus he was content with it continuing for a little while.
“We’ve made it black to Back Mesa!” Coomer said, jerking Benrey out back to the present. “Again!” He climbed out and slammed the door behind him.
Gordon stirred, hugging Benrey’s arm a little tighter but somehow didn’t wake.
“Oh, I hope my Beyblades aren’t too covered in zombie goo.” Once out, Tommy closed his door much more softly.
Benrey wanted out too but… Gordon. What was he supposed to do? Could he pick Gordon up without waking him? If so, that wouldn’t count as breaking the law, right?
“Wake him up or push him out,” Bubby said, making no move to get out himself.
“I can’t. He’s asleep. You’re not allowed to wake your pets up when they fall asleep on you. It’s illegal.” Benrey even kept his voice low because he was a good pet owner.
Bubby cackled. “That’s real cute but we got stuff to do.” He pressed down on the steering wheel’s horn, making seemingly the whole car vibrate with a blaring beep louder than any horn in any of the car games Benrey had ever played.
Gordon jerked awake with a loud gasp, shooting up and finally letting go of Benrey’s arm so he could raise his gun hand. That was fine though because Benrey wasn’t the one who’d woken him so no laws had been broken. “What the fuck man?” His gun hand remained up but he seemed aware enough to know there was nothing to fire it at.
Bubby let go of the horn. “We’ve arrived so stop cuddling your boyfriend and get out of the car.”
“What? Boyfriend? I don’t have…” He cut off as he looked Benrey. “Oh, you mean… No. We weren’t. … Wait, we weren’t cuddling right?”
“Nah, not cuddling. You were just sleeping on me and uh… stealing my arm.” Which now felt awfully cold.
Gordon grimaced before quickly turning away and scrambling out of the car. Benrey followed. The door closed automatically behind him.
“Hello Gordon! I hope you had a nice nap,” Coomer said. “As you can see we’ve arrived at our destination. Where do you suggest we begin looking for survivors?”
“Oh, um… actually yeah, I did a have a nice nap, thanks. I feel much better now. First, I think we should…” Gordon cut off as he turned around. “Where’s the car?”
Benrey turned to look too. Where the car had just been, Bubby stood alone between the tire tracks. “We don’t have time for this. Let’s go.” He set a quick pace as he started for Black Mesa’s entrance. To keep the place secret, the building wasn’t much but it was intact. Meaning the secret elevator in its basement would probably safely take them to the living area.
As the rest of them set in to following Bubby, Gordon fell into step with Benrey. “You wouldn’t happen to know what’s up with Bubby and that car, would you?”
“Nope. Got no idea.”
“It’s just, assuming you were made in the lab like he was, I thought you might like… I don’t know, have the same powers or something. I guess that’s stupid though, huh? Why would they make two beings with the same exact powers? Obviously they’d want to change things in their next unethical experiment.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty stupid. It’s kinda rude to assume we’re the same just ‘cause I might’ve come from a tube too.”
“It’s not… you know what? Sure, that was a rude assumption. I’m sorry I made it.” At the building now, Gordon pulled them to a halt before entering, grabbing Benrey lightly by the elbow to stop him from continuing in. “But, uh, before we go in, you really know nothing about where you came from? Like you have no idea at all if they kidnapped you as a baby or an egg or whatever or if they literally made you in a tube? No one ever mentioned it to you or around you? Really?”
“Uh… if they did I don’t remember it.” Benrey had already told Gordon he wasn’t sure if he was made in the lab or not yesterday. Why was he bringing it up again? Benrey had certainly found himself a pet who was bad at listening, huh? Maybe he should try to train him better. How did one train a human though? “Do you remember when you were born?” It was ‘born’, right? Or did humans hatch from eggs like birds? What did it even mean to be ‘born’? How did it differ from hatching from an egg?
“No but I know what I am and I know who birthed me and on what date and in which state and city. Heck I even know the hospital. Where you came from and what you literally fucking are, are like… important things to know, man.”
“Well… I don’t know any of that stuff ‘bout me.” Nor did he really care. “What’cha gonna do ‘bout it?”
Gordon stared at him in silence for a few seconds, his face unreadable. “Nothing, ‘cause I can’t do anything. But we’re gonna talk about this more later.”
Before Benrey could ask what more there was to talk about, Gordon turned and headed into the building. It was nice that he was paying more attention to Benrey without Benrey even needing to do anything but why’d he have to be so weird about it? Why did he care about what Benrey was or where he came from? Those things didn’t matter… did they?
Next Chapter
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wrathbites · 2 years
He volunteered.  He volunteered but he can't get out, he can't breathe.
Panic.  Can't breathe, can't breathe, can't breathe.  Helmet too tight, faceplate too close, no suit feedback at all.  Malfunction?  He's going to die.  Damage?  He's going to die.
Can't breathe.  Can't breathe.
Humming, too loud, all around, drumming down into his bones, through his skull.  Too much, too loud, too close —!
Where is he?  A ship?  Alone?  What happened?  Where —
He freezes.  There's a rustle nearby.  Clothing?  No, can't be, too loud.  Who?
"You're safe," the person continues, low and gentle.  The odd accent's familiar, but the voice is off somehow.  Different.  Clearer, without suit interference to account for?  Nearby, but not too far, either.  Just right.
"Yes.  Take a minute to get your bearings, you're safe here, there's no need to rush."
Here.  Where is here?  Where is here if Shepard's here — the Normandy?  Medbay?  Shepard's quarters?  He can't tell.
"Hey, hey, shh.  You're all right, you're safe.  I'm going to come closer — can you nod your head for me if that's okay?"
He nods his head.
"Good, okay, focus on me now.  Just on me.  I'm going to take one step, and I'll scuff my foot so you know where I am.  That sound good?"
Another nod, and the following squeal of a boot dragging across the floor.  To his left, out of range.  A safe distance for Shepard.  A safe distance for him?  Where is he?
"Going on personal experience, I'm guessing you're a bit confused just now, maybe wondering where you are and what's happened?"
"Yes."  Ah, the voicebox still works.  Some functionality in the suit, then.  He'll need to —
"You're still aboard the Normandy.  In my cabin, specifically.  I thought it'd be the least, uh, overwhelming environment to wake up in."
And then it clicks — the waking.  Shepard's presence.  The Normandy.  Xen's idea, and Tali's protests, and Shepard's concern but ultimate agreement to... to turn him.  Into a vampire.  "It worked, then?"
"I'd assume so."
That's... good.  Yes, it's what they'd been hoping for.  Success in the face of the Reaper invasion, another weapon to throw against their forces without the potential of any further disasters with the geth.
"So I died?"
"Aye.  As quick and painless as I could make it.  Can I take another step towards you?"
Except it's one too far and he's reacting without thought when Shepard crosses an invisible threshold and is suddenly too close.  He's not safe and he's up and bolting, snarl spitting out from between bared teeth, warning clear despite the voicebox mangling the sound.  He has to get out.  Get out, get out, get out!
But he doesn't know the layout of Shepard's quarters and he can't see, a blank void in front of his eyes where there should be scan results, basic shapes and structures, a suggested route through it all.  But he trips up a stair of all things, a split second's advantage lost as Shepard hits him square in the middle and hefts him off his feet, like ploughing into a geth destroyer.  But he forgets in the dizzying clash of fight — armoured digits raking over skin, digging in, down into muscle — and flight — kicking Shepard loose, scrambling away from the crash of something collapsing under the vampire — about biotics, swearing as he's caught around the ankle and pulled back.
Escape's gone, not an option.  He snaps up when Shepard flips him over, bone crunching against his helmet, and then even fight's impossible when Shepard locks him in a stasis field, completely at his mercy.
"Holy christ you are one scrappy little fucker."  Shepard's weight settles across his hips, hands jostling his helmet as they work on either side, rustling something, nails scratching over the metal.  "For the record the blindfold was my idea.  Sorry for the unnecessary stress, I just wasn't sure how your eyes would hold up without your suit running damage control.  Speaking of — Tali disabled most of its functionality, since you won't be needing it anymore."
Hands land on his shoulders when Shepard stops fussing at his helmet, and the buzzing around his face and neck lessens.
"When you're ready you can open your eyes.  You'll be able to move your head again, but just your head.  I'd rather no take another crash course around my cabin, ta."
He hadn't even considered a blindfold, just assumed something was wrong with his sight, with him.  That he'd come back —
There's no light to see by, not even the dim glow cast by a forgotten datapad, but he doesn't need it.  Not to see Shepard, furred brow stripes raised, human-red blood dripping from a fleshy nose knocked crooked, bone-pale fangs visible in the parting of his mouth, light eyes bright and fixed wholly, solely, on him.
The nose — the crunch —
"Apologies, Shepard," he says, finally registering his own teeth now that he's looking at the fangs responsible for his change.  Smaller than Shepard's, four points instead of two, a pair for his upper jaw, another for the lower.
"No lasting harm done.  It's been a couple years since my own turning, I forgot how easy it is to default to instinct when you first wake up to... everything."
"Still —"
"It's all right.  Now, just one last thing to do before I let you up and we talk about what happens next.  Your helmet.  Do I have your permission to remove it?"
Removing it... would be a gamble with death, normally, but... he's already crossed that barrier.  He's already died and come back changed, not quite alive, not quite quarian, not anymore.  Does he need the helmet?  His suit of so many patched up parts?
"... Yes."
And so Shepard's hands come into play again, tracking down every seal and pausing whenever he does, waiting for consent before disengaging them.  Until, finally, he can pull it free and set it aside, exposing Kal'Reegar to a foreign environment, by choice, for the first time in his life.
There should be panic, there should be anxiety, to be exposed is to die but — there's relief instead.  He's not boxed in anymore.  He can breathe.  And the untreated air he cautiously inhales — layered in Shepard's scent, an unexpected balm to a ragged wound under his skin.  There's no basis for comparison, not yet, not with a lifetime spent in carefully maintained sterile suits, but... it's something... welcoming.  Something safe.  And another note absent from Shepard himself, at odds with his space, something warmer.  Another's scent?  Tali had mentioned Shepard was close to someone —
That someone, he discovers later, is Kaidan Alenko.  The first human Spectre, on account of Shepard's vampirism when he was accepted into the Council's elite.  Second in command to the Normandy, positively deadly in combat with and without biotics.  And... the mate of his sire, his scent the out-of-place one so tightly wound with Shepard's in their quarters.
Quarters he intrudes on far too frequently, too slow in adapting to his new lifestyle, in learning when to listen to instinct and when to set it aside, in finding his place in a crew so capable, in setting up his space, his own little haven, despite EDI's helpful suggestions and Shepard's tour of every nook and cranny and shadowed spot to be found.
But Kaidan Alenko is kind, and he is patient, and a steadying hand during the bouts of sensory overload knocking him on his ass aboard a ship that never truly sleeps.  He's a security measure alongside Shepard, biotics primed to intervene at a second's notice, when they agree it's time to reintroduce him to his own people, the prey species he'd be hunting were he to default to the predator slinking about under his skin.  And Tali the only volunteer to meet him.
Of course it's Tali.  It's always Tali.
They're supposed to hold him back, but instead they join her in folding him into a group hug of sorts, trapping him in the middle of strength and warmth and easy acceptance.
"Welcome back to the land of the living, Kal'Reegar," Tali says, cheeky despite the wobble in her voice.
Welcome home.
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nuchinh · 1 year
5+ món quà 8/3 cho mẹ tự làm dễ thực hiện và ý nghĩa nhất
Ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8/3 đã đến rất gần rồi, bạn đã có ý tưởng tặng quà cho mẹ chưa? Thay vì những món quà mua sẵn ngoài cửa tiệm, bạn có thể tham khảo những ý tưởng quà 8/3 cho mẹ tự làm mà NuChinh giới thiệu dưới đây nhé.
Mùng 8 tháng 3 nên tặng quà gì cho mẹ?
Nên tặng quà gì cho mẹ vào ngày 8/3 để vừa thể hiện được tình cảm và vừa có ý nghĩa? Một trong những món quà được các mẹ yêu thích hơn cả chính là những bất ngờ do chính tay bạn làm nên.
Có thể những món quà handmade tặng mẹ sẽ không sang trọng hay đắt tiền nhưng lại chứa đựng tình cảm của bạn trong đó. Chắc chắn mẹ nhận được sẽ rất cảm động đấy!
C��ch làm quà tặng mẹ ngày 8/3 đơn giản
Đừng quá lo lắng nếu bạn không có hoa tay vì dưới đây là một số ý tưởng rất đơn giản giúp bạn làm quà tặng mẹ 8/3 thành công. NuChinh sẽ gợi ý giúp bạn một số món quà và cách làm quà 8/3 tặng mẹ đơn giản nhưng đẹp mắt dưới đây.
Tự làm thiệp 8/3
Mẫu thiệp 8/3 handmade đẹp dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn có thêm ý tưởng để làm thiệp chúc mừng mẹ. Bạn cũng có thể tận dụng những công cụ thiết kế, chỉnh sửa hình ảnh để tạo thiệp 8/3 online thật lung linh để tạo bất ngờ cho mẹ nhé.
Nguyên liệu cần chuẩn bị: 1 tờ giấy làm thiệp khổ A4 màu trắng hoặc màu ngà, kéo, băng keo giấy loại nhỏ, 2-3 bút màu tùy chọn, bút gel màu trắng, thước, kéo.
Các bước thực hiện:
Bước 1: Cắt giấy theo hình chữ nhật với kích cỡ tùy chọn, gấp đôi giấy để tạo hình ở mặt ngoài và viết câu chúc ở mặt trong.
Bước 2: Dùng băng keo giấy cỡ nhỏ tạo thành những đường chéo đan xen ngẫu nhiên ở mặt ngoài.
Ảnh: @HappyHidari
Bước 3: Dùng 2-3 màu bất kỳ tô kín các ô trống tạo ra bởi các đường băng keo. Sau đó nhẹ nhàng gỡ băng keo ra.
Ảnh: @HappyHidari
Ảnh: @HappyHidari
Bước 4: Dùng bút gel trắng để tạo thành những bông hoa/vòng tròn chấm bi/… hoặc bất kỳ hình thù nào mà bạn thích.
Ảnh: @HappyHidari
Bước 5: Tiếp tục trang trí mặt trong để ghi lời chúc. Hình minh họa dưới đây mang tính chất tham khảo. Bạn có thể tùy chỉnh theo sở thích cá nhân nhé.
Ảnh: @HappyHidari
Ngoài ra, bạn đọc có thể tham khảo thêm một số mẫu thiệp 8/3 DIY đơn giản khác như video dưới đây. Thông điệp bên trong chiếc thiệp mới là điều quan trọng nhất nên bạn đừng quá băn khoăn khi lựa chọn mẫu thiệp vì mình không khéo tay nhé.
Tự làm nến thơm
Nến thơm là một trong những món quà khá ý nghĩa trong ngày 8/3. Một ít nến có hương thơm dễ chịu sẽ giúp mẹ được thư giãn hơn sau một ngày dài làm việc mệt mỏi. Ngoài ra, nếu mẹ của bạn đang gặp vấn đề về giấc ngủ, một chiếc nến thơm có mùi lavender sẽ giúp mẹ ngủ sâu hơn và cân bằng hơn đấy.
Ảnh: Pinterest
Ảnh: Pinterest
Nguyên liệu cần chuẩn bị: sáp đậu nành, bấc nến, tinh dầu tùy chọn (bạc hà, lavender, chanh, bưởi, cam…), lọ thủy tinh đựng nến, một ít hoa khô/lát cam khô/quế cây/hạt cà phê… để trang trí.
Cách thực hiện:
Bước 1: Nấu tan chảy sáp đậu nành trong nồi hoặc đựng sáp trong lọ thủy tinh rồi hấp cách thủy sao cho nước không rơi vào lọ.
Bước 2: Sau khi nến chảy hết, nhỏ một vài giọt tinh dầu vào hỗn hợp nến rồi khuấy đều.
Bước 3: Cố định bấc nến (bạn có thể kẹp đầu bấc bằng kẹp gỗ để trên miệng lọ thủy tinh sao cho đuôi bấc chạm đáy lọ) và đổ hỗn hợp nến trên vào lọ
Bước 4: Đợi khi nến gần khô thả một ít hoa khô để trang trí.
Dưới đây là một video gợi ý cách thực hiện.
Đan/móc len tặng mẹ
Đây là một món quà đòi hỏi sự khéo léo tỉ mỉ và tốn khá nhiều thời gian. Tuy nhiên nếu có thể làm được, mẹ của bạn chắc chắn sẽ rất yêu thích và giữ rất lâu bên mình đấy. Nếu bạn có đủ thời gian chuẩn bị, hãy học cách đan/móc những đồ trang trí nhỏ như móc chìa khóa, mũ ấm, găng tay, tấm lót ly… để tặng cho mẹ.
Một bó hoa mà mẹ yêu thích được móc bằng len cũng là một gợi ý hết sức tuyệt vời. Bạn đọc có thể tham khảo thêm trong video dưới đây nhé.
Tự làm album ảnh mini/scrapbook
Lưu lại những khoảnh khắc vui vẻ của gia đình cũng những lời chúc tình cảm với cách làm album mini dưới đây. Hãy sáng tạo thêm những layout thật xinh theo sở thích của bạn nhé.
Chuẩn bị nguyên liệu: Bìa cứng đen/ giấy carton, giấy A4 trắng/ màu, giấy màu (giấy viết thư/ giấy gói quà), hồ dán, băng dính 2 mặt, kéo.
Album mini có rất nhiều layout hay ho mà bạn có thể tham khảo, tìm ý tưởng cho mình với những gợi ý dưới đây nhé.
Ảnh: Pinterest
Ảnh: Pinterest
Ảnh: Pinterest
Ly in hình mẹ
Một ý tưởng khác để tặng quà 8/3 cho mẹ chính là một chiếc ly in hình ảnh yêu thích của mẹ. Hiện nay đã có rất nhiều cơ sở in hình lên cốc với giá cả khá phải chăng. Nếu bí ý tưởng bạn cũng có thể làm ly in hình để tặng cho mẹ nhé. Đặc biệt bạn có thể in thêm một câu chúc 8/3 hài hước để mang lại tiếng cười cho mẹ mỗi ngày khi dùng cốc.
Tự tay nấu một bữa ăn ngon
Thay vì đi ăn ngoài vào dịp lễ đông đúc, bạn hãy thử tự mình chuẩn bị một bữa tối thật ngon với những món ăn mà mẹ yêu thích nhé. Đây cũng là dịp để cả nhà quây quần bên nhau và có những hoạt động thú vị vui vẻ.
Những món ăn hàng ngày đã quá quen thuộc? Bạn đọc cũng có thể tham khảo thêm những cách pha nước chấm Haidilao ngon để tạo bất ngờ cho cả nhà nhé.
Trên đây là những gợi ý quà tặng mẹ ngày 8/3 mà NuChinh muốn gửi đến bạn đọc. Hy vọng bạn đã tìm được cho mình những ý tưởng thật hay ho để tự làm quà tặng mẹ nhé. Đừng quên Like & Share bài viết để ủng hộ NuChinh.
5/5 - (1 bình chọn)
source https://nuchinh.com/qua-8-3-cho-me-tu-lam/
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tannthanh · 2 years
Mụn trứng cá là mụn gì ? Và cách trị mụn trứng cá hiệu quả ?
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Trứng cá là gì?
Theo một số nghiên cứu từ các nhà khoa học tại viện truyền nhiễm da liễu tiết lộ. Về cơ bản, đầu trắng là một trong nhưng trạng thái bên ngoài bệnh lý da phổ biến trên cơ thể người nói chung. Ngoài ra một số lớp động vật cũng có thể mắc phải loại bệnh da liễu này.
Cá thường trứng sẽ xuất hiện với kích thước nhỏ và vừa, thường viêm đỏ, nổi thành cụm ở đặc điểm mức độ. Chúng tôi thường hiện tại các cảm biến vị trí và khó thấy như: vai, mặt, ngực, dưới đầu ra và các bộ phận khác trên cơ thể.
Triệu trứng cá biến chứng phổ biến?
Cá trứng non là gì và các nhân vật hỗ trợ?
Với cá trứng, chúng tôi thường có nhiều chứng chỉ thành đa dạng, nói theo cách dễ hiểu nhất thì ở đây có loại cơn quặn thắt, biểu hiện thành các loại khác nhau như:
Đầu đen có lỗ chân lông và kẽ hở
Viêm họng, nhỏ giọt
Layout và mô tả dạng format
Meo viem,…
Cá trứng non là gì và các nhân vật hỗ trợ?
Nhân nguyên thông thường, trứng cá có khá nhiều. Nhưng tuy nhiên, để các bạn hiểu rõ hơn, Ngọc Ánh sẽ gom lại thành 4 trường hợp gây tặng, trứng cá phổ biến nhất là:
Tình trạng dầu nhờn trên da dư quá mức sẽ tắc nghẽn lỗ chân lông và gây nên tình trạng
Không bảo vệ sinh da thường xuyên để tẩy tế bào chết và lau dầu, cũng là nguy cơ cao hình thành trứng cá
Tiếp theo do da bị tổn thương và không kỹ thuật dẫn đến bị viêm da, cũng là một phần.
bài tiết quá nhiều Hormone Androgen , kích thích bã nhờn cũng là cá nguyên nhân tạo trên da của chúng ta.
Ngoài các nhân viên tặng nguyên nhân trên, còn một số nhân viên nguyên nhân tạo khác nhân tạo nên cá nhân như:
Do di chuyển từ bố hoặc mẹ. If a in 2 people are being type of this, thì. Nếu ba mẹ bạn đã từng hỏi loại này theo thời gian học sinh, thì bạn cũng rất có nguy cơ thừa hưởng các phần của gen loại này từ bố hoặc mẹ bạn.
Tình trạng căn hộ và căng thẳng cũng là nguyên liệu gây nên các loại trứng cá trên da và có thể biến đổi chứng chỉ khác nhau.
Cá trứng non là gì và các nhân vật hỗ trợ?
Nguyên nhân tiếp theo và cũng rất phổ biến rất dễ nổi ở các đối tượng như:
Phụ nữ đang trong thời kỳ mang thai
Rối loạn kinh nguyệt trong giai đoạn tuổi dậy thì và tiền mãn kinh và
The prefixially b rối.
Với các nhóm trên câu hỏi và thành phần trứng cá khá thường xuyên vì hàm lượng hoocmon và nội tiết tố androgen mất kiểm soát dễ dàng vì thế dễ dàng cho những người đi phượt. Đặc biệt là Giai đoạn tiền mãn kinh và tuổi dậy thì và cả những người phải trầm cảm, căng thẳng rất hay gặp phải.
Trứng cá này là gì và có nguy hiểm không?
Bên cạnh đó, lỗ chân lông ra, nếu để lâu chứng chỉ chứng nhận có thể chuyển máu dần dần là trứng cá cấp, xem ở đó, định dạng cao cấp của cáthng.
There are the groups of the items to be white, the head black and the current output xen kẽ trên bề mặt da của chúng ta.
Rất dễ gây viêm da và da cấu trúc, gây nên tình trạng băng rỗ đấy nhé. Với một số đặc biệt hơn.
Nhất là các bạn có da nhạy cảm, nếu không thiết lập và bảo vệ sinh kỹ lưỡng vùng da, sẽ gây nên tình trạng viêm nhiễm và có nguy cơ hoại tử mô rất mất thẩm mỹ và đau rát.
If nặng hơn nó sẽ tạo thành khối uu nếu có sự cộng hưởng từ các vi khuẩn ký sinh trên các làn da của chúng ta.
Cá tốt cho bạn
Cá tốt cho bạn
Trứng cá là gì và cách điều trị có dễ không? Đó là những câu hỏi mà một số khách hàng thường hỏi khi tư vấn trực tuyến đặt ra cho Ngọc Ánh.
Về cơ bản, như Ngọc Ánh đã nói ở trên, cá trứng là dạng cơ bản, rất thông thường với con người. Tuy nhiên, nó bình thường quá mức và cấu trúc của chúng tôi quá nhỏ, chúng tôi không thể phát hiện ra sự việc của chúng tôi nếu chúng tôi không có ý kiến ​​về bản thân của mình.
Gấp công việc thành ở các vị trí kín và khó thấy như cằm dưới, dưới ngực và ở 2 cánh mũi,… những vị trí trên sẽ ẩn nấp lý tưởng để tiến hành định hình.
Vì vậy. nhằm giải đáp thắc mắc từ câu hỏi trên. Ngọc Ánh xin chia sẻ một số phương pháp giúp loại bỏ và làm giảm loại loại này nhé:
Không có gì là không thể, đơn giản đầu tiên là để ý kiến ​​và thiết kế bản thân của mình nhiều hơn.
Tương tự ngày nay, Phương Tiện Truyền Thông ại Chúng Tôi Ngày Càng Đa Dạng, Việc Tham Khảo Và Chọn Ra Sản Phẩm Chăm Sóc Thiên Nhiên Cho Da Phù Hợp Cũng khá dễ dàng với ch Tuy nhiên, ta nên chọn các loại, các dòng sản phẩm tốt và uy tín và đặc biệt phải phù hợp với các làn da của mình nhé.
Ngoài ra, ta nên bổ sung các chất chất từ ​​thiên nhiên như trái cây, các loại thức ăn giàu protein và vitamin giúp tổng hợp và chuyển hóa chất dễ dàng hơn. Và cũng đừng quên uống nhiều nước để cấp nước cho làn da luôn căng bóng và độ ẩm được cân bằng nhé.
Cá tốt cho bạn
Sử dụng kích hoạt chất lượng sẽ là ý tồi nếu bạn muốn cá nhân trạng thái của mình không chuyển đổi xấu biến. The use, the use will give up many bad status, help for the training that and remove the use, se khó khăn hơn.
Bên cạnh đó lo lắng, Stress quá lâu, cũng sẽ gây hại cho sức khỏe và tinh thần của chúng ta. Lo lắng quá nhiều sẽ làm cho hàm lượng hoocmon tăng biến thành công việc phát triển nhanh và dễ dàng chuyển sang giai đoạn hơp t.
If cá trứng trạng thái đã chuyển sang dạng vừa viêm. Tốt hơn hết bạn nên khám phá tại các trung tâm da liễu uy tín trong khu vực để các bác sĩ hay chuyên viên có tay nghề cao tư vấn và ưa thích đi kèm theo câu hỏi.
Bên cạnh đó cũng nên chọn các cơ sở có trang thiết bị tốt và rõ ràng ràng buộc, để tránh tình trạng ”Tiền mất đi mà mình không còn lại mình nhé”.
Cảm ơn mọi người đã quan tâm và đọc những dòng chia sẻ này từ Ngọc Ánh Spa nhé. Nếu có nhu cầu muốn điều trị thâm nhập, các bạn có thể liên kết với chúng tôi.
Trang web: https://ngocanhspapvt.com
Fanpage: Facebook.com/anhngocbeautyspa
Youtube: Youtube.com/@ngocanhspapvt
TikTok: tiktok.com/@ngocanhspapvt
Instagram: Instagram / ngocanhspa
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tyunvhs · 3 years
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🐚 xen !! packs
like or reblog if u save
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choi-soobs · 3 years
문제현 (っ ̯- )ᐝ
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pls like or reblog if u save!
don't share on pinterest & don't repost.
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users-kpop · 3 years
like/reblog if u use
don't save if u won't use
reqs r open
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magesticy · 3 years
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— jaehan, woong & xen layouts !
twt : @iIyechan
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xensoulie · 2 years
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🎃 halloween layouts ! . . ˃ᴗ˂
like or reblog if you save.
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omegaxnet · 3 years
tag drop !
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comfort-central · 3 years
“so, if theres a beginning... is there an end?” 
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whatchu know about ro
heyo :) i’m mod space, but you can also refer to me as milo or xen if you’d like !
aa i use they/he/zyr pronouns and i am very attractive
a minor !!!! please be respectful !!
like the other lovely mods, i do curse pretty frequently / make innapropriate jokes, so there will be some of that
here’s my carrd, if you want it https://cosmicuous.carrd.co/
ok now into the other stuff !
- dni: a shitty person in general, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, xenophobic, proshipper, etc.
my interests/things i will edit for are: [ not in any particular order, bold is best at ] (no not bc of the transparent sprites for them, why do you ask ahaha)
genshin impact
her tears
yttd / your turn to die
the owl house
cookie run
bandori / bang dream!
fnf / friday night funkin’
bnha / mha
nomnomnami games in general
things regarding ocs !!
i will occasionally edit for other sources, but these are my favorite and i will be better at editing with them.
that being said, i can make:
wallpapers, specify your size
all forms of icons
twitter layouts
sets [icon + header + wallpaper, selective]
kin assignments [only from the specific sources above]
small drawings / doodles
quick blacklist: //nc//st scenarios/ships, weirdcore, p//doph//l//c scenarios/ships, twf, toxic ships, dottore
i’m fine with spoilers for any of my sources listed above, except yttd! so please be respectful of that :)
i draw ,, a lot ,, so you can expect drawings and oc info dumps a lot laugh out loud
i believe that’s it ! enjoy your stay!! (or don’t.)
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