#xdinary heroes español
gyummigon · 11 months
Xdinary Heroes as netflix film poster
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happy-sushii · 8 months
Hi there!💜
Here are some things about me🌟:
Name: Cami or Cam.
Age: 23
Pronouns: she/her
Languages: Spanish(🇦🇷) and English (I will mostly post in eng I guess, but my mother tongue is español!)
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Fav groups/idols: LUCAS (ult), BTS, Tomorrow X Together, NCT/WayV (all units), SuperM, (G)I-DLE, The Rose
Other groups/idols I stan but don't consider myself part of their fandoms (yet): EXO, Shinee, Ateez, NewJeans, Xdinary Heroes, XG, Riize, Blackpink, Jackson Wang, Ive, Le Sserafim, Enhypen, aespa (+ to come).
Here I leave you with a happy Xuxi to welcome you to this blog 💜
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solplparty · 1 year
(CC) Cuteness "Overload" as kids teach a band how to dance | LE SSERAFIM, NewJeans, NCT 127, NAYEON https://youtu.be/jncF_MEiG9M #hello82 #COPYnPASTE #xdinaryheroes What happens when you have a boy band teach kids to do K-pop dances...? 😱🤔 Don't forget to join our signed polaroid event after watching the cute kids and Xdinary Heroes' adorable chemistry! *Click CC for 한국어/日本語/español/português/中文/bahasa Indonesia/ภาษาไทย/tiếng Việt/français/عربى/русский язык/türkçe 💌Follow us on TikTok to see behind the scenes videos and more exclusive content! ▶️ https://www.tiktok.com/@hello82official​ Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you want to keep tabs on more Kpop content! https://www.youtube.com/hello82 - Kalau kamu berbicara bahasa Indonesia, channel ini (halo82) untuk kamu! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNMt5ZLpbIj227T-punJCvw - ¡Si hablas Español, este canal(hola82) es para TI! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDXMaFibMZuj5UxEtbWUG4w - Se você fala Português, o (oi82) é o seu canal! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFc97dWLfXjn2lIcpCKsoQ - إذا كنت تتحدث اللغة العربية ، فهذه القناة (ahlan82) مخصصة لك! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPa05I1jj60fdlPj9G7vsGw - For more "hello82" content: FB: https://www.facebook.com/hello82​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/hello82official​ IG: https://www.instagram.com/hello82offi​... TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@hello82official​ hello82
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gyummigon · 11 months
☆ en casa | gaon, (kwak jiseok)
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gaon x lector!fem
୨୧ núm. palabras: 1.8k ୨୧ género: angustia, drama, romance, relación establecida ୨୧ resumen: regresas a casa tras una semana pesada de trabajo; "ahora estoy aquí y estás en casa. No tienes que cargar con todo sola, ¿sabes?” ୨୧ nota: no tengo nada qué decir. ojalá tuviera a un gaon esperándome en casa. english version here
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El cansancio abraza tu cuerpo mientras tocas el timbre de la puerta. No has perdido tu llave, pero estás demasiado agotada como para tomarte el esfuerzo de buscarla. Así que depositas el peso sobre tus pies y esperas impaciente a que la figura del otro lado se asome por la puerta, sintiendo una leve sensación de intranquilidad dentro de ti.
Había pasado casi una semana desde que Jiseok y tú hablaron por última vez. Tu trabajo te había mantenido tan ocupada que ni siquiera tuviste tiempo de echarlo de menos o considerar contactarlo. Sin embargo, incluso estando con la mente saturada o con muchas cosas entre manos, no pudiste deshacerte de esa amarga sensación que te causaba saber que, si mirabas la pantalla de tu teléfono, en él no habría ningún rastro de su nombre.
Por otro lado, Jiseok estaba más que nada… confundido por tu ausencia, pero no se había animado a cuestionarte algo al respecto para evitar entrometerse en tu propio espacio. Sus intensiones de no presionarte eran buenas e inocentes, deseando que fueras a él cuando lo quisieras y sintieras que sería el momento adecuado. Pero, incluso si eso aminoraba su intranquilidad por momentos, era obvio que te extrañaba cada vez más con el pasar de los días; en los cuales a veces se perdía mirando la puerta con esperanza de que entrarás por ella.
Por ello, cuando esa noche escuchó el timbre de la puerta y fue a abrirla con tu imagen iluminado la intranquilidad de su corazón, se sintió genuinamente feliz de ver que de verdad eras tú.
"Hey... estás en casa." Se sintió tonto, sin tener mucho más que decir además de sonreír cálidamente mientras abría la puerta por completo para ti.
"Hola" saludaste al pasar por su lado, depositando sobre su mejilla un beso rápido que lo hizo sonreír más.
"Hola" dijo y rió un poco. "Te tardaste mucho, ¿dónde has estado?".
Te siguió con la mirada, era evidente en su expresión que estaba feliz y curioso por verte ahí tras todo ese tiempo sin que hicieras acto de presencia en su vida. Suspiraste antes de alejarte para sentarte sobre el sofá, consiente de su mirada que no se separó de ti en ningún momento. Sintiéndote incapaz de decir algo bueno, recargaste tu cabeza en el colchón del sofá y cerraste los ojos.
Lo escuchaste moverse en la habitación. Después de unos segundos en silencio abriste un poco los ojos, sorprendida de conectar enseguida tus ojos con los de él.
"Pareces bastante cansado" dijo, cruzando los brazos y recargándose en la pared frente a ti. Había una expresión gentil en su rostro, pero muy debajo de ella, casi de forma imperceptible, pudiste identificar un vestigio de aflicción. “¿Pasó algo en tus prácticas?”
“Solo… lo de siempre.” Te encogiste de hombros.
“¿Está todo bien?” Jiseok rompió la distancia y se apoyó en el sofá. Te miró fijamente, con la confusión y preocupación escritas en su cara.
“¿Cuánto tiempo pasamos sin vernos?” preguntaste y el pareció detenerse un segundo con la guardia baja.
“Alrededor de… seis días. ¿Pasó algo o…?” Levantó las cejas, pareciendo inquietarse más. Quería saber si había algo de lo que te costara hablar, estabas mucho más seria de costumbre y temía que hubiera un asunto malo a la mano. Sin embargo, no quería entrometerse demasiado en cualquiera que fueran tus preocupaciones sin antes estar seguro de que querías hablar de ello.
"Estoy cansada" dijiste, pasando una mano por tu rostro. "Tuve que salir tres veces de la ciudad, unas cuantas sesiones de fotos y las prácticas no terminaron hasta altas horas de la noche. ¿Me llamaste? Ni siquiera tuve tiempo de mirar mi teléfono".
“Oh, no, no te llamé”
“¿Estás teniendo un horario muy ocupado también?”
“No más de lo usual” respondió con una suave sonrisa y se puso detrás de ti, haciéndote suspirar cuando empezó a masajear tus hombros. "Muy tensa, estás agotada, ¿verdad? ¿Quieres descansar?" Inclinó la cabeza, pareciendo pensar antes de depositar un suave beso sobre tu frente."Si sientes que tu horario se está poniendo un poco demasiado agitado puedes decírmelo y los dos hablaremos con la empresa juntos, podríamos ver qué se puede hacer para hacer las cosas más fáciles para mi chica."
“Claro, como si te fueran a escuchar" escupiste con sarcasmo y sentiste sus manos tensarse en tu espalda, pero no dijo nada. "Entonces, ¿no me llamaste?"
"¿Qué? No, no lo hice" respondió, dándote un rápido abrazo por detrás y reanudando su masaje. “¿También me extrañaste?”.
Te sentiste un poco enojada, aunque sabías lo poco justo que era cuando después de todo tu tampoco hiciste el esfuerzo por contactarlo. Esperabas un motivo o por lo menos una excusa que demostrara que se había inmutado de tu ausencia, sin embargo, lo único que recibiste de Jiseok fue un ruidoso suspiro y otro abrazo rápido.
Asentiste en respuesta, jugando con las manos en tu regazo. En tus poco meses de relación, Jiseok había demostrado que era quien mejor sostenía su relación, el que con mayor frecuencia arreglaba los errores del otro y disipaba las preocupaciones como si fuera una especie de superpoder que poseía. Tú compresivo y suave Jiseok… Te sentías tan lejos de él en aquel abatido y sofocante momento, como si el hastío causado por tu rutina generara en ti una especie de rechazo hacia él.
Después de unos minutos, la seriedad en tu cara hizo que Jiseok se sentara junto a ti y te mirara con preocupación.
"Oye, si estás enfadado por cómo ha sido tu horario o cualquier otra cosa, entonces siempre puedes decírmelo, ¿bien? Yo lo comprenderé y haré lo que sea para ayudarte; aunque no sea mucho… Solo no quiero que toda esta sobrecarga te consuma."
Tomaste una respiración, sintiéndote sofocada y temblorosa. "Creo que saldré un momento a tomar aire" avisaste sin mirarlo y te pusiste de pie, "¿necesitas que compre algo?"
Sentiste sus ojos sobre ti, aturdidos y asustados. No esperabas que intentara detenerte, parecía no saber qué decir o hacer, pero cuando volviste a preguntar él solo sacudió la cabeza y te tomó por los hombros con firmeza.
"Espera un minuto." Se movió rápido, poniéndose delante de ti. Su expresión era una mezcla de confusión y súplica. "Sabes, no me hace sentir bien este tipo de cosas, el verte ir así. Por favor, habla conmigo”.
Cerraste los ojos y luchaste por pensar en algo coherente. Querías reprocharle, pero ninguna razón parecía lo suficientemente válida como para darte ese poder. Tan solo… desearías que sintiera tu decepción, sin que tener que iniciar una discusión para cual no te sentías de humor.
“Estoy cansada, lo he estado todo este tiempo” musitaste, restregando las manos en tu cara con frustración. “Tú… ¿no te preocupaste por mí o si quiera tuviste curiosidad sobre lo que estuve haciendo estos días?”
Jiseok abrió los ojos con sorpresa, entonces comprendiendo mejor el motivo de tu comportamiento.
“Sí, dios, claro que la tuve” dijo rápidamente con voz alarmada. “Pero decidí darte espacio. Lo has estado pasando mal últimamente y sé el tipo de trabajo que llevas y lo difícil que hace incluso contestar una llamada, entonces yo… no quería ser una carga también. Además, creí que si algo andaba mal me lo dirías más tarde, así que decidí esperar a que vinieras a mí cuando estuvieras lista. No era mi intención parecer ausente, ya tienes mucho en tu plato y no deseo hacer nada más complicado."
"Tuve una semana de infierno..." suspiras, mirando hacia otro lado, "y lo único que esperaba de ti era por lo menos un mensaje."
Jiseok ladea la cabeza, bajando la mirada al piso con arrepentimiento.
“Debiste habérmelo dicho. Pensé que querías espacio, así que no envié un mensaje.” Retuerce sus dedos sin dejar de mirar sus zapatos. Después de un momento, sacude la cabeza y te mira ansiosamente a los ojos. "Lo siento, en realidad debí ser más considerado. Pero estoy aquí ahora, ¿sirve de algo?”
Tomaste una profunda respiración, perdiéndote un instante en el marrón de su mirada. "Si, sirve" respondiste, suspirando y relajando tus brazos a los costados de tu cuerpo. "Solo… estoy tan cansada de todo. Necesitaba saber que te importo".
Los hombros de Jiseok se desinflaron y acortó la distancia entre ustedes para rodearte en un abrazo y después tomar tus manos en las suyas. "Por supuesto que me importas, más de lo que puedas imaginar" dijo con ternura. "Pero nunca quise presionarte o hacerte sentir incómoda. Fue muy descuidado de mi parte."
Te relajaste un poco después de escuchar sus palabras, y apretaste su mano en respuesta mientras mirabas el piso. "A veces siento que no puedo más, me siento tan incapaz…, incluso para enviarte un mensaje" confesaste débilmente.
Jiseok asintió con comprensión, acariciando tu mano con su pulgar. "Está bien, no te preocupes" respondió con una sonrisa cálida. "Ahora estoy aquí y estás en casa. No tienes que cargar con todo sola, ¿sabes? Si necesitas hablar o simplemente desahogarte, estaré más que dispuesto a escucharte."
Dejaste caer la cabeza sobre hombro, soltando un jadeo de alivio cuando dirigió la mano a tu cabello y lo liberó de la presión de la coleta. “¿Tú te has sentido así?” preguntaste, sumergida un poco en las caricias que hacía en tu nuca, “¿con frecuencia?”.
Jiseok suspiró antes de responder, como si estuviera considerando cuidadosamente sus palabras. "Sí, a veces me siento así también", dijo finalmente. "Pero siempre trato de recordar que no estoy solo y que tengo personas en mi vida que se preocupan por mí. Y tú eres una de esas personas, y/n. Siempre estoy aquí para ti, así que no dudes en pedir ayuda si la necesitas".
“¿Fui algo tonta esta noche, verdad?”
"No, no lo fuiste", dijo Jiseok, dándote otro abrazo. "Todos tenemos nuestros momentos difíciles y necesitamos a alguien que esté ahí para nosotros. Así que no te preocupes, ¿de acuerdo?”
“Quiero… ir a la cama.”
Asintió con lentitud, ofreciéndote una sonrisa gentil. "Claro, vamos a la cama" accedió, dándote un suave beso en la frente antes de ofrecerte su mano para llevarte al dormitorio. “¿Quieres que te prepare un ducha o quieres ir directo a la cama?”
"Una ducha, por favor" respondiste, sonriendo agradecidamente mientras tomabas su mano y lo seguías de camino al baño.
Después de la ducha, Jiseok te llevó a la cama y te arropó con las sábanas. Se sentó a tu lado y te acarició el cabello mientras intentaba mantener una conversación; sabía que no era el momento adecuado para presionarte para hablar, pero tampoco quería dejarte sola en tus pensamientos. Decidió quedarse ahí, velando tu sueño, prometiéndose a sí mismo estar ahí para ti en todo momento.
“Jiseok, también te eché mucho de menos” musitaste antes de poder quedarte dormida. Te sentiste más relajada y más conectada con él después de decirlo, y esperabas poder descansar esa noche, sintiendo que no estabas sola.
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© gyummigon | Todos los derechos reservados. prohibida la copia o adaptación
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gyummigon · 11 months
☆ my home | gaon, (kwak jiseok)
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gaon x fem!reader
୨୧ word count: 2.0k ୨୧ genre: fluff, angst, established relationship ୨୧ summary: you come home after a week of hard work; "now i'm here and you're home. you don't have to carry everything by yourself, you know?” ୨୧ a/n: my native language isn’t english. i will not lie, i literally used the translator and I’ve published it without proofreading, so you might read horrible things. don't judge me. original version here
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Exhaustion envelops your body as you ring the doorbell. You haven't lost your key, but you're too exhausted to bother looking for it. So you put the weight of your body on one of your legs and wait impatiently for the figure on the other side to peek through the door, feeling a slight uneasiness inside of you.
It had been almost a week since you and Jiseok had last spoken. Your work had kept you so busy that you hadn't even had time to miss him or think about contacting him. But even when your mind was busy, you couldn't shake the bitter feeling of looking at your phone screen and seeing that there was no trace of his name on it.
On the other hand, Jiseok was more than anything... confused by your absence, but he hadn't dared to ask you about it so as not to invade your own space. His intentions of not pressuring you were good and innocent, he wanted you to come to him when you wanted and felt the time was right. But even though this eased his discomfort at times, it was obvious that he missed you more and more as the days went by, sometimes getting lost in looking at the door, hoping that you would come in through it.
So when he heard the doorbell ring that night and went to open it, your image illuminating the restlessness of his heart, he was genuinely happy to see that it was you.
"Hey... you're home." He felt silly, not having much else to say except a warm smile as he opened the door all the way for you.
"Hi," you greeted as you walked past him, planting a quick kiss on his cheek that made him smile even more.
"Hi," he said, laughing a little. "Took you long enough, where have you been?"
He followed you with his gaze, it was obvious in his expression that he was happy and curious to see you there after all this time without you making an appearance in his life. You sighed before walking away to sit on the couch, aware of his gaze that wouldn't leave you at any moment. Feeling unable to say anything good, you leaned your head back on the couch mattress and closed your eyes.
You could hear him moving around the room. After a few seconds of silence, you opened your eyes slightly and were surprised to find your eyes locked with his.
"You look pretty tired," he said, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall in front of you. There was a gentle expression on his face, but far beneath it, almost imperceptibly, you could see a trace of distress. "Did something happen at your internship?"
"Just... the usual." You shrugged.
"Is everything okay?" Jiseok broke the distance and leaned back against the couch. He stared at you, confusion and worry written all over his face.
"How long has it been since we've seen each other?" you asked, and he seemed to pause for a second, his guard down.
"About... six days. Did something happen or...?" He raised his eyebrows and seemed to grow more and more uncomfortable. He wanted to know if there was something you could not talk about, you were much more serious than usual and he feared that something bad was going on. However, he didn't want to pry too much into whatever it was you were worried about without first being sure you wanted to talk about it.
"I'm tired," you said, running a hand over your face. "I've had three trips out of town, a couple of photo shoots, and practice didn't end until late last night. did you call me? I didn't even have time to check my phone."
"Oh no, I didn't call you."
"Are you busy too?
"No more than usual," she replied with a soft smile and stood behind you, making you sigh as she started to massage your shoulders. "Very tense, you're exhausted aren't you, do you want to rest?" he tilted his head, seeming to think before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "If you feel your schedule is getting a little too hectic, you can let me know and the two of us will talk to the company together, we could see what can be done to make things easier for my girl."
"Sure, like they'd listen to you," you spat sarcastically and felt his hands tighten on your back, but he didn't say anything. "So you didn't call me?"
"What, no I didn't," he replied, giving you a quick hug from behind and resuming his massage. "Did you miss me too?"
You felt a little angry, even though you knew how unfair it was when you didn't bother to contact him either. You were hoping for a reason or at least an excuse to show that he had been distracted by your absence, but all you got from Jiseok was a loud sigh and another quick hug.
You nodded and played with your hands in your lap. In the few months of your relationship, Jiseok had proven to be the one who best supported your relationship, the one who most often fixed each other's mistakes and dispelled worries as if it was some kind of superpower he possessed. You compressed and gentle Jiseok... You felt so far away from him at that depressing and suffocating moment, as if the boredom caused by your routine created a kind of rejection of him in you.
After a few minutes, the seriousness on your face made Jiseok sit down next to you and look at you with concern.
"Hey, if you're upset about your schedule or anything else, you can always tell me, okay? I'll understand and I'll do what I can to help you; even if it's not much... I just don't want you to get overwhelmed."
You took a breath, feeling suffocated and shaky. "I think I'll go outside for a moment to get some air," you warned without looking at him and stood up, "do you need me to buy anything?"
You felt his eyes on you, dazed and frightened. You didn't expect him to try to stop you, he didn't seem to know what to say or do, but when you asked again he just shook his head and took you firmly by the shoulders.
"Wait a minute." He moved quickly and stepped in front of you. His expression was a mixture of confusion and pleading. "You know, I don't feel good about this, seeing you like this. Please talk to me."
You closed your eyes and struggled to come up with something coherent. You wanted to blame him, but no reason seemed valid enough to give you that power. You just... wished that he could feel your disappointment without having to start an argument that you weren't in the mood for.
"I'm tired, I have been all along," you mused, rubbing your hands over your face in frustration. "You... you didn't care about me or were even curious about what I was doing these days?"
Jiseok's eyes widened in surprise, then he better understood the reason for your behavior.
"Yes, God, of course I was," he said quickly with an alarmed voice. "But I decided to give you some space. You've been having a hard time lately, and I know what kind of work you're doing and how hard it is to even take a call, so I... I didn't want to be a burden as well. Besides, I figured if something was wrong, you would tell me later, so I decided to wait for you to come to me when you were ready. I didn't want to seem absent-minded, you already have a lot on your plate and I don't want to do anything more complicated."
"I've had a hell of a week..." you sigh and look away, "and all I expected from you was at least a message."
Jiseok cocks his head and looks down with regret.
"You should have told me. I thought you wanted space, so I didn't send a message." He twists his fingers without taking his eyes off his shoes. After a moment, he shakes his head and looks worriedly into your eyes. "I'm sorry, I really should have been more considerate. But I'm here now, does it matter?"
You take a deep breath and lose yourself in the brown of his eyes for a moment. "Yes, it helps," you answer, sighing and relaxing your arms at the sides of your body. "I'm just... I'm so tired of everything. I needed to know that you care about me."
Jiseok's shoulders relaxed and he closed the distance between you to wrap his arms around you in a hug and then take your hands in his. "Of course I care about you, more than you can imagine," he said tenderly. "But I never meant to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable. It was very careless of me."
You relaxed a little after hearing his words and squeezed his hand in response as you looked down at the ground. "Sometimes I feel like I can't do it anymore, I feel so incapable... even to send you a message," you confessed weakly.
Jiseok nodded understandingly and stroked your hand with his thumb. "It's okay, don't worry," he replied with a warm smile. "I'm here now and you're at home. You don't have to carry everything by yourself, you know? If you need to talk or just vent, I'm more than willing to listen."
You let your head fall to your shoulder, breathing a sigh of relief as he ran his hand through your hair, releasing it from the pressure of the ponytail. "Have you felt this way before?" you asked, immersing yourself a little in the caresses he made on the back of your neck, "often?"
Jiseok sighed before answering, as if he had carefully considered your words. "Yes, sometimes I feel that way too," he finally said. "But I always try to remember that I'm not alone and that I have people in my life who care about me. And you are one of those people, y/n. I'm always here for you, so don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it."
"I was kind of stupid tonight, wasn't I?"
"No, you weren't," Jiseok said and hugged you again. "We all have our hard times and we need someone to be there for us. So don't worry, okay?"
"I want to... go to bed."
He nods slowly, offering you a gentle smile. "Sure, let's go to bed," he agrees, giving you a gentle kiss on the forehead before offering his hand to lead you into the bedroom. "Do you want me to fix you a shower or do you want to go straight to bed?"
"A shower, please," you replied, smiling gratefully as you took his hand and followed him to the bathroom.
After your shower, Jiseok took you to bed and tucked you in with the sheets. He sat next to you and stroked your hair while he tried to carry on a conversation; he knew it wasn't the right time to push you to talk, but he didn't want to leave you alone with your thoughts either. He decided to stay and watch over your sleep, promising himself to always be there for you.
"Jiseok, I missed you too," you murmured before you could fall asleep. You felt more relaxed and connected to him after you said it, and you hoped that you could rest that night, feeling that you were not alone.
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© gyummigon | all rights reserved. copying or adaptation prohibited
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solplparty · 2 years
(CC)K-pop idols can't help but dance to Latin music I Bad Bunny, Lasso, Bomba Estéreo, Los Bunkers.. https://youtu.be/kOthkkjYKYY *Click CC for 한국어/日本語/español/português/中文/bahasa Indonesia/ภาษาไทย/tiếng Việt/français/عربى/русский язык/türkçe JYP boy band Xdinary Heroes reacts to Latin music videos! A fun time with dancing, singing, and even a preview of their new song?! Come join the fun and watch their reactions with us!! #XdinaryHeroes #hello82 #XdinaryHeroesxhello82 #LatinMVreaction_XdinaryHeroes 💌Follow us on TikTok to see behind the scenes videos and more exclusive content! ▶️ https://www.tiktok.com/@hello82official​ Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you want to keep tabs on more Kpop content! https://www.youtube.com/hello82 - Kalau kamu berbicara bahasa Indonesia, channel ini (halo82) untuk kamu! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNMt5ZLpbIj227T-punJCvw - ¡Si hablas Español, este canal(hola82) es para TI! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDXMaFibMZuj5UxEtbWUG4w - Se você fala Português, o (oi82) é o seu canal! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFc97dWLfXjn2lIcpCKsoQ - إذا كنت تتحدث اللغة العربية ، فهذه القناة (ahlan82) مخصصة لك! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPa05I1jj60fdlPj9G7vsGw - For more "hello82" content: FB: https://www.facebook.com/hello82​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/hello82official​ IG: https://www.instagram.com/hello82offi​... TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@hello82official​ hello82
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gyummigon · 4 years
‧✩ navegation ✩ ‧
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she/her | 04’ | virgo | intp | english/español
links: | masterlists: eng - esp | Instagram | wattpad |
-recent works–
moonlight [beomgyu]
nocturnal fears [beomgyu]
like when we first met, i hate you and i love you [beomgyu]
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requests are open
‧ rules:
+ for now i only write for tomorrow by together and xdinary heroes +please make your request as detailed as possible, this will help me understand what you have in mind. + i think i can write smut or suggestive (i'm a little shy), but nothing extreme, toxic, or overly explicit. if there's a request i'm not comfortable with, i just won't write it. + i love interactions, so please feel free to interact with me no problem, your replies make me feel appreciated and i am totally open to making friends.
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