#wumpeece spoilers for that one mutual
Regarding one of your more recent reblogs, I’d love to hear about the ideas you mentioned having for the Out Of His Depth-verse >:3c
is this about wanting behind-the-scenes lore because I can always drop some behind-the-scenes lore
here is the fic in question if anyone wants a link
other ideas.... yes. damn you, yes, I can and will talk about my spinoff ideas. here you go
my first spinoff idea was some horny nonsense involving Mihawk going to a shooting range right at closing time like an asocial jackass & Shanks following him there to get up to absolutely no good. extremely shenanigan-heavy. the human-shaped target ends the night with a hole through its hypothetical genitalia. don’t distract someone who’s firing a gun, folks
then I had a much more serious idea about what basically amounts to a post-marineford scene. I’m not going to say too much more about that, but it’s a self-indulgently kink-negotiation-heavy piece of painplay decadence. I was in a Mood™ ok
then I had some thoughts about the dissolution of the warlords but make it OOHD-verse. which maybe involved a scene of Mihawk getting railed from behind
and then Kit posted another art in the same AU so what else could I do but draft a whole nother fic about it
oh and then the platonic Mihawk & Perona brainworms moved back in so now I have another utterly looney tunes idea that involves Mihawk unwittingly acquiring a roommate who apparently doesn’t know about the assassin thing. and him trying to keep it a secret when Shanks refuses to leave him alone or be subtle about anything ever
so yeah I’ve got an idea or two
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✨ Fic Announcement Post! ✨
Insubordinates, Chapter 1 (of 2)
800 words (out of ??? IDK I haven’t finished it yet but knowing me it’ll be 2.5–3k by the time I’m done)
rated: Explicit
pairing: Buggy/Mihawk/Crocodile
Cross Guild fic? Cross Guild fic! I’ve had this guy sitting in my WIP folder for about four months and finally poked the first part enough to post, so I figured, fuck it! Two chapters.
It’s basically a PWP, though the smut doesn’t happen until the yet-unfinished Chapter 2. It’s got some fun narrative voice, though. I tagged it for comedy.
CONTENT WARNING: threats of sexual assault. The threat is not followed through on, but it’s there.
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