#woooooo platonic ! azul would make a good friend once you get under all the facades and over all the walls he keeps up i think
mishkakagehishka · 2 years
myabe some platonic azul ashengrotto with an MC reader?
thank you~
Ayy, Sammy! Thanks for indulging me by requesting, and thanks for requesting platonic! I think this might only be the second time I've written that, which is a shame, it's so underrated <3
Some general "becoming friends with Azul and all that being friends with him entails" headcanons below :>
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is a bit of a tough nut to crack
Becoming acquainted with him is easy, but becoming someone he’s willing to (honestly) call a friend is a bit harder
Due to his past experiences, he’s hesitant to open up to others, which will likely reflect on your first interactions
That said, you might not even get the chance to interact with him enough to get close to him until the events of the Octavinelle episode – during which you might even make your odds of befriending him lower
Naturally, after having his contracts destroyed and Ramshackle-as-a-second-Mostro-Lounge-location being taken away from him when he was certain it was safe in his hands, Azul will end up with some leftover resentment towards you
He won’t outright avoid you (after all, burning bridges is bad for business), but those walls he put up just got a few inches higher
Still, there’s a part of him that is thankful for your actions. It confuses him, since you did significant damage to his business, but after a while he’ll realise just how out of line he actually was
And how you were the one to make sure he didn’t actually hurt anyone, or himself. Not to mention that, in beating him up, you also made sure the Overblot didn’t kill him
It is during the events of Scarabia that you are able to become closer to him
You, Grim, Azul and the Leech twins were locked up in the same guest room over the nights in Scarabia, and the sleepover energy (that was present when the general terror of the situation become the “normal”) massively helped the process of bonding
When the twins and Grim drift off to sleep, Azul and you stay up still, just talking, learning about and getting to understand one another
Staying up late impacts your performances in the morning training, which ends with “Kalim” getting angry with you, but Jamil is quick to diffuse the situation, and after a while Azul starts defending you, too
Because through your conversations, he learnt about you, and he learnt about the fact that you’re far more honest and kind and righteous than anyone else he’s met
You didn’t enable his behaviour that lead up to his Overblot, like the twins had, but you also didn’t let him just thrash and cry himself into ruin – you helped him pick up the pieces after and see the right path
Azul was happy he had a chance to repay you in helping with Jamil’s overblot, but it’s not even about “repaying” and “never being indebted” when it comes to you
He's realised he wants to be nice to you because he wants to consider you his friend
In being friends with Azul, you’ll likely never have many issues in Night Raven College
While he can’t defend you physically should you have a bad run-in with a bully, he’d be more than willing to send the twins after them (after all, he knows what being bullied is like, and he doesn’t want that pain on one of the only people he can call a true friend)
He’s also a major help in case you ever need help studying! Though he’s tempted to help you with no extra charge, the businessman in him never sleeps, so at least order a drink during your study sessions
And, of course, you are now forever immune to the twins. Mostly. He doesn’t really control them, but they’re still gonna be a tiny bit more patient with a friend of Azul’s
Asides from that, the nights at Scarabia are now a permanent happy memory for him, so don’t be surprised if he comes over to Ramshackle with a pillow and a rucksack full of (mostly healthy) snacks every once in a while, asking if you want to have a sleepover again
Convince him to let loose and have some popcorn with butter to go with the cheesy horror flicks you can make fun of together (when he’s not actively peeing himself out of fear)
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