#wip wursday
WIP Wursday
Tagged by @noetikat! I think the last time I was tagged I hated everything I had written ... So, here's something I don't completely hate!
The palm of Ciri’s hand on the crossbow trigger squeezes with the ease of her breath leaving her lungs, the crosshair resting on the center of the bird’s shimmering body at the bottom of her breath pattern.
Geralt’s steadying hand is all that’s missing, keeping her from pinching her shoulders up to her ears in anticipation of the kickback. But she can feel phantom imprints of his fingertips even in the expensive fabric of her woven jacket.
The shot releases, the mechanism thudding with cold resolution of a kill shot -
“General Voorhis returns next month.”
Ciri jerks the follow through, ever so slightly disrupting the very end of the bolt’s flight and shifting its path.
The grouse continues its getaway flight, uninjured and unlikely to return to these grounds now.
Tromping back through the undergrowth to the well-maintained path, Ciri stops to rest a fist on her hip. “Really, are you such a sore loser?”
“It is typically the poor study who blames the environment for their shortfalls,” Emhyr answers smoothly, voice as level as it was for his ill-timed announcement (or well-timed, if the point system they use for their hunts is considered.)
Ciri tosses her head while falling into step on Emhry’s left side. “Sore loser, I say. You’ve yet to manage a grouse. I would have won, no matter how many pheasants you shot down with that old bow!”
“You’ve yet to beat this ‘old bow’. Besides, grouse are not common to come across from the path.”
“Is the Emperor afraid to dirty his boots by leaving the path?”
Emhyr chuckles in amusement, the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes crinkling. “Now who sounds like the sore loser?”
There are few in the palace unaware of the emperor and his daughter’s shared competitive spirit, a token var Emreis trait. Like the other parent-child relationships in their bloodline, competition has acted as a bridge over their troubled waters.
“I’ll have to find some of those dandy roosters you have the servants release from the bushes to make up points.”
Ciri enjoys the chance for levity and Emhyr’s reaction to her ribbing, tickling at her memories of a papa from so long ago who also smiled with his eyes. It was a running commentary from her father’s trusted confidant, Peter Evertson, that Ciri’s return had brought back the version of the Emperor many had not seen since before the Usurper.  
“Should I take your avoidance of the subject as a sign you’ve fully accepted what’s to come? Or have you forgotten the agreement reached that your betrothal to Morvran Voorhis is as necessary as it is auspicious?”
Tagging @emma-ofnormandy, @do-androids-dream-ao3acc, @theowlseye, and anyone else who would like to share some writing! <3
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frenchiefitzhere · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
Ok I'll bite... Tagged by Mooty McFriendface @arrowfleur I don't have a Redacted fic to share, but I was doing some script writing for my dragon series and this is what was on my screen and I thought it was a funny little visual sound bite (don't @ me on that), so here you go:
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P.S. @starlitangels You've got more lines than this fyi
Tagging you if we're moots and your IRL name starts with a A, S, E, or W
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littleplasticrat · 27 days
WIP Wursdays
Thanks for the tag, @omgkalyppso. I appreciate you! 💕
In turn, tagging @fistfuloftarenths @thisaccountisagainstmywill @tellmeallaboutit and @lizziemajestic
Here is my current WIP. I've started tentatively working out the colours for The Blade of the Frontiers pin-up. I've still got Dammon's pastel dream from April in my mind!
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wild-moss-art · 4 months
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wip wursday
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andr0leda · 10 months
tagged by the always lovely @ejunkiet ♡ (im tagging you back because you said you had a few wips going on :^)
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here's the self indulgent meme wip of Flyboy and Skunk ♡
tagging: @sollucets, @zozo-01, @mihqorio, @gingerbreton, @the-light-of-stars & @eydika (as always no pressure only if you want to, and if seeing this makes you want to share a WIP i wanna hear about it! :) )
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zozo-01 · 4 months
wip wursday <3
Tagged by my beloved @gingerbreadmonsters!! Take this mostrosity of a fic that's consuming me whole, but also not letting me write!! The finale to the David/Darlin' College AU Trilogy where I listen to J. Cole, write these assholes, and think critically of smut. ;-; 7000 words long, and no where near stopping. ;-;
Going under the cut because again, smut hehehe.
Tagging: @taelonsamada, @dominimoonbeam, @glassbearclock, @horrorscoupes, @autisticempathydaemon and you!!! Tag me in your shit!!!
His blood lit up like a match.  Through his own heart roaring in his ears, David took a moment to gauge whether they were serious. When they didn't balk under his gaze, he swallowed the growl threatening to rise from within his chest. Had Darlin' said to his face that they wouldn't hesitate to find someone else to finish with? That they would find someone else to bring to bed when he was already there? Did they not realize that those words alone had stoked the whispers of doubt and threatened to confirm all of his fears that he wasn't good enough for them? He couldn’t stand the mere thought of another’s hands on them, especially when he finally got to touch them like this. David wanted to be the one who Darlin’ runs to whenever they have a hard day. He wants to grant them comfort and sanctuary in a way no one has ever done in their life. The darkest depths of his desire urge him to go beyond his protective Beta instincts and keep them all to himself.  With him, Darlin’ will be safe. With him, Darlin’ will feel rapture. He’d been dreaming of this moment for so long, and he won’t give it up for anything, or anyone.
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belovedbow · 10 months
wip wursday
ty for the tag @ejunkiet​ !
i don’t think i shared this one before but also not sure if im gonna pick it back up again
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some self indulgent angel/davey , he’s a big guy but i think he deserves to be cradled too
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magebastard · 4 months
wip wursday
thank u @coldshrugs for tagging me im NERVOUS abt this 1
im soft writing an if that may stay unreleased forever bc i don’t know if i will have the willpower to consistently post updates but im done w a prologue and half of chapter 1 and it’s been a treat to write about the most romantic place on earth (a tiny beach town in new jersey) here is a scene that I had to email to myself months ago bc I couldn’t figure out how to configure it into actual code properly but this is the first major flirt scene with the ro im in love w the most currently can you tell I started writing this after re-watching the bear
tagging @mrs-theirin @lalizah @darkspawntaxcollectors @grapecaseschoices everyone truly please I need to read my pals beautiful writing
Huh. You think you'd be wise enough to know when hunger is the culprit behind your bad moods at this point in your adulthood. That cloying, constricting feeling in your gut roils in response to Jordan's good-natured accusation and your lips flatten into a smile of surrender. He snorts. You hop up to sit on the counter across from his work station.
Sticking around after close isn't too outrageous of an ask when he's the one offering to make you dinner.
Damn, but it smells good in here. You imagine it'll get old—the smell of diner food permeating the modest industrial kitchen. But now it's only making you too aware that your last meal was a stale cereal bar nearly nine hours ago. Minutes pass. Jordan bobs his head to the music playing from his phone, speakers echoing where it's propped up inside of a clear, Tupperware tub. You don't want to upset the calm of a man's kitchen closing ritual but it feels like you should say something.
"I'm sorry I snapped. I didn't mean to take my bad day out on you," you finally settle on.
His dark eyes flit to yours for barely a moment. It's not too much but it's a strange intimacy. The last two employees on a closing shift, practically basking in the quietened building. It'd be peaceful, if it weren't so bizarre.
You turn your attention to his hands. Quick and certain, he methodically prepares your omelette with an artful precision. Almost more bizarre than sharing this calm moment with your coworker, is the care he measures into each ingredient, delicately incorporated. The effort is so thoughtful, you try to swallow past the sudden tightness in your throat.
"It's all good. I've been here long enough to recognize that ‘I didn’t take a lunch break’ look on anyone," he finally responds. There's a feint, fond smile on his face and it's impossible to deny the warmth of his handsome features. You smile along.
"You know everyone here pretty well?" It's not a question you really need answered. It's obvious. The guy practically has his head on a swivel for the revolving door of coworkers coming in to update him on their personal lives, which he responds to in kind with questions or anecdotes of his own. If there's one thing you've gleaned from your first week back at the diner it's that Jordan is adored as both a friend and a pillar of the business. He's got a singular kind of reliability.
You don't realize you're still smiling until you catch him staring, his hands stalled over pan and fork.
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imogenkol · 6 months
tagged by @jillvalentinesday @kyber-infinitygems @simonxriley thank you!! 💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @inafieldofdaisies @shegetsburned @statichvm @voidika @v0idbuggy @aceghosts @risingsh0t @socially-awkward-skeleton @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch
on this wretched holiday, I offer thee some pure unadulterated fluff between a girl and her wolf
The sun called to Jayde just as much as the moon did. Even an overcast, rainy sky could not mask the morning from her internal clock. She flipped onto her back and quietly yawned, taking a moment to allow her senses to settle into consciousness as a light drizzle pattered outside. Wet weather made patrols a little unpleasant - Jayde would often smell like a wet dog for hours no matter how hard she scrubbed her body in the shower after coming home – so she was eager to get going before the storm really picked up.
Then the steady breaths of a thoroughly sound asleep human drew her attention. Jayde glanced beside her and smiled at the utterly peaceful expression on Nadya’s soft features. She had buried herself in their thick comforter and pillows, looking as snug as anyone could possibly be. The daily struggle of pulling her human close and forgetting the responsibilities of the day sparked Jayde’s impulses. 
But Nadya was not one for early disturbances, so Jayde let her be and forced herself out of bed. 
The cold may not bite a werewolf’s skin as sharply as a human’s, but Jayde would still feel a nip on her trek to her patrol route. She threw on an old sweater and water resistant hiking pants before she made her way to the bathroom. As usual, the menial tasks of the early morning made her mind go a bit numb. That is, until she felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her torso as she brushed her teeth.
Nadya leaned heavily into her solid form, resting her head on Jayde’s back. The wolf didn’t have to tune her senses to know that the human still very much skirted the line of unconsciousness, but she still listened to the shallow tempo of her heartbeat and inhaled her air of autumn spices for comfort. A quiet groan greatly amused Jayde. It was a miracle the girl even stood upright at all at this hour.
She softly chuckled and spit out a bit of toothpaste into the sink. “Look who decided to be a morning person.”  
“I have an online class in less than an hour,” Nadya mumbled drowsily.
“You scheduled an online class for seven?” Jayde mused as she continued to brush her teeth. 
“Missed the AM part when I signed up,” she confirmed with heavy remorse. “Too late to change it for today.”
“Well, that’s what naps are for.”
“I have to work at the clinic after.”
“Oh, babe,” Jayde said with a sympathetic sigh.
"Just put me out of my misery."
Nadya worked her hands underneath the sweater and the heat of the werewolf’s skin made her melt against Jayde even more. As if to combat the alluring pull of sleep, Nadya kept herself busy by tracing a few of the scars that marred her girlfriend’s body. She knew them all by heart at this point, certainly better than Jayde ever did. Each gentle, methodical touch was laced with her wordless love. Nadya quietly hummed and pressed her forehead to the back of Jayde’s neck, making it increasingly more difficult for her to concentrate on her simple tasks. 
“You’re so warm,” Nadya murmured, swaying gently with her. 
“So are you,” Jayde replied after she finished up and set her toothbrush aside. 
She carefully twisted herself around in Nadya’s arms to face her. Those perfect brown eyes met hers and she wanted nothing more than to drown in their unconditional warmth. Nadya continued to lean against her as her hands wandered up and down Jayde’s back in lazy caresses. Unable to hold resist any longer, Jayde reached up and brushed messy brunette strands behind Nadya’s ear before resting her palm against her cheek and gazing at her adoringly. Jayde saw – as well as felt – her human’s face flush as she tilted her head into her touch and returned the expression. 
“I’m not as warm as you,” Nadya insisted.
“There’s more than one way to be warm, my love.”
They both leaned in at the same time, their lips meeting each other halfway. It was far too early to kiss deeply, but while their cadence had a more reserved nature, the depth of passion between them left Jayde in awe like always. Nadya’s lips moved against hers in incredibly soft strokes, bringing the same amount of warmth to her chest as their skin on skin contact underneath her sweater. Jayde cupped the back of her neck with both hands at the same time Nadya tightened her arms around her, making the wolf believe that the human didn’t want to part any more than she did.
When they inevitably pulled back, Jayde rested her lips between Nadya’s eyebrows and simply held her for a few moments longer. She felt her breathless sigh against her neck and wondered how she ever went without loving this human as much as she did.
Jayde finally broke away with great reluctance. “You want to go have some coffee with me in the Den before your class?”
Nadya smiled sweetly and nodded, her arms slowly disentangling from her. “Can I have this?” she asked bashfully, tugging at the hem of Jayde’s sweater.
Jayde gave her a playful eye roll, but nodded with a crooked grin. “Go on, take it.”
Nadya’s smile grew even bigger as she happily pulled the cozy garment over Jayde’s head and put it on herself. After a grateful peck, she switched places with Jayde at the sink as she went to retrieve something new to wear from the closet.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
ooo some sentences for anything you can do i can do better please and ty? <33
kk!! i have some sentences for you !! <3
“Anything you think you can do, I can do better.”
“Mhm. Sure.”
Nancy stops, spins on her heel, and tries to level Robin with her steely gaze. Intimidate her.
It’s adorable that she thinks it’ll work. Big bad Nancy Wheeler staring her down, scowling at Robin in her lavender blouse. It looks more like a pout rather than a scowl.
Robin smiles. “Cute, Wheeler.”
wip wursday :)
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direwombat · 1 year
wip wursday...
Tagged this week by @inafieldofdaisies and @g0dspeeed
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton, @strafethesesinners, @strangefable , @detectivelokis , @sstewyhosseini , @poetikat , @schoute , @confidentandgood , @aceghosts , @fourlittleseedlings , @adelaidedrubman , @henbased , @purplehairsecretlair , @wrathfulrook , @inquisitors-grave , @trench-rot , @gaeadene , @locustandwildhoney , @jacobseed , @river-ward , @roofgeese , @cassietrn , @neverthesameneveranother , @sukoshimikan , @deputyash , @harmonyowl , @voidika , @vampireninjabunnies-blog , @madparadoxum , @euryalex , @clonesupport , @ivymarquis and anyone else who has something they want to share!
Been having jerome and syb on the brain recently and I love writing their philosophical conversations so here's a bit of that from what will likely be ch. 10 of katc
“I can’t say I’ve ever conducted a Confession the way you’re used to,” Jerome says, and he takes a seat next to her on a pew. “But I do consider myself a good listener. Whatever’s bothering you, I promise not a word of it will leave this church.”
“It’s a kind offer, Pastor, but I don’t wanna burden you,” Sybille says. “Y’got ‘nuff shit goin’ on. Ain’t need to toss my problems on top.”
“I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of why I do what I do, Deputy,” Jerome chuckles. “People come here seeking guidance or aid, and it’s my job to help them. You seem troubled. Let me help you.”
She scoffs and shakes her head. “What do you want me to say, hm? ‘Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it’s been thirteen years since my last confession, hope y’aint got no other appointments ‘cause we’re gonna be here a while’?” she says harshly. “And then, what? Once I’m done talkin’ I just walk away with a clean slate?” She shakes her head. “Might work that way when you’re a kid stealin’ bites of mama’s pie before dinner, but you done the shit I’ve done? It ain’t that easy to wash your hands.”
“Oftentimes knowing that at least one person has forgiven you makes it easier to forgive yourself,” Jerome says gently. “And God is nothing if not forgiving.”
Or wrathful, she thinks bitterly, and she shakes her head. “That ain’t the point though.”
“What is, then?”
She sighs heavily, shaking her head and drawing her lip between her teeth. Her knee bounces vigorously in front of her. “My sin’s a part of me. Made me who I am. Without it I’m…” she hesitates and shakes her head. “It’s my burden to bear. Ain’t no one else can carry it for me.”
“Makes for a heavy soul, doesn’t it?” Jerome asks.
Sybille shrugs. “Figure when my time comes, it’ll drag me down where I belong. Just a shame that once that happens I ain’t ever gonna see my mama again. Or my brother for that matter.”
Jerome’s brows furrow thoughtfully, and although his mouth is set in a frown, he nods in sympathy. “What makes you so certain God would grant them Heaven but not you?”
She fidgets with the saint medal around her neck. “They’re good people,” she says quietly. “Kind. Selfless.”
“And you aren’t?” Jerome asks.
Sybille smiles wryly. “They are -- well, was in my mama's case -- because I ain’t,” she says. “They deserve God’s love more than I do.”
“I’d argue the contrary, Deputy,” Jerome says. “The ones who consider themselves irredeemable sinners are usually the ones that deserve God’s love the most. Do you doubt His love for you?”
She shakes her head. “I ain’t got no doubts about God’s love, Pastor. I just think that the Devil might love me more.”
“And what makes you say that?”
Because my body is a cage and I have Hell inside me, she thinks. Because if I ain’t careful, it’ll break free and innocent people are gonna get hurt. Because the only time I feel anythin’ is when I see the light leave someone’s eyes, and it feels fuckin’ good.
She shrugs but doesn’t answer.
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bagellu · 7 months
WIP Wursday (it’s a bit late)
tagged by the wonderful @elfinismsarts over on the tes blog, but been writing some of my original stuff this week so gonna share a snippet of my large boi Gorem
tagging anyone that feels like it!
“It’s not gone as expected, that’s for certain.” Gorem sighed between inhaling an assortment of vegetables he had prepared for dinner. Though he did not cook often, he prided himself on a nice set of roasted items. He had not made enough to share, but Liza picked at the few he allowed her to have.
“Farza looked a bit dejected by the whole ordeal. I’ve not seen someone so cocksure take her on in some time.”
Gorem had just placed a piece of rather hot potato into his mouth and tried to say “wait, you were there?” It didn’t sound like that, but Liza had spent enough time trying to infer what he said with a mouth full of hot food to understand.
“Yes, of course. We’re keeping an eye on everything at the moment, and it would be odd to not have a few people making notes at the first debate.”
“I didn’t see you though?” Gorem said after swallowing his mouthful.
“That’s kind of the point,” she replied. Geoffrey shifted his weight and curled into a ball as Liza swapped which leg was dangled over the chair. “I’d be a pretty bad thief if you spotted me everywhere I went. You have to blend into the crowd.”
He shrugged. “He’s certainly the talk of the city this evening. He had a certain appeal about him,” Gorem admitted.
“Please don’t tell me you believed anything he said?” she asked pleadingly. “There wasn’t a word of truth to what he spouted.”
“No, I don’t. But he painted a good story that will get people talking.” The conversations were of intrigue as people left the council chamber. All gossip and hearsay by those who attended, no doubt distorted as word spread between people. “You think there’s any chance he’s on to something?”
Liza looked at him concerned. “You mean if there was something fishy going on? Surely you’d know better than me. You work there.”
The statement was correct, Gorem did indeed work for the government and rather close to the people in charge. He was, however, rather more oblivious to the daily goings on than you would expect.
In fact, he could recall a time when two coworkers were having an affair. He had stumbled into the stationary cupboard while looking for a bottle of ink for his stamps and found the pair, rather flustered, and chalked it up to it being a warm day. He put the pieces together when Randar had told him they were officially a couple some months later.
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keyrousse · 2 years
WIP Wursday
Tagged by @poetikat, tagging @marbienl13, @namesonboats and @do-androids-dream-ao3acc :)
Have a piece of chapter 5 of the amnesia!fic, currently under some heavy edits and rewrites.
Ciri and Regis sitting on the roof of Corvo Bianco villa in the middle of the night:
“Will you tell me what happened today? Well, yesterday,” he asks softly.
“The Ducal office informed me that they have the buying preference over Corvo Bianco if Geralt’s declared dead. As his job is of high risk, they have the right to declare him dead after four savaeds without any trace of his whereabouts.”
“It’s not even been three weeks, and if it ever comes to that, the estate is yours by law, as his heir.”
Ciri hums.
“I don’t know if I would keep it,” she admits.
“Let’s think about this when — and if — the time comes.”
Ciri glances at him out of the corner of her eye and hums again.
“Also, my biological father let me know through his local representative that he wants to inspect my living conditions, due to the fact that my primary caretaker is unavailable,” she says after some seconds of silence.
Regis doesn’t reply to that. The silence on his side seems heavy with emotions he’s rather not express, probably.
She almost snorts at that.
“Yeah, I’d tell you what I think about it, but I doubt you’d approve the vocabulary.”
“If it helps you, don’t let me stop you,” Regis smiles at her.
“Nah, I already used enough profanities yesterday. I’m waiting for the steam to go down before I even think of the reply. I’d rather not start the letter with ‘I’m of age now, fuck off’. Sorry.”
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andr0leda · 5 months
i was tagged by the lovely @ejunkiet <3 and i have a wip to share this time :^)
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a wip snippet of a comm for the beloved and very patient @amberyartsy! of her Baaabe and her long-haired Ash 💘
tagging you Bambi! and if seeing this makes you want to share a WIP i wanna hear about it! :^)
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zozo-01 · 10 months
I was tagged by the lovely and amazing @andr0leda and thus!! Here's the first section of mine and ginger's brain child!! If there's one thing I love more than shaking my babygirls in a jar, it's shaking my babygirls in a jar with @gingerbreadmonsters!!! (Tagging you, gimme Vega/Warden >:3)
“Well you’re as handsome as the day I met you.” He didn’t know what he let out, if it was a chuckle or sob. To be quite honest, he couldn’t hear anything except for the voice of the raspy shifter in bed. He needed to hear them, for what limited time they had left together. If he can’t go on with eternity with them, then at least let him burn their voice, their magical laugh, in his head. For the nights (or days he suppose) when everything is too much and he feels like he’ll burst, the memory of their voice will bring him back. Calm the angry threads that are barely bursting from the seams. Although, one could argue that the memory of them in any capacity would shatter him more than what trivial and worldly matter will plague him. “And you’re just as beautiful, Darlin’.”
Tagging!! @taelonsamada, @dominimoonbeam (I PROMISE THIS HAS A HAPPY ENDING... ish), @autisticempathydaemon, @ejunkiet, @haradasaya, @teaseat, @colloquialcolival, @romirola and you!!! Tag me in your stuff!!!!
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k4saneterritory · 1 year
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wip wursday! bombinata pgr (swan lake skin/ coating)
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