#why is R blank?
lovesickeros · 1 year
Darling: you hate me, it's written all over your face
Reader's resting b*tch face: what?
darling says it just to annoy you lbr. bc no matter how bad your resting bitch face is, the tsaritsa's is worse. darling has had years to learn how to discern the tsaritsa's mood when shes as reactive as a statue.
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Midnight and my brain said Back to Ninami brainrot so here we go.
Nah cuz they would be so horrible for each other actually, I could slap them together after decades of therapy instead maybe but there would be half the fun gone with it too.
Just both of them are so unstable and only used to the abuse from those around them their whole short lives. They were maybe at first they were forced to coexist because of a random plot I can conjure up later, when inevitable interaction happens and get dragged together by some sense of weird kinship (damn bitch you're just like me, how's that existential crisis kicking your ass)(<-internal monologue of the both of them) until they realize hey that guy is kinda cute, to continuing still not knowing what to do around each other but more dorkishly this time because How Does One Interact With A Person They May Or May Not Have Ended Up Having A Crush On (is it actually a crush, did they just achieve friendship status, what in the fuck is going onn)(<-internal monolog²)
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julystruck · 4 months
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Someone wrote this song before, and I could tell you where it's from
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taegularities · 6 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
I keep thinking abt this one post on r/letterboxd where op was like "why are so many reviews for movies w two male friends always 'they should kiss' 'they're husbands' 'they're gay' etc. There should be real reviews and men should be allowed to be friends."
I keep forgetting that people genuinely use letterboxd for actual film review/critique, I just use it as a way to keep track of what movies I've watched and to see silly comments(if I want to read more constructive reviews, I'll go to the reddit post for the movie.) And also dying bcs I have written at least 5 reviews that are something along the lines of "they should've kissed!"
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kagehiradaily · 2 months
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day thirteen - mv sunday 🎬 mv: tonight in the moonlight castle
it’s 12am tonight. amazing.
im slowly descending into hell because MIKA LOOKS SO PRETTY HERE? BLUD.
my thoughts r quiet tonight. idont know why honestly
i might go mika merch scavenging but i js bought omori and ddlc for switch and im planning to buy nso and project diva 39 ☹️
hangout tmrw.. might advamce take pics for nui tuesday already if i have the chance
byebye see youall later gn !!
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vallerianella · 1 year
hihihellohai 🤧 anything u tink would be fun 4 vinhchama or hagane if u want
gives u boysmell :^)... they r ciggy kissing 🤪🔫 also gives u somber guy 4 somber gurl...
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cgogs · 2 years
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i made these blorbo sheets for fun for my top four characters ^_^ and also probably the four most talked about on my blog!
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taikk0 · 2 years
#IVE ALWAYS PRONOUNCED T'S WITH MY TONGUE AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO FIX IT ITS BEEN THAT WAY FOR SO LONG#BUT ONE DAY. I WILL PRONOUNCE MY T'S SO GOOD YOULL THINK IM A WHITE PERSON#WHAT SUCKS TOO IS THAT IM BILINGUAL WHILE ENGLISH IS MY FIRST LANGUAGE I SPEAK TAGALOG MOST OF THE TIME BECAUSE OF MY ENVIRONMENT SO I-#-HAVE NO PROPER WAY OF PRACTICING IT BC FILIPINOS PRONOUNCE T'S DIFFERENTLY BC OF THE LANGUAGE AND UNLESS IM IN AN ENGLISH SPEAKING-#-SETTING THERES NO WAY IM GONNA BE ABLE TO PRACTICE CONSISTENTLY 💔💔#even worse i slur over my words all the time. i have a stutter. i have VERY frequent voice cracks and when i try to suppress them i sound-#-ver odd. PLUS ADHD#idk if adhd might be one of the causes or of it gets added to the pile but dude i actually need help 💀💀#but another problem is i dont think anyone would see the point in it#i communicate just fine its just that i have so much trouble communicating verbally (vocally?) in a way that isnt unnatural and in a way-#-that properly articulates what i want to say and how i say it. often i have so much trouble showing varied emotion to prove a point when-#-im referring or talking about something that isnt reactionary#LIKE DUDE WHY IS TALKING SO HARD 💔ALL PEOPLE CAN TALK WHY DO I HAVE TO SUFFER THROUGH ALL PF THIS THIS SUCKS#which might be why i prefer writing what i want to say bc unlike talking the way i speak has nothing to do with it. i get given time to-#-think. and with an adhd brain writing what you want to say is so much better because typing it out involves the conscious decision to-#-type it all out and it acts as a filter#BLEFGGGH SORRY I KEEP BLABBERING ON THIS WSS SUPPPSED TO BE A SILLY LITTLE POST IDK WHY I WENT HAM IN THE TAGS#anyways umm yeah i dont like talking. i like communicating and maybe socializing tho. but not talking. does that make sense???#there r also times where i straightup cant speak at all. i want to speak and i want to say things but my brain feels too busy or ig blank-#-but not empty and i cant form words or sentences and all i have are thoughts and feelings#anyways i think asl is neat and i want to learn it not just for my benefit but also for accessibility#also filipino sign language if im up for it#man there is something wrong w my brain 💀#mikyomix rambles#yeah this one was a true ramble but only in the tags
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#thats me in the corner. thats me in thr spotlight. rocking from side to side and not contributing to the conversation#which is to say. i made it to thr lab get together with an old lab mate. i really truely did not think i would#i was like 20min late bc of the crying and hyperventilating over a 6min drive down the road#i sorta freaked out while driving too. and almost turned around. its just that i kno i havent been sleeping enough and got overwhelmed#but i made it there. and i dont think i looked like id been crying but i probably looked a bit blank faced and miserable#as i rocked from side to side for like 2hrs listening to ppl talk. i enjoyed it exactly as much as i expected. it was good to see the guy#again but i just dont connect in group gatherings idk. im glad its done. also fucking we were sitting there and a group comes in and whos#in that group?? someone i have avoided seeing for like a loooong time. the guy who tried to be in a relationship with me back when i 1st#started as a grad student. i say relationship. i was explaining to him why i couldnt do any sort of romantic e tanglement and he was very#firm abt not wanting a relationship. and im like bro im explaining u why no romanticly adjacent thing is gonna work. u literally asked me#to physically hold ur hand thru this. u r somehow more emotionally invested in this than me and also are telling me that u just wanna fuck#me. so like u r not slick. whatever. it was so fucking stressful at the time. which i feel bad abt bc it wasn't really his fault#i was just less self aware so i didnt kno i have bad awareness in the moment. like i dont kno a lines been crossed until a week later when#im laying on thr floor falling apart. so like i wish him the best. didnt kno he was still around. hopefully this doesnt trigger stress#dreams. all this to say i was very fucking tense. and when i got back in my car i was like shaky and panting lol#idk looking back its just such a weird situation with that dude. if i was anyone else it woudlnt have been a big deal but#my brain just doesn't process physical touch right. so now ive got these horrible touch memories that like on paper r literally nothing#but for me they were so unfathomablly awful when i 1st aquired them. i literally could not deal with any romantic stuff for like a month#bc it would like trigger me. now thst its been like 3 years its not bad tho. just like gives me thr ick but i dont get#stuck in the memories too much. its so dumb. whatever. point is im all sore now from sitting all tense haha#unrelated
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llimerrence · 7 months
honestly the only one i like better now is frankie, but thats because they turned frankie into a secondary character instead of main character. And so now they get an actual personality lol
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ziracona · 8 months
Really happy someone in-game finally realized Minka is crazy.
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crashed-keys · 1 year
seeing someone say “queers are the real homophobes radfems are right” completely unironically (albeit in a reply from 2020) was not something i thought id ever see but LOL
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cyberfreaky · 11 months
where the hell is everyone
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custer-mp3 · 2 years
did you have a black hole for How You'd Be When You Grew Up or are you cis
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okkottsus · 2 years
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