#whooaaaa this is amazing!
haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Deku has never solo fight the entirety of the series why do people make that up then call him a mc-sama like an insult even when he made his grand entrance and fault muscular again he thanks shindo cause shindo quirk help the only solo fight is gentle and that not really a fight even in the movies he had help too like lying with there whole chest
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Whooaaaa guys- take a step back. So, you know, a lot of the bnha blogs follow each other lol. That being said, no we won't aways have the same complaints, and that's fine. Just be mindful lol.
Okay--on the Deku entrance:
I mean, I wasn't expecting it yet but it's here, so we have it. I'm excited for what's to come. I'm concerned about him seeing Bakugo because that was really a nightmare scenario for me, because god forbid Bakugo develop without Deku going rage mode over him. Which quite frankly has no impact on me by now. But instead of talking about something that hasn't even happened yet, I'll mention other things that have:
I think by now it's obvious that this fight clearly existed just to develop Shigaraki. That's the only thing that's come out of it. Bakugo's death developed Shigaraki, Mirio's challenge about his friends developed him, this current chapter developed him a tiny bit and showed us that Midoriya arriving brought his eye back to Tomura. Cool stuff, I love it and will never complain about it.
NOW rant time. I'm gonna talk on some common complaints---I care about the villains and the kids associated with them, mostly in this manga. I had the luxury of only picking this manga up in 2020 and reading straight through and not having to wait for a long time to find out what's going to be important and what's not. SO:
Personally, for me, it became pretty obvious once we got MVA that the 1A kids, as a class, will not be the focus of this manga. But that's a hefty amount of arcs and chapters into the manga to change that up, especially because right before that the awful JTA just happened. But, once I saw how important Toga and Shigaraki were going to be later on, I mean, I figured spending time on the class wasn't worth it. And so far...I was right to make that assumption. But, that's the perspective of someone who had the luxury of not waiting. There is no doubt--the 1A kids are the main draw for so many people. So I can't say I blame people for being upset about them being sidelined. Honestly--given that the first 200 chapters focused on them.
Unfortunately, imo this is one of Horikoshi's flaws. He puts weird focus on characters who previously never had it or needed it. Lifts up hopes and expectations, and then doesn't follow through. Basically, he uses certain characters to fill up time when it's convenient, then moves back on to the main cast he clearly intends to focus on. Kirishima? He's the biggest, and most unfortunate example of this, I gotta say. He's gonna get a tad bit of focus in this final arc, but look at the importance his fight is getting right now (*cricket noises*......). So, yeah.
On the pro heroes and side characters, specifically the Big 3:
For me personally, this specific subgroup of characters are what slow this manga down. Badly. Yes I like that there are pro heroes. Fun designs, powers, fights, etc. We need the adult characters to work in tandem with the kids. What I don't like is random pro heroes like Edgeshot, Best Jeanist, and Mirko getting so MUCH focus they never, ever, ever, needed to have (Mirko is another conversation). As I said above, the kid characters in this manga have always been the biggest draw for the series and franchise itself. The big cast (even if not utilized well) is what drew people in. So--these past few chapters, despite the amazing Shigaraki moments, imo have been a real drag. Again--not because of my fav (I'm biased, yes) but because this fight could have reached it's ending point (ending as in time to switch to a new POV) SO. MUCH. QUICKER. if we hadn't wasted time on the pros and Big 3. I'm sorry but the Big 3 have never lived up to their "hype" as characters. Neijire is basically just *there*, Tamaki has anxiety, cool, and Mirio is high school senior version of Deku except less interesting. Not everybody feels that way about them though, which is fine.
But as I said above, I think it's obvious this fight was to develop Shigaraki--who is quite frankly given the best treatment within this manga by the author. He's clearly got the most attention from Horikoshi, so I'm not surprised that all these side characters are being used to develop him. I don't necessarily have a complaint about that, more so I have a complaint about how long it's taking and how unnecessary some of it is. I don't need a Neijire backstory at this point. I don't need the Edgeshot/ Best Jeanist bff backstory when they've literally never been relevant before this. Just develop the characters you wanna develop, quickly, and move this manga forward. Please.
"The story of how we all became heroes."
I think it's too early to say this is being ignored. There is still a final final showdown that we haven't even gotten to yet. Yes the battles are split up, but that was necessary to address the members of the League. I think it's too early to say this hasn't been followed up on yet--because one of the long term things i've always expected was an all-hands-on-deck battle at the end, League and other minor villains included, with the UA kids and pros. And given the developments with the spies at the shelter where all the FAMILIES ARE? I'm still pretty confident in the manga going that direction. So yes, I think "how we all became heroes" is still the direction we're going. Right now, certain main characters have to play their role.
No, I don't think Deku is going to solo this fight and wipe the floor with Shigaraki. IF Midoriya gains the upper hand, I would hope that it would be because of some emotional circumstances messing Shigaraki up on his end, like it has been in past fights, and this entire fight? It would make sense as it's been happening this whole time. Midoriya vs. Shigaraki isn't a power up contest. Maybe it'll be treated like it at times to please the fight lovers, but it's not at its core. There is an emotional component to it that I think will obviously take precedent over the power up side of things. So I'm not worried there. I'm really excited actually. People who don't vibe with their stuff aren't gonna like it and there's nothing to be done about that.
The second ask:
Yeah. This take actually does annoy me. Look--I've had my reserves about Midoriya's writing. I have. I haven't hidden them or acted like there aren't issues. Compare his character now to the character we had from chapter 1 up to Kamino, there's quite a big difference. He was more thoughtful and reflective. After Kamino his inner world became so focused on the OFA lore that Horikoshi forgot to develop him and make him think about things. I absolutely hated the Rogue Arc but I will say at the very least, we saw the inside of his head for a bit and there was some reflection going on there. However, notice that currently it's been quite some time since we saw what he was thinking. His conversation with Ochacko was the most insight we'd gotten in a while, and we've gotten nothing since. I suspect that will change starting with this fight, because it literally has to. I'm not concerned about it--I think he's going to be thinking, wondering what to do, what to say, how to go about this with Shigaraki etc. But I can't deny that Midoriya hasn't been as thoughtful as he was initially characterized in the beginning.
I'm sorry but Shouto and Ochacko didn't earn their right to save their villains any better than Midoriya did. I mean, call it easy or streamlined or whatever but Midoriya can literally repeat the same line from chapter 1 toward Bakugo and say it toward Shigaraki. That shows that, hm, the idea he will save people who need it--REGARDLESS of who they are (Bakugo being a real piece of shit at the time)--has been ingrained in his character for a hot minute.
Shouto would NOT give two shits about Dabi if he wasn't his brother. I mean ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there is nothing to suggest otherwise. SO--how that is more deserved or earned than Midoriya making the conscious choice to change gears, despite having no ties to Shigaraki or obligation to do so, is beyond me. Same with Ochacko.
All the kids needed a MOMENT to be like "Oh shit" with their villains. That doesn't make it undeserved. It had to happen. If they started this manga with a perfect world view that everyone should be saved, even the ones who hurt others and threaten their way of life for (seemingly) no reason, then we wouldn't have a narrative challenge in this final arc.
The challenge is changing their thinking, and applying their dedication to save innocent people in the streets, to saving people who won't be so easy to save. Even if they want it (which, the League does, badly) it won't be easy.
So no, while I have my reserves about some of Midoriya's writing, I certainly don't think his desire to save Shigaraki is undeserved. I think all 3 of the kids needed that wake up and smell the roses moment with their villains before they could do anything. They got those moments, and now they're moving forward based off of that.
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ojiisan01 · 1 year
whooaaaa your art and your cosplay, they’re both so incredible!! keep it up, you’re amazing!
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Many many thanks!! This means a ton to me, and Yes!! Knowing there is you and some people still waiting for my content is really give me the energy to moving forward and create more! I love you all <3
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
you want to write a book?!?!?!?!?! omg that will be AMAZING!!!! whooaaaa can you imagine a full blown PUBLISHED NOVEL BY YOU!!!!! blessed
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Believe it or not, I actually have a few started. I’ve been bouncing in between about three ideas and have a few chapters written for each. Right now, I’m shifting my focus to the one I have the most written for and I’m aiming to get most (if not all) of it written for National Novel Writing Month. If I accomplish that, then I’ll be tiptoeing into the scary world of literary agents....
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ask-beacons-finest · 5 years
Hey Yang! New offer. Here’s 175 peanut butter cups and that 5 bucks from before. Who will that get me? (Asked by @naturallyunstablegamer )
Yang: ...
Weiss: No.
Yang: But...but that's so many peanut butter cups...they're so good...
Weiss, with a sigh: Yang if you don't sell me off for a measly five lien and not even two hundred of those dumb candies I'll buy you thousands of them.
Yang, amazed: Whooaaaa...how?
Weiss, leaning forward: Money can be exchanged for goods and services.
Yang: ...wait a minute you're broke, your dad cut your access to your card.
Weiss: That's-...true...
Yang: Deal, and you don't even have to give me the money.
Weiss, collapsing, clinging onto Yang: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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beerecordings · 5 years
I dunno, I think it’s awesome. Just like all your other AUs I’ve seen. Speaking of AUs, those books, the Bartimaeus series, are really good so far. I hadn’t even heard about them before you made that demon AU (which I’m itself is REALLY interesting) you have a good taste in books.
i just got done re-reading the second one and hoLY SHIT it starts off a little slow but once he gets it going it’s like WHOOAAAA and SHIT HONORIOUS IS LIKE SO CREEPY THAT PART OF THE BOOK ROCKS WAIT UNTIL YOU GET THERE IT’S TERRIFYING AND AMAZING
legit Bartimaeus is one of my favorite characters of ALL TIMES i was totally obsessed with him and Ptolemy when i was like fourteen i love the hell out of those books. please keep me updated on if you like them!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh so good
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iridescentxstars · 5 years
oh my GOODNESS that was amazing whooaaaa that hit me so hard that was a rollercoaster im so emotional right now rip me!!! cant wait for the next chapter!!!!! :D
This fic is something I enjoy writing, it’s got so many ups and downs but this was a full crash bang spiral emotionally that knowing everyone is hit with the emotions of the characters - this chapter has to be my fave so far
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caroline18mars · 5 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 28
The party seemed to go on forever and the alcohol was flowing abundantly, but Harper was ready to call it a day, not even the dancefloor could lure her back, and if she had to do one more round of shots with the crew she was gonna throw up. “And where do you think you're going?” Jared's sweaty arms folded around her waist, that dancefloor was on fire and so was he, he was still on his post-concert high, the lights were dancing around him, the music was still as loud as on stage and he simply didn't want to come down. “Back to the hotel, I'm tired” she turned in his arms, zipping up her handbag, “oh..ok, I'll come with you” he seemed genuinely dissapointed, “no, it's alright, I'm gonna get a cab, you stay here and keep on dancing, you're better at that than I thought, you've got some amazing moves going on there, floppy hair” she smiled her goodnight kiss against his lips. “You absolutely sure?” such a nice change from all the other women, no nagging, no arguments, no trying to convince him to come along, just a warm smile and a fiery kiss and a lot of trust, how did he deserve such a woman?. “Positive! I just need to go lie down and I'll be right as rain, I was thinking to go check out a museum tomorrow morning, so maybe it's best if I stay in my own room so I don't wake you”, what? No!. “Oh no you don't! I want you in my bed when I get back, we'll make it a morning, breakfast, museum, coffee..hot, rampant sex” he wiggled his eyebrows in a silly attempt to make her laugh. Mission accomplished “oohhhh, sold! Now go have some more fun and I'll go rub some ointment on my butt, knowing you, I'll need it” she giggled “because apart from your hair, there's nothing floppy about you” another kiss, a lick of her tongue against his and off she went, her thick, long pony tail dancing on her back to the rhythm of the music. 
Ooohhh cold, she quickly pulled up the cap of her hoodie, cabs at this time of night? Ughh, see that was one reason why she missed New York, everything was available almost 24/7, wolf whistles from a bunch of guys hanging around doing some dope on the corner of the street, ok ignore them, it's gonna be ok, why do guys want to scare the living daylights out of girls that way?. “Harper? Wait up” a familiar voice made her turn around, “Sean..” oh please no more arguments, no more bitching, “heading back to the hotel?” he came running up to her, “yeah, I was just looking for a cab, is it urgent?” she folded her arms over her chest, strange how defensive she acted around him these days, when they had been so close. “I've got a car parked around the corner, I can take you if you want” Sean took a deep breath, wait, was he as nervous and uncomfortable as she was? “Ok..yeah sure” whatever, it was better than a cab right now. “This is me” he held open the passenger's door for her “just like the old days in NY” he let her get in and then quickly circled the car to get behind the wheel and steered the car into the night. “I was kinda hoping we could talk..” even in the dark she could see the nervousness on his face, “I don't know, Sean, I don't want any more trouble with Shayla, is this a trap or something? I mean, has she put you up to this so she can blame me for everything that is obviously wrong in her life and needs a scapegoat for?” Harper sighed as she looked out the side window. “No..this is only my idea..Shayla's got nothing to do with this..I don't even think she knows I left, I told her I was going to a pub with the boys, I don't think she heard me as she was too busy winding some guy around her little finger at that party” wait, and he didn't sound dissapointed or hurt by that at all?. “Ahh, I see, lying and mistrust, the most wonderful qualities of a healthy and loving relationship” Harper sarcastically hissed, thank god she and Jared didn't have to do that.
”Can I come up?” Ugh that hopeful glint in his eye, what the hell was wrong with you, Sean? “you've been waiting to talk to me all this ride down here? You're putting me in a bit of a pickle, Sean, I mean I'm not in the mood for a drink, my back is killing me and I was kinda hoping on a bit of lay down” she was torn, but he had time and opportunity enough to talk to her. “Oh ok..” no, not the puppy eyes, no, come on, don't do this, don't look genuinely sad, arrghh, dammit!, “Ok then,fine, you can come up to my room, but 10 minutes alright?” she opened the door and ran up the hotel steps while Sean handed his keys to the valet. “You wanted to talk, so talk” Harper closed the door behind Sean on his way inside her room, they had been friends for so long and yet this time it just didn’t feel ok to let him in or even be around him, not after the ‘barge-right-into-my-bathroom-while-I’m-naked-and-you-know-it’ incident. But he had been her friend, you know? and friends..well you simply did everything to help them out, especially when they were at their lowest, like he somehow seemed to be right now, just don’t make me regret this, Sean, please?!. Sean sat down on the couch and fidgeted with the on-off button of the lamp on the dresser next to it “Alright..well..I don’t know, I guess it’s kinda difficult when you put me on the spot like that” he nervously grinned at her, oh god come on Sean, say what you have to say, she’ll understand, she always does. “Out with it, Sean, I’m tired, or was this just another one of your excuses to just bug me? as far as I can remember I’ve never put you on the spot, unlike you remember? just don’t tell me this is one of your devious plans and Shayla is gonna come knocking again and this whole good Samaritan act is gonna blow up in my face?” Harper took off her hoodie, feeling his eyes on that piece of naked stomach that was revealed, she quickly pulled down her T-shirt she wore underneath the hoodie, bad frikkin idea, Coco, bad idea!. 
“What? No! no of course not!” he turned bright red as his eyes caught hers “look Harper, I..” he swallowed hard and broke eyecontact “I don��t want us to fight anymore, I hate the way things are going between us lately, I mean, ever since you and Jared..”. What? Whooaaaa “Hold it right there, Sean, don’t make this about Jared, alright? he’s got nothing to do with all that has happened, we fell in love, alright?” she cut him right off, don’t you fucking dare to give someone completely innocent the blame for all you and Cruella have done, “I’m not, what I’m trying to say, badly, is that we’ve been fighting ever since you and Jared became an item..that’s all..and..I..I..” he stopped abruptly and closed his eyes, biting his lip ever so nervously. “I think you’ve got your timeframe wrong, sweetheart, the real issue started when you snuck up on me in the bathroom, remember? that was way before Jared and I became an item, and for the record, it was Shayla who went absolutely nuts and accused me, while we both know I did nothing to provoke anyone, so before you go accusing anyone, get your facts straight” don’t get angry Coco, don’t let him get to you, is there actually a reason why he is still here?. Sean seemed to crumble there and then, he leaned forward and covered his face with his hands, wait..was he..? no, don’t cry, come on, no..she stood there all helpless, not knowing what to do all of a sudden, she sat down next to him, she couldn’t stand tears, she wanted to give in to the urge of throwing her arms around him, but she decided not to. “Hey..what’s wrong?” ok he was crying and she had never seen him cry before so she put her hand on his back and slowly caressed it “Sean, come on, I’m not psychic, so I can’t help you if you won’t tell me what’s wrong?” don’t forget his foul play, Coco, oh fuck that, he was genuinely hurting. “You wanna know what’s wrong with me?” he suddenly put his hands down again and let his watery eyes connect with hers, “well yes, I do, I mean we’ve been friends for such a long time and it pains me to see you this way” she ruffled her hand through his hair in some silly attempt to comfort him, “ok, I’ll tell you what’s wrong! I’m in love” he broke the eyecontact once again and wrung his hands. “Duh, of course you are, you’re in love with Shayla, that’s a good thing, right?” she rolled her eyes at him, no that wasn’t a good thing, how he could fall for such a conniving brat was beyond her, but hey it was his life, and it was none of her business. “No, that’s not a good thing, it’s not good at all, it’s beyond fucked up” he sighed like he was about to lose his patience with her, “fucked up? Wait, have you? did you..don’t tell me you have fallen in love with someone else?” oh for crying out loud, Sean, get yourself into trouble much?. 
He bit his lip and nodded “yeah..I have”, oh no don’t tell me this, tell Shayla, I so do not want to get in the middle of this, but he broke her naïve bubble immediately “I’m in love..with you, Harper..”, HUH? What did you just say? No, this wasn’t happening, he did not just say what he said. “I fell in love with you the first time I came knocking on your door when you first moved into the building in NY, I tried to play it cool with you all this time, I really did, but I can’t keep the truth from you any longer, seeing you with Jared..it’s just..I” he paused when she shot up from the couch like she had been stung by a bee “This isn’t happening, this isn’t fuckin’ happening” where were those hidden cameras? Because she sure felt like this was all one big, very bad joke. “You’re probably drunk or high, I don’t know, but what I do know is that you’re gonna regret this in the morning, Sean, and I want you to leave right now, if this is another one of your sick jokes, then I don’t want to hear about it..” she kept shaking her head at him, and stepped away from the couch. “It’s not a joke, Harper, believe me, I fell in love with you, it’s not like I planned it or anything..I mean, you and I, we were thick as thieves, the reason I actually left NY and you behind was to put some distance between you and my feelings for you, unrequited love is a real bitch, Harper..and I thought I was being smart throwing myself in a relationship with the first girl that came along just to forget about you, but I was being a total dumbass because I don’t feel anything for Shayla..I never did, I just thought that if I kept telling myself that I was in love with her then it was gonna make me forget about you, but I was lying to myself and her all along..and then you showed up here and disappeared and came back..in a relationship with Jared all of a sudden..you’re nothing but a casual fuck to him, why can’t you see that? I just don’t want to see you hurt, Harper, you’ve gotta believe me” he got up too and stepped up to her “Harper, please..say something” he touched her upper arm. “Don’t touch me” she jumped back, “what do you expect me to say, Sean? I’m in love with Jared, very much so in fact, and he is in love with me..” tears of frustration were bubbling up in her eyes now as well, don’t..don’t give him the goddamn satisfaction “you keep going on and on about how I’m just a casual fuck to him, well you know what? it’s none of your business, Sean, if he’s only in this for sex then so be it, but I’m not gonna anticipate on the worst case scenario any longer, I won’t, I won’t throw away the little I have with him because you tell me so or you don’t like it, you don’t even have that right! no..no way, I’m not in love with you, Sean”
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selfmadeprince · 7 years
Testosterone whooaaaa
Third T shot coming up this week. I started on April 5th, 2017! Which is amazing!!! I’m so proud of myself for making it this far and even bought a print at Sakura con, that says ~Everyone Starts Somewhere~ and that’s! true. I love it. Only differences im detecting rly is mood changes, libido and my clits doing some weirddddd shit. Updates to come.
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gigil-bot · 7 years
i guess one of the coolest things.. or a pretty cool thing that has happened in my life that i’ve somewhat taken for granted.. well a lot of things actually.. but one thing now that i’m planning a trip to vegas for my friend’s 21st.. I GOT FREE BOTTLE SERVICE AT OMNIA WHEN IT WAS BRAND NEW LIKE WHAT THE HELLLLLLL SOONNNNN! I still have not had drinks that were that dangerously delicious since. I’m looking at the prices for bottle service right now, and I’m like whooaaaa, nooooooo. Fucking amazing :) #grateful
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vanzdestory · 7 years
Thought via Path
Thank you Jesus for today. I am seriously blessed, privildge, and greatful for today. I have been working hard lately for this aquarium opening, so many things to do at so little time. I didn't get a break or a day off. And today is a national day off. Which is good, I got to have a day off. But, For me it's a day to sleep in and take my time slowly before I go back and have a casual work meeting with my director. Do my paperwork, taking care things with the show, backstage and all. I wish to God today, that even tho I'm working (casually) I could get something to cheer me up, make me happy, and not lonely. Today, I wish for: 1) A friend to visit me and we could chat and laugh about 2) My parents visited me, helped me to get that black cuffed chino and black top tshirt from cotton on that I've been wanting so hard because I need them for my work (Black is literary my life dress code if u work in production area 😂), and have a nice time like a family dinner at my fav restaurant because I missed them and I can't go back home because I have work to do 3) Rewarding my self with a nice hot choco from Starbucks while working and do my paperwork 4) Actually do my house work that I've been left behind because my headspace wasn't there. You know what God did to me from my wishes? He knows that I've been working hard and I am in awe of what God did to me today to reward me: 1) He uses my EO friend. My friend contacted me for a rsvp at Pingoo resto for him and his girlfriend like it was so random. I got to chat, laughed, helped him, and meet up with his girlfriend. He got to know me more at my job / work space. And i got a little something from him from my fave artist. 🎉 yayy! 2) My dad called me in- I wasnt sure if my parents coming in today even tho I asked them to come but Dad just called me randomly. He said " We are going there after 7PM yah, you have to go straight to Cotton On, and we'll have dinner. okay?' i said yes. PLUS. He went grocery shopping for me. He bought me food, my fav breakfast cereals, and fruits! That i've been dying to buy for my stamina but didnt got time to go to the store to buy it. He even brought me clean clothes from Bogor and asked me if I wanted to bring my dirty clothes back home to be washed at Bogor and I said no need, I already sent them to the laundry. It was really nice that I got to spent 2-3 hours with them today and got new clothes plus good food takeaway for tomorrow ! 3) I went to Starbucks, expecting that I will pay $10 for my Hot Choco Venti - I said to my self "It's okay, even tho it's my last money before my office reimburse my money - I deserved this. I worked hard, and its time to reward my self. So I went there, I ordered One hot choco venti, and one cinnamon roll because I didnt eat much during lunch. The cashier asked me if I have my starbucks card, and I said yes. She said, ok! It'll be a 50% disc today! Im like whooaaaa - so I paid just under 50K for my Hot Choco Venti + a cinnamon roll. Normally this would cost like 100k above. 4) Even tho I'm working today and didn't get a proper lazy day off, I'm still greatful that I got to enjoy today casually, with my friends that randomly visited me, and my parents! Plus New clothing from work and nice dins dins !! Conclusion: I hope today, God did something / blesses you even though its just a little thing. This post is not about bragging material things that I got from Him, but its about bragging how much God sees, understands, and guide and granted you to everything that you wished for in your heart because you have done His job right, because you are His sons/daughters, because He Loves You SOOO MUCH. I am still amazed just by how little things from yesterday and today and everyday in my life that He shows me constantly how much He loves me. And You too. I'm bragging about His love, His mercies, His grace, and His everything that He could do the thing that you think it's impossible to possible. I hope this post can cheer you up! Because life is a lesson to learnt and take on a journey! Love you and God loves you. ❤❤❤❤❤ #blessed #blessedjournaloftheday #ThankYouJesus #IMINAWEONHOWGODWORKSINMYLIFE #Jesus – Read on Path.
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bloom-boy · 7 years
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Whooaaaa!!! Fave pic of our chandelier for the @boilerroomtv stage @sugarmountainfestival 💖 Thanks for the amazing pic @markstanjo ✌🏻#boilerroom #sugarmountain #chandelier #tropical #spraypaint #installation (at Victorian College of the Arts (VCA))
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