#which is a weird ping ponging in my head but there you go lol
xellandria · 4 months
Do you ever think about your OC's accents? I know folks often do voice claims for their characters, but if your stuff was being adapted into a format with audio, how would they all sound in relation to each other and in your native language? Would everybody just have the "normal" regional accent for your area (whether that be locally or country-wide), would certain characters be exceptions? How deep down the rabbit hole do you go, and is this a dark, dangerous door for me to have opened? :P
#xellafail#I've been thinking about it a lot for some reason#and while I can't say I have any specific accents chosen for any of my characters#I do know Karra and Sevvie and James would all sound different than the rest of the cast#because they're not from the area it takes place in#(or in James' case the time period it takes place in lol)#Xella-or-whatever-Xella's-replacement-ends-up-being would probably have a 'fake' accent that blends in and a 'real' accent that doesn't#I'm tempted to say that Alex would be given whatever accent seems to be the most 'swoon-worthy' in the states at any given time#so like australian or soft texan or something like that#(what are people swooning over these days idrk)#Sevvie's the only one that has a sort of 'grounded' accent#but even that's kind of up in the air#because I vacillate daily between her being some flavour of British#(because when R made the character she was leaning heavily on BTVS' Spike for it)#and californian#(because her language patterns are heavily californian and also that's where we were at the time)#which is a weird ping ponging in my head but there you go lol#almost all the Hellfyres would have the local accent#Kanos might be SLIGHTLY different due to James' influence but not significantly so#don't even talk to me about my D&D characters tho bc I have absolutely no idea lmao#I think I've been thinking about it because of the new-ish Castlevania series#where everyone's british except for the aztec vampire#even the french folks#also I guess the russian lady#and possibly more characters I haven't run into bc I'm having a real hard time getting through it#but like everyone's from the same place even though they're not!#and it's driving me crazy for some reason#(I think I listened to the og castlevania series in french maybe that'd help here)
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jellyfishhhhhhhhhhh · 1 month
religious trauma from Christians... as a Christian
I have a bit of a weird circumstance, because I wasn't Christian at the time of my trauma, but I was dating an Evangelical Christian when I was 14 (yeah, yeah, yell at me or whatever) who caused my trauma. As a result I developed PTSD and the circumstances worsened the OCD I have struggled with my whole life. I'm not going to go into detail, but let's just say his lust caused him to sin and he did not pluck out his eyes. (he did more than that but whatever) I love going to Church and talking about religion and the Bible and can usually do it without problem. But sometimes, I go into these thought spirals where my brain attributes Christianity to the things my ex did to me. Which is like... what OCD does. It attacks our morals and beliefs. I'm essentially doing therapy by myself because of bad past experiences (and in part because I can't fully trust a Christian therapist to not be anti-gay or anti-trans. I also have a fear that a secular therapist will just tell me to stop being Christian, which will just lead to more thought spirals). I've banned myself from doing compulsions (while still giving myself grace if I mess up, which is the hardest part), so I feel like a werewolf chained up to a tree at practically all times. The best thing to do is distract myself, which usually ends up with me reading interpretations of Scripture, philosophy, politics, anthropology, writing (I have writer's block, sadly), or interacting with the fandom that I'm in since these are things I whole-heartedly enjoy. But I'll do these things and then a thought will come in (i.e "Some people who are Christian have done bad things and used God to justify it, therefore, you are bad", "Well, you kinda did this bad thing 10 years ago, therefore, you're getting left behind in the rapture, sorry lol!" (I didn't even know about the rapture until I dated that guy), "You aren't doing enough to help people, therefore, you deserve to die", "You dare to eat while other people can't? Um... kys?", "What if you actually beat someone to death in your sleep and you just didn't know about it?", etc.) and then I'm back at square one. It's been like this all of my life (first time I remember having an intrusive thought/image was when I was 5). And it doesn't help that the OCD triggers my PTSD so it's just like a horrible game of ping-pong in my head. I don't know... do any of you have advice? Prayers are always appreciated (no matter your faith).
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samsspambox · 1 year
Hi Sam!
Do you mind sharing how you write your fics? Do you have a process? A starting point?
Also, I know a lot of ppl talk "show not tell" in writing, but how do you know if you're telling instead of showing (& vice versa)? That's the part of writing I struggle with most, cause I never know if I'm showing or telling.
heyo roshie! i've answered a similar ask before but i don't mind sharing how i write/my process! in all honesty it isn't much of a process but more of a 'what concept can i daydream about while doing stuff that'll evolve into a solid idea' type of thing lolol.
i guess my first step is getting inspired? this can look like many different things, but to me it looks like talking to friends, consuming media outside of the fandom you're writing for, deriving from your own experiences, stuff like that. a really good example of this is the ficlet i have on here, time, which is based off of personal feelings but twisted enough so it fits the von hagen dynamic.
if i like the concept enough, i'll start developing it in my head or ping pong it with friends to build it. i guess this is my 'outlining' stage even though i don't actually get down and write an outline myself. you know how every story has a beginning, middle, and end? well, if i can get 2/3, i'll start writing. like for the current fic im writing! i have the beginning and middle, but i haven't planned for the end yet. (i have an extremely vague idea where i wanna go with it tho, so i'll count it as a win) ((actually, most of the times i rarely have fic endings planned and if i can be my own worst critic, you can clearly tell. my openings are usually pretty good but some of my endings, to me, fall flat)
from there? i just write. i do a lot of editing while i write and the one thing i swear by is using a tts (text to speech) reader parse though my fic and read it for me. (i need to go back and edit the first chapter of return to sender bc i posted it without bc i was anxious but also wanted to go to bed lol). it's why my writing has a lot of commas. i like the pauses in tts lolol. after that i just chuck it onto gramarlly and post when i feel like i'll start to nitpick at myself. it's a habit i have with a lot of my academic papers but this reminds me that what i write doesn't have to be perfect. my target audience is me (and my friends), this type of writing should be met with liberty and warmth. i don't have to follow a rubric or a guide. it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be.
as for your second question, i can tell you what i think seeing and telling is based off of what ive picked up reading other peoples stuff. i think 'showing' has a lot more metaphors, actions, and implications/inferences. let's say you wanted to convey that it was cold. you might not put that it was cold, but you could put that a character shivered and burrowed into their blanket. you're implying that it's cold with an action. showing, to me, looks more like cause and effect and blunt statements. here you state that it's cold, causing your character to shiver. or it's so cold that your character's breath is showing.
im in a weird third camp that is 'talking'. a lot of my fics are dialogue heavy but they do get a lot of points across, so there's that option LOLOL
but yeah! i hope this answers your questions! thanks for dropping by!!
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renaerys · 3 years
37. For Blossutch 👀 can’t wait to binge read all of these lol -Star
37. “If you want to act like a slut, you can dress like one.”
T-posing for feminism.
This fic is part of a prompt challenge that is now closed to new requests, but you can read all the completed submissions here. Reminder that the challenge is to make everything SFW, so we’re getting creative here.
Dane Blakely was 140 pounds of protein powder in a five and a half foot body, and still he seemed to tower over anyone in his way. He’d cornered So-eun Park on her way to second period because he could not take a hint, and now there was no getting around him.
“I saw you with that loser at the Shankaplex on Saturday, don’t even try to deny it,” Dane said.
So-eun had her back to the lockers, but she held her ground. “Elmer’s not a loser, and it’s none of your business who I go out with.”
Rookie mistake dating the first guy who asked her out when she transferred to Townsville High School at the beginning of the year. So-eun had corrected that poor decision quickly, but Dane was one of those unfortunate guys whose parents had forbidden the word no in their house when he was a child.
“I’m just saying your standards have gone way down.”
“Oh my god, I’m not having this conversation with you.” She went around him, and he didn’t stop her.
“Yeah, fine. If you want to act like a slut, you can dress like one.”
There were not many people around to hear, and Dane didn’t shout it, but she suddenly felt a hundred invisible eyes on her all the same. Unthinking, she gripped the collar of her sweater dress and flushed. Her first instinct was to check the length of her skirt, and she flushed even harder, ashamed of her own weakness.
Her second instinct was to jump out of the way of class superstar Blossom Utonium, who’d been making her way down the hall with fire in her eyes.
“What did you just say?” Blossom confronted Dane, who immediately backed up…
…right into a T-posing Butch Jojo.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Dane whirled on Butch.
“The lady asked you a question, dude,” Butch said, still T-posing and taking up half the hallway.
So-eun was not the only person to wander over, curious about the confrontation unfolding at the Senior locker bank. From the moment So-eun stepped foot in these halls, she’d learned about the Powerpuff Girls, aka literal Superheroes walking among the mortals. Blossom and her Super sisters were known for interfering in fights and disagreements that got out of hand, since no one was going to go against a girl who could shatter your spine with a flick of her fingers. But Butch and his brothers tended to avoid getting involved in high school drama. So-eun had never even seen him more than twice since the school year started, and only then from afar. It was a big school, and he probably skipped more often than not. Not that she would know; she’d never exchanged more than a passing word with either of the Supers.
“All right, seriously. Get out of my way,” Dane said.
“Butch, don’t you dare. Not until he apologizes to So-eun.”
So-eun startled at all the attention on her. She didn’t think Blossom even knew her name. She was just the newest nobody on campus, one of a thousand students in the Senior class alone.
Dane seemed just as startled, and his gaze flickered to So-eun just staring openly over Blossom’s shoulder.
“Hey, I’m talking to you,” Blossom said. She had the audacity to snap her fingers in his face.
To Dane’s limited credit, it was easy to forget what Blossom was capable of when she came in such a pretty pink package and a mountain of red hair. “Take a number.”
He tried to get past Blossom this time, and she T-posed to match Butch behind him. The sight was so absurd that So-eun had to cover her mouth not to laugh at Dane whirling in between them like a confused dog confronted with stair guards on all sides.
“What is this?!”
“This is the part where you apologize for slut shaming So-eun,” Blossom said.
“Wow, that’s weak, bro,” Butch said.
“I didn’t!”
“Did that sound like an apology to you, Butch?”
“I think the fuck not.”
More students had gathered around to witness the bizarre turn of events, including Elmer. He casually slipped his hand into So-eun’s. “What’s going on?”
So-eun shook her head. “I think it might be justice.”
“I’m gonna be late for class, just—move!” Dane tried to duck under Butch’s arm, but he bent at the waist (still T-posing) and Dane only succeeded in smacking his head against Butch’s rock-hard tricep. He swore and ping-ponged back into Blossom, bounced off of her knee, and ended up on his ass on the floor.
“Butch, he’s fallen to the floor,” Blossom said.
“Should we help him up?”
“Unfortunately, we’re contractually unable to help unrepentant slut shamers.”
“So unfortunate!”
Dane, now red in the face and breathing hard from the stress, scrambled to his feet by himself. He frothed at the mouth. If Butch were anyone else, So-eun was one hundred percent sure he would have punched him. “Fuck you both.”
“Hey Blossom, is fuck you both Spanish for I’m sorry, you think?”
“I’m afraid it simply isn’t!”
“What a shame!”
The late bell rang, and Blossom didn’t so much as waver from her T-pose. She didn’t care that she’d be marked as tardy. She was not leaving until Dane apologized, and no one else was leaving until she did. Dane seemed to come to the same conclusion as So-eun.
“All right, Jesus Christ. I’m sorry, okay? Fuck.”
“I’m sorry for what?” Blossom swung open her T-pose and looked directly at So-eun, and so did everyone else.
Dane gnashed his teeth. He glanced around at all the other students watching him, recording everything on their phones, not a single person worried about the consequences of being late for class. Finally, he looked up at So-eun, and she squeezed Elmer’s hand harder. “I’m sorry…for slut shaming you.”
Butch whooped. “He did it!” He went in for a high-five with Blossom, and the smack sent a seismic ripple through the hall that rattled the lockers.
“He sure did! Give it up for Dane Blakely, everyone!” Blossom clapped, and others clapped with her. Soon the hall erupted into hoots and hollers of Congratulations! and You did it! as Dane stomped off even redder than before and people recorded his every humiliating moment on their phones.
Everyone dispersed soon after when some teachers came out into the hall to investigate the racket, and So-eun was one of them. When lunch rolled around and she looked around the cafeteria for Elmer, who’d promised to meet up, she found him waving from a table she’d never in her life have expected to sit at.
Bubbles scooted over to make room for So-eun in between Elmer and herself. “Hi, So-eun! We’re in the same block for History, right?”
“Um, yeah?” Of course So-eun knew that, but it was a big class and Bubbles was Bubbles and everyone knew her name like they didn’t know So-eun’s and this was just too weird.
On Bubbles’ other side was Boomer playing a game with Buttercup on someone’s cell phone, while Brick had his Beats on as he copied some of Blossom’s notes and ignored everybody. Blossom herself sat across from So-eun and smiled.
“Hi, I don’t think we’ve properly met. I’m Blossom.” She actually held out her hand to shake as if she weren’t one of the few people every single person in school knew.
So-eun let out a squeak that must have passed for hi, because Blossom smiled wider and elbowed Butch next to her, who was busy shoveling mashed potatoes into his mouth.
“Mmph,” Butch said, waving to So-eun.
“I’m sorry…what’s happening?” So-eun asked.
“Halo Infinite is happening!” Mike Believe, Wes Goingon, and Kim Chan slid in around Brick and Blossom. “Todd got the advance copy and he’s hosting this weekend!”
Brick looked up from the notes for that one. “I call dibs.”
Bubbles giggled. “You get used to it,” she whispered to So-eun like they were old pals.
What was happening was that her sort of maybe new boyfriend, Elmer Sgloo, had neglected to mention that he’d been close friends with the literal Powerpuff Girls since kindergarten, and now they wanted to welcome So-eun into their extended circle. As in, the definitely not a bunch of losers circle because it was the honest to god Powerpuff Girls and that was kind of a lot for one seventeen-year-old nobody to wrap her head around.
“Oh shit, you guys are going viral! Check it out!” Buttercup passed Butch her phone, which played a video of Butch and Blossom T-posing for feminism. “Who even is that loser?”
“Some chode,” Butch said. “Bane, or something?”
“No one important,” Blossom said as she leaned on Butch’s shoulder to watch the video. “Right, So-eun?”
So-eun put her shoulders back and popped a tater tot into her mouth, feeling like a champion. “Not at all.”
If you enjoy my writing, check out more of my fics on AO3, link in my profile. I’m currently updating Trinity House and The Alchemy of Us. Thanks for reading!
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wonniesmile · 3 years
❥ playground! (ep. 2)
⤷ ellie’s moments in playground episode 2! (ft. txt <3)
⤷ bulletpoint format!
⤷ after a long wait, episode 2 is finally out! don’t forget to leave suggestions for new fics!!!
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huening and ellie were once again playing on the nintendo, waiting on the others to finish getting ready for the next shoot.
“ellie please. please let me win. just this once...for my dignity.”
the boy gets on the floor and starts bowing.
ellie starts freaking out, obvi.
she’s in a very frantic state at this very moment, no clue why...but, i mean it’s ellie...right?
“what’re you guys playing?”, “oh- um- mario k-”
ellie looks up from her position, DUN DUN DUN.
that was like...really cringe, i’m so sorry.
it was none other than the choi beomgyu. standing. right. in. front. of. her.
“oh- oh my god- uh- h- he- hello!” she musters up a greeting and quickly bows.
“you don’t need to bow ellie! we’re friends!”
oh no, this poor girl’s heart.
if she dies from an early heart attack, it was bcs of choi beomgyu, just giving everyone a heads up! /j
anyways, her face was like BEET red.
from across the room, her members were watching her every move.
sunoo was laughing at how serious the rest of them were.
“can you guys like...idk...calm down? she’s literally fine.”
“i know, but...” (jake)
“but what?” (sunoo)
“oh you know...” (jungwon)
“can ya’ll finish the damn sentence?” (sunoo and jay)
“it’s nothing...” (sunghoon)
“jesus christ, you guys are insane.” (sunoo)
“five minutes!”
ellie’s head shoots up.
“darn it, i almost beat you.”
“not even close huening, ellie is the master.”
her cheeks, once again, burn up.
before she could thank beomgyu, ellie is pulled away by jungwon.
“what the heck wonie?”
“it’s time to go.”
she’s obviously very confused? what was getting into him?
choosing to ignore his attitude, ellie obliges and lets the boy drag her into the studio.
he spoke no words...very odd.
ellie started overthinking...did she do something subconsciously???
“places please!” she massages her temples and goes backstage to wait for her group’s cue.
the episode started with each group dancing on stage.
their instructions were to “have fun!”
she gave it her ALL, messing around...and even getting into a dance battle with riki.
she found it absolutely hilarious, but unfortunately, her face dropped at the sight of jungwon.
obviously, something was bothering him, but she didn’t have the courage to ask...at least not now when everyone seemed to be having fun.
jungwon was not one to show his emotions outwardly, so to a normal person, he seemed like his usual self.
but, ellie knows better, she can read jungwon like the back of her hand...something was up.
she made a mental note to herself to ask him if he was ok after the shoot.
the first game was an absolute BLAST.
they were competing to see which team they would have to play on.
since there was an odd number of people, ellie didn’t have to compete against anyone. instead, she got to choose which team she wanted to be on.
(she secretly enjoyed it)
she looked at the two teams in front of her.
her original plan was to go into the yellow team so both teams would have an equal amount of enhypen members, but she felt iffy about doing so because of jungwon...
she could possibly be overthinking things, but she didn’t want to take any risks.
making eye contact with him one last time, she looks over at the red team and points finger guns at them.
“yay ellie!” beomgyu seemed way more enthusiastic than everyone else.
of course, ellie’s heart rate quickens at the weird observation.
the team name choosing was absolutely wonderful.
beomgyu came up with ‘brave dummies’ and for some reason everyone went with it, not that ellie was complaining because it was REALLY funny.
this episode required a lot more physical activity than the last one, which she had no problem with.
she led her team to victory during the first game with the tubes and ping pong ball.
got picked up by beomgyu hai!
wait wait wait...let me set the scene for you guys because...it was something else.
after winning the race, the 7 teammates all did a group hug, ellie being shoved into the middle while the rest ferociously chanted “ellie! ellie! ellie!”
kinda scary...looked like a cult from the outside lol.
she was so confused.
all of a sudden, a figure picks her up from behind and starts cheering very loudly.
she looked absolutely terrified because she had no. clue. what. was. going. on.
and when this poor girl turns her head back to look at the person carrying her, all bodily organs in her shut down.
her eyes went blurry and suddenly she couldn’t see, her kidneys failed, her limbs detached from her body...it was insane.
jay and sunoo, being the teasers they were, laughed at the look of the flustered girl.
it was...so much.
when beomgyu put her down, she felt her life flash before her eyes.
she still couldn’t believe what just happened, placing a hand on her forehead to see if she was sick??? for some reason.
she literally could NOT think straight after that.
the rest of the episode felt like a blur.
during the flag game, she failed oh so miserably...
“you ok?” jay teasingly asks her.
“leave me alone.” *cue her side eye*
“hehe.” (jay)
she felt so bad for doing so badly during the game, she kept apologizing :’).
“ellie! its ok! none of us did good :)” thank god for yeonjun.
she had to lay her head down onto ni-ki’s shoulders because she felt so defeated.
ni-ki responded by hugging her by the waist.
“don’t worry, i did horrible too.”
she hummed and pouted.
the screaming from the others made her feel a lot better.
“there’s that smile!” sunoo squeezes her cheeks.
the other team won, obviously.
she examined jungwon, he seemed like he was doing a lot better, seeing him enjoy himself was all the reassurance ellie needed.
oh good god...the next game...hahahaha.
it was...hai!
they had a piece of paper in which they had to fit all their teammates on, it was...intense.
she tried standing in the middle of jake and ni-ki, but was pulled by kim sunoo to stand in between him and beomgyu.
she froze up, god...can’t you just act normally ellie? (this was to herself btw ;) )
she tried not to think about the close proximity between her and beomgyu, instead giving her all into the game.
“ellie, it’s alright, step on my foot.” yeonjun tells her.
“are you sure?”
“yes of course.”
she cautiously steps on his foot, making sure not to put too much weight into it.
they got past a good amount of rounds, the last one is where they REALLY struggled.
“i have an idea!”
ellie announces while clapping her hands.
“i think if we put our feet in this pattern...”
she shows what she means by using her own feet as an example.
“it would save space...we can hold onto each other for balance like all the other rounds and our other foot can come up. the foot on the ground will serve as a stabilizer.”
“that’s SUCH a smart idea!” yeonjun smiles at her.
jake couldn’t resist it...it came as an automatic reflex. he moves his hand around to squeeze her cheeks.
“miss smarty pants saves us yet again!” (jake)
she glares at him and hits his arm.
(there was a slight smile on her face though)
with ellie’s strategy, their team wins yet again!!!
they huddled into a group hug while the other team groaned in defeat.
“ellie should’ve joined our team!” soobin yells.
she giggles.
the final game was a big round of yut nori, which ellie still had NO CLUE how to play.
“do you know how to play?” beomgyu asks her.
“not really?”
“no worries, leave it to us!”
ellie blushes...yk...the usual.
ellie didn’t do much through out the game, following whatever the others told her to do.
by the end of it, you’d think she’d know how to play, right? wrong!
she still, to this day, doesn’t know how to play yut nori :))).
she was sad as the shooting ended, knowing that they probably won’t be able to shoot together with txt for a LONG while.
it was so very fun getting to hang out with her seniors, though beomgyu was a bit too much.
after they said their goodbyes on camera, it was time to say goodbye off camera.
soobin suggested that they make a gc together, to which everyone happily agreed to!
beomgyu asked ellie for her number, which she shouldn’t have though much about considering he was the one making the groupchat for them, but a girl can dream right?
after hugging everyone goodbye, her group moved back into their dressing room.
“i’m exhausted.” sunghoon mentions.
ellie’s eyes did feel heavy.
the 8 of them have been shooting all day and they could all probably agree that what they needed now was a nice long nap.
she moved over to where sunghoon was laying down and tapped the boy to ask him to scoot over so she could lay down as well.
the girl cuddled into sunghoons warmth.
“sooo, you and beomgyu, huh.”
“why? are you jealous?”
“maybe...but you know who is Very jealous right now? and who you should probably talk to bcs he’s definitely upset?”
her eyes widen, finally realizing.
“oh my god, i gotta go.”
she climbs out of sunghoon’s embrace.
“i was comfortable ellie!”
“yeah yeah!”
she runs out the dressing room, frantically searching for jungwon.
she accidentally bumps into beomgyu.
“woah there, where are you going???”
“i’m so sorry! uh- i have to go talk to jungwon about something, i can’t really stay for long...”
beomgyu nods his head and motions for her to go.
she finally finds jungwon at a vending machine, grabbing two drinks.
she finally reaches him and drops her body down to catch her breath.
“i’m so sorry.”
“about what?”
“sunghoon said you were upset with me about something...and i wan- (deep breath) i wanted you to know that no one will ever replace you or any (deep breath) any of the other members (deep breath).”
jungwon stays silent for a bit before chuckling at the sight of the girl’s state.
“oh ellie...” he gently makes her look up by her chin, “don’t worry about it, i knew you would never do that...i just got jealous seeing you blush at beomgyu so much...”
the last part was barely audible, but ellie understood.
she giggles, “i didn’t know mr. yang was the jealous type!”
he glares at her, “whatever.”
she smiles and hugs him by the neck.
“let’s go back, we’re heading home soon.”
ellie pulls jungwon by the hands.
“wait,” he fishes for the two drinks still left in the vending machine, “this is for you.”
it was strawberry milk, her favorite.
“thank you, kind sir.”
the two walked back hand in hand.
“is wonie feeling better~” heeseung teased.
jungwon mocks his face.
“time to head back!” their manager calls out.
“god i cannot wait to sleep.” ellie groans.
“ellie~ can i sleep next to you tonight?” ni-ki pleads with his eyes.
“why not sunoo?”
“he wanted to switch it up today, apparently.” sunoo clings his arms with ellie’s.
“i mean of course you can riki, just promise me you’ll actually sleep and not watch videos all night.” ellie stares at him.
she smiles and hooks her free arm around his.
“now...let’s go home.”
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thong-tom · 4 years
This is expressly to make Sanya (@tomarryherewewhoaagain ) happy you rat fucks.
Nicknames: oh fuck I’ve had a lot of these in my life. The MAIN ones are AJ and Moth, but other notables are Ash, Jo, Bitch, Captain Poopypants, Caspar, Cunt, and like...I was called Lucy for awhile when I still attempted to be ✨anonymous✨ online.
Zodiac: Aries. Not to be a 💥stereotypical bitch💥 but I’m pretty sure this surprises absolutely fucking no one when they find out. I literally had someone tell me “I figured that out five seconds after meeting you” and was like “okay you KNOW WHAT? Completely fair, carry on.”
Height: Hovering between 5’4 and 5’5, closer to 5’5. Sometimes I’m almost 5’6. I don’t know. I like to spontaneously shrink and grow And For What,,,
Last Thing I Googled: hm. Well. The last thing I googled was porn because I am, in fact, a degenerate fucking heretic but for propriety’s sake, the last PG thing I googled was Binge Eating Disorder.....bcus I got that disorder LMAO. Tbh I thought the last thing I googled was crafting recipes for the gifts in this obscure story/dress-up game targeted for 12 year olds that I’m now obsessed with but eh. That was the SECOND last thing I googled, and I gotta be honest, right?
Song Stuck In My Head: ,,,,Buddy, that changes with my mood. Which changes every three seconds. I DO hear background music in my brain 24/7, and the deranged jukebox in my head has been wildly ping-ponging between Mother Mother and Daughter’s music. And while those two bands’ titles are both composed of family pronouns, uhhh,,,,,,,the music is WILDLY different LMAOOO. Right now I’ve got “Smother” by Daughter going on, but literally two minutes ago I was thinking about “Verbatim” by Mother Mother. Just listen to the first thirty seconds of both songs and you’ll get a vivid understanding of the fuckery going on up there.
Number of Followers: uh, main blog has just over 800, but between that AND all my side-blogs,,,,,,,total tally says about 3500 lmao. I have some degree of popularity but Not Very Much (and for damn good reason).
Amount of Sleep: Wildly varies from 4 hours to 10 hours, but never more. Right now I’m in a 6 hour long phase.
Lucky Number(s): 3, 4, 17, and 47! Occasionally 18.
Favorite Song: Yeah, uh, that’s an impossible choice. I’m called a Music Guru and often complimented on my taste for a REASON. I have a LOT of favorites, so instead, I’ll pick ones with the most meaning to me on a personal level. So, in no particular order:
1. The Leap Year by The Pauses
2. My Way by Frank Sinatra
3. Be the Song by Foy Vance
4. Class of 2013 (audiotree live version) by Mitski
5. Smother by Daughter
All of those songs have some deeper reason as to why I love them so much, but 4 and 4 are the ones that are the most important to me.
Favorite Instruments: If you asked me this a couple years ago, I might’ve said the standard violin or piano. I still think those sound very pleasing, but in all actuality, I’ve got a big appreciation for bass guitars! I always pick up on its use in songs and if a song lacks a good bass-line, somehow it just never hits for me. It’s a VERY rare song that I enjoy without a strong bass presence, which is sort of ironic given some of the important-to-me songs that I listed up there lol. Some of my FAVORITE songs (not important ones—FAVORITE ones) like Body of Years by Mother Mother, Animal by Neon Trees, Pork Soda by Glass Animals, Shell Suite by Chad Valley, Zen by X-Ambassadors, or even Tomorrow by Daughter have loud and distinguishable bass tones.
Dream Job: That’s a firm toss up between an author, a teacher, and an actress. Teacher is my goal and is attainable, author is attainable but only as a side thing, and actress is completely unattainable lmao. I can act like hell but alas...I lack the on-paper experience AND, more importantly, the face and body JFKDKGKDKGLDLFL.
Aesthetic: ....Don’t have one, actually. I just like what I like. I’m like the human personification of a mixed bag. The mixed bag to end all mixed bags.
Favorite Author: Do poets count? Because if so, it’s an easy win for Maya Angelou. If NOT, though, I might have to give that title to Rick Riordan lmao. That guy has his own mistakes but in general he’s pretty fucking kickass.
Favorite Animal Noise: Weird one, but you know that pleased little trilling sound birds make, or that excited “MEOWmeowMEOW” thing cats do? It’s a toss-up between those two.
Random: I have seven siblings, three of which I’ve never met, two of which are full-blooded, and two of which are named Riley. I have two half siblings from my mother, three half siblings from my father (never met em) and two full siblings. It’s weird. Otherwise. Uh. People tend to me utterly fucking enamored by the way I both talk in-person and the way I write. Apparently, I’ve got a VERY distinct diction and distinguishable tone, which I think is hilarious.
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apriki · 4 years
okay that opening scrawl i laughed so hard... THE DEAD SPEAK!!
‘supreme leader kylo ren’ will never not be funny
okay and his ruthless hell bent search for this silly macguffin.... we love a demonic legend
and ALSO his determination to kill the past!!!!!! HE HAS LITERALLY BEEN CIRCLING THIS THE WHOLE SERIES
look, i am biased because kylo is my favourite and he has been the one thing that’s been consistently written and done across this trilogy and i’m very spoiled because i got everything i wanted here
but KYLO REN. KYLO REN!!!!!!!!!!!
laughed my ASS off at the snoke in the tube and palpatine being like ‘surprise bitch.... bet you thought you’d seen the last of me’
laughed decidedly LESS at ‘i’ve been every voice you’ve ever heard in your head’
look this isn’t going to be a review.... just my thoughts really and this decidedly isn’t a comparison with the last jedi which it seems like everyone wants to do in a weird victorious kind of way
but kylo killing snoke/his abuser in tlj was a terrifying powerful moment to watch and i loved it fiercely and still do, and for kylo to see that he hadn’t done that at all.... and that evil still abides.... fucking nightmare, honestly
and that’s when i started getting a feeling in the back of my head because look he is so determined to kill the past
(let the past die)
that he will kill himself as well to do it. that has always been kylo’s character since the very beginning. SO!!!!!
also the structural integrity of palp’s hideaway.... not great
palps: kill rey heh heh
kylo: i am absolutely not gonna do that but okay
i cannot explain to you how HILARIOUS the knights of ren are to me
they do nothing! they say nothing! they just stand around and look stupid in their stupid helmets..... i laughed every single time they were on screen
it’s like kylo’s uselessness manifests into what 6? 7 more useless things. the Knights of Ren
‘we’re going hunting’ are you TWELVE YEARS OLD
this film felt like it was going a million miles an hour, all the time, and that started for me in that first scene in the falcon which was going all over the place? for some reason?
anyway THERE’S A MOLE IN THE FIRST ORDER and i know it is hux but i kind of wanted it to be kylo on the side.... though i know he is not capable of any such subterfuge. about as subtle as a wrecking ball... and my SON
loved the comraderie with poe and finn. i liked the lived-in feeling of the relationships between the rebellion characters this time around
felt like they had that new alien dude in the falcon for no reason and for two seconds like... why
(to sell toys, of course. the same reason why they have a new tiny droid)
but that of course is just the first in a long line of new and underdeveloped characters in this movie. but you know what? i can accept this because the core emotional story was strong and also, it’s star wars? a big sprawling mess is what it has always, always been. ANYWHOMST
the white outfit!!! how at one she is with nature??? SORRY IT WAS BEAUTIFUL
and okay the specific framing of rey and rey’s power in this movie as not only a part of the force but so specifically as a woman using the force... like the power of empathy! the power of healing!!! IT WAS BEAUTIFUL WHATEVER
when she called leia her MASTER? MY HEART
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on the flip side, doesn’t it kind of feel like poe has a problem with women?
like as soon as he started riffing with rey i was like GET A JOB STAY AWAY FROM HER
but in hindsight i feel kind of better about them and their interactions... more on that later
FINN! finn in this movie was WONDERFUL
(except it annoyed me how they had the whole ‘there’s something i want to say to you’ and never had him say it... like even if he was going to say he loved rey okay just don’t leave it hanging like that?)
look i really think they did they best they could with a really difficult job in incorporating leia and previous footage into this movie. it wouldn’t have felt right without her and the scenes were a bit clunky but again, a very very difficult thing to do
i love that rey’s storyline has depth and motivation and kylo’s storyline is literally revolving around rey like she’s the sun
like i literally love this. MORE OF THIS!!!
the soft gasp rey does whenever kylo is about to show up for forceskype i love this song
the knights of ren standing around while kylo’s helmet got fixed omfg they are the stupidesttttt
kylo: maybe i don’t want to wear the helmet
the knights of ren: maybe shut the fuck up 
Let’s Go To Burning Man
i actually kind of liked seeing these people doing their own cool cultural thing. like again this movie went at lightspeed but i did enjoy that. what’s better than this? just aliens being dudes
when rey talked to that little girl and she asked her last name i was like LOLLLL HERE WE GOOOOOOOO
as soon as lando showed up it was like ‘oh it’s lando’
‘i offered you my hand’
i have never really found C3PO funny but um he was going off in this movie... when they all looked at him and then he looked away I CACKLED
and the mind wipe like whew man... one day we’re gonna have a conversation about Droids And The Uncomfortable Conclusions About Droids in these movies
but also, i wish they’d had the guts to stick with it and not restore his memory because, what a symbol for the past dying and the end of a saga? like 3PO has been there since the start!! the star wars live in his memory banks ???? and R2 as well i suppose
don’t think too long about this cause then you realise that for some reason they’re still using like 80 year old iphones and R2 and 3PO should be decommissioned for scraps
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the sand was a cool visual thing but then THE SNAKE
it felt so GREEK HERO MYTH but then rey stops the script!!
AND SHE HEALS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as soon as rey healed that snake i was like
‘kylo ren is that snake’
blah blah dagger blah
the sith language and being forbidden actually interests me. i want more proper sith lore
basically i want a revan and bastila movie. make it so
keri russell was WASTED in this movie
but that one scene with her and rey where they had Mutual Respect was so much better and more important than anything she did with poe
poe is like... sure i guess. i mean i liked him better in this movie than tlj and i liked him more as the movie when on but hmmst 
but hey if i get to have a kylo then the poe people can have i poe. i begrudge no one
except, uh.... hux people. y’all really got done this movie huh. ouch
double as bad cause there was literally no point to the new general character. should have just been hux and then had him die in the final battle?
but i laughed when he was like ‘i don’t want you to WIN. i want kylo to LOSE’
omfg when kylo was like ‘where are you’ and then saw the vader mask and was like ‘oh you’re in my room’
sorry the first order is a startup. not even an ‘evil’ one especially because they’re all just a bit evil 
when kylo reacted to that guy saying ‘we should take more children’ and the small thread winding through this movie about children being indoctrinated and rey and ben stopping THAT cycle.. important to me and i wish it had been bigger but i was glad it was there 
all kylo did in the first half of this movie was chase after his girlfriend and tell her how they were meant to be together and that he wasn’t going to kill her even though he should. i love one stupid man
kylo flying his ship at rey deliberately wanting to ‘push her’ and her jumping over it and crashing the whole damn thing
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and then him just getting up and walking out of the wreck not a scratch on him
like some kind of hero in a romance novel in his stupid cape lmfaoaoooo... you love to see it
and then rey with her fuckin LIGHTNING
as soon as that happened i was like, oh lol rey palps then....
okay to be honest the whole soujourn to the like space swiss village is kind of a blur to me
keri russell was wasted, did i say that already?
although okay that bit when poe was like ‘were you a stormtrooper? were you a scavenger?’ maybe give him his rights
‘i never lied to you’ AND HE NEVER HAS AND NEVER FUCKING DIDDD!!!!!
all the stormtroopers getting knocked back and kylo steadying himself with the force lol... it’s these little things ok 
rEy PaLpAtInE
like... sure jj. sure
look, i have always understood and respected the choice to make rey ‘nobody’ (like anakin was! the force just makes who it needs to create the balance!) but if rey was going to be anyone i guess.... this is the best choice?
and i think there IS merit in the story going from ‘person burdened with legacy vs person with no legacy’ to ‘person with a legacy of good turning evil and person with a legacy of evil turning good’
i gotta think longer and more about this but. besides its inherent silliness i do not hate this ‘twist’ 
this movie jumped from planet to planet like a ping pong ball! it felt a bit jarring but my mum pointed out that the galaxy IS big and they’ve never really done this before and i was like hmmm Points Were Made
and then oh my god
‘you can’t go back to her (leia). just like i can’t’
and the VICTORY in his eyes and the acknowledgment of the truth in hers
when rey SCREECHED and force threw finn back.... oh fuck
(sidebar the way finn was so determinedly THERE for rey this whole movie... even when she said about the sith throne... his faith in her didn’t waver im verklempt)
because he can’t go! because the fight is what they have and what she’s clinging on to!
absolute romantic nonsense.
leia gave her LIFE for her SON I...
this was the only moment in the movie where i started to get some tears cause like... IT WAS JUST SO MUCH
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take my hand? take my whole life too
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‘kylo ren is dead’
look i loved the crossguard saber but i understood why it had to go
and like ben shedding the persona he had built as a defence mechanism... rey killed that part of him? powerful too powerful
i know i have rose coloured glasses because i care about the core story of kylo/rey enough and i’m passionate enough about it but okay the way they are entwined with one another on the journey to identity is the greatest thing a silly blockbuster series has maybe ever given me 
i 100% know in my bones they wanted the scene with han to be leia but they obviously couldnt have that so that was fine. when ben turned his head around and heard her and felt her.... DONT LOOK AT ME
the most emotional moment in this movie was when chewie heard about leia and broke down and collapsed and screamed
us too buddy. damn 
rey stealing kylo’s ship and yeeting away lmfao
and when she went back to ach-to and burned it and was like IM STAYING HERE 4EVA >:(
she’s literally the exact same stupid reckless as kylo and i love
rose was wasted in this movie. very annoying
i DID laugh when they said ‘we should pull a holdo manoeuvre’ like of course that’s the one thing jj took from tlj. ohhhh jj
loved finn meeting the ex stormtrooper lady. i always felt like the one weakness of tlj is that it dropped this thread of finn’s indoctrination that i thought was being woven alongside rey and kylo’s issues with their childhoods in force awakens. the look of wonder on his face when she said that the whole battalion defected.... and saying the force lead them to do it like it lead him... and you could see john boyega feeling that with his whole heart!!!
i laughed at palps’ fleet of star destroyers that like all have death star capabilities now? so dumb
and also, a star destroyer is basically an aircraft carrier.... do you think the people who make star wars realise the empire is america? no...??? alright imma head out
missed opportunity for a shot of jar jar or a gungan when the galaxy fleet showed up like those towboats at dunkirk. to be HONEST
where did sheev palps find that stadium of goons? are they on retainer?
yeah so palpatine’s lair is the underworld and rey is eurydice and ben is orpheus. YEAH. YEAHHHHHHHHH
LEIA’S SABER!!!!!!!!!
i have Questions about leia ‘seeing her son dying at the end of her journey’ like ?
fuck. benjy solo in that jumper.... USING A BLASTER LIKE HIS DAD.....
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ben versus his idiot knights of ren.... yeah i love my son
sorry rey had a vision of her AND kylo sitting on the throne but the throne is.... one seat? what are the logistics here? her on his lap? him on her lap? both of them sitting on an armrest like awkward kids taking a photo with santa?
rey giving ben the saber through the force bond!!
palpatine taking, SPECIFICALLY, the power of rey and kylo’s BOND to strengthen himself because it is THE STRONGEST THING IN THE FUCKING UNIVERSE???????? CANONICALLY????????
when palps like flicked ben away sorry i laughed... i mean i was like REALLY? FOR THE BIG FINALE HE’S GONE? but i understood why and that rey is the hero etc etc
yoda is there too
god her power.... SHE AMAZES MEEEE
(initially i thought ben was gonna kill palps for rey because of the whole The Sith Live in My Killer thing and then she’d have to kill him but HOISTED ON HIS OWN PETARDDD)
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and the power was too much and it killed her ooooof
(the power of being a legacy... of channeling all that has some before!!! these movies get so ridiculously meta sometimes. best believe we’ll talk about THIS)
his hair JUST long enough to be scraggly and devastating
literally dragging a broken leg 
and he knows
when he held her body holy shit... HOLY SHIT, GUYS
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and his heartbroken face.... stumbling back to her... oh my good goddd
and then
HE GAVE.... HIS LIFE..... FOR HER.....
he fought.... his whole life.... and he gave it up....
and then she was alive again!!! ROMEO AND JULIET OKAY WOW
(super spoilery shot coming up here but)
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i’m sure people will be mad about how little kylo like... talked in this movie but like sorry this was perfect
she saved his life! and she saved the world! and he quietly gave his life to her, for her?
this humble act of love? PURE LOVE?
and her look of JOY and she said, ‘BEN’
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look. i have been on the record for YEARS as saying my dream endgame would be for rey to kill kylo and for him to be forceghost with her always
when his body faded and leia’s did too..... wo OOOOOOOOOOWWWW
listen. there is a video game where a lady’s boyfriend gets killed and his soul goes into a sword and she carries the sword around with her
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THE FUCKING ORANGE SABER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and look. ben’s story is allowed to be just about rey and rey’s is allowed to be bigger than just him. that’s EQUALITY. that’s JUSTICE
look i know it’s very douchey of me but i wrote this paragraph about a character of mine in a book i wrote and it is like..... LIKE IT’S JUST KYLO REN OKAY
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he was never gonna be someone who could settle down and live like a quiet life of monkhood or whatever luke was doin on ach-to.... 
okay when finn poe and rey hugged at the end okay I DID FEEL SOMETHING IN MY COLD DEAD HEART
and probably up until that moment i hadn’t really cared about having a Trio in the new movies like we had han and leia and luke but that hug had me feeling like... okay... Friendship IS Great
okay back to kylo, i tweeted this but i’ll repeat here: my favourite arc in media has always been snape’s, to me it is the perfect ‘redemption’ arc (and yes this will make people scrunchy-nosed angry, so i will point out: redemption to me has always meant redemption in the eyes of the reader/viewer, not in-world, this is true for anakin/vader too, who also has a nearly flawless ‘redemption’ arc) but now it’s kylo solo ren ben
i want a funko pop of ben in his comfy jumper running to fuck sheev palps the fuck up
i don’t even LIKE funko pops
naboo has a lot to answer for. literally all of these problems come from naboo
sure this movie was a big ole mess and i surely can’t wait for the good old disk horse
but i’m riding this high for as long as i can
because it was always about LOVE! LOVE CAN IGNITE THE STARS
so sure, this movie pandered terribly. but i am one of the people it pandered to and i am HAPPY INDEED
remember when maz kanata was like ‘your parents aren’t coming back but there is someone who still could’ YEAH IT WAS BEN!!!!!
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eurosong · 4 years
Undo my ESC
Good evening, folks! If you saw my first instalment of “Undo my ESC”, the annual feature where I make a year’s Eurovision better for me by making alterations in each country, you might have thought that ESC getting cancelled had dulled my edge, since, comparing to usual standards, I hardly changed much at all there. Well, that’s because, once again, we have seriously uneven semis, and Semi #1 would have been killer, whilst Semi #2 would have been dead. Here is what Í would have done to even those semis up! 🇦🇱 Albania: The Albanian delegation had seemingly done all it could to wash its hands of, well, two years of comparatively excellent results with authentic, melancholically poëtic and qualitative tracks, namely Malland Ktheju tokës. They brought in Byuckman, in whose interest it is for the contest to become as generically “radio-friendly” as possible, and the genius who brought us lyrics like “this is love/rain falls from above”. As judges. Of a serious musical festival. The foreign jurors did as expected, and voted for the appointed “bop”, but were foiled, however, by one of the minority Albanian jurors on the panel who put it  low in her ranks. An actual renowned music professor who got called all the names under the sun for doing so. And so, to an ensuing shitstorm, the classical and powerful Shaj prevailed instead. Unfortunately, the battle was won but the war was lost, because the representative herself took the lessons of 2018-9, threw them down the aeroplane toilet on the way to LA, and ripped the spirit out of the song, reverting back to the previous Albanian trend of terrible “revamps” and laboured translations into English. The result, Fall from the sky, is but a husk of the original. In my ESC, I’d probably simply keeping the original version of Shaj, which was my uncontested #1 of all songs, but part of me would opt for Ajër, which I love almost as well but which doesn’t carry the baggage of hanging over my head like the sword of Democles this entire season. 🇦🇲 Armenia: I’ve more often than not loved the entries of Hayastan, from the joyous Jan Jan to the soaring Fly with me and defiant Walking out. To say they took a step back this year is kind – it was more like a powerful jump backwards that landed them in the nearest ocean, where they sank like a stone. It was one of the most singularly unpalatable NFs that I have ever watched in this era. Rather than retraumatise myself by going into detail about it, I’ll just say, I would have sent Srbuk or Artsvik again to get the top 10 that I feel both warranted!
🇦🇹 Austria: What a journey for Österreich. From Conchita to this guy, a perky homophobe who explicitly said he wished his kids would not turn out to be gay. He comes up with a third-rate impersonator of a third-rate Benjamin Ingrosso impersonator’s third-rate impersonation of a Timberlake b-side. I would throw that in the bin and invite Pænda back from last year for a shot at redemption after her gorgeous Limits got slept on in 2019.
🇧🇬 Bulgaria: Some people had the neck to say to me “who needs Hungary when Bulgaria is coming back?” Well, I do. Hungary were constantly in the top of my rankings, and just quietly and consistently brought quality. Bulgaria has brought me one good thing – Poli Genova’s œuvre – and a tonne of hype. Their song this year was one of the favourites, and I still can’t wrap my head around how other than the force of PR. It’s a bizarre, unsettling combination of passive-aggressive “look how much you’re making me hurt myself” lyrics with Disneyish saccharine accompaniment, topped off with a key change?! For want yet again of a national final, I would bring Poli back – third time even luckier? 🇨🇿 Czechia: The Bohemians (and Moravians) keep it contemporary but superficial for a third year running, although, thankfully, for the first time since they began doing national finals, we finally have a song without a dubious attitude towards women in the lyrics. Not that there is much to analyse in those lyrics. It’s a merely ok song for me, no better, no worse: a superior alternative would have been Barbara Mochowa’s lush and contemplative second effort, White and black holes, or the glorious 90s British indie-influenced All the blood. 🇩🇰 Denmark: Did Denmark confound international monitors into calling it the world’s happiest country by exposing them to the relentlessly cheery songs that they pick for Eurovision lately? And yet – I really do say yes to Yes, To a certain extent, to a limited amount of exposure, and despite the fact that it leans a little too hard into the territory of sounding like a second Little talks. It was one of the few good songs from DMGP – I also liked the 80s shoegaze-ish Den eneste goth– and I feel so mad at DR that they won’t give Ben and Tan a guaranteed second shot to represent their country after they won in front of an empty crowd. 🇪🇪 Estonia: The days of Eesti being Beesti seem like from a distant memory to me, but there was some quality and quirkiness in Eesti Laul, buried under mountains of beigedom, like the rich-voiced Egert Miller’s soulful Georgia, the jazzy Write about me, or the feisty earworm that was Ping pong. Instead, we got a dreary dirge with sub-Hallmark lines about wot luv is, which would have sounded dated in a contest 30 years ago, sung by a repugnant guy who tried to get people to vote for him last year by leaning on the idea that he was the “only true Estonian.” I’d have Egert get his rightful place as Jüri Pootsmann’s spiritual successor. 🇫🇮 Finland: I was one of the few to be jubilant when a bizarre ode to an Italian porn star with a backing track sounding like a violated version of Eläköön elämä came second in the polls to its spiritual opposite: a shy and rather awkward guy singing a quietly moving song about the passing of time. I love Looking back and wouldn’t change a thing. 🇬🇪 Georgia: You never know what to expect from Georgia, except the unexpected, and yet even I was surprised by what they came up with: a close-shaven guy with veins popping in his head screaming “why don’t you love meeeee?” to a rocky, electronic backdrop. Me being me, I actually do like it a lot. “Take me as I am” sounds like a veiled potshot at the big 5 and a vindication of Georgia’s “keep it weird, send what we want” philosophy. I could suggest that the lyrics, that sound like those of a spurned angsty teen, change a bit, but that would be defeating the purpose of Georgia: one takes them as they are. 🇬🇪 Greece: So, somehow, despite S!STERS coming dead last with 0 pts in the televote last year, using exclamation marks to substitute the letter I is now a thing in Eurovision with the advent of Superg!rl. I spent an hour watching folk waffle on in Greek in its reveal show only for them to reveal the song literally at the very end, so after that, it was a little underwhelming, and nowhere near as good as Better love in 2019. I don’t hate it – and the music video’s concept of her being an amazing superhero who can change the world, but instead she’s stopping people slipping over bananas and rescuing cats from trees is weirdly endearing, so it can stay, but I’d improve the lyrics, particularly in the chorus. “I’m a supergirl, supergirl, in a crazy world, crazy world” is not much higher than “this is love, rain falls from above” in historically bad Greek lyrics at ESC. 🇮🇸 Iceland: Daði Freyr came back from near-victory with the delightful Is this love, added a lovely inspiration in his newborn daughter to a similarly funky and playful track, and came out with Think about things. Unlike what usually happens with songs that are a little bit odd, I was positively surprised to see it walk the NF, and become a phenomenon even outside the ESC fandom. This was perfect and joyous from beginning to end. I hope Iceland will not be like the other Nordics, and will invite Daði directly back .🇱🇻 Latvia: I have come to enjoy the bizarre chaötic energy of Still breathing, It’s a hot mess, but I take weird over dull any day. It wasn’t my favourite in Supernova – that would be the effortlessly cool Polyester, an earworm with a social conscience, written about the cost of fast fashion but dismissed by many people as “she luvs t-shirts song lol”. Given that Samanta Tina tried over half a dozen times to go to ESC, finally won and then had the chance ripped out of her hands by the cancellation, I don’t have the heart to remove her from my ideal ESC 2020 though. She stays, but maybe the staging changes? It’s odd to have what you believe is a feminist anthem but then relegate your backing singers to in the distance, their faces shielded away. 🇲🇩 Moldova: Life is too short to follow Moldovan national finals, especially when you know, lately, that whoever is backed by the hilariously inaptly named Dream team will win there. They are like a parasite, sucking out the colour and fun out of a country that once had plenty of both – cross-reference Hora din Moldova or Lăutar to name just two examples. I guess out of an uninspiring lineüp, I’d go for Moldoviţa for having at least a hint of the brassy folk that used to be their calling card. 🇵🇱 Poland: Speaking of calling cards, after a one year hiatus with an arresting combo of white voice and rocky instrumentation, Poland has returned to what it has most often done in recent years – presented us with an absolute dirge, Empires, which seems like it was written by an unenthusiastic English student whose homework assignment (for which they received a generous C-) was to write a poëm with a bunch of metaphors “we’re moths to a flame, birds to a pane of glass, gasoline and a match”. Despite having a big music industry from which to choose many gems, Poland offers me little alternative choice given that there were only three songs in their grand final – one by the Czech representative last year who, as you might guess from what I said literally a sentence up, isn’t even Polish!Horny Elf, who’s contractually obliged to write only creepy lyrics for songs, tried to represent Polska with a song inspired by a true-life situation where he went around Tel Aviv with a cardboard cutout of one of the hostesses of the show. It’s a love song inspired by gallivanting around with a piece of cardboard. Addressed to that actual hostess. And it’s an almighty earworm that hasn’t escaped my mind since. Amazingly, his Lucy would be my Polish representative. 🇵🇹 Portugal: Portugal is another country beloved by me by for dancing to the beat of its own drummer, or perhaps, rather shedding tears to the strumming of its own fado guitar. They struggled being different, they won being different, and for the last few years they’ve struggled again, despite having a lot of support for both O jardim and Telemóveis amongst fans. This year, the televote went for one interesting song, the charmingly Gallic, accordion-drenched Passe-partout, a song about a cultured girl shaking off her boorish ex who could “never even get into Piaf”, whilst the jury got behind another interesting song, Gerbera, an entrancing, arresting and poëtic song laden with metaphor about the idea of music competing itself. This let Medo de sentir,second in both polls, turn silver into gold. It’s a lovely, heart-felt track, but rather unexceptional - I would have had one of the other more singular songs win. 🇸🇲 San Marino: The weird boil on the face of ESC that somehow never pops, SM is back after its bewildering qualification with a tone-deaf dentist wailing to a microwaved disco song… with something actually palatable, sort of. The aptly named Freaky is dated, odd, overly busy, but Senhit has a lot of charisma, and the idea of “break[ing] all the rules, mak[ing] up some new [ones] and destroy[ing] all of them too” and “life goes by too quickly not to be freaking it up”, well, maybe we do get on board. 🇷🇸 Serbia: Serbia is usually a byword for quality at the contest – they won with one of the best 21st century winners hands down in Molitva, and also sent some of the most beautiful compositions in the contest’s history at the hands of Željko. This year, they decided to join in the leitmotif of reliable countries sucking by sending a group that sound like a third-rate mid-2000s girl band from Transnistria when beautiful songs like Cvet sa Prokletija were right there. 🇨🇭 Switzerland: Fair play to the Swiss for not doing a Cyprus and leaning in on their success with their male Fuego, She gat me, and instead going in a completely different direction with this moody effort. I’m not entirely convinced by the teenage emo-ish lyrics or the unnecessary falsetto, but Répondez-moi is a refreshing effort, and has the bonus of being in French too! And the automatic qualifiers: 🇫🇷 France: You’ve heard of France, right? You know, that wee country south of Belgium, north of Andorra, not much of a music industry… or so you’d think, given that the troolee jeenyuss new delegation, who abandoned their brilliant national final which showcased how diverse and qualitative their music scene is despite it being a huge success in the fandom, and instead reached out to the writer of last year’s last place song for the UK and a few other rentaswedes and they produced something that sounds like a b-side that not even Westlife would have recorded, replete with a stock key change. About as French as IKEA köttbullar. A real shame for one of Europe’s most highly esteemed cultural hotbeds. If they wanted to pick Tom Leeb, who seems like a nice guy and has written some lovely music, he could have made his own song and it would have indubitably been scores better than this. 🇪🇸 Spain: I’m going to apply this to all the automatic qualifiers voting on this semi-final: they scrapped a national final for this? OT was not an ideal format as last year demonstrated with its shit show of contestants sabotaging themselves so as not to get picked for ESC – but still. There’s not much I can say about this other than I don’t like it much and I’d rather Spain return to a proper NF. You don’t spend time trapped on a bus where this song with its torturous falsetto was on replay and emerge with fond feelings. 🇬🇧 United Kingdom: Usually, in this space, I can point to a song that the UK should have sent and that I fell in love with – like I wish I loved you more or You. Once again, though, another big 6 nation scrapped their NF after tanking it with a bizarre format last year. The BBC said nothing for months, then were unwilling to spend tv time on ESC this year so just blurted out an announcement of an announcement in  about 40 seconds after some dance show. And then they dropped this song. It’s… passable at best, with an annoying chorus (especially that beat in “my last… breath”) and a staggering amount of repetition in a song that clocks in at only around 80% of the standard Eurovision song length. James Newman surely could have come up with something better. It’s a baby step in the right direction, but one taken at the shore where you need to start running to avoid getting pulled away in a rip.
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evenstevensranked · 6 years
#17: Season 3, Episode 18 - “Stevens’ Manor”
With the house to himself for the weekend, Louis decides to open up a bed and breakfast to afford a snowboarding trip for the gang! What could possibly go wrong?!
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I’ve been meaning to tell you guys to ignore any typos in my reviews within the first day or so of them being posted. It takes a few read-throughs for me to catch any/all errors. 
That being said...
This episode opens with the subplot. Although, this is yet another one where the subplot and main plot work together super well. I’ve noticed that this is becoming a theme with these higher-ranked episodes. Huummm. 
It starts off with Ren spying on Ruby breaking up with some random guy Dexter. Her oh so serious, love of her life boyfriend of 4 days. Sounds about right. This show seriously nails how ridiculous middle school ~relationships~ truly are. Ruby is devastated, so Ren presents the idea of turning their upcoming weekend sleepover into girls night complete with nail polish, magazines and ice cream! Yeeee!
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Ruby clearly shocked and offended by Dexter’s decision to end it. We don’t actually hear the conversation, so this exaggerated expression really gets the point across.
It cuts to Louis, Twitty, Tawny, and Tom (who I will refer to as “the gang” from this moment forward) discussing how badly they want to go snowboarding at some lodge. Tawny estimates that it’d cost around $200 per-person, and I mean, what 13-year-olds have that sort of money laying around? I’m a grown adult and I can’t even afford Starbucks on some days. So, yeah. To any sane person, the idea would be totally off the table and seem completely farfetched... But not to Louis Stevens!! He’s all “Oh, it’s no problem” as he runs to answer a call on the school’s payphone, which is the millionth thing that closet space next to the stairs has been used for. The call is from someone looking to book a reservation at Stevens’ Manor. I really hope that payphone has a different number than the school and that Louis didn’t give out Lawrence Jr. High’s number as the contact info for “Stevens’ Manor.” I can’t. 
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He explains to the gang that Steve and Eileen are going away for their anniversary, Donnie has an away game, and Ren is sleeping at Ruby’s... which means he’s got la casa all to himself. Twitty asks how he’s gonna get his parents to actually let him stay home alone though... and like??? I know that Louis can get a little crazy, but does he really need a freaking babysitter or something? Actually, wait. What am I talking about?! He immediately seized the “home alone” opportunity to turn the house into a bed and breakfast. Here we go again with the give Louis Stevens an inch and he will take 100,000 miles trope, lol. His plan is to fake cry to Eileen about wanting to come with her and Steve and not wanting to stay alone, before deciding to be ~strong~ and stick it out. Steve even calls Louis a “soldier” for it, haha. Okay. Whatever works I guess! I’d like to point out this kinda ugly transition they do of Louis smirking about his plan, to the moment where he’s actually executing it. It’s so weird looking omg. 
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That morph tho. I guess the editing job isn’t too bad for 2002... but dang, it’s just slightly unsettling to me lol. 
I like how this episode basically jumps right into the plot asap! We’re only two minutes in at this point and the BnB transformation is already underway! Eileen and Steve ultimately leave and trust Louis to man the fort of course, and the birth of Stevens’ Manor happens the second they’re out the door -- courtesy of a short montage. Louis must’ve been preparing for this bed and breakfast idea for a long while, just waiting around for the opportunity -- because he has shirts embroidered with a fancy “SM” ready to go for him and his friends to wear! He’s even set up the technology to accept credit cards. Louis Stevens does not play! 
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The first guests arrive and I’m assuming it’s supposed to be a joke when Louis greets them “Welcome to Stevens’ Manor! You must be the Mannings!” lol. The Mannings are an older couple made up of a “fellow Lou” Louis and his wife Edna. This information is vital for later on. When they’re shown to their room, (which is Louis’ bedroom transformed into the “Lincoln Bedroom” lol) Edna says “This is even cozier than the pictures we saw on the internet!” WOW!!! Louis really did have this planned! He probably whipped out a www.stevensmanor.com domain for this. How did he rearrange and clean his room with enough time to take the photos, post them, and get hits on the website (in 2002, mind you) without his parents noticing though? That stuff took tiiiime back then. Not to mention cleaning that filthy room of his would require the help of a garbage company! Oh, well. That’s an irrelevant detail. I told you he’d been preparing for this moment! 
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Where did he get that bust of Lincoln (see 2 photos up) and that painting too? I searched out of curiosity and found this near-exact bust which costs $850!!!!! That thing better be some cheap plastic knock off because something tells me Louis somehow spent more money on making the place look legit than he’ll ever make back from it lol. 
The next guest is a woman named Mrs. Colepepper. What is up with these writers and throwing the word “pepper” into last names? We already have Ryan Zellpepper and now we’ve got this lady lol. I also just realized that both of these characters are black... not that that means anything at all. It’s just randomly sort of interesting imo. 
The last main guests are a pair of twin teenage boys and their parents. Now, Even Stevens is good at not double casting people (a.k.a being weird and having the same actors play two or more different characters throughout the series and hope the audience doesn’t notice) -- But they messed up here and I gotta call it out!! They’re acting like this is the first time we’ve seen these twins, but they actually already made an appearance as LJH students back in Season 2! Their first appearance is literally sooo brief that only a weird superfan like me would notice, but yeah. 
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The twins in this episode.
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The twins in Season 2! We haven’t covered this episode yet so I feel really weird including a screenshot but.. lol. 
There’s this short scene where Louis introduces Tawny as the Manor’s “human jukebox” because apparently she’s a piano wiz and knows “all kinds of songs” (Also, where’d Louis get the grand piano?! haha) One of the twins sarcastically asks “Does she know ‘I hate it here, we should’ve gone to Hawaii’?” And Tawny adlibs a song “I hate it here, we should’ve gone to Hawaii, where they say Aloha and roast little piggies!” This one line always gets stuck in my head. Always. I’m tempted to continue writing additional lyrics just to give myself more to sing.
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There’s also a fantastic bit here of Tom arguing with Mrs. Colepepper about the pulp in her orange juice. I can’t even explain it, all you have to know is that it’s amazing. Also, Louis tells the twins to check out the “Rec Room” and hands them two ping-pong paddles. They’re like “All you have is a ping-pong table?” and Louis says “Yeah... Well... I never said anything about a table. So.” IT ALWAYS GETS ME! It’s such a small line, but I love it. ALSO Beans is the BnB’s “licensed masseuse.” Right.  
At Ren and Ruby’s sleepover, Ruby gets a make up call from Dex and they talk on the phone all giggly for an hour and a half. Ren is fed up and decides to head home. Safe to say Ren was in for a surprise when Mrs. Colepepper was asleep in her bed... 
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Louis tries to explain the situation to her and of course, Ren is vehemently against it until she sets her eyes on the ~gorgeous~ twins. As they’ve already stated -- The twins hate it there, so she catches them juuust as they’re about to check out. Ren literally referred to these guys by name in S2. They were some weird names like “Mosh and Stosh”?! lol, Smosh. But now she’s acting like it’s the first time she’s ever seen them in her life and it always bothered meeeeee. 
Something that kills me about this bit is when their father says “The boys just aren’t happy here. I kinda have to agree with them. Your kiddie pool hardly qualifies as an ‘aquatic center’ so...” -- LOUIS REALLY PUT “AQUATIC CENTER” as a selling point knowing that all he had was a kiddie pool.
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Imagine showing up to a BnB where this is the advertised “aquatic center.” I am dying of laughter. First the nonexistent Rec Room, now this. I can just hear Gordon Ramsay ripping this place apart on an episode of Hotel Hell.
Ren immediately tries to persuade the twins to stay for obvious reasons by bribing them with lame board games, but they apparently reciprocate her attraction and decide to stay. The fictional board game they pick to play is The Organ Donor Game (sounds like a fun time???) and it’s so suggestive. Ren says “Ooo! You landed on my kidney. That’s gonna cost ya! No cheating and... Hands off my pancreas” in the most sultry voice ever. Like... WHAT?! The doorbell rings while they’re playing and it’s Ruby coming over to apologize, but she too decides to stay at the Stevens’ once she sees the twins. Wow. I love how a fan is always conveniently there to blow Ruby’s hair dramatically whenever she sees a guy she likes.  
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It happened the moment she developed a crush on Louis, too. And, uh... Didn’t Ruby JUST GET BACK TOGETHER with Dexter like, an hour ago?  
Meanwhile, Beans is giving Louis Manning a massage by walking on his back in hiking boots??? Beans just further solidifying his place as “The Worst” in my heart. Old Louis (which is what I’ll call him now I guess) gets his back thrown out thanks to their wonderful, 8-year-old, obviously not licensed masseuse. This place is a lawsuit waiting to happen. 
Eileen decides to call home and check in with Louis, which creates one of my favorite situations everrrrrrr in the series. Y’all know I love when shows highlight the comedic side of miscommunication, and this is probably Even Stevens’ best stab at it. Edna is the one who answers Eileen’s call and all hell breaks loose when Eileen asks for Louis. “Louis hurt his back, he’s in a great deal of pain right now.” Edna explains. And Eileen says “You tell him I’ll be there in two hours and that I love him very much!!” Of course, Edna thinks Old Louis is cheating on her with some woman named Eileen and it’s great. 
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Louis (Stevens lol) overhears the conversation and starts freaking out because how the hell are they gonna get all of the guests out of the house and revert it back to the way it was when it’s only midnight? That’s when Ren gets the brilliant idea (no seriously, it’s brilliant) to set all of the clocks forward to 7am checkout time! Oh my freaking god. Most of the guests have only been asleep for an hour or so, and suddenly they’re being told breakfast is ready. It’s absolutely hilarious! “Skies will be mostly... dark” Ren informs them of the days’ weather, omg. 
There’s no way they have enough time to serve everyone a full breakfast, so they shove all the food into a blender and give it to the guests as the “Deluxe Breakfast Combo To-Go!” Seriously, Gordon Ramsay would have a field day with this.
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They pretty much scream at the guests to “move it!” and get outta the house at midnight while they’re all still in their pajama’s and disoriented. Even if it was 7am, this is some terrible service. At this point, I’d give Stevens’ Manor a generous zero stars on Yelp.  
Amazingly, they get everyone out with enough time to hustle and clean up the house before Steve and Eileen get back! *Whew!* Louis and Ren scramble to explain the whole Enda lady who answered the phone situation and claim that she’s the school nurse. Steve is so confused, “The school nurse made a house call in the middle of the night?!” Honestly, though. Suddenly Edna walks back in the front door “Excuse me, I forgot my umbrella.” Haha. That’s when she and Eileen have their final brush with miscommunication. Eileen is all “Thank you for taking care of Louis!” and Edna says “Well, let me tell you something, Eileen. I have dedicated my entire life to taking care of Louis, so let me give you a little warning... STAY AWAY FROM HIM!” 
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Steve: “These school nurses are so protective...” 
Steve and Eileen decide to head upstairs and go to bed immediately, to Louis and Ren’s relief -- which actually made me realize something... Where do Steve and Eileen sleep?! From what we’ve seen of the upstairs it seems to only have a bathroom and Louis, Ren, and Donnie’s rooms! I’ve never seen space or a door for a third bedroom up there! Omg. Maybe they have a secret bedroom in a hidden attic or something? Hey! They had a giant secret cave underneath their house. It’s possible. 
The final minute bit of this episode is great. Steve and Eileen are watching some local news program and Mrs. Colepepper happens to be the host. She shares her experience at Stevens’ Manor and how she’ll never forget it in a strangely positive review segment. The best line is when she says “I don’t normally sleep through the night, but when my head hit the pillow -- the next thing I knew, it was morning!” HAHAHAHA. She makes a point to mention the “hip, young staff” and shows a picture of the gang (see cover photo.) And yeah. Steve blows a gasket. 
This is a great episode. I mean, really. It’s super memorable, funny, and it’s an awesome episode for the cast as an ensemble. I cracked up countless times writing this review! It definitely gets a lot of “iconic” points for sure. I just personally prefer episodes that have more of a story to them and focus on the characters. As great as this episode is, it’s definitely one of those wacky plots that could only make sense in crazy Season 3. But I gotta give it to them... This is such a wild and elaborate plot, but they somehow make you believe that Louis could’ve actually pulled this off irl. I’m sure there were some impressionable kids out there who entertained the idea of doing something similar themselves, lol. I want y’all to know that #17 isn’t a “bad” spot by any means. I feel like I say this a lot, but at this point in the countdown, everything seriously is pretty much top notch. I’m simply arranging the best of the best in an order I hope is both personal and objective. It’s a difficult line to straddle, believe me.
To top off the review, I’ve added not one -- but two Stevens’ Manor designs to the Redbubble shop!! AYYYYYYYYY! I got carried away. I’m actually really excited about these, haha! Ya can now get the main “Stevens’ Manor” design and the employee logo design printed on whatevaaa you want. Doing these reproductions of things that exist within the shows’ universe is so fun. I’m really trying my best to get as close to the way they appear on screen as I possibly can (with my limited photoshop skillz)
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They’re available in the shop now! Yay!
Thanks for reading!!
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sabansbabes · 7 years
Power Rangers + Summer Camp AU
~The rangers are hanging out at Billy's house when he gets the call about Mission Creek. He signed up to be a counselor there the summer before his Junior year. Of course he wasn't allowed to be one at the time but Mr. Martin, the head of the camp, let senior campers sign up before they left and once their old enough he calls them up and ask if they still want the gig. Most kids say no, but Billy jumped at the chance. He'd had some of the best times of his life there and he wanted to relive those memories for as long as possible.
~ The rest of the rangers have no freaking idea what he's talking about when he starts babbling about how excited he is once he comes back from the call. He's mentioned it to them before, but that was during battle and they weren't very focused on what Billy was saying.
~"I'm finally going to be camp counselor. I've missed Mission Creek so much. I can't believe I'm going to be gone for the whole summer-"
~That's when the protests begin, the louder ones mainly coming from Jason.
~"You can't leave! I nee-I mean the team needs you for battles and stuff."
~Billy watches in confusion as Jason's face turns red at the statement while the rest of the rangers just smirk knowingly.
~"I won't be far, the camp is in the mountains and Kim's house is about thirty two miles from the grounds. I'll be there when there's an impending threat. Don't worry Jason, I still be able to defend world."
~"But still what if it comes at night and you're sleeping and-"
~"You think I'd sleep through a monster attack?"
~"Maybe and who knows how long it'll take you to reach us from cam-"
~"Two minutes and fourteen seconds. I did the run a few days ago."
~"Oh." Followed by complete amusing silence as Jason tries to come up with more excuses as to why Billy shouldn't go.
~"I'm sure Billy will be just fine  Jason." Kim tries to reason with Jason but he's not having it.
~"You don't know that. You don't know that." He mutters and it's then that Billy and the others see just how worried Jason really is.
~"I can ask if you guys can come with me. We're usually short a few counselors, I'm sure Mr. Martin will appreciate it."
~Everyone agrees and Jason can breathe easy again.
~ They leave a week after school ends, which happened to be a week before camp starts and the majority of the gang is ecstatic. Except for Tommie and Zack.
~Tommie hates kids, they've never liked them and they're dreading this trip altogether. And Zack doesn't like the idea of leaving his mother alone for so long, sure she's gotten better, thanks to the rangers and their families pitching in for her medical expenses,  but she's not at perfect health yet and he's not sure he wants to take that risk.
~Ms. Taylor has to literally shove him out of the house for him to go.
~They take Billy's van, after the crash his mom's van was replaced. After she got a significant raise at work, she gave it to her son and brought herself a Toyota Camry.
~Trini, Zack and Tommie won't stop calling it the mystery machine.
~ Jason gets the Aux Cord taken away from him after he put on Nickelback.
~"It soothes me."
~"You're a disgrace y'know that." (Trini's Remark)
~They listen to Kim's playlist and when Mayores comes on she brings up the fact that Becky G. looks exactly like Trini.
~The rest of the rangers, including her girlfriend,  just don't see it.
~The drive isn't long and when they get there Mr. Martin runs through everything they need to know within the hour. They have the camp to themselves for a whole week.
~The first thing they do, after Jason makes sure everyone is packed, is hit the lake. It's fun, until Zack loses his trunks in the water.
~"It's not my fault, the current's strong in here!"
~"There's is no current dip thong." (Tommie's Remark)
~They spend the majority of the week hanging out together, when they're all not in a group they split off into two. Kim and Trini disappear to do god knows what. At least that's what Zack says but they mainly just hang out in the kitchen eating all the cheese balls, talking and joking around with the occasional make out session taking place. Zack and Tommie usually go do some dumb shit, like hike up the mountain and see if they can jump off into the lake without breaking anything. And Billy and Jason  hang out in the media room, playing ping pong and pool.
~Billy loves kids but its easy for him to get uncomfortable around them. Kids are touchy feely, Billy's not. By the second day, Jason and the others make sure the kids know to ask Camp Counselor Billy to touch him before doing so.
~Tommie spends a lot of their time explaining what it means to be non-binary person. Some of the kids are little shits about it, but the majority are pretty accepting.
~Zack has these two little girls who follow him everywhere. Bria and Mimi. At first they thought he was cute but once Bria caught him staring at Tommie she realized that he likes them. After that they mainly stick around to give him advice. Sure there like eight years old but Zack takes a lot of what they say to heart. They even set up a tea party date for Zack and Tommie. They made sure to paint Zack's fingernails and to put his hair into little ponytails so that he can look 'pretty for Tommie'.
~Billy and the others get to name their designated cabins, they chose the dinosaurs of their zords.
~After a particularly bad nightmare, Billy sneaks into Jason cabin. He can't sleep and Jason always puts him at ease. Shelby, another counselor, is in his cabin too and he makes sure to let her know where he's going before he leaves.
~A weird conversation takes place with Mikey, a seven year old, in the morning when he wakes the two up.
~Jason struggles to explain what it means to be gay until Trini walks by and sighs. "Hey Mikey, boy can like boys and girls can like girls. Love isn't always shared between a man and a woman." She holds Kim's hand in her own for emphasis.
~And that was that.
~Tommie discovers a secret love they have for kids when they, Bria, Mimi and Zack are hanging out by the fire. "Kids don't suck, they're alright I guess." She tells Zack as she watched the two run off for smores. Zack nods in agreement, turning away from the little girls to meet Tommie's eyes.
~ Their gaze intensifies before they close the gap between them and BAM!!! Fireworks!
~"I told you they were gonna kiss, I told ya." (Bria)
~They pull away laughing and the rest of the gang cheers. It took forever but they finally got together.
~ Kim and Trini escape to the mountain the day before the last day of camp. They're joking around., laughing, kissing and then Trini just kind of blurts it out without realizing.
~"I love you"
~Kim takes a moment to take in what she had just heard before smiling and pulling the shorter girl into another kiss.
~"I love you too."
~They spend the rest of the night up there, wrapped up in a pillow and blanket. Kissing, watching the stars and just reveling in the feeling of being together.
~"What are we Jason?"
~ It was an unexpected question, a question that Jason didn't really know how to answer. They had been closer, closer than friends but not yet together. It was a weird predicament that Jason was unaware of how he got into or how to get out of it. He wanted to take the leap but he didn't really know how to.
~"I don't know."
~He didn't meet Billy eyes, just stay focused on picking up trash and cleaning up around the camp fire. Everyone else was gone, back to the cabin and now they were the only two left.
~"I like you Jason. More than a friend should like their other friend."
~"I like you to Billy but-"
~Just as he looked up to face the brown boy who was incredibly close to him now.
~"I'm going to kiss you now, is that okay?"  Jason didn't know what to say, so he nodded. Overwhelmed by how forward Billy was being.
~Billy's hands came in contact with Jason's cheeks and his lips crash against his. For a second Jason froze, he didn't know how to react. It felt good, it felt better than good. He moved in sync with Billy, melting into the kiss.
~He forced himself not to whine when the brown boy pulled away.
~"We should date. Do you want to date me Jason?" He nods, still recovering from the kiss.
~"Can we uhh, can we do that again Billy?"
~When camp is over, the rangers are reluctant to leave. College starts in the fall and although their all attending Angel Grove community college, they know their summers will be to filled with jobs and internships to even think about doing this again.
~Tommie and Zack share a teary goodbye with Bria and Mimi as they leave. Zack's is the main one shedding tears.
~The next day, Billy says goodbye to Shelby and thanks her for filling in for him for all those nights he spent in the T-Rex cabin. She says it was no problem before hugging him and Jason goodbye. Her fiancé Tyler is waiting for her in the car.
~The car ride back was bitter sweet.
~"At least we'll always have the memories." (Jason's comment)
~They nod in agreement as they leave the grounds.
~"Hey can I see the aux cord?"
The End.
Sorry this is so long, I got carried away.
Summer's is almost over and I was just wondering why no one had done this yet, lol. And also if you caught that Dino Charge reference I love you. I really hope this doesn't suck, please enjoy.  
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bigskydreaming · 7 years
Okay this is too long for our asks back and forth so I’m just switching to regular posts lol. So picture this. Robbie Reyes/Sam Alexander, with guest appearances by Ms. Marvel and Amadeus Cho.
In this headcanon, Robbie and Amadeus are 17, Kamala and Sam are 16. Sam just tends to be assumed to be younger sometimes because of his personality and well, he’s really short.
And Robbie’s a solo hero, doesn’t really do the team thing, but he does do the group hang thing and its nice to have other teen heroes who can relate to the general fucked up weirdness of his life, so he’s been hanging out with Sam, Amadeus, Kamala, Miles, and assorted others like the occasional Young Avenger or X-Men student.
And Sam is crushing, like, HARD. Now normally he prides himself on being cool, suave, collected. He’s cocky and a smart-ass and he knows it. Its part of his charm. But around Robbie he trips over his words, trips over his feet, because c’mon....Robbie is just...he’s just COOL. He’s like, part demon or something, Sam’s not even sure, but having hellfire for a superpower is never not cool, and have you seen his car? Not to mention how hot he looks in his leather jacket but Sam doesn’t mention that. Like ever. Never ever ever.
He might, however, occasionally follow Robbie with long, lingering glances that are overseen by one Kamala Khan, professional meddler.
Robbie, for his part, is not entirely oblivious. I mean, he’s not usually the first to pick up on when someone’s crushing on him, but subtle is just really not in Sam’s wheelhouse. But he doesn’t say anything and figures Sam will get over it eventually, because we all know beneath his calm, collected exterior, Robbie is a giant bundle of insecurity and nerves.
So we have Sam. Crushing hopelessly, waaaaaay too embarrassed to articulate it, so instead he just mumbles one word answers and avoids eye contact when Robbie’s around. And we have Robbie. Very aware of why Sam avoids eye contact but waaaaaaaaaay too self conscious to like....point it out or bring it up because like, what would he even say? Nope. Nope. Not having that conversation. Too weird. Too lame. Not gonna happen.
But luckily for these two, we also have Kamala. Because occasionally, a world class meddler is just what the doctor ordered.
So Robbie, Sam, Amadeus and Kamala are all hanging out one Friday night after beating up some random bad guy or something. I don’t know. Plot is for losers. Anyway. Sam is playing video games, or trying to. Mostly he just keeps dying, a lot, because he is very distracted by his game partner, one Robbie Reyes. Who, unlike Sam, is crushing it at this game, even though he’s never played before, because when you’re hyper focused on a video game to avoid sidelong glances and the implications thereof, Zelda’s suddenly not so hard. At least Robbie thinks they’re playing Zelda. Whatever. His character has a sword.
Amadeus meanwhile is kicking back and entertaining himself by just being a douche, mostly. Who needs video games when you have Sam playing badly to mock instead. And Kamala, well, Kamala’s on her laptop, doing something that has her looking over at Sam and Robbie every five seconds, suppressing giggles, and in general trying to ACT like she’s being secretive about what she’s doing, when in fact she’s really trying to be super obvious until someone asks. Which Robbie finally does.
“What?” He grunts at her finally, supremely annoyed. He’s not stupid. He knows exactly what she’s doing, he even has a sinking suspicion WHY she’s doing it, but she’s shown no sign of letting up in the last hour and he just wants this over with.
“Oh its nothing,” Kamala tries to say. Robbie rolls his eyes. Changes his mind about engaging.
“Okay.” He leaves it at that. Smirks the tiniest of smirks when she narrows her eyes at his refusal to take her bait. She’s just so damn bubbly all the time, its fun when he can manage to get under her skin.
Back to silence for a few minutes, until Kamala finally speaks up again.
“Well, I don’t know that its nothing nothing. I’m just not sure I should say anything.”
“Then don’t,” Robbie mutters. He kills Sam again. Accidentally. They’re supposed to be on the same team he thinks? Whatever. Video games are stupid.
Kamala hesitates. He’s really not making this easy for her, but like I said. World class meddler. She powers through.
“I guess maybe you guys have a right to know,” she muses. Pondering artfully. And artificially. Robbie remains focused on the game. Amadeus is quiet for once, though mostly just because he senses the potential for mischief and is waiting on more specifics before capitalizing on the moment. Sam is just confused. He hasn’t really been paying attention to anything but Robbie. Umm, their game, that is. Robbie because he’s his partner in the game they’re playing. Or maybe his opponent? Crap, is that why he keeps dying?
“Well I’m sure you’d tell us if it was in our best interests,” Robbie deadpans. “It’s not like you gossip or anything, so it must be really important if you think we need to know.”
“You’re right,” Kamala says, somewhat testily. Or at least as testily as she’s really ever capable of being. It’s a new look for her. But these boys are being stupid, obstinate boys, so you know what? Yes, it IS in their best interests. They’ll thank her later. "So I’m on this fanfiction site, right? That’s mostly for fic about various heroes and vigilantes. Some villains. Mostly heroes though. Anyway. So guess who one of the most popular pairings right now is?”
Robbie narrows his eyes. Amadeus sits up, sensing blood in the water. Sam is not quite so oblivious - or fixated on Robbie in his leather jacket - that he doesn’t pick up on the tension ramping up in the room. His eyes bounce back and forth between Robbie and Kamala like a ping pong ball.
“I couldn’t even begin to guess,” Robbie says flatly. “Why don’t you tell us?”
“You,” Kamala says smugly, allowing herself to arch an eyebrow in smug satisfaction. Look, if he was going to make it this hard, she was allowed to milk the moment.
“Wait, who? Robbie?” Sam blurts out, instantly insanely jealous because what the fuck? Who is Robbie in a super popular pairing with? Umm, random internet strangers shipping his crush with some rando so was so not cool. “Robbie and who?”
“You,” Kamala repeats, her smugness somehow reaching all new elevations. Robbie’s glower intensifies proportionately.
Sam stops, shapes words with his lips, forgets them, tries again. A flurry of emotions kaleidoscoping across his face.
“Wait,” he says at last. “Me? You mean like, Robbie and me? Me and him?”
“Yup. You and Robbie. Nova and Ghost Rider. They’re calling your pairing Space Ghost.”
She doesn’t mention that she coined the ship name, back when she basically single handedly launched their ship with her multichapter epic meet cute a few weeks ago. That’s like....surplus information. Totally not the point.
“Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?” Sam squeaks out in a high pitched voice several octaves above his usual. He tries to angle his head so he can see Robbie’s face and reactions out of the corner of his eye, without giving away that was what he was doing. It was less successful than he imagined it was. The super unconvincing laugh he accompanied it with didn’t really help sell ‘nonchalance’. “That’s....that’s so crazy. Like....who would even think that’d be a thing. I mean, that we’d be a thing. Not that like...I mean. Say whaaaaaat?”
“Why is our ship name Space Ghost? That’s stupid. Neither of have Space in our codename,” is all Robbie says though.
Kamala frowns. She was pretty sure that nitpicking the name she picked just to help them stop being stupid obstinate boys was like, super rude. Where was the gratitude?
“I don’t know,” she says. “Nova’s basically a space cop though, so there’s space in like, his hero identity. And it could be an homage to that old cartoon. That’s kinda clever, don’t you think?”
“No. I think its stupid. That’s not how ship names work.” Robbie says, crossing his arms and staring at her pointedly. Sam’s jaw has unhinged slightly as he watches the play by play because like.....Robbie’s not freaking out? Or remotely weirded out by the idea of him and...him? Instead he’s just....talking about their ship name? What is his life, what is even happening right now. Is he supposed to be breathing?
“I didn’t realize you were such an expert on shipping,” Kamala says, crossing her own arms.
“I hang out with you, don’t I? Kinda hard not to be after that.”
“So I suppose you have a better idea?”
“Yeah. Obviously our ship name should be Nova Ghost. Or Ghost Nova.”
“What about Nova Rider?” Amadeus speaks up suddenly from where he’s been watching the proceedings with avid delight. He emulates a cymbal crash with his hands. “Ba dum tush.”
Robbie redirects his glower from Kamala to Amadeus in one smooth, seamless motion. Sam really has to figure out how he pulls shit like that off. It’s so....badass. Does he practice in a mirror?
“You know what?” Robbie says, still in that monotone that says ‘you are dangerously close to shredding my patience and did you forget that I have hellfire’. “Yeah. I like that. Nova Rider. I think that’s a great ship name, thanks for your contribution Amadickus. What do you think Sam? You like Nova Rider for our ship name?”
“Umm. Yes?” Sam squeaks. He clears his throat. Tries again. He’s....somewhat closer to the baritone range this time. “I mean, yeah. Yeah I like that one, its cool. It’s....”
“Porny?” Amadeus supplies with a huge grin.
“Why are you breathing the same air as me right now,” Robbie says flatly. He and Amadeus are friends. Sometimes. Sort of. Other times, not so much. It’s complicated.
Amadeus opens his mouth to speak again, but Robbie cuts him off. Standing, turning to look down at Sam.
“I wanna go see a movie. You wanna come?”
“Umm. A movie? Like...right now? You and me?”
“Yeah,” Robbie shrugs, like its no big deal, oh so casual. Oh so cool. “She’s meddling. He’s being a douche. You...you’re not so bad, and I like popcorn. You like popcorn?”
“Umm, yeah. I mean, yeah!” Sam bounces to his feet, his head bobbing up and down like an animatronic bobblehead thingie...whatever, he’s excited. Shut up. “I love popcorn! So like. I mean. Is this just like a.....are we just going to a movie to hang, or like...”
“Yes Sam, its a date,” Robbie says, striding for the door with easy, confident strides. Sam’s heart swells. Who knew monosyllables could sound so romantic? He hurries after the other boy, jogging to keep up.
“That’s cool! I mean, I knew that, I mean, I didn’t know that, you know but ummmm.....oh hey, can I drive your car?”
He didn’t really mean that last part, it was more just something to say, to shut himself up. The babbling. So not hot. So not cool. Lame, Alexander, way to be lame. Robbie stops in the doorway. Swivels. Stares at him in what can only be described as calm, cool disbelief. Sam backs up.
“Right. So that’s a no. Got it.”
They head out the door, Sam doing his best not to skip because that’s really not the way to impress the fucking GHOST RIDER who he was going on a DATE WITH holy shit how was this his life. Robbie doing his best not to let his lips turn up ever so slightly in amusement at the shorter boy’s antics, because I mean. He had a reputation to uphold. He’s the fucking Ghost Rider.
He spins around just before the door can shut behind him, points at Kamala, pins her with a glare.
“Just so we’re clear, you should in no way, shape or form take this as vindication.”
“Too late,” Kamala chirps, clapping her hands excitedly. She has so many people to call. Viv, and Miles and oh oh, Billy and Teddy for sure, ooooh maybe they can double date, that would be so adorable. She barely notices when Robbie heaves an aggravated sigh, rolls his eyes, and slams the door behind him. His voice echoes from the other side of it.
“And change our fucking ship name!”
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apelafas-blog · 7 years
Day 3&4 swimming with sharks 🦈
Day 3 consisted on feeding dolphins, seeing some old rocks, and driving. We started off the day by going to a place called monkey mia dolphins. At this place a family of dolphins swims up to the shallow water, about knee deep. When they were there people could feed them fish. each dolphin would get about four fish and when the fish was gone they would dump a bucket of water into the ocean and the Dolphins knew this was the signal for no more food. They would then swim into deeper waters and wait for the next feeding. When they hear people walk into the water as a big group they know it is time for their next meal. The staff who ran this had to have a bucket behind all the people filled with fish that distracted the pelicans LOL because they wanted the fish too! After seeing the dolphins we drove to an area where we saw tons of rocks out of the water called stromatolites. These rock formations are some of the worlds oldest and largest living fossils, if you are a geology geek it's pretty cool. At this time we were still being attacked from flies like we were covered in garbage ( probably smelled like it from the heat). I started to notice a lot of people with nets around their entire head that tied off tight at the neck. These people were messing around with the flies ha ha After we left the rock formations we drove some more until we arrived at our hostel for the night. This was another large room with about 10 beds in it. The hostel provided food which was nice, and the whole crew sat and was watching some Australian football in the bar of the hostel. After dinner a lot of people were tired, but I knew I would only be on this trip once so once again I stayed awake with the Irish ladies. We decided to walk down the street to a pub where we found live music playing and it was great. The last song they played was Wonderwall and he did a pretty good job singing it I would say 👊🏼 when he finished singing we walked back to the hostel where I then found one guy from Sweden and the other guy from Japan who were on our trip hanging out looking for something to do. We decided to walk down to the beach at night time to see what it looked like. I would find by the end of the trip that these two guys would be some of my better friends, even though we had a very strong language barrier and my friend from Japan barely spoke any English. We were really good with hand gestures ha ha. We then got back to the hostel and went to bed because we were getting up pretty early the next morning to go snorkeling and searching for whale sharks, the biggest fish in the ocean. The next morning half of the group went whale sharking while the other half did things like snorkeling with the turtles and or just relaxing on the beach. I was about to find out that this might have been the most thrillseeking adrenaline junkie thing I have ever done. We suited up with our snorkel gear and our flippers and hopped on the boat. I found out that the two girls who would be our snorkel guides I had played ping-pong with the night before and they were pretty cool girls so I was excited for the trip. We started the trip off by heading out into the reef where we jumped straight into the water and just did snorkeling over lots of the Ningaloo Reef. This was my first time ever snorkeling and it was the coolest thing I think I've ever done. Being able to swim next to fish right over a coral reef was amazing. And the tour guide told us we were lucky and she had never experienced what was about to happen next.... about three minutes into the snorkel we saw a giant stingray about the size of two family pleaser Monicals pizza's playing in the sand. And about 30 m ahead in the reef we were swimming with four reef sharks. This is my first time swimming with something dangerous and the sharks looked like baby great whites or something to me ha ha. The scary part was she said they are normally that far into the reef which means there might have been something big out of the water… 🦈 After the snorkel with then were set on our trip to try and find a whale shark. It felt like we were in the boat forever waiting...and the waves kept getting rougher and rougher. The captain was in contact with a pilot who is flying over the waters over a 10 km span in an airplane Who is searching for a whale shark. It took us about three hours until we were told that they had spotted one and we would take the boat for 30 more minutes to find it. At this point half of our crew was extremely sea sick from the very choppy waves and people were throwing up all over the side of the boat or just laying down looking like they had the stomach flu.. my stomach felt a little weird, but luckily I've been on a roller coaster or two in my life and it didn't bother me, but watching my friends throw up all over the boat wasn't fun. Once we got to the area where the whale shark was the atmosphere just changed and everything seem to be very intense. The crew was split into two groups to get in the water and I was with the rest of the girls who I would be traveling with on my trip. The advice that we were given was once you get in the water the only thing that matters is when you see the shark swim to the left or to the right of it so you don't get hit by it straight on, seems easy right? Wrong. The very first jump we did into the water I was so nervous because I couldn't see the shark anywhere from the top before I got in and I had no idea where it was coming from or what to expect. I jumped in the water with about eight of my fellow travelers as we followed our guide about 30 feet from the boat. Remember the water was very choppy so it made things hard to see, I had my snorkel gear on but my head was above the water because I was trying to watch where my guide was taking us. The next thing I know she yells "SHARK" I put my head down immediately into the water, and I kid you not this enormous whale shark the size of a bus was swimming straight at me and was only about 20 feet away. My gut dropped and I was scared shitless as I stared at the thing coming straight at me like a deer in the headlights. I realized if I didn't move immediately my knee was going to hit it straight in the forehead head so I scrambled quickly to my left while the shark swim right past me. When it past me it was only about 10 feet away and the size of the shark made me feel like I was a minnow. Then I saw everyone chasing after it so I quickly swim after the shark and we followed behind it for about 100 feet, but he was swimming pretty fast and we were right behind him on his tail. Finally we stopped and waited for the boat to come pick us up to try and find him again. We then back onto the boat and sat down still breathing heavily because we just chased a shark through the ocean...I couldn't realize or take in what I had just done. The shark was about 7 m long or 21 feet to put things into perspective for you. It was an absolute tank and I stared it straight in the eyes from about 20 feet away. When we all got back into the boat we all looking at each other in shock and talking about how we all had no idea where it was coming from and how we all felt like we had to move right out of the way. Unfortunately, for some of the crew getting back on the boat meant they were immediately throwing up off the side again waiting to get back into the water. Two of the girls in my group were studs because they went from throwing up to putting their masks on and hopping in the water about 30 seconds after they threw up to go chase another shark. I had to give them some credit for that without throwing up in their snorkel gear LOL. We chased the shark four times and on the fourth and final time I had my closest encounter. The same thing happened as the first time I had hopped in the water, but this time I was looking around frantically trying to find him so I could be prepared and know where to get out of his way. But being the unlucky person I am, I had my back turned when he appeared out of nowhere and as I turned he was already 20 feet away. However, this time a girl was in front of me and so I didn't see him until he was so close I thought my knee was going to touch him. My stomach got really tight as I felt sick because I was afraid I was getting ready to kick this massive shark in the head. Our guides also had informed us we need to get out of the way and do not touch the shark because it will dive down deep and we won't be able to see it again. This all went through my mind very fast as the shark was quickly approaching. I surfaced to the water as fast as I could and got about 5 feet to the sharks right hand side before it went past me. This time I let everyone else chase the shark as I slowly just followed behind as all of these thoughts racing through my mind still I was trying to take in the fact that I almost once again had a head on collision with a whale shark. When we got back on the bus we had nothing but stories to tell to the rest of the crew. We were so excited that we saw a shark and we all thought it was the coolest thing we had ever seen. We then we're on our way to Yardi Creek. Where we would be camping the next two nights. We arrived at the campsite late at night so we had to find a tent and put everything in our tent in the dark. We then had spaghetti and sat around a campfire. At this point I decided I would stay up with whoever was awake every single night of the trip because you only get one opportunity sometimes in life and I wanted to hear as many stories and do as many cool things as possible. This night was very interesting because as we sat around the campfire I kept hearing a thumping noise out in the distance. I came to find out that I was hearing the noise of kangaroos hopping around in the dark. I found this funny because back home you hear coyotes howling at night time and where I was I could hear kangaroos hopping around with their buddies.
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picea-rubens · 7 years
I was tagged by my lovely curly-hair-twin, @ tuerdedichauf.
Rules:  Tell your followers 11 random facts about yourself, and tag 11 people in return!  Tag backs are allowed, but you mustn’t repeat any of the facts you mentioned previously!  The facts can be absolutely anything!  Whatever springs to mind!  Let’s get started!
1.   I love to paint, but I’ve never actually finished a painting. The closest that I’ve ever gotten was the longboard I painted a few years back, but I never finish sealing it (so I can’t actually use it).
2.   I live in a sort of sketchy neighbourhood. A lot of weird stuff happens.  Once, we found a bar of soap in our pool and a layer on soap scum on the steps where someone had a bath in the night.
3.   Another time, I walked around the kitchen corner and saw down the hall that this guy had gotten into our sun porch and was just casually standing there, looking in.  I got my Dad, who went to question him.  When dad asked him if he could help him, the guy (who was our new, really creepy neighbour) only said, “do you want to make twenty bucks?”  Dad said no thanks, and the guy just left.  We never found out what he wanted; he used to spy on people with binoculars though, so I don’t think I really want to know.
4.   My best friend once called me at the end of our street because this guy pulled up beside her and demanded that she “get in his car”.  He took off because he thought she was phoning the cops. It was the scariest phone call I’ve ever gotten because I don’t think I could have made it there in time to help her if he hadn’t taken off.
5.   On a completely different note, I’m an insanely active person. I did Crossfit for 6 years before changing to a normal gym.  I still do weightlifting, powerlifting (which IS different), and calisthenics there daily.  I get a lot of strange looks for it.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m a woman or because some of it really does look weird, lol.
6.   I’m also big on snowboarding, rock climbing, hiking, and literally anything that will get me outside.
7.   My friend who taught me to snowboard several years ago has a very ‘learn or die’ sort of approach to teaching. I had been longboarding for years, so I picked it up pretty quickly; however, my second time ever on a snowboard, she had me go down a double black diamond run.  I was taking too long and it was minus 36⁰C.  When I was about half way down, she was like, “Well, I’m cold. I’ll meet you in the lodge.” Weirdly enough, I never fell after she left, hahah.
8.   I got my cockatiel, Max, for Christmas when I was in grade 5. We had lost our white cat, Phillip, a year previously.  My parents got me a bird because they thought he would be less messy than a cat (lol).
9.   I practice Parelli Natural Horsemanship and have been training horses (as a hobby, not for money) for over 12 years.
10.  I worked in a coffee shop for almost 4 years and have so many insane stories about people… once, a woman tried super hard to get me to tell her that the hazelnut K-cups either wouldn’t leave a residue in the machine or weren’t made with real hazelnut… mostly because she liked them, but her husband was “deathly allergic” to hazelnuts. No way was I going to say yes and be held responsible for his demise. When she asked me whether she should risk it, I really wanted to jokingly tell her that I guess it came down to how much she loved her husband, lol...  I ended up referring her to head office because “I really wouldn’t chance it” wasn’t what she wanted to hear.
11. I have a small crescent-shaped scar on one of my knuckles where I smacked my hand on a Ping-Pong table in middle school.
I just posted one of these tagging things, so I’m not going to tag anyone other than @quicksilversquared because you seem like a really cool person and the music one you tagged me in was fun, lol.
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keyofshadows · 7 years
So! Ridiculous conversation that’s gonna strike me as funny for the next week, probably. Which I could definitely use, but whatever. Thought I’d amuse you with it since your cupcake started it, lol.
keyofshadows Tomorrow's Eli's birthday. Confetti for all.
akingdomtheorist Adion will make him a cupcake
keyofshadows Awe. He'd be touched. And Adion would get a hug. Also one of those pointy birthday hats.
akingdomtheorist What if the cupcake was shaped like a pointy birthday hat
keyofshadows Pfffff he'd demand to know if the dragon was conspiring with his mom. She used to sew him a replica of Yen Sid's hat every few years and make him wear it on his birthday while she took pictures. From his literal 'I'm twenty minutes old' birthday until he was eighteen. IS THIS POINTY BIRTHDAY HAT CAKE A REFERENCE TO HIS HAT NEMESIS
sstingray yen sid knows about the hats
keyofshadows Is he amused or shaking his head because what is wrong with these people
sstingray secretly amused but won't show it is my wager
keyofshadows I wonder how much Eli was complaining under his breath about it during his lovely summer of responsibility training also I wonder how many dirty looks he was giving Yen Sid's hat while the man was wearing it because whoops
sstingray the master probably noticed it and said something to him eventually.
keyofshadows lmao. "It's not you Sir, honest! It's just...uh...nothing, actually, never mind, I'm supposed to be mopping or something, better get back to that." /slinks off because oh my god, explaining to Yen Sid about the Hat when he has no idea he already knows, pfff. Poor Eli.
sstingray not pictured: ray in the background trying really hard not to laugh
keyofshadows Oh sure, enjoy your amusement now, he'll get you back for it. Someday. Somehow. Maybe. She can babysit his eventual demonspawn, that'll do it. ...Which would be more of a punishment to the kids, actually.
sstingray and she'll get just as much fun out of that as she did watching him
keyofshadows Okay, we totally know what we're doing with Auryn when he misbehaves. Off to aunt Ray's for a pop quiz!
sstingray secretly gives him cookies when they're not looking
keyofshadows Ray's gonna end up with a kid that mouths off just to be sent for 'punishment', you know. Though he'll be more of an actual pain in the ass as a teenager. Amelia says don't worry about that, she and Nico will knock him into shape. With his own Keyblade, if necessary.
sstingray but eli she is not a tool to punish your children with! gosh!!
sstingray well if he misbehaves TOO badly he'll still learn not to cross her
keyofshadows The Grasshopper knows this. But really, it's Date Night and he and Specter really wanted to have some quiet movie time that didn't involve Auryn yelling in the background from upstairs. I should probably feel bad for Ray having to deal with the next generation of troublemakers, but nope. Too busy snickering.
sstingray it's fine they'll watch a movie that eli doesn't want him to see
keyofshadows Which would probably be anything with drunk elephants. Dumbo is Evil. So is Bambi, but for completely different reasons.
sstingray well. if auryn is up for it...
keyofshadows This is Eli's punk firstborn, of course he is.
sstingray welp. pink elephants on parade it is!
keyofshadows And Ray then gets to field ALL the questions, like how can elephants get drunk, and why isn't HE even allowed more than a can of soda a day if whatever Dumbo had was worse - wait, was that elephant beer? Or did he drink funny water? And if he drinks too much soda is he gonna see pink elephants too? Is THAT why he's not allowed too much? Can he have a few cans and find out?
sstingray fermentation is a terrible thing, you're too young kid, maybe idk but i saw this video once of elephants eating fermented fruits and getting totally trashed, honestly who even knows anymore, no, no it's because you'll get a sugar high and it's also terrible for your health, and no
keyofshadows He is completely unhappy with all of these answers, he'll have you know. Except the trashed elephant video, he wants to see that. BUT. He's gonna complain to Nico first (who will tell him to Listen To Aunt Ray She Knows More Than Them) and then he'll go home and whine at his dad BECAUSE AUNT RAY IS BEING UNFAIR FIX THIS
keyofshadows Eli just snickering and yeah, no, you have no idea of the meaning of 'unfair' when it comes to her, short stuff, sorry.
sstingray eli's probably like "that's what she does there is nothing i can do"
keyofshadows Nor does he wish to try, he's too old for another Darkside/Twilight Thorn/Who Knows What That Is pop quiz. He has kids now! (He's never too old, lmao. Kai'll boot him over for laughs.)
sstingray in which kai accidentally initiates a game of corridor ping pong with eli as the ball
keyofshadows Pfff. Kai says he thought he was going to get into trouble for booting the Epic Dork through Corridors, or does that only count when he's kicking him into the Maw?
sstingray nnnnno he'll probably be in trouble for it later but aunt ray has a life too you know she can't deal with your antics all the time!! there are seas to be sailed! treasures to be found! magics to learn!
keyofshadows Good, then can she take Soren with, he needs a way to deal with him this week that A - Does not involve setting his sneakers on fire AGAIN and B - Keeps Ro from rescuing him. Little brother gets seasick, little brother won't be warping over to pick him up. ...The maturity is astounding.
sstingray just for that she'll kick kai into the ocean
keyofshadows This is punishment how? He can swim. Also will probably open a Corridor and drop into it before he hits the water because he's a little shit.
sstingray either way he's off her ship so she'll count it as a win
sstingray not if she kicks him into her own portal and drops him right above the water
keyofshadows This is how you make enemies, Ray. (lmao, as if he'd do more than sulk for a few days before showing up again to get cookies/ask a favor/see what she thinks is a good present for Ro's birthday)
sstingray puhlease she'll take kai on pirate adventures someday
keyofshadows Do we really want a Keyblade wielder pretending to be a pirate. Or even just on the ship for longer than thirty seconds. (Yes.)
sstingray um duh?? how fun could that be
keyofshadows Kai's pointing out it should be Keyblade MASTER by that time, get it right. This from Mr. 'There's no way I'd ever be that good' who eventually is because whoops, Auryn's training is filled with fetching the chips Mastery Exams. I didn't know that traumatizing was another word for fun.
sstingray isn't that the epitome of everyone's time with their favorite aunt
keyofshadows There was just a resounding 'YES', so.
sstingray well there you go!
keyofshadows /snicker
keyofshadows The pirate thing is gonna turn into tradition, just like Ray taking on Eli as an apprentice started that ball rolling for him. She should pop on by one of the rabbit holes of Wanderer's Refuge again and see if she can land anywhere near Fen's time again. Be greeted by a slightly older (no more than 18, probably) Az, who happily informs her about how she's 'retraining' Celia's apprentice Seth, much to her dad's horror. Probably much to Ray's too, lol. 'Wait, wasn't he the boy that kept going creeper on you? That you hated? WHAT ARE YOU DOING'
sstingray no no its not a bad thing retraining is good
sstingray show him the light girl you go though lol god forbid ray ever have kids and they get mixed up with eli's family that's just gonna be chaos everywhere
keyofshadows Fen asks Ray to PLEASE not encourage his baby, he doesn't like Seth, he doesn't trust him, how does he know he's not going back to Celia and telling her things AZ IS NOT READY FOR THIS STUFF. OMG
sstingray also how would even feel about ray showing up again Oh welp
keyofshadows SO MUCH CHAOS.
sstingray that's the thing about light fen, sometimes you just gotta trust someone
keyofshadows Also no one minds Ray's random drop-ins, she's the Refs boogieman, after all.
sstingray and maybe put a tracker on them u know whatever works
keyofshadows He refuses to trust Seth, he's a little shit.
sstingray excellent her legend will live on
keyofshadows Az'll threaten her kids with Ray popping out of nowhere, just for the entertainment value.
sstingray I have a feeling her hypothetical family would get on great in the chaos tho lmao az can be like IT HAPPENS. A LOT ACTUALLY. we should probably do something about that
keyofshadows Just like how she's naming her firstborn son Jalen, also for the entertainment value. She can hear the grumping from the original through the rabbit hole, lmfao.
sstingray listen ray never asked to be an accidental time traveler it's weird ok
keyofshadows Also hilarious
sstingray she'll be sure to tell Jalen that when she gets back
keyofshadows The kid's gonna be the bounciest, most cheerful baby ever. /cackle
sstingray Oh how delightful!
keyofshadows Az thinks so~
keyofshadows Fen's twitching now because apparently Az is over her crush on Leo and he'd actually rather she go drool over the grease-covered boy Not From Here as opposed to the direction she's looking in. /facepalm
sstingray he could always come back :v
keyofshadows Imagine Fen trying to convince Leo to distract his daughter from the weirdo she's currently 'retraining'. For her own good, of course, not his nerves. /dies
sstingray leo is like whoa that is none of my business dude. slowly backs away.
keyofshadows Az is just smirking. Ha ha dad. But hey, nice to see you Leo, still eating sandwiches out of that toolbelt of yours? Somebody made rice krispy treats if he wants any.
sstingray great now that he gets to see her again, yes, and y e s where can find them?!
keyofshadows lol. Just opens a Light corridor and hands him a whole plateful.
sstingray !!! did he ever tell her he loves her cause he totally does
sstingray thumbs up!!
keyofshadows Fen's trying not to applaud. Go away, you, quit trying to influence things. His wife would swat him.
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suckitsurveys · 4 years
What’s your favorite accessory?: Earrings. I’m always wearing them. I also almost always have a hair elastic on my wrist. I also love a good 90′s style choker.   What is the last article of clothing you bought?: A swim suit for my niece’s birthday. What does that article of clothing look like?: It’s a reversible tankini. One side is half one shade of blue, half another shade, split down the middle, and the other side is black with lightning bolts in those shades of blue. it’s really cute.  Which is better: candy necklaces or Ring Pops?: Candy necklaces.
What’s your favorite kind of soda?: Root Beer and Dr. Pepper.
What program do you use to play your mp3s on?: I use Spotify on my phone for music. If you’ve taken the SATs (or PSATs/ACTs/etc), what was your score?: I don’t remember. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?: A lot. Do you honestly care how much the woodchuck could chuck?: Not at all. What time do you wake up every morning?: On work days I get up around 7. I’m supposed to technically start at 7 but I don’t have to check in til 7:10 and I’m working from home so I sleep til the very last minute lol.  What was the last movie you rented or bought?: I rented Frozen 2 for my niece and I to watch when she slept over last week.  Do you play Dance Dance Revolution?: I have before. If so, what’s your favorite song to play?: I don’t remember any of them. What do you think of the Kool-Aid man?: Oh, yeah. Do you like Dane Cook (he’s a comedian)?: I am embarrassed to admit I used to love him. Then I realized how unfunny and unoriginal he is.  Have you had a song in your head today? What is it?: I have a bunch of songs from Tik Tok constantly playing in my head lately. Have you ever humped someone to greet them in school?: Uh, no.  Who would you rather have sex with: Prince or Billy Idol?: I’m okay.  What was the last concert you went to?: Vampire Weekend in Salt Lake City almost a year ago.  What is the next concert you are going to?: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck 2020. What is your favorite board game?: Clue. Do you think Jade Puget is really awesome?: I have no idea who that is.  What’s your favorite punctuation mark?: ? What foreign language do you take in school?: I took Spanish for 3 years in high school and a year in college. Have you ever read any of the Chronicles of Narnia series?: Nope. Do you hate Harry Potter as much as I do?: I don’t hate Harry Potter, I just don’t care about it. How many times have you seen the movies in the Star Wars series?: I think I’ve only seen the first one the whole way through.  What is your favorite anime?: FLCL. Do you own a lava lamp? Blacklite? Fiber optic lamp?: Nope to all the above. Do you write it as “favorite” or “favourite”?: Favorite. How many bracelets do you own?: I don’t know exactly, but quite a few. How many bracelets are you wearing?: None. The hair tie I usually have on my wrist is in use.  What’s your favorite flavor of Pocky?: Matcha.  What’s your favorite way to wear your hair?: I love space buns! I don’t do it often, but I love them. What brand of gum do you most often chew?: I haven’t had gum in years. Do you believe in the Zodiac somewhat?: Somewhat. I think it’s very interesting how i exhibit the traits of my sign.  What’s your Zodiac sign?: Virgo! What’s your Chinese astrology sign?: Snake. If you were to attend an art school, what subject would you major in?: Film or TV. How old is your PC?: Old. Do you have any 16-bit video game systems in your house? (ie Sega Genesis): No. My husband plays those games on his computer. When was the last time you got some film developed?: Uhh. I have no idea, it’s been several years. What was on that roll of film?: No idea. If you were to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it be of?: I have a few ideas. I wanna do a half sleeve of creepy creatures and a sort of half leg of the other 4 BoJack characters to add to my BoJack tattoo.
When you turn 18 (or already have), what did/will you do on your birthday?: I turned 18 13 years ago. If i remember correctly, we just had a party in my dad’s yard. Can you use a hula hoop?: I mean, sure. Not correctly, though. . What is the longest distance you’ve ever walked?: Not 100% sure.  Do you wear eyeliner?: Sometimes. Has anything been bothering you physically lately?: Yes. How about mentally?: Always. Do you already have an idea of what you wanna do for college?: I already went. What’s your favorite kind of fruity candy?: Sour Patch Kids. How long do you think you could do jumping jacks non-stop?: Lol not long. What do you usually use your tokens on at the arcade?: Skee Ball! What’s your favorite kind of fruit?: Pomegranates, watermelon, bananas.  What’s your favorite kind of Coca-Cola or Pepsi (Vanilla, lemon, lime, etc.)?: Cherry. What do you think of eyeball jewelry?: Sounds gross. What kind of deodorant do you use?: Secret. Have you ever had a lemonade stand?: I think so? What’s your favorite font?: I don’t know. There’s so many.  What size and color do you use with it?: -- What’s better: glitter or rhinestones? GLITTER. If you were given a $50 gift card to an art store, what would you buy?: I have no idea, I’d have to look around.  Do you like taking pictures of yourself?: Eh. Are you fairly photogenic?: Sure. What was your first job?: At a cafe. If you could have wings, what kind would they be (bird, insect, bat…)?: BAT WINGS. What do you order at your favorite fast food place?: My favorite is Popeyes and I usually get the mild chicken tenders combo, unless they have some sort of special tenders, then I will get those. What kind of sauce do you get with chicken nuggets?: BBQ or honey mustard.  Do you like making sandcastles at the beach?: Sure. If you had a tricycle/big wheel when you were a kid, what did it look like?: I had a green big wheel.  Did you have streamers in the handlebars of your bike?: Yes. Would you put streamers on your bike now?: Yes. What is your favorite McDonald’s toy you’ve ever had?: There was one year they had Inspector Gadget toys where each one was a differerent part and if you collected all of them you could build him. I also loved the Barbies and Beanie Babies.  What was your favorite toy that you broke when you were a kid?: A lot of my Barbies got destroyed by my cats when I was a kid.  How do you like your hamburger?: In my mouth. What’s your favorite kind of juice?: Apple or lemonade. What is your favorite belt you own?: I don’t own any belts. What is the most obscure thing you’ve found at a thrift store?: I don’t know. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a thrift store. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen while taking a walk?: I’m sure I’ve seen a lot of weird shit. How often do you go for a walk?: Ugh, I really should more often. What does your discman look like?: Discman? Wow, this survey is really old. What is your favorite kind of Pop Tarts?: Brown sugar. When was the last time you colored in a coloring book?: The other day.  If you were able to sell your soul to someone, how much would you charge?: Lol. What would you buy with the money?: -- What instrument’s sound makes you smile?: Drums. Do you like to be tickled?: Yes. Does tickling turn you on?: Yes. Not so much full on ticking, but light touches.
What brand of condoms do you usually use?: We have some Magnum brand ones, I think they’re called. What was the last CD you bought that you really liked?: I don’t even remember the last CD I bought. When was the last time you had a papercut?: I have no idea. Who’s one person you absolutely hate and why?: My BIL because he’s a piece of shit. What makes you think a person is absolutely obnoxious?: If they’re full of themselves, ignorant, negative about EVERYTHING, pretentious. Basically my brother in law. What was your favorite Pokemon?: Pikachu. Call me basic; I love that little lightning rat.  Did you watch the Power Rangers when you were little?: Yes. What’s better: Ben and Jerry’s or Dairy Queen?: I feel like you can’t really compare the two? If you could go over to someone’s house right now, who’s and why?: Randal’s because I miss himmmmmmmm. Are you good at playing ping-pong?: Nope. Do you like to chew on things?: Sometimes. What’s a nervous habit of yours?: Playing with my hair or picking at my face. Do you like to paint your nails?: I like to get them done. I haven’t in AGES though.  Would you be able to fit in a kiddie pool?: Yeah? What makes you giggle with glee?: Lots of things! When you read the comics in the paper, what do you go for first?: Garfield! 
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brivandenberg · 5 years
The man you were is not what I deserve.
You were the light of my life, the one that I would go to for everything, good or bad. You were always there for me when I needed you the most. We got the chance to go on so many adventures, so many memories were made, laughs and smiles were shared.
The first date. We did not meet the way that “normal” relationships are made, but that did not matter because it worked for us. We talked for about a week and during that week of talking before finally meeting in person, you made me feel so special. You made me feel like a princess over the phone without even knowing you in person. You would call me cute names that I never had the pleasure of being called by anyone else before. Cupcake, love, and my all time favorite, “booter”. That one was my favorite when you called me that later on in our relationship. I loved it when you called me that and I would call you bear or bubs. I met you at your house about 20 minutes before you even got there, you lost track of time while being at your sisters house helping Joe with the car or something along those lines. You were wearing a t-shirt, your jeans and your signature boots. You had your sunglasses on the top of your head the whole time even though is was dark outside. We went to the county fair and while being there, I felt like the luckiest girl there when standing and walking next to you. We got to see the cows or the “moo moo’s” as we would call them throughout our relationship. Of course we had to go in by the goats because those are my favorite and you had such a huge smile on your face when I was going crazy when looking at the baby goats. After walking around for a bit, you decided to get some money out of the ATM and get some tickets to go on the Ferris Wheel and play some games. When standing in line at the Ferris Wheel, there were some teenagers behind us and you instantly got protective and stood right behind me instead of next to me. You did not want other people looking me up and down. We got onto the ride and we sat side by side, I felt so safe and so comfortable with you. You put your arm around me and I snuggled in closer to you, I did not want to move from that seat ever.
We then went on to play some games and I ended up winning you a moo moo, but with your money and you won me a blue monkey. You were impressed with my dart throwing skills after I told you that I was good at that game, you underestimated me (lol). We then went on to play the game where you had to through a ping pong ball into a jar to win a goldfish.. Which we won and had no idea what to do with it. We took it back to your house and let it go in the pond that you have. Then we went inside your house and decided to watch a movie in your room. That’s where we had our first kiss and to tell you that I had so many butterflies and felt the sparks light up, is such an understatement. Because of that kiss, I knew that you were the man that I wanted to be with.
We hung out many times after that first date and we always had so much fun. By August 3rd, 2018, we made our relationship official. You would not let me make it facebook official though which I personally thought was weird, but I did not think too much of it. After we made it official between us, family and a few friends, that’s when all of the adventures came into play. Late night adventures, WCEC meets, other car meets, watching street racing at Park Place, dodging the cops when they caught everyone racing… so adrenaline rushing. You would say “I created an adrenaline junkie now, didn’t I?” Yes you sure did and the fact that it was with you was all the more exciting.
Eventually you started to act shady. You would not talk to me for a few days on end and when you did, it would be short answers that would confuse me even more. Soon enough I grew agitated and decided that I didn’t need that kind of treatment from my boyfriend so I ended things with you. Once I did, you went and either remade your Tinder account or you never got rid of it, but one of my friends saw you on there and you ended up messaging her flirting. That broke me. So I then decided to re make mine, never actually going on it to talk to people, but just to see if you would find it and you did… it hurt you just as much as it hurt me. You wanted me back, you couldn’t be without me. You ended up coming to my house that night to talk to me, to try to get me back. I cried and tried so hard to get information out of you, which I did but not enough to know what exactly happened.. But in the moment, it was enough for me because I loved you and I just wanted you back into my life. We made up, we got back together and I couldn’t have been happier. The next day I came to your house and we made our relationship facebook official which was a big deal to me because you did not let me do it before. That was something very important to you to make sure that you are with the one that you truly want to be with. That is when I felt as if everything would then be perfect. And it was, for a while. The day after we made it official on social media, you bought me a promise ring. You and I made the promise to each other to love one another unconditionally, to never lie, cheat, or hurt one another. I loved that ring, it was so beyond beautiful. So many people would ask me if I was engaged because of the way that it looked. I cherished that ring each and everyday because it was a symbol of the amount of love that we had for one another.
I felt like I could trust you with my life. I know you would do many things to protect me and most of the time had my best interest at heart, but you broke my heart one night. Lying in your bed, you were sound asleep on your side as was I. I woke up randomly to a voice in my head telling me to check your phone. So I did. I found some things that I was not happy about and I felt my heart break all over again. You were talking to other girls on snapchat, flirting with them, even though I was the one by your side almost every night. I cried and I cried. I did not sleep the rest of that night. The next morning you woke up and you could tell something was wrong with me so you asked. I told you that I went through your phone and found some things that I did not like. You then changed the subject onto me and told me that I would always snapchat other guys, which was not true. I never sat there just talking to other guys, I would send out a snapchat to all of my streaks in the morning which consisted of two guys. Both of which being in very happy and very very committed relationships. That was always an issue for you. You started to lose trust in me which began for me to lose trust in you. I would go through your phone and always find something that I did not like. You would go through my phone and there was never anything questionable on there because I was completely devoted to you. The only time that you found something that you did not like was when my friend Connor told me that he missed me and I said it back. But he is engaged and has been one of my best friends for countless years. You did not like that answer, you weren’t going to like any answer I would have given you because you were jealous.
The best adventure that you and I took was the trip to the west coast. Driving 31 hours to San Diego, then to Yuma to be with your best friend. So many beautiful memories were made on that trip. I am so glad that we were able to do that together. You and I both agreed that we felt as if the trip made us closer, which it really did, I believe. But, I guess not close enough.
I went to the ER one night recently, you were out with your friends having a good time. The next morning, all I wanted to do was let you know what happened at the hospital and what they told me and did for me. You did not want to hear it because you did not have time for me. You only focused on your friends and that was not fair to me. You being my boyfriend, you should have wanted to know because you were suppose to care. You were supposed to be there for me through thick and thin, just as we promised each other. But you did not. You then lashed out on me and said very very hurtful things to me that made my heart hurt so badly. I ended things with you. You did not think twice about it. You did not care, you had no remorse, you probably just shrugged your shoulders and thought “Well, I’m single now, sweet” just because you did not have to “deal” with me anymore. I cannot even tell you how bad this whole deal broke my heart. You completely shattered my heart into a million pieces and you did not care. It was as if all the memories were completely thrown away and meant nothing to you, as if I meant nothing to you.
I do want to tell you this though; My mind wants to hate you so bad with everything in me for breaking me down, for making me put up a wall against other people, and for making me lose trust and faith in most things. But my heart overrules my mind and will not let me hate you. I do not hate you, even though I want to so badly. I have every reason and every right to hate you. But I simply just cannot. I do not regret the relationship that we had, the memories that we made and the feelings that were developed. I am so glad that I got to experience things with you that I would have never once thought about doing. I am glad that we got to take that trip, to run all around wisconsin doing things, late night adventures, day adventures. The photos and videos that I had on my phone of you for memory sake. Everything that we got to do together, I am so thankful for.
I want to tell you thank you. Thank you for showing me what love feels like, thank you for giving me memories of a lifetime, thank you for giving me such a beautiful life with you. But also, thank you for breaking and crushing my heart so bad, the absolute worst heartbreak that I have ever had in my entire life. I was so bound to you, so in love with you that I forgot what hating myself felt like because you made me feel loved. I thank you for breaking my heart because now when I look back at the time that we shared together, I am able to notice and understand all of the red flags you gave during the relationship. I now have a better understanding of what a relationship should be and what it should not be. You made me open my eyes to what true love is supposed to be, and the way that I deserve to be treated, and the way you treated me half the time is not what I deserve. I deserve something so much better, love that truly is unconditional and not just said to be.
Thank you for showing me that I am worth much more than what you made me out to be. I deserve nothing but the best, and the best is not what you gave to me. So thank you.
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