#when you have burn out but want to draw the blorbos anyway
creativesplat · 2 months
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angelsdean · 1 year
thinking abt this ask some more and well, it also all boils down to dean is not john because dean is not john.
dean is his own person with different life experiences and trauma and morals and agency. yes dean learned and internalized some things from john, and learned to filter most of his emotions into anger bc anger was a safer emotion to express under john's roof than fear or sadness.
but dean literally IS NOT john. he's dean. and crucially he is a victim of john, who was Thee angry man in the house. john is the first person he learned pain and shame and anger and self-hatred from. and dean has not been able to properly unpack or cope with those early experiences or any of the other traumatic events that follow. for nearly 40 years. PLUS 40 years of hell trauma. and still !! still !! dean tries to do better. he apologizes and he expresses his regret for past actions and even his worst actions are rooted in love and a need to protect. he most often acts out of fear, worry, and/or grief. as cas said, the good and the bad, everything he has done has been for love. he fears jack and is angry at jack during widowers arc because he loved cas so much and does not yet know jack is good and can be trusted. his reaction is understandable. we as the audience see and receive more information than the characters. dean has every right to be fearful and wary.
but anyways. back to dean and john. widower's arc IS meant to draw that parallel between them. we're supposed to see dean echoing john. we're supposed to feel john's ghost acting through dean. but we are also meant to see where they diverge. dean does not become obsessed with revenge. he does not go on a quest to get cas back (despite how much he wants him back) and abandon everyone else. he even starts to come around to jack, even before cas gets back.
then, there's john and his own complicated trauma. and i do feel some empathy and sadness for him. but his trauma is notably different from dean's, and that's why dean garners more of my empathy, compassion, and forgiveness.
john felt abandoned after his father's disappearance and then internalizes those abandonment issues and those unresolved feelings fester into anger. then john enlists illegally in the military chasing his father's ghost. in the military he experiences more trauma. but he did choose to go into the military. it's different from dean being forced to be a soldier and weapon for his father from a young age. john was 17 ? when he enlisted and did so of his own free will (as much free will as you can have being one of chuck's blorbos but still, you get what i'm saying), while dean never had a choice, and by the time he had the choice to leave he'd already been guilt tripped into staying by john and also had very few connections outside of the winchester family unit. IF dean were to leave john (after sam left) he'd be largely alone because john never let them forge connections and relationships. john purposely kept them isolated from others, which is a tactic of abuse. finally, john loses mary which exacerbates his preexisting issues, anger, and trauma. losing mary was not the catalyst that turned john "bad" it was just an accelerator added to the fire that had been slow-burning for years.
so yes, both john and dean have abandonment issues regarding their fathers, except john's are based on a perceived abandonment that he lets become a deep anger and propel his actions re: joining the military. whereas dean is literally abandoned and neglected repeatedly and often throughout his childhood which leads to a lot of unresolved fear and anxiety regarding losing people and people leaving him. cas dying during widower's arc and losing mary at the same time too (and crowley!) definitely triggers those deep seated fears and anxieties. dean also just as trauma surrounding death bc of mary. dean, like john, also has trauma surrounding being a soldier and having to kill people. however, john chose that path (and then later chose hunting) while dean had that life thrust upon him. (the first time he's handed a gun he is six years old and his father believes he somehow has a "killer instinct"). finally, dean, like john, loses cas who is yes mary-coded during widower's arc and he is left with a child. however, unlike john, this child is also an extremely powerful being whom dean knows nothing about except the fact that he is the biological son of lucifer. he also believes jack manipulated cas and got him killed. people will parallel jack to sam in this instance but john likely had no idea sam was infected with demon blood until much later after years of research and following azazel's trail. so early on, john's neglect and mistreatment of sam and dean cannot be blamed on john being afraid of sam or something like that. john IS afraid of the world though. he's paranoid as all heck and that fuels a lot of his actions. but dean is not wrong in this case for being wary of jack. he has every right to be afraid, it's just that his fear, coupled with grief, ends up being expressed as anger. the same may be true for john in those early years, but eventually, john lets his anger and need for vengeance consume him and he prioritizes the hunt over his children. as he says in 1x22, "killing this demon comes first. before everything." dean wants cas and mary and crowley back, but he doesn't put it before everything. he doesn't turn away from sam or jack to pursue that quest.
dean is not john because dean is dean. he doesn't see the world as black and white as john did. he still has fears and trauma that when triggered have him reverting to old, ingrained habits, but most often, he wants to do good and help people. he cares about his family and wants them to be safe and alive. sometimes he will go to extremes to make sure that happens. but his actions are always rooted in love and care. cas saw him as a being of love. as more than what john tried to make him. more than a blunt instrument. more than a weapon for heaven and hell. more than chuck's favorite toy. dean is dean. and that's why cas loves him. and that's why *i* love him.
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zzoomacroom · 3 months
Ooohhh, new getting to know you game!
Tagged by @4typercent and @tj-dragonblade, thanks babes! 💗💗💗
Who was your first fictional crush?
Disney's Aladdin lmao. I remember watching it with my cousin and both of us being like 😍
What's the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?
Oh fuck uhhhhhhhh orange. No wait, blue!
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?
I'd rather not say because it's from my current fandom and it's actually really good (the part I read anyway), but I had to stop reading because it squicked me out badly and triggered some old trauma. But that's on me for not taking the tags seriously enough
I'm coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?
Umm uhhhh I don't know, what do you like? This is a lot of pressure 😭 how about some pasta? With like a bunch of veggies and pesto sauce? I can make some pretty good soups? Or I could make carnitas in the crock pot and we can have tacos (don't worry, I get the good tortillas from the Mexican grocery store, none of that Mission bullshit)
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?
Kangaroos, they're like real life Pokémon
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?
Oh gosh I'm drawing a blank...I kind of agree with @tj-dragonblade about Erik from Phantom of the Opera. Only because I was like 15 when I saw it and thought "I want a dark, mysterious man with a beautiful voice to be obsessed with me 🥺"
Oh, and Jareth from Labyrinth. I mean, come on, it's Bowie. Hmm, I may have a type...
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?
Fat, annoying nerd with a mustache
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?
I'd probably be fine, I tend to stay out of trouble and I'm not important enough to get the attention of any villains (hopefully)
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?
No, but I just googled it and it sounds like fun
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?
I guess? Idk, if anything I envy her--snake hair and the ability to turn people to stone? Sounds awesome, sign me up. Yeah, it's probably obvious that I don't know much about Greek mythology
Which song makes you think of your OTP?
"In My Life" by the Beatles is sooooo dreamling coded, I might just work it into one of my fics. Also "Shelter Song" by Temples. But I can manage to make nearly any song about my blorbos
Which song makes you dissociate and daydream the fastest?
Pink Floyd's "Atom Heart Mother" suite. It sounds like the soundtrack to some grand, epic adventure
No pressure tags: @duckland @marvagon @kydrogendragon @tryan-a-bex @mallory-x @goofygooberton @fleabagoftheendless and anyone else who wants to join in! ✨️
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If u still want fighting requests then empires s2 False with maybe Sausage? (or anyone of your choice really, False is just my blorbo) thank you, I love your writing!!
"Do you want to spar?"
False nearly falls off the edge of her airship when she startles. Sausage is on the bridge staring at her with an expression of danger and malice. Or possibly a pleasant smile.
"Do you wanna spar?" Sausage repeats. "I'm supposed to protect and help people, but I need to good at fighting to do that. Bubbles said I should come spar with you."
"My dog! Some version of her anyway. I was in a different place." Sausage nods along with his own words. "She got me back home though. She's a good girl."
"Right. Of course. Obviously." False steps back from the edge towards the iron farm, putting more space between herself and Sausage. She's not sure she wants to admit it out loud, but she doesn't think she knows how to spar. She doesn't remember ever sparring at least. On the other hand, it would be rude to refuse and if she's rude to Sausage, he might become her enemy. She doesn't want to have any enemies if she can help it. (She feels like she hasn't always been able to help it) "Sure? We can spar?" she says confidently.
"Great!" Sausage jumps off the bridge and floats gracefully to the woods outside Cogsmeade.
You could probably hide a whole army in those woods if you wanted to. False sometimes stares out at them on the nights that she doesn't dare sleep and wonders if it would be safer to just burn them down. Probably not. Fire has its own dangers. She takes the stairs.
Sausage is waiting for her in the treeline, already brandishing his great axe. "Okay, let's go!" he cheers.
False steps closer and draws her sword. It fits strangely in her hand. Not like it hurts, but like... She's not sure how to describe it. She takes a step back and Sausage's axe arcs in front of her. The momentum of it swings him around. He recovers and goes for a backhanded blow. She only has to lean back a little way to avoid that.
He keeps slashing at her and she keeps stepping out of the way and she's not sure what the point of this whole exercise is. Maybe there's some social aspect she's missing out on? She's never been very good at those. She ponders it as she steps back and back and back and her shoulders hit a wall and she can't go back any more.
Her body remembers before her mind does.
Sausage doesn't wear mail under his chest plate. He pulls his arm back for a wide strike and lunges forward.
False grabs his wrist with her left hand, steps forward, and plunges her sword into through his armpit. Her wrist tilts up to angle the blade between the ribs. It slides home through his lungs and into his heart and everything goes very, very red.
Sausage tries to gurgle something out with his last breath, but he's already choking up blood. He gives her a big smile and a thumbs up instead.
False stares down at his dissolving body and wipes her sword clean. There's a lot she doesn't know, but she's reasonably certain this isn't the best way to make friends. Sausage didn't seem to mind though? Hmm. Would he mind if she took his chestplate?
Well, only one way to find out. She bends down and gets to work.
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2-wuv · 11 months
4 18 and 25 for the plural game if you want to
this got longggg FBCJCJ
Are there any activities your system members like to do together? Collective hobbies? Talk about those!
Yes!! We enjoy gaming & drawing together usually! Uhhhh We also have some YouTubers we like watching together collectively IIRC but usually it's gaming & drawing.
Are there differences between systemmates surrounding sensory things? (For example, one person likes the taste of one food and another doesn’t.)
OH DEFINITELY LMAO there's foods a lot of us can eat that we Absolutely Cannot if Encyclo is Anywhere Near Front bc it just. Hates The Textures & Tastes So Much. And A few of us in the roster rn like Perception & Suggestion have roles that are just "Find This Specific Sensory Imput RIGHT NOW or so help me god" and we're like Why. Why do you fuckign want this. [lighthearted]
Like fr example. Perception's biggest front trigger is almost scalding hot water* & if our weighted blanket didn't have a hole in it Suggestion would probably front way more often & be able to without burning through so many spoons LMAO
[*WE DON'T KNOW WHY THIS IS we asked and it's not a self harm thing it's a "OOOOO the textures :))" thing SHE'S FINE LMAO]
What is something you wish singlets knew about plurality?
Fictives are not your blorbos™
we had the whole "omg you're [character]!!!! You're so cool Can we be besties can we date can we XYZ I only care about you btw" weirdness happen to us at LEAST once but that was yearssss ago luckily. Like. Just before our source even existed I think LMFAO
But yeah it's fucked up like Hello just because the brain introjected a bitch from media does not mean we r the same. At all. And this can be a blessing and a curse tbh like dude if our Harry acted even remotely similar to how he does in-game & he fronted often then like NOBODY WOULD WANT TO TALK TO US but I digress Sorry if that's mean We just woke up it's 2:30. in the morning. BUT ANYWAYS!!
Fictives are our own damn people we can (and DO!) grow and change & learn and quite often! Differ from source HEAVILY! But also y'know. Shout out to those who Don't change much or at all from their source cuz we've ALSO got a lotta fuckers like that here too tbh I'M GETTING OFF TOPICjfjdkskzd
It's just. So uncomfortable for us personally lmao. But also shoutout to the few people we've met who Tried doing that & were like "Understandable have a nice day" & learned & were Niceys abt things when we told them No. like. thank u 4 having common senseJFFJJSF
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breaddo · 1 year
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
thank you @weidli for tagging me! :] i will also be posting my last 5 fics posted on ao3 + 5 wips of varying recent-cy. would have done this on my sideblog but i included other fandoms
1. cambi di me, pensieri e forme (doctor who; eight wears a pretty dress and charley realizes she's not quite a woman)
"Do we have to?" "Oh, where's your sense of adventure, Charley?"
2. you're so cold, keep your hand in mine (tatort münchen; vampires au in the 90's)
The neon lights were blinding in the dark, and Ivo didn’t like having so many people so close around him like this.
3. your burning yearning need (polizeiruf 110; vincent finds out about a vulgar deal adam struck with ulysses during demokratie stirbt in finsternis)
They were in the middle of a difficult case. One murder became two, then three, something more coordinated than they originally believed.
4. è vietato morire (polizeiruf 110; adam dies, or so vincent thinks.)
It's just a normal case. It's a long, grueling case that has them spending a couple nights in another town thus far, but in the end it's just another damn case.
5. Good Night, Sweet Prince (polizeiruf 110; the lead actor in a hamlet production dies that same night, and vincent becomes a main suspect in the death of his friend.)
“Horatio.” It was the softest word he’d ever spoken, as if tailored just for him to say. “Horatio, if thou didst ever hold me in thy heart…” Hamlet slowly raised his reddened hand to cup his face, dampening his jaw. “Absent thee from felicity a while, and in this harsh world, draw thy breath in pain.”
6. Untitled (polizeiruf 110/4 gegen z crossover; a retelling of abgrund in which adam reunites with an old friend)
Adam's side of the investigation started with the inn and its owner.
7. Untitled (tatort münchen; in which carlo is dead and franz disappears. sorry i riffed too hard off a mutual's blorbo dream)
It's been two weeks. They've been working together long enough that Kalli can tell when there's something wrong with Batic and Leitmayr.
8. Untitled (4 gegen z; au where everything is the same but jona has a cat)
The Guardians practically materialized on Jona's boat, flooding through the doorway. "Jona, we−What's that?" Jona looked up from his lap. "What's what?" "That." Pinkas pointed at him, and Jona looked back down.  The little ball of orange fur in his lap stared at the kids with wide eyes.
9. Untitled (doctor who; post-seasons of fear, eight is exhausted after his recent adventures and shows up to a familiar doorstep in san francisco in search for something grounding)
Another patch in time stitched over. Well, that was an extremely simplified and basic explanation of what really happened to the timeline since they chased after Grayle, but it would have to do for now, because the Doctor didn't want to think about time at the moment.
10. No Satisfaction (metamoro; x-files au idea based on the no satisfaction music video and fueled by multiple years of really specific brainrot. this is my wildcard option, babey!)
1:27 A.M. It wouldn't have had to be such a long night for him if he could just make himself stop thinking for a minute.
i'll tag @bunny-banana, @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare, @tinypi, @egirlgarak, @carlomenzinger and anyone else who wants to do it 👍
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dennydraws · 1 year
The art of slowing down
Hello, hello! Good morning :D It's time for another art related blog post that I'm surprised to find people following and enjoying? \o/ I want to be consistent with these cause over the past year or so I started to feel less and less connected to my art or art in general and talking about art related things does help me get back into that mindset!
And today I wanted to ramble about .... slowing down.
I recently working on a personal piece and while completely enjoying the process I reached the background part. As usual my first idea was - ok I'm not drawing this grass or bushes or whatever, surely I can find a brush somewhere. Long story short I spent more time looking for a brush than working on my line art, got upset and started drawing my own grass. And as I was drawing the grass I got completely sucked into the process, I was actually enjoying it? Why was I in a hurry to get the background done anyway? So I could post it asap? Why?
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(Behold! My very much self painted and slightly burned grass :D)
I'm pretty sure I rambled about this before somewhere... or here and I have a need to ramble about it once more xD;;
It feels like nowadays we're so bombarded with fast content. Even looking on youtube for art videos you keep being fed with - draw faster, improve better, complete X for Y days etc ... and I was in that trap too. My first idea all the time is how do I get faster? But now I'm starting to replace it with - how do I get comfortable. If the process is comfortable, then it doesn't have to be faster, does it?
Thanks to beloved algorithm and social media trends we are taught that our art is worth 5 seconds on the platform's dash, so yes why should I invest hours and hours into a piece that will go into the endless scrolling void in 5 seconds? Yes, my mutuals will see it, but they will also see my blorbo scribbles that I did in an hour or less. It feels like the current climate online doesn't want you to slow down and enjoy the process of your own art and instead invest in quantity over quality.
That's not good for your brain, or mine. I've always been one to enjoy the process until recent years where I found myself constantly stressing over how fast I draw or what's the point when something easy can get me seemingly same results - just how a grass brush would seemingly get me same results - it didn't. I felt way happier with me drawing the grass myself. Will anyone notice or care? I don't know but it made me really happier that I did it.
I can't help how people like or dislike my art, I can only help how I feel about it and I rather go back to loving the process even when it's slow and even when a couple of brushes will 'solve' my issues. I'm not saying hey ditch all the brushes, no I think they are wonderful mean to enhance your piece! I only used it as comparison cause it made me, personally me, say wait, hold on... why am I not drawing the grass myself? When did I stop enjoying the process?
But yes, thank you for reading my little rambles, dear reader! All inspired my me drawing grass :D;; I need to post the said piece later on, I was really happy how it turned out too! \o/ But with that said, I don't want my rambles to get way too long so, I hope you have an inspiring and great rest of the week!
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
Any tips on how to start/make a comic??
OH geez that’s    such a good question sdkjfhsdjkf
here this got a little long so I’m putting it under a cut!!
like okay, technically I’ve been drawing comics since elementary school because when I don’t do them it feels like I’m exploding inside (it’s   probably an adhd thing sfjhsdkjfhsdjkh) so that’s always been my biggest motivation!! 
I can mention a few things that really help me out though!!
-start small!! you know the first 6 pages where I introduce gene?? those things took me literally forever ohhhhhhhhhh my gosh. my stamina is so much better now because I’ve been working towards doing bigger pages for so many years!! (and I hope it keeps getting better so that I can eventually do these big oc comics I’ve been wanting to do since high school)
-also start small when you want to try new things!! I’m pretty sure I didn’t start using actual panels until like ?? ?  halfway through galar?? and even then I used them sparingly to get used to them (and now I usually like them better than panel-less updates 😳😳😳)
-draw for yourself!! (like, if it’s not your job that you use to pay the bills sdkjfhsdkjf)
(I’m still always surprised by how nice everyone is and how many people are having fun along with me and gene, because I’ve literally been drawing for an audience of one (or two because I like showing my partner my stuff 🥺) my whole life 😳😳😳)
-take breaks to do something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT when you feel tired -- try not to burn yourself out!! because that leads to situations like last year where I stopped drawing pokemon altogether for like 10 months and it was awful (though I did draw a bunch of good dnd stuff at the time which helped me to experiment with CSP quite a bit, so it wasn’t all bad!!)
--like, I’ve started to feel tired several times during this pla run because it’s taking me longer than I originally expected (my swsh run was .   so short in comparison), so when that happens I usually take a day to read a new isekai, play sudoku, and watch something interesting OR switch up what I’m drawing
--and it always leads back to me feeling anxious to pick up where I left off!!  😳😳😳
(and I think it helps - at least in my case - to have a separate art blog vs main blog?? like I got inspired to do that by that old cutiefly ask blog and it helped so much to have a separate space for art stuff vs. personal stuff)
anyways sorry it got so long and I’m not sure any of this is useful - since everyone works differently - but I hope it helps!! (also please tell me more about vera or send me a link when you start doing her stuff I want to know if she’ll be Okay™️)
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I use CSP (I got in on sale skjdfsdkjh) but before I switched to that a little over a year ago I used Krita!! it’s free and open-source (like firefox) and has a TON of customization options!!!
the main reason I switched to CSP was because the text layers in Krita were a little weird on my version (they might have fixed it though??) and CSP has the comic panel layout maker tool thing which I’ve    discovered that I really, really enjoy using!!
(the panels feel contained and well-organized which my brain seems to like a lot, though there’s less pressure when I just draw shorts without them!!)
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aaaa thank you so much!! I’m really honored that the blorbos from my head and games are being inspiring aaaaa 😭😭😭💕💕💕
good luck with your comic!!! I bet it’s going to be so cool 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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princefado · 1 year
stolen from @baratrongirl!!!
i'm tagging @forkflinger and @ziskandra
Rules: copy/past and bold your fic preferences and tag someone to do the same. But you should do these even if I didn't tag you :D
>slow burn or love at first sight.
ahhh, both of these are good... can i say both!? love at first sight which leads to pining!? or maybe love at first sight that isn't recognized?!
>fake dating or secret dating.
i love fake dating, but secret rendezvous are wonderful as well, especially in AUs. but fake dating wins out because of pining while acting as lovers <3
>enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers.
but really, i most prefer "boss and subordinate to lovers".
>oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance with correspondence.
fuuuuuuuck. i love me some pining but i love one bed... one bed because it's hornier.
>hurt/comfort or amnesia.
what about hurt/comfort WITH amnesia? probably h/c wins out over amnesia though, but i do love amnesia shenanigans.
>fantasy au or modern au.
why in the name of god would i EVER want a modern au. ever.
>mutual pining or domestic bliss.
>smut or fluff.
why can't we have both. i guess smut over straight fluff though.
>canon complaint or fix-it fic.
i can enjoy fix-it fic now and then, but i much prefer seeing how people work within canon, reading between the lines and fitting events in with canon timelines... it's a fun puzzle!
>alternate universe or future fic.
i don't really have a real preference! i do think i love AUs more than post-series fics, though.
>one-shot or multi-chapter.
really depends on my mood!! my attention span varies. but i guess if i had to choose i'd choose multi-chapter.
>kid fic or roadtrip fic.
look roadtrip fic is fine but KID FIC KID FIC KID FIC. "accidental baby acquisition" is one of my favorite fucking tropes EVER. i want every emotionally constipated blorbo to have an adorable baby shoved into their arms. please. give me kid fic always.
>reincarnation or character death.
i'm not particularly interested in either, but reincarnation can be fun if written well! im not opposed to character death in a one-shot, but it can be draining if part of a larger story.
>arranged marriage or accidental marriage.
god. i love arranged marriage. especially if the arranged marriage actually ends up working out well. or if it's a fucked up one that they get rescued from.
>high school romance or middle-aged romance.
high school romance can be very cute, but i much prefer reading about established working adults, or retirees <3
>time travel or isolated together.
i've actually got a time travel fic in my drafts, but i really only like time travel if the repercussions of it are fixed/mundane. i don't want time travel to actually end up permanently changing the world or story. so time travel that ends in romance in the current age is great, time travel that ends up being undone is great, but i wouldn't want time travel used as a way to fix an important canonical plot point.
anyway that said, i love characters getting locked in rooms or snowed in or or or <3
>neighbors or roommates.
roommates is good if something forces them together (cough cough, Temporary Lodgings) but i usually prefer characters to have some degree of separation to eachother. i don't find it that interesting when characters suddenly realize they're dating someone; i want a big romantic confession!!!
>sci-fi au or magic au.
i'm just not a sci-fi fan. easy-peasy. although i don't mind softer sci-fi, like Chobits
>body swap or genderbend.
genderbends are super great and fun to draw, but i don't really like reading them all that much. body swaps on the other hand.... endless potential for both comedy and smut.
>angst or crack.
crack doesn't do it for me. i don't like angst with an unhappy ending all that much, though.
>apocalyptic or mundane.
mundane, pls ): unless the apocalypse is a nice one like in Giant Spider and Me. i'd be cool with my blorbos in an apocalypse like that :D
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
I think I’ve interacted w BNHA all this time cuz I’m so excited for the ending. It’s hilarious, I don’t even really have an attachment to any of the characters (except shigaraki and sum of the other villains) but I just really love how hori has set up the ending. I really really wanna see AFO and Yoichi backstory but I don’t think they’re gonna give AFO that much of a backstory since he’s supposed to die and be irredeemable. It’s just so fun to see what will happen and read everyone’s theories and see people talk abt the two characters I actually care abt. Regarding fight scenes, I will never forget when I first read MVA and got to see re destro vs shigaraki. I was like “WHAT?? HE TORE HIS HANDS OFF??? WHAT SHIGARAKI BACKSTORY?? OH MY GOD HES SMILING AND GIGGLING!?!?!?” That entire arc was so well put together and I was shigaraki starved for so long but my brain just imploded when I found out this arc existed (and then I waited two long years for it to get animated only for it to be treated like a side project). SPEAKING OF ART- oh my god the art. It’s gotten so much better over the existence of the manga like wow. I see old panels and I noticed the lines used to be so thin (and sort of rushed ig-?) and now you can tell how confident Hori is, the action scenes feel like they’re really moving the lineart is so bold and thick. This is getting long but in short I like BNHA because of the way the entire story has been set up to end and shigaraki. It was the first anime/manga I ever got into and I just know I’m gonna get all emotional once it ends, but that’s what I’m lookin forward to!!
Yes! Like I find it nice that even with people like yourself who don't have much of an attachment to the characters (aside from shiggy and the other character you like of course), there's still something that totally grabs you in because, like it or not, you want to know the ending! Even if it's bad or good or meh, there's still that question that hangs in the air about "How is this going to end?" and, if nothing else, that alone is what draws people in (It's The Mystery Of It All)
Personally, I think Hori has the capability to show us some really interesting AFO stuff. Judging by how Hori has outlined the whole thing about "you have done bad things and I will never forgive you for that but I still want to save you", that kind of complexity to the situation, I'm willing to bet that Hori has the potential to show AFO as fucked up as he already is but really round his character out, you know? Show his backstory (we still have a hanging question in the air of "was AFO always like this, even as a child, or did it all start when his quirk manifested?" so idk it'd be cool if we got the answer to that question) and such. I remain hopeful anyway
You can still have a character be irredeemable and die, but branch out their backstory as well, I believe, so uh. fingers crossed lol 🤞
And SAME for the MVA arc, it was just so amazing!! Just to learn more about the League but also the whole fight! And Shiggy laughing?? Ugh. Icing on the cake. That was probably the arc that got me to really like Shiggy, like full-on "this character has GRABBED my ATTENTION and now I want MORE"
I swear, one of the things Hori gets right with his slow burn is that Character Drought where you're wondering where tf your blorbo is and as soon as they get screen time or development, it's like you've been splashed with water and you come racing back for more (keep em waiting, keep em wanting - that's the writers rule lol)
I totally know what you mean about the art, like, to watch the style change over the years and see everything go from the rigid lines (idk how to put it either. like sharper and thinner?) to the bolder (bouncier) and sleeker ones is just very 👌👌👌
Yeah I think that nostalgia is gonna be very present. For everyone in the fandom, to some degree, but also for people like you who's first introduction to anime/manga was bnha! No matter the outcome of the story, I'm sure it's going to be something you'll remember for ages - the anticipation of the story, or the fun you had reading those theories, or both 😊
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runsonlovepower · 2 years
inb4 realizing I can post whatever I want to on my sideblog because it’s my sideblog for my archive of MY blorbos I have headcanons I always draw people with and I’m going to explain them:)
- I always draw ven with a split eyebrow because I like it, he got it from falling out of a tree. he and vani have scars in different places, ven’s are most concentrated on his arms bc he can’t block very well, and vanis are scattered bc of his fighting style
- vani is very muscular compared to ven bc of his training, ven just. can’t put on weight. he’s going to be a twig and around 120 forever. Sora and Roxas can but less so, they can’t be beefy, Xion can a little. Riku can have beef.
- Roxas has a shorter mullet than ven, vanitas has sharper hair than Sora. rokuven and soxiovani share noses and skin tone, but ven has light lashes and is tall and Roxas has darker hair and is Sora-short. namine is also tall, the blondes are taller
- ven can’t see very well out of his right eye. It’s just been that way since he was born, he can see vague blurry movement out of it, so most of his wielding style supports that! It’s all right-side dominant and very coverage-based.
- vanis body is made of darkness so he doesn’t have to eat if he doesn’t want to and most of the time he doesn’t want to but sometimes food is so good. anyways it can still scar bc it thinks it’s human but he doesn’t really have Inside Bits the right way. According to the lore your heart will attempt to rebuild your body if it finds itself missing one, and he would have rebuilt his exactly the same as a human body, but it’s still very full of darkness which is stopping it from being fully 100% human
- vani has cat eyes :)
- all the nobodies are not quiiite human. If they’re really distressed they can get super monstery like castle dragon xemnas but on a slightly lesser scale. In normal day to day, roxas has a teeny little tail that Will wag and he can flare his arms like they have scales on them. He also has sharp teeth:) he doesn’t have those any more in replica form
- Axel has spikes like scales also that can flare up like his assassin nobodies. His hair also fluff-spikes like a ghibli character.
- Xion trans
- Xion is also a replica (and now so is nami n rox) and replicas are almost person-material but not. if you REALLY break one (like, their arm breaks), it looks like it’s shattered porcelain or weird glitchy broken, and has to be fixed. But it’s way harder to break a replica than it is to break a bone so they can tank hits. When she was in the organization she didn't have monster parts Until she started stealing from everyone else so to speak
- aqua has a big scar on her front from Vanitas’ hit and smaller ones from the realm of darkness
- Terra doesn’t have any scars bc he wasn’t physically here for that business and he does in fact feel weird about it bc his brother and sister can’t hide theirs
- Sora is freckled and if vanitas were to sit in the sun he would also get freckles. Roxas has a few, but ventus has sunspots so that’s probably what those are.
- riku has a lightning scar and a burn on his side from xemnas
- luxu has been in a lot of different bodies so losing an eye affected him absolutely none. He knows what that’s about. He’s also very gender for that reason smile you are all gender smile
- venitas is almost always stuck grinning partly because they feel GREAT but also partly because they’re full of energy. They’re double a person, so, big sharp teeth and grins and they nearly always stare at things rather than look, very intensely, which is not helpful seeing as their pupils are always contracted all the way. They look like they’re about to have a panic attack. They’re also loud, and often say things that don’t really make sense to the person talking to them, but it makes sense to them. They might be having a conversation in there that they just forget you can’t hear.
- vanitas’ speaking pattern is very formal, but if he gets comfortable it turns more into slang that one would translate into English probably as very casual, maybe even ”rude”, but it’s just how kids in daybreak town spoke. It’s a lot of getting rid of rid of the ING at the end of a word, or ain’t, or harshing the vowels, etc. etc. ventus also talks like this Normally. The most commonly spoken language among wielders went from very casual to very formal back to pretty casual
- Everyone actually speaks a different language but they get universal translator’d into whatever’s most easily understandable. This is kind of a silly head cannon but I hold onto it with my life no one is actually speaking the same language and if there was a magic breaking barrier in a big dome around everybody Sora Roxas Xion and Riku would understand each other, Kairi and Lea and the radiant garden crew would understand each other, ven and vanitas would understand each other, and aqua and terra would be stuck not knowing what anyone is saying because they don’t speak the same languages either
- This is just like a speculative hc but I don’t think aqua and Terra are their real names and I have evidence
- When ven was a sleepy little zombie he had really really shaky hands and after being aware enough to be aware that someone was touching him he was really jumpy, but after working on that he’s pretty good at aiming like an arrow. He couldn’t even hold something like an apple slice for very long in the beginning
- Sora can cook, Terra can cook, aqua can bake, no one else is really that good at it
- kairi and ven one time had lunch that was just like salted grilled fish but it was a recipe from kairis grandma, who got it from her grandma who got it from her grandma who got it from Daybreak town, so they both just end up sitting on the stairs and crying
- This is starting to get away from me this is no longer things that I draw them with
- I like to draw vor really really short
- That’s it
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