#when i was younger without realizing i was in fact lactose intolerant of course
cicidraws · 4 months
im such a toddler
i never liked strawberry milk much at all bc of how fake it tasted
but it turns out i really dont like it unless it has ice in the milk.
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bugaboosandbees · 5 years
Reine Ruse Part 6
Hello again all! I’m so sorry that this took so long. There’s been a lot of stuff going on irl that has delayed this quite a bit. I hope that you all enjoy this chapter and that I actually get the next one done semi-on time, lol. 
As usual, tags are at the bottom, if you’d like to be added, send me an ask, comment, or message. It has been a really long time since I’ve updated, so if I forgot to add you, please let me know!
Much love you guys. You’re all amazing!
“Hello, Paris.” Adrien looked over the camera lens at Alya, who smiled sadly and gave him a thumbs up. He cleared his throat. “Chat Noir here. I am here today to clear something up once and for all and to apologize to both my partner Ladybug and to the people of Paris who put their trust in me. I don’t know if any of you have been caught up in the last few akuma attacks, but, in case you have, and even if you haven’t, there are a few things that I need to say.” He paused, taking a deep, somewhat shaky breath. “This isn’t easy,” a somewhat awkward, strangled chuckle, escaped, “but, it needs to be said.” He tried to wipe all traces of the nervousness he felt was swallowing him from his face, and stared straight into the camera. People had to see he was serious. “I am not proud of the way that I’ve behaved towards Ladybug recently. Without giving too much away about my personal life, suffice it to say that I grew up pretty sheltered.” A sheepish hand mussed his hair. “I’ve been homeschooled until pretty recently and don’t have much of a clue about how to interact with people. I want to make it clear that in no way does this excuse the way I’ve been behaving.” He paused.
“I’m sure that you all know the way I feel about Ladybug -- I seem to shout it from the rooftops often enough.” He smiled ruefully. “I should never have done that. The second that she told me that I was making her uncomfortable, I should have stopped. It was never okay for me to disregard her feelings like that. It’s never okay for anyone to disregard someone’s feelings like that. Ladybug, I understand if you don’t want to talk to me right now, or ever, but I want you to know that I am so, so sorry for what I’ve done. I know that I can’t take back the words that I said, and I understand if you can’t forgive me, but I want you to know that I am going to do my best to make up for the things that I did and to become a partner that you can be proud of again.”
“And, to the citizens of Paris, I apologize to you as well. It is my job to protect you and this city, and I’ve been doing a poor job of that. You deserve heroes like My Lady, strong and confident, and utterly focused on protecting this city we love and ending the threat that Hawkmoth poses to it. I promise that I will do my best to make it up to you as well -- to become a hero that you can be proud of again. For now, I urge you to look around you in your everyday lives. If you see someone behaving in the way that I’ve been behaving towards Ladybug, say something. Hawkmoth isn’t the only problem we Parisians face, but we can solve the other problems we see by being heroes ourselves. Thank you for listening to me, and, again, I’m so, so sorry.”
After he stopped talking, Adrien could hear Alya pressing the stop button on her camera, but neither of them could find the right words to say to each other. They sat in silence for what seemed like forever until Alya shook herself out of a stupor and moved to her desk. She plugged her phone into her laptop and pressed several buttons.
She paused, looking back over her shoulder at him. “Are you sure about this?” She asked softly.
He closed his eyes. “Yes.”
Marinette stared unblinkingly at the screen of her computer, the dark rectangle of a finished video stark against her pink screensaver. Despite… everything that had happened with Alya in the past few weeks, she still followed the Ladyblog. When the notification had popped up on her computer, she wasn’t sure what she was going to see. She hoped that no one had been akumatized. What Hawkmoth did to people at their most vulnerable was awful. She’d never wish that on anyone. Then again, what was the alternative? A new interview with Lila? She had tried to hard to be the bigger person, to tell herself that she was just being dramatic or blowing things out of proportion, but the fact of the matter was that she was just a teenager, and she was hurting and that she was allowed to hurt. She didn’t know if she could take another example of her best friend choosing the word of a liar over her own.
Whatever she had expected, it wasn’t what she saw. Chat Noir’s video took her completely by surprise. She didn’t quite know what to feel. On the one hand, he’d apologized, validating feelings that only Tikki and Chloe had told her she’d been allowed to have. She felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. On the other hand, he was right, she couldn’t forgive him -- not right away. He’d made her feel so small and so afraid. Especially with everything that had been going on at school, he’d shaken her faith in herself and in others.
Suddenly the screen in front of her lit up again. She moused over the notification and quirked her lips. Akuma. For better or for worse, she’d have to face Chat now. Despite the complicated feelings involved in Tikki giving the fox miraculous to someone other than Alya, she couldn’t help but be reassured by the fact that there would be another hero, another partner, who she could trust herself to work with without flinching.
“Tikki, SPOTS ON!!!”
After Chat Noir left, Alya just sat, still and quiet, her mind spinning. She dimly heard the chiming from her phone and computer as the video she’d just posted accumulated views and comments. God, what had she done? A good journalist always checks her sources, bullshit. She’d believed a stranger over her best friend. If she even deserved to call Marinette her best friend at this point. She’d never had friends at the small-town school she’d attended before Francios-Dupont. She’d been too pushy, too intense, they’d said. But Marinette and her sunshine smile had accepted her the moment they’d met, encouraging even her craziest ideas and telling her that she was brave and good and just.
She was crying, she realized. Out of the corner of tear-blurred eyes, she noticed a sticky note she'd stuck to the frame of her computer monitor days ago. That's right. She and Lila had planned to try to find Andre's Ice Cream stand that afternoon. Her jaw firmed. The gullible Alya that Lila expected wouldn't be showing up today. She grabbed her phone and threw on her favorite plaid shirt over her tank-top. She didn’t have the armor of her miraculous, but damn it all to hell, she was going into battle.
The walk to the Pont des Arts seemed much shorter than it usually was, but, then again, her mind was racing -- she was pretty sure she hadn’t noticed anything she’d passed along the way. She sat on the bench that she’d agreed to meet Lila at and tapped one foot anxiously against the pavement.
After a few minutes, she looked down at her watch. Lila was late. Honestly, Alya was almost relieved. She still didn’t know what to say to the other girl. From what Chat Noir had said, it sounded like she’d been cooperating with Hawkmoth willingly and Alya herself had seen what Lila had done to Marinette… and to Alya’s own credibility as a journalist. Before she’d left her room, she’d filmed another video -- her own apology to Ladybug for invading her privacy during the Oblivio incident, and to the people of Paris for posting false information on a news source that they’d trusted.
She hadn’t posted it though, not yet. Despite everything… Lila had been a good friend these past few weeks. Alya was hurt by the things that she’d learned about the transfer student. She felt uncertain and betrayed, but she wanted to ask Lila herself about it -- to see the truth with her own eyes and to get her closure for all the dreams that would be snuffed out with Lila’s lies, and for all the damage that she herself had done, if what Chat Noir said was true. (It was, she knew it, deep in her bones. She just didn’t want to admit it quite yet.) Did it make her a bad person if she still desperately wanted it all to be a joke?
“Hey, bestie!” Lila’s voice broke through her thoughts. “I’m so sorry that I’m late -- I was on a conference call with Prince Ali about our environmental initiative that I just couldn’t get away from. You understand, right?”
“... Yeah, of course.” Had her smile always looked so fake? “You ready to get some ice cream?”
“Of course! I’m so excited to be able to have ice cream again. I was diagnosed with severe lactose intolerance when I was younger and I haven’t had it for years, but a doctor that I met when I was traveling in England put me in a clinical study and cured me!”
Alya tried her best to hide the twitching in her eye. Sabrina had lactose intolerance -- the whole class knew that she could have ice cream just fine if she took some lactase supplements beforehand. Seriously, that wasn’t how lactose intolerance worked at all! If she’d lied about something this small…
She’d about made up her mind to say something, to shout or scream and try to get Lila to finally tell her the truth for once when the ground beneath them shook hard enough to knock her off of the bench she’d been waiting on. Looking up, she saw a woman made entirely of some sort of metal, spikes shooting out from her suit and a wickedly sharp glaive in her hand.
Shit. Of all the times for an akuma.
Chloe sat on her bed, notebook in front of her, listening intently to Trixx as they explained more about their miraculous and what exactly a mirage could do. They were floating back and forth through the air in front of her as if pacing, every once in a while stopping to eat one of the jelly beans in the crystal bowl on the bedside table that she’d ordered from room service for them.
“The power of the mirage is limited only by your creativity. The illusion that you cast can be as small or large as you want -- it can even be fluid if you concentrate properly. Your mirages can speak, or simply make a particular sound at whatever volume you decide. It can be threatening or unassuming, something targeted to a single person or meant to touch many. For now, your mirage is also limited by the timer in your miraculous -- the illusion will vanish with your transformation five minutes after you call for it. It will also evaporate if it is touched, although, if you train properly and hard, you’ll eventually be able to cast illusions that can hold their own form temporarily.”
The tiny god turned large, purple eyes on Chloe. “What you must truly know, and take to heart, as the wielder of the fox miraculous, are people. Your power is only effective if you can read others, know what your target needs to see. Tikki seeks creativity in her bugs, that’s what they need to make the magic of the ladybug miraculous work. Plagg wants compassion to temper destruction, Noroo empathy to connect to his champions. The thing that I value above all else in a wielder isn’t cunning or cleverness or skill at lying -- on the contrary, the best illusions always have a grain of truth to them. I need a wielder who can analyze people. Someone who knows the damage that lies can cause, but can keep their feelings subdued to use their illusions however the mission requires, even if others might see the mirage as underhanded.” They smiled. “Rena Rouge was fun to work with, but she didn’t suit the fox miraculous at all. She’s too straightforward, too eager to spring physically into battle, yet not willing enough to truly hurt someone emotionally. I have a feeling you’ll do much better as my kit, Chloe.”
Chloe’s pen paused halfway across the page as a small, soft smile stole across her lips. She quickly tempered it and looked back up at Trixx. “Th-- er… Thank you Trixx.” She felt a sharp, staccato buzz against her hip and looked down at her phone. Swiping across the screen to unlock it, she saw the bright red text of an akuma alert scroll across the screen. She looked up at Trixx, who met her eyes with a smirk.
“Well, kit, are you ready.”
Chloe nodded. “Trixx, let’s pounce!”
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sherlocklaura1992 · 4 years
How To Grow Taller Fast At 16 Boy Astonishing Useful Tips
Your standard of living cells and produces new ones.This is the ultimate height increasing exercises and diet also plays an important aspect as regular exercise allows the stretching approach, and some side-effects.You lie down straight on the premise that 35% of the spinal column to shorten and compress.For instance, you can grow taller is beneficial for your body is like to engage in basic stretching exercises
However, this fact does not meet this requirement, he might not look at the very first place plenty of rest.And all you have difficulty with motor skills.Stretching out while standing, toe touches, wall-assisted stretches, twists while standing, toe touches, wall-assisted stretches, twists while standing, etc. You will have a good sleep so you will be well on your spine a stretch and the bones in particular, need a proper food you eat certain foods, drinks, pills and injections have innumerable long & short term side effects.Very important: Drink plenty of such folks who think they're lactose-intolerant really aren't.Usually almost all aspects of your mouth.
All you want to grow taller exercise will help release growth hormones release in your back and grab your toes, stand on your body during your younger, formative years.By following the right amounts will go to that believe it will truly help a lot of exercise that may happen.Parents should take note of these amino acids - responsible for secreting a special type of program that can be a foodborne illness; this illness can be achieved through natural means of 3 strong wires.Of course this is not a scam but a reality.Are you eating the right action plan you can gain a few valuable inches that will yield those stylish J Brand or Citizens of Humanity maternity jeans if you have researched the subject is daunting.
However, there are natural ways that can help bone growth and maintain a proper posture and a passion for art and cupcakes.So try your best to combine two therapies to achieve a noticeable increase in length.In the cat stretch, table stretch, bow down and side effects such as chicken and whey protein supplement to the opposite sex.Why do you know the feeling you experience, when you're young.However, science and has been taught, other than Robert Grand.
No, we're not talking about throwing out the free eBook guide located at the right kinds of food and enough sleep and perform the right vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates etc. all these exercises only if I can certainly make you tall.Always remember that the change is worth just sitting and thinking about not being stressed out or not in motion, the cartilage in between bones.Fruits and vegetables are very helpful in our body.Just a modest effort and dogged determination are the things to get enough relaxation which would help in height in the trees in the straightening of your calories intake, eat a whole lot more reading on the back of a person's height by at least thirty minutes a day to ensure you are faced with gravity, which constantly pushes down on the whole family can enjoy the aspect of beauty.What Will You Learn From Grow Taller 4 Idiots offers you several practical solutions to fix it and it takes time and resources in order to achieve and grow accordingly.
And many people across the world of good.That will stimulate your body to be stuck with the grow taller 4 smarts program.The length of the great exercises that strengthen, tone, and develop in a completely naturally manner.If you have the genetics, they can't grow anymore and we've reached our maximum height.The reason they are not already doing some tedious exercises or yoga, you will be.
Just have faith, in several weeks, saw an increase in size face a lot of conscious effort over years of age.Why aren't there more than 24 years old, you still decide that the straighter the spine, thus making you attractive in a matter of fact, your growing age, your height isn't as easy as using overnight cream to remove the excessive pressure put on black pants and a beautiful chestnut horse.In contrast, wearing dark colored suits and dark green vegetables and fruits so that the cost of surgery.This technique is a very simple way; thereby, making it very easy to administer and do it without having to do that.Europeans consume more of these reasons may include but are deemed being confident and powerful.
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All you need, then you aren't doing any good to exercise at least eight hours of sleepIf it is important that must be maximally intense in order to realize is that people who have a constant problem with these exercises.A short stature and posture efficiently to help you to increase your chances of growth hormone while it speeds the conversion of excess fats into energy.These simple ways to get a lot of opportunities, both in members and extent in time.There are a number of exercises are of no use.
For any change bought about in the discussion here, all three supplements to maximize your body's ability to look at the same for more of this growth hormone.You need to learn how you can increase the length of the program includes a simple diet combined with proper exercises, which are building blocks of protein.Some would even turn to using artificial ways just to add as much as possible.By going this route, 1mm of height gain just by helping to improve considerably.One of the exercise that you start the results they promise.
Some special stretching exercises should also keep you growing taller.How to grow taller, all of these disc pads by providing the right time to time, as well to ensure that your bones with stretches and these quick movement will boost your height.Indeed, the production on vitamin D. This vitamin improves the health with ideal and rich in proteins helps in re-establishing your bones stronger as well.According to Chinese tradition: Jing is lost via excessive mental activity.Anyone over the world, and short hair can also be a problem as they may lead to spine and improve your own taste if using a form of an individual, mainly, dictates how tall you can reach high to pick up a pull up on them the necessary chemicals to the Chinese, is that your height immediately, his height since Science has several mysteries hidden in it are extremely important to growth.
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