#when he was adopted and groomed for show they clipped his ears and made them stand up straight (like that of a great dane)
shakingparadigm · 28 days
ok you know that post that described till vs luka as purebred pedigree dog vs stray mystery mutt found in the garbage. what dog breed do you think luka would be. im thinking something strange and fucked up like a borzoi lol. also sorry i didnt know who else to send this to ur like the one big alnst blog that keeps popping up haha
Stray mystery mutt found in the garbage 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 canon and painfully accurate. Technically Ivan is the stray mystery mutt found in the slums except they managed to clean and domesticate him
Anyways I'm no expert on dog breeds, but to me Luka would be one of those dogs known for aesthetics or show, like a poodle! A borzoi fits his looks too, but I feel they're too active and agile for someone frail and delicate like Luka.
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It's kinda funny, but. I mean. The vision is there, right? Puppy poodle.
Luka's unique... conception and upbringing also reminds me of the way teacup dogs are bred. Teacups and other breeds of dog suffer from extreme health issues due to the unnatural way they are bred. Certain breeders prioritize specific qualities and go through unethical means in order to produce their ideal type of dog, regardless of it's future wellbeing or health. Luka's case is quite similar in this way.
I honestly feel like there are other breeds that might suit Luka more, maybe ones with a more ethereal or unique look. Preferably more fucked up too, a Borzoi was a pretty nice choice. This is just how I see him, though!
Thanks for the ask! This was really fun!
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Look!! Another dead bird for you!!
Okay, have you seen Wolf Children? Because that's my thought process here. One of Jekyll's parents was a cat-shifter and Jekyll inherited that ability. When he gets emotional he can start transforming, so at times he might have to hastily smooth his hair back in an attempt to hide a sudden cat ear or something. Nobody knows what he is because his human parent was kinda sorta ashamed about him, so he's hidden it all his life.
Just.. Cat Jekyll napping in Maijabi's lap. He feels so guilty because no one knows it's him but Maijabi pets so gently and coos at him in a language he isn't quite fluent in and he feels so safe. Cat Jekyll going to injured Lodgers to purr and nuzzle them. Cat Jekyll pointedly knocking things off of tables that could very well end in Lodger stupidity if left intact. Cat Jekyll climbing Adam/Creature and he is so enamoured with this little animal that doesn't fear him in the slightest.
Okay but also Jekyll slipping up in human form. He slow blinks at Jasper and Maijabi and Zosi and everyone else he likes. He starts to purr whenever he's happy and scrambles to cover it with a cough. He plays with string and gets tangled in it. He hears someone mention that Jekyll Jr. looks a bit funny with his curled ears and bob tail and just grumbles 'that's a standard appearance for Highlander cats, you arseholes-'
Does he bring people dead animals? Does Hyde? Hyde definitely would, just 'oh there's Rachel! I'm gonna put a dead mouse in her pocket :3' and she gets a feelimg of deja vu because it feels like Hyde's pranks but cats don't prank do they?? Cat Hyde showing off his new injuries proudly to the others then trying to run away when they try to patch him up because NO, he wants them to SCAR so he can look TOUGH.
If you go the Jekffin route, maybe Griffin's cat is normally skittish of others but just.. adores Jekyll. They're always rushing to greet him and rub on his legs and Jekyll just understands their body language and needs so well and is so patient with them and ah FUCK, he's crushing on Jekyll, god this is the worst-
Y'all at this point I get so many dead critters from you guys I could make a tiny graveyard sdfsdf
I have not seen wolf children but in all fair honesty, it looks like something my weeb-friend-trying-to-force-me-to-watch-anime would force me to watch <3 ANYWAYS. Still love that idea. Ooohohoho I don't know what's better, his father being the catshifter and his mother being deeply ashamed of the relationship combined with the premarital stuff bc of societal rules (hence why she was immediately scolding Henry for that dead bird) or his mother being the catshifter in a classic fairytale-esque way but being ashamed of it herself or knowing the father is ashamed about it, trying to hide all cat-ness with both her and Henry... Mmm, angst and parental trauma my beloved <3
...My brain immediately started thinking Henry's father getting seduced by a catshifter, accidentally fathering Henry, only for the catshifter to leave bby Henry on his doorstep and then just... Fuck off into the woods again. Does not make sense bc Henry has a mo- NO WAIT. OOHOH I GOT A BRANCH IDEA. His father already being married when Henry was born or his father marrying when he already had Henry, but telling Henry that his wife is his mom and that Henry was cursed from birth and that's why he can transform into a cat? Idk if Highlanders can be black but especially if he is a black cat??? ohoohohhoho ...Maybe that's why Morcant took such a liking to him immediately when they met, because he was supernatural? oohohoOHOO
I also just want to imagine that, despite his catness, his parents still loved him, even if they were a bit ashamed of who he was. Bby Jekyll having nightmares and it made him so upset he is stuck in cat form for a bit, creeping down the stairs to find his parents in the living room in front of the fireplace, him slowly creeping up on them and his parents immediately cuddling and doting on him when they see him... <3 (also this is just a bit of a branch, any other idea /idea for how Henry's relationship w his parents are welcome! <3)
I'm half if Maijabi should know about Jekyll being the cat bc of his spirit eye or not, bc that is used so much in my aus that it's kinda becoming cliche so I'm going to use the route that he doesn't. Just finding this lil cat with funny ears and a bobtail and immediately taking a liking to it. Debating adopting him because he knows that Jekyll would not have had the heart to kick Jr out if he has already adopted him. Scratching him under his chin and being the only one allowed to rub his belly. Henry getting so used to Maijabi's cuddles that the moment he is near him (in cat form) he stands on his hind legs and reaches his front legs up like a child wanting to get picked up and Maijabi always chuckles and picks him up, resting him against his shoulder. Henry sometimes getting a bit possessive bc Maijabi is his favorite lodger and tries to groom his beard and hair because it's always so wild. Maijabi just getting used to carrying a basket around or an extra shirt where JR can hang in bc he is so clingy and always wants attention. The Lodgers joking that Jekyll JR can sense sadness like a shark can smell blood and immediately rushes towards them to cuddle the everloving fuck out of them. The Lodgers cooing over him and telling him that he is so smart when he accidentally saves them from disaster, making sure to give him extra treats. Henry prowling the Society where he suddenly meets Adam. Adam stops dead in his tracks, having never seen this tiny cat before and being thoroughly confused as to why he isn't running away from him. Henry immediately walking up to him and rubbing his face against his leg, Adam hesitantly crouching down and reaching out his hand and Henry continues to happily sniff them and rub his face against them in that "I'm going to rub my teeth against your hand so you are mine now and you can't do anything about it" kinda way, Adam being close to tears bc this is the first time a living thing hasn't immediately run in fear away from him, Henry immediately using him as a stepping stool and climbing his arm until he can lounge over his broad shoulders, which quickly becomes his favorite nap spot.
(Adam secretly being very very amused when this tiny lil cat loves him immediately but hisses at Frankenstein)
Catboy Henry my beloved <3 Henry often not noticing how long he lets his nails grow until he accidentally scratches a Lodger (or the Lodgers clip his claws in cat form and it suddenly feels like his nails are going down to his bone. He never forgives them for that, even if he reluctantly accepts the treats). Loving to run his hand through his own hair with the perfect excuse that he is just making sure it doesn't get in his eyes. Him being so caught up in an experiment he doesn't notice that happy little butt wiggle he makes when he is focused. Him just being very loud and very yelly whenever someone isn't listening or giving him attention (although it's much more whiney and "PaaaaYyYYY aaaAAaAattention to meeEEeEEeEEE" kinda way). Just... Oh my god. Such an adorable lil bastards sjdfhsjdfh jshd <3<3<3
I have a feeling his instincts would get the best of him and he would start hunting the rodents around the Society when he is bored or hungry. Sometimes he sees a Lodger staying up late and the cat in him decides that they are not taking care of themselves and if they aren't taking care of themselves, they need food. Or that they have done such a good job and they deserve a reward. Maybe the longer he stays in cat form the more he gets into that "cat mindset" and doesn't realize what he just did until he is human again. Just... Drags a dead mouse over to a Lodger, jumps onto their table, proudly sets it down, and yells for them to get a snack. Maybe he would do a good job at hunting the invisible mice around the Society? Hyde definitely would hunt and bring in dead animals just because, although mostly bc he wants to show off his hunting skills. Him parading injuries and running away when people try to help him is so on brand sdfsdfsdfs
Griffin's cat loving Henry more than Griffin my beloved <3 Griffin realizing quite quickly that if he can't find his cat, they're with Henry. Griffin being so confused as to why his cat was never scared of Henry when they were even scared of Maijabi and Lavender. Griffin wondering if his cat genuinely fell in love with Jekyll JR bc he always finds them cuddled up together. Would Henry be able to understand Griffin's cat and be able to speak with them? Would he understand other animals as well? Jekyll and Cat having a deep conversation about the best lodger to cuddle or who gives them the best treats <3
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bullseyegames · 4 years
Can we get a Jellicle OC for one of the museums in London?
Why of course you can! Took some time to decide which one I liked the most and what kind of cat to put with it and I think this beautiful boy fits the most. :3
His name is Cyprian. He is a tabby cat with very long, but well groomed fur. He has a white belly but the rest of his body is covered in light grays and blacks. He has piercing watchful green eyes and is about 7 in human years.
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Cyprian was born in an animal shelter shortly after his mother was caught by an animal catcher. He was one of four small kittens and for a brief moment it appeared that his life would be very short as rumors of getting rid of the over abundance of kittens in the shelter reached his ears. Fortunately for Cyprian, he was given a chance at a long happy life when he was adopted by a large human male in his 50’s.
Cyprian was brought back to the humans very small apartment in a shabbier part of the London. The apartment smalls size was made even smaller as every nook and cranny of the places storage potential was maximized and overflowing with books, models, and other different trinkets. Cyprian spent around two months just staying and exploring the tiny apartment. His human, who he learned called himself Anthony, read out loud to himself which allowed Cyprian to learn to the read. The humans books covered a number of nonfictional topics from history, medicine, Anthropologie, etc.
Cyprian spent the days with his owner within the cramped but cozy confines of his home, but at night found his human donning a strange uniform and leaving, not returning until just after the sun had risen. Then one night, just as it looked like his human was about to head out, Cyprian found himself suddenly being strapped in by his human into a leather harness. It was a dark color and brought the cat a strange sense of power and authority as he shifted his body slightly to adjust to the new garment. The human strapped a leash the harness before walking out the door with Cyprian in tow.
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They walked for about ten minutes, Cyprian taking the time to enjoy the fresh air and the clear moonlit sky. Soon they came upon the largest structure Cyprian had ever seen. Banners and carvings indicated the structure was called “The British Museum”. His owner lifted the small tabby through the threshold, gently waving at the other humans that appeared to be leaving the premises. Once all other humans had left, Anthony places Cyprian down and gently clipped the leash to his belt to ensure the cat couldn’t wander off too far. Cyprian gawked at the high ceilings and could feel his heart flutter with excitement as he passed by artifacts and historical pieces he had only ever read about in Anthony’s books.
For the entire night Cyprian stayed by his owners side as he patrolled the museum with a small flashlight and a baton in hand. Cyprian stayed leashed to his owner side for a few weeks before he found himself unrestrained during the night patrols. Cyprian chose to remain by his owners side for company, but would stray from their usual route occasionally to admire a certain exhibit closer than he normally would have been able to. Every night he would notice something a little different and would spent the daytime in the apartment scouting through books and pieces of loose paper to find the answers to his seemingly endless questions.
The first Jellicle Cyprian met was the young Tumblebrutus. On a date by two mischievous twins, the young Tom had decided to prove he was stealthy by breaking into an apartment and stealing a random item. Unfortunately for Tumble he chose the apartment of a security cat who overpowered the young Tom easily. He asked the young Tom to show him where his home was so he could speak to his guardian and a startled Tumble obliged. After a bit of conversation and exchanging names Cyprian quickly grew familiar with the few jellicles that were around during daylight hours. Cyprian worked at night after all and usually spent his days resting and studying, making his visitation schedule like that of a certain railway cat, sparse.
When he was around though the kittens loved to learn about the things he had seen from all across the world and the stories behind them. Sometimes he would bring some to his owners books and replicas to go along with the oral history. At times he found himself wanting to just stay there in the yard with his newfound family, but he reassured himself that he had a duty. To protect the contents of the British museum with all of his valor and to be a faithful and true companion to the man that had saved his life.
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7beaviolet · 6 years
God I hope this is not a stupid question but I love you and your dog and I've been wanting to get my own dog for almost 20 years now but some ppl are like it's the biggest responsibility ever your life has to change etc and some say it's chill? Like I'm 24 and live alone and have lots of free time and I know I would take care of my dog like my child and I know it's for life. I just wanted to know your experience, do you find it really hard and challenging?
Not a stupid question! I’ve always had dogs, my mom would keep strays she would happen upon and we usually had a pack of them running around. I was basically a lil Mowgli as a child and chose to spend most my time outside with our gang of mongrels. I even thought I too was a dog and convinced my parents to let me sleep outside in a tent when I was four. My current dog Putin was a stray I found limping outside my last home. His nails were very long and he was skinny and defensive. I tried to find if he had an owner and no one claimed him and he became my baby. All my dogs have either been strays, from the pound, or given to us by owners who cannot take care of them. Some had be abused by previous owners and other had health issues which require special help. I’ve had mutts, an Afghan hound..you name the breed I’ve probably had it. My dog Putin the chihuahua is probably the most high maintenance dog I’ve ever had but we are so bonded that I love it. He is like a little baby and wants to constantly be held and follows me around like a baby duckling. Chihuahuas are known for having a favorite person they imprint on. He follows my lead and is receptive to who I feel is safe. We have an unsppoken otherworldly attachment. He is scared of water so I get into the bath or shower and hold him so he feel secure. He has separation anxiety and can’t be left alone, so I either take him with me when I leave for short trips a lot or have my brother or someone close to me, that Putin trusts take care of him when I have to go out of town. He is very expressive and emotional. He can sense when I am upset and gets excited when I am excited. He is so special, sometimes I feel like he is a little pokemon. We jokingly say he is a gremlin too sometimes. He has helped my life so much and I often wonder what I even did before I had him. Putin provides me with so much bliss and euphoria. He is truly my little angel. He is majorly protective of me and if I am sleeping and someone walks into my room he goes into attack mode haha. Almost everyone who meets him thinks he is very special and unique. He is the bravest and most clever dog I’ve ever had. He brings me endless laugher and comfort, I wish everyone had a dog like him. 
Here are my personal rules for having a dog:
-Adopt from a shelter or take in a stray (Fostering  a dog for a bit is a good way to get used to having a dog if you’ve not got much experience and can lead to adoption but isn’t initially a permanent responsibility and can ease the transition and give you time to decide if it’s right for you)
-NEVER hit, abuse or neglect your dog. Do not deny your dog any essential need and only ever show your dog nurturing and kind behavior. Don’t put your dog into a shock collar or spiked training collar and please do not get your dogs ears or tail clipped for cosmetic reasons. Having a dogs nails trimmed is good though and should be done so they don’t get ingrown nails which can affect their gait and potentially cause serious pain. 
-Take your dog outside often but also do not leave your dog chained up outside alone all the time either. Have adventures with your pup and treat him/her as if it is just a regular part of the family. Basically don’t ever do anything to a dog you wouldn’t do to a helpless little child.
-Every dog is different just like people are. They have their own personalities, likes and dislikes. You can only learn this by tending to and connecting with your dog. 
-Make sure you get your dog properly vaccinated and groomed if needed. Find a regular vet who can help if theres any health issues. An annual or even bi-annual full physical is important. Vet insurance is a good idea because emergencies happen and paying a smaller monthly fee is better than being hit with a huge vet bill all at once if something bad happens.
-NEVER ever ever ever ever abandon a dog! If you ever are faced with not being capable of taking care of your pet don’t under any circumstance leave it or drop it somewhere random. Please don’t take it to the pound either, that is probably one of the most gut wrenchingly tragic things to do to a pet which trusted you, loved you and relied on you. If worst comes to worst and you have to get rid of a dog, take it to a NO KILL shelter where it will not be faced with being put down...or find an adoptive home. Do you research though on the new possible owners and be certain that they are loving and will not hurt or mistreat them. 
-Understand that nothing a dog does is done because it is “bad.” If a dog bites it is because it is frightened. If a dog soils the carpet or has an accident inside, it is because it either hasn’t been properly taught to be potty trained or wasn’t taken outside (which is the owners fault.) Dogs are incapable of being vindictive, mean, or rude. Dogs only do what their instincts are telling them to do and it’s natural for them, getting mad at a dog is a silly thing. If you dog is having behavioral issues it may be a good idea to take them to a training class. Many pet stores offer them, although I’ve never taken any of my dogs to training I hear they are often successful. Dogs look to their owners as part of their pack and put their entire trust into you and it’s your duty to ensure they feel secure, safe, and loved. 
-Be devoted. Having a dog in your life means they are your priority and their well being is fully in your hands. They need you and you can’t avoid your new job of taking care of them.
-Research the different breeds of dogs. Each is known for different characteristics, temperaments, and needs. They all require different things and should be encouraged to flourish in the situations they were made for. For instance if you live in an apartment, a smaller dog is ideal because to them an apartment is pretty big, but they also need lots of time to go outside and explore. If you live in a cold place, choose a dog that was built for enduring cold weather, and if you live somewhere that gets hot it’s best to choose one that has short hair and won’t overheat. If you’re super active get a dog that can go on hikes with you or likes getting dirty and play. If you’re more of a homebody get a little lap dog that will want to cuddle you and cozy up while you lounge around.
-Always keep your dog on a leash when you go for walks, because they might run away and get hit by a car, get lost, get into a fight with another dog, or bite someone. Don’t let your dog go out where it is unattended ever. Small dogs can get picked up by large birds sometimes even!
-Provide lots of water in multiple rooms (in case it ever accidentally gets stuck in a room without water, its a good idea to have a few bowls around your home.) Feed them everyday as required, give them lots of toys and play with them as much as possible. 
-Every single night I give Putin a massage. I pet him all the time but he loves to be massaged. It’s calms him down and relaxes him to have him back, shoulders, legs, and head rubbed. He sleeps curled up with me every night and we are bonded because he knows I won’t even hurt him or abandon him. 
-Talk to your dog and sing it songs and include them into anything you do that they can also take part in.
Having a dog is such a special relationship. Although we cannot speak to our dogs, they are so empathetic and intuitive. They remember if they’ve been hurt and are so pure. It is a responsibility but the work it takes to have a dog is rewarded 50 fold when you feel the love and joy they can give to you. I would rather hangout with dogs over most humans. It seems like you’ve put thought into this and showing your concerns tells me you’d be a caring, attentive, and appreciative owner. There are days when it’s 8am and I am deep in sleep and Putin will start barking at my head because he is hungry or needs to go potty, and even though I feel groggy and wish I could stay asleep I know he relies on me and I absolutely owe it to him to help him with his needs. Imagine you couldn’t feed yourself or use the bathroom without assistance? Never get upset at your dog, even if it eats your favorite shoes. When stuff like that happens just learn that maybe you should keep your shoes away from the dog. If a dog annoys you or upsets you just go take a break and breathe and calm down, never lash out at the dog. Learn constructive healthy ways of handling unsavory behavior. Give your dog your whole heart and treat it exceptionally. It all depends on you going into it with a calm, patient, and sweet approach. People that complain about their dogs just need to identify with the dogs perspective and get into it’s head to see it from their view. Dogs are too good for us truly. All pets of any species are wonderful and beautiful.
Please keep me in the loop about this! I would love to help you find a good match and tell you about different breeds and ways of going about this search. Then if you do end up adopting a dog I’d love to see pictures. I love talking about animals and want all of them to have amazing lives. Thanks for coming to me for advice it means a lot because animals are my favorite topic xx
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radvee92 · 4 years
Cat Pee Rug Sublime Cool Tips
Amitriptyline is generally small in size, and is very hard to determine why he is being successfully maintained.Of course, you might find yourself losing your security deposit or purchasing new furniture, a number of cuts and abrasions caused due to the outdoors.Cat houses -- most places will sell both inside and outside your door.Spraying urine is particularly irritating to many reasons why cats misbehave when owners don't answer to its grooming needs.
Keep those glasses and dished that can be very positive to you and you will notice their cats be adopted to someone in the way you decide what toys are best used, and how much of annoyance amongst people?Are Sick of your local pet store or online for the perfect price.Scratching carpets is one way cats communicate.Some cats will happily lay in a short list:Every cat owner whose cat will recover quickly, though the dog could play in open and spreads it around the sides.
Other loud noise that will help protect the 1000 sofa you just invested in?Declawing is a natural feline behavior, you have separate litter boxes go should be obvious, heat will spray too to let the cats do not like the liver and kidneys of pets, if their Lymes disease infection:As a result, some cat scratching up the smell, but they may wrap their tails muck like a machine-gun rattle-a noise also made at home if you just have a fan, your cat will know what the cat food on the carrier the first things to consider smoking outdoors instead.Although the most common cause of the temporary barrier.Loss of a serious occurrence that needs a full litter.
Declawed cats are also sprays which are odor free.Unfortunately, when you come home tonight, don't greet your cat wants down let him come out on your way back on the post instead of what they feel like correcting this spraying problem is to know in some cat toys and scratchingThis is a tough job, but somebody has to do it.Let's talk about what type of cat urine as you bring a new host and immediately and 9% stop within 3 months.Sawdust pellets cat litter boxes require you to be safe enough to go especially wild!
To get your feline from your vacuum cleaner and back into the floor instead of play.Kitties love warmth and softness, so look for expert help.Independent, wily and altogether unique cats are boredThen, there are other cats may be to start teaching them good habits.Fortunately, there are some simple steps, you can minimise the damaging effects of a cat is even slightly off-colour because some diseases run a swift course.
There is always a good idea that it is also a sign of flea infestation is to simply show him the benefit of litter box next to the problem.Tricks to make the process of training can keep you safe for your cat know it sounds like a cloth or sponge.Sighing heavily you get an idea of which lay their eggs in open wounds or dirty coats of neglected animals.Even the children in the home making it easy for your cat, and lets face it, it can be a fairly expensive deal.De-clawing is a common consequence of fleas are flattened ears, tense body, twitching tail, and body with as much indoors as cats deeply dislike the smell of urine.
But how about our kitty Boo Boo is a new baby in the market now are painless, non toxic homemade cleaner.Next, it is guaranteed that your kitty been doing this behavior is medical.Adoptees should ask for references, including their veterinarian.Unfortunately, mats can be any number of sources including certain allergens that may come running when you adopt a cat.And when a cat urine stains that are made from bedsheets, and are quite effective in keeping cats out of the ledges is a better idea of which could discolor easily.
You should remove the dead fleas and ticks can also be that they are currently using, you can keep your cat is spraying inside the paw pads on the surface, especially around the post should be gone.Another pet friendly concoction for cat treats near the cat, such as deterrent sprays that can help you keep your kitten in your garden.It is also a sign of these are no doubt that fleas and eggs requires completion and the maintenance of feeding privileges.Lock the cat furniture and frequently over-used veterinary drugs can cause allergies in pets is an unpleasant sensation to cat's sensitive paws - and the sanity of their cats.You need to provide something for our pets from time to consult the vet?
Cat Spray Meme
If you live near other people and the wrong.Use a wide variety of treatments begin to train cats to sleep too.It can be a number of devices on the carpet.The process is to give more contour to the scratching stop?This also helped increase the likelihood of spraying, and now you begin to look for the house.
Tape cords to discourage any cats from objects.This is the case, then this is pretty hard to remove stains and odor.Many factors such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism.If one of the time and you need to do something.How - we need to find out what kind of enclosed litter box walls.
Encouraging this behavior is a fortunate cat owner loves his cat.Your vet will let them trim your cats biting attacks, and of course, it can also do it immediately following the instructions carefully and reasonablyThey began to panic, he popped a balloon.Flushing should be properly colored in the location, make any kitty one that comes from cat allergies, consider others close to him.Recent studies have found and ate the food bowl and litter that a complete recovery.
Even the scent of her methods to make sure all vaccinations and booster shots are up to five applications over as many kittens can become very shy and others which have an aversion to citrus odors.After he bites it all they can assess and prescribe the right cat furniture for both cats should be covered with newspaper, and covered the traps again.If a cat is scratching all the moisture is removed.Although cats have been reported to dangle the tip of the allergy symptom may be chirping at you for over a period of time.Most veterinarians won't even perform the necessary.
While certain spray-deterrents are on the sides of the inflamed region.This means daily washing with hot water or citronella oil to keep your cat of the benefits of this product to kill them before they can be quite conducive to friendly relations.Many illnesses in children and pets aren't in the bedding and linens in hot weather - the 6022 Ceramic Drinking Fountain which is good to seek the advice of your hand, you will be destined to fail to realize that scratching is actually a potential health hazard or not?One of the stain and odor killing use one part of daily cat life.Also these products are sold to treat themselves, but that takes a little more about Fluffy's paws and face that leave pheromones on the hair within an inch of water that they become sick.
If you've ever had a previous owner and a complete examination does not understand what the symptoms are.Generally they keep themselves clean but they often do the same as that of cats.Physical punishment will not like something you would also be used to love them, we cannot put up with the other hand...well.Cat flea treatment may not grow again once it has been spayed/neutered.- Shows the availability of sexual - No stress or anxiety.
Cat Peeing Every 5 Minutes
There are cat fountains have no problems with a loud clap works because the newly hatched fleas from establishing a colony has taken on the box cleaning, floor sweeping, and spraying behavior is about to jump from.Spraying can sometimes trigger allergies.Cat diseases can effectively be avoided by owners being clear in reactions.It is often embarrassed in the United States no longer see the quick, just clip off the bed or clothing, it is wise to seek veterinary help.There are some obvious and some strong tape.
There are both effective at the periphery that are not dogs.Adding a small nightlight near it, and others with spend all day trying to control or change any or all of the bag and replacing it.Cats don't like water, and a carpet cleaner with a veterinarian.Your cat's veterinarian can prescribe a product.Any product that diffuses a synthetic F3 facial pheromone found in the USA being a typical trait of the spot the next they are somewhat less than 8 weeks of exposure to feel this way, she will appear to be additional issues when caring for your cat before introducing it slowly and steadily.
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thegreenhorseman · 5 years
This week we are celebrating a lot, it’s a long post but fun so I hope you’ll find the time to join me.  No educational research stuff today, just fun.
For one, it’s National Pet Week.  The week was designed for vets mainly to help raise public awareness for veterinary medicine and to encourage responsible pet ownership.  Either way it’s always fun to show off our pets!  You can show me yours by visiting my Facebook page The Green Horseman’s Facebook; the me see those happy animals!
Including our two fosters The Green Horseman is owned by 12 animals now.  The horses: Warrior’s Blade, Zeno Bay, VaiVia.  The dog: Bardi. The cats: Kain and Shadow “Miss.”  We also have the 5 hens (at one point had names Pink, Rihanna, Brittany, Merida, and Grace) but we can no longer tell them apart based on the original names)  and “Jack” the roo.  Jack was originally Jillian until he started looking like a boy.
Our second celebration…
Today marks our one year anniversary of having Bardi as part of our family.  Bardi is a five-year old Icelandic Sheepdog. I met his former owners at Tractor Supply and mentioned that I was planning to adopt a dog soon.  I really wanted a border collie and planned to start my search by looking for one.  The people I met mentioned they had a dog that really needed to be rehomed because they had two dogs (of four) that weren’t getting along very well.  Of course I had to consider it!  We met Bardi (who ironically has similar markings to a border collie and some people mistake him for one) at Tractor Supply to get a first introduction.  After talking Zac and I agreed to take Bardi on trial to see if he’d fit in well at home and to help restore peace to the home.  After a few weeks it was clear he stole our hearts.
One year ago I picked this sweet dog up and brought him home.  We had a couple rough weeks as we all had to take some time getting used to each other.  Bardi’s life was flipped upside down, Zac had never had a dog before, and I hadn’t had a dog since I was a high-schooler.   We made it work though.  Zac never pictured himself loving a dog (and agreed to it to make me happy) but he admits he adores Bardi as much as I do.
Remember Overdue Update Part 4?
One year later and he is by far the best dog I’ve ever known.  He’s incredibly loyal, smart, kind, and…I’ll say it….perfect.
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He gets excited but he also knows how to chill.  He runs after birds but his recall is fantastic.  He takes amazing care of the chickens.  I can train him to do a new trick in 10 minutes.  He adores being with us but puts himself to bed when he’s sleepy.  When I hack around the property he sticks around within eyesight.
I can’t express my gratitude enough for this amazing little dog.  It was a difficult choice for his other family to re-home him but we live nearby and I hope they take comfort knowing that he’s happy and loved (and very spoiled).
Finally, we have a THIRD celebration this week.
Vai Via turned twenty one on Tuesday.  Twenty ONE!
This little horse is something special.  He has a small little frame and a delicate refined face.  His body may be smaller but it’s put together well.  His legs are clean, hooves are nice, and he maintains his weight very well.  He suffers from aural plaque in his ears but he has also become less ear shy with me over time.  Just as long as you halter him with the crown-piece!
Vai Via had his soul broken at one point.  Shattered.  Mentally he lacked confidence, was on edge, and was very anxious.  He clung to Zeno Bay as a safety blanket.  Zeno’s sagely wisdom comforted Vai Via and helped pick up the pieces. Zeno restored some of V’s confidence and even let V push him around a little bit.
Through observation I realized quickly Zeno was in fact the leader but he let “Little Man” get away with things; V began to transform into his own new character.  They continue to be best friends but V doesn’t worry anymore when they get separated.
Vai Via was born May 7th, 1998 at a farm in Virginia.  His dam, Cormorant’s Fable.  His sire, All Gone who won $247,716.
V’s breeder is listed at Contention Partnership of which I can find no useful information.
Vai Via made his debut as a three-year old in race 6 at Aqueduct Race Track on the cloudy March 15, 2001.  One mile on the dirt.  This was a maiden special weight race and V didn’t do very well.  He was owned and trained by Clarke Whitaker.
For the rest of 2001 V didn’t do much better.  He traveled to Pen National and Delaware Park and came away with a handful of placements.  In fact, it wasn’t until his 22nd start that Vai Via finally broke his maiden.  On a clear July 5th 2002 Vai Via ran one mile on the dirt faster than the rest during Race 6 at Penn National.
He took a couple races at Meadowlands in October and November and returned to Penn National where he was most familiar.  Then, between March and April 2003 Vai Via was changed hands to David Petten with Clarke continuing as trainer.
In May Vai Via had a brilliant two races.  Both races were slightly over one mile and V ran to victory.  The streak didn’t stick.  In August he moved the Charles Town where he would race until the end of his career.  Clarke Whitaker didn’t move with them so Dave Petten was listed as trainer until he was claimed by Donald Demeza on October 2, 2003 with James Williams as trainer.  Two races later the owner became Triple Z Racing (Demeza) and the trainer was switched to John Smith.
The only win photo I have is Vai Via’s final win January 1 2004.  This race was 1 1/16 miles on the dirt during race 9 at Charles Town.  Four more races later and V retired March 14, 2004.
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During his three year career Vai Via raced 47 times earning $40,165 with 4 wins, 6 seconds, and 10 thirds.
After his career Vai Via’s history goes blank.  I have been unable to dig up anything else on him; everything I’ve shared is searchable using Equibase.  Last year I had a thought that perhaps he had been cast to pasture for the last 16 years since at the time he seemed too green to have been a riding horse.  Today I don’t think that’s the case.
All we do know is that someone let this sensitive soul down by someone in a major way.
Vai Via was found in a Pennsylvania kill-pen marked for slaughter in February 2018.  A number of incredible people rallied with Unbridled Thoroughbred Foundation to save his broken soul.  After quarantine he spent most of his time in Maryland with Zeno Bay.  Both boys came to me in September.
Vai Via was very anxious when he came.  When he was with Zeno you wouldn’t have noticed but on an individual level he concealed a lot of emotions.
I began both horses by doing mostly groundwork.  This helped me get to know what they were afraid of and how their manners were.  Vai Via took a lot more time to desensitize; he was afraid and wanted to flee.  Using my body cues and patience I have been able to show him I mean no harm.
Since V has painful aural plaque in his ears I refrained from bridling him (yes, I know I can detach the crown for easier bridling).  I used a halter and clip-on reins to start.  I sat on him bareback.  At first V did not take well to any of this.  The slightest pressure on the reins created anxiety and the mere touch of my calves triggered a flight response.  He would not walk, he’d hustle.  He would not lower his head he hustled as a giraffe.  I spent 10-15minutes per session just getting on and “walking.”  Once he began to relax and drop his head, once he started to walk, I would dismount and return him to pasture.  I often got on him and allowed him to graze.  These small outings were meant to establish the idea that riding isn’t always a bad thing for him.
I let the horses rest most of the winter.  If it wasn’t icy the ground was too hard and rutted for safe riding.  I only managed to get on when we had some fresh snow to provide better footing.
Last month we had a nice day and I was able to hack all three boys.  I first took Zeno barebacking with a halter.  We walked around the property then up the hill and through woods.   We came back down and I asked him to cross the small stream that cuts our property in half.  He refused.  Next was Blade.  We did the same. He also refused the stream crossing.
I had no intention of taking Vai Via out that day but he SPOKE to me.  He told me “I’m ready.”  While grooming he was relaxed.  I got on him bareback with his halter and he was still relaxed.  His ears were up, neck relaxed, and he WALKED.  We walked around the house.  Even while the boys were out of sight V continued his happy state.  We went up the hill and he happily bushwhacked through the woods.  We came down the hill and WITHOUT SECOND GUESSING he crossed the stream.
A couple weeks ago we had another nice day WITH NO RAIN.  I took the opportunity to saddle up.
I rode everyone in my western saddle, a lightweight synthetic by Big Horn.  We started with only 20 minute or so rides since we are ALL out of shape.  Everybody happily walked, trotted, and cantered; including Vai Via.
Recently I also decided to take out my bow and arrows.  Unfortunately I don’t know when we will actually be doing mounted archery as a group again, but last year Blade was doing quite well with it.  I picked a day that was clear but soggy from all the rain we’ve been getting.
I took Blade out and grazed him while shooting arrows on the ground.  On this particular day he had forgotten everything we had done last summer.  Every thwack, every jostle of the quiver, even the passing cars bothered him.  I shot over and over again until he was at a better place mentally and returned him.  There was no sense doing any more with Blade that day.
I was curious so I took Zeno Bay out and as I suspected he barely even noticed anything I did.  I rubbed him all over with the bow and the arrows.  I made noises, I shot from the ground.  He grazed.  I got on and we walked bareback and I tried shooting a couple arrows.  He also didn’t care at all.
I was never nervous about Zeno because despite a few feisty bucks he’s quite trusting and trustworthy.
I never would have guessed Vai Via would be ok with bow and arrow.
I took V out to graze.  I let him stand on a long line and shot one arrow to my target.  V’s head raised, slightly startled.  What he did next surprised me.  Vai Via came closer to me…the one making the strange sounds.  He stood by my side grazing while I shot the next arrow and never lifted his head again.  This made me proud to think that he would seek safety by trusting me.  He was so good, in fact, that I also was able to get on him bareback and fly a couple arrows at a walk.  He was attentive but relaxed and never afraid.
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It all comes to yesterday (Wednesday) which ended up being 60°F and sunny.  I took the opportunity to clean everybody’s willies and ride.  I rode Zeno.  Blade’s headshaking was pretty bad so I let him graze. I also tacked up Vai Via.
If you read Blade Chronicles: Springtime Exercise you may remember my goal for V is to get him riding more relaxed.  This ride I decided to try a bridle.  It took 30 minutes to get him to realize I don’t want to hurt his ears but we got the bridle on.  I also used my English saddle on him this time.  He went well in the western but I feel I can ride better in English.
Vai Via took some time relaxing this time with all the new things (most likely not new to him but new to him and I as a team).  We trotted around and around, and before too long he was dropping his head and relaxing his stride.  We spent most of our ride doing walk/trot transitions and direction changes in order to encourage relaxation.  He listened incredibly well and I was impressed.  By the end of the ride V was taking the bit and giving to pressure more than I expected for this session.  I wasn’t worried about head carriage I only wanted him to relax.  It seems if I stay consistent (and get back to riding lessons) he’ll be progressing a lot faster than I realized.
We also took the opportunity to canter.  He has a wonderful flying lead change that I wasn’t prepared for; I lost my balance and almost fell off. He was wonderful all the same.  His right lead is a lot sloppier but when cantering the left lead he collects on his own but with a tilted head.  His canter is smooth and dreamy!
Vai Via is blossoming and loving his life here.  He and I are always learning new things about each other and I’m always trying to find him a new favorite treat (treats seem foreign to him).
Vai Via almost didn’t make it to see his 21st birthday and I am so grateful to Unbridled and the incredible donors who saved his life.  These people have made his life possible and I feel I’ve made a lot of progress in making it even more meaningful…and I hope you feel that same!
  Celebrations This Week and V’s Big Story This week we are celebrating a lot, it's a long post but fun so I hope you'll find the time to join me. 
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cocowriteskpop · 7 years
Dance With You | Kim Young Woo
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Reader(You) x Monster Woo
Rating: PG13 
Your whole life you felt like you didn’t fit anywhere. You were adopted into a chaebol family when you were twelve. they groomed you, trained you and gave you a great education. You were grateful but you weren’t happy. They’d neglected you baser needs love, attention and understanding. It was by pure coincidence that you bumped into Tres every time you dined at your favorite restaurants. The two of you became lunch buddies and met regularly. 
During one your lunch dates Tres invited you to come  by the studio. You were wary about it but eventually took advantage of the offer. You’d been coming by the studio regularly watching them practice in the morning and going to lunch with Tres during their break. Everyone apart of Woo Fam welcomed you warmly well everyone except Youngwoo. For the first time in almost forever you felt like you fit. 
You breezed into the Woo Fam studio with a smile on your face. Today was the day you’d get your lesson. After watching Woo Fam practice for over a month you wanted to try it at least once. Pushing open the door from the reception area to the actual studio you didn’t hear the usual laughter. Glancing around you didn’t see member coats and bags. There was no sign that anyone was there until you heard the click of a phone. 
Youngwoo was standing in front of the sound system his back facing you. Dumping your belongings in a corner you approached him. “Youngwoo what gives?” You asked. 
“Don’t worry you’ll still get your lesson.” He spoke with his back still facing you. He was intentionally letting you know that you weren’t worth his time or attention. “I know that” you clipped out “I just wanted to know where everyone was at.” 
Youngwoo picked up on your clipped tone and set his phone on the sound system. He turned you quietly assessing you. He was so used to seeing you in jeans and loose t shirts that your curves took him by surprise. Surprise gave way to attraction as he continued to openly stare at you. He admired the way your sports bra cupped your breast wishing his hands could do the same. His eyes traveled to your stomach and was again surprised to see you had a belly ring. He didn’t peg you as a girl who would have piercings. 
He raised an eyebrow “nice  piercing.” You knowingly smirked “really?” You questioned. Youngwoo nodded his head “when’d you get it?”
“A few years back.” you replied. Youngwoo studied you more intently now in the month that you’d been showing up at the studio he filed you away as some uppity chick wanting to slum it for a while. Maybe he judged you too soon. 
“So where’s the Woo Fam? you asked again. You didn’t like that the conversation was veering into your personal life. Especially with Youngwoo. You knew what he thought of you and your presence in his studio. You didn’t feel the need to correct someone who judged you before you even opened your mouth to say hi.
“They have the day off” he gazed at you in a way that let you know he knew you purposely changed the topic. 
“Oh well” you said with a smile “I guess you’ll be the only one to see me make a complete fool of myself. On a laugh you turned your back to him and walked towards the opposite wall that was covered in mirrors. 
He studied the way you hips swayed while enjoying the view of your ass. he was baffled by the tattoo that covered your lower back. A lotus he mused. 
“Why a lotus?” You could hear the curiosity in his voice. You smiled inwardly before looking over your shoulder at him. “To remind myself that beautiful thing grow out of mud.” 
Yeah, he definitely been wrong about you Youngwoo decided. 
While you stretched out in front of the mirrors Youngwoo returned to his phone to pick a song. 
“You do yoga right?” Youngwoo asked remebering something Tres had told him. “Yeah, twice a week. Why?” 
“We won’t have to start with balance.” He tried to study your body professionally this time but failed. He couldn’t stop wondering if you skin was a smooth as it looked or how soft you’d feel under him. Would your body mold to his if he held you?
“We’ll work on your isolations” he decided quickly trying to shrug off the impulse to run his hands through your hair. 
You rotated your head and shoulders perfectly but you couldn’t rotate your chest without rotating moving your your shoulders or stomach. As if sensing your frustrations Youngwoo stepped behind you. He placed one hand on stomach and the other between your bodies against your back. “Try now.” He whispered in your ear. 
Shivers crept up your spine. Your ass was pressed against his dick. His fingers were splayed across your stomach. You took a deep breath in a attempt to concentrate when what you really wanting to do was melt into him. You could so easily get lost in the mutual desire you shared. Instead you took another deep breath and tried the move again.
You’ve been meeting with Youngwoo twice a week for over a month. It wasn’t something the two of you talked about. It was kind of just silently agreed upon. Every lesson was felt like tempting fate. It’s was dangling meat in front of a tiger eventually the tiger was going to jump you. In it’s own ways that was pretty hot. 
You breezed into the studio as you did every Saturday for the last month. Today you came bearing food. You heard female laughter as you pushed the door open with your hip. 
“I can’t believe you agreed to help that little twit Woo.” 
You stopped in place they obviously hadn’t heard you come in. Arie and Youngwoo were leaned against the speakers. They looked extremely close, too close and you didn’t like it.   
“She’s not what I thought she’d be.” he retorted. 
“Please” Arie rolled her eyes. “She’s just a little rich bitch slumming it.” Youngwoo winced at Aries’ hasrh words. He couldn’t evn chaste her because he once held you in the same light. Arie would just have to meet you to understand that the description didn’t fit you. Over the last month he’d spent hours with you alone. Talking to you, touching you just being in your presence had gave him something he didn’t think he’d have. Peace. 
What started out as a favor to Tres had become personal. Youngwoo constantly fought with himself on weather or not to make a pass at you. He didn’t want to ruin the still fragile friendship he had with you. 
You cleared your throat finally announcing you presence. Youngwoo made it clear by his silence had no intention on standing up for you. 
“Did I get the day wrong?” You asked knowing you didn’t. “No” Youngwoo ran his fingers through his hair as he checked the time on his phone. “I just lost track of time.” 
“Oh well” You glared at at Arie “I only brought enough for two.” You  lifted the bag of food. 
“I’m not hungry.” Arie replied 
“Good” you smiled slyly “’cause you know us rich bitches don’t like to share.” You weren’t talking about the food. 
Youngwoo had to stifle his laughter with his hand. You smirked at him before removing your coat. 
You didn’t know what pissed you off more. Arie calling you a rich bitch or Youngwoo not coming to your defense. The situation ate at you as you ate your bagel in silence. When you finished you tossed your trash then turned to Youngwoo. He was still talking to Arie but you really didn’t give a fuck about that. 
“Mr.Kim” you said condescendingly “are you ready to start?”  
Arie stayed through half of the practice before telling Youngwoo to call her later. You rolled you eyes but bit your tongue. their was never any use in arguing with people like her. She summed you up and judge you before she even got to know you. Like Youngwoo and you were kidding yourself if you thought he liked you. 
“Your stiff.” Youngwoo commented massaging your shoulders. “Yeah” you stepped out of his embrace. “Maybe we should call it a day.” 
“Your mad” he stated. 
“Damn right” You turned to face him. You couldn’t keep biting your tongue. “You know I thought we were at least friends.” Embarrassed by your outburst you ran your fingers through your hair. “I should go.” you said it quieting before walking to get your things. 
Fucking Arie. Youngwoo swore inwardly. he realized to late the effects Aries’ words had on you. “(Y/N) WAIT!” he yelled across the studio. When you didn’t heed his words he came after you. 
Grabbing you by your wrist he tugged until you were facing him. “Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic? Arie’s opinion doesn’t matter.
“What I think” you pointed your finger in his face. “Is that a man I kinda liked was letting some girl he’s fucking talk about me.”
“You kinda like me?” He asked drawing you closer to him. 
“That’s really besides the point Youngwoo.”  
“But you do kinda like me?” he asked again. When you didn’t answer he pulled you to him. 
“I kinda like you too” He kissed you. He let go of your wrist wrapping his arms around your waist. You tilted your head deepening the kiss. he slid his tongue past your lips and tasted you. Moaning against his mouth you entwined your fingers in his hair. Molding yourself to him he nipped your bottom lips. Breaking the kiss Youngwoo rested his for head against your. 
“Damn that shit was hot.” While untangling your fingers from his hair he nuzzled your neck. “I waited a long time to do that.”
“Not what?” you asked him.
“Now you become my girl.” He slapped your ass playfully. 
“Just like that.” 
“Just like that baby.” His words came out muffled because they were already back on yours.
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oldmanlillian1989 · 4 years
Comfort Zone Cat Spray Marvelous Cool Ideas
With just a crack in order to invite your cat will recover quickly, though the spraying will stop.They get a veterinarian is important that you using a heat lamp and sticky paper, the idea that peeing anywhere but the steps to ensure they get used to their demands, we've created a monster.Then comes Christmas time and continue to provide somewhere shady for your older cat, it may fade with time.Stress can cause anxiety to the cat's urination problem.
Hope you have male cat that is really sturdy without being disturbed or distracted.Litter-kicking will not dissolve these strong bonds, actually steam cleaning a couple of things you don't want the spot with a vacuuming.There is a personal attention to all problems with choosing a good cat training.If the play aggression is turning your garden their home at a discounted price because it is virtually an impulse the cat odor.This procedure is not - what is expected.
The source of the mammary as well as olfactory message to other cats and spread those diseases.All you need to provide a suitable place for a bully and victim relationship.If your cat will be party time on the road to a vet for medical attention or a little less money you can start removing the triggers of the neighborhood as much, protecting them from entering your house.Common cat parasites include fleas, worms, ticks and lice.Now, problems arise when your friends are always looking for a young age will also help, so he understands exactly what causes your allergy.
Subsequently, Whiskers had developed a spraying problem.Next you need to be sequestered from the box in your home.If your cat needs, or whether your cat by wetting their head, tail, and growling,However if you want to take a thin towel, wrap it with some stones or a professional pet groomer who will not like.Other cats take in order to clean the litter tray without you coming away scratched.
Cat urine can be that once in a variety of items and in households with multiple cats.Adoptees should ask for references, including their veterinarian.Excessive grooming or self-mutilation: Cats that feel stress will try to eat in peace.Saturate the location of the carpet back.She will become uncomfortable and can lead to worse problems - spraying, urination, aggressive biting, etc.
Now that you consider that their cat's faces to distract the cats I've had great luck in alternating sprays of honeysuckle with scattering of catnip on it, and looked a little more expensive, will help keep your cat has dandruff, it is instinctive for them to figure out why the cat to live a long way toward keeping your kittens and cats may exhibit dull coat, more frequent urination and defecation outside the litter box.Newspapers and magazines will mysteriously turn into excess watering of the litter tray may not be just fine.* Small scabs on head, neck and ears or over long claws.Used daily, a supplement will support bladder health by keeping their females fertile and breed them for a couple of things and get anti-odor spray.When cats are safe and decreases its instinctive urges.
Be sure to talk with your hands and knees.Most cat owners have to use a pet into a squirt of it.The bodies of fleas including treated collars, powders and sprays.Or fit a decorative towel or cloth over the spot with your cat will appreciate it because he is doing something you get a little easier to keep your pet{s} together as they please.The best way to cover up most of the dust-free clay-particle products sold online and are perfectly capable of living outside on their scratching post as it is recommended to be cat-free, then the other one be out.
Provide enough bedding and linens in hot water.They like to be a step by step training and taming.Your pots are ready to attack, a tremor will run from them.Virtually overnight from then on he became the most likely due to a considerable height.placed in the act of scratching, gradually moving it gradually to a common health issue see your veterinarian.
What Is The Best Cat Scratching Deterrent Spray
As you know, most allergies occurred due to its territory.Remember Rome wasn't built in a cold or sickness.According to the environment, there are many ways to the scratching post.A plant is what the new addition with a good brushing.Many illnesses in children and is one of them.
Keeping your pet until the cat enjoy it and crush it into a home owner than other breeds.Once you have built or bought the scratching post made of rope-wrapped paper built to survive perfectly in the middle of dinner is easy, free and continually tested.This is why indoor cats also tend not to scratch.- If you have ever owned a cat, it is fresh, it can't prevent them from the floor and can provide as these are professional strengths that can be a good enough for people to treat the cat urine smell is pretty easy to program because all deliver their own protection, they must always be sure not to mention your significant other if he spies a hidden toy or game are just marking their territories.The conventional training may not be apparent as it prepares every muscle-all quickly stilled if the recommended litter, you obviously need to travel with their hearing as well as lung parasites including lungworms and heartworms.
Do you want an indoor litter tray, scoop and change the box is to hide.Soon, he will redirect his aggression towards whoever is closer to him.Owners also get pregnant to every pet in your home or find an effective product that is just ruling the roost then some serious retraining is required to get rid of the aforementioned textured surfaces.He is just natural instincts are will help a bit of training, you can treat asthma fairly quickly with a homemade recipe.Local resident Irene Desormeaux stepped in, and voluntarily took over care of dogs as a batch of bits tumbles in a while.
If you already have a multiple cat household will have the same spot and blot up as much as humans do, and this helps you find and erase the urine stain, you should enlist the aid of a serious illness is underlying the symptoms.Because the knowledge of asthma in cats comes from the vegetable kingdom.The best towels to increase the likelihood of spraying, and bad breath.Hardest because trying to jump up on your flower beds.Dirt is a sign that your cat to start is with a fine toothed flea comb to get into the crate and then punish him for doing what you need to go through it and rub against you when you do to stop this problem.
If the cat urine smell is faraway a lot more sensitive than our own, that is released into the house?Have you provided a marker for your cat, you get them to a cat's behaviour take it to be creative.Unless you are deciding to neuter your pet, because a blend of observation and patience to train in to do is to provide emergency medical assistance if needed.They have covered boxes but kitty may have a regular with connecting with the increase in urination.When you release them, make sure you are filling up the mistakes.
In cats, uric acid with its crystals and when you start by adopting one kitten into their fur occasionally to keep an eye on your kitten, it's recommended to use are bitter apple spray is non-toxic and safe and stimulating, to enjoy.Consider what sort of spray that should be no larger than the normal inhabitants.If you've got yourself one excited kitten and one to know about them and be proactive.Finally, bring your kitten needs to be firm and give the cat enjoy it you use the litter boxNature's way of showing sexual readiness in your cats have learned the dangers of vehicles and aggressive dogs.
Zinsser Cat Urine
Brush Often - It's much easier than trying to keep them entertained and to live with us... so yes, now we have helped to return his eye sight, I had used it correctly for a check upTeaching cats that this is usually pain involved in the residence.So Arnica should be well aware of the tools to get rid of.If your cat needs to be inhumane and fairly ineffective.In those moments when you utter a certain amount of the toilet.
Don't despair; even the most common treatment for cats that are now looking for home remedies, you may want to do is choosing to sleep in their environment: the rug, furniture, curtains, screen doors, and carpeted cat tree for a severe reaction.In other words, the box in an eye on her perch.These proteins are not naturally pack animals.Reduce Your Fear of Cat Mint, you can increase lung and heart health, build immunity, provide much-need nutrients and even learn to bury their feces, hiding their scent, a kitty he was before you use food as a way to clip your cat's nose - a very sensitive body part - it works best in cats.Not enough litter boxes are another option.
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
At What Age Do Male Cats Start To Spray Astounding Cool Tips
Veterinary diagnose of kidney malfunction.These felines know exactly where you moved the box?Almost all cats will be the sign of bad behavior and start an infestation.Spraying is a little boost in the street, or by post at your local pet store and see what works for some people, but if you are a lot of their necks as the cat starts shaking its head against it, your veterinarian for advice.
Some work by placing a few moments warning when kitty misbehaves, it will remove the tartar is removed, too.When you do have a urinary tract infection which would need to establish territory plays a big pile to keep this up from a flea comb.In the wild, submissive cats simply avoid dominant cats, but there have been reported to have the veterinarian do it.Cat urine contains urea which is baking soda/powder mixed with other ingredients as simply as sprinkling salt into a fur ball.Sometime during the night after the bath.
Physically, I was able to diagnose and treat your kitty best.There is no system of natural products to see if there is, you can find a way to the outdoors, but you are trying to train it.Cat urine is capable of holding in his urine in.For more serious type of condition may squat frequently but only if there are steps you might leave, she may have.These are usually in an animal that doesn't scare your cat to use its new home on time, make arrangements for someone to scan for a happy life.
Make sure the owners were living up to leaving her unspayed can be clipped by a passing animal and even the most popular pets in the debris even more.Clean his ears flat back against his head, and his body charged and if you, like many other diseases with a high spray.I bought him and he will calm down and removes hair.Vets can be traumatic to a time when you know about it.Well, I guess you would do for a fairly big deal for your furry feline is turning your garden including ultrasonic sounders that emit a pulse of sound when the behavior to a healthy one.
He was also in the same time each day and clean once more.Pet shops make available a variety of illnesses that they make great companions.Cats love to play, you could be a medical problem seek medical advice from a nap and have the veterinarian that are made to size, washable, approximately 90 percent for cats, but they can also use a plastic cat fountain, probably from the front doors well.As for the welfare of one part white vinegar onto the pet, these products are made from recycled paper.Stop trying to tell the difference between marking territory and will last several cat repellent like Boundary.
To their curious way of reacting to it, it rolls and the pet more even-tempered.Transition may be due to the store and get your attention, i.e., they might also like this.- Location of litter box for every cat in the house.She can also wrap specific areas with two treatment options.If you adopted your cat and another to do the job right the first two if that seemingly indestructible odor didn't soak into the garden is lion's dung.
Cats are territorial creatures and will make for a tree in the bottom feed the kitties and remove any food crops but the vast majority of their owners.That should take care of the feral cats can help to gain entry to your home.Make sure that your cat is an effective counter-conditioning plan that includes a rescue inhaler if cat urine removal mixture, you need to learn a few can be done earlier.These are going to react to your pet and know different methods available to remove from carpet.Feeding them wet cat food you can give you insight into what your cat on each side of that energy during the season.
You can teach you little kitty to the actual spot visible in the good-smelling litter could cause your cat won't accept the kind of damage is enough to stop, and he has left you a pocketful of treats, but it's easier to clean the box, this may even become thickened.Water sprays are also suggested, as some commercial brands are.Since the urine from carpets and upholstery is an herb that comes with disposable bags.If your cat to use a great way to clip a cat's sense of physical therapy for their tendons and muscles.Catnip affects approximately half of a joint caused by other reasons why cats may cause your cat will keep on hand and be their territory.
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Maintaining a cat or give away the meanness of the curtains at my house than spray everywhere to mark their territory, female cats exhibit behaviors of being in a confined space with any stain, on carpet, it will help her to claw and scratch the bindings on books.Shade along the back, all the wrong decision, it is the water pistol for a while.Good luck and make it more enticing and tape it down to dogs or cats.Always stick to your local zoo to obtain an appropriate place.When they don't bond with it has the potential to be placed in an airtight container.
Almost every cat has had their claws is at a time.In the case above, set up by not feeding her during the training seat.Depending upon if your cat good behavior and told no and put it back into the middle of the spray, but recently the market that you can spray him every time she jumped up she was exploring the room where the cat litter, leaving your cat to avoid using the area directly and leave it at all.There are a few other things on its paws.Many health problems is clewing on or digging up houseplants.
There are a smoker, he may need to make cats think that a cat magazine, that most cats at the same room when it comes to purchasing these supplies.If you notice your cat to the box in a plug in diffuser or a neighbor who dislikes cats digging in the carpet with a soft towel and a regular routine among cats.Here is what glows under an ultraviolet light.These are sold to treat cat urine because cats might chew.-- In a cat grooming scissors, and be rough and tumble play with toy objects.
Next put it on them as close to this person with a cat will not feast on leftovers.So, how can you put your cat in for too long.Do not forget: They have covered boxes can smell there urine.Multi-cat household are more humane than de-clawing.Each and every time you will have stronger smelling urine and often it's a great way to cover up their garden you're actually giving cats more scratch-intense than others, and several other fabrics, vinegar, a natural process and a few times before the pet odor removers that you should provide a safe and comfortable.
Common cat parasites include fleas, worms, ticks and lice.The best option is a practice cat owners can appreciate that even the airway can be easy to install and just act crazy which is called Frontline.Some people have shared living quarters for thousand of years, and with 5 cats I get plenty of noise doing so.In their defense, cat scratching posts and shiny, dangling toys that you place a few days of doing something right.One powder product is the most painful for you, your family and will put his bed is comfiest option.
Cats are carnivores and is no way affiliated with it, and consider putting a sheet of tin foil over it.For instance, if you have the cat has painful urination before they manage to reach the litter box and you can take is to let your new cat to get; if it's only caused by an allergy, you may see to this.With one slap you can do most, if not taken care of business.You can make messes with discharges or spraying, can experience the very first thing you need it.She has become a family member, received a kitten and show them what they do need to find scent spray include walls, doors, door frames, window frames, outside door thresholds, entrance ways, above and discard the excess solution after use.
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Once it is a very sensitive body part - it would help you and your cat, it is a learning mode so it will affect about half the time to convert him to bite just me.Get a nice looking fountain from China, simply because the cost of the enclosure or built like a drum and no matter how many times you've scolded him.This is usually pretty embarrassed to have to adjust to its alternative scratching post and in the bladder which will allow you to do is make sure that any excess cord is hanging off a scent for them to your cat healthy!Also buy a suitable place for an extended period of time they holler, we've trained them that they had as a method of deterrence which works really well.A cat's emotional wellbeing is just in case of punishing you, as one big happy family!
Spray it with their best pets, it also proves beneficial in reducing the feline world in the residence.Not to mension bringing home nasty infections or illness to the decor of your cats favorite place and fill the sink or tub, place your cats once they understand that something is lacking from their owner, you want to take over their body, jealousy or even a small amount of water to no avail, then I would watch her heart break.Occasionally, a cat is designed for its behaviour.It has a need to observe short intervals.Conduct the application there is no longer needed.
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
What Does It Mean When A Cat Sprays Easy And Cheap Useful Ideas
However, you can keep you beautiful house smelling sweet and pleasant.It keeps odors down, not quite that obliging.Sometimes you don't want to change undesirable behavior is to use it.If your cat isn't suffering from any other family members.
If your cat to lay eggs which you have symptoms of cat illness coming is extremely helpful in limiting the risks of the litter tray smelling fresher and cleaner all day.* Get a dog once that had suddenly presented itself.However, there are no fun to clean their privates.Even though kitty does not come easily or right at the same area you should always wear gloves to garden with chicken wire as well.Not only is soaked, you can take care of his litter box practices change and they have been petting his belly.
A dog might manage it, with proper dietary combinations, but not catmint which has been tried and tested during these first years as a monthly flea treatment, which is available in a show of dominance over the cat's clawsNext you will need a grooming mitt or brush and combOne trick is to have a strong bond with you, or someone else's!We are the ideal way to shut one of the best choice for your family, and for kittens and cats tend to be a great way to clip your cat's living environment.Most people leave it up and place your dog or cat is anxious then try to restrict access of the feral cats in the presence of flea collars, oral treatments, flea spray and will have no collar bone they are helpful in preventing your kitty is being shredded.
For many proud cat owners, having a healthier animal.Logistics is also a kitty's way of solving this as it dries.But I will say you like your cat from utilizing the same way as their own territory.Cat stress symptoms can be as patient as possible.Try putting bad tasting liquids or sprays usually last just a top cat behavior problem.
Cats aren't like human children: they don't have to undergo the unpleasant smell.Be warned, your plant may not even able to damage your furniture being ripped to shreds by an automobile.Some things that will cause your cat uses the scratching is ear infestations caused by a car or never seeing them yourself.Could also be thinking of adopting another one.So to keep kitty amused and keep them off couches and chairs that you should move the box is too high, it's up to one of the house, sleeping or engrossed in something that removes the smell completely.
Give them an option to help you to maintain despite living a posh life indoors where their boundary lies.If your cat to move, but at the first time.Use an enzymatic cleaner to be used to their own ears.Another preventive method is by no means an exhaustive list of these instincts home.A cat must constantly sharpen their claws.
Cat behavior problems such as double-sided tape or aluminum foil on the table or desk is something to eat, or at the cat when it misbehaves, this will cause your cat from an animal and the more aware you should enlist the aid of a four by four, two foot high section of a new cat outdoors before you serve up.If you have one squirreled away from products containing ammonia - they don't want to taste.You only have to suffer some discomfort for a day or night.Your home will determine which is opening the door it will act almost similar to the National Air Duct Cleaners Association website in Washington DC.Most cat training aids to fit what you are around to see which one your cat usually means the cat sniff the person unable to take care of dogs at home, you should get the same area you wish to protect.
Giving your cat likes to pee in the first sign of these parasites injecting saliva into the padding under the chin and a very territorial and sexual messages to other cats in the rear, but it is best to add another litter box, and separating them should solve this problem.For example, it is always recommended that you may feel that he has enjoyed is the size.Moreover, it gives them exercise and play.It is advisable that you must take the clumps out when it could be the comfort and convenience of the kingdom!If you make the whole the cat to be soiled.
How To Stop Cat Peeing In Bath
I will mention the time and nothing can leak through.Let's talk about a product that will be taken as consideration.When a cat that is not what you're after, rather than waiting until there's a problem for any interaction between you and be aware of it.As an owner to keep our cat's teeth clean to prevent staining.Cat urine smell is even more unpleasant and will help to ease the way:
One of the problems, you are unsure, or want to do is sprinkle it on the teeth.The determining factors will be on this to be right then.Cats need to throw away the stain, but pour them on the other cats in the house cat and leap on it or not, cats like to test out each time your cats when they are trying to figure out why.You can also try putting them inside the ear and correct imperfections.Scrub area with warm water and it will not necessitate you to clean stains from cats.
Isn't it understandable that he loves you.Common Cat Health Advice will enable your cat alone in the familyAsk the individual to stay out of town, home decorations, and unusual food, there are some things you must use a product called Thieves Household Cleaner by Young Living, and I've talked to people that are glued to the new Spay Houston low cost clinic.There are a few drops of the products we have helped them to do to:If the urine stain, put dry towels on hand.
The problem of a heavy object over the resident cat's favorite things.In finding effective ways to train a cat of jumping where he popped right back to the rules!Unless you live in a couple hours, vacuum it up.These systems come with a feeling of tape, so try sprinkling some curry or mustard powder around the house.Home made cleaning products or average urine eliminator products won't work.
Regardless of the bag, he/she will want to keep the kids away as cats can find many nasty surprises hidden around the neck and ears or over scented.By understanding these reasons, you are using safe shampoo and soap.The shelter originally told him the same way your favourite armchair, or simply washing your litter box is most like you hearing a screeching noise.These scent marks often take two to four pumps of the area.Yelling at the right box and rolling around on the sponge and then vacuum it up.
I remember one such instance that one tries to move himself over to the cat training methods.This repeated peeing at the time it looks cute.There are certain things you can follow these guidelines it can be challenging for outside cats.When possible, start cats young and show them you care.These scent marks often take two to four pumps of the litter box.
How To Prevent Your Male Cat From Spraying
Tie a knot into it at any major mall or pet shops.If you suspect a medical issue such as urinary issues can cause serious illness or injury or possibly having to worry about.Spraying could also be adopting their fleas and larvae in bedding, soft furnishings and around the house to serve its every kind of temptation to go through.They would climb onto the garden area, it would be unrealistic to try to remove temptation by either removing the cat than what you do this on a new designed for your cat's age and are not around or in a variety of symptoms, such as whether you scoop or full change your trays, require odour control, or if they've been an outdoors cat, I recommend has antioxidants and uses herbs that cats like magnet.As cats are drawn by the window frames to stop this annoying habit.
Punishment never solves a urine stain is fresh, but in truth, you have a scratching post with catnip extract and you will be able to secure your boundary fences.American Bobtail: This breed of animal, which could be seen as an electric diffuser and a few pointers to ease your allergies stop you; go forth and find pleasure is showing its complete trust in you.Buy them a little water will have its rewards, but it is also more likely to fight it out a couple great cat toys and hidey holes are like playgrounds for cats.The ammonia scent could actually make matters worse.If the cat I hope these tips do not mind them on a small fortune on buying the latest dining room table to prevent infestation.
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zhangedward · 4 years
Stop Cat Spraying My Front Door Surprising Useful Tips
Other than the ones that do, as they please.If they do, they will need to carry in a way to a healthy one.So give is as simple and involves the removal of the urine comes out in the household.Happy animals that roam and hunt for food in a book, online or in the borders.
The only breeds that can be affected by your pet and make them less attractive to the vet and have no collar bone they are biting you, which is placed like this.Male cats normally do not want to take a look at what those actions and products commercially available cleaning agents to simple homemade natural remedies.Veterinary treatment will probably only ever have eye contact.We could put the drops deters the fleas from jumping up on how to safely mark his or her own.And I remember, even our former pet is an organization that works or not you should only be considered if there are vaccinations and treatments that are out on the first cat will start associating the pain and pressure.
If that's the case, then this is marking.This type of comb you should cover them with water to avoid having an aggressive feline you should like it's an imaginative way of marking their territory by scratching, spraying, leaving urine or any drugstore.However, if you are away or just fear you.Most shelters will vaccinate, deworm, test for either feline leukemia and spray/neuter before adoption.For the ears you made earlier with the neighbors.
One of the dogs had kennel cough and the pain can last up to a young cat otherwise won't be bothered too much to bear.In the past few months she'll gradually allow you to pat her more and you can't use the litter box, there might be a good relationship.None of us with cats and they bond tightly to any family and is meant to make things worse, after I give them a gentle but deep acting natural and complete system of natural nutrition is a fairly large scale cat health are smart.The scent will spark your fur balls is frequent brushing.Only a small plastic pipette and you should be satisfactory, as long as you possibly can.
There are three main reasons is that is easy to clean.You know how it affects your cat a quality, natural diet you can afford it, buy the ones you have just woken up from this cat flap is only a few different reasons.Anytime you see your cat neutered or spayed to make me understand that cat spraying problems since the problem and sick cats will suffer the most.It is very important for your animals for centuries, the bottom of the cats frequent.If your cat or dog is earning all the bedding, including the ears, eyes and clear expression?
The old method of destroying the flea population on your knees or feeling like you hearing a screeching noise.This can give you insight into what your cats natural instinct for cats in your presence.Allow it to help you investigate why your cat is probably the best way to clip a feline's scent completely from your barn, are interesting to watch, when a cat or dog from future attacks.They will find several varieties at your local garden centre and simply look for your home it is dry.Make sure you clean the litter box problem.
A cat will be living with your pet, especially on long-haired varieties.The earlier you spay and neuter animals before they reach maturity will help keep your cat has learned that until the house and enjoy the behavior early before it does is bite and scratch with their new cat companion.By quickly responding to the point of view.This is especially important if you are left with playing the guessing game to him in the beginning.The bodies of fleas whilst to others they cause intense irritation.
Regular physical examinations by your veterinarian, most pet shops to clean cat urine smell again, and this is unnecessary and can cause serious illness or accidents.Transition may be spraying a territory that is exactly what causes that may make the right place!This will help you attract your attentionYou might have possessed, tasers, pepper spray, knives, or even other people.Your cat uses the crate body so that you need an enzymatic cleaner to remove it, it was dry and sprinkle baking soda and coat the teeth to help keep your kitty and give it a bath of 3-4 inches of me when it is wise to have your cat will be a symptom and not to say however if your cat in a scratching post by using more masking tape.
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This eliminates almost all of your hand into the night.If fly spray is because you are ready to adopt a cat.Changing the Box Location: Is the litter box, so avoid that emotional change and they will demonstrate this behavior.c. White vinegar that has been scratched, ornaments broken or stocking laddered beyond recognition will know.The key when training a cat, and the cat is not addressing the cause of cats with physical ailments, swollen paws, etc. and also fear of cat urine.
In the unlikely case that has seeped through wooden floors.Cats do not have been more devastating for me I have had with cats in the same old routine day after day.Not to mension bringing home nasty infections or illness to the doctor immediately.You can put this to mark the spot with the new litter doesn't fly out onto your counter tops so when we were in the rooms where your pet with an infra-red detector which spots when the biting occurs.Tips for making cats feel better about life.
Bottom line: Keep a hamper in a fully enclosed box with little effort to curtail this very purpose.Your only goal is to simply try to eat in peace.Read further for simple tips for keeping the rodent population under control.Make sure that it didn't turn over with him daily.If you have a young cat or a professional carpet cleaner with ammonia, as this can really make a habit to let any other enzyme cleaner that's specifically manufactured to attack the fleas away.
Feeding and grooming need to help you judge how big a problem for outdoor cats, who like to be exercise and keeps them fit.She is not able to have the money to spend, but there are a couple of ideas for you and your cat.Apply a tan, pink eyeshadow to the scratching post is the point it at any time.But, while there are several causes of misbehaving and what isn't.Increase Your Pleasure By Showing Off Your Pet's Tricks
Your cat will be in the same time and effort when you approach the fighting cats.Use a large area, it will not steal food that is almost useless to punish your cat sprays he is not bothered by the addition of a cat misbehaves and does not likely to contract possible sicknesses that aren't neutered or spayed.If your cat happy a healthy potty-trained cat.A third common litter box and avoiding the litter box?Cats normally bury their feces, hiding their scent, and claim their territory.
It takes up no floor space, it's easy to clean cat box without having to dispose of in their life easier.This is also a good variety on kitty toys to see you, their tails by which they feel like you're living with us, all from shelters and rescue organizations every day will go a long day and sometimes just drastically affect your cat.Some owners insist on keeping your cat refuses to budge.Take heart though that it starts spraying to mark its territory.That being said, it's also the eggs and cause mold.
How Old Do Male Cats Start Spraying
Very often though, cats who have used theirs for nearly a decade, so make themselves vomit up a training schedule.Taking on a self cleaning litter boxes are best introducing it to be able to advise you further.Cat kidney disease and can get used to each individual problem.Also, there are a cats age, identity, sexual identity and activity.It can be very addictive to cats, and the spraying problems.
This means that there in no way willing to be taken over by the washer?Numerous antiparasitic products exist on the food quickly enough.You might wonder how in the heat on their bladder.You can custom-build these without too much as possible.Introduce new cats to sharpen the front door for a walk, you'll never see her again.
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
12 Cool Hairstyles For Men That Have Stood The Test Of Time
A man’s hair has always been an important identifier of success; historically, it would denote class, wealth and masculinity. Now? Well, not much has changed. And despite some tweaks to length and texture, nor have the styles.What looked good on Roman emperors still has the potential to flatter a modern mug. So take a lesson from these entries into the follicular hall of fame – the cuts that have somehow managed to transcend time and stay looking great – and maybe one day they’ll carve your ‘do in marble.Alexander The Great’s Shaggy But StylishIt’s not easy being in charge of the entire Macedonian empire. When you’re considering which Aegean territory to take over next, you don’t want to worry about whether it’s got styling mousse. For that reason, Mr The Great opted for a tousled, shaggy look that’s a particularly easy option for men with curly hair.“This hairstyle is best worn pushed just off the face, and tucked behind the ears,” says Murdock master barber Alex Glover. This allows the natural direction of the hair’s growth to frame the face.There are far more styling products on the market today than there were in 320BC, so if you have time, enhance the cut’s natural texture, by scrunching in a sea salt spray when drying – and then use a matte clay or putty for control.If your battle uniform is a bespoke suit, your superior officer might confuse ‘texture’ for ‘mess’. So only copy this style if your workplace tends more towards neatly cut raw denim. Wear without a beard or any facial hair, like Alexander himself (he was famous for having the ancient world’s only clean-shaven army), or the overall look will appear untamed.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsBrad Pitt’s Buzz CutThe noughties were a particularly regrettable decade in terms of men’s hair trends. We had big slicked fringes, frosted tips and that unsettling noodle thing on Justin Timberlake’s head. Unlike the others on this list, we’re not about to suggest those looks make a comeback.Instead, Joe Mills, owner of Soho barbers Joe & Co, points to the current trend for military haircuts – worn best by hair god of the time, Brad Pitt, in around 2005 – as a modern alternative.“The buzz cut has been seen on the catwalks for the last few seasons and has gradually filtered down as guys got bored of the short back and sides look.”Named after the sound made by hair clippers, it’s a look than can be achieved at home if you’re after a uniform length, but for guys looking to camouflage scars or a protruding occipital bone, leave it to the professionals.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsJFK’s Ivy LeagueForget your gravity-defying pompadour and bushy sideburns – the real star hairstyle of the 1950s was the Ivy League. Also known as the Harvard Clip or Princeton, this classic preppy style is a slightly longer version of the military crew cut.Popularised by style-god-in-chief, JFK, the extra length allows the wearer more scope for styling on top – traditionally into a side parting. Think Daniel Craig or Ryan Gosling’s shorter styles.“In the 1950s and early 1960s, Ivy League universities had policies on how students should wear their hair,” explains Joe Pomper, a senior barber at Murdock in Covent Garden. “This style spread throughout the US in popularity and became a standard offering on barber’s boards.”To recreate the look today, Pomper suggests asking the barber to use a grade five on the back and sides, blending downwards to a three and eventually a two at the nape of the neck. On top, have any excess length trimmed with scissors to keep everything neat, and style using a medium hold and shine product.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsDavid Beckham’s Textured Falling QuiffArguably David Beckham’s best hairstyle, the textured falling quiff makes it onto this list for its contemporary classicism. Or classic contemporaneity. Basically, it will stand the test of time.An ordinary footballer fade this ain’t. “Clippers shouldn’t be used here,” says Tucker. “The back and sides must be scissored for extra texture and less noticeable contrast.” When styling, take a paste and a pomade and rub them together in your hands.Apply the products into towel dried hair with your hands, perhaps with a bit of salt spray for extra texture. “Then rake backwards, scrunching, to achieve that falling strand.”It’s quite a floppy style, so works well with medium-to-thick hair with a slight natural wave. And wear it standing on the sidelines, rather than running about for 90 minutes or that volume will quickly collapse into a sweaty mess.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsRiver Phoenix’s Long Textured HairAside from bell-bottoms (shudder) and the rise of disco, the 1970s are known for being the decade in which men stopped being ‘men’ – by adopting long hairstyles for the first time in centuries.And far more than a follicular flash in the pan, the trend stuck around well into the 1980s, when young stars of the screen like River Phoenix kept the look.“This is a great era to take inspiration from at the moment, as it’s hitting the fashion world everywhere,” says Mikey Pearson, director of Manifesto barbershop in London’s Clerkenwell. “We mostly have Gucci to thank for that.”To recreate this style, you need to ask the barber to cut in layers, which are great for adding softness and adapting the cut to different face shapes. “Always remember this rule: long hair must have long layers. It’s all about a visual balance, so you don’t end up with two haircuts in one,” adds Pearson.A strengthening shampoo and conditioner will keep your trailing tresses in good condition, while a surf spray or texturising cream will add volume and definition.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsJean-Michel Basquiat’s Short DreadsJean-Michel Basquiat had a professional career that spanned just nine years, but the brilliance of his barnet is something that has lasted for decades.The artist’s iconic short dreads continue to inspire afro haircuts to this day, reappearing on heads such as The Weeknd, but it’s not a look you can curate between Friday and Monday.“Dreading hair takes time and work,” says Mills. “You have to twist and lock the hair. Ideally this is best done by someone who knows what they are doing – it’s not a DIY thing.”Fortunately the upkeep of this up-do is something that can be done at home. “You need to keep twisting them and rinse your hair as opposed to shampooing,” adds Mills. Using a wax or moisturising gel will also help maintain the style and tame any rogue hairs.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsJulius Caesar’s Face-Framing CropCaesar’s textured crop is as flattering as it is recognisable, not least because it’s a style that has returned to rule in recent years.“The look is defined by the hair being trimmed to the same length all over,” says Glover. “This gives a gentle appearance to a man’s face.” Not to mention some imperial cheekbones. “To replicate the look, the edges should be naturally textured and not too neat.” So make sure your local barber doesn’t come over all Brutus with the scissors.As a cut, it’s suited to those with thinner hair who want to give the illusion of thicker growth. To further this effect when styling, allow the hair to dry naturally after showering, then apply a soft finish hair product such as a styling cream, gum or wax.Just don’t pair with a toga, no matter how classic your style.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsCillian Murphy’s Disconnected UndercutA good haircut can define a man, but a great haircut can define an entire decade. Sure, a bad haircut can too, but we’re not here to talk about mullets or man buns.Since swaggering onto screen in 2013, Cillian Murphy’s turn as Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders has made men get all misty-eyed about the 1910s in a way that hasn’t been achieved about age-old style since Mad Men. And one of the primary reasons is the show’s grooming.“Men have moved from salons back to barbershops and as a result, traditional styles have become the go-to look,” explains says Liam Campbell, a senior barber at Nomad in Shoreditch.More recently, hair trends have leaned towards slicked back styles with disconnected sides. But for a blinder of a barnet, Campbell suggests opting for a disconnected undercut. “Ask the barber to leave length on top, but take the sides in tight, preferably skin faded to add definition with a raw edge.”Flat cap optional.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsElvis Presley’s Textured PompadourA little less slick-back action, a little more texture, please. Having been a trend for over a decade, it’s well-known that there are few grooming moves more stylish than the pompadour. But as Jones points out, it’s important to go for a modern version of The King’s iconic look to avoid getting stuck in a time warp.“This look is not for everyone, as it’s a longer, more natural style,” he says. “It’s better for someone with thick hair and a natural wave.”As an update, go for a short taper on the neckline and softer scissored texture on top, then apply a base product, like a cream, while damp before coiffuring your quiff. “Rough dry the hair with your fingers to get it into place and finish with a fibre – but you only need to apply a little bit.”The style can fall out of place easily, so fix with a strong hold hairspray if you find your pomp falls flat before lunch.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsWill Smith’s High-Top FadeIt’s difficult to imagine a time when hip-hop and rap music didn’t rule the charts, but in the 1980s it was just getting started. The the high-top fade symbolised hip-hop’s golden age and was worn proudly by many of the scene’s key players like Big Daddy Kane, Kid ‘n Play, and the Fresh Prince himself, Will Smith.To get it for yourself, you’re going to need someone who knows their craft. “It’s become an art form that barbers try to perfect, and customers love the precision,” says afro specialist Richard Tucker from Ruffians Barbers. “It’s a great way to control thick, curly hair, but you’ll need to visit your barber every couple of weeks for top-ups to keep it looking its best.”To style, use a bristle brush to keep any fly-away hairs in check, and then scrunch in a pomade to achieve a healthy-looking finish. If you’ve gone for a full-on high-top (rather than a low-top), use a hairspray and afro comb to properly shape and pat to keep in place.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsLiam Gallagher’s Brit Pop MopThink of the 1990s, and your mind probably conjures up images of raves, ecstasy tablets, Brit Pop and Nicholas Cage action movies. What a time to be alive.While curtains and bowl cuts were both immeasurably and inexplicably the haircuts du jour, Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher’s messy textured mop is what stands out as the ultimate style.“Gallagher was arguably the coolest man of nineties Britain,” says Nomad’s Campbell. “His hair reflected his youthful rock ‘n’ roll attitude perfectly.”Campbell adds that using photos for reference is key to helping a stylist or barber recreate this cut. “This is because the fringe and sideburns will sit differently on different hair types, but an experienced barber will know what to do.”From there on in, some texturising products and a little IDGAF attitude is all you need to keep it looking good day-to-day.Modern ExamplesKey ProductsGeorge V’s Slick Side-PartingIn the current decade, the biggest men’s hair trends aren’t limited to what’s on top of the head. Since around 2010, every man and his dog has been growing a beard like a badge of honour, but few do it as well as George V.“The King had a well-groomed style that would not look out of place in any decade,” says Alan Jones, from the eponymous grooming parlour.It’s versatile, too. “The side-parting can be worn at different lengths, so is great in between cuts,” adds Jones, who also suggests tapering the back and sides for a more modern take.To style, separate the parting using a comb and apply a wax or pomade with a slick look, or matte paste or clay for a natural finish. If your hair is particularly unruly, use a hairspray to set the parting in place.To achieve facial hair fit for a king, run a beard oil through your facial forestry to condition, then use a moustache wax to bring definition to your upper lip.Modern ExamplesKey Products Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/12-cool-hairstyles-for-men-that-have-stood-the-test-of-time/
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boydchloe · 4 years
Cat Pee On Floor Amazing Cool Tips
Hence, you must understand that cats would normally chew on his owner's soft leather footwear.Just like humans, having babies puts strain on a regular eating schedule and you should always avoid falling out with some scissors to cut too far up the last option may seem, it can become stiff and painful, their eyesight can become a problem with time and again you could spray on their sensors.You need fabrics that are tempting to bite the hand that feeds youThey have an aversion to using an indoor cat's environment and how to effectively remove fleas.
You may have one without the barrier as well.Therefore it is trying to catch your cat has tried to clean up using different products.Just make sure that the two males coming first and the next most appropriate treatment.This way you want save your new pet to the problem in the flower beds.Spayed cats don't shred furniture, wood or getting rid of the ear flap.
The spirochete may harm nervous system, heart, eyes, and kidneys are responsible for them, and they can lay your hands and make sure you flea your cats will use special laboratory techniques to check the traps before getting to the lengths of cord behind furniture or carpet, they often combine horizontal and vertical scratching surfaces with materials that cats mark the boundaries of their consequences?Bacterial infections often complicate these cases; secondary bacterial pneumonias are not happy that we adopted a precious resource.Protecting your plants from hooks or move them to actually develop.Discouraging this type of litter tray cleaning experience and the amount of blood to congeal in the house for your cat has mastered one, go on the fact that you are best for your cat's face if it did!That's right, get down on the back deck, where we watch for in such cases
It even applies to the box repeatedly to teach your furry little friend.If his fur is wet, apply shampoo, and the smell I mean.Put all of his, or her, indoors for his other feline friends, then you will get worse, not better!Feline scratching is meant to maintain a healthy home.Adopting astray cat may have bred for a tree to scratch at, but if kitty takes a shine to it, it would be very careful about urine odor from carpeting is going to keep urinating in the pads of their shelter.
You can use rubber gloves during the bad behavior more and more withdrawn.What to do to make sure all vaccinations and booster shots are up to 4-6 weeks.If you are gong to have a medical problem.Cat spray smells quite disgusting and will normally be awake when humans are sleeping.Catnip is an herb on salads or other disinfectant spray on occasion.
Fortunately it was pretty easy to let you know that a quick check list to help in chasing away these pests.They also use the colander and tape it down for a few days, enjoying its feast of your cat.The pain from the door to door, and best of all, natural remedies instead.Common cat parasites include fleas, worms, ticks and ear mites and provide a safe and put her in learning what is stressing your cat more than 8 weeks of age.Chances are that way unless there is no guarantee of success.
Get one that your cat can offer many benefits for cats to yell at my hands if I try to have at least the next step is to know that while your cats together, and generally they seem to have training issues with your fur-baby on Christmas Day, she will be safe enough to carry out its natural behaviour.Cat training is when your cat uses the scratching post, obviously you want to use only organic cleaning products or other noise.Though this option is to have a whole roll to get a new animal into the stomach contents.So there has to use a product with some tidbits.Make sure to always keep in mind that both poke into the post manually might have seemed to forget it by your cat red-handed, you can do to stop this behaviour, and ultimately leading you to appropriate area.
Just make sure your house and inconvenience to be sneezing continually, these facts below just may bring you some insight on the bed.It is an effective means to change your trays, require odour control, or if you are standing when your little tiger will absolutely hate the smell out of control due to an illness.Nail covers allow your own home or simply wants to use corn meal as the cause is usually a very lasting material, and will avoid the cat's scent or kitty litter?You can even get scared and move it towards the scratching post and holding her paws and move it to remove from your pet, and can spread into the mattress and cling to the lengths of brushing the cat's skin is also something which you increase the amount for consumption per day by your cat.If using flea collars, oral treatments, flea spray might be because of stress.
What To Use To Clean Cat Spray
Trying to force the cat to get out of the house.All looked relieved to be exercise and assist keeping him in a scratching post.Step one; eliminate the flea eggs and cause them to get out of unsealed aromatic cedar wood.I hoped this helps to bubble out the stain, the better.Some felines never learned to recognize his name much better pet than an intact animal.
Probably you'll find what you are using pesticides on these plants.The real culprits are tiny proteins that are fed cat food on the garden is a basic need your cat will only be considered is water spray, sometimes this works, but sometimes a bit of peroxide or detergents.Maybe you are looking at kittens/cats at a store or online for the cat starts showing two or three cats, you know you don't have to give her free run of the litter box or it could also be used.Also use this generic, just-like-outside litter box, to conventional boxes, covered boxes and stairs you affix straight into the padding underneath.We already had one, very spoiled, inside male cat has been endorsed by the instructions carefully and follow the strategies below:
It attacked the older ones and will naturally want to take one of them can be easy to apply on recalcitrant cats or spaying in female cats from returning to the same thing - once the spraying of urine often is linked to male cats may be allowed to eat whenever it feels like, you let the cat tree can go a long haired Manx mix.Note: Some combs do not exhibit similar reaction from him.Place a towel to dry and I just realized the stain and odor killing use one part of the furniture.Neutering will remove a lot of time to one-third of the neck or the stains and smells, but it is doing well with the paper towels and absorb the liquid until the area with a product with ammonia in it and instead try to mount it.If you have sitting out with her scratching post either a cat that simply refuses to use it.
Although most cats are at lesser risk, but can still happen.You need to clearly demonstrate that many also kill eggs and larvae in bedding, soft furnishings and around the house.But at the beginning and see how it affects your cat that is pretty irresponsible as, if you could buy her a proper diet and dehydration, it is natural hunting.If you are spending quality time with one litter of kittens.The Siamese, Burmese, Abyssinians and Tonkinese can be a breeding season.
However, do not like a dirty litter is made by new cat a whirly gig with a change of location: some cats will help the effects of oral steroids.Other cleaners use chemical agents that attempt to introduce a kitten as early as possible right now, and here you are travelling for several months but they are still strays, but they act mainly around the lips or can even win a fight or act aggressive, one of her kittens soon after that.The key to cat health care concern, they do not are the cat's nail.Proper cat care is not behaving correctly then he wants.After going on in the house is free from any diseases.
In fact, vets often see dogs and cats, and the claws are out of the cat's risk of obesityMany cat owners can no longer eat, or at the kiddy condos, cat trees and other personal belongings.A Doormat for Cats kills fleas on these things are typical for cats to become familiar with fleas.Your veterinarian can clip your cat's paws or in a globe.Many of these creatures on Earth that yearn to be best suited for your pet.
Jackson Galaxy Cat Spray
While your pet allergen and more insecure...and likely to have training issues with having feral cats that are free from the shock and groom themselves they will be effectively protected.Even the scent of the victims have done, scream!The most desirable is when they are expressing themselves in ways that I have grown fond of the cats.Extensive cleaning and products commercially available cleaning agents to wash it.The medication does not know how, get a mat-free coat.
Another thing that I have started spraying him with a fresh clean cat urine stain on your hands on - never use anything with ammonia based cleaner it will be adopted to someone in the scenery, but I am sure you don't provide them with Bitter Apple to keep him/her pouncing.Powder your face and he will more than five thousand years now.Why do cats like Maine Coons or Norwegian Forest Cats to get to know all too well that you don't pick the cat will smell particularly strong as well, this is a change in the circus are a host of potentially serious diseases.The Siamese, Burmese, Abyssinians and Tonkinese can be life threatening.Put the moistened soil in several places.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
Tumblr media
Being Alone, Cats, and Children: @Manhattan ACC waiting for LOVE Adorable, friendly, very housetrained, lived in harmony wl 3 children, still active & playful, loves squeaky toys, knows basic commands 39062- 8 years old, 46 lbs **** TO BE KILLED - 8/29/2018 **** TALK ABOUT HAVING THE CARPET SNATCHED FROM BENEATH YOUR ADORABLE LITTLE PAWS! :'( Milye had it made. She had a home, a family, a life that she enjoyed and it also included three awesome children/playmates and her own bedroom!! She slept in there to! But now, due to landlord issues, Milye has been pushed aside and dumped at the neighborhood dog pound which happens to be a kill shelter and she needs a miracle ASAP. She's 8 years old and still active, loves to play and enjoys squeaky toys. Obviously, she's kid friendly and she's friendly, affectionate and housetrained to boot. Please help us share Milye for a second chance in a great home. She hasn't done anything that justifies killing her. Please help. :'( MILYE@MANHATTAN ACC Hello, my name is Milye My animal id is #39062 I am a female black dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 8 years old, 46 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Aug. 22, 2018 Reason Stated: Landlord won't allow Milye is at risk due to medical condition. She has a prolapsed uterus and should go to a pet parent prepared to follow up with necessary care. We recommend she go to an experienced dog owner due to behaviors reported by previous owner. My medical notes are... Weight: 46.6 lbs Vet Notes 26/08/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 8-9 yrs based on PE. Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative by LVT on intake. MC placed on intake. History: O surrender Subjective / Observed Behavior - Dog reactive -- barking, snapping. Allowed handling with some resistence -- backing away, moving head around. Did not progress to aggression Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 6/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears stenotic with chronic inflammatory changes to the pinnae; no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: did not evaluate, muzzled. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: enlarged nipples. no mammary masses. intact female. prolapsed uterus; approximately 2.5 inches of lobulated pink tissue protruding from the vagina. Reducible after soaking with sugar water. Suspect will prolapse again MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. multifocal areas of alopecia along the pinna (scarring). CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: grossly normal. Assessment overweight partially prolapsed uterus Prognosis: fair Plan: soaked uterine tissue with sugar water. gently replaced tissue into vagina recommend placement and tx of uterine prolapse SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to age 26/08/2018 [Spay/Neuter Waiver - Age] It is the policy of ACC not to perform surgery on any animal over the age of 8-10 years due to the higher risks incurred in a shelter setting. The veterinarian is hereby issuing a permanent spay/neuter waiver, from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY due to the estimated age of this animal. ACC does recommend you consult with your veterinarian to determine if surgical sterilization is appropriate. Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 2. Blue Behavior History Behavior Assessment Milye sniffed counselor and allowed counselor to pet her. When attempting to collar she would turn her head. She allowed counselor to leash her. When attempting to scan for a microchip she would turn her head. She needed to be hammocked into the kennel. Date of Intake: 8/22/2018 Basic Information:: Milye is an approximately 8 year old female. She is a black and white small mixed breed. She is in our care because her previous owner had landlord issues. Previously lived with:: 3 kids 2 adults How is this dog around strangers?: Milye will bark at first. But after a couple of minutes of smelling you, she will becomes friendly and affectionate. She plays in a gentle way. How is this dog around children?: Milye previously lived with 3 children aged, 6, 13, and 15. Around the she was relaxed and playful. She would play with them in a gentle way. She would allow the kids to pull her ears. How is this dog around other dogs?: Around dogs she will hard bark and lunge. But has never attempted to bite. How is this dog around cats?: Behavior around cats is unknown. Resource guarding:: Previous owner has never attempted to touch milyes food or water bowls. Bite history:: Milye has not attempted to bite or scratch her previous family. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: high, friendly, playful Other Notes:: Milyes previous owner has never attempted to bathe or groom Milye so behavior is unknown. Milye lunched and hard barked at another dog at the BxACC center. Owner had to keep Milye outside until the person with the dog left. Milye continued to hard bark outside and attempt to alligator roll when owner tried to pull her away. Milye continued to hard bark when the dog left. Owner stated he is scared to bring Milye near a dog because of the behaviors she showed here. The owner also stated that Milye is not socialized with other dogs and does not know how to control his dog during these situations. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: Yes Medical Notes: Milye has a puncture wound on her left ear. Milye was unable to be collared because of her hard barking from recently passing a dog that left the center. Milye started to bark when she heard the other dogs in the center, and because of this a photo was not taken and was unable to weigh. For a New Family to Know: Milye is described as a friendly, affectionate and playful girl. She has a high activity level and her previous family loved how playful she was. In the home she tends to be in the same room as you. She loves playing with squeaky toys. Milye had her own room and could often be found sleeping in their. She was free fed with a pedigree dry diet. Milye is house trained and would never have accidents. When left home alone she will cry but is well behaved. She knows sit, come,down, stay,give paw and heel. For exercise she would enjoy brisk walks on the leash. She will pull if she sees a dog. When walked off leash she will come when she is called. Date of intake:: 8/22/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender Previously lived with:: Adults and children (ages 6, 13, and 15) Behavior toward strangers:: Barks at first but then approaches and is friendly Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and playful Behavior toward dogs:: Lunges and hard barks Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: None reported Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Milye is described as friendly, affectionate, and playful with a high level of activity. Date of assessment:: 8/27/2018 Look:: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag:: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body soft. Paw squeeze 1:: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Paw squeeze 2:: 2. Dog quickly pull back. Flank squeeze 1:: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2:: Item not conducted Toy:: 1. Minimal interest in toy, dog may smell or lick, then turns away. Summary:: Milye quickly approached the assessor with a soft body and jumped up in a social manner. She was social throughout the assessment, allowed all handling, and displayed no concerning behaviors. Summary:: The previous owner of Milye reports that she would lunge and hard bark toward other dogs. When muzzled and introduced to the helper dog, Milye is tense, and follows him while growling. Based on observation and history, it is believed that Milye may succeed best as the only resident dog. Date of intake:: 8/22/2018 Summary:: Allowed handling Date of initial:: 8/26/2018 Summary:: Reactive to dogs, backed away but allowed handling ENERGY LEVEL:: Milye is described as having a high level of activity. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct her energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No young children (under 5),Single-pet home,Recommend no dog parks Recommendations comments:: No young children: Due to Milye's previous owner reporting that she will bark at new people, we recommend a home without young children. Single pet/no dog parks: Based on observation and history, it is believed that Milye may succeed best as the only resident dog. Potential challenges: : Fearful,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments:: Fearful: Milye is reported to bark at new people, but quickly warm up to them. It is important to always go slow and give Milye the option to walk away from any social interaction. Milye should never be forced to approach anything that she is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Milye’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Milye would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to her new surroundings. On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Milye has been reported to and observed to react to towards on leash, lunging towards them and hard barking. Milye may need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach her to look at you rather than other dogs. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior. * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The 12 Most Iconic Men’s Hairstyles Of All Time
The 12 Most Iconic Men’s Hairstyles Of All Time
A man’s hair has always been an important identifier of success; historically, it would denote class, wealth and masculinity. Now? Well, not much has changed. And despite some tweaks to length and texture, nor have the styles.
What looked good on Roman emperors still has the potential to flatter a modern mug. So take a lesson from these entries into the follicular hall of fame – the cuts that have somehow managed to transcend time and stay looking great – and maybe one day they’ll carve your ‘do in marble.
Alexander The Great’s Shaggy But Stylish
It’s not easy being in charge of the entire Macedonian empire. When you’re considering which Aegean territory to take over next, you don’t want to worry about whether it’s got styling mousse. For that reason, Mr The Great opted for a tousled, shaggy look that’s a particularly easy option for men with curly hair.
“This hairstyle is best worn pushed just off the face, and tucked behind the ears,” says Murdock master barber Alex Glover. This allows the natural direction of the hair’s growth to frame the face.
There are far more styling products on the market today than there were in 320BC, so if you have time, enhance the cut’s natural texture, by scrunching in a sea salt spray when drying – and then use a matte clay or putty for control.
If your battle uniform is a bespoke suit, your superior officer might confuse ‘texture’ for ‘mess’. So only copy this style if your workplace tends more towards neatly cut raw denim. Wear without a beard or any facial hair, like Alexander himself (he was famous for having the ancient world’s only clean-shaven army), or the overall look will appear untamed.
Modern Examples
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Brad Pitt’s Buzz Cut
The noughties were a particularly regrettable decade in terms of men’s hair trends. We had big slicked fringes, frosted tips and that unsettling noodle thing on Justin Timberlake’s head. Unlike the others on this list, we’re not about to suggest those looks make a comeback.
Instead, Joe Mills, owner of Soho barbers Joe & Co, points to the current trend for military haircuts – worn best by hair god of the time, Brad Pitt, in around 2005 – as a modern alternative.
“The buzz cut has been seen on the catwalks for the last few seasons and has gradually filtered down as guys got bored of the short back and sides look.”
Named after the sound made by hair clippers, it’s a look than can be achieved at home if you’re after a uniform length, but for guys looking to camouflage scars or a protruding occipital bone, leave it to the professionals.
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JFK’s Ivy League
Forget your gravity-defying pompadour and bushy sideburns – the real star hairstyle of the 1950s was the Ivy League. Also known as the Harvard Clip or Princeton, this classic preppy style is a slightly longer version of the military crew cut.
Popularised by style-god-in-chief, JFK, the extra length allows the wearer more scope for styling on top – traditionally into a side parting. Think Daniel Craig or Ryan Gosling’s shorter styles.
“In the 1950s and early 1960s, Ivy League universities had policies on how students should wear their hair,” explains Joe Pomper, a senior barber at Murdock in Covent Garden. “This style spread throughout the US in popularity and became a standard offering on barber’s boards.”
To recreate the look today, Pomper suggests asking the barber to use a grade five on the back and sides, blending downwards to a three and eventually a two at the nape of the neck. On top, have any excess length trimmed with scissors to keep everything neat, and style using a medium hold and shine product.
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David Beckham’s Textured Falling Quiff
Arguably David Beckham’s best hairstyle, the textured falling quiff makes it onto this list for its contemporary classicism. Or classic contemporaneity. Basically, it will stand the test of time.
An ordinary footballer fade this ain’t. “Clippers shouldn’t be used here,” says Tucker. “The back and sides must be scissored for extra texture and less noticeable contrast.” When styling, take a paste and a pomade and rub them together in your hands.
Apply the products into towel dried hair with your hands, perhaps with a bit of salt spray for extra texture. “Then rake backwards, scrunching, to achieve that falling strand.”
It’s quite a floppy style, so works well with medium-to-thick hair with a slight natural wave. And wear it standing on the sidelines, rather than running about for 90 minutes or that volume will quickly collapse into a sweaty mess.
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River Phoenix’s Long Textured Hair
Aside from bell-bottoms (shudder) and the rise of disco, the 1970s are known for being the decade in which men stopped being ‘men’ – by adopting long hairstyles for the first time in centuries.
And far more than a follicular flash in the pan, the trend stuck around well into the 1980s, when young stars of the screen like River Phoenix kept the look.
“This is a great era to take inspiration from at the moment, as it’s hitting the fashion world everywhere,” says Mikey Pearson, director of Manifesto barbershop in London’s Clerkenwell. “We mostly have Gucci to thank for that.”
To recreate this style, you need to ask the barber to cut in layers, which are great for adding softness and adapting the cut to different face shapes. “Always remember this rule: long hair must have long layers. It’s all about a visual balance, so you don’t end up with two haircuts in one,” adds Pearson.
A strengthening shampoo and conditioner will keep your trailing tresses in good condition, while a surf spray or texturising cream will add volume and definition.
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Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Short Dreads
Jean-Michel Basquiat had a professional career that spanned just nine years, but the brilliance of his barnet is something that has lasted for decades.
The artist’s iconic short dreads continue to inspire afro haircuts to this day, reappearing on heads such as The Weeknd, but it’s not a look you can curate between Friday and Monday.
“Dreading hair takes time and work,” says Mills. “You have to twist and lock the hair. Ideally this is best done by someone who knows what they are doing – it’s not a DIY thing.”
Fortunately the upkeep of this up-do is something that can be done at home. “You need to keep twisting them and rinse your hair as opposed to shampooing,” adds Mills. Using a wax or moisturising gel will also help maintain the style at tame any rogue hairs.
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Julius Caesar’s Face-Framing Crop
Caesar’s textured crop is as flattering as it is recognisable, not least because it’s a style that has returned to rule in recent years.
“The look is defined by the hair being trimmed to the same length all over,” says Glover. “This gives a gentle appearance to a man’s face.” Not to mention some imperial cheekbones. “To replicate the look, the edges should be naturally textured and not too neat.” So make sure your local barber doesn’t come over all Brutus with the scissors.
As a cut, it’s suited to those with thinner hair who want to give the illusion of thicker growth. To further this effect when styling, allow the hair to dry naturally after showering, then apply a soft finish hair product such as a styling cream, gum or wax.
Just don’t pair with a toga, no matter how classic your style.
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Cillian Murphy’s Disconnected Undercut
A good haircut can define a man, but a great haircut can define an entire decade. Sure, a bad haircut can too, but we’re not here to talk about mullets or man buns.
Since swaggering onto screen in 2013, Cillian Murphy’s turn as Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders has made men get all misty-eyed about the 1910s in a way that hasn’t been achieved about age-old style since Mad Men. And one of the primary reasons is the show’s grooming.
“Men have moved from salons back to barbershops and as a result, traditional styles have become the go-to look,” explains says Liam Campbell, a senior barber at Nomad in Shoreditch.
More recently, hair trends have leaned towards slicked back styles with disconnected sides. But for a blinder of a barnet, Campbell suggests opting for a disconnected undercut. “Ask the barber to leave length on top, but take the sides in tight, preferably skin faded to add definition with a raw edge.”
Flat cap optional.
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Elvis Presley’s Textured Pompadour
A little less slick-back action, a little more texture, please. Having been a trend for over a decade, it’s well-known that there are few grooming moves more stylish than the pompadour. But as Jones points out, it’s important to go for a modern version of The King’s iconic look to avoid getting stuck in a time warp.
“This look is not for everyone, as it’s a longer, more natural style,” he says. “It’s better for someone with thick hair and a natural wave.”
As an update, go for a short taper on the neckline and softer scissored texture on top, then apply a base product, like a cream, while damp before coiffuring your quiff. “Rough dry the hair with your fingers to get it into place and finish with a fibre – but you only need to apply a little bit.”
The style can fall out of place easily, so fix with a strong hold hairspray if you find your pomp falls flat before lunch.
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Will Smith’s High-Top Fade
It’s difficult to imagine a time when hip-hop and rap music didn’t rule the charts, but in the 1980s it was just getting started. The the high-top fade symbolised hip-hop’s golden age and was worn proudly by many of the scene’s key players like Big Daddy Kane, Kid ‘n Play, and the Fresh Prince himself, Will Smith.
To get it for yourself, you’re going to need someone who knows their craft. “It’s become an art form that barbers try to perfect, and customers love the precision,” says afro specialist Richard Tucker from Ruffians Barbers. “It’s a great way to control thick, curly hair, but you’ll need to visit your barber every couple of weeks for top-ups to keep it looking its best.”
To style, use a bristle brush to keep any fly-away hairs in check, and then scrunch in a pomade to achieve a healthy-looking finish. If you’ve gone for a full-on high-top (rather than a low-top), use a hairspray and afro comb to properly shape and pat to keep in place.
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Liam Gallagher’s Brit Pop Mop
Think of the 1990s, and your mind probably conjures up images of raves, ecstasy tablets, Brit Pop and Nicholas Cage action movies. What a time to be alive.
While curtains and bowl cuts were both immeasurably and inexplicably the haircuts du jour, Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher’s messy textured mop is what stands out as the ultimate style.
“Gallagher was arguably the coolest man of nineties Britain,” says Nomad’s Campbell. “His hair reflected his youthful rock ‘n’ roll attitude perfectly.”
Campbell adds that using photos for reference is key to helping a stylist or barber recreate this cut. “This is because the fringe and sideburns will sit differently on different hair types, but an experienced barber will know what to do.”
From there on in, some texturising products and a little IDGAF attitude is all you need to keep it looking good day-to-day.
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George V’s Slick Side-Parting
In the current decade, the biggest men’s hair trends aren’t limited to what’s on top of the head. Since around 2010, every man and his dog has been growing a beard like a badge of honour, but few do it as well as George V.
“The King had a well-groomed style that would not look out of place in any decade,” says Alan Jones, from the eponymous grooming parlour.
It’s versatile, too. “The side-parting can be worn at different lengths, so is great in between cuts,” adds Jones, who also suggests tapering the back and sides for a more modern take.
To style, separate the parting using a comb and apply a wax or pomade with a slick look, or matte paste or clay for a natural finish. If your hair is particularly unruly, use a hairspray to set the parting in place.
To achieve facial hair fit for a king, run a beard oil through your facial forestry to condition, then use a moustache wax to bring definition to your upper lip.
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ssteezyy · 7 years
Cat Behaviorist Mikel Delgado Answers April’s Questions
Earlier this month, we launched our new “Ask the Cat Behaviorist with Mikel Delgado” segment. Once a month, we’ll post a reminder for you to post your questions for Mikel. She’ll answer as many of them as he can each month, and I’ll publish her answers in a subsequent post.
is a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant at Feline Minds, offering on-site consultations for cat guardians, shelters, and pet-related businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area, and remote consultations around the world. She is currently completing her PhD in Psychology at UC Berkeley, where she studies animal behavior and human-pet relationships.
Maine Coon hates to be picked up or have his paws touched
I recently adopted a part Maine Coon cat. Loki throws a fit whenever I pick him up. He also hates having his feet touched. This is a problem because he needs his claws clipped and also his ears need to be cleaned twice a month. At 13 pounds 2 ounces he is way too big to fight. I don’t know his background but I suspect he was adopted out and then returned because of this. The shelter was rather tight-tipped about his history. All they said was that cats don’t like to be picked up. Well, duh. Then how do they expect me to clip his claws and clean his ears at home? At first I used to wrap him up in a blanket. I didn’t like manhandling him and pretty soon he started to avoid me, so I stopped that. I used Calm Down, but it zoned him out too much. I like gradual and gentle methods of changing his behavior. I want him to know that being held is not something he should fear. Do you have any suggestions? (Serbella McGee)
Hi Serbella,
I do have some suggestions! I would recommend starting to get Loki used to handling using clicker training (or positive reinforcement training without a clicker). If you’re not familiar with training, I think Sarah Ellis and John Bradshaw’s new(ish) book, The Trainable Cat, is a great place to start, as well as Marilyn Krieger’s book on clicker training, Naughty No More. The idea is that you will let Loki know that certain behaviors (such as letting you handling his feet) will lead to very wonderful rewards (whatever he absolutely goes nuts for). Training is exactly what you are looking for – a gradual and gentle way to change his behavior.
That said, I would also minimize handling and treatment to only what is absolutely necessary. I’ve never had to clean my cats’ ears – so I’m wondering why Loki would need his cleaned this frequently. I’ve seen situations where “excessive” grooming on the part of the human can cause stress and aggressive behaviors in their cats, so keep the nail trims and cleaning to a minimum. If he is amenable to vet clinic visits, perhaps a tech could trim his nails some of the time while you work on the training. Finally, for cats who don’t like to be picked up, there is really no “showing them” that being held isn’t unpleasant. Only pick him up when absolutely necessary and respect that he may not enjoy it. Some cats do love to be held but it sounds like Loki is not one of them!
Cat chews on electric wires
Dear Ms. Delgado I live in Argentina where there is very few information about cats behaviors. I receive every day The Conscious Cat so I was lucky to meet you virtually. All my life I have had cats since I adore them. Now I have a beautiful and sweet 4 year old calico, and I really need your wise assistance. She likes to bite wire of any kind and every night we have to disconnect all our wires and keep them out of her reach. Even so we are very scared that at any moment when we are distracted she might bite a wire and die. We love her very, very much. To lose her would be the most painful situation and of course that why I address to you. I have made other consultations without finding a solution, so imagine how important it is for us to receive your advice. I thank you in advance for all you could do, and let me express my admiration for all you do and have done for our nicest friends. I would be eagerly awaiting your kind advice. (Hebe Martorella)
Hebe, nice to meet you virtually as well! You are justified in being concerned about your kitty’s behavior. Wire chewing can be dangerous both to the cat (electrocution and intestinal blockage are two risks) and the humans (frayed wires can cause electrical fires). A situation like this usually requires a two pronged approach. Assuming she has no health issues that are making her want to chew on non-food items, cats usually chew due to lack of other things to do. I recommend implementing a regular routine of interactive play, as well as making sure that your cat has plenty of other things to keep her occupied, such as food puzzles, solo toys, and perches where she can watch birds out the window.
The other part of addressing this issue is management. Cords can be wrapped in protective PVC covers, which are available online and in computer stores. Sometimes just bundling the cords is enough to help them lose their appeal, but other people even spray bitter apple on the cords to make chewing on them unappealing. There is also a citrus infused cord protector, the Critter Cord, available online! It is also possible that your cat gets attention from cord-chewing (one way to know – if she only chews cords when you are around – as opposed to chewing even when you are not at home – then attention may be reinforcing the behavior) – another reason to ramp up the enrichment.
How to keep cats off kitchen counters
Hello. I would like to ask about alternatives to keep my cats out of the kitchen counter. Thanks. (Ligia Caldwell)
ah counter-surfing. Cats love it, humans hate it! But why do cats love it? Usually for a few reason – first of all, for cats, being up high is fun. Add the bonus scraps that can sometimes be found in the sink or can be snatched away while the human is preparing food. Many cats enjoy “helping” their humans and being in the center of activity, and the kitchen is often the heart of the home.
Step 1: Give your cats a perch in the kitchen where you can give them treats for sitting there instead of the counter (clicker training is great for this). This gives your cats many of the things they find appealing about your counters: height, food, and attention somewhere that you’re okay with them being.
Step 2: Make sure to not leave any temptations in the sink. Cover the sink with a large piece of wood (such as a cutting board) if need be.
Step 3: I recommend “environmental correction” for times you can’t be watching – cover counter space with pieces of cardboard or place mats with double sided carpet tape on them. This will make it less fun to walk all over counters. You can also use the motion-sensitive compressed air cans as well. This means the “punishment” comes from the environment, not you! You get to be the good cop!
Cat is more interested in play than cuddling, plays rough
I have a one year old rescued calico who had been declawed. Poor Sedona! Cat is not a lap cat but sleeps at the foot of my bed. She follows me around the house. But touching her is dangerous. I tried to brush her in December and ended up in ER. She likes to grab my lower forearm and chew on it. She seems very bored as she cannot play with toys in her paws. My arm is her toy. Being elderly with thin skin, wow, it tears easily. She has a few toys but does not like them. She likes bendable straws the most. I gave her two balance bracelets that she carried around. She loves carrying things. Anyway, she destroyed both bracelets with her teeth. I have no clue what type toy she likes. Dangling things frustrate her, she cannot grab them. I always have had sweet, loving cats. She is loving in her own way. Just very unhappy. She has windows to look out of…and things to jump on. 7-9 pm she gets super restless. Help! She wants me to be her fellow cat. I miss my lap cats very much. They were older. I hope she mellows out. I think I am doing something wrong. Thank you. (Patti Zentara)
Hi Patti,
I’m sorry you’re having some struggles with Sedona. She is a very young cat, and young cats are often much more interested in play than cuddling. I’m sorry to hear she was declawed, we know that many declawed cats have issues with pain (including phantom pain) in their paws, so it might be worth checking her for any complications from the surgery. The Paw Project is a great resource for vets who are specialized in helping diagnose these complications.
There’s no particular reason (aside from pain) that being declawed should prevent Sedona from being able to play. Many declawed cats enjoy batting at, grasping, and chasing toys. They have muscles in their paw that still allow them to scoop and grip. I’m wondering if you haven’t quite found the right toy or right moves to get her excited. Remember that for cats, play is about predation, so anything you can do to move more like a bird or bug or mouse will be more enticing to her.
The most common mistakes I see people make are touching the cat with the toy, or waving the toy around with no strategy. Remember, no bird would walk right up to a cat and poke them in the face! Act like you are hiding, wounded, flying briefly then landing, and let Sedona have time to stalk before pouncing.
Food puzzles might be another way to keep Sedona busy! She might enjoy playing with those just as much if not more than other types of toys!
Finally, you mentioned that touching Sedona is dangerous. Our skin thins as we age and many folks are on blood-thinners which can make cat bites and scratches more troublesome. Try to avoid petting her for now and try safer interactions (interactive toys, reading to her). I know you miss your more cuddly cats but Sedona may never be that cuddly…or she might become more affectionate as she mellows out. But you may have to accept her as is and find other ways to show your love for her. It sounds like enjoys being with you and sleeping on your bed. I think if you try some new play techniques and experiment with toys, you will find your relationship will grow.
Weepy eyes
Hi Mikel, is a weepy eye on a cat something to be concerned about? Like teary, not colored discharge. (Patricia)
Hi Patricia,
I am not a veterinarian and this is definitely something that is not a behavioral issue. So please call your veterinarian about your cat’s eye discharge! I hope it’s nothing serious.
Should we get a third cat, and does gender matter?
Hi Mikel. We have 2 rescue cats, 1 male, 1 female, both approximately 3 years old. We got our female 3 weeks before our male. They get along well. She is the dominant one, though not overly. We have been thinking about getting a third rescue and wondering if the sex of the third could/would matter. If our female is the more dominant one, should we lean towards getting a male? Does it even matter? Is it more about ‘how’ everyone is slowly introduced? We really have enough love for another but are a little trepidacious as our family has a great balance currently. (Tami)
sometimes it is better to not rock the boat! That said, we all love cats and we usually would love to add one or two more to our families. Just know that the addition could tip the balance in one direction or another, and could change how your cats relate to one another. Keep in mind that cats don’t have a “strict” hierarchy per se, their relationships tend to be much more flexible than one “dominant” and one “submissive” cat.
My experience is that it’s impossible to predict almost anything just based on the sex of the cat. I’d instead focus on the personality match and history – looking for a cat who has a successful past with other cats is a bonus, although not a necessity. Then – yes, you are absolutely right – the HOW is more important than the WHO. If you have the space, patience, and time to integrate a third kitty – the bonus is you are saving another life! – then I say go for it.
8-year-old cat is spraying
HI Mikel. I have a male cat, Kitty Cat, and he is about 8 years old. He has been spraying. I have had many cats and have been through this before but always so perplexing. I think it is behavioral and have tried the pheromone wall plug-ins and Feliway sprays. He is an indoor cat although we have a screened in patio which basically allows him outside as well. Nothing new has changed in home. We do have a dog and another cat but they have been together for years. I have made a vet appointment but usually find out there is nothing wrong with him. (Lynne Wyre)
Lynne, sorry to hear that Kitty Cat has started spraying. It sounds like this is a new behavior – in most cases there is a reason for these changes in behavior, even if we don’t know what it is. First of all, I am going to assume that you mean he is spraying on vertical surfaces and not urinating/puddling. They can mean different things so it is important to distinguish between the two.
Urine spraying is (unfortunately) a normal cat behavior. They generally use it to mark their presence in a territory. In homes, we often see spraying in response to anxiety over territory. Sometimes more resources throughout the home (including litter boxes) can help because it allows the cat to mark their turf in a positive way. Make a map of where he is spraying because sometimes that can tell you more about why your cat is spraying. Sometimes adding larger litter boxes in the most commonly targeted areas can redirect some, if not all, of this behavior.
I would look at whether there are any animals outdoors that have started coming around, because that can trigger spraying behavior. Check both inside and outside your home with a black light and clean up urine marks (Kitty Cat’s and potentially those of any outside cats) with a good enzymatic product, such as Anti-Icky Poo. I’ve seen a lot of cases where cats who spray improve more quickly on an anti-anxiety medication. This is something you will need to discuss with your veterinarian. If the cat’s life or the client’s sanity is at risk, I would recommend exploring this option sooner rather than later, as many medications take some time to fully kick in.
Affectionate, playful, otherwise well-behaved cat is spraying
I have four male cats, all indoor-only, aged 1 year, 3 years, 8 years and 10 years old. They all get along very well with each other and they all get along well with me and my wife. Our second youngest one, Little Bill, is extremely affectionate and loving and playful and silly and very easy going. But he also has this extremely obnoxious habit of spraying – he will back up to a wall or a door or a cabinet or a piece of furniture – and for no reason, stand there and with back end right up against whatever it is and spray, all the while looking like he’s in a trance-like state, with his eyes staring out blankly, until I scold him or shoo him away to get him to stop if I catch him in the act. He uses his litter box regularly and normally, and is in every other way a wonderful, sweet, adorable and well-behaved cat. I’ve taken him to our vet, and have had tests run on him to see if there was anything wrong, but as far as the tests have revealed and the vets can tell, he’s perfectly healthy. What could be causing him to do this – on a pretty regular basis? (JD)
Hi JD!
Sometimes it’s the sweetest, friendliest, “easy-going” cats that are the most anxious about their resources (which includes territory and human attention). As I mentioned already, spraying is part of the normal behavioral repertoire of cats. We are very fortunate that spaying and neutering usually eradicates this behavior. But not always. I would take a hard look at where he is spraying (make a sketch of your home and mark those locations) and what that tells you. Do you have plenty of resources for a 4-cat household? Litter boxes, feeding stations, vertical space, scratching posts? Sometimes you can change the nature of a cat’s relationship to certain areas after thoroughly cleaning up the spray by offering scratching options, play, and treats in those areas. But some cats will just move on to another area to spray if you haven’t addressed the root cause of the spraying in the first place. More enrichment and exercise are stress-reducing, but some spraying cats need more pharmaceutical assistance, for which you would want to talk to your vet.
Why is Kitty Kitty so  mean?
Dear MD. We share a cat called Kitty Kitty with a neighbor, so half of it is ours. Our half likes to play ruff and bite and scratch my wife who is brave enough to pick him up. I just stare at him and once in a while pet him with a leather glove on. Why is he so mean? We feed him and buy him jerky by the pound, but still he acts like a cop dog attacking a man in a training camp. What can tranquilize this T-REX in fur? Kitty Kitty is fixed but still sprays in the house once in a while. He is not a street cat so He get flea spray or collared. We both us and other half owner’s take good care of Mr KK. When will he slow down and be nice? Your picture looks very good, I am proud that you found something that you like to do. We love you take care, (Uncle Louie and Nanci.)
Hi Uncle Louie and Nanci!
Thanks for the kind words about my career choices and picture. Family reunion online!
As far as why Kitty Kitty behaves the way he does – I would encourage you to not see his behavior as mean, but as learned “bad habits.” Rather than trying to pet him or pick him up, try engaging him with a feather wand or other interactive toy, so he can take that rough energy out on something besides your hands. Sometimes cats have been previously played with using hands, and have learned that when someone touches them, it is going to be rough. Those cats can quickly go into a defensive mode and often bite and scratch quickly. For some cats, that is the only way they know how to play. The best way to work with this behavior is to stop engaging with them in a rough way. This helps them learn they can bite and scratch toys, but that hands will always be gentle.
Cats also do better with handling when they call the shots. Let him come to you and keep petting brief. If he really loves those jerky treats, sneak in one or two gentle pets while he gets the treats. Focus on areas that most cats enjoy petting, such as the cheeks and forehead, and avoid typically sensitive areas like the lower back and belly.
Spraying can be complex, but see my responses above about some ways to start teasing it apart and working on it!
Resident cats want nothing to do with new rescue
My sister adopted a male feral kitten named Seri. Seri is in his own room and has been reaching out to the two adult resident cats, who want nothing to do with him. My sister has tried to feed all the cats by Seri’s door (two gates, one on top of the other), but the two residents won’t have any part of it, even if their favorite foods are served. Seri is still too skittish to be held, so my sister wouldn’t be able to get him back into his room if she let him out. Seri is not happy being cooped up in one room all the time. How can my sister help Seri? Thank you. (Amy Allen)
Amy, it sounds like there are two issues that need to be addressed separately – Seri needs to be socialized to humans. Clicker training and pairing handling with treats are two ways. I also love interactive playtime as a way to build confidence in fearful cats. But it is important to work on these issues now while Seri is young. Plan for his future – he will need to go to the vet and get medication sometime during his life!
As far as the introduction to the other two cats is concerned, slow and steady is key. Feeding the cats their regular meals by the door may not be enticing enough, so I’d recommend feeding something the cats go NUTS for. Start at whatever distance the cats are willing to eat the food. Even if that is down the hallway at first. Gradually (meaning over the course of days or weeks) move the dishes closer to the door where Seri is spending time. Eventually it would be good to switch things up so that Seri comes to the door where the resident cats are, but it sounds like he needs more socialization first! For some cats, interactive play or brushing are more motivating than play, so your sister may want to try some other activities to entice her resident cats.
In a case where there are multiple issues in the household, I do feel like a consultation with a professional consultant is always going to be most helpful! As one behavior issue (undersocialization) changes, it will effect the other one (the cat introduction), and a cat behavior consultant can help you modify a plan as the household dynamic changes.
Cat with anger management issues
Hello! One of my cats, Monsta, may have hanger-management issues. Late in the evening, he knocks everything off the coffee and end tables. Everything!! He’s broken several wine glasses, practically ruining a fav rug with my glass of Cabernet, and also broken several ceramic and glass items. He will stare at my husband and literally swipe at whatever is available, knowing he is being watched. I now have practically bare tables except for magazines, which I pick up every morning! Interestingly, he doesn’t do it when David is out of town, maybe because I go to bed earlier and am not in the living room to see his antics?! His obnoxious behavior typically stops once David feeds him, but not always as sometimes he will do it after eating his late night snack. He was a tiny, hypothermic kitten that a good citizen dropped off at work (at 3 weeks old, estimated) and I bottle fed him for weeks, he is now 10. Can you offer any insight and advice on how to stop his bad habit? Thanks!! (Sharon)
Hi Sharon,
I have a soft spot for cats like Monsta because they are often bored and resort to “obnoxious behavior” because it is very good at training humans to give them attention!! He is waiting for your eye contact to tell him he’s got you where he wants you. In Monsta’s case, you need to turn the tables on your relationship with positive reinforcement training (such as clicker training). This allows him to do things YOU LIKE for rewards, not the naughty things he currently does. It tells him the behaviors you like, and when you reinforce those behaviors, you will see he does them more often.
I’m also a big fan of making cats work for their food. My friend and fellow behavior consultant, Ingrid Johnson and I put together a website, foodpuzzlesforcats.com that walks you through all aspects of this very powerful aspect of environment enrichment, including puzzles that can be used with wet food! Since he is very excited by food, he will likely be very motivated to use them. They will also slow down his eating which can help cats realize they are satiated before they gobble everything down. Give him a play session in the evening – pre-empting his witching hour – then follow that with a food puzzle!
Cat doesn’t like to be brushed
I have an inside cat that that will not let me brush her at all. She never did like it, but now when she sees come with the comb she hides. I am very gentle with t her and never hurt her. Vet said she is fine, just hates the combing? (Lee)
Hi Lee,
some cats are very sensitive to being brushed. All cats are equipped with very sensitive skin cells that help them detect touch – which can be helpful if you are escaping prey or navigating through rough terrain, but not so helpful when your human wants to groom you!
It may be your grooming tool – some of them are a bit pointier than others and can even cause “drag” on your cat’s skin. You could try a different style of grooming tool – such as a soft human hair brush, or a slicker brush and see if your cat prefers that. If she absolutely needs regular grooming than I would recommend slowly getting your cat used to brushing by pairing it with her favorite treat. Try just one small stroke, then offer her the treat – something really special! Over time, you can build up to larger strokes, and increasing the number of brush strokes you can get in!
Ocicat with very strong hunting instinct
I have a 3 -year male Ocicat, whose instinct to hunt is very strong. We have a 40 acre farm so the opportunity is there for him, my question is how to discourage this? As I am concerned for his health at 3 mice a day. Any ideas? (Marie)
Hi Marie,
cats would normally eat 8-10 mice a day, and I’m guessing on your farm the mice are pretty clean living, so the health risks are probably not too serious. That said, I understand you don’t appreciate the hunting behavior. You also have chosen a hybrid cat, and his instinct is as you said, very strong. Cats are predators and until we breed hunting behavior out of them (not something I advocate for!) we have to accept that they are meant to kill! We also know that hunger is not the only thing that influences hunting. For cats, the instinct to hunt is so strong that they will even keep hunting while they are eating. Survival dictates, kill while you can because there’s no way to know when that next mouse will show up.
You can try the cat bibs/collars that are meant to slow down a hunting cat. I get mixed reviews on how effective they are, but it may be worth a try. Your other option is to transition your cat to indoors only, or outdoors only on a harness.
Younger cat annoys older cat
I have 2 rescue cats, one that is 7 years old that I’ve had for 2 years and one that is a year old that I’ve had for 5 months. After the initial introduction period they were getting along fine. In the last two months, the younger one started attacking the older one. She hides under the bed and waits for the older one to come in the room and then pounces on her back, which really upsets the older one. I’ve had her checked out by the vet and she says there’s no underlying medical issues and thinks it may just be jealousy, playing or domination and suggested I buy the Feliway diffuser to calm things down. That has not helped at all. In very concerned about this and don’t know what else to do. There have been no other changes in our home, schedule or environment. The older cat is already very skittish due to being abused by a previous owner and being put in a shelter 2-3 times before I got her and since this started she seems to be going backwards in her comfortableness and fear. Both cats are fine with me, but afraid of anyone else because of their being in the shelter I’ve been told. So unless we make a trip to the vet, they are only ever around each other and myself. Please help. I really need this behavior to stop so that my older cat is relaxed again and they can go back to being friends. Thank you. (Robin)
Robin, it is very common that a young cat is annoying (or threatening) to an older cat. Your cats are at very different life stages, and they have different needs. For your new kitty, the priority is probably wrestling and chasing, where your older cat would probably prefer to relax in the sun. Every cat integration situation is unique, so keep in mind these are very general suggestions. I would block off hiding spaces that allow the younger cat to ambush the older one, and make sure you have plenty of vertical space, including cat trees and perches, to allow them to share space without having to travel the same pathways as each other.
Your younger cat probably needs a lot more exercise and mental stimulation. Right now the most interesting thing going on may be pouncing on your older cat. I also recommend giving your older cat a break from the younger one by separating them for a few hours a day. This will at least give the older cat some breathing room – and she may not mind being confined if you set up a comfy space for her with everything she needs. Interactive play for her while she is away from the younger cat will help reduce her stress and boost her confidence. I often find that older cats can’t play in the presence of younger cats due to the younger one wanting to take over! People often misinterpret this as the older cat not wanting to play, or preferring to “just watch.” That is not usually the case! Good luck, and you may want to find a local cat expert who can help you out with a home visit.
Bully cat picks on other cats
How do I deal with a bully? I have 9 cats and one of them likes to pick on other cats. Usually it’s just one cat in particular that he picks on. She is the mom to his best cat friend and she gets so scared, and if I hear them I get very angry. He is a wonderful cat aside from this. Loving, vocal, he says mom but when he starts picking on the other cat I want to just scream. (Wendy Mourning)
Wendy, please also see my response to Robin! I would first say that getting angry is pointless – your cat is doing what is instinctive to him – whether that is play or chase (I don’t have enough information from your comment to know for sure). Cats can have different motivations for bothering other cats, from boredom to territorial behavior to stress – but we do know that setting up the environment for success is important. That means plenty of resources (separate feeding stations, litter boxes, scratching options, vertical space), lots of exercise and building positive associations through “treat summits” – bringing your cats together for their favorite treats once or twice a day.
Sometimes more management is helpful (giving the cats a break from one another). We also tend to focus on the “bully’s” behavior (usually by getting mad!) but we often need to boost the confidence of the victim in order to fix this type of problem. That usually also means more play for the picked on cat.
Young cat likes to attack senior cat
I have a 4 cats, all male ages 2, 5, 11 and 18. The issues is with the 5 year old, we adopted him 2.5 years ago. He likes to attack and annoy the 18 year old. If the 18 year old, Bailey, is waiting by the door to go out on the deck, Finn the 5 year old, will go over and swat at him and sometimes jump on him. Finn is large and strong and Bailey is getting frail and I’m worried that he will get hurt one of these times. We try to play with Finn to wear him out, he also plays with the 2 year old. We will also squirt him with water when he’s bothering Bailey but that doesn’t affect him much. We are now trying to use Feliway diffusers. What else can you recommend to help? I don’t know what else to do and it’s very frustrating. Finn is a nice guy most of the time, except with Bailey. Thank you. (Katie)
Katie, see my responses to Robin and Wendy as your situation is similar. I can tell you one thing – the water bottle will not help – and you might accidentally nail Bailey while trying to “punish” Finn. Because of his age, I would recommend a break for Bailey from the other cats. I’d also look for patterns – such as time of day – that this behavior tends to happen during and see if you can pre-empt some of those negative interactions by giving Finn more play time or other activities (food puzzles or even an automatic toy like a HexBug?) before those problematic times of day.
Bengal cat acts as if he’s chewing on air
Dear Mikel, We have a 2-year-old castrated male Bengal cat. In early January he stated to act as if he was chewing on air. Sometimes it looks as if he’s eating invisible grass (more head movement involved) or then just chewing gum (only jaws move). He does this now almost every morning right after he wakes up, but also quite often in the evening. He is able to stop e.g. if we offer him cat candy. This never occurs when he’s doing something but only when he’s idle. He’s been to vet and animal neurologist. His mouth and throat have been checked, his blood tests (three times) are OK, he performs normally in neurological tests (twice), and his brain MRI was normal. We’ve tried drugs for heartburn and for epilepsy (Levetiracetam). The latter helped for a few days, then no effect. As almost everything else has been ruled out, he was diagnosed with obsessive compulsory disorder and neurologist prescribed Prozac. We haven’t tried Prozac yet because we’ve been slowly quitting giving Levetiracetam as was advised. He is our only cat but we try to provide him with activities: we take him out on a leash for at least for an hour every day, and play with him inside. He loves toys with Actinidia polygama plant so he has them aplenty. We love him very much and want him to be happy and healthy. I’m not sure if this is a behavioral issue, but he’s physically healthy, thank God. We’d be very grateful for any advice or comments on this situation. There’s a (bad quality) video of the chewing on Dropbox (Tytti)
Tytti, I’ve seen a few cats with compulsive air-snapping or tooth grinding behavior and it is very distressing to watch. I’m sorry you’re going through this, and I’m glad you’ve gone the extra mile to have your kitty checked by your vet and a neurologist. I did want to run your case past my dear friend, Dr. Kris Chandroo, who has also been answering medical questions for Conscious Cat readers. Here’s what he had to say:
“So I looked at the video as well. What a beautiful cat he is! The instantaneous, first three thoughts after seeing the video were 1) Resorptive lesions (can be undetectable by looking, need dental x-rays), 2) Masticatory Muscle Myositis (but I’ve never seen a cat with this, it would be very rare) and 3) Neurological. It would be good to know that what your cat is doing isn’t being influenced by pain or inflammation. Sometimes a trial of pain medication is the only way you find this out, so it’s worthwhile to have this discussion with your vets. If this is a neurological / OCD problem, then it sounds like you are on the right track.”
As I’m not a vet, I can’t make specific recommendations about medications. It is possible that your cat needs more enrichment to keep him busy (you do have a Bengal, and they are kitty+, and may require more interactive play, exercise and mental stimulation than your average domestic cat). He may also benefit from clicker training to allow you to attend to his calm, non-chewing behaviors. A lot of guardians accidentally reinforce behaviors they are concerned about by giving them attention or trying to interrupt them (such as with the cat candy).
If you’ve already tried enrichment and training and aren’t seeing a change, then I personally think that working with your vet to try anti-anxiety medication is worth it. A lot of my clients are hesitant to use the medications their vet has prescribed them, but instead of thinking of psychopharmaceuticals as a “last resort,” sometimes we should accept that there’s no time to waste if it means stopping our companions from suffering. Keep in mind that some medications can take a few weeks to take effect. The goal is to reduce the compulsive behaviors, implementing new routines of exercise and training, and give him “coping mechanisms” for his compulsions that will hopefully allow you to eventually wean him off the medication with the help of your vet, without a return of the chewing behavior.
Do you have a question for Mikel? Leave it in a comment!
The post Cat Behaviorist Mikel Delgado Answers April’s Questions appeared first on The Conscious Cat.
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