#i feel sua would be a small lapdog since the original purpose for her owner adopting her is to show her off
shakingparadigm · 28 days
ok you know that post that described till vs luka as purebred pedigree dog vs stray mystery mutt found in the garbage. what dog breed do you think luka would be. im thinking something strange and fucked up like a borzoi lol. also sorry i didnt know who else to send this to ur like the one big alnst blog that keeps popping up haha
Stray mystery mutt found in the garbage 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 canon and painfully accurate. Technically Ivan is the stray mystery mutt found in the slums except they managed to clean and domesticate him
Anyways I'm no expert on dog breeds, but to me Luka would be one of those dogs known for aesthetics or show, like a poodle! A borzoi fits his looks too, but I feel they're too active and agile for someone frail and delicate like Luka.
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It's kinda funny, but. I mean. The vision is there, right? Puppy poodle.
Luka's unique... conception and upbringing also reminds me of the way teacup dogs are bred. Teacups and other breeds of dog suffer from extreme health issues due to the unnatural way they are bred. Certain breeders prioritize specific qualities and go through unethical means in order to produce their ideal type of dog, regardless of it's future wellbeing or health. Luka's case is quite similar in this way.
I honestly feel like there are other breeds that might suit Luka more, maybe ones with a more ethereal or unique look. Preferably more fucked up too, a Borzoi was a pretty nice choice. This is just how I see him, though!
Thanks for the ask! This was really fun!
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