#what's irrelavent
ronancebyler · 9 months
based on this
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
One thing that struck me about how thorough Spamton's fall from grace really was is that SCC don't recognize him at all. They're from a younger generation and probably weren't born/were very young at the height of his popularity but it just shows that there is NO surviving record of the guy anywhere. He's effectively been erased so well that now no one born after his downfall even knows his name.
I am a firm believer that Spamton wasn't wiped from any data-based or erased from anything. I think the reason SCC don't know him isn't even a lack of historical relevance in the Cyber World for Spamton but an all too realistic and more upsetting occurrence. The world moved on.
He's effectively a pop culture icon for cyber world darkeners, he was the car guy the big shot, but his legacy surpasses him to the point you don't actually know him. There's a record, we can tell by the old carts with his face or the big shot bow tie, or even the old poster. Yes, some of it is obscured in canon but it is a sign he has a lasting presence. He's like an old jingle you can recognize but you don't know the company or name. If you looked him up I'd reckon cyber citizens would find something but there's not really anything inciting a reason to as most probably believe he's dead.
He's a word-of-mouth myth at this point, something you have to be tipped off to as he kinda was like a passing trend. Trends get forgotten but that doesn't mean they were erased it's just you gotta look harder now as so many new ones have also came n went.
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cinnabeat · 2 years
im still immensely disappointed that p5 wasnt set in the real world
#like#yeah persona games have supernatural bullshit going on and going to different dimensions and shit#but the casino scene when joker gets detained is so good if you just view it with no context#as in you dont know its in the metaverse#like the concept of being thieves and making hiests and shit#like it all becomed kinda uhh irrelevant? bc of the metaverse?#not irrelevant but like pointless#like i ubderstand that they have to wear disguises and use codenames and make a hiest route so they dont get spotted#but its like. what is the point you know?#those facts are only meaningful with the knowledge that if they dont do that then the people theyre stealing from will know its them in the#real world. and the consequences of that is never really shown soot feels meaningless#the supposed consequence is just that. supposed. theres no high stakes#the only high stakes are stealing the treasure before something in the real world completey unrelated to the metaverse fucks everyone over#like oh we have to do this before this date or we'll br expelled. or we'll get the cops called on us. or haru will be married off#like this shits so irrelavant to the actual metaverse its boring#like at that point is the metaverse even necessary? like you know????#like i rememver watching the beginning casino scene and then the interrogation and everything. like i was like oh shit!#and then ince you get to the casino scene its kinda meh bc you KNOW youre not in the real world. its less. fantastical? its less badass? bc#bc yeah theyre not doing this in the real world its just metaverse bullshit. like ive suspended my disbelief so much that it just becomes bo#boring. i WISH they did real life heists honestly it would raised the stakes to be level with their very dramatic team name#idk if im saying this right but i dislike it immensely#dont ask why im thinking about p5 rn it came out of nowhere#michi tag
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delulu-sushi · 5 months
Future Y/N and Mikey visiting their childhood!!! Canon to Always By My Side. :D
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"Remember this place?" Mikey's words trigger your memories as he offers his hand to help you off the back of his motorcycle
Just like he did that day
He entwines his fingers into yours, as deep as one possibly could, as the two of you walk down Musashi Shrine.
You glimpse at him.
Now 25, Manjiro Sano was still as charming as ever. He left his playful appearance, his hairstyle now mimicking his older brother's and his clothes being less casual and more flaunting, but he was still you're Manjiro.
As you walked down Musashi Shrine, you noticed how just the aura of the place brought back his Toman demeanor, just as he would walk down all those years ago... ...the hundreds of heads bowing down as he walked past them, his cape endlessly flowing back as you watched him with a proud feeling that never went away. Watching the invincible Mikey, no, your invincible Mikey walk so confidently, and see so many people respect him...
Manjiro stood where his young self once stood, and you swear you saw the ghosts of the past. He turned to you as his smile grew bigger, and slowly walked towards you, who was leaning on a pole. His one hand reached for your face as he brought his forehead closer to yours, planting a soft kiss on your lips, before whispering his daily mantra, "I love you".
"You know you can't whisper those words without taking things farther" you tease him in between his soft kisses.
"Heh," he chuckles as he takes his hands in yours leading you down the shrine and on a path in the forest, "Don't worry dorayaki, I know what to keep private" he says with a snobbish wink as you roll your eyes at him, the two of you erupting in a series of giggles with your flirtatious talks.
"Are we going to that tree?" You ask Manjiro as you notice the surroundings around you. "Honestly, I didn't think you would remember, seeing how you forget your own birthday"
Mikey gives you a raised eyebrow as he starts giving a very irrelavant and made up list of all the things you forgot, which you give an eye roll and eventually erupt into giggles
He loves making you laugh
"Never stop laughing, m'kay?" He doesn't stare you straight in the eye, but moves his arm over your shoulder as you hug his side
"For you, I never will." You answer back as the two of you eventually stop at the tree.
Manjiro rolls his sleeves down and reaches his hand into a tree hole untouched for 15 years. He pulls out a rusty box, once golden and embroidered, now dusty. Still, Manjiro takes out a handkerchief and wipes the box, which, to your astonishment, is still as beautifully embroidered as it was all those years ago.
Jiro clears his voice and stands up tall, very evidently trying to hold back a childish smile as he begins a speech.
"MS. L/N, F/N, 15 YEARS AGO I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU. 15 YEARS AGO I ASKED YOU TO PUT SOMETHING IN THIS BOX THAT REMINDED YOU OF ME. 15 YEARS AGO, I did the same" His voice calms down as he smiles lovingly. He can't stop. Manjiro opens the box and motions you to take out his letter, as he takes out the picture you drew.
"Dear dorayaki, " you start to read the letter and sneak a glance at Mikey, who freezes with a tomato-red face, suddenly remembering how much of an embarrassing love-struck 10 year old he was, "Jeez Jiro, I can't believe you made up that nickname when you were ten" you tease him.
"One day, you came to my grandpa's dojo, and I thought you were just another girl. Then we played together. You, me, Baji, and Sanzu, and all I wanted to do was make sure no one tagged you but me. Now I am ten and Shinichiro is always talking about the girls he gets rejected by. And sometimes, I get scared that you too, will reject me."
You pause to take a breath. Never in your life did you imagine that the 5th grade boy who acted so cool and chill in front of everyone was head over heels about you, going so far to write a whole letter.
"I think I'm in love with you. And if this is true, then I'll tell you. I'll look at your pretty E/C eyes all day long and we'll drink milkshakes together, and I'll even let you finish mine. But most importantly, if this is true, then I'll bring you back here and", you turn over the paper, anticipating what comes next... but its empty. Confused, you look back at Manjiro, whos
On his knees.
His hands on a small square case which you hope has what you think is inside.
He's staring at you, with love, because he knows what you're answer is going to be
"Marry me?"
No words come out of your mouth as you nod your head while tears slowly drop down your face as he takes your precious hand and slides a golden ring with the engraving Sano.
"Then I'll bring you back here and I'll make you a Sano" he finishes the last sentence of his letter and kisses your hand, while your still in shock about what happened.
"We're, WE'RE MARRIED NOW! We're married now? Oh my gosh, we are married Manji" Manjiro never thought you would be freaking out more then him. He looked straight in your eyes, picked you up, and twirled you around, "YEAH! You're a Sano now!" You've never seen him this happy before.
He then picks up the drawing you put in the time capsule,
A wedding reception. The Sano family, and all your friends surrounding the side. And in the middle?
You and Manjiro as bride and groom
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class1akids · 1 month
Honestly at this point it's our own fault for expecting to not be disappointed by theses chapters apperantly hori can only gives good moments to irrelevant characters therefor said moments are also irrelavent and don't have the impact they would have if given to someone that mattered
I've come to not expect anything else really anytime hori does something axtuly good it's followed by a million not (his characters and stories have so much potential and there all wasted like way are fanfics so much more impact full than the main story 😢
Although I'm a little confused as to what happened to the todorokis?
The leaks came in truly bad quality this week, but even so, it's evident that Hori is still trying to "hide" what happened fully.
All we know for sure is:
Endeavor and Shoto were awake enough to respond to the back-up call and come through the portals (this to me is not a surprise. Shoto especially is in relatively good condition. He only overstretched his quirk but had time for cooldown).
They come from two different portals, but at the same time to do a Flashfire Fist to drive back AFO away from Izuku. (It's a pretty basic move for both of them, and not very powerful, and it maybe because they are down to the last scraps or because of the crowd, they can't do AoE moves).
And then there is this cryptic flashback:
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It looks like the robots are putting Rei (?) on a stretcher, while Natsuo is still moving. Toya is hidden. Using pikahlua's TL because the scanlation look inaccurate:
"Quickly, to where Recovery Girl is...!" "The old lady is also at her limit with injured persons... Whether or not anything can be done..."
-> This could refer to either Rei or Toya (or likely both) - basically implying that they are in critical condition and the family is trying to get them to Recovery Girl...
Then Natsuo says - I think talking to specifically to Enji (because he uses "anta") and not to Shoto:
"Even with you here, mom and the others will only be hot."
This confirms pretty much that Toya is there too.
Enji hesitated whether to take the portal or go with his family.
Natsuo basically says that there is nothing Enji can do and his presence could be even harmful - implying that Enji is still overheated (which if you look at both Shoto's and Endeavor's pupilless eyes makes me wonder if they absorbed a lot of Toya's heat)
"So go. Even if it's [just] a little, if you can muster [any] strength..."
Even if it's just a litte is written over Enji's panel, which may imply that he's on his last fumes and his presence here is not necessarily to boost the fight, but for whatever narrative conclusion purpose
if you can muster [any] power - this part is on Shoto's panel. As the Japanese uses "chikara", as in the famous "kimi no chikara" moment between Deku and Shoto, I'm guessing it foreshadows a more powerful attack from Shoto at a later stage (which could include a quirk upgrade if he absorbed Toya's heat - it would make sense or it could include a combo with Toya if he'll show up, which I have a strong feeling he will).
So I think the important thing is that Toya's fate, just like Toga's is left in limbo, as well as there is a strong sense that the Todorokis are running here on fumes, just like everyone else.
My personal feeling is that Hori is setting up a quite hopeless fight with a moment where the star arrivals to the battlefield will be the LoV (possibly because Kurogiri decides that this is the boost Tomura needs), and it will be the tipping point to bring Tomura back who will be essential in stopping / defeating AFO together with Deku (and maybe the other Origins - Bakugou and Shoto).
Bringing in the LoV would achieve tying in the efforts to save Toga and Toya (and Spinner) into the final main conflict, tying together Deku reaching Tenko's/Tomura's fused desire to be the hero of the villains and also for the civilians to see the villains fight against the big bad. It could also foster final conclusion of the big character arcs, including for Enji, Toya and Shoto.
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powderseas · 3 months
side order is here!!! its real!!! yippee
what do you think of it so far?
ok so im just gonna spit out all my side order thoughts so far
EDIT: I ACTUALLY FINISHED THE GAME WOOO (just one run tho lol) im gonna write my thoughts under the previous stuff
OK SO. i think im a little..? dissapointed..? abt sider order?? like im kinda conflicted abt the lore, also i suck BALLS at the game
the thing is i have done 5 runs so far AND COULDNT GET A SINGLE WIN. the most i can do is up to floor 20.... im literally so bad at this game I ONCE DIED 2 TIMES IN AN EASY LEVEL. im newgen guys.
maybe im not fit for rougelike games but like... idk. i feel like me and the fandom as a whole expected so much more from side order. i feel like if the game is gonna make you replay the same stuff over and over again it should atleast have a SOUL CRUSHING LITERARY MASTERPIECE TYPE OF LORE like OE and Alterna
AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW DIRTY THEY DID FOUR???? literally called them an irrelavent loser and then sweeped them aside... THEY DONT EVEN HAVE A PALETTE ICON???? theyre not even a secret boss smh.... agent 4 had so much potential I WILL NEVER FORGIVE NINTENDO FOR THIS. and like sure the parallel canon level kind of includes four but that thing is literally an npc??? like imagine what they couldve done with the story if they had included four in it:
when four is left out from the squidbeak splatoon they try to prove themselves by siding with marina with her project. it makes perfect sense. marina and four are both scared of being seperated by their loved ones. but four gets consumed by their anger and jealousy and goes full order mode LIKE DO YOU GUYS SEE MY VISION!!!! i will be forever mad that we didnt get this.
also why is murch out of all the chracters have a pallete??? why didnt they put in captain 3 or something????? sheldon i kinda understand since hes also kinda a part of the squidbeak splatoon BUT MURCH??? get the fuck out!!!
negative stuff aside tho. i love pearl and marina so much. THIS IS THE PEARLINA GAME GUYS!!!!! pearl literally mentions that marina and her sleep in the SAME BED???? marina is so autistic. my little autism creature. SHE MAKES DINO ARMS IN THE ENDING SCENE AUGHHHHHGHHH MY HEARTTT i love marina so much AND PEARL. SUCH A SILLY GOOBER. acht is so precious too... BUT I CNAT BELIEVE THAT THEY MADE THEM WHITE*??? ACHT IS NOT WHITE NINTENDO. anyways i love eight and her little found family full of lesbians. they are all lesbians your honor. we are raising lesbians in this house.
so yeah. i hope i can finish the run atleast ONCE. but like. idk i havent finished the game but side order jsut makes me feel. sad... and lonely...?? unlike octo expension where you could see more and more people using the metros and the chatrooms between marina and pearl are just AUUGGHHH OE IS A GAME. ABOUT CONNECTIONS OK. it makes me feel warm and happy and even though eight became traumatized i like to think that she healed and in the process met so many important people in her life.
in side order i dont see anything in eight*??? is she traumatized??? is she vibing??? is she happy to help??? I LITERALLY CANT TELL. side order makes me feel so cold and empty like do you guys understand what i mean. and its probably becasue it doesnt even take place in the real world. and the thing is. i understand that side order is supposed to be everything that OE couldnt be. i understand that. both games have their own quirks BUT. i just cant seem to make myself love it unlike any other story mode in splatoon...... im really trying to be not biased here but yeah. these are my opinions for side order
HELLO. so yes i somehow managed to win the game. and honestly. the final boss was pretty fun and everyone was so cute at the end omg... but i still think that side order is a bit underdevloped.... i dont even know if ill try to %100 is cuz playing it makes me SO STRESSFUL im glad i get to finish a run BUT i will definetly not be touching side order atleast for a while.... but despite i had plenty of stuff i didnt like in side order the ending managed to make me forget all that haha
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1ovede1uxe · 9 months
How good are the Stardust Crusaders at cooking?
irrelavant author's note: hi everyone! I've been super duper swamped recently with university just starting (and my 18th birthday), so please forgive me for inactivity! I'm having second thoughts about posting the Jotaro x Reader fic, I'm just a wee bit insecure about my romantic writing, hence the extreme lack of romantic anything that's original. I'm working on making some headings and visuals for my headcanons in the meantime. Also, I'm a decent way through SBR, so hopefully, I can start adding SBR characters into my writing. Enjoy :)
all characters are written in the time of SDC, so these do not apply to young Joseph and 4taro on
Jotaro Kujo
Okay hear me out, he's actually a pretty decent chef!
Holly helped him learn the basics when he was younger
Since he learned the basics, he cooks once a week for his mom and always will as much as he can
He's no five-star chef, but his food tastes pretty good!
He knows a lot about spice combinations for some reason
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Gyudon
Noriaki Kakyoin
He does not know a lot about cooking from scratch
Poor boy needs a recipe for things like spaghetti and instructions for mashed potatoes
He just wants to make sure he has it right!!
He cooked for the Crusaders one night with what little supplies they had and it was definitely food
He was not allowed to cook again
I feel like he likes cold/lukewarm foods rather than hot foods
he's very good at making simple foods taste great though
Oh, that instant ramen you packed? It looks and tastes like it's fresh from a restaurant once Kakyoin prepares it
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Soba (served cold)
He also definitely has a major sweet tooth
Muhammed Avdol
Now this is a five star chef
Could open a restaurant if he wanted to
He can cook any kind of cuisine, and if he's unfamiliar and it turns out wrong it still tastes delicious
He can make food out of literally anything around him
It’s everyone’s favorite when it’s his night to cook
Gets into debates/competitions with Polnareff about who the better cook is
His cooking is too spicy for Joseph sometimes (he used red pepper and garlic in a simple dish one time)
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Kofta and Kebab, or sushi
Jean Pierre Polnareff
We got another five star chef up in this bitch!!
Could also open a restaurant if he wanted to
He has a sweet tooth 100% for cakes/macarons
He’s a great chef, but has a taste and talent for French cuisine, so its rare to find him cooking during the 50 day trip
He’s not a picky eater but super critical of everything he eats (he’s whiny)
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Terrine
Joseph Joestar
He’s got it down, but like not as incredible as Polnareff or Avdol
When it’s his night to cook, he can work with what he has around him pretty well
It’s not melt-in-your-mouth delicious, but its still pretty good
He does have a few specific meals down really well though, specifically some Italian dishes because it reminds him of the past, and the heavy influence of Italian food in New York
He makes a mean sandwich, his sub sandwiches are unlike any other, and if you ask him to make a pastrami on rye or a patty melt it’ll taste like it was made at home
He also makes a god tier American Country breakfast, it’s the best eggs, bacon, and flapjacks you’ll ever have
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Squid Ink Spaghetti
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barbiegirldream · 7 months
what are your thoughts on kwite’s reply to dream?
What do you mean what are my thoughts. Kwite has no idea who Dream is and he has no conception of the fact there is 0 patience for Dream never has been. If this video was made a year ago or put out this very minute most people will not change their tune because the truth doesn't matter to them. He's right that Dream should have this video out asap. I myself already said multiple times he shouldn't have reopened the topic without the video ready. I don't need some random white guy who also had false allegations made against him to form an opinion he's irrelavant as every other twitter account
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ronancebyler · 8 months
as an anti billy hargrove
i under no circumstances believe that the harringrove tag from ao3 should be removed, or that certain ships should be enforced against being written.
you can believe strongly in your morals that something should have never existed. i could even agree with you completely. but censoring things is not the answer.
this is an important post because i saw that someone was saying the incest tag should be removed from ao3 because it's unsafe to children. while yes, i can attest that i don't support incest fics, all removing the tags will do will make it harder for readers to filter it out.
those people wont stop writing what you don't want to read. those people won't stop writing you believe no one should write it. it will exist regardless, and trying to censor it will only make it harder to block.
you are going to find mistagged fics regardless but it will be harder to block a tag that doesnt exist.
censorship of any kind, whether in a small and seemingly irrelavent issue like fanfiction or actual literary books that have huge negative affects are not the answer because all it does is prevent you from 1. curating your own experience (in the fanfic world) and 2. educating people on why something is horrible and wrong in the real world. removing the media isn't stopping the spread of negativity, because that will happen anyway. instead, it's stopping the people who found it from being able to educate themself on why it is negative. stopping education is never, ever the answer.
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valandhirwriter · 11 days
Cirvran's fans don't deserve your fan fiction about weddings and children, because they don't appreciate it, they only condemn and call Ciri bad words for daring to want to have children. If you had written such a fanfiction about VernonCiri, then I would be very grateful to you for it and would not humiliate Ciri, unlike the fans of cirvran, I would even create a couple of pictures on this topic for you.
But instead you chose ungrateful pigs like @laurikarauchscat (who ridiculed your fanfiction humiliatingly). And humiliate me and my ship for their sake. (you claim that I ruined VC, but, man, didn't you kill them for the amusement of those who insulted your work?)
Roche/Ciri is a good ship and has always deserved a good and kind story. I have always been waiting for this, and not endless insults on Twitter, reddit, VK, rape, anti-canon jokes and ignore, sincerely.
I've even always been kind to the Droid, but she didn't appreciate it and laughed, like all of you. It's mean.
OMG - really Marina? Did you start a career as a comedian or something?
Let me give you a few facts:
@laurikarauchscat put a lot of work and effort into an illustration for "Heirs of Nilfgaard", showing it more love than I ever expected.
There are several people where "Heirs of Nilfgaard" is among their all time favourite fanfics. Again: unexpected.
Only two people complained about "Heirs of Nilfgaard" and that was Sol and you. So no problem at all.
I don't write for the applause. I write what I want to read. Always. I write for the fun of it. Whether others like it or not is irrelavant. Some of my best stories, get little to no attention. And that's fine. Why? Because I wrote them for myself, because I liked the idea. If others enjoy them too, it's good. If others don't read them, I don't mind.
You constantly complain about "For all our burdens weep" fine, you don't like the subject matter, and that's your decision. But like most others readers you never got any of the details buried deep in the context. Again: that's fine, you don't have to like my writing. But you also don't get a say in what I write.
There are VERY few close friends for whom I write stuff, that I wouldn't normally write, or pairings that I usually do not write. Very few, and that's because they are my friends. Close friends. So I take an interest in their imaginations. And even then, I am not always good at their favourite topics. You on the other hand, are not my friend, you are at best, a nuisance.
If you want a specific story: WRITE it yourself. Then you will get what you want. Don't expect applause. Write it for yourself. If you are too lazy to put in the work, then stop complaining that others don't do the work for you.
And as you ask for Roche/Ciri, here is a Limerick for you.
There once was a man named Roche,
who was an idiot, but posh,
he fell in love with a Princess,
their marriage was a big mess
that's why his life is now tosh.
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angelnumber27 · 3 months
Impulse control issues are like ya I know what the right thing and the wrong thing are but it’s irrelavent right now
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Log 1.
It's been a few weeks since Fluffy passed. I haven't left bed since. I, somehow, while trying to threaten Lucifer, king of hell, ended up recieved an ouiji board and instructions to summon them to ask which devil had abused them prior to their death.
This question remains unanswered. My ouija board attempt was unsucessful. I ended up summoning a random rude spirit completely irrelavant to myself.
However, I soon after received a blurry video with flashes of morse code. Obviously, I rushed to translate it. I also used the internet, because I am too lazy to properly translate it. While I did not get the intended answer for my question, I did get three sentences.
1. "Goldie? Sweetie? Is that you?
Of course my heart immediately leaped. This felt like something Fluffy would say.
2. "I found her kiddo. I saved her, but not me."
The nickname confirmed to me that this was my mother. Nobody else had called me that. I feel like the "her" is their daughter, Pit, which they have mentioned. I have mixed feelings towards this kid. I'm really concerned on what they meant when they said they didn't save themself. I hope they're alright.
3. "I'm sorry I failed you. Some mother I am."
You didn't fail me. I'm sorry for not being a good kid, mommy.
this concludes the first entry. Hopefully I can find more information about Fluffy sooner or later. I just want them back.
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Hi gang!
I received a bunch of anons that weren't exactly positive, but I do want to address them before closing further public conversation on the Gogtroversy.
They will be put under the cut because they are DICEY my dears. Will have the same tags though and with proper responses :)9
(Also apologies for the caps people seem to be missing my point so I'm trying to emphasize the important bits to help with comprehension).
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Hello nonnie!
I was, in fact, very confused when you wrote "Yes does not mean consent" because, out of context, I was asking myself "Then what is consent?" Thank you for clarifying.
Now, onto your points:
As I have stated multiple times, I do not blame Caiti for what happened; that also does not mean I blame George for misreading her signals. I wish this had not happened to her, and I hope George NEVER does something like this again, but I also realize that this was MOST LIKELY based on PAST EVIDENCE an honest mistake.
Furthermore, as I also have stated, alcohol is a gray area I simply have no right to explore since I personally do not drink. If you want to argue about the morality of that PARTICULAR situation, please do so with someone else. That is why in my statement I excluded my opinion on the matter because I simply cannot give one. But for the miscommunication and incident I do have enough experience to discuss those.
Moreover, Caiit herself admitted she was already drunk before she was at the party. She chose to drink, which, YES, is illegal, but it was her choice to do so. All other party members were MOST LIKELY under the assumption she could drink since she already was.
Finally, please, PLEASE, stop calling this sexual assault. He touched her under her shirt above her waist. This was, at best, molestation, and even the evidence for that is slim. He touched her in a flirtatious manner, which made her uncomfortable. Since you mentioned legality, no court would view this as sexual assault or molestation.
That said, he SHOULD have asked for her EXPLICIT consent, and I do not support that. I ALSO think he can grow from this and become a better person without losing his friends and livelihood.
If anyone believes that a single mistake should dictate your entire life course, then I am sorry to say that you will have a reality check as you grow up and make those mistakes yourself.
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Hi nonnie!
So, uh, the last bit of your ask seems kinda irrelavent to the discussion as I have never spoken about those here? So I won't be addressing that.
Also, I stated my reasons why she should have kept this private:
She will most likely not receive a proper apology if she used her situation against him.
In my opinion, this situation did not warrant public attention because, at best, it was molestation, and, from outside perspectives who saw this evidence without knowing anything about the fandom, most likely flirtatious advances gone wrong.
Her story is now no longer being used to support her but instead is being used to attack the Dream Team.
Caiti's story is now being scrutinize for "if it's real" "if it is really assault" "was it malicious" isntead of validating her emotions and feelings. At the end of the day, those questions don't matter: what matters is she felt uncomfortable, and although George most likely did not, he needs to apologize.
To your statement "George does not care about consent," I honestly don't know the answer to that. I am not George. I won't know his every thought or if this was malicious.
What I DO know is that if we treat this as unforgivable, we set a dangerous precedent for people who want to change. So, for that reason, I am choosing to BELIEVE he did not mean it maliciously, and until FURTHER EVIDENCE COMES FORWARD, I will see this as a single mistake and not a pattern of abuse (which was the case in Wilbur's situaton).
Also, again, this isn't sexual assault, please check yor facts as I am. Moreover, please re-read my statement because almost everything I said was in that initial statement.
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Hi nonnie!
Saved this for last because it was very polite, and I appreciate it :)
I think we will disagree on this point, and that's okay. In your opinion, content creators should handle serious allegations publicly, which you consider these as such. In my opinion, I believe smaller issues should be handled privately without accusations since I don't view this as a serious allegation (although I still know Caiti is uncomfortable and deserves better).
In this current moment, based on what I know, what I have learned, and what I can interpret, I stated my opinion on the matter. I stand by the words I say here because they are, again, based on the knowledge I have. If, one day, I come to realize I was ignorant, like you said, I will change my position.
Thank you, nonnie :)
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altontussy · 1 year
Welcome to Ask the Ministry! You're an advocate curious about what goes on in the indoors before you volunteer yourself to eternal happiness... after all, a little curiosity never hurts! Submit your questions to these loveable, loyal employees by inboxing your local recruiter, @altontussy with your question starting with the employee's codename! Meet the cast below!
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(I THINK THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE ASK BLOGS???? I DONT KNOW?????? I AHVENT DONE THIS IN YEARS If my account doesnt accept messages for some reason maybe reblog it/ comment with thw question idk. any questions irrelavent to the chars just ask<3)
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mochiwrites · 1 year
Hi mochi. I’ve been following you since the end of goodcrimeswithmumscarian and I have to say Imm hella disappointed with what youve been writing lately. No one like. Cares about your stuff outside of the crime au you know that right? Who cares about some pirate storyline. Go back to writing the stuff that ppl actually care about and maybe youll stop complaining that you don’t get asks. Though tbh you’re kind of irrelavent??? There’s a lot more better writers in the fandom who like deserve the recognition they get. You used to but now since youve stopped writing goodcrimeswithmumscarian I’d say you’re going downhill. Why should anyone interact with you when your current fics suck. go back to crime please.
i???? what the fuck.
y’know what no I’m not dealing with this — kindly take your opinion and fuck off ☺️
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ecstaticasusual · 19 days
ok I'm curious how would you make the mics work? I'm asking cause I love how you write hnbn and am adapting to my personal canon
idk I think it is anime magic |ω・ˋ) I like the idea that the mic/speakers being sentient entity, but this is irrelavent to the mic mechanics.
What do you think?
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