#what would you call bilocation but like through time
thehollowprince · 3 years
So... a week or so ago I asked if you could assign super powers to the characters of the Gossip Girl reboot, specifically based on their personalities, what would they be.
Well, this week, I'm home from work because of Covid (not me personally, but I was in close proximity to someone so I'm off as a precaution) and I decided to start rewatching Heroes. And I started to go through the abilities on the show and in the comics for these characters.
Here's what I got.
JULIEN CALLOWAY - persuasion
As an Instagram influencer, she sways people toward one thing or another. I'm seeing her unintentionally persuading people to buy certain products or avoid certain people with her ability, which is channeled through her voice, which I liked because her father is a musician and fbe actress herself (Jordan Alexander) is a singer.
ZOYA LOTT - precognition
In Heroes there was a character who could paint the future when he was in a drug-induced trance. For Zoya, instead of painting, I decided to go with what got her into Constance: writing, though minus the drugs. So her precognative abilities are channeled through automatic writing, and someone, probably one of the teachers, probably Kate, starts to notice that the writing assignments Z turns in just might be predicting the future.
OTTO "Obie" BERGMANN IV - flight
I struggled with Obie, because he's just... there. But I went back and watched his scenes again and noticed how Obie tends to think of himself as "above" all the drama that engulfs the others in his social circle. So I decided to just go with the easiest solution and give him flight, maybe having it start as levitation.
MAX WOLFE - bliss and horror
You might be asking yourself, what the hell is "bliss and horror"? Well, in the Heroes comics, the father of the character known for the most part as "The Haitian" was a man called Guillaume. Guillaume's ability was to induce extreme euphoria or terror in his worshippers (he was a Houngan), and that just made me think of Max, who is constantly chasing the next high and then crashing with those lows. It just fit really well for me, especially because it was an ability only seen in the comics and not on screen.
AUDREY HOPE - rapid cellular regeneration
Audrey was like Obie, in that I couldn't really figure her out enough to assign an ability. She seems kind of apathetic and "dead inside" so I thought about some kind of empathic ability, but that seemed too close to what I gave Max. So I looked at the narrative itself, specifically how she's never really called out for her many fuck-ups, and then I remembered Claire. The ability to heal from any wound almost instantly. I figured it would also help explain why she appears bored most of the time, because nothing can really affect her permanently.
AKENO "Aki" MENZIES - bilocation
Aki was my favorite to assign. I went with bilocation, because Aki was being torn between his relationship with Audrey, and his feelings for Max. I thought it would be cool if he could actually split and pursue each avenue simultaneously. And then, because I was thinking of Heroes, I thought of Niki and her alter ego, Jessica. I imagine that Aki could have an alter that pursues what he really wants even while he's shackled by expectations. This alter would be called Kai, which is just an anagram of Aki.
LUNA LA - appearance alteration
This is another ability that only appeared in the Heroes comics, and it's the ability to completely change the physical appearance, including skin color, hair and even vocal cords of another person, but not the owner of the ability. These changes also only last, at best, 24 hours. With Luna's role as a designer and make-up artist, I thought that would be a good fit for her.
MONET DE HANN - invisibility
Hear me out! I know she's a fan favorite and a definite scene stealer, but when it comes to her role in the plot, she's the power behind the throne, the one who pulls the strings from the shadows, unseen by everyone because they're all focused on Julien. Invisibility would be right up her alley to get the "dirty work" done without it being linked to her.
Yes, this is a bit ranty, and I don't know what I'm going to do with any of this. I have the ideas for a few one-shots in my head based around these ideas, and if I ever get the motivation to write them, I'll definitely share them. But this is just something I do, play a what if game by mixing shows and genres.
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thegildedraven · 4 years
meeting up in the astral
Meeting up in the astral not the easiest thing to do but I just thought I’d type up a post on it. The process itself is actually quite difficult, and calls for the need to have friends or trusted connections to carry out, but as someone who does it on a fairly regular basis, here’s my take on it.
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disclaimer [SPG ahead]: do keep in mind that it is not advisable to pull anyone into anything potentially dangerous or controversial, especially against their will or without them knowing all the potential dangers and consequences. This post is mainly for those who already have friends or people who are willing and able to astral travel or project, or for those who are already aware of the astral.
Communication can get kind of hard especially if everyone is travelling/bilocating instead of projecting, so personally it helps if you have an external or physical way to communicate. If you’re unable to bilocate, voice calling would be the best option, as it’s easier to maintain your presence in the astral while talking in your physical body instead of having to get up and text. 
However, if you’re all in the same physical location that’s honestly the most effective way to make sure that you’re all able to get to the astral and actually end up in the same place. It’s harder when you’re all separated geographically, but definitely not impossible. 
Now, everyone has a different perception of the astral, even if they’re on the same plane or in the same place. The differences vary greatly depending on where you’re going and whether everyone has a different skill level or dominant sense(s) in the astral.
For those who tend to see better in the astral, they might have a visual sense of the place than their friend, who might have better hearing. Even if you’re using the same sense, things can appear slightly different. For example, colors. Something that’s dark blue to me could appear as black to a friend. Usually the differences won’t be too large if you manage to stay in the same place.
Don’t feel like you’re in the wrong place if someone who’s with you starts describing the same place in a different light, just take some time to sort out the differences and use other characteristics to identify the place (e.g. whether you see them with you, cover all the senses, the shape of the landscape itself, even just the vibe of the place). The more you astral together the more you’ll be familiar with what you sense differently.
setting up a location
Meeting in a familiar place to everyone would be the ideal situation, and this could range from someone’s astral place to a cafe to a library or even some random field. If y’all are meeting for the first time in the astral, it helps to go somewhere with landmarks or distinctly identifiable characteristics. 
Usually if I am in the same room as my friends, we use that as a starting point, so that everyone knows where to come back to if one of us gets lost. This way, it can also increase the chances of landing in the same place when getting into the astral.
Safety would also be a notable thing here. Depending on how comfortable everyone in your party is, choosing a place that is either well-known to be a safe location or a private space (e.g. someone’s astral home) or a place that all of you are accustomed to would be a wise decision. 
bringing spirits along
Even when astral travelling with other people, you might find a companion wanting to tag along, or you might want to bring someone along with you. Do make sure that everyone is comfortable with your spirit friend or spirit companion, especially if they have not known the spirit beforehand, and that the spirit is also okay with it.
I didn’t really know what to name this section but it’s easy to forget that the people you’re travelling with may have different ways of sensing and moving and travelling in general, and it’s always good to be accommodating of those. Perhaps one of you might move slower or have more dulled senses than the rest, or maybe one of you might not be on the same level of defence as the rest, so it’s always important that you consider these differences.  
If any of one of you needs a break or is not comfortable with travelling to a specific area, the whole party should be respectful of their decision and not to try to impose anything onto them. 
potential dangers
getting attacked: travelling in large groups can mean safety in numbers, but it can also draw unwanted attention to yourselves in certain places, so always have a line of defence or a form of protection that includes everyone 
getting lost: it may be inevitable that one of you might get lost at some point, and while this isn’t really a danger most of the time (unless you’re in a really shady area) it can be quite a drawback when everyone is trying to search for a lost member 
astral dependence: I’m not really that sure if this applies to everyone, but especially for people who are on a lower scale of astral ability who are depending on their friends to carry them through and get to the astral, travelling together might dull their personal ability to get there themselves. There might be a reliance created on shared astral travel to do anything, really in the astral.
Don’t be frustrated if you are unable to get it on the first try, or even the second or third or tenth try. Astral travelling together is not always an achievable thing, and if you’re unable to do it with the people you have tried with, it can be disappointing, but you do have to remember that it is a very difficult process after all. My advice is that all of you should try to hone your personal astral abilities before attempting anything like this.
things you can do together in the astral
explore new places
perform combined rituals and spells
train together in terms of defence or offence
go shopping
build new things
talk to spirits and learn things (with safety in mind, thanks)
It can be a very fun experience to have spirits as well as people you know in the physical along with you in the astral, but you should take into consideration safety, consent, and respect when it comes to travelling together.
my ask box is always open if you have any questions.
- Raven
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north-of-annwn · 4 years
what's seidir and how do you start out doing it?
Hey Nonny! 
Seiðr (pronounced seeth-ur) is Norse magic that is rooted in astral travel, trancework, astral work, Wyrd (fate), and altered states to gain information, knowledge, and to project your will into manifestation. 
The exact practices of Seiðr are lost to time, but we can piece together some idea of what might have been done using a historical understanding of pre-Christian practices in the region. 
Seidr Today
We know that dance, drumming, and singing would have been used to reach altered states. Odin himself spoke of frenzied dance and Galdr (singing of magical tunes). Psychoactive herbs would have also been used - and local herbs would have been Bog Bilberry, Crowberry, Labrador Tea, Obligate Fly Agaric, and more. Not all psychoactive herbs necessarily produce extreme symptoms. Technically, even chamomile is psychoactive. Always use herbs with caution and with the input from a licensed medical professional.
My Experience with Seidr 
I personally practice Seiðr by journeying into the astral, into different times (energy knows no time or distance), and to speak to different beings/deities on various planes for lessons and information that further my personal and spiritual growth. 
I experience these things through meditative states and bilocation. Most people don’t know this but bilocation is probably the most common way of practicing trancework. A great way to start is with having a goal in mind with where you’re going and some basic protections or a Guide to accompany you. You can reach meditative states in a variety of ways. I personally do it by taking mugwort tea or a combination of mugwort and a Sativa cannabis (this isn’t required but I live in a legalized state) and then listening to drumming tracks specifically meant for meditation. 
Other methods can include: listening to binaural beats, breathing exercises, and repetitive actions like spinning yarn, crocheting, knitting, etc (Fiber crafts were intimately entwined with magic for the Norse). 
Dancing in a frenzied and free manner can also produce an altered state and is a favorite of Odin. Anytime I’ve been moved to dance for Seiðr though it’s been with Odin. 🤔 I’m not sure if the other Gods inspire dance the same way for anyone else. I only experience it with The Old Man. 
Spae Work
Another type of Seiðr is called Spae which comes from the ancient root to speak. And this refers specifically to the practice of reaching into the Well of Knowledge or speaking to the Norns and speaking the truths that you learn into existence here. 
A subgenre of Spae work is Skaldic work which involves reaching into that same well and speaking truth through story. This was the method by which we were gifted the original oral traditions that inspired the Eddas and the Sagas. The ones we have written down are Christianized fragments, but originally these would have had much less Christian propaganda flavor and were carried into Midgard on the silver tongues of Skalds. 
This is getting long so I’ll wrap this up. I could literally talk about my Seiðr practice all day. 
Remember with starting Seiðr...
Don’t overthink it! You can write down or record what you feel you’re experiencing as you’re experiencing it, which can help lend weight and value to what you are experiencing. .
Anything and everything you experience is valid, but discernment is important. Pay attention to the individual phenomenon, sensations, thoughts, and pieces of information you’re getting. Trust those are happening and avoid try to force-fit them into a conclusion. Analyze it later, not during so that details aren’t altered or changed subconsciously
Best of luck! 
💙 Elisa
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jinruihokankeikaku · 4 years
If classpect analysises are still open, can you do Heir of Space?
 Certainly could!! The Classpect of one June Harley… or is that Jade Egbert? Mayhaps an Equius Maryam? Actually, scratch that last one. Wwe’ll just go with June Harley. That’s 8etter. (A.N.: So sorry this one took 5evver. Should 8e 8ack to a more steady postin schedule noww.)
Title: Heir of Space
Title Breakdown: One who passively manipulates [invites change in, invites transformation of, transforms into, invites others to change or be changed by] Space [birth, creation, outer space, the three physical dimensions, vastness and expansiveness]
Role in the Session: The Heir is a complex and unusual Class, being as it is the Passive counterpart of what is arguably the Game’s most Active Class. Between its association with Homestuck’s protagonist John Egbert, and the fact that Space as an Aspect is essential to any successful session (given the Space player’s duty to breed the Genesis Frog and create the new Universe), this Role seems like a likely candidate for leadership. However, due to the passivity of Heirs in general, and the fact that Space is for all its power somewhat lacking in focus and direction, an Heir of Space is unlikely to initially aspire to, or even be well-suited to, leadership. Their narrative arc is likely to lean heavily into the notion of embracing one’s destiny and accepting and ascending to one’s ultimate Role, and has within it the potential for both vast power and terrible tragedy.
Space players tend to spend a great deal of time isolated, and Heirs, along with their Inverse, Mages, tend to experience both the positive and negative extremes of their Aspect – Mages through their (often) reckless investigations into their Aspect’s inner workings, and Heirs due to their inheritance of (that is to say, inherent connection to) their Aspect. In this case, inheriting Space means being born into relative isolation, but also into a strong interest in art and a knack for taking the long view. Heirs generally struggle with embracing their inheritance and stepping into their Role – the Heir’s personal narrative tends to closely resemble a classical odyssey, with the Heir journeying far from their Aspect but ultimately returning to become one with it. In this case, the Heir’s journey could involve their being unwilling, or perhaps unable, to even begin the task of frog-breeding, necessitating a lengthy process of self-discovery. They may be forced into an unfamiliar and alien environment; their character arc would run parallel to their literal journey home.
Their Planet and its amphibious inhabitants would be immediately apparent, but also somehow impaired or impeded. Perhaps the wetlands of the Heir’s Planet would be contaminated, preventing the frogs from growing or multiplying, or perhaps the Planet is so vast that even frog-finding, let alone frog-breeding, is impossible without the use of the Spacy Thing (which Spacy Thing here means teleportation/bilocation). Heirs have had their Aspect in them all along, but they need to discover that before they can make use of it – as with any Passive Role, the Heir of Space’s unique talents lie latent until they have proven willing to rise to the duty that comes with their inheritance. A Sylph of Rage could certainly help the Heir cut through the lies and distractions in order to more readily reach the resources requisite to their rising to their Role, although this may come at a price; a Seer or even a Mage of Life could certainly also assist in this task, albeit in a more didactic way than the Sylph’s direct creation of Rage as disillusionment.
Opposite Role: The Mage of Time!! Hey, that’s the first analysis I did here on this channel wwe8log. Neat. Anyways, the Mage of Time is one who suffers from, actively discovers, engineers/innovates with, or extensively explores and experiences Time itself, along with Time’s associated symbols of heat, labor, death, and rhythm/structure. Most Mage-Heir conflicts arise between the difference in their subjective experience, as their actual circumstances are often oddly similar. Mages and Heirs are arguably the two Classes that most intimately experience their Aspect in all its forms; however, Mages tend to be forced into their Aspect, wherein they must strive to acquire the knowledge necessary to work with it from within, whereas Heirs tend to receive their Aspect like, well, an inheritance, but only after an (often lengthy) Quest or journey beyond their Aspect’s borders. As in the Heir of Life / Mage of Doom commentary I wrote a while back, conflict is almost inevitably going to arise here both due to the Aspect-bound worldviews and personal qualities of each of the players, and also due to the way the Space and Time players each relate to their respective Aspects. The Mage of Time is called, reluctantly, to embrace the end of all things, whereas the Heir is drawn on a long, but often exultant journey back to the start.
God Tier Powers
Space is the Expansive-Explosive-Actual Aspect, and its domains include literal physical space, as well as physics, chemistry, birth/growth, visual or physical art, and distance/travel, especially travel through Outer Space or other Voids (unsurprisingly, this is a domain Space shares with its adjacent/semi-sextile Aspect Void). The Heir is the Passive Manipulation Class and counterpart to the Witch, capable of subtly bending the rules of their Aspect and ultimately becoming one with the Aspect itself. Here are a few ways this could manifest in-Game, should the Heir Ascend to the legendary God Tiers…
Limited Omnipresence: This is the Spacy Thing. All Space players would, I think, have some capacity to teleport, but the Heir of Space would become one with the spatial continuum as a whole, being able to effectively be anywhere at any time. With sufficient exertion (and maybe the help of a Heart or Time player, if they can find one willing to collaborate with them) they could even be in multiple places at once. (A.N.: Insert discl8imer here a8out howw this is OP and you ought to use it wwith caution ::::p)
Infinite Inheritance: The Heir, once Ascended, “unlocks” access to a nigh-infinite supply of raw materials for their creation. They may find themselves serendipitously stumbling upon objects or substances vital to punch-card Alchemizing, Ectobiology, or even the Ultimate Alchemy, either literally finding them along their extensive odyssey through Space or even pulling them out of thin air as might a Rogue of Void. These objects may not be exactly what the Heir is looking for, due to Space’s expansive nature and their Class’s passivity, but they will almost certainly be what the Heir needs. They need only figure out where what they have found is needed.
Conjurer’s Closet: Once Heirs have inherited their Aspect, it tends to spill out around them, granting their Allies a measure of its power. The Heir can always be found if they want to be – after spending so long isolated, they can at last always find their way back to their friends and comrades, however far apart they may be. They may also open gates or create folds in Space as they travel, perhaps even allowing those physically close to them to ride their wake and teleport alongside them.
Personality: I think an Heir of Space would be rather lonely at first, not due to a lack of connection but due to the lingering effects of a lengthy, lonely tenure in some literally or figuratively isolated place. They may feel more distant from their friends than they actually are, but they’ll gradually work past this angst as they rise to their Role and their destiny. They may well be a “creative type”, as are all Space players, but being a member of a Manipulation Class their creations are likely to be rather novel and offbeat. They may push the limits of their medium, creating ambulatory sculptures or arcane graffiti, drawing fantastic creatures and places that no-one else might imagine, and the list could go on from here. Both Space players and Heirs have a boundlessness about them, and it’s possible that the Heir would perceive themselves to be less-than-completely separate from their peculiar environs. What’s most important for the Heir is for them to embrace their quirks and little rebellions fully, to dive headfirst into the boundless depths of Space, for it is only in doing so that they may fulfill their ever-present yearning for a return home.
Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon
Sun in an Empty Room by the Weakerthans
In Memory of Satan by the Mountain Goats, if you wwant something darker ::::p
~ Thanks for the ask, anon!! I hope you find this analysis entertainin and/or informative, and if you havve any further questions, do feel free to ask ::::) And once again, sorry 8out the delay. Posts should be returnin to their regular frequency startin approxim8ly noww!
~ P L U R ~
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doodle-bug12 · 3 years
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hello, I am the gremlin of this account. I mainly post artwork of my main OCs ((Anna and Eliot))
The two mean the world to me. It'd be appreciated it y'all didn't repost my drawings of them, tbh, it makes me low-key uncomfortable.
but! with that aside, let's talk about the admin for a moment!
Call me Casper, I am a 19 year old. And I'm female (she/her)
I'm always tired and like to annoy the hell out of my brother. I'm very smol (5ft) and my family likes to poke fun with that. I'm overall a pretty chill person, I got the "I don't care" type of mood 24/7
OCs that I most likely gonna be drawing and posting on this account
Annabelle Harper
Eliot Harper
these two, like I said, mean the world to me. They are beings from another dimension. This dimension is know as Euphasia (You-fae-shuh) and it has these demon like creature. No, they're not demons they are a species that I made a little while ago called Euphs. (you-fs) I will be explaining more (hopefully) in the near future.
Annabelle is the more chaotic one while Eliot is just the lazy one. They're considered Irish twins since they were born on different month's
Isadora Lance
she's a lil ghost girl, she was previously supposed to be this voice that people head and had the ability to mimic someone else's voice, but I scrapped that idea a while back, so now she's a ghost!!
Halo is a demon Queen that I made, very rude at times. Uh, I have really thought into who she is and whatnot
Jessie Quinzel
She is my DC OC. Being the daughter of Harley Quinn (the last name is obvious) and Joker. She's a somewhat chaotic, carefree individual. She has two other siblings, Seth and Stacy Quinzel. Actually, she use to be my old Creepypasta OC. Now she's my DC OC
Blake Wilson
Blake is a wendigo, being about to shift to human form at will. He is destructive when he wants to be. He and Anna were together for a little while, but it didn't work out. He has an older sister named Hannah
Salah Marbus
Another being from Euphasia. Very little is known about her. She tends to keep herself isolated and to herself in general. Her species is known as an Alph. She has no other family, unfortunately.
Dhara Crypta
Dhara, also known as Dee, is a hunter/warrior like individual. She, herself, is also an Alph, like Sal. She is most known by the King and Qween of Euphasia, standing by their side when necessary.
Clara Wilson
No, she is not related to Blake, for starters. Clara is, YET ANOTHER, being from Euphasia. She is one of the more dangerous ones. She is one with The Dark Ones. The Dark Ones are these shadowy-like figures. They only come out at night.
Orchid Arwen
She is the only one of her species, a Whispering Fairy. Like Sal, not much is known about her. She hides herself from civilization on most days.
Jason Wellerman
One of the most chaotic demons in all of Hell. He an honoree individual, very very rude at all times. He has three other siblings, a twin sister, Luna, an older sister, Abby, and and older brother, David.
Wysteria Flynn
Fairy baby, fairy baby!! Wysteria is a fairy. A nice fairy. She's best friends with Anna. She has green cat like eyes and short brown hair. She has no other siblings
Lorelei Winston
Corelei Winston
These two are identical twins. They were both born with supernatural abilities. Four abilities each.
Lorelei's abilities
Sonic screech 
Bilocation - being in multiple places at once 
Corelei's abilities
Channeling - being able to communicate with a spirit 
Ability to see through someone else’s eyes 
(Basically she see what someone else is seeing, only she’s looking that person’s eyes-) 
Super strength
She is my Siren OC. Nothing much about her, she has the ability to shift to a human form when she's out of the water.
Lana Wine
Lana is a solo gangster. She ran away from home at the age of 13. Marco, a leader of a gang (which has no name yet) took her in, so Lana would have a roof over her head. She soon left said gang and now running a solo gangster life. She has an older brother (unnamed at the moment) and a younger sister (unnamed at the moment)
Lucia Roslyn
Lucia is another demon OC. She previously was supposed to be the devil, but I decided to scrap that idea as well. She's tall. Lucia has a younger sister, Elana and an older brother, Lex.
Cynthia Martins
I'm not for sure if I wanna make her my My Hero Academia OC or not. But she can shapeshift. I don't normally talk about her, so.
Matthew Mercer
Matt is just another hooman OC. Not a whole lot about him. He loves video games and causing chaos with Anna
Odyssey Celeste
Odyssey is a light-bringer. Basically she has the power of light. She brings light to the darkest places. A light-bringer is another being from Euphasia.
OK!! Now that I have all my OCs out of the way, most of you may be wondering.
Dear Gremlin, what is the magical fantasy land known as Euphasia? Well Euphasia is a land, mostly consisting of floating islands. It's broken up into multiple territories. The Euphs have their own territory while the Alphs have their own territory. And the Light-bringer travel from territory to territory along with The Dark Ones.
There are four guardians, elemental guardians. The Air, Fire, Earth, and Water guardians. There is also a goddess like being who is most commonly known as Ivolyn. (eye-vo-lynn)
I haven't actually looked all into the Guardians that much, so when I do so, I will immediately be putting it in the pinned post!!
Now, I think that's all out of the way. Time for socials!
Main account: @/cotton_candy_dreams12
Art account: @/the_doodle321
Main and only Discord: @/GremlinBaby#6366
Tik Tok
The type of artwork I'll be posting. It's going to be both traditional and digital artwork. I rarely draw digitally, and I usually sketch when i comes to traditional artwork.
I try to use watercolors
I use alcohol markers to fill in for color or I just keep the linework and call it good.
Some of my illustrations may or may not have some bits of gore, considering that most of my characters are..gorey in a way.
I draw mostly OC art
Very rarely will I draw a canon character from any show, novel, etc.
Alright with that all out of the way, I think my pinned post is all done, I hope you enjoyed it and like I said, I hope you enjoy my artwork.
Aesthetic image: Made by me in PicsArt
Text Art: From Amino
Now I think that's all, I hope you enjoyed yourself and have a nice day!!
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diamond-cavalier · 5 years
What Is Magic
Now, I haven’t made a What Is Magic post yet, and I always like discussing the philosophical background of this kind of thing. So I’m making one now, but I’m going to say something important. This is how I see magic, so it may be very different from other people.
1. The Basic Concepts
I have ideas about how magic works, and although they may not line up with other people’s, I think it’s important I put them to paper. Sometimes seeing theory like this can help people understand magic better or assist in their paths or craft.
In the end I believe magic can be thought of as a combination of the workings of four different things: Will, intent, energy, and sympathy.
These four aspects of magic put together form the basis of most magic I know of, in a way even talking to spirits could be seen as having all of these components to them. I’ll be describing each part of it in this post.
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2. Will
Will is the base component all of magic, nothing works if you don’t have the will to make it work. Some things take a little will, some things take a lot of will, some things will take less and less will to make it work. For example bilocation becomes a simple matter when you’ve done it enough, and drawing elements becomes easier and easier over time.
In a ritual it’d be the power you imbue each component with, and in energy work it’d be the force with which you pull the energy you need to you.
So in my opinion, will is the force behind any form of magic. It’s the magic inside you, the drive that keeps curiosity on track, the drive that brought you to magic to start with, and it’s in more parts of your life than just magic.
Will pushes power into what you’re doing, it’s the electricity which gives life to a carefully programmed machine.
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3. Intent
Intent is the shape you give to magic, in a ritual it’d be the words you say to give the ritual meaning, in knot magic it’s what you ask the knots to do, it’d be energy work it’d be the codes you give to elements and emotions when making constructs, and the meaning behind every oracle or tarot card.
Intent works best when the intent and the element or sigil line up, which involves the sympathy component of magic, so I’ll cover how they interact later on in this post.
Intent is probably the most important part of any magic, without intent a sigil is just a drawing, a knot is just a knot, and a bone is just a bone. The will would be there, but without intent there’s nothing to direct it, it’s like trying to make tea without any ingredients. All you’d have is a cup of hot water.
Intent creates the path through which willpower can flow, giving shape and purpose to what you’re creating.
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4. Energy
Energy is something I count as different to willpower, mainly because although it can be seen to work in a similar way, it has even more uses and works on a slightly different plane.
Energy is the force which moves your magic and allows your magic to continue running. If you’ve cursed someone or performed a binding on someone, energy continues the effect after you’ve completed the spell. Energy is what’s around you at all times, you can be a natural producer of some elements of energy, like I produce chaos and air, making them easiest to call on for me.
If you’re performing a ritual using resources, there’s a chance you’ve used things charged with or made to represent different energies. Such as moon water, crystals, herbs, you get the idea.
Energy continues the effects of magic after you’ve completed the initial work, and sometimes assists in creating or affecting the world around you.
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5. Sympathy
I call this component sympathy, because that’s the basis of the word for sympathetic magic. The idea of sympathetic magic is that the energy of something can be mirrored by something else, for example a voodoo poppet is sympathetic magic, because it’s mirroring the energy of a person so that they can be affected by the witch using it.
Sympathy is the shape of a sigil, the crystals corresponding to different elements in a ritual, the physical form of the tarot card, and the taglock you use when trying to help another witch. Sympathy works together with every single other aspect of magic. It’s the method by which people can move energy vast distances, and it’s the visualisation used in bilocation. It’s the most abstract concept I’ve ever theorised in magic, and it’s what I spend a lot of time trying to isolate and work with.
Sympathy is the translator of magic, the connection between everything. It works to allow you to interpret as well as, in a way, speak the art form known as magic.
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6. Working Together
Will and Intent These two work in unison and are often hard to seperate, when you put your will into magic, using intent at the same time is natural. If I wanted to bind someone then I’d put the will to bind in with the intent, I don’t really know how to do it any other way.
Will and Energy These components work together by being the driving force that keeps magic going. Will causes the magic to work during the initial actions, energy takes it on after the initial setup is done. Take a ritual, you use willpower during the ritual but afterwards the energy takes it over.
Intent and Energy Energy in some ways can be used to shape intent, for example in energy work you often use certain elements with certain intents because those elements already have a similar intent. Chaos will want to cause chaos, air will want freedom, earth will want to be grounded. Intent and energy work hand in hand to shape the world around you.
Sympathy Sympathy works with practically every component of magic. There’s sympathy working together with energy when you use objects to correspond to elements. Sympathy working with intent when you use music. Sympathy working with willpower when you fortify yourself with tea and emotional strength.
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Artist Credits: 1. Spirit of the Forest (Tumblr) 2. Dan Dos Santos (Harry Dresden Sketches) 3. James Firnhaber 4. Julian Bauer 5. Loish.net 6. Jenny Yu
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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St. Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta
St. Padre Pio was one of the holiest saints of the 20th century. His insight into the usefulness of Maria Valtorta’s revelations for spiritual reading is certainly most reliable, as he was a mystic who communicated often with Our Lord and Our Lady; he often had instantaneous spiritual insights (such as the ability to read hearts); he was a stigmatist, bilocater, and prophet; he obtained miraculous cures and other miracles for many people; and he had numerous documented mystical experiences with other people, as well as lived in the same country at the same time as Maria Valtorta, who herself testifies that she had mystical experiences with him, and who others testify that they have experienced or witnessed supernatural occurrences connected with Maria Valtorta and him.
Drawing from handwritten testimonies of Rosi Giordani (a spiritual daughter of St. Padre Pio), Marta Diciotti (Maria Valtorta’s live-in housekeeper, friend, and confidant), and Maria’s autobiography, we will explore some of these experiences and testimonies.
Letter from a Spiritual Daughter of Padre Pio’s Telling About His Verbal Command to Read Maria Valtorta’s Works
The following is an exact copy of a letter written by a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio, Rosi Giordani, to Dr. Emilio Pisani, the editor and publisher of Maria Valtorta’s works. Included among the export publishers who receive special recognition each year from the Italian Ministry for Cultural Goods, in 1995, Dr. Pisani's Centro Editoriale Valtortiano (the publisher and worldwide distributor of Maria Valtorta’s writings) was awarded the Culture Prize by the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.1 Dr. Emilio Pisani is the son of Knight Michele Pisani, a renowned Catholic publisher who was knighted a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great by an Apostolic Brief of Pope Pius XII in 1943, upon the recommendation of the Pontifical Priestly Missionary Union.2 In this letter to Dr. Pisani, Rosi Giordani attests to the words of Padre Pio directed to a spiritual daughter of his, ordering her to read Maria Valtorta’s books. This letter is taken from the book published by Dr. Pisani entitled Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta:3
For Dr. Emilio Pisani,
Beloved in Jesus!
My name is Rosi Giordani, a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio. I am from Bologna, but have been living here for many years with my mother, who was born in 1897, like Maria Valtorta. Father has been at rest for twelve years in the cemetery of this town. In 1981 I was present with Mother at the Basilica of the Annunciation in Florence for the celebration of the anniversary of Maria Valtorta’s death. I was with dear Domenico Fiorillo. I embraced Marta and listened to her lovely talk.
I am writing particularly to tell you the following: a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio from the outset, Mrs. Elisa Lucchi, known as Malvina, from Forlì, a year before Padre Pio’s death asked him in Confession, “Father, I have heard mention of Maria Valtorta’s books. Do you advise me to read them?” Padre Pio replied, “I don’t advise you to—I order you to!”
San Giovanni Rotondo
January 7, 1989
Rosi Giordani
Padre Pio once wrote about the special care and solicitude that he had for his spiritual children: “I belong entirely to everyone. Everyone can say: ‘Padre Pio is mine.’ I deeply love my brothers in exile. I love my spiritual children as much as my own soul and even more. I have regenerated them to Jesus through suffering and love. I can forget myself, but not my spiritual children. Indeed, I can assure you that when the Lord calls me I will say to Him: ‘Lord, I will remain at the gates of Paradise; I will go in when I have seen the last of my children enter.’”4
Introduction to the Mystical Experiences Between Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta:
A Publication of San Giovanni Rotondo (The Place Where Padre Pio Spent the Last 52 Years of His Life)
The following are recollections of Maria Valtorta among the followers of Padre Pio. What is quoted below is from a fortnightly publication on Padre Pio’s work, and this was reprinted in the book Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta.5
The following is news published regarding the Our Lady of Grace Prayer Group in Ancona, taken from La Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, a magazine published twice monthly by Padre Pio’s foundation in San Giovanni Rotondo (vol. XXVIII, no. 14, July 16-31, 1977):
“After the usual Eucharistic celebration, followed by recitation of a third of the meditated rosary, the group’s spiritual director, the Most Rev. Bernardino Piccinelli, Auxiliary Bishop of Ancona, permitted a public reading of one of the most interesting instances testifying to Padre Pio’s extraordinary relations with Maria Valtorta of Viareggio, who had died a few years before with a reputation for holiness and was the author of famous literary works…”
Background on Some of the Common Miraculous Occurrences Involving St. Padre Pio
For those who are unfamiliar with the many miraculous occurrences that frequently occurred with the holy saint, prophet, and mystic, St. Padre Pio, I recommend the following article as a good place to start acquainting yourself with these phenomena: Life and Miracles of Padre Pio. Near the top of that article, there are links that go to additional articles dedicated to specific themes of his miracles, including stigmata, bilocation, gift of healing, gift of reading souls, encounters with his guardian angel, triumph over the devil, etc.
In this particular article about Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta, several of his common miraculous phenomena that occurred between Maria Valtorta and him that we will discuss was his well-known supernatural rose fragrance as well as him appearing in dreams. Before we proceed further, I want to put into context and establish what is meant by “his well-known supernatural rose fragrance”. Throughout history, various saints have miraculously exhibited a very strong scent of roses which cannot be attributed to natural causes. This is indicative of great holiness and the sign of God’s Presence. This has sometimes been called the “heavenly fragrance”, “celestial perfume”, or simply “miraculous scent of roses”.
An article by Jim Dunning, on the popular website, Mystics of the Church, relates:6
Although [Padre Pio] never left the monastery in a physical sense, he was observed at different places many miles away on numerous occasions. Thus he possessed a gift shared by very few saints; that of bilocation. Sometimes he appeared beside someone he wished to help; at other times he made his presence felt by the perception of a singular fragrance. This was noticed by everyone in the vicinity at the time.
An unusual aspect of this latter gift is that Padre Pio held it while still alive. Saint Teresa of Avila was reported to have emitted heavenly scents immediately after her death. A similar account was given of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower), whose body at death was said to have produced a strong scent of roses. There are numerous accounts of saints’ bodies possessing a distinctive fragrance years after their burial, but few in modern times were so honored during their lifetime.
Another article relates:7
The aromas are a feature of Padre Pio's spiritual views. He used to say to those who felt the scent: "What is there to explain... It is my presence."
Also note that many people have testified to having had mystical experiences with Padre Pio appearing to them in their dreams, and in them, speaking to them. The supernatural origin of these dreams has often been confirmed by subsequent miracles (such as healings) or by prophetic statements from Padre Pio in the dream that later came true (for example, he may tell them that something is going to happen that they would never have been able to guess would happen and would have no way of knowing it, and it in fact does occur).
From Maria Valtorta’s The Notebooks (1943): Mystical Experience of Communicating with Padre Pio in Dreams & the Experience of His Well-Known Supernatural Rose Fragrance
Maria Valtorta relates in The Notebooks, in 1943:8
I have seen and spoken to Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (in dreams). In dreams, too, I have seen him in ecstasy, after Holy Mass. I have seen his penetrating gaze and felt the scar of the stigmata on my hand when he took me by the hand. And, not when dreaming, but wide awake, I have noted his fragrance. No garden packed with fully-blossoming flowers can emit the heavenly scents which flooded my room on the night between July 25 and 26, 1941 or the afternoon of September 21, 1942, precisely while a friend of ours was speaking to Padre Pio about me (I did not know he had left for San Giovanni Rotondo). On both occasions I later obtained the graces requested. The scent was also perceived by Marta. It was so intense that it woke her up. It then ceased all at once, as it had come all at once.
Br. Daniel Klimek, T.O.R., discusses this dream and makes some good points (especially the third paragraph):9
Notice all of the sacred components surrounding Valtorta's dream, signs signifying that her encounter was, indeed, more than a simple dream. It was something deeper. First, she encounters the experience after Holy Mass, the holiest of all rituals between God and man on earth. Second, she encounters the experience in a state of ecstasy; thus, it has the feeling of an out-of-body experience for the mystic. Third, there is a vividness to the dream that is evident in Valtorta's intimate details of the encounter – from the fact that touch is accentuated in the way that Padre Pio held her hand and she could clearly see the details of the painful stigmata, to the fact that she describes Saint Pio's "penetrating gaze," showing us a poignant personalism in the encounter between these two Italian mystics. This personalism is further noticeable in the very fact that Valtorta reported speaking with Padre Pio. Thus, it wasn't simply a casual dream of a saint that she experienced, but a deeply personal and intimate interaction with a saint.
The fact that a powerful, sacred fragrance remained afterward while Valtorta was wide awake, a fragrance so powerful that no "garden bursting with flowers in full bloom can give off the celestial scents" which filled her room and which even woke up her friend Marta, further shows us that her experience was something special. Notice that the second time that this fragrance came, according to Valtorta's description, was when a friend of the family's was speaking of Valtorta to a priest in Saint Giovanni Rotondo, the site famous for a hospital founded by Padre Pio.
What further merits attention is that Valtorta experienced the encounter in the 1940s, back when Padre Pio was still a controversial figure in the world of Catholicism as a mystic. It would not be until decades later, in 2002, that Padre Pio would finally be recognized as a saint through formal canonization during the papacy of Pope John Paul II, who himself revered the famous stigmatic. Yet, before Padre's ecclesial recognition by Rome, the friar remained a controversial figure, admired and revered by countless of people but, unfortunately, also demonized by his bishop who spread many falsehoods about Padre's reputation and sanctity. The path of controversy is the path that every mystic must walk. Valtorta is no stranger to this reality, having both strong supporters and critics in the Church while her writings continue to inspire a wider audience. Perhaps her early encounter with Padre Pio, recognized today as an unquestionably holy presence, an encounter that took place back when Saint Pio's sanctity was still being questioned by many, hints at a sacred source behind Valtorta's own mystical experiences: for she saw authenticity in a holy man before the Church even recognized that authenticity.
From Maria Valtorta’s The Notebooks (1944): the Experience of Padre Pio’s Well-Known Supernatural Rose Fragrance Again
Maria Valtorta relates in The Notebooks, in 1944:10
July 25, 1944
Yesterday there was no dictation. Rest for my weary shoulders, crushed by abundant writing in recent days. But not an absence of heavenly favors.
First of all, a lot of peace, and then the visible presence of my Heavenly Friends and their caresses and—perceptible to others as well—that scent of roses, which is sometimes pure, as if there were tufts of just-cut roses in the room, and sometimes seems fused to a tenuous smell of iodine and vinegar, as if the roses had withered a little on their stems. The perfume comes slowly; at the outset, it is barely a nuance; it then intensifies and grows, virtually coming in waves, at times very forceful and at times less marked. It then disperses as it has come. It is generally the smell of roses. But sometimes it is complex, as if there were gardenias, jasmines, violets, lilies of the valley, normal lilies, and tuberoses. I never smell carnations, irises, daffodils, freesias, or other flowers. Only the ones I mentioned above.
I think it is brought by some “Friend” or comes with the blessing of Padre Pio. But I do not know exactly. And I greet it every time with thanksgiving, saying, “Whoever you are, thank you for your perceptible protection.” For I feel protected when I am in the midst of those fragrances, even more than usual. As if I were in the arms of someone who loves me with the perfection of a saint.
November 29, 1944
…Eight days ago, on November 22, precisely the night preceding Marta’s going down to Lucca to find out about permission for haulage, in my short sleep at dawn, I dreamt of heading for Viareggio (on foot), together with Marta, and meeting Padre Pio, or a Franciscan—but I think it was Padre Pio—who looked at me and said, as if speaking to himself, “It is bitter, though, to have gotten enthusiastic about returning and to experience such delay!” I turned around and, a bit irritated and excited, asked, “What’s that? What’s that?” He replied, “Nothing. I was saying that it is bitter to have gotten enthusiastic about returning and to experience such delay.” He said that twice and disappeared.
I woke up with concern and said to Marta, “You’ll see that nothing can be done.” Marta replied, “Why, no! On the contrary, Padre Pio came to say that the delay has been bitter, but it is over.” I responded, “No, no. You’ll see that it’s beginning now. He was too sad on saying those words.”
Marta went to Lucca…and found out that it was impossible to leave until after the 30th because permission was denied.
A Testimony About Padre Pio’s Words About Maria Valtorta’s Sufferings
Before I quote the testimony of Marta Diciotti (Maria Valtorta’s live-in housekeeper, friend, and confidant until the day of her death) concerning Padre Pio’s words about Maria Valtorta’s illnesses and sufferings, it is important to put her illnesses into context.
In 1920, at the age of 23, while walking down the street with her mother, Maria was struck in the back with an iron bar by a communist anarchist delinquent. She was confined to a bed for three months, and then recovered enough to be able to move around again. In 1925, she read the autobiography of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, and, inspired by it, offered herself as a victim soul to the Divine Merciful Love. Five years later, she took private vows of virginity, poverty, and obedience, and then (after much deliberation and preparation) offered herself also as a victim to Divine Justice.
God accepted her offer. As a result of complications from her injury in 1920, as well as having contracted numerous, terrible illnesses which caused her great pain, she was bedridden beginning in 1934, and was forced to remain bedridden for the remaining 28 years of her life. She suffered excruciatingly.
I will give a couple of excerpts from her autobiography where she explains her many illnesses and, important for this article, describes how she offers up her sufferings willingly for God, does not want to be relieved of them, and she turns down potential healings for the sake of others. This is important when we later see what Saint Padre Pio said of her sufferings.
First, it should be noted that she suffered from five major chronic illnesses and ten other minor ones during the entire time she wrote her works. Her illnesses included progressive paralysis, myocarditis, an ovarian tumor, lung ailments, chronic peritonitis, volvulus, neuritis, and others.
Maria Valtorta writes in her autobiography:11
On February 2, 1935, after a heavy sopor and a terrible cardiac crisis, paresis appeared. It was then that the family doctor had his theory accepted by the consultants that not only my heart was damaged, but also the spine, or, rather, the spinal marrow. We do not know if it is a tumor or the formation of liquid resulting from the blow received in 1920, but the lesion exists. After the consultation I wrote as follows (I copy from my diary): “My soul is full of song. An incomprehensible song and incomprehensible gladness for someone unaware of the most burning longing of my heart...! You, my Good, know why I am happy...! The fact is that I do not have one malady, but three afflicting me! I kiss this trinity of pain wherein I see the will of the Trinity reflected and worship God, who adorns me with three such gifts, and with St. Francis I cry, ‘Lord, I am not worthy of such a great treasure!’ I clasp these three nails to my heart, your three nails, O my King, O my Christ, O my All, and since the more love grows, the more it sees itself comprehended and compensated, with the boldness of lovers I ask You, ‘Why just three wounds? Why not five, like yours?’ And I trustingly wait, for I feel that You will adorn me with all, all your jewels of pain....”
The three maladies were myocarditis, the ovarian tumor (now formed), and the spinal lesion. But I saw that the doctor was concealing something. And I prodded him to speak out.
On the morning of the 3rd I observed an undecipherable sign from the doctor to Mother. They went to the front hall and shut themselves in. “Just fine,” I said, “now I’m coming too.” Holding on to the furniture, I went barefoot to the glass door and, grasping the sewing machine to keep myself erect, I looked through the glass and heard the conversation. “The professor informs you that it is a form of progressive paralysis. Very slow, but extremely dangerous and inexorable in its course. As a result of a scare or some emotion or other, it may accelerate, strike the diaphragm and the bulbar centers, and provoke instant death. If there are no factors speeding it up, it may last years, gradually extinguishing the life of the organs....”
I went back to bed because—my heart was leaping and my legs, bending. Not from fear, but from exhaustion. I now knew enough, though. I have always wanted to know the truth. And to tell the truth.
The paresis beginning in the lower abdomen had little by little spread to many other organs and from time to time gives signs of paralyzing others. When it rises, it is the head which is affected; when it descends, the thorax. It is most painful because, according to the bulbar center stricken, it occasions blindness or deafness, or impairments involving speech, swallowing, breathing, digestion, renal filtration, writing.... A mine of troubles.
It was then that I made a solemn pact with Jesus to rescue a soul for every crisis. I had done so before informally. And how happy I was if I had many crises a day.
Maria Valtorta writes in her autobiography:12
The doctor obstinately maintained that either tuberculosis or hysteria was present. Analysis after analysis.... And the tuberculosis would not make up its mind to pop out so as to please him. Test after test to establish hysteria. But neither did it want to show up to make him happy. And I suffered terribly.
Another consultation with a surgeon. “It’s appendicitis! It should be operated on immediately!” Boom! In 1920 the same thing had been said, and after fourteen years the appendicitis had still not appeared. I am still waiting for it. And I live on raw salad, peas, and similar delights for an intestine which, according to the surgeon, is nearly perforated...!
Another consultation: “It’s a case of genital insufficiency.” Boom thrice over! I had never suffered in that sense. Insufficiency, of course! If anything, there was a tendency towards super-sufficiency! But that had to be the breeding ground. There was no solution. Very comfortable for doctors to take care of women! What they are unable to classify by its proper name is called hysteria, and we’re taken care of! Ovarian hormone treatment. The result: my heart remained the same. An ovarian inflammation leading to the tumor which gives me so much pain and not only physical troubles.
Then, since they had failed to hit the bull’s-eye, ladies and gentlemen, it was time for a change. The physiologist came back once again. Properly worked on by the family doctor—oh, human inconsistency!—he took back his entire diagnosis of a short time before, and whereas he had previously put me on water fresh from the tap and fruit juices for my pressure, he now ordered super-nutrition; whereas he had previously ordered complete immobility, under pain of death, he now ordered me to get up and go to the pinewood; whereas he had previously decalcified my arteries with all the nitrates possible, he now ordered calcium again without interruption, because there was bilateral tuberculosis (boom!), which, if not checked by supernutrition, air, movement, and calcium, would take me to the cemetery in three months (boom! boom!) amidst tremendous hemoptyses (boom! boom! boom!).
It was September 4, 1934. Today is April 8, 1943. I have eaten less and less, have not taken air, except for what comes in through the window, have not moved about, have not ingested calcium, and I am here—waiting....
I had to engage in movement, but none of the three consultants committed himself to taking me in the ambulance to have the X-ray done.... They knew that on moving I risked death, if I did not precipitate it as well.
In short, one gave me alcohol in any case; another prohibited even watered-down white wine; one administered heavy doses of caffeine, and another prohibited coffee; one fed me to excess, provoking crisis after crisis, and another put me on water and fruit juice.... Enough to drive you crazy!
Finally, a professor came who was a friend of ours. “Why, who has given you all this stuff?” he exclaimed on seeing the pharmacy I had on my bedside table. “But they’re mad! I’d throw everything into the middle of the street.” An examination and the complete exclusion of tuberculosis. A serious myocarditis, definitely, and now an ovarian inflammation. Bed, complete repose, nutritious but very limited food intake, cardiotonic injections, and that was all. “And then I’ll see to finding the doctor you need.” And he found him.
This is my current physician, who has been treating me for eight-and-a-half years and who, if not a genius healing all maladies, is at least a good psychologist who understands the causes of ills. And this is already quite a bit for a patient, particularly for certain patients!
With respect to my recovery... He has often stated for years, “We can do nothing in this case. We are faced with forces stronger than medicine which impede the slightest relief of the patient’s condition just as they impede her death, for, in human terms, she should have died years ago, on account of both the violence of the maladies gnawing at her and the foolish treatment applied at the outset. I am not a convinced believer, but I surrender to the evidence of a miracle: a miracle even greater than that of a cure. I do nothing. I merely follow the malady as best I can because I feel that even if I accomplished the impossible, I would collide with a Will which would annul my every effort.”
It’s a good thing he understood! But the others—those who were just “passing through,” shall we say, like the consultants—also reached the same conclusion. “If you are a believer, go to Lourdes or Loreto. Here the hand of God is present, and He alone can work a cure.”
It has often been proposed that I go to Lourdes or Loreto. My parish priest at the outset also suggested accompanying me there gratis. But, though grateful to him, I refused. First of all, as I have already written, it would be a serious inconsistency. What has been donated is not asked for. In the second place, I renounce the grace of health which might be granted me in favor of another ill creature who is not resigned to infirmity.
Every time there is a pilgrimage of patients or a solemn novena, like the ones to Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Joseph, St. Anthony, and others, I say to the Lord: “If I went, if I asked, You, Infinite Goodness, would bring me, too, back to health. But I ask and beseech You, instead, to give someone else the health, or at least the relief from agony, which You would give me. May another enjoy it and give You praise. There are so many fathers and mothers of a family who are ill and needed by their children! Heal one of these! There are so many patients who despair over being such: heal one of them! It is enough for there to be another creature who loves and blesses You, and I am content, much more than if I were to get well or my agony were to diminish.”
Just think how lovely Paradise will be for me, where I shall meet those who were healed through my renunciation! Healed of physical maladies and of distrust or despair! Now I do not know who they are. But in Heaven I shall know. My Lord Himself will be the one Who points them out to me when, clasping me to His Heart, He says, “Come, blessed one, for I was ill and you healed Me.”
This blessedness, too, will certainly exist for those who renounced recovery to heal another! Not even a glass of water given in His Name is in vain or goes unrewarded.... What, then, will be the reward for having given the grace of health in His Name to an ill brother?
Oh, I am so happy when I suffer very, very much...! My mission is to suffer. Every time the doctors’ compassion thinks up a remedy and every time the compassion of believers utters prayers for my improvement, a more serious deterioration and more acute suffering are observed.
In the economy governing the Universe everything has its reason for existence and its mission to carry out. The circling stars give us light and send forth astral forces influencing the fructification of lesser elements and the laws of the tides. The waters obey the eternal code directing them to descend in rain and snow from the clouds which amass them to sprinkle the earth and form glaciers nourishing the rivers, which, flowing into the lakes and seas, sustain them with their substance and turn them into a kind of enormous reservoir from which the sun draws up the evaporating vapors to create new clouds giving rain. Fish, the quite dimwitted fish, serve to clean the waters as well as for human food. Birds serve to exterminate insects and for the spontaneous sowing of the flowers’ seeds. The trees, respectful of vegetable laws, robe themselves in leafy branches in the spring to provide an abode for nests and shade for man or cover themselves with fruit to feed man and the good Lord’s birds. Seeds agree to be buried in the black earth, where nothing creeps but little worms, so as to sprout, in due course, as small plants supplying bread and food of every kind. Sheep cover themselves with thicker wool during the autumn to give tufts in the springtime to the birds building their nests and the warmth of clothing to the sons of man. Bees and butterflies serve to spread pollen, without which the flowering of plants would be of no use. Winds have their reason for existence, for they regulate heat, sweep clean the sky, purify the seas, and act as paranymphs in the vegetable marriages between flowers. Even the brambles have their mission. They are a defense for the hanging nests filled with tender bodies against the danger of man and snakes and serve as a hook for the tufts of wool sought out by the birds and donated by the flocks.
Everything, everything has its reason in creation, and everything has its mission, given to it by the Creator. I have mine: to suffer, to expiate, to love. To suffer for those who are unable to suffer, to expiate for those who are unable to expiate, to love for those who are unable to love. I do not think of myself. I say to the good Lord, “I trust You!” and that’s all I say to Him.
In fact, Jesus told her in one of His dictations to her:13
You are a nothing. But I have called you to this mission. I formed you for this, watching over even your mental formation. I have given to you an uncommon faculty for composition, because I needed to make you the illustrator of My Gospel....
I have crucified you in heart and flesh for this. So that you could be free of any bondage of affection, and would be the mistress of many more hours of time than anyone who is healthy could have. I have suppressed in you even the physical needs of nourishment, of sleep, and of rest, reducing them to an insignificant minimum, for this.
In your body, tormented and consumed by five grave and painful major illnesses, and by another ten minor ones, I have increased your energy in order to bring you to be able to do that which a healthy and well-nourished person could not do, for this. And I would wish this to be understood as an authentic sign. But this arid and perverse generation understands nothing.
...You are a nothing. But into this, your "nothing," I have entered and said: "See, speak, write." That "nothing" has become My instrument.
Now we will discuss what Saint Padre Pio said about Maria Valtorta’s sufferings.
If you are not familiar with Saint Padre Pio’s history of obtaining miraculous cures for countless people, see: Padre Pio and the Gift of Healing.
Testimony by Marta Diciotti, Maria Valtorta’s live-in housekeeper, friend, and confidant until the day of her death, taken from the book Recollections of Women Who Knew Maria Valtorta:14
The professor (Nicola Pende) wanted to take Maria to Rome, to his clinic on Salaria Street. And he would have provided transportation for her, either in his fine car, which was big and comfortable, or in an ambulance—whichever she preferred.
“Yes, yes, Professor,” Maria said. “Later, on arriving there, I would become a guinea pig.” In this way she shielded herself against the numerous proposals. In addition, she once said to me, “It’s useless all the same… They won’t cure me. They make me suffer more, and that’s all.” And I replied, “Why not say so?”
She answered, “Why let others in on my secrets? No one can cure me anyway.”
She said this to me on many, many occasions. And, in addition, more than once she said, “The Lord wants me like this in any case! And even worse than this,” or “Once I was cured, I would make all my offerings again.”
I remember that once a warrant officer from Marina, who lived alone with his wife near here, on Vittorio Veneto Street, and was named Arena, spoke to Padre Pio, whom he had gone to see, about Maria. In fact, at one time men in particular could also speak with that famous Capuchin, not just make a confession. This warrant officer, then, who felt pity over Maria’s many sufferings, by his own initiative asked Padre Pio to have her obtain the grace of getting healed, or at least of suffering a little less.
“Look, Father, that poor woman is suffering so,” this man said.
“Yes, yes, I know, I know. But if I can do anything, it will be for her soul. But I can do nothing for her body, to relieve her afflictions.”
And while he was speaking with Padre Pio, a big wave of perfume was perceived here. When he returned home, he came to see Maria and told her about his request and the answer he had received. She smiled and said “Well, yes! He’s right.” And she asked him about the time of that conversation with the friar in San Giovanni Rotondo. Well, the time—and, obviously, the day—correspond exactly to the moment that wave of perfume was perceived.
Maria Valtorta writes in her autobiography:15
When pain loosens its hold, when I know prayer is being offered for my recovery, I tremble and become anxious about my treasure’s being taken from me. It would be the only thing that would make me waver in the limitless trust, the boundless confidence I have in God. I would be tempted to think that God had found me so unworthy that He no longer associated me with the redeeming work of His Son.... And I, who recognize my worthlessness, but am familiar with the infinite mercy of my God, who raises us—poor human wretches—to the degree of redeemers, would fall into discouragement and weep immensely. But I trust my God!
As she wrote earlier:16
Every time the doctors’ compassion thinks up a remedy and every time the compassion of believers utters prayers for my improvement, a more serious deterioration and more acute suffering are observed.
…It has often been proposed that I go to Lourdes or Loreto. My parish priest at the outset also suggested accompanying me there gratis. But, though grateful to him, I refused. First of all, as I have already written, it would be a serious inconsistency. What has been donated is not asked for.
These last two excerpts show why Saint Padre Pio said of her:
“Yes, yes, I know, I know [she is suffering]. But if I can do anything, it will be for her soul. But I can do nothing for her body, to relieve her afflictions.”
He could do nothing for her body to relieve her afflictions not because he couldn’t obtain a healing for her (which he has obtained for numberless other people during his life), but because her afflictions were God’s Will for her for the benefit and salvation of other souls. To heal her would be to undo her offering, which she would then make all over again, undoing the healing. As the doctor said:17
“We can do nothing in this case. We are faced with forces stronger than medicine which impede the slightest relief of the patient’s condition just as they impede her death, for, in human terms, she should have died years ago, on account of both the violence of the maladies gnawing at her and the foolish treatment applied at the outset. I am not a convinced believer, but I surrender to the evidence of a miracle: a miracle even greater than that of a cure. I do nothing. I merely follow the malady as best I can because I feel that even if I accomplished the impossible, I would collide with a Will which would annul my every effort.”
Saint Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta are two of the greatest prophets, victim souls, and spiritual giants of the 20th century, who no doubt experienced multiple connections on a supernatural plane during their lives on Earth, and who are now enjoying each other's company in Heaven.
This article related several testimonies that confirm that St. Padre Pio recognized that Valtorta was a true fellow mystic and victim soul whose writings were given by God for the benefit of souls of good will. But St. Padre Pio is not the only canonized or beatified saint who has approved, endorsed, or praised Maria Valtorta's work.
1. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano (CEV). Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl. Viale Piscicelli, 89/91, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italia.
2. Fireworks: Sunrise of Truth Encyclopedia, Vol. 1. The Maria Valtorta Research Center. Kolbe's Publications: Sherbrooke, Canada. 1996. p. 90. ISBN: 2920285009. This book is also available online here:
3. Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta. By Dr. Emilio Pisani. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano. 1999. p. 68. ISBN-13: 978-8879870719.
4. Padre Pio of Pietrelchina: “Have a Good Day!”: A thought for each day of the year (3rd Edition). Edited by Br. Mariano Di Vito. Edizioni “Padre Pio da Pietrelcina”, Piazzale S. Maria delle Grazie, 4 71013 San Giovanni Rotondo, FG, Italy. 2015. pp. 174-175.
5. Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta. p. 60. Op. cit.
6. Padre Pio – the Saint Who Wore Gloves. By Jim Dunning. Mystics of the Church. Originally published in Irelands Own magazine.
7. The Scents of Padre Pio. By Antonio Norrito. Casa di Padre Pio.
8. The Notebooks: 1943. By Maria Valtorta. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano. May 13, 1943. p. 27. ISBN-13: 9788879870320.
9. Maria Valtorta Encountered Padre Pio. By Daniel Klimek.
10. The Notebooks: 1944. By Maria Valtorta. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano. pp. 468-469, 626. ISBN-13: 9788879870429.
11. Autobiography. By Maria Valtorta. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano. 1991. pp. 322-324. ISBN-13: 9788879870689.
12. Autobiography. By Maria Valtorta. pp. 358-361. Op. cit.
13. The Notebooks: 1944. By Maria Valtorta. Centro Editoriale Valtortiano. November 25, 1944. pp. 623-624. ISBN-13: 9788879870429.
14. The text for this reference is also quoted in: Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta. pp. 64-65. Op. cit.
15. Autobiography. By Maria Valtorta. p. 348. Op. cit.
16. Autobiography. By Maria Valtorta. pp. 359-360. Op. cit.
17. Autobiography. By Maria Valtorta. p. 359. Op. cit.
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The Wonders of a Mindscape
This is the next lesson on Astral Travel! Enjoy~
What Is a Mindscape?
What I call a Mindscape also goes by many other names: Mindspace and Headspace are a few of the ones I’ve seen most often. A Mindscape is a protected space in the Astral reserved specifically for you. No other entities can enter the Mindscape unless they are A) attached to you in some way or B) have your explicit permission. Often, your mindscape already has many features that you have subconsciously introduced. Sometimes a Spirit Teacher/Guardian/Companion will chill there. HOWEVER. You must still ward this space because as I said, entities that are attached to you <i>can</i> get in... this includes energy parasites, trickster spirits you inadvertently invite in, and entities that force there way in by attaching themselves to your energy and/or cloaking themselves with it. Astral warding is a bit too much to include in this one post, so I'll cover it in the next one.
A Mindscape is a place that is influenced by you and your state of being. Let’s say you have a really Nature-y Mindscape. Forest sounds are playing almost all of the time, you can hear the distant waterfall, a gentle breeze is going. When you feel sad, sometimes your Mindscape will become sad right along with you. The Birds might stop singing, the waterfall in the distance might become silent, the air might become still. If rain is a “sad” thing for you, it might even start raining. Because your Mindscape is influenced by you, you can also consciously change it. You can change the landscape, or make flowers grow in a blink of your eye. You can zap a pretty little dress or an awesome leather jacket on yourself and build a castle on top of a shallow mountain. It’s the only place in the Astral where no rules apply.
In no other Astral Space can you do these things because the space will not be connected to you. You might be able to make flowers grow in the blink of an eye, but only if you have the talent, seeds, and energy to do it. If you zap on a piece of clothing, you’re taking that thing from somewhere else in the Astral. Remember this when you start to visit the Astral.
You can also temporarily disable the “no rules apply” feature of your mindscape. By doing this, you make the Mindscape a place exactly like the Astral--minus the entities. This makes your Mindscape a great place to practice Astral magic and the like. It is why I am telling you about this now: so that BEFORE you get yourself hurt somehow in the Astral, you can practice how being there feels first. You can practice offensive and defensive protective Astral magic, which is somewhat different from the spells you’re used to casting in the physical world. You can practice any new abilities you might find yourself having without many repercussions (other than tiredness). You can have a place to go when you need a little quiet time. You can even have a place to interact with your spirit companions--somewhere where you can probably actually *see* them in a way you wouldn’t on the physical plane.
Okay, But How Do I Get To This “Mindscape?”
With all this, now that I’ve probably gotten you excited, I think I’d better actually tell you how to get to this fantastical place. It’s quite simple really, and like Projection, there are multiple ways to do it. My favorite way involves meditation. Once you get there, it is easy to get back.
A Mindscape is connected to your mind; that’s why it’s called a Mindscape. I’ll share a few methods with all of you and you can try them out. If none of them work for you, pm me and I’d be willing to talk about some ways that might. I do recommend setting a time limit for yourself, though. What feels like a few minutes in the Astral could very well be a few hours here, and vice versa. Set an alarm that will bring you back if you get too lost.
Sometimes the simplest way involves the least amount of work. Just start imagining your Mindscape how you think it would look/sound/feel/smell to you. Imagine the most minute details; the grass under your feet, or the stone walls of a mansion. Perhaps you will imagine a vast ocean or a beautiful forest. Maybe you’ll find your home in the mountains; or maybe you’ll find it in a nice, cozy cottage filled with herbs and crystals of all kinds. Get Creative. :) Remember that imagination is only the way to get there; this is a valid experience you will have. The things you will do and see and smell and feel are real, even if they’re just in a mindscape. That’s kinda the point lol.
Sometimes during meditation, your mind will start to drift. You’ll start to think about random things, or maybe you’ll start daydreaming. Let it drift. Find yourself at peace, and sink deeper and deeper until you discover a place suffused with your thoughts and emotions. Relax. Also, keep in mind to meditate in a way that is right for you.
Guided Meditation
There are times when we need a guide to help us get places. My guided meditations are text-based. You read along and eventually, you break away from the guide and begin to take on your own view of things. Questions will prompt you to come up with your own, unique answers. This method is good for those who read a lot and find themselves getting sucked into the book, letting their own surroundings fade away.
Here’s a guide that I’ve used and have had others use before:
Prep: Get comfortable. Prop yourself up on a few pillows or drag a big, warm blanket around your shoulders. Make sure you are in a safe place where you will not be disturbed. Do not read this until you are ready.
The Guide: Your surroundings melt away from you. You find yourself falling in a void, though you are not afraid. You are safe. The invisible (or is it visible?) wind cradles your body, slowing your fall somehow. Eventually, the darkness that surrounds you begins to take shape. Look around and note what you see. What sights befall your mind? What scents? What sounds? The wind that cradles you, what does it feel like? You continue to fall, wondering if you’ll hit the ground. You cannot be hurt. Your fall slows, gently letting you down in the deepest part of yourself. Your feet touch the ground. The wind moves away.
Open your mind.
A Doorway
Doorways lead places. That has always been true. On the physical plane, they only lead to one place, and it has to be adjacent to the room you’re in. That is not as true on the Astral. There, a door is merely a passageway. A portal. Since anything can be adjacent in the Astral, the normal rules don’t apply. Imagine a door in your mind. It should be closed. Put your hand on the handle but don’t open it yet. Tell yourself that this door will take you to your mindscape. Believe it. Tell the door this. Open it.
A Watery Adventure
In the physical, water connects two landforms together. In the Astral, water just connects. Bodies of water can be another valid entrance into your mindscape. Like the door method, you just have to tell yourself the water will take you to your mindscape and not someplace else in the Astral. Draw yourself a bath. Relax into the water. Let yourself (your mind not your body please don’t drown) sink deeper into the water… deeper. Don’t hold your breath; you can breathe Astral water like air. Assert that when you reach the water’s surface, you will be in your mindscape. Then start to swim to the top.
Note: Do NOT try this method if you have a tendency to fall asleep while meditating.
If you’ve ever wanted to know what a sound feels like, this is for you. Some of us like to zone out to music. Especially when listening to our own playlists, they can take us to a place of peace and relaxation. You sit down, put on your headphones, and start playing your favorite tunes. This helps to block out the rest of the world and is an especially good method if you’re not distracted by the music in your head.
Then, listen… feel the beats of your music. Notice how they move through you, changing you, resonating in some space in your mind. This works kinda like echolocation. Use the sounds to identify your astral space. Hear with your mind the way the music bounces off of objects; trees, ground. Once you know that it’s doing that, you know that object is there. When I did this the first time the music bounced off of a tree, making a sort of “wooden” sound,  and the tree appeared in front of me, clear as day.
This is good if you have a hard time focusing while just sitting or lying down. Bilocation is the act of splitting your consciousness between a physical action and moving in the astral. For example, you could draw or doodle while the rest of your mind wandered into the astral, almost like a daydream. Some people like to jog or exercise. The physical exertion helps them focus their mind.
I, personally, liked to Travel while throwing. I’d wedge up my clay and it’d relax my body, loosening it and getting me focused. I’d sit down at my wheel and begin to center my clay. While I did that I was simultaneously centering my mind. After that, I could leave my body behind, which knew all the physical motions and what to do, and switch my mind to focus on my mindscape or some other place in the astral.
You can also paint, craft, play an instrument, or do any other “mindless” thing where you are physically moving your body.
How To Create Or Make Additions To A Mindscape
Some of us don’t have mindscapes that are readily made and filled with many things. If none of the above methods have really worked for you, this could be the case. Please note that most of the below methods can also be used to enter your mindscape once it’s been created.
Draw it!
If you’re the artsy type, then this is for you! What better way to create a mindscape than to actually create it? The best part is once you have it drawn/painted/stitched/whatever, that physical representation of your mindscape can become a portal to enter it. Focus on your rendition, and imagine yourself actually being in the place you have created. If you’re making an addition, start the drawing with a part of your mindscape that already exists so you can connect the two.
Start With Darkness/Light
Sink deep into yourself. Once you feel you’ve reached the deepest point, it’s time to create. Out of the Darkness, make a place that appeals to you. Imagine a waterfall or something. Have any of you ever seen Barbie: Rapunzel? You can imagine your Darkness (or, if you prefer, Light) as a canvas waiting to be painted on. Imagine that the paint brush creates the grass or stone under your feet, then watch it happen. You can also make additions this way; just take a brush or a finger to a place you want to make an addition and imagine it being created.
Write about it!
If you’re not the best at drawing or even imagining, this could be the method for you. Write about your mindscape like you’re describing a place in a book. Use the 5 senses just like a good description would do. Here’s an example from a book I’m writing:
The sky was a vivid green. Both moons hung in the sky, even though it was the middle of the day. The vegetation was every shade of blue and purple, so unlike the stark green plants in the Mundane world. Shadows darted in between the trees; flowers glowed with a strange luminescence. Soft chirps and other weird noises made up the song of this crazy forest that smelled like earth and plant and dark things. Strangest of all were the creatures that peered out from the darkness, their eyes a mixture of the darkest gold and the softest gray.
Once you’ve created it to your satisfaction, you can also use your description to enter your mindscape. The description should pull you into your mindscape when you read it. It’s like reading a good book and letting the rest of your surrounding fall away as you are sucked into a different universe; kinda like the strange place I’ve described here. You can also make additions to your mindscape simply by adding to your writing~
Connect The Idea of Your Mindscape To A Physical Object
Another way to get to your mindscape is to attach the idea of it to an object. I have a favorite crystal I carry around with me almost everywhere. I can spend a few days meditating on the fact that this crystal will take me to my mindscape. Doing so will help me associate the idea of it to my crystal. First, you have to get a good sense of your mindscape. Think about what it looks like, feels like to be there. Attach this idea to the object by sort of mentally “throwing” the idea at it. Then, you keep thinking, over and over again, “This crystal is connected to my mindscape. It will take me there if I will it.” You have to do this a few times over the course of maybe a week before the connection will stick. Also, as this is an addition, your mindscape has to already be created so you can more completely connect it to the object. Once it has, you can use the object to get to your mindscape by fitting your consciousness into the crystal.
Alright, I think I’ve exhausted my knowledge of mindscapes for the time being. I’ll make additions to this document if I find other ways that I know of. Remember everyone, you don’t have to visualize the things I’m talking about. If you’re using the writing method, for example, try something crazy: describe your mindscape without using sight. Talk about how the grass feels under your feet or the scent of a salty ocean on the cool breeze. The ability of your mind is not limited to sight.
The next lesson will focus on how to protect yourself while astral traveling. Until then, practice being in your mindscape and getting there. Practice moving your astral body there and keeping your conscious focused on the astral, instead of in the physical.
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phionesdreams · 7 years
Would you be willing to share the astral weapon exercise? I do not know mine and I'm not sure how to access them
Sorry this took me so long! I wasdeciding how I wanted to share this. Normally this is a simpleexercise that I walk people through, and eventually I may set upsomething where people can donate a small fee for that one on onetime. For now though, I don't see any problem with sharing the basicsof what I do. This is specifically a low level astral traveling (orbilocating). It is also in that interesting space where astral traveland meditation tend to intersect. While you are within this exerciseis it vital for you to understand that there are no right or wronganswers. Whatever you experience is valid.
Because this is bilocating, you will beexperiencing an astral space and in your physical body at the sametime. This adds some unique benefits. For one you can record youexperiences as you go. I like pen and paper, but computer or even avoice recorder work as well.
Things you need for this exercise:
A quiet space
10-15 minutes
Notebook and Pen (optional)
1.So you're going to want to start bygrounding and protecting. Casting a circle works well too if that'ssomething you do.
2. Then you take a moment to get into ameditative state. However you usually meditate is fine.
3. After you've reached a peaceful andcollected mental state, imagine yourself walking deeper inside ofyourself (Remember, this time we aren't going anywhere external. Youwant to stay within your own headspace. You can create a headspace,or allow one to form. Either is fine.) Start one step at a time.Allow a space to open up before you.
4. Take a moment to experience this space.
5. Then when you feel ready, call up yourshield. Don't worry about the details, rather observe as it formsbefore you. What does it feel like? What does it sound like? Is therea texture?
6. When you're done exploring your shield,reach down and grab your weapon. Again don't worry about details,just reach down and grab it. Allow it to form in your hand. Nowobserve it. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Is therea smell? A texture?
7. After you've taken a moment to observe,let it go and allow it to disintegrate back from wherever it camefrom.
8. To get back, just imagine walking backout and into your body.
9. Stretch. Drink some water. Relax. Thenyou can read what you've written, and see what you came up with.
Just remember. Your strongest form ofdefense will always be whatever you've practiced.
*If you use this exercise, reblog withyour weapon! So far no weapon has been alike and I'm curious to seewhat all comes up!
Hope this helps!
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akelassah · 7 years
Astral Travel
Guys, I did the accidental lecture thing, again. I was answering a question and ended up with a dissertation. Regardless, I thought I’d post it here in the hopes that someone would eventually find it useful.
First off, what is astral travel? It's where you send part of your mind (your imagination, your 'wandering' mind, but not all of you) into the astral while retaining awareness of your body, and remaining in your body. It's much like daydreaming, except that once things start to happen that you weren't expecting, can't control, or didn't know beforehand, you're likely truly traveling.
There are a few ways to get there--I find it easiest to get there via meditation and sinking into my mindscape, but for some people who specialize in bilocation (retaining awareness in both states at once), it's as easy as going "let me tune in to what's happening here," much the same way you would if you suddenly decided to start actively listening to the background music.
There are a few skills I'd recommend you develop if you want to be able to travel successfully. First off, visualization is important. It's how your imagination takes the input it’s getting through extra senses and translates it into something your mind can relate to--turns it into something you can taste/feel/smell/see/hear. For many people, however, vision is the most difficult sense to awaken in the astral, as it requires a vast amount of information and visual practice to be able to visualize something in full TV-style vision.
Which brings us to the point--you're probably not going to experience a stroll through an astral forest the same way you'd experience a stroll through an earth forest, unless you're both incredibly practiced and attentive to detail. Instead, you might catch flashes of the forest sound, bits of green of leaves, the feel of the crunch of the leaves under your feet, the texture of bark under your hand, the song of the birds and rustles of other animals, etc.
Second! You're probably going to want some practice before you truly start delving into the astral, so I'd recommend starting off by creating your own astral space. A lot of us do this, and it's widely recommended for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. It's a good way to practice your visualization and warding skills, and it gives you a "safe" start and end point, and somewhere you can always get back to if lost.
It's very similar, I've found, to the "mind palace" or "method of loci" memory technique.
You take a space you're intimately familiar with, and build it from the ground up. It does not have to be somewhere you've been--just someplace you can imagine in intricate and exquisite detail, and continue to pour energy into making more "real" each time you visit it.
I've spent entire sessions sitting on the rock next to my pool and imagining what the ripple of the water looks like from any angle, trying to get it to accurately reflect the sun, or spent hours lying on the grass noticing the feel of the sun on my skin, or wandering around touching the trees or grass to get the textures more accurate.
This was briefly mentioned a moment ago, but the third thing you're going to need to know, and arguably the most important, is warding. Ward everything. I don't want to be a fearmonger with horror stories; in fact very little bad has ever happened to me in the astral besides one thrilling fight that I wouldn't necessarily call a bad experience. However, it is always better to be safe than sorry, and whether you're doing something as simple as an energy bubble to keep out anything with ill intent, or more powerful and complex anchored multi-layered offensive and defensive warding, it's something that any and everyone can never do enough of, in my opinion.
Ward yourself and your astral space, especially. In general, no one will be able to find your astral space, but some things can follow you back from traveling to find your "base." Your space is a safe haven to you, a personal little fold of astral you carry around in your head, and someone else getting into that could seriously injure or mess you up, not to mention leech off of your energy. Don't invite someone in there, unless you trust them intimately, and even then, it doesn't mean take down your wards.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/twin-soul-ascension-report-4-4-portalgalactic-intervention-incoming-for-divine-masculines/
Twin Soul Ascension Report: 4.4 portal~Galactic Intervention Incoming for Divine Masculines
Twin Soul Ascension Report: 4.4 portal~Galactic Intervention Incoming for Divine Masculines
By Matahariji
Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. we come forward now in this moment of your time on the eve of the highly auspicious 4.4 master portal.
As many of you will testify The Earth plane is currently experiencing an unprecedented level of incoming gamma rays. This particular configuration of light codes is an upgraded version of those that we have received previously, and thus are unlike any that we have ever experienced before.
Many many people are experiencing a vast array of anomalies with regards to physical symptoms that their bodies are currently going through, and these are ranging from – extreme dehydration, body temperature anomalies, intense heat, burning up then feeling very cold, many people are also experiencing a high level of aches and pains in their systems, as well as nausea, stomach issues, head pressure, dizziness and ear ringing to name but a few.
These are just a tiny example of the myriad forms of symptoms that are affecting almost everybody in this intense energetic Ascension Gateway.
Please know brothers and sisters that we are transitioning from carbon based forms to crystalline forms and so much of the heat that we are experiencing is the Burning off and transmutation of our 3D carbon structures, that have held us entrapped in this false limited 3d artificial intelligence timeline.
As these Old 3D structures are being burnt off from our systems, this is firing up our previous dormant DNA strands that are directly linked to our spiritual powers of instant healing, time travel, instant manifestation, bilocation, levitation, telepathy, galactic space travel, and so much more.
As we go through these periods of intense physical symptoms please know that for the most part what many of us are experiencing is a profound shift in consciousness. However as ever, we advise you to get things checked out allopathically if you’re intuitively guided to do so.
We would like to now take a moment to speak about the energetics of this highly auspicious 4.4 Gateway
Dearest ones, many of the astute amongst you will be aware that our galactic brothers and sisters are specifically working with the collective divine masculine consciousness currently to trigger an en Mass collective spiritual Awakening.
Please know that we in the event is happening group are being called forth, as the  Earth ground Crew to come together to activate and initiate these profound shifts in consciousness for The Awakening on Mass masculine consciousness..
We are being called to gather in ceremony on Thursday the 4th of April at 7:11 p.m. UK time. we are being called to come together to add our sacred energy to assist the Divine masculine consciousness to swiftly and proficiency make this shift..
Taking part in a ceremony of this nature Will be highly accelerating with regards to assisting your own divine masculine counterpart to awaken swiftly divine feminines, and please know that this is the most important Ascension piece that needs to be addressed currently, that will ensure that the collective consciousness of Gaia is established and aligned on the highest timeline that will swiftly attract the solar flash event.
In the 4.4  transmission we are also been guided to send out an angelic human song to Divine Grace the Ascension wave, letting it know and all our galactic brothers and sisters know, that we have Risen as awakened humanity, and are spiritually mature now, to handle the solar flash event and all of the implications and Disclosure that comes with it.
Please see full details below on how to book onto this transmission
Brothers and sisters in these energies it is very very important that we all listen closely to our bodies and rest when we need to rest.. It  is very important every day that we focus on activities such as resting, being, grounding, sun gazing, journalling, bare feet walking. These are all yin activities which are extremely beneficial for our parasympathetic nervous system which is being very very challenged by these intense incoming gamma rays.
It is so important that everybody stay on top of their hydration and many of you will benefit from adding some Himalayan salt into your drinking water to add some electrolytes into your system. These will assist your body to integrate efficiently all of these intense energies.
Please know that we very much look forward to Gathering with you tomorrow at the 4.4 divine masculine Awakening ceremony.
In love and eternal light Jenji and the white wolf tribe
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foxhenki-blog · 5 years
It snowed here this week. I have been contemplating angelic magic and the use of saints in conjunction with sigilmancy, but as far as practice goes I have only been doing foundational work with sigils.
I did some experimentation with petra-sigils (sigils embedded on rocks) this past couple of weeks. I’ll offer some context. As I fall out of temporal orbit here in my forty-ninth year of life, there has been a ton of unprompted reflection going on between my ears. That looming event horizon of fifty years old is enough to trigger my memories and thoughts of the future into overload. Part of that reflection was on where I am at with my career and what I haven’t done up to this point. I have this tendency (or had? Let’s be the change we want to enchant for here, Drew) to get into a job and within maybe six months, completely regret doing so. From that six month mark to around the five year mark, I have performed the most brilliantly creative series of career self-sabotage.
I’ve only actually held one job for over five years, which was the one previous to the one I have now. It was the last job I had as a skilled tradesman, before completing graduate school and moving into Schwa office-worker mode. I am in my fourth year at Schwa Corp and the self-sabotage is rampant. Insane thoughts float through my head and pass them off as perfectly logical. My emotional boiling point has set itself to the same level as liquid helium. My inbox is filled with Google job searches from places in the world that I would never be able to move to. What’s different this time is my motivational catalysts have changed. Along with approaching fifty I know support a family, and that, thankfully, has been enough to keep my self-sabotage at low enough levels to suppress when in polite company.
Back to the petra-sigils. The firm where I work was in the process of replacing the sidewalks in front of its front doors. I came out the construction entrance next to the ripped up sidewalk, it was a magically prime day and I had already cast a shoal that morning at dawn. I looked down and there were all of these perfect, flat pieces of rock that were to be prepped and pounded flat to become the foundation of the new walk. On a whim, I grabbed one, walked around the block, drew up a sigil with the intention of saving X amount of dollars by retirement, retirement specifically from the firm, walked back and cast it into the aggregate. I did this one more time, coinciding with another prime astrological alignment, the sigil statement was slightly different but it had the same message — that this was the place where I would be successful, where I would make a career. All of my previous prosperity magic had been forms of self-sabotage, enchanting for jobs elsewhere, enchanting for disruption.
I had to wait almost a week before the concrete was poured, but once it was, and I walked over the places (in front of the main doors and the employees only side door), I could feel those petra-sigils spreading out, sending a magical squiggly sigil root system up into the building it was attached to. Everyone that walked through that door, I felt, was helping to spread the enchantment, embedding it in ‘place.’
Eric Wargo, in his work ‘Time Loops’ (yes, I’m still obsessed with this excellent book) touches on the psycho-physical connection of memory, dreams, and spatial memory when he states:
”Memory is… closely tied to our experience of place and geography, likely because of the hippocampus, the brain’s librarian/archivist, also contains our maps of space… Dreams — including precognitive dreams — use the same principles, activating absurd, punny associations to waking episodes and ‘placing’ them as composite images in familiar spatial settings.”
If this holds true, and I have no reason to believe that it doesn’t, than my regular visits to my grandmother’s farm in my dreams are an avenue to accessing a storehouse of information, both archived memories and prememories. I am rarely, almost never, lucid during these dream visits and am often bandied about by spirit-forms and their will. In theory, achieving a lucid state would allow me to go dig in the compost pile in the back, or root around the daffodils and centuries old lilac trees, climb the treehouse or search the rhubarb until I find where my prememories are stored. Wargo continues, commenting on how we (as in humans) generally conceptualize time:
“Humans have a very hard time not thinking of time in spatial terms. The visual/spatial calendars reported by people with synesthesia suggest what is possibly a more general principle: that our internal maps of space help structure our autobiographical map of time, our chronology.”
This has linguistic precedent in indigenous cultures. The Ojibwe words for time and distance are one and the same, there is no way to express a distance without expressing the time it will take to traverse it. Would creating a topography of sigils help to place statements at certain points in our timeline? Did actually embedding my sigils in the land itself make them more effective? I know where they are, when they were cast, but not what they look like. Is there a cartography of sigilmancy? Would creating a fantasy map, a Middle Earth for your sigils, a map that reflects our own path and experiences in the world, would that be a worthwhile piece of magical tech when trying to phreak probability frequencies until we find the most favorable ones?
When casting retrocausitive sigils, is paradox an issue? Let’s revisit what Peter Carroll has to say about Retroactive Enchantment in Liber Kaos:
“Most magicians are… comfortable with the idea that enchantments can be cast to force, or at least nudge, the hand of change as far as the future is concerned. However, [Chaos Magic Theory] asserts that the opposite effect, namely retroactive enchantment, is possible. In fact, many of the bizarre and anomalous results recorded in the annals of magic can only have been due to retroactive enchantment. In practice what happens is that a spell is cast and some time later a result is recorded which strongly implies that an alteration has occurred to events that probably occurred prior to the spell being cast… If you can convincingly alter your own memory then you will modify your future actions as a consequence.
[Chaos Magic Theory] implies a certain symmetry between divination and enchantment. The very act of perceiving some event which might have occurred or which might occur actually raises the probability that it might have occurred or might occur. This is particularly a problem in prescience, divination of the future. It is not merely a problem of self-fulfilling prophecy, but a more profound problem arising from the tendency of any image of the future to shape the future accordingly… All metaphysical theories involve some form of otherworld realm impinging upon the ordinary one. What has happened in quantum physics is that equations have been unwittingly written which describe some of the simpler effects of it. The problem for scientists is that they are observing and trying to describe effects due to something which they refuse to believe can exist. The problem for magicians is that they refuse to believe that the effects they create or observe could be due to something for which equations could be written.”
I’ve quoted this exact same thing a couple of times now and after working my way further into Wargo’s Time Loops, it really impacts me how closely what Carroll is saying in 1992 in a chaos magic book tracks with what Wargo is saying and the science and history he is quoting in Time Loops. I mean, it is nearly word-for-word, which says to me that Time Travel magic, a major component of the Lovecraftian system, is not only possible, but it is fundamental to how the universe works. It is also quite powerful how our author’s focus on dreams and informational time travel / temporal bilocation in many ways predicts both Carroll and Wargo’s writings.
Carroll deals with the white elephant of time travel paradox in a fairly unsatisfactory way, vacillating across a metaphorical psuedo/shadow time framework of his own (albeit intuitive) design. Let’s take a peek at what Wargo has to offer in this area, and see if we can fill in the gaps. He begins by introducing us to the work of one Igor Dmitrievich Novikov:
“a Russian physicist named Igor Novikov postulated that any form of time travel, informational or otherwise, could only have a non-paradoxical outcome. Reality, he argued, will always be self-consistent, even in a universe that includes cosmological exotica like wormholes that can carry information and objects back in time… [this] self-consistency conjecture is guaranteed by the laws of probability. Any attempt to shoot a billiard ball through a wormhole at an earlier version of itself in order to deflect it away from the wormhole’s mouth (and thus cause a paradox) could only have the opposite effect: nudging the ball into the wormhole instead… post-selection… governs the flow of information backwards and forwards through… spacetime. Information refluxing into the past only ‘survives’ as meaningful insofar as it cannot be used to foreclose the future that ‘sent’ that information… ‘When restrocausation is allowed,’ writes Princeton physicist York H Dobyns, ‘one may find that an event causes itself.’ As long as a precognitive organism orients unconsciously toward a future that includes it, then the outcome will be a nice, safe, cozy causal loop. The term used in physics for such a formation is closed timelike curve… we call it a self-fulfilling prophecy…”
He continues, folding the work of another physicist, Yakir Aharonov, into Novikov’s:
“Yakir Aharonov… proposed that the future is the hidden variable underlying quantum strangeness. Individual particles, such as those photons passing through the slits of the double-slit experiment, are actually influenced by what will happen to them next… not just by what happened to them a moment ago… The randomness that seems to rule the quantum casino, Aharonov suggested, may really be the inherently unknowable influence of those particle’s future histories on their present behavior. Measurement thus become part of the particle’s ‘backstory’ — precisely the part that always looked like randomness, or quantum uncertainty… the time-symmetric, retrocausal framework advanced by Aharonov… is… called the two-state vector formalism… an inflection of ordinary particles’ observable behavior by something ordinarily unobservable: measurements — that is, interactions — that lie ahead in those particles’ future histories. Nothing is ‘moving’ backwards in time — and really, nothing is ‘moving’ forwards in time either. A particle’s twists and turns as it stretches across time simply contain information about both its past and its future.”
The ‘nothing is moving backwards in time — and nothing is moving forwards in time…’ is a more satisfactory encapsulation of Carroll’s psuedo/shadowtime framework. By adjusting our own probability frequencies, we are ‘changing the station’ of our present reality. Sigilmancy, spirit-form assisted embedding of ideal realities in our subconscious, at the very least, sends this information backwards and forwards in time within our own mind. Once we embed a sigil, that information is not just present in our subconscious from that moment on, but for every moment previous.
One of the primary motivations for chaos magic is repeatable results, right? And if we are in quantum land, that starts to get tricky. Returning to Wargo on the concept of measuring (a necessary function of repeating) results of retrocausal effects:
“Another quantum mystery that arguably becomes less mysterious in a retrocausal world is the quantum Zeno effect. Usually, the results of measurement are unpredictable — again according to the famous uncertainty believed to govern the quantum kingdom — but there is a loophole. Persistent, rapid probing of reality by repeating the same measurement over and over produces repetition of the same ‘answer’ from the physical world, almost as if it is ‘stopping time’… If the measurement itself is somehow influencing a particle retrocausally, then repeating the same measurement in the same conditions may effectively be influencing the measured particles the same way in their past, thereby producing the consistent behavior.”
Could this have applications on Chaos Magic? Chaos magic is about creating repeatable results using whatever method works and embodying systems wholly in order to increase their effectiveness. Would using the same system of measurement in the same conditions over and over begin to change the result in a retrocausal way? Like casting a sigils that were all created using the same sigil statements, over and over again and setting up some type of system of measurement for the general effect (prosperity, health, etc.) The measurement could be as simple as a regular check in with a form that has a set of opinion scales.
I’ll wrap up this section with one of the closing paragraphs of Wargo’s section regarding the hard science of retrocausation. I find it hyper-relevant to how I am beginning to understand Carroll’s retroactive enchantment to work:
“With retrocausation, we can no longer privilege the past, as though causation is only a matter of ‘pushing’ (sometimes called efficient causation). The real mystery becomes why those efficient causes are so much more apparent and intuitively understood, and why influences propagating in reverse give us headaches… the first step toward finding a solution may be to train ourselves to ‘think backwards’ about events.”
Casting retrocausal sigils is one step further, training ourselves to not only think backwards and forwards (think ‘read-only’ mode) but to actively send new information backwards and fowards using spirit-form assisted sigilmancy. Lovecraftian Magic, one that skirts the primal fear known by our ancestors as they confronted reality, is an optimum system as it generates the intensity of emotion required to embed information in an accessible place across our own timeline.
Our Lovecraft tale for the week is From Beyond. We begin with our nameless narrator, describing for us the downward spiral of a physicist friend:
“Horrible beyond conception was the change which had taken place in my friend, Crawford Tillinghast. I had not seen him since that day, two months and a half before, when he had told me toward what goal his physical and metaphysical researches were leading; when he had answered my awed and almost frightened remonstrances by driving me from his laboratory and his house in a burst of fanatical rage…”
Giving us our archetype, Crawford Tillinghast, the amateur or gentleman physicist; he is a familiar type of character — the scientist that, instead of only putting faith in the scientific method, recognizes that there is much beyond the reach of science. We are finding today that is where the best, most impactful, science is heading — into a unified field where physics and metaphysics are given equal weight. The Tillinghast family is well known in Providence and can be traced back to as early as the mid 17th c., to Pardon Tillinghast, a Baptist pastor of the first Baptist congregation in America (and a criminal in the eyes of the dominant Protestants for some time before the Baptist faith was legitimized) and one of the earliest settlers of Providence. Pardon was born in Sussex, a soldier under Oliver Cromwell, and hailed from a family of coopers. It holds that our archetype, Crawford Tillinghast, would be a descendent of this famous Providence founder, given that he has the means to explore scientific experiments such as are described in the tale, at his leisure. Another city on our map of Lovecraftian Gates, San Francisco, was also founded by a member of the Tillinghast clan, suggesting a deep familial occult connection between the two towns. Our narrator continues:
“It is not pleasant to see a stout man… grown thin, and… even worse when the baggy skin becomes yellowed or greyed, the eyes sunken, circled, and uncannily glowing… added to this… a repellant unkemptness; a wild disorder of dress, a bushiness of dark hair white at the roots, and an unchecked growth of pure white beard… Such was the aspect of Crawford Tillinghast on the night his half-coherent message brought me to his door after my weeks of exile; such the spectre that trembled as it admitted me, candle in hand, and glanced furtively over its shoulder as if fearful of unseen things in the ancient, lonely house set back from Benevolent street.”
The likeliest candidate for a Gateway connecting to the tale ‘From Beyond,’ is the Nelson W. Aldrich house, which would have been one hundred years old at the time of Lovecraft’s writing of the tale and is located on the street mentioned in the tale. The house is now conveniently a museum operated by the Rhode Island Historical Society, so covert operations could easily be carried out beneath its roof. As I’ve progressed through this research exercise I have been forming proto-thoughts about the nature of our archetypes and some spirit-forms in general, particularly those spirit-forms that have not historical or physical proof of ever having existed yet still are able and willing to intercede in our reality when called. Could the same be done by a Lovecraftian Magic-User (or enough of them)? Could Crawford Tillinghast be brought forth, made from nothing but fear, thought, memory and detail?
Our narrator continues, offering us more detail into our archetype and insights into the primary stance that the Lovecraftian Magical Aesthetic takes against hard science:
“That Crawford Tillinghast should ever have studied science and philosophy was a mistake. These things should be left to the frigid and impersonal investigator, for they offer two equally tragic alternatives to the man of feeling and action; despair if he fail in his quest, and terrors unutterable and unimaginable if he succeed.”
This is an excellent assessment of what Lovecraft deemed the temperament of the scientist and philosopher. It is another mark in that column that designates Lovecraft an esotericist rather than a materialist as the empirical mindset is painted here in dim, negative hues, rather than lauded as the pinnacle of what a human might achieve. His narrator continues to offer more in this rich tale in the form of the following nested narrative furnished by Tillinghast.
“‘What do we know,’ he had said, ‘of the world and the universe about us? Our means of receiving impressions are absurdly few, and our notions of surrounding objects infinitely narrow. We see things only as we are constructed to see them, and can gain no idea of their absolute nature. With five feeble sense we pretend to comprehend the boundlessly complex cosmos, yet other beings with a wider, stronger, or different range of senses might not only see very differently the things we see, but might see and study whole worlds of matter, energy, and life which lie close at hand yet can never be detected… I have always believed that such… worlds exist at our very elbows, and now I believe I have found a way to break down the barriers… We shall overleap time, space, and dimensions, and without bodily motion peer to the bottom of creation.”
Two things, first, the latter, the thematic element of breaking down barriers, be they doors or dimensional constructs, is as evident here as it is in nearly all of Lovecraft’s weird tales. Second, From Beyond is an excellent example of where Lovecraft is engaging in the genre of speculative fiction, as opposed to the ‘weird tale’ that he is ever attributed to. How does it change our perspective if we frame the authors work as speculative, rather than weird? It gives it not only more legitimacy, but makes it more possible that it could come true, that the experiments and theories of Tillinghast might prove accurate if and when we begin a full integration of physics and metaphysics — as the fields of paranormal and traditional scientific research grow increasingly closer. The final sentence in the above quote:
“We shall overleap time, space, and dimensions, and without bodily motion peer to the bottom of creation.”
encapsulates so much of the supporting theory in Eric Wargo’s ‘Time Loops,’ as it is derived from Edward Abbey’s ‘Flatland, a work that no doubt inspired much of Lovecraft’s extradimensional musings, as it did for so many individuals at the time of its writing.
And then, we at last reach the laboratory, the not-quite-steampunk / not-quite-modern science fiction (interesting how Lovecraft bridges say, Jules Verne and Isaac Asimov, a necessary missing link) lair of our archetype:
“We entered the laboratory in the attic, and I observed that detestable electrical machine, glowing with a sickly, sinister, violet luminosity. It was connected with a powerful chemical battery, but seemed to be receiving no current; for I recalled that in its experimental stage it had sputtered and purred when in action. In reply to my question Tillinghast mumbled that this permanent glow was not electrical in any sense I could understand. He now seated me near the machine, so that it was on my right, and turned a switch somewhere below the crowning cluster of glass bulbs… the luminosity increased, waned again, then assumed a pale… colour… I could neither place nor described… ‘Do you know what that is?’ he whispered. ‘That is ultra-violet… You thought ultra-violet was invisible, and so it is, but you can see that and many other invisible things now… The waves… are waking a thousand sleeping senses in us; sense which we inherit from aeons of evolution from the state of detached electrons to the state of organic humanity… You have heard of the pineal gland?… That gland is the great sense organ… I have found out… that is the way you ought to get… most of the evidence from beyond…”
This passage is calling out the pineal gland as the greatest sense organ. Within the context of the Lovecraftian Magical Aesthetic, which is primary concerned with the magical use of dreams, the primary source of melatonin in humans is a natural choice for the most important organ in the body because it induces sleep. Lovecraft’s introduction to the pineal gland no doubt came from the work of Madame Blavatsky, who identified it with the Ajna Chakra. The Ajna chakra has been considered the third eye for thousands of years in Hindu tradition and enjoys the reputation of having the ability to connect individuals directly with their unconscious so that they may receive messages from the past and the future — thus looping us back around into Lovecraftian Time Travel Magic. The mantras, or thought-sounds, that assist in activating the Ajna Chakra are ‘Ksham’ and ‘Pranava Om,’ giving us some light magical tech to play with while meditating on this tale. When we see something during an active imagination session or in a dream, it has been understood for a very long time that we are seeing that thing, seeing that spirit-form, with our Ajna Chakra or pituitary gland. Variants of this understanding are also used in Tibetan Buddhism, Qigong and Kabbalah.
Our modern world is being designed to disrupt the pineal gland. According to this article in the Review of Optometry discusses the relationship between the pineal gland and antioxidant / anti-carcinogenic cell activity, creating another tangential connection into the aesthetics of our system. Since stimulation of the pineal gland’s production of melatonin has cancer inhibitory effect, the disease that claimed the author, it seems to this researcher that any esoteric practice that would strengthen and activate the pineal gland (and the production of melatonin) would be well in keeping within the brackets of a Lovecraftian Aesthetic. High levels of melatonin are manifested by frequent and vivid dreams, so it can be extrapolated that the more we dream, the more melatonin is being absorbed, the healthier we are at a cellular level… time travel and dreamscaping for health and wellness. The narrator continues, recalling the survived horrific effects of the Tillinghast Device:
“from the farthermost regions of remoteness, the sound softly glided into existence… infinitely faint, subtly vibrant, [it] held a quality of surpassing wildness which made its impact feel like… accidentally scratching ground glass… I saw only the man, the glowing machine, and the dim apartment…
‘Don’t move… for in these rays we are able to be seen as well as to see… as long as we don’t move we’re fairly safe… keep still… do you suppose there are really any such things as time and magnitude? Do you fancy there are such things as form or matter?… I have harnessed the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness… Space belongs to me…’
I was now in a vortex of sound and motion… I felt huge animate things brushing past me… walking or drifting through my… solid body… I… became possessed of a kind of augmented sight.”
How prescient, this idea of ‘augmented sight,’ the layering of realities over one another. In a way, it makes AR [augmented reality] more of a kin to dreams than its more popular cousin, VR and a definite part of our growing magical aesthetic (imagine augmented reality glasses or contacts that embed sigils into your landscape). It reminds me of some experiences I have had, of falling asleep while reading. In a number of cases I have continued to see the book in front of me, the words on the page, and only realize that my reality has been augmented when my mind begins to make up the words on the page when my memory and optical imprint of them fades. I remember sitting in the farm house with my grandmother, she would fall asleep sitting up reading the paper, and I wondered (but really, I knew it) if she was still reading in her sleep as I had experienced. Virtual reality is more like a drug induced hallucination, blotting out our reality, and dreams can be like this a lot of the time but there is always a sense of self and place (even if that sense is ‘this is not my place’) in dreams — there is always a tether, an imbrication of the two realities on one another.
Our tarot match for the archetype of Crawford Tillinghast is the Seven of Cups.
Our Etteilla deck offers us two keywords for this card. La Pensée, or ‘thought’ and Projets, or ‘projects.’ Thought projects? or Projecting thoughts? Let’s dig into these terms a bit deeper.
Thought comes to us from the Old English terms þoht and geþoht, meaning the ‘process of thinking’ and curiously also meaning ‘compassion.’ It is a cognate with the German word element -dacht, which is found in Gedächtnis, or "memory" and Andacht meaning ”devotion.” So, to me, a ‘thought’ (or possibly a thought-form [queue ominous Twin Peaks theme]) is a type of memory-prayer or embedding a prayer in one’s memory. Project comes from the Latin ‘projectum,’ meaning ‘something thrown forth’ and, further back, from the PIE root *ye-, meaning ’to impel.’ *ye- is expanded out into object, trajectory, inject ejaculate and is the hypothetical source for the Latin term ‘iacere,’ meaning ‘to cast.’
The Seven of Cups, our representation of Crawford Tillinghast, maps to the act of Casting Memory-Prayers (read: Sigilmancy).
It is fitting, I think, because what are we doing when we cast sigils but layering on top of our current reality our preferred one. Also, and this is well known by any magicians that deal with this type of magic, sigils attract all kinds of beasties, especially when accompanied by ritual, as so many shadowy moths to a flame whose color we have never seen.
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How To Protect Yourself In the Astral (Part One)
It’s no secret that the Astral can be a dangerous place. You’ll probably get into trouble at one point or another--hopefully, later rather than sooner. One of the things you can do to make sure you stay safe is to learn how to protect yourself using magic. This is actually a pretty extensive topic so I’ll cover some basics today but I won’t go in too deep.
What Am I Protecting? Why?
You might think this is a no-brainer, but there’s actually a little bit more to this than just protecting “yourself.” When you Astral Travel you’re essentially splitting yourself into parts. Your mind and/or spirit goes off into the astral while your physical body stays here. Sometimes, your mind is split between both of your bodies (as in bilocation). If you cast a protection spell in the physical, depending on the spell it probably won’t follow you into the astral. You’d have to cast another spell to protect the you that is there.
Let’s talk about some of the dangers that could befall you while Astral Traveling without having cast any protection spells. This is not to scare you away from Astral Travel--in fact, most of these instances are pretty rare occurrences in my experience--but to give you the knowledge needed to deal with your protection. First off, let’s say you’re Traveling via mind and spirit. You’ve left your physical body completely unprotected. Any entity could attempt to get into your body, making you its home. It would live off of you as a parasite, feeding on your body’s energy system. Though I’ve hardly ever seen this happen (the body actually naturally creates an aura that protects you on some basic level), it still could. That is why you protect your physical body while you Travel.
Another situation: you’re Traveling via spirit (meaning you’ve separated your spirit from your body). You don’t cast any protective spells on your spirit. You Travel through the Astral, and you pick up some parasitic energy that attaches itself to your spirit. It’s kinda like walking through the forest and picking up hitchhikers. When you return to your body, the parasitic energy eats away at your own energy, making you feel drained almost constantly. One more: you’re Traveling via mind (meaning you’ve inserted your consciousness into an astral body). Once again, you don’t cast any protective spells. Some entity decides to attack you for some reason and boots your mind out of your astral body. Now your consciousness is floating around the Astral, which some entity could easily trap and keep. Alternatively, an entity without a body could take over the astral body you left behind.
There are many more things that could happen to you but most of these things can easily be avoided. People ask me all the time if Astral Travel is dangerous. The short answer is yes, it can be. Usually, though, it’s only dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing or how to protect yourself. Those that take the time to go through all the steps usually don’t have many problems. It’s like the physical world: If I walk outside during a storm, there is at least some probability that I will get struck by lightning. You don’t really know what will happen until you encounter it.
Offensive vs. Defensive Protective Magic
As I mentioned before, protective magic can be pretty extensive so I’ll stick to the bare minimum you’ll need to know in order to Travel as safely as possible. Protective magic can be separated into two base categories: Offensive and Defensive. Off. protective magic covers things that protect a target by actively attacking whatever is threatening the target in order to eliminate or disable the threat. Def. protective magic covers things that protect a target by either deflecting attacks or acting as a wall between a threat and the target.
Each casting method can cover both of these categories. You don’t have to enable both, but both types are useful to learn in my opinion. Why? Hypothetical situation: you are being attacked by an entity and you have a def. protective spell activated. Unless you can find some way to get rid of or negotiate with this entity, the entity will continue to attack your defensive spell until it breaks and it can get to you. For sake of argument let’s just say you can’t run away and negotiations are impossible. You’ll have to fight this entity off, either completely eliminating them or disabling them long enough for you to get away. This is where the offensive protective magic comes in.
I hardly ever get attacked by entities, but the rarity of the occurrence does not change the fact that it can and does happen. So let’s move onto what this lesson is really about: how can you do this?
Casting Methods and Protective Spells
First off, I’ll break this up a bit to make everything easier to digest. You have the type of spell you’re going to cast: ward, shield, screen, wall, sword, etc. Then you have your casting method: do you use energy, sigils, poppets, music, what? Lastly, you have the spell itself.
Wards guard a place. Most wards are pretty passive, existing to keep things that would harm whatever the ward is keyed to out. Wards can also be used to keep things in. Think of wards like a safety zone. In Astral Travel, wards can be used to protect your body or whatever space you are occupying in the astral. Leave your body inside a ward and nothing can harm it. You can also ward your mindscape for extra protection there, to make damn sure nothing gets in without your permission. Below are a few spells you can cast:
Ward Using Energy: This is gonna be a bit of a long (but thorough) explanation on my own flavor of a wardspell, so bear with me. The first thing I determine when making a ward is its source energy. That is, what energy will feed the ward and keep it working over a long period of time. This should be a semi-constant if not constant source of energy, such as the sun, the moon, an element, yourself, or any of your spirit companions. You can have multiple sources, but you need to ask your sources how much energy they are willing to give up to make your ward (and also, because my wards are activated whenever something tries to break in, how much energy the ward would drain from your sources before failing to act as a ward. This happens almost never.)
Second, you need to figure out your ward's intent (also called roots/boundaries). These are the things that will tell the ward how to function. For example, specifying what the ward is guarding, how it will guard it, and what it’s keeping out. Lastly, you need to anchor your ward to a person, place, and/or thing. This is all pre-wardmaking stuff that you would determine mostly beforehand. (I say mostly because you won’t know how much energy your sources are willing to give you until you ask them.)
You can create a ward in layers by using multiple sources. In the making of the ward, you need to call each of these energies to where you are working before you can use them. How you can do that:
Gather physical representations of the source energies you are using. To call them to you, focus on each one and bring the idea of them to you. For example, for air, you can think of things that remind you of it. Memories. Feelings. Thoughts. That is the mental aspect of calling your energy source. You can say a few words (something like "air, I need you, I call you near. Hear my summons and settle here.") to solidify this thought and channel the energy, through yourself and your thoughts, into the air around you so it can settle.
After you call all the energies you need, you start gathering them into a small ball inside yourself. Create an energy ball with your own energy. Then, layer each of the other energies on top of it. This requires mental imagination. Not necessarily visualization--if all you can do is “feel” the ball of energy, that is fine. After you have the energies layered in a neat little ball you can start "throwing" intent at it. Lay down the rules of the ward, that you have developed beforehand. Be specific as possible. As you say these rules, mentally throw the words into your little ball of energy. When you are done, activate the ward by allowing it expand to fill the space you  have set for it.
Afterwards, dismiss the energies you've called and clean up. You may want to check on your ward every few days until it fully settles in the parameters you've set for it. You might need to add a few rules so it functions properly; to do that simply call the ward into yourself as a ball of energy again and add them.
Ward Using Sachets: Another wardspell you can create uses physical ingredients. You can fill a couple sachets with protective ingredients and place them around the corners of whatever place you are protecting. Here’s a simple spell you can use:
You Will Need:
A pen
Laurel or bay leafs
Small quartz crystals you are willing to permanently stuff in the sachets
On a piece of paper, write down the rules of the ward. What it will keep out, how it will do so, etc. Make four copies of this. Fold the pieces of paper and put them into the sachet. Alternatively, if the paper is too big, you can (safely) burn it and add the ashes to each sachet.
Add the rest of the ingredients equally to each sachet, then sew them shut.
Place the sachets around whatever you are protecting. This is better for protecting something like a room so you can place the sachet in each of the corners of your room.
You can play around with the ingredients to make stronger wards that correspond to what you want the ward to do, but this is just a simple protective mix.
Ward Using Glyphs: This is another basic casting method that a lot of you are probably familiar with. You can use runes, sigils, magic circles, etc. to accomplish what you need. Paint whatever you’re using on some rocks and place them around the place you’re protecting. You can do the four-corner method with this too to make it easier. You can write up a contract for your ward and attach a sigil to the contract, then paint said sigil on some rocks that you place around your property. After you place the sigils where you want them, you can activate them using whatever means you use.
         This lesson is already late and getting rather long, so I’m splitting it up into two parts. The second part will be up after the next lesson, which will focus on magic in the Astral. It will have more spells, more info dump, and will basically be a continuation as there is a lot I still haven’t explained.
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Stories of Bilocation of Padre Pio—Part I
Bilocation is a special gift of God where an individual can be in two places at once. God always uses this gift for acts of mercy or charity to be performed by the Saint, in circumstances where it is physically impossible for the Saint to be present under normal circumstances.
While the gift of bilocation has been given to countless saints. Probably one of the most frequent and documented accounts occurred relatively recently in the extraordinary life of the beloved St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968).
Ellie Hunt’s family came from Padre Pio’s hometown of Pietrelcina and had known Padre Pio from his childhood. They eventually emigrated from Italy to New York. In 1960, when Ellie was 31 years old her grandfather, Jack Crafa became gravely ill. Ellie and her parents lived close to his home in Flushing, New York and during his grave illness, the family stayed by his side. When Jack eventually fell into a coma, they all knew that his life was soon passing.
One day while Ellie and her parents were at her grandfather’s bedside, a stranger knocked at the door. They were all surprised to see a Capuchin monk dressed in a dark brown habit, because there were no Capuchin monks in their Parish or in any other parish in the area for that matter. They were also surprised to see that he was wearing sandals without any socks, because it was a particularly cold day and snow covered the ground. The monk said that he had come to pray for her grandfather.
Ellie was also a bit upset, because she thought that the parish priest should have come to pray for her grandfather, and not a complete stranger. However, she was soon impressed by the kindness and compassion of the young monk.
He then went straight into her grandfather’s bedroom and blessed Jack Crafa. Then told the family to pray the Rosary suggesting that they sit at Jack’s side, praying the Hail Mary close to his ear, for he seemed to have the opinion that Jack was still able to hear. After the monk said that, Ellie was surprised to find that when she took her grandfather’s hand in hers, she felt a response from a very slight squeeze from his hand.
The young Capuchin then gave Ellie’s grandfather the Last Sacraments, then he blessed the family and bid them goodbye. As he walked out the front door, Ellie’s father, James noticed that there was no car waiting for him outside. James watched him as he walked up the street until he disappeared in the darkness. Jack Crafa died that very night. He had been in a coma for nine days.
After the unknown monk had left, Ellie’s father James became pale and appeared quite shaken. Ellie’s mother Lucy, asked him for the reason. “Don’t you know who that was?” James replied, “It was Padre Pio. He came to give the Last Rites to your father and he looked exactly like I remember him when I used to deliver eggs to him in Pietrelcina.”
For Ellie’s grandfather Jack had been one of Padre Pio’s spiritual sons from Pietrelcina and through a special grace of God, Padre Pio had come to comfort and encourage him, and to administer the last Sacraments of the Church, for his death was only hours away.
In another example, Signora Concetta Bellarmini of St. Vito Lanciano declares that she was suddenly stricken with a blood infection followed by bronchial pneumonia with a very high fever. She was reduced to such a state that the doctors despaired of ever saving her. The flesh had become yellow from the infection which had spread throughout her body.
A relative urged her to direct her prayers to Padre Pio. She prayed to him whom she has never seen, when suddenly in full daylight a stigmatized monk appeared to her and smiling blessed her without touching her as he stood in the middle of the room. The woman asked him if his appearance signified the grace for the conversion of her children, or else the grace for her physical cure. Then Padre answered, "Sunday morning you will be cured," then he vanished from the room, leaving an odor of perfume which the servant girl also smelt. After this visit her flesh turned normal color, the fever ceased and in a few days her health was completely restored. She went with her brother to San Giovanni Rotondo to see if Padre Pio was the one who appeared to her. When she arrived at the Monastery and saw Padre Pio in the church she turned to her brother and said, "There he is, he is the one."
Signor Bugarini Arturo of Ancona was urged by friends to turn to Padre Pio for the cure of his boy. Whilst he was standing near the bedside of his critically ill son he felt three consecutive taps on his shoulder, whilst a voice said: "I am Padre Pio, I am Padre Pio, I am Padre Pio." At the same time he felt all over his body a wave of heat as if he were next to an intense flame, then all of a sudden it ceased. This visit of Padre Pio restored the health of the son. Father and son visited the monastery to thank Padre Pio for the miraculous cure and the spiritual conversion of the father and all the Bugarini family.
On July 20, 1921, a Monsignor D'Indico of Florence, whom this author met in 1923 when studying theology at the Archbishop's Seminary at Florence, was alone in his study. He felt the sensation of having someone at his back. He turned and saw a monk who disappeared. He left his quarters to tell a chaplain what happened. The chaplain thought it was mere hallucination due to his actual state of anxiety over his sister, who was very ill. He invited him to take a short walk for mental distraction.
When they returned they called at the sick room. His sister who a little before was in the state of coma, at the same hour as when her brother felt the sensation of being in the presence of Padre Pio, narrated that she had seen a monk enter her room who approached her and said: "Don't be afraid, tomorrow your fever will disappear and after a few days there will be no trace of your illness on your body."
"But Padre," she answered, "are you then a saint?"
"No, I am only a creature who serves the Lord through His mercies."
"Let me kiss your habit, Padre."
"Kiss the sign of the passion," and he showed his hands transfixed and bleeding.
"Padre, I recommend to you my husband and child." "Pray, pray that you will be good and be assured that your child will be under my protection," and blessing her he vanished. She immediately got better and in eight days was entirely cured.
One day a monk who was speaking about the bilocation of St. Anthony of Padua who miraculously appeared in Lisbon, said to Padre Pio: "Perhaps these privileged of the Lord do not even know when their bilocation occurs: 'Padre Pio quickly interrupting him as one who is experienced with such events answered: "Certainly they know.
They cannot know if the body or the soul moves, but they are very conscious of what happens and they know where they are going."
While World War II was raging throughout Europe, one day General Cadorna, a General in the Italian Army, was in his study during the war and in deep study he held his head in his hands, thinking of all the young men who, for the love of country would have to give up their lives, when suddenly he smelt a very strong perfume odor of roses which was wafted around the room. Raising his venerable head, he was stupefied to see a monk with a seraphic look and with bleeding hands. Passing in front of him, the monk said, "Be calm, they will not do anything harmful to you."
With the disappearance of the monk, the general no longer smelled the perfume. He told a Franciscan friend about the vision and when he mentioned the perfume the Franciscan said, "Your excellency, you have seen Padre Pio." Then he told the general all about Padre Pio. The general decided to visit San Giovanni and when he arrived there incognito, he was immediately approached by two Capuchins, who had recognized the general even though he was trying to disguise himself in civilian clothing. They approached him and said, "Your Excellency, Padre Pio is waiting for you. He sent us to meet you."
Emma Meneghello, a very pious young girl of 14, was afflicted with epilepsy which threw her into fits several times a week. One afternoon whilst in prayer, Padre Pio appeared to her and placed his hand on the bed sheet, then smiled and vanished. The cured epileptic arose to kiss the place where the Padre had placed his hand and she noticed a cross of blood left on the sheet. A small square cut of the sheet with the blood stains is conserved today in a glass picture frame. "Through the intercession of Padre Pio,"
writes this miraculously cured girl, "I have obtained other graces, especially for dying babies."
Mrs. Ersilia Magurno, a woman of great faith, for two months was taking care of her husband, who was stricken with influenza. This illness would not have given alarm were it not that he was also afflicted with a very weak heart. Night and day helped by a nun, the wife was watching her husband with every possible care, whilst praying and invoking Padre Pio. He grew worse and the doctors advised that the last rites be given to him because of the very alarming failure of his heart.
One night the wife noticed in the room a strong perfume of flowers. The next morning, however, a worse condition prevailed and the dying man was approaching his end. A telegram begged Padre Pio's intercession. Two days later Mr. Magurno entered the state of coma. The wife did not give up hope and sent a second telegram. Finally the 27th of Feb., 1947, the sick man after a day of prolonged crisis fell asleep. The nun was away and the wife remained alone to watch him and at midnight she noticed that his sleep was more restful than usual. At 7:30 in the morning, noticing that he was awakening, she rushed to his side and said, "How do you feel?"
I am cured, I am well. Padre Pio just left the room; open the window please and take my temperature." It was entirely normal.
"Ernesto," asked the astonished wife, anxious to hear and to know. "What are you saying? Have you seen Padre Pio? And what, did he tell you?"
“He came together with another monk, he examined my heart and said, 'This fever will go away, tomorrow you will be cured and within four days you can get up.'
“Padre Pio looked around, examined the medicines, read the medical reports and remained in the room all night." To confirm this miracle a strong odor of violets was observed in the room.
Five months later on July 27 the couple went to San Giovanni and Mr. Magurno immediately recognized Padre Pio as the monk who cured him. Padre Pio received him with fond greetings and placing his hand on his shoulder said to him: "How much this heart has made you suffer."
"Go away child for you have been cured."
We must not think that Padre Pio arrives always unexpectedly at the bedside of the sick, for at times he announced in advance the time of his coming. Once a little sick girl told her parents the approximate hour of his arrival, and the parents in their simplicity not understanding the phenomenon went to meet him at the railroad station. When they returned to the child disappointed, they found her asleep.
"Padre Pio didn't come," her mother said sadly, as soon as she saw her waking.
"Why he just left!," the child answered. A young girl, cured also providentially from a grave infirmity, desired to test the power of Padre Pio and she came to him feigning the infirmity that once afflicted her.
“Go away child," he said, striking her jokingly on the shoulder, "go away for you are quite cured and be careful that you never again tempt the mercy of the Lord."
He miraculously appears to baptize a baby as promised.
A couple from Genoa visited Padre Pio to sadly tell him that they had no children. "Bring him to me to be baptized when he is born," was his answer. From this reply and many other similar ones we discover that Padre Pio was often able to foretell the sex of an unborn child.
The following year the fortunate couple returned with their baby boy, but in the Church of Our Lady of Grace there was no baptismal font and there was such a crowd in the church that they could not reach Padre Pio. The mother remained in the Parish House of San Giovanni Rotondo one mile away, whilst the father went to the monastery to protest that Padre Pio had invited them to come there, otherwise they would not have come. He waited and his wait was in vain. He returned to the Parish House to learn from his wife that even though Padre Pio at the time specified was very preoccupied with the people had come and baptized the baby.
In a city of central Italy a teacher and ex-secretary of a Fascist organization was accused of having furnished arms and bombs to the Fascisti, who perpetrated an explosion that killed military and civilians. But the teacher was innocent. Taken by force from her home to be tried and shot she succeeded in bringing with her a Rosary and a photograph of Padre Pio. They conducted her to observe the destruction and to see the spectacle of the dead whose death they attributed to her. They then brought her to the place of execution.
Meanwhile some members of the firing squad entered her home with the pretext of searching for arms. Instead they began stealing money, objects of gold, clothing, until all of a sudden there thundered a shout, “Enough,” so resolutely and imperiously that the soldiers fled abandoning their loot.
The sister of the condemned girl watching the whole scene cringing in a corner recognized in the shouting of "Enough," the voice of Padre Pio.
The order to aim and fire had been suspended because of the arrival of an interminable column of armored cars, horses, cannon, ambulances and marching troops. The commander of the firing squad remained standing on a car as if hypnotized.
The young teacher could hardly breathe as she reflected that her hour would come when the last soldier passed by. She began to pray to Padre Pio for the grace of seeing God's will in her execution. A gentleman approached her and asked what they had decided to do with her.
“I don't know, I no longer know anything, they are all away, there is only the commander there," as she pointed him out with a facial expression full of horror.
He was motionless as if cemented to his post. “Then consider yourself free and come with me."
He brought her in his automobile to her home where many women were comforting her grief stricken sister. The condemned girl threw herself into her sister's arms and then taking a picture of Padre Pio from the wall, kissed it and pressed it to her heart. In that instant she felt a hand gently patting her cheek.
A few months later the teacher went to San Giovanni to thank her savior.
“Padre," she said, “my life will not be enough to thank you." He said: “My child, how much your faith caused me to run."
-St Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for us!
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Bilocation and Padre Pio - Part 1
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