#what is it like for non wincesties to not see how in love they are when they watch the show?
bloodfreak-boyking · 4 months
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how to look at your brother in a platonic and god-honoring way
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pedritoisapunk · 3 years
they are literally brothers, y’all are so fucking creepy and weird. y’all are also a HUGE part of the reason mlm relationships are always viewed as perverse, because you popularize nasty ships with things like incest or huge age gaps.
Wait, guys, i got my first anon hate for being a wincestie... I’m so proud of this moment. Anon, you don’t know how happy you’ve made me 😋
In all seriousness, I’m literally a nobody. I have 6xx followers, most of whom are old, deactivated one direction blogs. I don’t really create any content as of now, meaning all I do is follow blogs I like, reblog posts that tickle my fancy, and blacklist tags I know I don’t personally enjoy seeing, but understand others have a right to like, such as d*stiel. Last time I checked, I’m not forcing my nasty, incest ship down anybody’s throat. If you don’t like what I’m posting, unfollow me! Simple!
I’m also definitely not out there spreading anonymous hate to people who are literally just minding their own business. So sure, call me creepy and weird, like go off! But something you can’t call me is part of the problem, or a harasser, or a bully, and idk about you, but I’m proud of that!!
Dearest Anon, please know that your message left me feeling happy and with butterflies in my tummy. If anything, now I know someone pays attention to the things I reblog, and let me tell you, Anon, there’s truly no feeling like it! So thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day shipping whatever the fuck you wanna ship, even if it’s a non-canon love between an angel and a man who only has eyes for his brother! 😋
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kingstoken · 4 years
Sastiel (Sam/Castiel) Rec List
So, because I've fallen down a Sastiel hole the last couple of months, which I have no intention of climbing my way out of, and I've been reading a lot of fic, I figured it might be time to compile a good old fashioned rec list.  This list is by no means comprehensive, these are just some stories I liked and I think others might enjoy as well. Title: Locks of Love Author: Hils Rating: T Warnings: There is one scene near the beginning that is wincesty, where Dean gets handsy with Sam, nothing happens, Dean is under a spell and feels disgusted with himself afterwards.  Also, Lucifer, he's basically his own warning Summary: (The author doesn't provide a summary) Sam is cursed by a spell where anyone who sees his hair falls madly in lust with him My notes: This explores what in theory should be a funny concept and takes it seriously, poor Sam has to isolate himself from people, but don't worry there is also plenty of fluff.  I like the slow build up of Cas and Sam's relationship.  Also, Sam looking after a sick/injured Cas, which there s not enough in Sastiel fanfiction in my opinion. Title: Between the Shadow and the Soul Author: Vera Rating: T Warnings: Some purgatory level violence, but nothing extremely graphic.  References to Sam dying multiple times. Summary: What if Sam was the one that went to Purgatory with Castiel? My Notes: Do you like a some angst?  Then this might be the fic for you!  After I read this my only comment was "painfully beautiful".  This explores how one partner can hurt another, even if they had good intentions.  The author's concept of Purgatory is slightly different than canon, but it really adds a depth and an anguish, that the show didn't provide. Title: Naked Below These Words Author: Ebyru Rating: E Warnings: Temporary Character Death, Sam and Dean being very angry with Cas, some suicidal thoughts from Cas, dark themes Summary: After Castiel's death, Sam tries to forget about him, but he feels like he's still around--somewhere. Sam starts writing him letters. My Notes: Do you like a lot of angst?  This is an alternative season 7, that deals with the aftermath of Godstiel. The first half of the fic is Sam writing letters to Cas, while he tries to deal with his feelings of anger and betrayal over Cas' actions, while also trying to reconcile these feelings with the friend he still loves.  And, when Cas does come back he is screwed up (no Emanuel or crazy Cas here).  Plus Sam and Cas begin a sexual relationship under circumstances that are probably not ideal. I think what I like about this story is that it really explores Sam's feelings about canon events, that the show tends to skate over. Title: Catalog of Non-Definitive Acts Author: Ebyru Rating: M Warnings: Dream sex, Purgatory, Mild gore Summary: Sam finds Castiel in his dreams. Dean told him about that, but he never expected to experience it firsthand. It’s not at all like he imagined. My Notes: An alternative season 8, where Cas visits Sam's dreams while him and Dean are stuck in Purgatory.  This author's dream imagery is very well written.  I love the idea of Cas contacting Sam in his dreams scenario, letting him know that Dean and him are alive, it gets around the whole "Sam didn't know if they were alive" issue and pulls Sam into the Purgatory storyline.  Also, Sam looking after and protecting an injured and weak Cas. Title: Lovely, Dark, and Deep Author: rospeaks Rating: T Warnings: Insomnia Summary: Cas had thought that getting his memories back would make things easier, but the silence that plagued him as an amnesiac drives him to insomnia even after he's rejoined with the Winchesters. Sam helps him sleep. My Notes: Amnesiac Cas getting his memories back, and not being able to sleep because of it.  This is just Sam being sweet, trying to comfort Cas, and they end up cuddling in bed together Title: and oh, my dreams Author: remy Rating: G Warnings: Sam under Djinn spell Summary: When Sam loses consciousness on a hunt after being attacked with djinn venom, it's up to Cas to venture into his subconscious and try to find him there. My Notes: One of the first Sastiel fics I think I ever read, and it really turned me on to the pairing.  Sam is put under a Djinn's spell, and Cas goes into his dreams, when he's there he realizes that in Sam's dreamworld Sam and him are a couple.  The dreamworld is really bittersweet, especially once Cas clues Sam in to what's going on, but don't worry it has a happy ending.     Title: Everyone Needs Something Author: AnOddSock Rating: M Warnings: None Summary: Sam is a little touched starved. Cas is a little touched starved. Maybe between them they can figure out a better way to live. My Notes: Sam needs more physical intimacy, hugging, holding hands, touching and he seeks to get it from Cas, and over time they accidentally fall into a romantic relationship.  This fic is really sweet, just Sam and Cas finding comfort and closeness with each other Title: A Gift Of Mistletoe Author: flawedamythyst Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: After Sam gets his soul back, Castiel starts bringing him presents. My Notes: Christmas fic! Cas keeps bringing Sam gifts of branches, thinking this an appropriate human convention, but Sam just isn't getting what Cas is trying to say.  Humorous.   Title: How to Date an Angel in 140 Characters or Less Author: 13chapters Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: Castiel has found a new use for his phone. Unfortunately for Sam, he isn't too clear on the concept of "privacy". My Notes: This one is a sequel to another fic, but you can read it as a stand alone.   Cas gets a twitter account, and amasses a following, but he doesn't understand the concept of oversharing.  Very funny. Title: Closer to Heaven and Closer to You Author: Epiphanyx7 Rating: T Warnings: Sam has minor jealously of the Dean & Cas relationship in the beginning Summary: Castiel is an angel. And angels don't have emotions. My Notes: Sam notices how Cas looks and acts around Dean is different from how Cas looks at him.  Basically its about Sam trying to get Cas to like him, and develops into them having a relationship.  Its sweet and funny Title: At the End of This Day Author: killabeez Rating: T Warnings: Episode tag 11x06 Summary: A tag to 11x06, in which Sam finds unexpected comfort close to home. My Notes: Sam reassuring Cas, Netflix in Sam's bedroom, first kiss, what's not to love? Title: Kiss Me Quick Author: sixtysevenlmpala Rating: T Warnings: None Summary: Sam knew letting Cas tag along on an undercover job was kind of asking for something out of the ordinary to happen. But he never would have expected this. My Notes: I think I like this fic because Cas is the one initiating things and being well aware that he is doing it too, which is kind of rare in Sastiel fic it seems Title: One Night Author: story_monger Rating: T Warnings: Sex work, discussions of drug addiction, some discussion of past child abuse, Non-Supernatural AU, some self hatred by Cas, but he is ultimately accepting of his own and Sam's sexuality   Summary: Castiel has already gone through the rigmarole of coming out as asexual and aromantic. That somehow doesn't stop a few unruly cousins from setting Castiel up with a stupidly tall sex worker named Sam. Castiel is mortified and ready to put the whole thing behind him, except he and Sam inexplicably bump into each other again a few weeks later. It marks the beginning of a friendship that ushers them into new territories, both with each other and the people around them. My Notes: Asexual Cas.  I haven't read a lot of asexual Cas, but I think this fic handles it really well.  It's a Non-Supernatural AU, Cas works at a museum, and Sam is a law student who pays for school via sex work.  I think Sam's profession is also handled well, it showcases that it is okay for Sam to be a sex worker, while also not shying away from some of the dangers inherit in that type of work.  It is such a great fic that shows Cas and Sam forming an unlikely friendship, and the two them trying to figure out what type of relationship they can have while dealing with a variety of issues.  This is also where I confess that in AU fics I love when all the angels are part of a large extended, dysfunctional family, and this fic delivers.  This fic is chocked full of side characters, and not just the angels, Meg, Charlie, Benny, Mrs Tran, Ellen, Jo, Ash and of course Dean.  It deals with some tough issues while also managing to be sweet.  I can't tell you how much I love this fic, I was sad to see it end, I just wanted to read more about their lives together Title: 0930 Hours Author: thistidalwave Rating: T Warnings: Non-Supernatural AU Summary: or, how to woo the guy who saved your life in less than ten days. My Notes: Cas is having trouble talking to Sam, and everyone and their brother has advice, whether Cas wants it or not.  This one has a small town feel, and it's charm is its use of the side characters, including several angels, plus Dean, Ellen and Jo. Humorous.  
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flyingcatstiel · 3 years
1of2 Tired of metas blaming executives / defending writers. Writers can write horrible endings. Proof - GOT, HIMYM, Lost etc. Executives didn't force those bad endings. Reading all these conspiracy theories feels like I am listening to Trump. Executives are homophobic but ok with incestous ending? I asked my SO (who never watched SPN) to watch SPN final with me. I quote him "didn't you say they are brothers. It almost looks like they are going to kiss - Ewww - is this what you want me to watch?"
2of2 Even if we look at bottom line - Executives - apparently don't care the fact that Destiel was trending FIRST world wide - in middle of pandemic, middle of historic US elections - such free publicity to gain more viewers and money - but they care about incestous endings which grossed out lot of people. I wish these metas and conspiracy theorists stop baiting people and stop defending writers. Even before covid - Dabb had intended for this bad ending with proof that only 30% will like it.
Oh, nonnie. If you have sent this just 2 days ago, I’d be there with you, all salty about metas defending writers. Today tho, after going through some serious posts about the CW involvement with the show, about Russian market, about professional dubbing practices I have my thoughts in different order. 
So, from what I’ve seen so far (barely past midnight November 26 in the US as of writing this). Jensen went to re record audio stuff for 15x18, most likely Cas confession scene. Now we have info from Latin America (2 separate dubs)  that Dean actually reciprocated Cas’s love declaration and only after that The Empty took Cas. Nonnie, this changes everything. The first thing so many viewers noticed and commented on was the weird way the scene was cut and how little emotions Dean showed. The running gag on twitter was that Jensen is homophobic and Misha strong-armed him into that scene. Non shipper said that it was platonic love declaration from Cas, coming out of nowhere. But most importantly, we, shippers were robbed from proper celebration of our ship going canon. After 12 years of sticking with the ship, they still took it from us. This is totally on the CW shoulders.
But also, this means that destiel was at some point greenlit by the executives to be reciprocated in canon. Until someone at the CW backpaddled in late September. The writers are not responsible for this, they are victims of these changes as well. Dean’s answer changes the emotional beats of several scenes in 15x19 in addition to the scenes that were cut. 15x19 has that strange montage at the very end which most likely was added to cover cut scenes, say like Lucifer, Jack and Cas scene in the empty? Because if Misha was in 15x19, that would mean that the prank call was never meant to be his last contribution. I mean, the disrespect to the fans, the writers and Misha, all in one episode.
And then there’s 15x20 which looks so weird that a lot of fans immediately said that it is a butchered episode. Thing is, we have no idea what kind of script was written pre covid, how much it was changed and when, and how much was cut out from filmed episode. I’ve seen posts sayin that the script for 15x20 was still in rewrites when they finished filming for 15x18. Which is very, very late for a shooting script. I personally think that Dean’s death was the thing Jensen disliked so much, but even then - we don’t know how it was framed in earlier scripts and how they arrived at that horrific scene in 15x20. 
I’m not saying that SPN writers are the most amazing TV writers out there, and I look forward times when we will be able to discuss all problematic stuff SPN is filled to the brim with, but. We just don’t know what exactly happened in the SPN writing room and how much executives meddled with it. COVID happened. Nothing of this is normal. This is why the most important thing right now is to pressure the CW for some answers. Look at them throwing Misha under the bus today. That tells you bunches how well they know fandom and how to manipulate us. 
Now about that incestuous scene, aka Dean’s death, and why homophobic executives would be OK with it but not canon destiel. Under the cut we go, mostly for space reasons. 
Ok, this is so funny but I actually just finished writing my second answer about wincest in 15x20 and had problems posting it and that’s how I learned that we broke tumblr and destiel went canon in spanish. Here’s my post, check it out bc I’m not repeating it  here. 
I think wincest, aka incest between two able bodied, adult male brothers is something casual viewer outside the fandom is not even thinking about. If it was sister/brother deal with intimate embrace, people would notice faster. But two masculine, 6 ft tall macho dudes during the death scene? Nope. Here comes plausible deniability which viewers also use to ignore anything “funny” between Dean and Cas. I’m glad that you and your partner noticed incest vibes, but, I’ve see plenty people even in destiel fandom being fine with such scenes between Sam and Dean. I’ve seen some destiel fans saying that they really loved 15x20, so, there are viewers out there for whom it worked. 
Now let’s look at the bottom line. TBH, I’ve no idea where to look? Where is the projected revenues for a show that is ending? You say that Destiel trending during pandemic is a proof that our fandom is huge, but. No one knew that we had such power! And trending on twitter is not something that translates into money easily. And it happened 2 weeks before finale. There’s no time to change finale anymore. I personally think that destiel fandom has been shrinking for past couple of years, since so many folks left due to bad writing and queerbaiting. But they came back for tweeting. At this point destiel is bigger than it’s fandom. I personally think that the CW would have benefited from canon destiel, but they made different call.
I agree with you that in general, fandom should not defend the writers so much and ought to be more critical about the stuff they write, but today, November 26, 2020, the game is happening on completely different plane. I’m pretty sure that we got a butchered finale, and I’m very much inclined to believe that it is somehow connected to their efforts to promote The Walker show. Maybe Dabb’s original finale was really bad, but show me the script then. If destiel was supposed to be reciprocated, then they might have gone overboard with bro love in Dean’s death scene. Only now, when destiel was one-sided, that scene becomes very wincesty seemingly on purpose. A good creative writing, in it’s finished form, is a very tightly woven fabric. You pull out some threads, you unravel whole fabric. And that’s what 15x20 is. 
2 days ago I’d be roasting metas who defend spn writers, today I want to storm the CW. (pitchforks anyone?) Destiel shippers were robbed, queer love story was censored, this should be the focus of or anger today, not the writers or actors. We can do both - demand truth about the Cas confession scene and roast original Dabb’s ending if we ever get it. 
ETA - after writing this up, I checked out some posts by blogs who debunk all conspiracies, including Spanish dub. They sound very convincing! But in that case we have to talk about long term queerbaiting that was taking place on this old CW show till the very last minute. Cas was used in promos for 15x17 he was not in. They (ppl who make promos) deliberately used Cas barn scene from 4x01 in those promos, then actual barn in 15x20 promo but somehow it is shippers who are delusional? Don’t start me on Song of the day. Angel with a shotgun for 15x19? What was that about? After 15x18 there was no official goodbye to Cas which made ppl to watch finale. Like? Even if the Spanish dub gets officially debunked by the CW and not some random blogs, we are left with the fact that destiel fandom was gaslighted during the last stretch of s15. And not only by writers.
And if this was the finale they so lovingly crafted and deemed to be good, where are the celebration of the SPN ending? Why we had to watch documentary before the episode? Why 15x20 was so short? Why Canada watched the episode first (and leaked spoilers online) They filmed after quarantine, the script had to be the usual length. And so on, fandom has been through all the things that didn’t match several times already. PITCHFORKS -> the CW
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indubitablydumb · 3 years
Let’s talk about the ✨LGBT rep✨ (or, rather, the lack of) in Sup*rnatural!
Okay, so— part of me really wants to be chill about this. Part of me wants to say fuck rep, who cares, right? We’ve been dealing with this our whole lives in all types of media, so what makes this a big deal?
But I’m not going to say that, because it’s utter bullshit and we DO care. So, here’s an analogy of the homorific aspects of Supernatural throughout the seasons!
So, the first few seasons, right? COMPLETELY straight. We have our all American bad boys and their passion for burgers and chicks and all of that stuff none of us really want to hear about, so I’ll start off with our very first MENTION of anything not hetero-norm.
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This chick. I don’t know why they felt the need to finally throw in a gay character here, but we’ll go for it right?? Okay, so she killed her girlfriend.
That’s it.
Anyways, they introduced her as gay and then wham bam thank you ma’am, she’s IMMEDIATELY killed off. Cool, we’re off to a great start.
I can’t exaclty pinpoint where and when every single non-hetero whatever happened in the show, but there’s a very common theme when it comes to homosexuality in supernatural, and the thing is that it’s VERY OFTEN mentioned as some sort of joke or blown off from a weird look from Dean— which definitely evolves throughout the seasons, we stan an upcoming bisexual king. Anyways, it wasn’t very often that they’d do this, even, and when they DID introduce any type of gay character, it was obviously because they felt they had to and not because it’s just a thing that happens.
Okay, so after that, we have these guys.
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They were definitely cool!! They were funny and well-written and the look Dean gave them when they announced that they were gay was DEFINITELY a start. But, like, really?? Why did they have to be Sam and Dean? Other than the bland reaches towards the Wincesties, though, this was well played and felt a little easier-going than any previous attempts at some rep.
Then, there’s Charlie.
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I will say that Charlie was PERFECT representation while we had her. It wasn’t her entire personality, the boys treated her exactly like they’d treat any other friend— and all in all, she was an amazingly well written character.
Until they, you know, killed her. For reasons none other than main character angst.
So they brought her back!! As an entire new person!! That had the love of her life killed!! Splendid. Perfect. Then, she disappeared for however many seasons— only to come back, have her girlfriend be (basically) killed off, then was (basically) killed off as well without any mention afterwards. Perfect.
There was also that one gay couple Dean worked with, but I don’t really see a reason to write an entire paragraph about them because while it was still rep (and also great situational character development on Dean’s part) we have bigger fish.
Before I get to the big anti-gay shabang, though, some honorable mentions are Crowley (who was quite obviously not straight), killed off for literally no reason and never to be mentioned again, Rowena who was also killed off (even though she did get the ending she deserved, what a literal queen) and also that one gay witch dude and his twin sister that had some rogue plot going on and was also not mentioned ever again.
Okay, so now that we know that ANY trace of positive gay rep has been COMPLETELY erased throughout all fifteen years of the show, let’s get onto the last three episodes!!
First off, I want to say that anybody who tries to fight off the hellers with “the show isn’t about romance!!” Is homophobic. That’s that. Nobody batted an eye when Sam and Eileen kissed (no grain of salt towards saileen, obviously). Nobody batted an eye when Dean had that whole subplot with Lisa. Basically, when they say the show isn’t about romance, they mean that any of the mains can’t POSSIBLY be anything but straight because how could they be?? It’s not normal!! But obviously that’s complete bullshit because it IS completely normal and THIS is why we need more rep.
Let’s start with Cas, shall we? The thing is that Cas shouldn’t even be an issue. Cas is an angel. Cas has been shown in multiple female vessels, and even though we use masc pronouns for him it doesn’t mean that he, biologically NOR mentally or whatever, belongs anywhere on any spectrum of gender. People are just mad that he’s presented as a man.
We knew that they were going to kill him off. They’ve tried and tried and TRIED to kill him off finally, but we never really let them, so we all saw this coming. No show for him to carry means no reason to keep him alive, right? Well, that in itself sucks, but the fact that they finally give him an OUNCE of ANYTHING happy, they IMMEDIATELY kill him off only seconds after. They know he’s a fan favorite. They knew we’d be upset. And not only do they not care, but they also made US feel and look bad because we’re upset. Because the gays don’t matter, right? Fuck you, C*W.
Then, there’s Dean. As a bi trans guy, Dean REALLY helped me come to terms with myself. Part of me couldn’t really be happy with being bi, I had to be either gay or straight, because I’d never SEEN a masculine bi dude. And then there was Dean, a big manly dude that was not only bisexual but could also FEEL HIS EMOTIONS (in one way or another) without being called out as girly or whatever— and when I saw Dean, I saw somebody I wanted to be in every positive aspect that Dean shows. Is that really so bad?? Is that really something that somebody should feel personally WRONGED by?
He never got to actually share his TRUTH, either. They reduced him to his stupid pie and his stupid car, and they killed him. Dean had SO much character development throughout the years. He had so much growth and even a few positive arcs, and they erased all of it and then killed him off in the way he always feared he’d go, JUST when we thought there was no longer any way to avoid the homo.
And this, like it or not, was INCREDIBLY homophobic.
I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff I’ve managed to leave out, a lot of things I could have added, but I think I covered most of it?? That being considered, this was ALL we had in the span of 15 years. That REALLY says something.
NEVER settle for what we got, guys.
Anyways, I hope this was somewhat helpful. peace out ✌️
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chiisana-sukima · 7 years
(I forked, partly because, like you said we’re far off topic, and partly because tumblr has been so bad for me this past week that it’s almost unusable. It’s eating my long replies like toast, which is super-frustrating. Seems better today though, so I’m crossing my fingers.)
@idontneedasymbol​ wrote:
I actually think this is the exact thing that got fans so upset. Season 8 is the only time in the show that either brother handles the loss of the other remotely like a normal person in the real world would; the whole point of Supernatural is that it’s not in the real world, that they’re not bound by those limits. It’s horror but it’s also fantasy, and Sam’s arc here betrays that.
I feel incredibly conflicted about this. (^~^;)ゞ
On the one hand, its my impression too that that’s exactly what so many people found upsetting. And, not talking so much about genre exactly as about the expectations that SPN set up through its previous seasons, I can see why people feel betrayed by Sam behaving... less passionately than usual. Like, the story of love that SPN told through the first seven seasons went a certain way and was told a certain way, and Sam not looking for Dean without a more thorough in-character explanation (which would have been very easy to supply), I really do feel was a sort of major narrative error and/or betrayal- and in fact in much the same way as I feel like Gadreel as an imperfectly explained failure of coping on Dean’s part was. So for sure I can see how people feel really miffed about it, either at Carver or at Sam.
On the other hand, Sam escaping to Amelia and Dean refusing to let go through Gadreel both read to me as very common irl reactions to grief, and they both read as in-character to me too. So in that particular respect, I find them both almost completely personally non-bothersome. Like I’m a little irritated by the lack of narrative handholding, but otherwise, my basic reaction in both cases (weirdly superimposed on my anger about the other aspects of the Gadreel thing that I already whined about at length) is basically meh, people react poorly to stress, what’reya gonna do? Doesn’t mean they love each other less.
The sunshine-yellow filter and Amelia being such a complement to him are to make it clear that world is as good as it could be – that it’s not the problem; Sam is. 
I like this very much and am henceforth adopting it as my headcanon.
Haaah I never took Dean’s treatment of Kevin as supposed to be due to his Purgatory PTSD but because it’s Kevin – I love Kevin Tran, he is possibly my favorite recurring non-lead; but frankly, he is so shafted by the narrative from start to finish that everyone is OOC with him 
Heh, yeah that’s definitely true. Like, I read S8 Kevin also as an attempted mirror of Sam and Dean’s relationship failures at er... appropriate familial love, I guess? Sam runs away and leaves Kevin in an untenable situation, and Dean sacrifices Kevin’s well-being without considering his (Kevin’s) own needs sufficiently. But there’s definitely no doubt that the narrative treats him so poorly it’s just OOC open season on Kevin in general.
then there is something to unpack here re: sexism and comparing Kevin’s treatment with Claire (who is the same age as Kevin or close to) or Charlie (who is a full-grown adult but still treated as a little sister) 
Yeah, far be it from me to discount misogyny from the mix in any issue that SPN has. As you say, that well is deep and dark indeed, and I figure you can throw pretty much anything in there and you’ll never be wrong.
Tbh probably a big part of my discomfort with Kevin’s treatment by Sam and Dean both was in part about that, in that I was never able to see Kevin as anything but a kid, since my own son is about his age, and he is so not an adult yet. So he read essentially to me as no different than the kid in Something Wicked did- a child with unavoidable adult responsibility- and Dean was so perfect with that kid and so awful with Kevin, and I think you’re right that the narrative wanted him to mostly be an adult because he’s a young man, but with just barely enough overlay of him being a kid that we get to see that Sam and Dean aren’t good parents with him, and the way that interacts with cultural expectations about manhood pisses me off. Grrrr.
My more destielly-inclined friends apparently feel that Carver was kind of destielly-inclined too, but was forced to course correct by Singer. I’m not sure if I agree with that completely; he was pretty wincesty too. But I do think they have good points about the narrative functions of Claire and Charlie both that aren’t strictly about gender. Claire’s story in S10 (was it 10?) they think is mostly a fixit for The Rapture (because otherwise Dean and Cas have Jimmy’s death hanging over their relationship). And Charlie is Dean’s gay big sister. Like, they teach her about the supernatural like she’s a little sister, but she validates Dean being able to be himself without guilt the way a good older sister would. I find both those reads pretty convincing. But that does nothing to explain why Sam and Dean couldn’t have been a little tenderer with Kevin and still had it work narratively.
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