#wesley and lilah hooking up
elliebartlets · 1 year
I have whiplash from the angel s3 finale
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drjohndisco · 8 months
Yarrow's hired by Wolfram & Hart in the 'no holds barred au' and they're contracted when they meet Wesley for the first time.
(Also. I think it'd be funny if by that point they'd already hooked up with Lilah* as that's the opposite to how it occurs in canon.)
*not necessarily in a sexual way
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taraljc · 4 years
I wanted to uncouple this post from the original post I was replying to you because I think it's an important point that stands on its own.
You are in fact allowed to write, read, and enjoy stories featuring unhealthy relationships. That’s kind of the point for a lot of people. Whether it’s canon or fanfic, people enjoy reading about people who are not good for each other sometimes but are really good at having complicated, messy, nuanced, complex relationships and occasional hate-sex.
OG Michael and Nikita? Absolutely terrible for one another. Matt and Elektra? Both of them managed to kill each other twice. Wesley and Lilah? Doomed from the start.
I even read an entire series of Drew Barrymore’s Charlie’s Angel having a relationship with Crispin Glover’s assassin because Misty Flores got me hooked on it and I have NO REGRETS.
So go out there and enjoy your Star Trek Mirror Universes, enemies to lovers, random hookups, and really fucked up dynamics. People are complex, and we get fulfillment from different narratives, and that’s okay.
Unless you are talking specifically about romance novels with a guaranteed HEA (which is a sacred covenant between authors and readers in that entire genre which I respect), my mantra has been and shall always be 'ship and let 'ship.
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missmaxime · 4 years
Get To Know
rules: tag people you’d like to get to know better. I was tagged by @gild-and-fire thanks so much, hun!
favourite colour(s): Purple (like, any. Plum through lavender), coral, dark blue, pink, red. 
last song i listened to: Dear Jessie - Rollergirl (TBH I always listen to either Hardstyle or Eurodance when I’m writing, the beat helps me focus). 
favourite musicians: I have a grossly wide range of music taste haha. I think all time probably P!nk. Other long term favorites are Sia (ever since that Six Feet Under finale I’m so hooked on her), Guns’n’Roses, Michelle Branch, Missy Higgins (who I know because BEFORE youtube existed you had to DOWNLOAD fanvids through megaupload or some shit like some PLEB - And this Faith Lehane fanvid has the song ‘Scar’ on it), Anouk, ABBA, Madonna, Eminem, Panic at the Disco (ok I’m stopping, I could go on forever).
last film i watched: I don’t really watch a lot of movies. Somewhere along the line movies went from 90 minutes, to 120, to even longer and ugh. I just don’t have the patience most of the time. I watched Total Recall (the 1990-only-real-version tyvm) again, and it’s truly iconic, I can’t express my love for 90′s action movies enough. 
last tv show i watched: I just finished watching Westworld season 3 ughhh love that show so much. Other shows I recently watched: Good Girls (who’d have thought), Lucifer (even though it really took a deep dive from me being invested, to more of a wallpapershow), Snowpiercer (LOVE IT), The 100 and Borgen.
favourite character: Elizabeth Irene Boland!! (Please wife me. who’s Rio? I dunno her.) There’s a clear trend in my favorite characters: Cordelia Chase, Lilah Morgan, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce (Angel/BtVS), Birgitte Nyborg (Borgen), Sansa Stark, Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones), Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Hermione Granger (Harry Potter), Joan Holloway (Mad Men), Adelle De Witt (Dollhouse), Atia of the Julii (Rome), Lucretia (Spartacus), and probably every character ever played by Charlize Theron. (ok I’ll stop now, I could go on forever haha).
sweet, spicy or savoury: Definitely savoury!! Also pretty fond of spicy. Cooking is one of my favorite things to do, so I make a lot of those savoury things myself. And I don’t like sweet, candy is gross, frosting is the devil, chocolate is meh, soda/pop is a terrible invention. 
sparkling water, tea or coffee: C O F F E E!!! I’m sure I drink too much of it, but I love it so much (black, of course. anything else is blasphemy). And for water, If I have to go with sparkling I prefer the ones with the small bubbles (they exist) because I don’t like drinks with big bubbles.
pets: I have a cat. Her official name is Mila, but I actually just call her Poes (which is Dutch for puss). This is her (my mom made this collage when she was staying over with my parents):
tagging @nottonyharrison , @lunafeather , @nakedmonkey , @inyoursheets , @bourbon-ontherocks and anyone else who wants to play! (Also, sorry if you already got tagged! I might have missed a few posts)
When I was growing up we had a black Labrador. And I’d love to have a dog again, but as long as I live alone and work a lot it’s just impossible.
Ohhh and I also have like 25 plants or something!
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kyliafanfiction · 5 years
19, 20, 26 for the salty ask game?
(Since Buffyverse is the fandom we share, primarily, I’m going with that for questions 19 and 20)
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
If I had to pick one thing that bugs me most, that isn’t ship-related, about the Buffyverse, it would be “Saint Buffy Syndrome”. You see it come up a lot when people are criticizing Buffy’s friends any time they express any unhappiness with her choices, or lash out at her in any fashion - as if she bears no fault, did nothing wrong, and that these entirely human people have no reason at all to be upset with her.
It’s not that, say, Buffy didn’t have understandable reasons for running away at the end of Season 2, but it’s equally true her friends had a right to be upset with her. Should they have had it out at the party? No. Should they have yelled at her, said some of the things they said? No. But did they have a point? To a certain extent, yeah. Equally with say, Empty Places. (I’ve said my piece on this one enough times I won’t reiterate it).
Saint Buffy Syndrome - SBS - is this tendency to loionize Buffy, paint her as more than human, and to ignore her very real flaws. Her flaws that, frankly, make her a more interesting character. Buffy is a good person - one of the better people on the show. Better than my faves, morally speaking. I will not deny that. But she’s not a Saint, she’s not flawless, she’s not perfect. She has her issues, she makes bad choices, she can be a bit thoughtless (to put it mildly) about her friends and their problems. Yes, she’s the Slayer, yes she’s under insane pressure, and yes, as the protagonist, the narrative itself almost forces her to appear a bit self-centered, but the fact remains -
Buffy Anne Summers is Not a Saint
(relatedly, I’m not a fan of ‘Saint Tara Syndrome” either, though Tara actually suffers from bad writing here, as the show does a bad job of fully realizing her as a character until it’s too late, over all.)
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
This is a Joss Whedon show. If you’re looking for pure, try My Little Pony :P
More seriously, in the Buffyverse, I would say that the purest ship - that is, the least ‘problematic’ ship (defining problematic under conventional tumblr terms, which are indefinite and vague to say the least) - is probably Fred/Gunn? I mean, they break up, but that’s as much over personal hangups unrelated to their own relationship? I mean, Gunn loved Fred enough that it counted as giving his soul to her, apparently, and I can’t really think of anything in the relationship itself that counted as super-problematic. 
I mean, Gunn wanting to ‘protect’ Fred from having to kill Siedel is meant to be presented as patronizing, I think, or something, but honestly, killing another human being is... A Lot. I can understand Gunn’s position - as I can Fred’s. But that still puts them well ahead of pretty much every other Buffy ship, in terms of having minimal problematic aspects.
26. Most shippable character?
Oddly enough, Wesley Wyndam Pryce, in the Buffyverse. 
I’m not much of a multishipper, in general, or at least, in theory. Depending on how one defines ‘ship’, I usually only ship one ship for each character. But even under relatively narrow definitions of ‘ship’ I ship 2 ships for Amy (Faimy and Radison), 2 for Willow (Tillow and Radison) and 2 for Faith (Faithsley and Faimy).
But, under those same narrow definitions, I ship 3 ships for Wesley - Faithsley (Wesley x Faith), Weslah (Wesley x Lilah) and Weslyria (Wesley x Illyria).
Under a more expansive definition of ship, one can argue that Regina is probably the most shippable character for me, over all - in that in this more expansive view, I ship her with Emma Swan, Robin Hood, Captain Hook (Both versions of him) and Emma and the first version of Hook together in an ot3. But that’s only if you expand the definition of ship.
Salty Asks!
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buffster · 5 years
Five By Five (ATS 1.18)
This is part of my ongoing Buffyverse Project, where I write notes/meta for every episode in an attempt to better understand the characters and themes of the shows. You can find the BTVS list here and the ATS list here. Gifs are not mine.
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Waiting for Five by Five is what kept me holding out when I first began Angel (and I’m glad I did). I love the relationship between Angel and Faith and wish we’d gotten to see more of it. 
One thing I find interesting about Faith’s character is that she shows us how thin the line is between our awesome hero (Buffy) and a much darker villain (Faith). We’re able to cheer and laugh when Buffy surprises a predatory guy and slams his face into the steering wheel but cringe when Faith takes another’s money and puts him in the hospital. Buffy uses her powers for good but has the capacity for great evil. 
Five by Five and Sanctuary do a lot of character work for Angel by establishing Wesley’s complete trust in his boss and Angel’s status as a helper to the truly lost. He’s able to reach the unreachable because he’s been there, and we’re reminded of that with some Darla flashbacks to a pivotal turn in Angel’s life: the gypsy curse in Romania, 1898. 
When Angel received his soul he didn’t suddenly become “the dark avenger”. At first he went right to Darla for solace and guidance. She was disgusted by his soul and threatened to stake him. He ran out, haunted by visions of everything he’d done wrong. But it wasn’t easy to just accept being an outcast and try and atone. He tried to go back to his evil ways first and just felt miserable and alone. It’s interesting to get a look at him right when he regained his soul to see just how naive Liam was when he jumped headfirst into vampirism. He had no idea what he was signing up for. Angel knows exactly how Faith feels.
Cordelia: Wesley, you don't change a guy like that. In fact - generally speaking - you don't change a guy. What you see is what you get. Scratch the surface and what do you find? More surface.
So how do his companions feel about all this? Cordelia is more than happy to let Angel handle this one alone, but Wesley is not. He still feels like Faith is his responsibility (he’s upset Giles didn’t call him when she woke up) and doesn’t want to accept that he can’t help her. Unfortunately for him, this plants a target firmly on his back. When Faith sees someone have faith in her (sorry) she wants to push as hard as she can to see if she can break it. She’s proving to herself over and over again that she’s unlovable and unworthy of being saved, and when they finally break and agree it just enrages her further. 
Faith: You think? Because what if you kill me - and you experience that one true moment of pleasure? Oops!  I'd get off on that. Go ahead. Do me. Let's take that hell ride together. Come on, Angel, I'm all yours!  I'm giving you an open invitation. Jeez, you're pathetic! You and your little tortured soul, got to think everything through. Well, think fast, lover. You don’t' do me, you know I'm gonna do you!
Wolfram & Hart decide to hire her to take out Angel, seemingly without knowing their history. They’re surprised when a planned simple exchange--hit the target, collect fifteen grand--becomes a cat and mouse game where Faith ends up torturing an entirely different person. We get a little insight into the company: they’re all cold and drunk on their own power, but some are better at dealing with their position than others. The lawyers have what one might call soft power in the supernatural world--they have money, resources, and quiet influence--but they must employ those with hard power--fighting skills and physical strength. Lee makes the mistake of believing he holds all the cards and ends up in several casts thanks to Faith. Lindsey and Lilah (why do they all have L names?) don’t seem bothered at all by this. There’s no loyalty to be found here. Side note: Angel’s interaction with the random guy in Wolfram & Hart’s lobby was so fun. 
Wesley: I was your Watcher, Faith. - I know the real you - and eve if you kill me, there is just one thing I want you to remember.
Faith: What's that, love?
Wesley: You - are a piece of sh.. 
As bizarre as it is, you can see the brief flare of hope in Faith’s eyes when Wesley starts to speak; that he will still see something in her and care for her after all she’s done. 
Faith: Did you ever wonder if things would have been different - if we'd never met. What if you'd had Buffy - and Giles would have been my Watcher? You think you'd still be here right now? Or would Giles be sitting in that chair? - Or is it just like fate. You know, there is no choice. You were gonna be here no matter what. You think about that stuff? - Fate - and destiny. I don't. Not that any of this is your own fault. Since this may be the last chance we will have to unload on each other, I feel that it is kind of my duty to tell you that if you'd been a better Watcher, I might have been a more positive role model! Face it, Wesley, you really were a jerk. Always walking around as if you had some great big stake rammed up your - English Channel. I think I want to hear you scream.
Faith has a real problem with people who seem in control. It’s another reason she does think about fate and destiny; it’s easier than believing she could have made better choices. 
Ultimately, Angel is the only one who can help her. He’s the only one strong enough to be her punching bag until she burns out. 
Angel: I'm not gonna make it easy for you.
After all the provoking, he still refuses to kill her. It was a risky move, and I don’t think anyone but Angel would have had faith in her after all this. Even I felt a little skeptical--more on this in Sanctuary. Overall, I thought this was a great episode for season one. Many people tuning in to Angel were doing it because they loved Buffy, so sprinkling in some of those characters during the first season was a good trick to get people hooked. 
Character Notes:
Cordelia Chase: She doesn’t think their client will testify because he has so many tattoos (and that’s given her certain ideas about his character). She can tell when Angel is in a good mood (his scowl is slightly less scowly). Phantom Dennis tries to protect her from Faith, which was neat. She says hell will freeze over before she sleeps with Wesley. 
Lilah Morgan: Green is her favorite color, she looks good in diamonds, and she loves riding in limousines. 
Faith Lehane: Her favorite color is black. 
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dingoes8myrp · 6 years
Buffyverse Ships: Top 5′s
Okay. So, I’ve sworn off OTP’ing because I just can’t limit myself to one “true” pairing. However, I do prefer some ships over others. I’m going to rank three sets of top 5’s below.
Canon: A relationship that has been seen on either Angel the Series or Buffy the Vampire Slayer in which the two characters are an established couple.
Semi-Canon: A relationship that was eluded to, hinted at, or an “almost, but not quite” in either of the shows. This includes one-night stands, flirtations, and flings.
Non-Canon: A relationship that never happened and was never eluded to in the shows.
I haven’t read the comics, so I���m not including those ships here, as I don’t know enough about them to rank them. If there’s a ship not listed and you’d like to know where it ranks, let me know.
Note: I’m always up for hearing alternate points of view on ships! Feel free to try to change my mind about a ship, particularly if it’s one you really enjoy that I’ve ranked too low for your liking (or haven’t ranked at all). It has been known to happen (see Fuffy, Spuffy, and Spander). If you want to point out some unhealthy/problematic things about a ship, please respect those with a differing opinion and try to avoid straight up ship bashing. I welcome all shippers to follow/comment on my blog and I’d like to keep things respectful for everyone in the comments. If Tumblr had a better moderating system I wouldn’t have to say that.
One: Buffy & Angel
These two are one of my top ships ever. The story arc has everything: a giddy school girl crush, forbidden love, murder, Hell, death, redemption, and teamwork. My favorite thing about Buffy and Angel is their ability to work as a team even when they’re not a couple. They compliment each other so well in terms of occult knowledge and strength. From a storytelling standpoint, this was my favorite ship to watch. It was layered, complicated, and heartbreaking. It’s the one that got me right in the feels the most.
Two: Willow & Oz
I’m so into these two. Oz is my favorite and he and Willow were so cute together in the early stages of their relationship. They’re two nerdy, smart kids who bonded over their nerdiness. And I related so hard to Willow when I was in high school, so they were a bit of a vicarious ship for me, which is why it’s one I’m particularly fond of in general.
Three: Willow & Tara
If I could tie Tillow with Willoz I would, but that’s cheating. The only reason Willoz got the edge was because of my personal relation to it. But, I love Tillow! They started with a friendship that naturally progressed into something more. We see an entirely different side to both women when they’re together. They bring out hidden skills and talents in one another through their mutual strength and encouragement.
Four: Fred & Gunn
This was such an unexpected relationship, but a pleasant surprise. Fred was so sweet and Gunn was so tough, but Fred brought out this sweet side to him I don’t think we would’ve seen otherwise. These two were just adorable. Maybe a little mismatched, but that was one of the things that made it awesome.
Five: Wesley & Lilah
Out of left field came Wesley and Lilah! But, it made so much sense in the context of their storylines as characters. On the surface of this relationship, Wesley and Lilah were born out of convenience where each of them needed the other one. But, as the relationship developed further more layers were revealed and they genuinely had warmth and passion for one another. The blurred lines of morality were great here.
One: Faith & Buffy
This relationship is under the surface for most of season three. It’s not only subtext, it’s very nearly text. They had a Single White Female thing going on where they were both envious of one another for different reasons. The fact that they’re both slayers gives them a bond and an understanding of one another hard to find elsewhere.
Two: Cordelia & Doyle
These two brought out some lovely aspects of one another as friends. Cordelia made Doyle more introspective and self-aware. Doyle made Cordelia more humble (unfortunately most of that development occurred because of/after his demise). So much groundwork was laid for this relationship only for it to never happen. It had a lot of potential.
Three: Angel & Cordelia
Both Angel and Cordelia evolved so much over the course of Angel and alongside one another. Cordelia gained a lot of humility and became a hero in her own right. Angel continued his redemption arc and found a new purpose outside of Sunnydale. These two were a very good team, always picking each other up and keeping each other going. That’s the heart of a good relationship, isn’t it?
Four: Angel & Spike
The bromance with these two is so strong. They’re like a bickering married couple and I love it. I can’t find the actual evidence to site, but I know there’s context in the shows eluding to a romantic/sexual past with these two. I definitely buy that it happened. Their chemistry is fantastic. Two old, bitter vampires both trying to redeem themselves and never quite feeling like they do.
Five: Faith & Angel
There’s so much Faith and Angel have in common. They both crossed moral lines that can’t be uncrossed, and they understand important aspects of one another (and forgive them). They have so much chemistry and they support one another. They’re each that person for one another where they could call and ask for any favor. “Hey, I gotta dump a body.” “Damn, alright. Let me get my shovel, but we’re gonna have a talk about this later.”
One: Buffy & Xander
At any point post-season four I would’ve bought these two as a couple. Mature Xander and Owning-Her-Slayerness Buffy were so ride or die for each other. They’re each other’s heart, strength, and discipline when needed. Again, excellent teamwork always.
Two: Faith & Gunn
These two were gritty and edgy and I think they would’ve complemented each other wonderfully. They would’ve been a badass fighting duo, probably would’ve argued like hell, but they would’ve been hot.
Three: Connor & Dawn
Connor and Dawn are both mystically constructed beings who weren’t meant to exist, but they do, and they have issues as a result. They’d probably connect over this aspect of their lives no one else shares. Connor could train Dawn to fight and defend herself (and feel needed, which is helpful). Dawn could give Connor lots of spirited pep talks and be the little ray of sunshine he desperately needs.
Four: Spike & Dawn
This is a little taboo because Spike became almost like a paternal figure for Dawn, but I do love their dynamic. He’s protective of Dawn and he stands by her unconditionally. Dawn trusts and looks up to Spike, but doesn’t take his crap. This would be an interesting romance.
Five: Xander & Oz
These two always had a great, low-key bromance. There’s a mutual respect there and a cute friendship. I’m not gonna lie, I saw a Tumblr post pointing out they sometimes wear the same shirt but never at the same time, implying these two secretly hooked up here and there and, if they hadn’t been dating other people most of the time, I totally would’ve bought it.
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What is your favorite thing about Angel/Wesley? Do you have a favorite scene of them?
I think my favorite aspect about Angel and Wesley is how well they parallel each other, but in reverse. 
Wes starts out as this optimistic yet lonely Watcher, with his life figured out and who sees the world in black-and-white. Angel is lonely as well, even more lost, and sees the world in shades of grey. He has already lost the love of his life and, in season 2, sleeps with Darla, his enemy, after losing everything (redemption, himself). 
Wes only goes through this in seasons 3 and 4: when he hooks up with Lilah, is estranged from A.I and loses Fred. At this point, Angel is no longer the kind of person to sleep with the enemy. To him, the world as become one of extremes: always kill the bad guy, never kill the good guy (even Knox), never sleep with the enemy. The difference is subtle, but Angel’s world becomes less morally grey as time goes on: he starts making big decisions without difficulty, he doesn’t tolerate or believe in redeeming a lot of the bad guys, like Lindsey. 
Wesley, on the other hand, becomes all about the moral grey area. He believes in Lilah’s redemption, to a certain extent, and thinks it’s okay to shoot someone in the kneecap to make a point. Wesley’s world, by the series’ end, is about big choices not panning out, about good intentions and bad outcomes. His life is, in a way, devoid of meaning. Angel, on the other hand, is rewarded for the equally momentous decisions he makes: the one to save Connor, the one to take down W&H, etc. Angel’s life acquires meaning in the very large scheme of things. This is what I mean when I say Wes and Angel reverse parallel each other (LOL, I’m not talking about parking!)
All of this makes their dynamic so damn interesting! More so because, while they usually understand each other, their “opposite” arcs means they often don’t get each other simultaneously. Sometimes their experiences don’t overlap, and they misunderstand each other. 
Wes joins A.I because Angel gets what it’s like to be lonely and lost. Wes loves Angel for that, but when Angel goes under because of his obsession with Darla and his redemption, Wesley doesn’t get it. Not yet, because he only becomes obsessed with his own redemption, and Fred and Illyria, years later. That’s when Wes understands that period in Angel’s life. And Angel doesn’t really get Wes’s choice to kidnap Connor until the makes a similar drastic choice in Home. 
My favorite Wesley and Angel moment might be their nod to each other in Not Fade Away, because, now that their arcs are complete, they get each other fully, which they acknowledge with that nod. It says “We’ve been through everything together. Thank you.” but also “I’m sorry.”. 
I also adore their little moments together in seasons 1 and 2. Like those times when Wes is a complete klutz and Angel tries very hard not to laugh at him. Or when Angel says his sorry for Lilah’s death because she meant something to Wesley. 
Anyway. Thanks for the ask! 
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Shipping Masterpost
The ships that I ship can be broken down into three kinds of ships, broadly speaking. There is some overlap and whatnot, but as it stands:
Active Ships: Ships that I actively root(ed) for and want to happen/wish they had happened in some fashion, even if I think they’ll never become canon. If they did happen, I was very happy about it - and if they ended in canon, I was very much not. I seek out fics with these ships and in general, spend a lot of my fandom time thinking about them. I have written or aim to write fics about them - in theory. In practice, of course, I plan and dream up more fics than I write.
Passive Ships: I like them as they happen, or would have been interested to see it happen and they can make a fic more appealing to me if it already piqued my interest, but in of itself, I don’t seek this pairing out, and I don’t fan out much over it per se.
Trash Ships: I like some aspect of the dynamic or potential here, and yet... I’d never want it to be canon (or was very unhappy with how it became canon), and thus only like it in carefully constructed AUs. Of then there is something vaguely (or more than that) dirtybadwrong with the ship in some way. These tend to be rare.
Ships By Fandom
Buffy The Vampire Slayer & Angel The Series
Active Ships: Faith Lehane x Amy Madison (Faimy); Amy Madison x Willow Rosenberg (Radison); Xander Harris x Cordelia (Xandelia); Wesley Wyndam-Pryce x Faith Lehane (Faithsley) Wesley Wyndam-Pryce x Lilah Morgan (Weslah); Wesley Wyndam-Pryce x Illyria (Weslyria); Angel x Kate Lockley (Lockangel)
Passive Ships: Tara Maclay x Willow Rosenberg (Tillow); Winifred “Fred” Burkle x Charles Gunn (Frunn); Jenny Calendar x Rupert Giles (Calendiles)
The Vampire Diaries
Active Ships: Damon Salvatore x Bonnie Bennett (Bamon); Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes (Steroline); Jeremy Gilbert x Annabelle Zhu (Janna)
Passive Ships: Tyler Lockwood x Caroline Forbes (Forwood)
Trash Ships: Damon Salvatore x Caroline Forbes (Daroline)
The CW DCTV Universe (Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tommorrow, Supergirl)
Active Ships: Laurel Lance x Oliver Queen (Lauriver); Caitlin Snow x Barry Allen (Snowbarry); Rip Hunter x Sara Lance (Time Canary); Nyssa Al-Ghul x Sara Lance (Nyssara)
Stargate SG-1
Passive Ships: Samantha Carter x Daniel Jackson
Once Upon A Time
Active Ships: Regina Mills x Emma Swan (SwanQueen)
Passive Ships: New (Season 7) Hook x Regina Mills; Robin Hood x Regina Mills (Outlaw Queen); Maleficent x Regina Mills (Dragon Queen)
Trash Ships: Captain Hook x Regina Mills (Hooked Queen); Captain Hook x Regina Mills x Emma Swan (Captain SwanQueen)
Harry Potter
Active Ships: Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger (Dramione)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D./The MCU
Active Ships: Grant Ward x Skye/Daisy Johnson (Contextual, but Active) (Skyeward)
Passive Ships: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts (Pepperony)
Babylon 5
Active Ships: Talia Winters x Susan Ivanova
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Passive Ships: Elim Garak x Julian Bashir (Garashir)
Red Versus Blue
Active Ships: Tucker x Washington (Tuckington); Washington x CT
Passive Ships: Alpha!Church x Beta/Tex (Chex); Director Church x Allison; Carolina x Washington (Carwash)
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mejomonster · 5 years
A concept:
Lilah Morgan, still in her same job position, in Season 5 of Angel. She’s still dead/a ghost, but she’s clearly still working/belongs to Wolfram and Hart. 
It would have been interesting to see her interact with Angel, an Angel who made a deal to work with W&H just like she had. To see how much the rest of the team remembered of Lilah’s death and what caused it. To see Fred and Lilah interacting, knowing Lilah died and Wesley cared. To see if Lilah would have looked the other way when Knox hurt Fred and led to her death. To see Lilah interact with Illyria. And what about Lilah and Gunn, when Gunn suddenly became a factory-made-perfect-Wolfram-&-Hart employee? Would him and Lilah have hooked up, or connected, or saw something familiar in each other? I feel like Gunn’s arc where he’s slipping into that grey area, where he’s suggesting they work within the system to do their job of saving lives, would be an interesting parallel to other W&H employees who clearly live every day of their lives okay with being in that morally grey area. It would have been so interesting to see how seeing himself reflected in Lilah, noticing because he sees her somewhat regularly, might have influenced his eventual reaction to how he’d changed. Maybe Lilah would have replaced Eve in Season 5, or maybe she’d just been in addition. Either way, I would love to see this concept explored.
Are there ANY fanfics that explore this?
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bespangeled · 7 years
Buffyverse tagging meme: I was tagged by @rorysummersblog and @alkenifanfiction  and @lucious Thank you- I wriggle like a puppy while I am answering. Damn, my life needs a life...
top fifteen characters (in no particular order)
1. Wesley  2. Spike  3. Angel  4. Faith  5. Giles  6.Tara  7. Buffy  8. Lilah  9. Oz 10. Xander 11. Willow 12. Lorne 13. Illyria 14. Cordelia 15.Gunn
favorite minor characters?
Ethan Rayne, Drusilla, Darla, Clem, Cassie, Vi, Amy, Jenny,
ranking of favorite seasons of both shows
ATS: 5, 3, 2, 1, 4 BTVS: 2, 6, 5, 7 , 3, 4, 1
top ten episodes of both shows - this is based on what I would watch, not on the episode quality (in no particular order - depends on my mood)
ATS:  Reunion, Redefinition, Billy, Loyalty, Orpheus (entire arc is really one episode so I’ll say they are all tied), Deep Down, Destiny, You’re Welcome, TGIQ (Spangel fan here), Damage,
BTVS: Becoming 1&2, Lie To Me, Passion, Fool For Love, The Gift, OMWF, Normal Again, LMPTM,  Beneath You, Band Candy
ats or btvs? ats (but it cycles)
least favorite main character?
I hate to say it, but the more I watch the more later season Fred gets on my nerves
top ten ships?
Spangel, Weslah, Fuffy, Spuffy, Xandelia, Tillow, Spesley, Spiles, Spander, Cangel
do you write fanfic?
Yup - mostly m/m or vignettes
what fanfic do you read?
Spike/Angel, Spike/Giles, Spike/Wesley, Spike/Ethan, Spike/Dean Winchester - with some Spike/Xander creeping in - you might notice a pattern here. Some mild Spuffy - lots and lots of gen fic - anything written with snark and excellent voices, or wrenching grief, kinda depends on my mood. Not that big on graphic sex - I prefer stories that explore characters
A few favorites:
The Relevance of Spike - stakeaclaim -  this is the way season 5 Angel should have gone.  The Relevance of Spike - Author: stakeaclaim -   "It was a big day. A hundred and twenty-five years. A quarter of the way through his second century and he’d decided today was the day it was all going to change" And it all does change, though not in ways any reader could expect. It's long, unpredictable, and intricate, and it will keep you up all night reading. Spike/Angel
Go No More A-Roving  - thea_bromine - Warnings – this is a Deathfic. Mind you, it’s largely about Spike, so it would be a Deathfic on account of Spike not being altogether alive. However, I’m warning you, death happens to a major character. Well, to Giles. Both beautifully written, and quite funny, with excellent voices. If you had the chance to live on would you do it in a vampire’s body? Even if it means sharing that body with it’s owner - Spike? It has a sequel on the same page with WWP as a main character - filled with delicious snark. Giles/Spike (but not in the usual way)
Three Lions - Lesley - Takes place after season six, in England where Giles tries to help and angry Willow, and a newly souled vampire whose mood veers between Italian widow and Mickey Mouse on crack. Throw in WWP escaping from stalker Lilah and you have a recipe for disaster. Funny but deeper and more layered than it sounds - warning Death of a major character. Gen fic
Siren Song  - Morgana - Picks up after Twihard, but there’s a reason Dean was throwing up after he took the cure - it didn’t take. He’s left a vampire, and while he tries to ignore it, that turns out to be a very bad idea. At the end of his rope, Sam calls on an old contact of their father’s, who promises to send them help in the form of a vampire expert. Problem is, they didn’t expect the vampire expert to be a vampire himself! Dean is forced to spend some time with his new mentor, learning about what it means to be a vampire, from blood (which he doesn’t want to drink) to sires (which he doesn’t have) and more.  Spike/Dean, Xander/Sam when did you start watching? About 8 years ago - when I became disabled my younger daughter made me watch Buffy, and I was hooked. The show and fandom gave me someting to put my energy into as I went through the healing process. I watched “Angel” afterwards - also under protest. That’s where my main ships set sail - Spangel, and Weslah.
show recommendations for Buffyverse fans? I have odd taste in shows so not sure if they will appeal
Vikings - history channel - interesting characters and kick-ass women (Lagertha in particular)
Shameless (on Netflix) - that same sense of community as a family of poor kids struggle to survive without parents - filled with humor, and snark. If you have ever been a poor urban kid, you will find yourself here.
Goblin: The Lonely and Great God - Kdrama - another one of my daughters but a Korean Goblin and a Reaper are so shippable! (same daughter XD)
do you own/collect anything related to the shows? Just CDs my daughter ripped from her box set
how often will you watch an episode? When I’m in the mood - it can be several times a week, or not for months
how many times have you watched either show all the way through? I think 3 times - maybe 4
five unpopular opinions?
1. When something is wrong with the show, Spike is not always to blame - if Spike is your all purpose scapegoat then go away.
2. Bangel and Spuffy were both extremely dysfunctional relationships by any normal standard. What Angel did to Buffy was just as bad as the ar
3. Characters are more interesting when they screw up - and it’s still okay to be upset by choices they make.
4. Fred/Gunn slowly drains the life out of Fred, and she never quite makes it back. Fred/Wesley is not about love, it’s about adoration and worship
5. Wesely/Lilah is the hottest relationship in the B-verse.
least favorite thing about the fandom?
The whole beware Spike fans - Spike fans are waiting to kick your puppy, spoil your milk, and burn your house to the ground with your whole family inside. They are a single organism with one opinion and in control of fandom. We are all being victimized by Spike fans, and their foul, evil ways. We hates em - we hates em all...I mean, dislike the character and I can understand if not agree, but lately i am running into stuff about Spike fans. Disliking real people on the basis of a who just seems weird, and sad.
I tag @silverspike, @baudown @restfield @cortexifansquint, @captain-peroxide-pest, @feliciacraft, @carry-on-my-wayward-wesley, @catty-words @gwendolenau, @demandingbillydolls, @soulfulspikethekiller @comlodge and anyone else who wants to!
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saltficrecs · 5 years
A Fine Foemance
A Fine Foemance by dollsome (LJ, one-shot - 2,700 words)
Fandom: Angel
Relationship: Wes/Lilah
Summary: In which rogue demon hunter Wesley decides that seducing one of Wolfram & Hart's top lawyers is a brilliant tactical move, Lilah is more amused than she'd expected to be, and Cordy just wants Wesley to shut up about the torrid details of his love life. Preferably ASAP.
Notes: in which it is wesley circa s1, not wes, who hooks up with lilah
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onceandfuturekiki · 7 years
I guess this is an appropriate post for Valentine’s day...
A couple of weeks ago someone asked if I could post a list of all the ships I have that are canon and all of the ships I have that fanon. This turned into something of an endeavor as I struggled to categorize some of them and ended up with a variety of categories, as there are the unambiguous canon ships that got together and the unambiguous fanon ships that were never written as romantic, but also things like ships that got together but didn’t end up together for one reason or another, ships that were written romantically but someone died before they could get together and so on.
So these are the categories I came up with:
Canon - ended up together
Canon - currently together on an ongoing show
Canon - Got together but broke up
Canon - Got together but one or both died
Written with romantic intent but never got together 
Written with romantic intent but difficult to categorize (due to intentionally problematic framing, etc.)
Completely fanon
Currently too ambiguous to categorize
There are a few that I had a hard time categorizing for various reasons and I made a note of that when it applied. There are also some shows that I stopped watching or haven’t caught up on so I don’t know the current status of the ship and what is listed is what the status was when I last saw the show. I also made note of those cases.
This is just ships from the shows I’ve watched/listened to (as I a including podcasts). It does not include ships from books, movies, plays, comics, etc. And it doesn’t include any soap ships, which would be a massive list on its own and would only have one ship in the “Canon- ended up together” category.
I’ve been shipping for a long, long time so it’s entirely possible that I still left some ships off the list.
This is in no kind of alphabetical order or anything like that. I might work on doing that later.
Naturally, considering the categories, there are some big spoilers for a variety of shows. Continue at your own risk.
Canon- ended up together
Joanie/Jane, Deadwood
Shelly/Bobby, Twin Peaks
Josh/Donna, The West Wing
CJ/Danny, The West Wing
Jed/Abby, The West Wing
Charlie/Zoey, The West Wing
Phryne/Jack, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
Ned/Chuck, Pushing Daisies
Jeff/Annie, Community
Desmond/Penny, Lost
Bobbi/Hunter, Agents of SHIELD
Penny/Dagr, Caper
Laurie/Travis, Cougartown
Karen/Nick, Dirty Sexy Money
Jeremy/Nola, Dirty Sexy Money
Amy/Rory, Doctor Who
Niles/Daphne, Frasier
Kaylee/Simon, Firefly
Mal/Inara, Firefly
Galavant/Isabella, Galavant
Dot/Hugh, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
PJ/Bobby, My Boys
Don/Sloan, The Newsroom
Mac/Will, The Newsroom
Ann/Chris, Parks and Rec
Ben/Leslie, Parks and Rec
April/Andy, Parks and Rec
Charlie/Kirsten, Party of Five 
Emerson/Simone, Pushing Daisies
Morgan/Conner, Spooked
Tessa/Ryan, Suburgatory
Matt/Harriet, Studio 60
Danny/Jordan, Studio 60
Tom/Lucy, Studio 60
Davis/Jeanette, Treme 
Frank/Sadie, Beyond Belief
Aver-E/Iron Ron/Gork, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Felton/The Widow Johnson, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Sparks/Ginny, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Croach/Red, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Banjo/The Hobo Princess, Down in Moonshine Holler
Veronica/Logan, Veronica Mars (ultimately decided to include the movie)
Canon - currently together on an ongoing series
Vax/Keyleth, Critical Role
Vex/Percy, Critical Role
Kima/Allura, Critical Role
Fitz/Simmons, Agents of SHIELD (haven’t watched since the middle/end of last season)
Canon - got together but broke up
Britta/Troy, Community
Toby/Andy, The West Wing
Sparks/Red, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Nucky/Margaret, Boardwalk Empire 
Anya/Xander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (ultimately chose this category as they weren’t really back together when she died)
Willow/Oz, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Sam/Diane, Cheers
Brian/Andrea, Dirty Sexy Money (the narrative was heading toward reconciliation, but the show was canceled)
Sherlock/Jamie, Elementary
Shoshana/Ray, Girls
Ava/Boyd, Justified
Mindy/Danny, The Mindy Project (haven’t watched since midway through last season)
Belle/Rumple, Once Upon a Time
Sarah/Bailey, Party of Five
Charlie/Daphne, Party of Five
Julia/Griffin, Party of Five 
George/Dallas, Suburgatory
Annie/Davis, Treme
Donna/Jack, The West Wing
Britta/Rick, Community
Rumple/Belle, Once Upon a Time
Red/Jim, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Buffy/Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (only considering the tv canon of the Buffyverse and not the comics)
Canon - got together but one or both died
Simon/Alesha, Misfits
Annie/Mitchell, Being Human
Chance/Catherine, Human Target
Sawyer/Juliet, Lost
Charlie/Claire, Lost
Wesley/Lilah, Angel
Bill/Laura, Battlestar Galactica
Galen/Cally, Battlestar Galactica 
Jimmy/Angela, Boardwalk Empire
Jimmy/Pearl, Boardwalk Empire
Willow/Tara, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Carmelita/Patrick, Dirty Sexy Money
Zoey/Wash, Firefly
Hurley/Libby, Lost
Jin/Sun, Lost
John/Alice, Luther
Ethan/Brona, Penny Dreadful
Root/Shaw, Person of Interest
John/Mary, Sherlock
Jack/Ianto, Torchwood
Glenn/Maggie, The Walking Dead
Written with romantic intent but never got together
Emma/Neal, Once Upon a Time
Emma/Graham, Once Upon a Time
Leo/Annabeth, The West Wing
Olive/Alfredo, Pushing Daisies
Daniel/Charlotte, Lost
Shannon/Boone, Lost
Allura/Tiberius, Critical Role
Rachel/Sark, Alias
Ally/John, Ally McBeal
Cordelia/Angel, Angel
George Michael/Maeby, Arrested Development
Mason/Daisy, Dead Like Me
Cooper/Audrey, Twin Peaks
Jeremy/Lisa, Dirty Sexy Money
Rose/The Doctor (ultimately added in this category as I personally do not feel that Rose/Ten!Too is the same thing as Rose/The Doctor)
Clara/The Doctor, Doctor Who
Arya/Gendry, Game of Thrones
Jamie/Brienne, Game of Thrones
Sarah/Jimmy, Grandfathered
Codex/Fawkes, The Guild
Eddie/Fiona, Keen Eddie
Kelly/Nathan, Misfits
Henry/Eliza, Selfie
Stiles/Lydia, Teen Wolf (haven’t watched since middle of last season)
Stiles/Cora, Teen Wolf
Parrish/Lydia, Teen Wolf (haven’t watched since middle of last season)
Stiles/Erica, Teen Wolf
Reese/Carter, Person of Interest
Tosh/Owen, Torchwood
Beth/Daryl, The Walking Dead
Sam/Ainsley, The West Wing
Sam/Mallory, The West Wing
Sam/Connie, The West Wing
Written with romantic intent but difficult to categorize (due to intentionally problematic framing, etc.)
Peter/Lydia, Teen Wolf
Al/Trixie, Deadwood
Starbuck/Leoben, Battlestar Galactica
Skye/Ward, Agents of SHIELD
Completely fanon
Hook/Aurora, Once Upon a Time
Toby/Ginger, The West Wing
River/Jayne, Firefly
Kate/Sayid, Lost
Claire/Sawyer, Lost
Gilmore/Kashaw, Critical Role
Percy/Ripley, Critical Role
Joan/Bell, Elementary
Raylan/Wendy, Justified
Tess/Neal, The Newsroom
Tess/Gary, The Newsroom
Tinkerbelle/Nova, Once Upon a Time
Hook/Regina, Once Upon a Time 
Root/Finch, Person of Interest
Tom/Suzanne, Studio 60
Simon/Jeannie, Studio 60
Malia/Liam, Teen Wolf
Sheriff Stilinski/Melissa, Teen Wolf (haven’t watched since middle of last season)
Maeve/Clementine, Westworld
Sayid/Claire, Lost
Leo/Margaret, The West Wing
Dawn/Andrew, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Frankie/Britta, Community
Tinkerbelle/Hook, Once Upon a Time
Sparks/Pemily, Sparks Nevada: Marshall on Mars
Red/Mercy, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Scanlan/Sherri, Critical Role
Ben/Juliet, Lost
Captain Laserbeam/Philip Fathom, Thrilling Adventure Hour
Amelia/Abigail, Amelia Earhart: Fearless Flyer
Amelia/Abigail/Jefferson, Amelia Earhard: Fearless Flyer and Jefferson Reid: Ace American
Willow/Amy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Neal/Maggie, The Newsroom
Currently too ambiguous to categorize
Sherlock/Molly, Sherlock
Sansa/Tyrion, Game of Thrones
Teddy/Dolores, Westworld
Maeve/Hector, Westworld
Abed/Rachel, Community
Regina/Robin, Once Upon a Time (this is in this category not because it's difficult to categorize on the show, but for me. I ship OQ in canon only as the writing in-series is terrible. So technically, yes, they were together in canon, but canon OQ is not what I ship)
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What do you think of Angel and Faith's friendship? I always liked the fact he never gave up on her since BTVS season 3. They both walked similar paths and those three episodes in season 4 of Angel with Faith are my favorite episodes in that season. It shows that she values their friendship and she would do anything to save him. Happy New Year's Eve!
I LOVE Faith and Angel’s friendship. I don’t really care for how Faith and Buffy parallel each other, but it’s curious how Angel parallels both Faith and Buffy. 
With Buffy and Angel, it’s all about contrasts and similarities: blond/brunette, short/tall, slayer/vampire, young/old, Dawn/Connor, Darla/Spike, etc. 
Angel and Faith are mostly about similarities. Brown eyed brunettes, attractive, contradictory in their roles as bad slayer and ensouled vampire, were partly pushed into redemption arcs by Buffy, only exist in the narrative because of Buffy (her being called drew Whistler to Angel and her death led to Faith’s call), have killed people accidentally and on purpose, were imprisoned as punishment (Angel spent 100 years in a hell dimension, Faith went to jail), were targeted by Wolfram&Hart due to their past (Angel had the potential to turn evil and help the firm’s plans, Faith was hired as a mercenary), indirectly attempted suicide (for Angel: suicide by cop in Angel, the sunrise in Amends, sex with Darla in Reprise, for Faith: suicide by cop in Five by Five and in Orpheus), wear dark clothing, can be emotionally closed off, are loners, see themselves in each other and express true loyalty when either one of them needs help, tried to isolate themselves as penance (Angel before BtVS, Faith in prison) before realizing penance comes from helping others (Angel in AtS, Faith in season 7), are often second best or foils to Buffy. 
There’re 3 people I see as being Angel when combined: Faith, Buffy, Wesley. Faith represents his redemption, personal growth and how empathy in nurtured.
Faith helped Angel believe in his own redemption by proving that no one is a lost case. Along the way, she became a true friend and part of his support system. Angel helped Faith to change and improve herself, and inspired loyalty and compassion. Faith was previously someone who didn’t believe enough in a person to fight for them, but Angel proved that some people are worth loyalty. 
It’s sad that the friendship was a bit one-sided in its exposition. Although Angel helped Faith, and then Faith helped Angel; Angel inspired positive traits in Faith, while Faith didn’t touch Angel as much. The true impact of Faith’s presence in Angel’s life happens off-screen (during the visits in prison) and we sadly don’t get to see it. Still, from Judgment and Orpheus, we can see that Faith and Angel are very much at ease with one another, and share a similar sense of humor. 
It’s also nice that while it was implied many times that Faith and Angel had the hots for one another or could possibly hook up, they became the closest of friends in a platonic, respectful way. Angel’s relationships with women are often romantic or sexual in nature, even if temporarily or not explicitly (Fred, Cordelia, Gwen, Kate, Lilah). Cordelia and Angel fall in love (kinda), Gwen and Angel kiss, Fred and Angel kiss, Lilah and ‘Angel’ kiss, and Kate simply starts hating Angel. Faith and Angel are the only ones who move past that phase organically and resolutely. 
Anyway, like I said in a different post, though I didn’t coin this phrase, Angel and Faith are redemption buddies, and it’s glorious! 
Thanks for the ask! Happy New Year’s Eve yourself! 
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