#website with ads
spooksier · 2 years
me when the emotionally repressed character is revealed to have had something happen in their childhood that was completely out of their control but changed them in a way they can never come back from
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2eds · 10 months
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cakeboxie · 26 days
Here have some incredibly lossy 64 colour limited Sunday gifs from the web event
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OH!!! OH!!!
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Oh mah gawd. He doesn't let anyone touch him unless they're his friends.
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If they aren't his friends, he'll either lean away or wipe off his hand. He hates being touched if he's not the one initiating it, to the point of wiping his sleeve off when Lucifer's hat just BARELY grazed against it.
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He didn't wipe his shoulder off when Charlie stopped touching him either.
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Before You Say 'He did lean away', or 'She wasnt actually touching him, her hand was just near him', Take A Look At This!!
Look closely at how he moves when she splits them up. He doesn't lean away, she SHOVED him. She actively MOVED him. That wasn't an 'oh she's making contact with me, guess I should lean away', it was a 'well she's shoving me now, I'll shut up for a minute'.
Which also proves she WAS touching him. She couldn't have shoved him if she wasn't making contact.
He didn't lean away from it, he didn't retaliate. The ONLY people he lets touch him are people he cares for. And not only did she put her hand on his shoulder, she actively pushed him back, and he showed no sign of discomfort towards it. So why am I screaming about this?
Because he DOES care! It proves he cares for her. Don't get me wrong, I still think saying he's her 'dad' is a bit of a strech, but he does care enough to let her touch him. He doesn't dislike or even have a neutral opinion on her. She's his friend, even if just a little bit.
Just an edit to clarify; I know 'friends' is probably also not the best word to use, but it's just the easiest way for me to describe it.
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egophiliac · 9 months
I love your take on Crowley!
I know that the early, non-Diasomnia stories aren't really your thing, but are you reading the novels at all?
I have been following some of the fan translations and the second book seems intense! Would love to hear what you think about them.
thank you! 💚💚💚 I'm not really sure why you think I don't like the earlier arcs though, I love pretty much all the characters and their storis! (I think 5 and 1 are my favorite of the past episodes, though 6 infected me with the Shroud brainrot something fierce.) I just...ESPECIALLY love diasomnia. :') but there is room in my heart for all of these dweebs! like, who among us is not just as ride-or-die for Adeuce as they are for us.
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that said, I don't really follow the other adaptations like the manga (aside from a dip-in just to see the new Yuus) or the novels, though I keep meaning to check them out! I do like seeing the differences between the different forms of media, and how certain things get adapted one way or another! but alas, time/a lack of accessibility stands in our way more often than not. :( someday...someday I will have time to consume all of the media...
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ganondoodle · 2 months
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yet another abandoned painting attempt..
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salamispots · 4 months
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wanted to do a couple more examples for the commission sheet
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petraforgedyke · 7 months
i’m seeing a lot of fear today about Tumblr Shutting Down (Real) (Actually True) today and let peepaw seg tell you a story
i’ve been on this webbed site for fifteen years, believe it or not, since way back in the days of Tumblarity. now i was but a wee lad at the time, so i don’t remember the fine details, but rest assured, it doesn’t matter much for the story i’m about to tell you.
you see, i remember when tumblr was owned by tumblr. folk called its ceo (david karp) “daddy”, and were enthusiastic about his communications, even if on our own blogs, we’d bitch and moan about tumblr making changes to things we were used to. i remember the hubbub when tumblr removed tumblarity, and how this was surely going to be the end of tumblr.
all those fifteen (though it might be sixteen) years ago.
layouts changed, and we’d bitch and moan, and tumblr’d get sold, and we’d know for sure that This Was The End Of Tumblr, For Real This Time. this happened again and again and again, because this webbed site, you see, it makes no money, and companies, greedy things as they are, like money.
the porn ban, under the reign of YaHoo that was, was seen as another death knell. tumblr was going to die, for real, for sure, and i’m not proud to say that i was one of the ones who fell for it. peepaw seg needed to sow hir wild oats on other platforms.
now, i say this happened under yahoo, but it’s important to remember that this ban came in the wake of both the apple app store banning the tumblr app on account of real life csem being hosted on tumblr, and the new usamerican law SESTA-FOSTA being implemented, which made it so that companies such as tumblr would have to moderate the explicit content on them to make sure none of it breached sesta-fosta. tumblr, being a small fish in the grand scheme of thing, didn’t warrant that amount of financial effort on yahoo’s part, as the site was still not making any money, and it’s easier and cheaper to blanket ban than it is to moderate. all this to say, it’s important to vote, because if you don’t, your internet freedom will be curtailed.
and now we’re here, some sixteen years on, and i’ll say automattic has been not all good, but definitely not all bad for the site. they changed stuff we liked to our discontent (layouts), and added stuff we hated (live), but they also gave us stuff we like (polls) and an amount of open communication about tumblr’s inner workings not seen since the days of david “daddy” karp. and now they’re putting just a skeleton crew on the tumblr project.
and that’s going to be The End Of Tumblr For Sure For Real Actually This Time. Really. Promise. Abandon Ship.
and we come to the crux of this story.
which is that this has happened before, and it will happen again, because tumblr is surprisingly immune to making any money.
what we’re likely to see in the coming time is no new features (that’s reserved for projects that make money), and an increase in ads, until one day, and this might be in a few months, and maybe in a few years, there’ll be an announcement that tumblr’s been sold to one direction to a new company.
and we’ll start the whole rigmarole again. and this company might be good for tumblr’s userbase, or it might go against everything the tumblr community holds dear. no way of knowing which way it’ll go.
until one day, some parent company will have had enough, and will pull the plug.
but for now… well, i’m gonna sit here on my porch (blog), and we’ll see what happens. i'm not worried, tumblr’s survived worse things.
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lexosaurus · 8 months
Okay, the "Youtube blocking everyone who uses adblocks from viewing their videos" thing was the final straw that made me finally switch to Firefox. And...I get it now. I get why I should have done this ages ago.
Thank you, Tumblr peer pressure, for helping me to better my online experience and safety.
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takamoris · 1 year
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wordfather · 11 months
we notice you have an adblocker on pleeeeease turn it off🥺 pleeeease our many pop up ads are starvinggggg they want to annoy you so bad🥺
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mercurialsmile · 1 month
jUsT DoN’t LiSTen to tAYlOR swIfT iF yOu dOn’T liKe hEr
My brother in Satan I would ignore her existence completely if I wasn’t forced to see these godawful ads and listen to her terrible music at random stores
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murderofsomeone · 5 months
Hey how are we holding up tonight, lemon demon fans.
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whilomm · 1 month
lets make a didlo
each section is the diameter at that particular part in ???? units idk. assume we align everything to the center, and smooth everything out betvween parts. each is a 1 inch increment. dont forget the flared base btw!
please reblog for optimal tumblr committee penis session ty
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mothfinite · 3 months
tbh theres been something bugging me with all the conversations regarding this communities lesbophobia and misogyny recently. im glad people are making posts about it of course, making blogs and posts uplifting and drawing attention to lesbian selfshippers especially those who mainly or exclusively ship with canonical women, its an important topic and should be talked about!!!!
but. in some cases it feels like nonbinary lesbians, especially those who consider themselves unaligned/dont identify as a woman/wlw, are kinda... ignored? and its. uncomfortable, in a way.
and this isnt just like a selfship problem obviously, its a widespread thing that often nonbinary people are by default assumed to be woman lite™️ ESPECIALLY when identifying as a lesbian. as a teenager i struggled so hard with my orientation because of these invisible guidlines. i was uncomfortable identifying as a lesbian because i was scared of how other people would percieve me, a (typically) agender person whos deeply uncomfortable being seen as a girl.
but it still hurts a bit to see posts about bringing attention to lesbian selfshippers be exclusively about wlw, glossing over the existence of nblw/unaligned/genderfuck lesbians. i think of my teenage self struggling with connecting with the lesbian community because even though i resonated with the lesbian label, it felt like i wasnt allowed, because im not a woman.
to nby lesbian selfshippers who dont identify as women/wlw: i see you. you are valid. your f/os love you. you are not alone. ❤️🧡🤍🩷💜
(pr0ship/c0mship dni)
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c-rowlesdraws · 10 months
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DOWN with project makeover and that one where the cartoon king drowns or burns to death if the pointer in the ad doesn’t candy crush fast enough, LONG LIVE whatever the FUCK THIS IS
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