#we stan a gender nonconforming king
seijiskatayama · 4 years
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bobby in lolita fashion thank you for your time
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i’m not even a harry stan so don’t accuse me of that, but 1. harry has never said he was straight 2. he is not hurting anyone by wearing a dress even IF he is white and cishet. clothes are just clothes. women can wear suits, men can wear dresses. it really doesn’t fucking matter. he is not oppressing anyone by wearing a dress or being on the cover of vogue. i like billy porter but that post is a massive fucking reach. please find something worthwhile to be upset about and fight actual oppression and homophobia/transphobia because you are not helping anyone.
I never said in my post that Harry Styles wearing a dress was the issue nor did I say that men cannot wear dresses and women cannot wear suits. I am unsure as to where you got that. I legit am a dyke who dresses like a man, of course I believe that men can wear dresses and women can wear skirts! Hell sometimes they rock it better then the gender the clothing is attributed too!
the issue that I am speaking of here is the fact that the black queer and trans communities are being slighted because credit is not being given to them and is instead being given to Harry, who is being crowned as this gender non conforming king when he is NOT the one who started this trend.
Black and latinx queer people and trans people (specifically black trans woman) have fought for decades to be accepted and have worn these looks for decades while many people scoffed at them and discriminated against them.
Why is it okay for a white cisgendered man to use these ascetic and be praised while the community of individuals that created this are pushed aside?
You mention this is not fighting against actual oppression? This is. In the case of this situation, it’s giving credit of a decade long fight to someone who doesn’t deserve it. In the case of this, the black queer and trans communities are being silenced and are having their work attributed to someone who hasn’t done anything for it.
Can he participate in it? Of course! That is the only way we can normalize it!
But why is he not mentioning how these styles are not his own making? Why is he not mentioning the fact that the black and latinx queer and trans communities have been the vanguard of this fashion movement?and while their fashion can be mainstream, they themselves cannot?
why is it that Harry styles-a white cisgendered man (who while he has not stated he is straight, has said he is not queer either) is able to use these fashion trends and not give credit where credit is due?
How is giving a community-who has been marginalized, discriminated against, and attacked brutally by white cisgendered straight people-credit for their own fucking work, not helping anyone?
You speak of letting men wear dresses and women wear suits. Where is the credit for those who paved the way for gender nonconformity of this caliber to be accepted?
How is the media NOT giving them credit NOT appear homophobic, transphobic, and racist you?
A little history: These fashions evolved from Balls, which is where Black and Latinx queer people would meet and show off their fashion looks. This is also where queer slang was created as well. The whole point of these was to make a safe space for them to be themselves because this was a time when AIDS was running rampant, queer folks were dying, and transphobia and homophobia were at its peak because aids was seen as “the gay cancer”
Here is a quote from an article titled “the difference between appreciating and appropriating Queer Culture”:
“This illustrates the heart of the issue with appropriation: it occurs on an uneven playing field where white, cisgender, heterosexual people are more likely to receive credit for something they didn’t create. That, in sum, is the definition of appropriation.
“More unfortunate is the fact that, like vogueing, these cultural inventions that ended up claimed by the mainstream were created in the first place as a direct response to marginalization itself. Members of the ballroom community, for instance, started dressing and acting like rich white people on the dance floor to pretend—at least for a night—that they had the same privileges allotted to the majority. (And no, queer people mimicking dominant white groups is not an example of cultural appropriation. Again, appropriation is only applicable when those in power take from the culture of the oppressed—not the other way around.)”
Here is the link to the article. I would recommend reading it to get a better understanding of the history and why this is important. It’s clear that context is needed.
This issue of inclusion also goes beyond fashion. Here is another article in specific regards to Black Queer love stories in Hollywood and why there isn’t more of them:
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Top 10 Moshlings That Are gnc af
#10: Mr. Snoodle
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While Mr. Snoodle is very subtle with his gender noncomformity, look at him rocking that purple eyeliner and pink blush!! Unfortunately, Mr. Snoodle is also cishet, which automatically makes him lose points, plus the lack of effort he puts into his genderconformity is quite clear if you've seen him next to his wife Mrs. Snoodle (who by the way, is a stylish girlboss icon). Because of this, Mr. Snoodle stands at the bottom of the list at #10.
#9: King Brian
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We👏Stan👏A👏GNC👏King👏!!!💅 I mostly just put him on this list because I wanted to say that, but he is rocking that mascara! His gncness is far from over the top, however he is canonically bisexual (x), which automatically gives him the advantage over Mr. Snoodle, thus earning him a spot at #9.
#8: Hocus
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Hocus legally had to be on this list, because all wizards are inherently gnc af. The robes, the staff, the fun hat, all hella gnc. However by wizard standards, Hocus is pretty mild with his gncocity, so when I consider the conversion factors, Hocus is technically only kinda gnc, even if he looks hella gnc by most standards. Because of this, our homie Hocus ranks in at #8.
#7: YaYa
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Yaya is on here for a few reasons. For one, they are nonbinary (Mr. Mind Candy himself told me), and it's impossible to conform to a gender identity that has no real expecations to conform to. Plus have you seen their mane? Their lashes? Their fabulous pink cape? Yeah, this is one gnc zonkey! However YaYa has many tough competators that they're up against, so they still only earn a spot at #7.
#6: Furnando
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Look at this fancy magic man! Honestly, I get gender envy from this funky lil guy. The top hat with the feathers on it, the mask, and the cape are a killer combo! Furnando also looks like someone whom one of my irl friends would kin, and that guy is also hella gnc, so he gets bonus points for that. "But tumblr user gingersnap-propaganda,"⁠—you might be saying⁠—"Furnando is so overwhelmingly gnc! How is he only at #6!?" Well my dear comrades, all I can say is that there are so many hella gnc moshlings! Even though Furnando ranks highly above average on the gnc-scale, even that is not enough to place him any higher than at #6.
#5: Weegul
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Weegul encompasses a form of gender nonconformity that few people tend to truely appreciate: cutesy androgeny. They have no gender, just a a cute little smile, a round huggable form, a dazzling golden horn, a profound desire for incredible violence, and a cute lil heart tummy! Awwwww. Even though this little pal's gncness is off the charts, he still only ranks in at #5.
#4: Oddie
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I know what you're thinking: that's one hella gnc donut!! In fact, his gender nonconformity is so obvious that I'm not even going to waste my time explaining what is already clear to you. One thing I know you're all thinking is "Wait, there's moshlings that are even more gnc that Oddie!??" and yes there is! Even though Oddie is pretty high up on this list, his gender nonconformity is surpassed by three other moshlings, putting him at #4.
#3: First Officer Ooze
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Now that is a gnc snail! If you thought the snails here on Earth were enough as is, then your mind is probably being absolutley blown away right now by the sheer amount of gender nonconformity that this dude oozes (pun intended). Not only is xe purple (my favorite colour :3), but xe's also covered in polka dots, which gives xim gnc bonus points. But again, competition is tough! First Officer Ooze still only earns a spot at #3.
#2: Threddie
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Shit dude, this sock has so much gender in all of the places you wouldn't expect it. The gender nonconformity that this sock contains is so unreal... if I could, I would leech away Threddie's gender for the taking like some sort of gender vampire, but I can't because gender vampires can't leech away other gender vampire's genders (that's how Threddie got all of that gender). What's so special about Threddie is that they took each and every one of their genders and expressed them in a completely different way than you'd expect. Yet still, there is yet another moshling that surpasses Threddie in gender nonconformity, which is why they are only in at #2.
#1: Glob
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This blob's gender nonconformity is absolutely fucking buckwild. Every person, binary or nonbinary, trans or cis, can look at this blob and immediately feel gender envy. Tell me I'm wrong! Glob's form, Glob's colour, everything about Glob radiates chaotic gender energy. This blob has so much gender, prolonged exposure can and has killed people (haters will say it's the neurotoxins 🙄). If you don't believe that Glob is the absolute pinacle of gncocity, you can unfollow me right now (but actually don't ily <3). I think that I can say with absolute confidence that no other moshling deserves the #1 spot.
Thank you for reading this top 10 list!! Remember to like, reblog, and follow for more quality moshi monsters content <3
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incorrectbatfam · 4 years
1) we stan 2) what do you headcanon other heroes as?
Previous post with the batfam here
And I’m putting this under the cut because it’s gonna get long
Wonder Woman and Aquaman are both pansexual trans deities.
Hal Jordan is a closeted gay who slowly came out with the help of a bisexual Barry Allen and sapphic Jessica Cruz. Kyle Rayner is similar—Donna Troy, a lesbian, helped him figure things out.
All Martians are genderfluid and demisexual.
Starfire is polysexual and nonbinary.
Roy, Oliver, and Dinah are all bi. Roy and Oliver are the certified Disaster Bis™ and Dinah has their brain cell. Emiko Queen is a lesbian, Mia Dearden is an HIV-positive demigirl, and Connor Hawke is an asexual homoromantic. Their arrows may be straight, but their family sure isn’t.
Ted Kord and Michael Carter are husbands.
All the Atoms are ace and they adopted Billy Batson as their Baby Ace™.
Zatanna is an out and proud lesbian with a side gig as a drag king. Likewise, Constantine is gay and is a drag queen at Z’s shows.
Like I said before, all Kryptonians are pan. I’m also gonna add that Conner Kent is a demiboy who gives gender roles the finger.
Kaldur’ahm, Eduardo Dorado Jr., Natasha Irons, and Traci 13 are all canonically gay/lesbian.
And don’t forget another canon gay: Miguel Barragan. 
Wally is bisexual and Artemis is demisexual. 
Later on, Jai West comes out as bi and Irey West as a chapstick lesbian.
Technically Harley and Ivy are villains/antiheroes, but it’s more than canon at this point that they are girlfriends living it up.
Bart Allen is 100% gay. And, as a future boy, he doesn’t understand gendered clothing and will wear whatever he feels like.
Beast Boy doesn’t ascribe to any labels, saying that “there’s plenty of my lovin’ to go around”. Meanwhile, Raven is demiromantic and is fine with either she/her or they/them pronouns.
Lucy Quinzel is gender-nonconforming.
Cyborg is a demi-guy who goes by he/him or they/them pronouns.
Jaime Reyes had a hard time coming to terms with his bisexuality because of his religious upbringing, but he learned to embrace his identity with a little help from his friends. Also, Khaji Da goes by literally any pronouns.
Katana is a homosexual aromantic.
The Gotham and Central City Rogues are the personification of “be gay, do crime”.
Virgil Hawkins is questioning because he accidentally developed a crush on Tim Drake.
Tye Longshadow also may or may not have a thing for Tim.
Both Jon Kent and Colin Wilkes have a crush on Damian Wayne. Neither made any effort to hide it and yet Damian still hasn’t noticed.
Maya Ducard uses “lesbian” as an umbrella term even though she experiences attraction to all kinds of people.
Throughout their teen years, Milagro Reyes had a hopeless crush on Lian Harper.
Cassie Sandsmark is ace.
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fanboyistransboy · 4 years
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Giovanni wearing a flame dress, guy liner, and heels is a whole look. We stan a gender nonconforming king.
Please watch Epithet Erased by @jelloapocalypse
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salfacearchive · 4 years
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okay i know this wasn’t a meme but i saw this frm @coccinellc​ and it was so cute ... have a no-mask/scarred sally
bonus wedding sal bc we stan a gender-nonconforming king:
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