#warrior nun film trilogy
i-m-crazy · 10 months
Of fucking course, I want Warrior Nun even tho it is a film trilogy, except that's the problem. I sometimes hope too much and what if the films disappoint us?
Like from what I gathered with the cancellations of the recent sapphic medias, it seems companies don't really want a happy ending for us Sapphics and that makes me so mad.
All in all, if Warrior Nun DOES come back with my favourite pair of Avatrice, i will be blessed indeed.
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avtrc-hymn · 10 months
well it's official, Warrior Nun is going to continue running my life for the next x number of years :)
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caliphoria17 · 2 years
#WarriorNunWednesday on Twitter (November 16, 2022)
Q: WAIT WAIT who do you think is a swiftie between avatrice
KTY: Bea
Q: Any anime you're watching at the moment? @TonteriYoung Just remembered that you used to cosplay so
KTY: I’m not watching any at the moment actually! Any recommendations?
Q: when do you think bea started falling for ava??
KTY: About the time she got the book out of Shannon’s old room and then got hurt, but maybe even earlier 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: were there any improvised avatrice moments 🫂
KTY: Not really dialogue-wise but a lot of small movement details were just us doing what felt natural.
Q: any funny behind the scenes story on set you can and wanna share? 😁
KTY: If you wait for the interview i did with Ange you’ll hear about a really funny one!
Q: Not a warrior nun related question but can I ask what's it says on the tattoo in your hand? @TonteriYoung For educational purposes only 👉👈
KTY: It’s a reference to Shelley’s Masque of Anarchy, just the word “Rise”
Q: how did you react to the finale the first time you read the script??
KTY: Um I cried
Q: are there any behind-the-scenes photos you have on your phone that you can share with us?
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Q: what’s your favourite episode in season 2?
KTY: Ghhh maybe 5
Q: we've seen Beatrice display her skills in so many various ways throughout both seasons, what's a skill you would love Beatrice to have which we have not seen (yet)?
KTY: I mean selfishly I’d like to have her do scenes in French or Russian, that would be pretty cool 🎆
Q: how many tattoos do you have now and what tattoo are u thinking of getting next?
KTY: 4 and I don’t know really I’m taking a break
Q: what’s ur fave book? any book recommendations?
KTY: Three body problem trilogy, Dreyer’s English is a funny one if you’re into reading about grammar for fun
Q: Do you know what Beatrice's plan is after leaving the OCS at the end of season 2? Where is she going/doing? and if not, what would you like her to be doing?
KTY: I mean we didn’t really set down in stone what she was going to do once she left, so in my mind she’s going to try and live her life like Ava would have wanted, while also obviously find out what Lilith was talking about when she mentioned the holy war.
Q: What was your favorite fight scene?
KTY: Church fiiiiight
Q: did you improvise any of beatrice’s lines this season?
KTY: “Pleasure.” Wasn’t in the script I think
Q: do you think Beatrice left the OCS in the intention of closing the door on this chapter in her life (including Ava) or is she going to actually look for ways to get Ava back?
KTY: I think she’s definitely going to be involved with the OCS but not in the same capacity as before
Q: hardest scene to shoot?
KTY: Ava falling at the hotel. We couldn’t for the life of us look in the same spot where she was supposed to be in the air 😂
Q: what do you think beatrice’s biggest pet peeve??
KTY: Selfishness
Q: do you have any ideas for what beatrice was like as a kid? or what activities she might have done growing up?
KTY: She was probably that kid in the classroom who just stares out the window and doesn’t really pay attention, but when called knows the answer immediately. Probably not very sociable tbh. I imagine she liked chess and puzzle games stuff like that
Q: do you put milk or cereal in the bowl first? follow up: would beatrice put milk or cereal first
KTY: Cereal first for both of us
Q: was there music playing when you filmed the dance scene?
KTY: Yeah it was girls on film by Duran Duran
Q: favourite memory with the cast while not filming?
KTY: Hanging out on the hotel rooftop and playing something like charades
Q: if we get a season 3, what would you personally like to see from it? With Beatrice and with the rest of the characters💕
KTY: I’d like to see Beatrice solidify herself as her own person separate from being a nun and allow herself to live like she’s always wanted to live. As for the others that’s really up to them!
Q: do you have a scene that was your favourite to shoot this season? The dance scene in ep.1 looked so much fun!
KTY: Ava passing through the portal was probably my favorite to film
Q: what's your go-to starbucks drink? and what would be beatrice's? 🤓
KTY: I don’t drink coffee anymore so my Starbucks order was some kind of breakfast sandwich 😅. She’d probably go for a black tea.
Q: please elaborate to me what you think bea & ava were doing in switzerland? especially since they were sharing a room and bed
KTY: They were hiding and training…..? And probably watering the plant of love….?
Q: Do you think Beatrice would like Warrior nun?
KTY: I think Beatrice is more of a documentary type of person given the type of life she lives 😂
Q: do you think Sister Bea would drink alcohol again after that night?
KTY: Probably. We all do things we say we’ll never do again but surely enough give it a few months and here we are again 🥹
Q: What do you think is the first thing Beatrice will do after leaving the OCS?
KTY: Probably procure some clothes she likes
Q: If you given a chance to play any other character besides Beatrice from Warrior Nun who would it be ???
KTY: Lilith cause she’s a boss
Q: which warrior nun character are you most similar to
KTY: Probably a mashup of Ava and Beatrice
Q: Do you have any series and movie recommendations?
KTY: Guillermo de Toros cabinet of curiosities
Q: Have you added anything to the scenes or did you just follow the script?
KTY: We all discussed scenes at length and changed a bunch of stuff to some extent
Q: Was that Beatrice's first kiss?
KTY: Probably not but it’s the one that means the most
Q: can you confirm that bea sleeps on the right of the bed whilst ava sleeps on the left?
KTY: 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d see bea sleeping on the side closer to the door.
Q: Any scene you shot that isn't in season 2 but you wish it was?
KTY: Nah they got them all
Q: do you plan on doing any other conventions in the future 👀
KTY: I’d love to
Q: What was it like working with Alba, especially in those moments when she has so much emotion in her eyes?
KTY: I mean she’s a great actress so it’s awesome to play off that 🎆
Q: Regarding the glowing divinium sword in the post-credit scene, what do you think that meant?
KTY: I just supposed it meant Ava was coming back, but we didn’t really discuss what it actually meant
Q: how was it filming during the lockdown?
KTY: Very very strange and stressful tbh
Q: Do you think that Beatrice taught Ava how to present herself as a leader amongst the OCS?
KTY: I’m sure they talked about it in Switzerland
Q: Are you big into reading or video games? If so what's been your favorites lately!
KTY: Little nightmares 2
Q: do you think Ava and Bea would often wait for each other after the day's work at the bar so they could walk home together? 👀
KTY: I can see that happening yeah
Q: how many seasons would you like warrior nun to have
KTY: As many as possible
Q: can u tell us the person responsable for the most bloopers??
KTY: We are all equally responsible 🫠
Q: what do you think is Beatrice's love language?
KTY: Quality time
Q: how long does it usually take to film a fight scene?
KTY: Depends on the fight scene. It wouldn’t be uncommon to spend 6 ish hours on one
Q: A lot thinks that the forehead kiss was an improvisation, was it?
KTY: I……think so…? I’m not sure
Q: NAUR you don't remember???
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KTY: BRO it just sort of happened ok it all happened real fast
Q: what is the biggest difficulty in being a warrior nun ?
KTY: The constant threat of death
Q: what was your reaction when you first read the script of the avatrice kissing scene?
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Q: Do you think Bea always wanted to leave the OCS and everything that happened only served to motivate her to finally do it or did she leave to honor Ava's wish that she live her life?
KTY: I think she didn’t intend to ever leave, but her bubble has been popped by Ava so she realizes she can’t live there truthfully and honestly.
Q: now who do you think beatrice would be if she wasn’t a nun her aspirations and all that
KTY: Maybe she’d be a surgeon or engineer of some kind
Q: do you think bea knows ava is out there somewhere and will come back to her that's why she smiles in the last scene?
KTY: I dont think she knows for certain, but she knows she’s making the right decision for herself
Q: u ok here? LOL
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KTY: Yeah I like laying down on the ground
Q: What was the first feeling when you finished watching season 2? Say hello to Brazil, we love u 😭🇧🇷
KTY: Hello Brazil! Love you too x / I felt very relieved 😌
Q: What's a weird skill you'd like Beatrice to show off next season?
KTY: Making sushi
Q: i think we need an answer to the biggest problem, how old is beatrice?? i say about 21
KTY: Probably closer to 24
Q: hii kris i was wondering if you would like to dye your hair different colors like pink, blue or green?
KTY: Ive had my hair all kinds of colors in the past already 😅
Q: do you know if we will ever get to see a blooper reel? 🥺
KTY: I don’t know if even I will ever see a blooper reel 😭
Q: did you or any of the cast take anything from set and if so what heheh?
KTY: 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
Q: as a viewer, do you also find reya sketchy?
KTY: Uh yeah mad shady
Q: you mentioned that there were some funny bloopers from season 1, including you crashing into an ArqTech wall. Any funny mishaps to report from season 2?
KTY: Some interesting acting while hanging from wires in the church. 😂
Q: how fun was it to play tranquilized?
KTY: It’s hard actually lmao
Q: thoughts on pineapples on pizza?
KTY: Whatever boats your goat 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: Surfing or Mountain Climbing? choose one. 🤭
KTY: Shnurfing
Q: In your interviews you do a lot of face touching. How much of you bled into Bea with the way she has this instinct to hold people’s faces? And the way in which she touches Ava’s face with so much tenderness and softness? Was it on the page?
KTY: I think it’s kind of a me-ism. I touch my face when I’m nervous but I think for bea it means something else.
Q: which is your favorite: jealous beatrice or jealous ava?
KTY: Jealous Ava
Q: of all the locations you filmed in this season, which did you like the most and why?
KTY: Prado museum
Q: Who do you think cooked in their apartment Bea or Ava?
KTY: Probaby bea
Q: Everybody loved Bea's casual clothes. She seems more like herself and free. Could u talk about it? Did u help create her style?
KTY: Yeah I mean I had some say, but ultimately it was up to Christina the costume designer. It’ll be interesting to see how her style evolves 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: how do we best convince non-believers (ppl who don't watch the show) to come over to our side?
KTY: I mean what do you lose by watching a show? Even if you don’t think you’ll like it just give it a try and then decide 🤞🏼
Q: Was there a lot that changed with the script because of Mary’s absence?
KTY: Yes there was. She was missed
Q: is this a reference to Ava being in the other side or you and alba are just being in a silly mood in the vid and the song is just a coincidence to Ava's fate? We really want to know (video)
KTY: It’s a total coincidence tbh lmao
Q: who is the best cook in the cast 🫣
KTY: I honestly think we’re all pretty good cooks!
Q: Beatrice walking around with her hands in her pockets....a comfort thing or a character choice?
KTY: Both. Also that way I don’t have to think about what to do with my hands.
Q: does ava make spectacular cuba libre or did bea just say it once out of pity and now ava won’t stop making her the worst cuba libre known for mankind
KTY: She probably makes a good cuba libre but the alternative theory is hilarious and I like it
Q: what type of fighting costume would you like to see beatrice in now since she left the ocs?
KTY: Honestly I’d want cool jackets and cargo pants with military vests and turtlenecks. But that’s just me🫠
Q: what is your favorite avatrice scene and /or line in s2?
KTY: I like the fight in the apartment
Q: Do you ever miss being on warrior nun set
KTY: Yeah all the time
Q: Do you think Beatrice still have hope that Ava will come back? and do u think she'll continue waiting for her?
KTY: I think she will wait in hope
Q: sock sock, shoe shoe or sock shoe, sock shoe?
KTY: Sock sock shoe shoe finish one thing before starting another otherwise I’ll get distracted and never get shoes on at all
Q: is bea a dog or cat person? / What about yourself? 😬
KTY: Cats probably 🤷🏻‍♀️ / Both tbh
Q: what was your reaction when you found out that avatrice will finally kiss this season?
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Q: do you believe or wish there was a scene where beatrice comes out to her parents, regardless of their reaction?
KTY: Yeah that would be cool. I mean any scene where we’d get to see Bea’s parents and how that family interacts would be awesome.
Q: u have more action scenes where we can clearly see ur face and it's really amazing. did you have injuries shooting those scenes???
KTY: Noooo we were kept very safe by the stunt team 🙏
Q: how does your back feel from carrying all this promo?
KTY: Like I need a better chiropractor
Q: on a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your performance this season?
KTY: Could always do better / The number would fluctuate too much so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: Do you think we will have more of Beatrice's back story in S3? possibly an encounter with her parents? Or do you think she has cut them out of her life?
KTY: I Hope we get more backstory! It would be so interesting to meet her parents. Tense scenes tho lmao
Q: what do you think was yasmine face during the avatrice kiss?
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Q: Thoughts on Reya? 👀
KTY: Much suspicion much confusion
Q: Bea with an undercut, I see it
KTY: Fuck yes any excuse to have short hair tbh
Q: The scene between Beatrice and Camila about falling in love with the warrior nun was it supposed to be between Beatrice and Mary?
KTY: 🤫
Q: no context warrior nun 3/?
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KTY: We laughed a lot about this line
Q: what made u stop drinking coffee??
KTY: Crippling anxiety
Q: “watering the plant of love” what are you? 70? 😭
KTY: 🙂
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youronebraincell · 10 months
When Warrior Nun gets a film trilogy, but A League of their Own doesn't get a season two
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gwydionmisha · 10 months
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yanghaw · 10 months
A trilogy of films and a chance to visit other stories from characters we’ve seen???? Warrior Nun fans winning. Would love for a Sister Shannon show/movie
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yourmumsc0ck · 10 months
Warrior nun trilogy
I'll admit, that wasn't the announcement I was expecting. If I'm being fully honest, I'm not as thrilled as a lot of people seem to be, just because films always have a different feel, and I'm a bit attached to the whole TV show set up they had going.
A Trilogy of movies usually has about a 7hr run time (similar to a season of the show) - and I might be getting the complete wrong end of the stick here - but I think (and hope) that these '3 films' may end up a bit more like a season of Sherlock:
Each one is about 1hr30 (an acceptable movie length) with its own individual 'identity', but there's an overarching story between all of them.
You can watch them individually, but it feels slightly 'off', and out of place.
They aren't breaking them into more, shorter instalments for the sake of plot cohesion (almost like the really long Stranger Things S4 episodes) as there is a big finale/climax and more extended plot lines.
If it does work out like this (with the OG cast ofc: I'm not watching it otherwise), I think it's entirely down to the writing to make it fill the drama a longer 'episode' needs.
Oh, and if they don't bring back Shotgun Mary and/or give her a spin off series, hand will need to be caught (as well as getting rid of Lilith's stupid scales, like what is going on there).
The hype around a film release should help as well, but I really hope we don't have to wait an age between what is basically 2 episodes.
Thank you for coming to my (rather uncharacteristic) TedTalk.
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theaurorasky · 10 months
Hi, my name is Dean English and I'm the executive producer of Warrior Nun. I'm the person who found the graphic novel and asked the dangerous question of, "What if?" First of all, I need to start by thanking all of you loyal fans. It's because of you and your incredible energy that we keep pushing forward to make these stories. You guys really make it all worthwhile. So thank you so much for your continued support. 
I am very happy to announce that Warrior Nun is coming back as a trilogy of motion pictures. Once again, a trilogy of feature films. Three. 
One thing we need to touch on involves the strike in Hollywood involving actors and writers. And it's due to that that we cannot make any announcements today on that front. Some may ask, "Does this perhaps infer that there's going to be a universe being launched of Warrior Nun, which could expand into films and TV series following characters that we already know?" The answer to that question is yes. And there will be more details in the future. 
There is a Halo Bearer email hotline that you sign up for. And from there, you're going to get announcements of all the major developments as we go forward. And there's going to be a lot. And I know a lot of you have questions. Your answers will come through that. 
In closing, I want to say that you guys have made me very, very proud through all your hard work and inspired me all the time to keep going. So in this life or the next.
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sisterdivinium · 10 months
Have you seen the Amy Berg tweet where she says as far as she knows no one involved in making the show has been approached about the movies? And I know the strike is an issue but the writers went on strike 2 months before Simon announced the show was saved and the countdown started. So how was this movie deal made? I’m cautiously excited but the lack of details still makes me very nervous at this point.
I have, just now.
We don't exactly know any details as to deals, contracts and whatever bureaucracy is involved in the making of something like this, we don't know if anything is set in paper; the certainty of the announcement tells us things are moving, but we don't and can't pretend to know how yet.
I think, for the moment, we should just revel in the fact that we are getting more of this story and world, because everything else is conjecture. Me, I'm with the crowd that's worried about casting and screen-time for supporting characters since part of the show's magic for me was always its ability to make it an ensemble creation all in all and we know films usually have a different rhythm to television series-- and even so, now that I've slept it over, I'm choosing not to be nervous about any of this. It's not even a matter of "trusting" the producers or anything, but a conscious decision not to stress over things we do not know.
As long as the strike is in place, thanks to rich people who refuse to pay workers their due and to respect their rights, we'll just have to take deep breaths and wait.
In the meantime, I think it's good to remember that, whatever happens, there's a reason why fandom exists. In a way, these characters and stories are already "ours" whether the upcoming trilogy and expanded universe are a success or not, whether the original writers are involved or not; none of that changes the fact that we're all here for love of this one Thing. If it's good we'll be here celebrating it and if it's not we'll be here "fixing" it through fic, art and discussion as other fans have done for other stories for decades.
So, for now, I think we can take a breath with the satisfaction that we did win something and try not to be too worried about the actual realisation of that triumph. We all know what we would like to see (and so many of us preferred more seasons, too), but maybe it's best to just keep an open mind and wait for what it is that we will eventually get, fingers crossed.
The passionate people involved in the Warrior Nun project might surprise us still -- it wouldn't be the first time.
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i-m-crazy · 9 months
Plus because they want a cinematic universe out of it, we could see other comics being adapted: ‘Warrior Nun Areala vs. Razor, ‘Avengelyne/Warrior Nun Areala’, ‘Warrior Nun Areala and Glory’, ‘Warrior Nun Dei’, ‘The Crimson Nun’, ‘Areala: Angel of War’, ‘Warrior Nun Brigantia’, ‘Warrior Nun Lazarus’ — all of them.
I was unaware of that but it sounds so brilliant. Quite looking forward to our nuns in the next part.
Have u read all the comics btw?
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merevide · 10 months
warrior nun getting a trilogy of films after it got cancelled is probably the best proof that never shutting up about a show’s cancellation online actually works tbh
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caliphoria17 · 10 months
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somuchyoudontknow · 10 months
This title is so weird 😂 I had to read it like 3 times.
I just want to remind everyone, Fandomwire is a clickbait site. It is self-funded. Idk why this site has recently been given so much importance in the fandom. It is ridiculous.
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I think we should give this site less importance. Most of their articles are created for clickbait. If we keep paying attention to a site like this we would go seriously crazy. Most of the titles of their articles are stupid. Just look at some of these titles from Fandomwire.
"Chris Evans Is Afraid to Return as Captain America After Avengers: Endgame, Feels It Would Tarnish His Legacy in $28.7 Billion MCU Franchise"
“This isn’t about money”: Jonah Hill Accepted SAG Approved Minimum Wage to Beat Chris Evans for $406M Margot Robbie Movie"
"I like a big as*”: Chris Evans’ Confession About His Feelings For Scarlett Johansson Took a Wild Turn"
Do we really want to take this site seriously?
One thing I want to remind everyone, as of now Chris and Alba both are being promoted for their work separately. Even the PR content (the Bermuda trip) we did not get content of them together. Let's keep the focus on this part.
We will see what happens in the upcoming days but for now, they are not promoted together and that is a good sign.
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Is this her application (article) for her old role 😂? Someone wants to remind everyone who she is.
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gmanem · 10 months
Deadline: 'Warrior Nun': Canceled Netflix Series To Return As Trilogy Of Feature Films, EP Says
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“I am very happy to announce that Warrior Nun is coming back as a trilogy of motion pictures. Once again, a trilogy of feature films. Three.” Dean English wrote.
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