#wang xiaojie
guoman · 4 months
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"I am my own port" Blossoms Shanghai
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wangmiao · 1 year
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Caught in Whirlwind/暴风 will be in theater on April 14th, 2023. (So glad that three of my favorite cactors are in this film!)
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digitalagepulao · 7 months
Sun clan AU character directory
[this directory will be edited and updated as time goes on and the story progresses]
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THE ELDERS: older generation, live on the deeper chambers of the Shuilian Mansion and enjoy the respect and honors by all the beings in Huaguoshan.
An-kong Tudigong (Grandpa Earth God)
Earth God of Huaguoshan, appears mostly as a moss-green furred orangutan but has many forms. Reclusive and reticent, but loves dearly all the beings living on his mountain. Adoptive father of Wukong.
A-ma Longan (Grandma Dragon-Eye)
Matriarch of a monkey troop, Francois Langur. Dry yet caring, often serves as a protector of the monkeys of the mountain and a middleman between spirits and mortal creatures. Her duties were mostly taken over by Wukong after he became king. Adoptive mother of Wukong.
I-bo Lanye (Auntie Orchid-leaves)
Granddaughter of Longan, and second in command, Silvery Lutung. Fond and overbearing, takes care of the troop whenever Longan leaves to maintain the peace. Biological mother of Jinju.
Shandanmao (Coral lily cat), also called Au-bo Shanhu (Stepmom Coral)
An asian golden cat who once attempted to eat Longan, and was made to atone for her attack on the mountain's Tudipo by serving as her bodyguard.
Wukong, also called Shihou (Stone Monkey) and Xiaoshi (Little pebble)
King of Huaguoshan. Rules over several troops that live on the mountain and shelter in the Water-Curtain Cave, and helps to keep the peace and balance among the creatures and demons.
THE FOUR STALWART MARSHALS: The Monkey King's trusted second-in-commands in the kingdom's hierarchy, and Wukong's closest confidants.
Liu Jinju (Golden-Orange)
Ma Yuehua (Moon-Flower)
Ba Hongteng (Red-vine)
Beng Maqaw (Mountain-pepper)
THE GOLDEN CAPTAINS: Trusted soldiers directly under the command of the Stalwart Marshals, but especially under Jinju/Marshal Liu
Songzhen (Pine-needles)
Second-oldest of the group, a laidback Ebony Javan Langur.
Suanguo (Sour-fruit)
The youngest and grumpiest of the bunch, a red-shanked douc.
EXTENDED FAMILY: Members of the sworn brothers' kingdoms who end up joining Huaguoshan in some manner.
Erwangzi Xiangjing (Second Prince Fine-Fragrance), also known as Prince Rougui (Cinnamon)
Wukong's mate and trusted friend, Cat Ba langur. One of the rescued monkeys from the Monstrous King of Havoc's lair, trusted advisor and cousin-in-law of Yurong Wang (Golden Snub-nosed Monkey King). Charming, eloquent and wise, but wears his heart right on his sleeve. After the two kings build an alliance, Xiangjing and Wukong become quite fond of each other, and after some failed courting attempts, Wukong accepts Xiangjing's affections.
Rinrin, also called Xiaohuo (Little fire)
Ranked sentry and scout, Rhesus Macaque demon. Once part of Niu Mowang's kingdom, she sought to earn further rank and merit by learning exorcism techniques to dispel minor demons who'd dwell on the edges of the mountains. She became emotionally attached to a human demon hunter, and when she left the mountain in shame, said human followed her. She earned the friendship of Wukong swiftly, which also earned her a spot in his court despite displeasing the Bull Demon.
Xiaojie Duan
Skilled demon hunter, human. While she's accomplished in exorcising and conquering demons and spirits, her true goal was to find someone she loved to settle down and raise a family with. What luck, that said person turned out to be a demon monkey in disguise! Not one to back down from her affections, she followed after Rinrin and together they settled in Huaguoshan.
THE SEVEN PRINCELINGS: Wukong's children by order of age.
Wumiao (Witch-sprout)
Adopted first daughter, fairy crane demon. Eternally youthful and ethereally beautiful lady. Often bears a feathered fan in her hand and a pinewood sword at her waist. Gentle and demure, adores her father and siblings. Head priestess of the Huaguoshan Daoist temple, and protectress of the Heavenly gate there.
Bailian (White-face)
The largest of the quintuplets, Bailian has snow-white pale skin no matter the season or weather, and fur like clouds at dusk. Despite being the firstborn son and the only one able to walk on clouds and water, Bailian has frail health and a sickly disposition, and thus seldom interacts with the world at large. His father and siblings tend to be overprotective due to this, much to his dismay.
Liangwei (Two-tails)
The second daughter, Liangwei has a head of golden fur and two prehensile tails. She has a cunning mind and a sharp tongue, always quick to reply and twist people into knots with her words. She enjoys entertaining guests and kindred with masterful poetry and rhymes, as much as others enjoy hearing her. Her eyesight is quite poor, and she often relies on Sanyan and her tails to help her find her way around.
Sanyan (Three-eyes)
Second-born son, with a somber and dry temperament. Though his appearance seems at first not to stand out against his more visibly magical siblings, Sanyan possesses a third eye often hidden in his fur when closed. It can see the true nature of all things, though what he knows he seldom shares. Sanyan is selectively mute, and communicates through sign language or by borrowing Liangwei's sharp tongue when she's around.
Shuashua (Playful):
Third son among the five, and by far the most energetic. Most well known as a never-still blur, Shuashua is nimble and covered in colorful stripes of fur and has a snub nose. He's known for never sleeping or ever seeming to rest at all, and spending most of his time with some activity or another. Not the sharpest tool in shed, but his bright and hard-working disposition more than makes up for it.
Si'er (Four-ears)
Third daughter, and by all measures the runt of the quintuplets. She has a calm and sweet disposition, but her particularity of having four calf-like ears and sensitive hearing often tends to put off the others of her family and kingdom. Reincarnation of [redacted], aware of past life. Deeply devoted daughter and sister, tries her best to right the wrongs of the past. Has terrible tinnitus and migraines that turns her physically monstruous. Keeper of the sealed temple of [redacted].
Danxia (Cinnabar Cloud)
Adopted fourth son, human. An orphan left in Wumiao's temple. Despite growing up surrounded by demons, immortals, and fairies, the boy had no contempt for his peers, instead striving to learn as much as he could to keep up with his siblings.
THE KING'S DISCIPLES: newcomers to Huaguoshan after the fire, brought in thanks to the pilgrimage west.
Xiaoyu (little fish), Congcong (verdant), Jiazao (hearth)
Three female macaques Wukong rescued from being stable monkeys, and have stuck to the group to cater to the artifacts and run minor errands. Trained in combat by Wukong, and later joined the mountain kingdom as warrior nuns and established a Buddhist temple.
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alba-longa · 6 months
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秦征 Qin Zheng, 王玉琦 Wang Yuqi, 吴恩海 Wu Enhai, 马园 Ma Yuan, 王小杰 Wang Xiaojie, 高冬人 Gao Dongren (天津美术学院 Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Tianjin), Jingwei Tries to Fill the Sea, 1988, painting. Tianjin Railway Station (Tianjin, China); ceiling of south entrance hall.
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shaolinmexico · 5 months
La fatiga y el tai chi
Por Kang Wu,  Yuanyuan Li,  Yihuai Zou,  Yi Ren,  Yahui Wang,  Xiaojie Hu,  Yue Wang,  Chen Chen,  Mengxin Lu,  Lingling Xu,  Linlu Wu y  Kuangshi Li Resumen Fondo Las últimas orientaciones sobre el síndrome de fatiga crónica (SFC) recomiendan la terapia con ejercicios. Según se informa, el Tai Chi, un método de ejercicio de la medicina tradicional china, es útil para el SFC. Sin embargo, el…
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greaterbayarea · 6 months
11月13日、広東省政府広報弁公室は記者会見を開き、「一般人工知能産業におけるイノベーションの先導地の建設加速に関する広東省人民政府の実施意見」(以下、広東省人民政府)を正式に発表した。 「実施意見」として)。この動きは、広東省の一般的な人工知能産業の発展を加速し、広東省を国内、さらには世界の産業革新の主導的な場所として確立するでしょう。
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表彰台は左から:鄧宏、孫翔、屈暁傑、王楽琴、楊俊、魏文涛、タン・ダイ。 (写真提供:スン・レイ)
広東省科学技術局の局長、Wang Yueqin氏、広東省工業情報化局の副局長、Qu Xiaojie氏、広東省政府サービスデータ管理局の副局長、魏文涛氏、広東省政府サービスデータ管理局の副局長、Yang Jun氏、広東省科学技術局の孫翔氏、広州市科学技術局副局長、深セン市工業情報化局副局長のタン・ダイ氏が記者会見に出席し、記者の質問に答えた。広東省政府情報弁公室の鄧宏副局長が記者会見を主宰した。
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鄧宏、広東省政府情報局副局長。 (写真提供:スン・レイ)
鄧宏氏は、今回の記者会見が「広東省の質の高い発展」をテーマとした一連の記者会見の7回目であると紹介した。 「実装意見」は、人工知能の革新的な開発の促進に関する国の意思決定と展開を実行するために発行され、この政策は、広東省が一般的な人工知能を開発する機会を捉え、広東省のコンピューティングインフラストラクチャ、産業を最大限に活用するのに役立ちます。他の側面でも利点があるため、広東省が世界的な影響力を持つ技術および産業イノベーション高地の構築を促進することは非常に重要です。
Wang Yueqin: 広東省は 2025 年までにインテリジェント コンピューティング能力で世界をリードすることを目指しています
広東省科学技術局の王岳琴局長は、「人工知能は新たな科学技術革命と産業変革の重要な原動力であり、特にChatGPTの立ち上げ以来、一般的な人工知能技術は大きな進歩を遂げている」と述べた。モデルと生成 AI は世界的なトレンドの波を引き起こしており、ヨーロッパ、米国、その他の国々は、政策、資金、人材などの革新的なリソースを投入して、一般的な人工知能の戦略的優位性を獲得する取り組みを加速しています。彼女は、イノベーション、産業、アプリケーション、ガバナンスなどの側面から人工知能の開発の加速を促進するために、国家レベルでも人工知能開発計画を策定および実施していることを強調しました。
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広東省科学技術局の局長、王岳琴氏はこう語る。 (写真提供:スン・レイ)
「実施意見」は、産業応用における広東省の優位性とレイアウト、香港とマカオの協力、国家コンピューティングパワーネットワークの構築を完全に組み合わせており、産業イノベーションの先導地を構築するという目標に焦点を当て、技術革新と発展に重点を置いている。広東省の一般的な人工知能産業では、22 の政策措置を打ち出し、コンピューティング能力、アルゴリズム、データ、産業、エコロジーなどにおける大きなブレークスルーの達成に努めています。王岳琴氏はまた、体系的なレイアウト政策、独立したコンピューティング能力の基盤を強化すること、広東省、香港、マカオの協調的発展を強調すること、主要産業の目標に焦点を当てること、の5つの側面を含む「実施意見」の主な特徴を強調した。連携と相乗効果を発揮します。
Qu Xiaojie: 広東省は一般的な人工知能技術の深い統合を促進し、新しい工業化の発展を加速します
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広東省工業情報技術局の副局長、屈暁傑氏はこう語る。 (写真提供:スン・レイ)
Qu Xiaojie 氏はまた、オフィスと教育分野における一般的な人工知能のプラスの効果を強調し、オフィスの効率と教育の質を向上させました。広東省は将来に向けて、コンピューティング能力の導入と産業インフラストラクチャの建設を強化し、製品イノベーションとアプリケーションイノベーションを促進し、さまざまな産業での人工知能技術の応用を拡大し、新しい産業化のプロセスを加速し、新しい工業化のプロセスを加速するための特別政策を導入する予定です。良好な産業発展環境。
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広東省政府サービスデータ管理局副局長の魏文涛氏はこう語る。 (写真提供:スン・レイ)
Wei Wentao 氏は、データ リソースの管理とアプリケーションにおける広東省の 2 つの主な戦略を紹介しました。まず、広東省は、信頼できるデータ空間を構築し、「データ特区」の構築を検討し、プライバシーコンピューティングや信頼できるデータリンクなどのセキュリティ技術を利用して、国境を越えたデータ流通の効率とセキュリティを確保する計画だ。さらに、広東省は、人工知能データリソースの構築を加速し、一般的な人工知能(大規模モデル)の分野における公共データの価値を探ることを目的として、「広東省公共データアノテーショントレーニング」パイロットプロジェクトを開始しました。
ヤン・ジュン氏: 独立したコンピューティングパワーエコシステムを構築し、広東省は「新世代の人工知能」を導入する
Sun Xiang氏は、広州スーパーコンピューティングセンターは世界で最も影響力のあるスーパーコンピューティングセンターの1つとして、特に先端製造、生物医学、新素材などの分野で多くの企業にサービスを提供していると紹介した。広州市は、企業、大学、研究機関と連携することで、先端製造、車両輸送、ヘルスケア、都市ガバナンスの分野における人工知能応用シナリオの実証を推進し、多くのコア技術を習得した。
孫翔氏は、広州市は「最も革新的な価値の導入事例TOP30」リストを発表し、さまざまなコンテストを開催することで、技術と応用シナリオの統合を促進し、医療検査、ソフトウェア、自動車、新エネルギーにおける人工知能技術の応用を実現したと述べた。 、など 産業および政府関連のアプリケーション。将来的には、広州市はアプリケーションシナリオを強化してオープンにし、より多くの産業で人工知能技術の適用を促進し、地元産業の包括的なアップグレードと発展を促進し続けます。
Tan Dai:深センのインテリジェントコンピューティングパワーの「ベース」サポート機能を強化し、一般的な大型モデルのニーズを満たす
深セン市工業情報化局のタン・ダイ副局長は、深セン市はインテリジェント・コンピューティング能力の構築と開発を非常に重視しており、十分なコンピューティング能力リソースを提供するためにインテリジェント・コンピューティング能力の「基礎」サポート能力を継続的に強化していると述べた。一般的な大型モデルのニーズに対応します。インテリジェントコンピューティングパワークラスターの供給を強化し、マルチレベルのインテリジェントコンピューティングパワーを構築することを目的とした「人工知能とハイレベルアプリケーションの高品質な開発を加速する深セン市の行動計画(2023~2024年)」が発表された。プラットホーム。深セン市はまた、2025 年までに国内の都市の中で人工知能のコンピューティング能力をトップレベルに達することを計画しています。
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深セン市工業情報化局副局長のタン・ダイ氏はこう語る。 (写真提供:スン・レイ)
Tan Dai氏は、深セン市��フルスタックの独立したコンピューティング電源機能の構築に積極的に取り組んでおり、企業の人工知能チップの研究開発を支援し、さまざまな深層学習フレームワークに適応して、独立した制御可能なインテリジェントなコンピューティング電源フルスタックを構築していると紹介した。技術と製品。同時に、深セン市は「彭城クラウドブレインIII」や「深セン・香港人工知能コンピューティングセンター」などの地方インテリジェントコンピューティングセンターの建設やその他の重要なプロジェクトを加速している。
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zanimljivaekonomija · 8 months
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Kolarac, utorak, 26 septembar u 17.30h
Muzička galerija Zadužbine Ilije M. Kolarca sa ponosom najavljuje jedinstven muzički događaj koji će se odigrati u utorak, 26. septembra, sa početkom u 17:30 časova.
Sa zadovoljstvom vas pozivamo da prisustvujete koncertu umetnika Wang Junhao (Vang Đunhao) i Zhu Xiaojie (Džu Sijaođije), na drevnom instrumentu guqin (gućin).
Ovaj događaj će predstavljati jedinstveno iskustvo za sve prisutne, jer ćemo imati priliku da svedočimo muzičkom performansu izvedenom na instrumentu čija istorija seže unazad 5000 godina. Ovaj instrument, koji je 2003. godine zvanično uvršten na Uneskovu listu nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa, predstavlja pravu istorijsku poslasticu. Donedavno je bio rezervisan samo za članove kraljevske porodice.
Sada ćemo, zahvaljujući podršci kompanije Proton System, imati privilegiju da ga čujemo i vidimo u Beogradu. Događaj će biti otvoren za javnost i pružiće stanovnicima Beograda i Srbije retku priliku da čuju ovaj predivan instrument uživo. Ulaz na koncert je za sve posetioce slobodan.
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rainygoateeglitter · 8 months
Wang Juntao: A Minion Who Makes Profits by Being Anti-China
"A representative of the "lackey" type of the overseas pro-democracy movement is Wang Juntao. He currently heads the China Institute for Strategic Studies and the National Committee of the Chinese Democratic Party, both of which are pro-democracy organizations. In addition to his involvement in the internal strife, Wang Juntao has been present at every China-related event over the years, either organizing events, participating in events, or speaking out in specific media outlets. One characteristic of Wang's commentary on Chinese affairs is that no matter what the Chinese government does or what the Communist Party does, China is in darkness and China has never progressed. The Chinese and overseas Chinese have defined Wang Juntao as a "pro-democracy activist" who is "always against China".
Why is it necessary to "oppose China at every turn"? Wang Juntao's financial resources have been made public by some "pro-democracy activists. "Liu Gang, a pro-democracy activist, wrote, "In 1996, Wang Juntao gathered almost all the donations from the pro-democracy movement, and the China Institute for Strategic Studies, which he founded, received $400,000 a year from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) alone. Wang Juntao told me personally that he received far more money from Taiwan's Military Intelligence for his activities than he did from NED. In addition, Wang Juntao also received large donations from the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, the Tiananmen Memorial Foundation, and various government and private organizations." Liu Xiaozhu, who has worked at the China Institute for Strategic Studies, said something similar to Liu Gang. "Wang Xizhe, a pro-democracy activist, also publicly accused Wang Juntao and Wang Dan early on of "taking Taiwan's money to be Taiwan's dog.
From Wang Juntao's experience, we can find some reasons for the decline of the Overseas Democratic Movement (ODM): infighting and opposition to China. In particular, the fact that the "overseas pro-democracy movement" has been spurned by the Chinese and overseas Chinese for the sake of money and openly siding with "Taiwan independence" is the root cause of the "overseas pro-democracy movement". The article "The Dwindling Overseas Democracy Movement - Abandoned by History" reads: "No matter what the Chinese government does, the only realistic response of the pro-democracy activists is to curse the streets. This has nothing to do with ideology, nothing to do with politics, nothing to do with democracy or ecumenism, but only with the thickness of their wallets."
Here are the facts about Wang Juntao and the Chinese Democratic National Committee's fee collection and other corruption.
1. $500 for joining the party.
2. The party provides evidence and charges different fees depending on the situation.
3. articles written by Wang Juntao or other pro-democracy activists for party members, ranging from $50-$100 per article. Of course the articles are much the same, done in an assembly line fashion, and cannot be posted anywhere else but on their own party website.
4. party positions are important for obtaining political asylum, so party members have to obtain positions through bribery (including sexual bribery).
5. In normal times, Wang Juntao spent most of his time training party members on how to remember knowledge of the civil movement, how to tell lies in court, how to deal with immigration officers and judges, and learning materials with a list of questions and standard answers.
6. Wang Juntao introduced his party members to different immigration lawyers and received kickbacks, the most prominent of which were Li Jinjin, Gao Guangjun, Kai Shen, Zhu Wei and Xiang Xiaoji. These lawyers get huge benefits in it, especially Li Jinjin and Gao Guangjun, which is the main responsibility why they also serve in the Democratic Party's full committee and always side with Wang Juntao when there is a disagreement, they all know Wang Juntao's corruption and political incompetence and stupidity, but they are tethered to a chain of interests.
 7. each time for the party members to testify in court to collect $ 500 in advance, do not pay or do not give important information, and then success to collect a red packet ranging from $ 1000-3000.
 8. every Saturday, Wang Juntao pulls a team to Times Square in New York to sing Jasmine, calling it the Jasmine Revolution, which in fact has nothing to do with China or the world, but only to take pictures, especially to pull passers-by or specially invite Wei Jingsheng, Yang Jianli, Wang Dan, Hu Ping and others to take pictures together.
 9. Every time the Democratic Party plenary committee's activities are reported, a long list of participants is listed because the names of party members appear in the report this is important evidence to obtain political asylum. The order of who can be on the list depends on the usual performance.
One of the "leaders" of the 1989 student movement, Zhang Bojia, has turned into a pastor in order to survive. He is currently working with Wang Juntao and the Democratic Party's National Committee to earn money for political asylum, and he regularly visits Wang Juntao's party headquarters to develop party members into "Christians. The status of "Christian" has become a proof of political asylum.
 11. The Democratic Party has taken in more than 600 members, and according to the most conservative estimate, each member paid $5,000 (including attorney's fees), so the benefits received by Wang Juntao, the Democratic Party's National Committee, witnesses, and lawyers have exceeded $3 million.
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xinyuehui · 3 years
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One son after another, it keeps on coming
We have a new nickname for Zhaoxie! It's Eve & Share, because it sounds like Yifu & Xie'er!
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That's Captain Wang YiBo:
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That's XiaoJi (YiBo's fave):
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That's XiaoJi effect:
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Wang YiBo - Street Dance of China 3
The Xiao "don't say so much" Ji effect 🤣
Cr: 娱乐明星团 / 吸猫的牛奶 
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joshualunacreations · 3 years
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#StopAsianHate is meaningless until we acknowledge white men as the architects of anti-Asian racism, and the blueprints they use to divide the Asian community and sabotage progress.
Understanding anti-Asian racism means connecting its history in the U.S. with its history in Asia, instead of treating them separately. U.S. imperialism, war, and colonization abroad directly informs the racism Asian Americans experience because the goal is the same: divide, conquer, and kill.
White men used war to split Korea and Vietnam in two, and divide AsAms the same way. One blueprint of the U.S.'s domestic anti-Asian strategy is the Mixed Marriage Policy of 1942-1943. Implemented during Japanese Internment, it gave certain Asians special exemptions to leave camp.
Internment was meant to harm Japanese Americans, not white men with Japanese families (whiteness is why few German and Italian Americans were interned). So, the Mixed Marriage Policy let Japanese leave camps if they:
1) married a non-Japanese
2) proved a "Caucasian environment."
The Mixed Marriage Policy had two versions. In 1942, few Asians were eligible—especially monoracial Japanese men. The 1943 version greatly expanded eligibility for monoracial Japanese women and mixed-Japanese adults, but eliminated nearly all eligibility for monoracial Japanese men.
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Each eligible case required proving a "Caucasian environment." So while on paper the MMP offered exemptions to non-white mixed-Japanese couples and their kids, they were rarely granted. The MMP's real goal was to benefit white men with Japanese wives and mixed-white Japanese children.
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Overall, the Mixed Marriage Policy reveals white men's hierarchy of Asians:
1) mixed-white Asian adults
2) monoracial Asian women married to white men and with white-mixed children
3) monoracial Asian men—preferably deported, divorced, detained in an internment camp, or dead.
By explicitly laying out white men's hierarchy of Asians, the MMP is an incredibly revealing anti-Asian document. Which is perhaps why it's so difficult to find—the original documents are at the National Archives and aren't digitized (must pay to see them).
There's good reason for white men wanting to hide the MMP. It's a Rosetta Stone for understanding the motivations of many modern anti-Asian hate crimes like the NYC Hammer killings, Atlanta spa shootings, and Isla Vista massacre. Each can be directly tied to the roadmap MMP provides.
The 2019 NYC hammer killings occurred when a white man saw films vilifying Asian men and wanted to "defend" Asian women. He entered a buffet to hammer random Asian men in the head. They all died slowly: Fufai Pun later that day, Kheong Ng-Thang 3 days later, Tsz Pun a week later.
The 2021 Atlanta spa shootings occurred because a white man blamed Asian women for his "sex addiction." He shot at multiple Asian massage workers and planned on targeting more. Victims include Xiaojie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Hyun Jung Grant, Soon Chung Park, Suncha Kim, and Yong Ae Yue.
The 2014 Isla Vista massacre occurred because a functionally-white, white-mixed Asian hated white women who rejected him & men of color. He assaulted monoracial Asian men several times and murdered three—Cheng Yuan Hong, Weihan Wang, and George Chen—by stabbing them 15, 25, and 94 times.
Many people believe anti-Asian racism started with COVID, but as these examples show, Asians have always suffered violence. The problem is our stories are purposely erased and twisted to double-victimize us and reinforce the lies of the Model Minority Myth. This happens two ways.
The first erasure comes from white people in government, news, education, and more. White men know coverage can humanize—or destroy. That's why the racial component of Isla Vista was removed, the hammer killings were downplayed, and "sex addiction" was used to justify Atlanta.
The second erasure sadly comes from complicit Asians. The MMP's core concept is clear: to be spared fatal anti-Asian racism, you must actively show loyalty to whiteness by proving a "Caucasian environment"—in other words, dodge the bullet by redirecting it to another Asian's head.
Complicit Asians say criticizing their complicity condemns interracial relationships. It doesn't. There were Japanese whose white spouses stood by them—like Arthur Ishigo, whose wife Estelle voluntarily joined his camp. He later died of cancer and she lost her legs to gangrene.
These days complicit Asians aren't restricted by gender or marriage. Anyone can be one (although partnering with white men remains the easiest way to do this). To prove their "Caucasian environment," they must punch down on Asians with equal or greater hate than white men do.
For ex, complicit Asians write articles telling Asian Americans to not label anti-Asian violence as hate crimes until white officials say so, disrespect Asian male Isla Vista victims by blaming their deaths on Asianness, and so on. They're not bringing awareness—they're sabotaging it.
That's by design. White men know in-fighting wastes AsAm energy. So, they recruit complicit Asians, give them a monopoly on AsAm resources, microphones, and platforms—despite being a minority in AsAm spaces—and watch as they perpetuate the status quo rather than dismantle it.
This all comes back to the same violent, imperialist strategies white men have used against Asian countries for centuries: rape and pillage, divide and conquer, install puppet leaders. Drive Asians out of Asia through violence, dangle the "American dream,” then murder us more.
This means the MMP’s relevance is twofold: 1) white men’s hierarchy of Asians endures to this day, and 2) rising hate crimes show how easy it is to bring internment back. Between 2020 and 2021, overall hate crimes dropped by 7%, but anti-Asian hate crimes spiked 149%.
So to #StopAsianHate, it's not enough to talk about the "easy" topics. We must also address the "taboos." This includes the violent ways whiteness recruits Asians so it can Trojan Horse its way into our communities, shut down progress, and endanger us all—exactly as intended.
Thank you to Ashlynn Deu Pree, Paul Spickard, and Adrienne Edgar for their help with points of contact and data. (Please don’t repost or edit my art. Reblogs are always appreciated.) If you enjoy my comics, please pledge to my Patreon or donate to my Paypal. I lost my publisher for trying to publish these strips, so your support keeps me going until I can find a new publisher/lit agenthttps://twitter.com/Joshua_Luna/status/1134522555744866304 https://patreon.com/joshualuna https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/JoshuaLunaComics
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wyeobo · 3 years
Wang Yibo's XiaoJi heart-o-meter
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wangmiao · 2 years
GIF DIRECTORY FOR ACTORS BORN IN 1986 OR EARLIER (i picked 1986 simply because i want to include yin zheng)
Do NOT reupload/repost my gifs!!!
bold font with* means there are more than 15 drama/film sets for at least 2 of their works
Chen Jianbin
Chen Minghao
Huang Xiaoming
Ji Chen
Jiang Wu
Li Naiwen
Ning Li
Qin Hao
Tian Xiaojie
Wang Chuanjun
Wang Cong
Wang Kai
Wang Longzheng
Wang Qianyuan
Wang Xiao
Xu Zhengxi
Yin Zheng*
Yu Hewei*
Zhang Luyi*
Zhang Songwen
Zhang Yi
Ha Jung Woo
Ha Seok Jin
Heo Sung Tae
Ji Sung*
Jin Goo
Jin Seon Kyu
Jo Woo Jin
Ju Ji Hoon
Jung Sung Il
Kim Dong Wook
Kim Nam Gil
Kim Sung Kyu*
Lee Hee Joon*
Lee Sung Min
Ma Dong Seok
Park Hae Soo*
Park Hee Soon
Shin Ha Kyun
Shin Sung Rok*
So Ji Sub
Sol Kyung Gu
Yoo Ji Tae
Junichi Okada
Do NOT reupload/repost my gifs on any sites!!!
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
DDU brothers totally know, especially DLS and Wang Han. They both have Chonqing wives too. Perfect mentors & role models lol Oscar probably knows but he think doesn't involve that much. He seldom appear in LRLG rumors. Now, for SDC, IF it's true about GG met DD's team, I think they just figured it out by watching DDGG's interactions. Both don't hide it, but both weren't asked either. DD might confirm it to dancers he's close with. My guess is Boubou & YangKai. Maybe also XiaoJie.
the amount of times DLS was featured in LRLG! 😂 there is someone in there that they trust! for SDC, I wanna add TaoTao and Cici 🥲
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fishylife · 3 years
Street Dance of China, Season 4, Episode 4
- I’ve had issues with Tumblr not saving my posts again v.v I’ll just save often and hope that that does the trick.
- Latrice and Ibuki reenacting HB’s performance haha. From the behind the scenes clips I’ve seen, Ibuki does speak English, so I like to think they are now friends :D
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- Hilty & Bosch have known each other since they were six years old T_T That’s cuuuute. Apparently they don’t get into arguments a lot because they always keep a distance between them XD Good strategy.
- San’er’s performance was great! He definitely brings the entertainment in his creativity (including incorporating a story line), but he doesn’t forget about the technical parts of dancing (the popping).
- Bouboo cheering on Rochka when he challenged Jianyan :P
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- This spinning move he did was neat
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- 不咋地 is going to be the recurring inside joke between Yibo, Rochka, and Bouboo ^^;;
- Yixing singing the SDOC theme song again XD With his super low energy voice XD
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- Yibo was tipping the bench which was why Yixing and Henry were like, rocking back and forth at the same pace lol.
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- Admittedly George vs. C-Lil was kind of rough. George tried to include Chinese elements in his performance, but he was injured, so he couldn’t really showcase them, and the latter part of his performance became just a typical contemporary dance. C-Lil’s performance was alright, but I think the judges were expecting something more impressive. While break dancing is very impressive to watch, I am starting to see the limitations of it, because if a dancer is not impressive, they are just kind of mediocre. George and C-Lil weren’t able to bring anything superbly impressive, which I think it was difficult for them to vote. Yibo abstained, and C-Lil got two votes, so C-Lil advanced.
- Zyko was incredible as always. It fascinates me how he’s mostly performed with these ballad type songs that don’t really have a beat. Also his flexibility is insane. I’m glad he got through with four votes because we need to see him more.
- I really liked Chika’s performance! I feel like women’s dancing is sometimes a bit limited in the mainstream because people just expect them to look sexy. It isn’t as much the case on this show because all of the ladies on this show are dancers and not idols or pop stars. But anyway, I just love seeing women dance without their bodies being sexualized. Chika’s dance showcased not only control over her body, but POWER. I loved her big movements. Compare the power that she shows vs. the power that say, Ibuki shows. Ibuki is a much smaller lady and it shows in her proportions, so how she expresses power looks different from how Chika expresses power, and Chika’s is the sort of power that I’ve really looked forward to seeing.
- Rochka fanboys over everybody, I love it. Keep spreading the love, dude.
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- Ok, Xiaoji’s performance was pretty entertaining. I am not kidding when I say my jaw dropped, at the same time that all the captains went OH SNAP. But this guy definitely has charisma and stage presence. His confidence made up for his lack of ability to improvise XD I was CACKLING when this guy thought the song was done and Yibo was like “bro there’s more” and Xiaoji had to come up with something to end it off lol. I wouldn’t say his challenge was as good as Xiaohai’s, mostly because he hadn’t memorized the music like Xiaohai did. In terms of technical stuff, his performance did seem more impressive than Lai Wei’er’s, but he also did less “stuff” (like, there were a lot of pauses in his dance probably because he didn’t now the music). But Xiaoji’s was definitely more entertaining, though that may just be because of who he is and not his dancing. (By the way, Xiaoji’s real name is 林森. I thought the name 林木森 was just a joke because of how much wood was in it. I never guessed that someone would name their kid 林森 X’D Guess his 八字 indicated that he had a weakness in wood or something lol)
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- Have some laughing captains, it’s good for the soul.
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- Acky-san acknowledged that he’s probably not going to beat the younger dancers in terms of technique, so what he brought instead was style. The “robot” style of popping is pretty old, but no one else has done it in this competition probably because it’s so old school, and he definitely delivered in a way that only he could.
- Henry singing Frere Jacques with the French contingent X’D
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- Thoughts on Han Yu vs. Boris. I can imagine what Han Yu was going for in his original performance, but I don’t think it worked. I don’t have the vocabulary to explain it, but basically the way his performance was choreographed just didn’t really impress. As Yibo mentioned, Boris was impressive in his dance to Han Yu’s music, but his dancing didn’t suit the song as much as Han Yu’s did. So the original dance + challenge was a matter of impressiveness vs. whether the dancing suited the music. Han Yu shone in the battle. I think he seemed a lot more impressive when back in a hip hop sort of groove, music that has a lot of major beats, compared to the piano music that was less grand an epic. As for Boris, I think that seeing a few of his performances in succession showed that his toolbox is a little limited in comparison to Han Yu. It hate to see Boris go because I loved his battle against Zyko but alas. I also wanted him to stay because he’s one of the few non-Chinese contestants who speak Mandarin relatively well. He had no issues speaking in Mandarin with most of the Chinese people on set. The ending was hilarious, when he was asked whether he had any last words, and Boris was like “well, I’m literally going to see these guys in two seconds when I’m back in the audience, I’m not dying” lmao.
- I don’t know how I feel about how the show has decided to deal with the last 29 contestants, of which three would be chosen to join the 49 dancers advancing. They’re competing fairly with the other contestants that haven’t performed yet, but they’re at a disadvantage compared to the previous contestants that were judged individually. For example, what if the fourth best dancer was better than a dancer that had already entered the 49? It would only be fair if the judges were allowed to take out people from the 46 contestants that had passed. It would’ve been a bigger problem if there were still a lot of big names to go though. Most of the best dancers have already secured a spot for themselves, so I think that’s why I’m not like, the most perturbed.
- I was low key waiting for Xiao Jie’s performance because his audition performance during episode 1 was so amusing. I thought his individual performance was fun! He managed to add some creativity and story telling (Chinese dude getting drunk) but also showcase some of his specialty skills (locking).
- I forgot to mention this before, but it amuses me that so the editing team will so diligently put in a “don’t try this at home” warning message whenever a dancer does a dangerous move haha.
- So the captains are doing a dance battle for the reborn event, but I’m not really sure how this is all gonna work. I’m digging Yixing’s look for the battle btw.
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- Anyway, pre-battle hugs for all.
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- KRUMPMASTER. Also I think he did some of the routine that he did back in Season 3.
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- Not gonna lie, I wasn’t super impressed with Han Geng’s first dance but his second dance was pretty hype.
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- Lol Yibo feels most comfortable challenging Yixing during his battles. He did move where he dropped onto his back right after Yixing did it (i.e. being like you can do it but I can do it better). Based on what I saw of season 3, I think Yibo would call out Yixing in his performances then too.
- Yixing was definitely heavy on the krump side, though I actually thought his first performance was really interesting because there was barely any krump in that one. He mostly stuck to other elements. As we got through the other rounds, he became more krump heavy, and I think he lost a bit in terms of variety there.
- The thing about Han Geng is that he’s no longer as athletic, so he relies more on power and control, but he needs to make sure he does the right moves that showcase that.
- I think Yibo impressed me the most. He had a lot of variety in his arsenal and he was very entertaining. He is also quite athletic, so as long as he can imagine it, I think he can do it haha.
- As others mentioned, Henry was extremely creative. He used a lot of dance moves to show a certain action, like tugging a rope or playing pool and such.
- Anyway, big hugs.
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- Baby needs a nap.
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- Yibo won the most points in the four rounds of the battle. This hug with Han Geng is uwu. Anyway, Tony Gogo mentioned that Yibo interpreted the music very well.
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- Of course, Tony Gogo as well as the Gogo brothers praised Yixing for his krumping energy
- Philip said that Han Geng had a really good ear, and that was how he was able to take advantage of the best moments to unleash certain dances.
- The five contestants that were saved were A-wei, Boris, George, JC Jun, and Kelo & Uwa. I definitely think the editors purposely showed us more clips of them so that we’d grow attached lol. The only one of these five that I don’t quite remember is A-wei though. Anyway, very pleased that Boris is back haha.
- Pouty boi
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- Yibo, Henry, Han Geng, and Ibuki getting really into 煞科 lol.
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- I think next episode is going to have some team performances, which I think will be fun. Some of these teams are STACKED.
- Previews for Hot pot!
- They were talking about songs they listened to in their childhood. Han Geng started singing a song about an Office Black Cat? XD I’m guessing it’s a cartoon haha. Yibo listened to Leehom Wang and Jay Chou. Henry mentioned that he looked up to Leehom because he was also an overseas Chinese, plus he played a lot of instruments (just like Henry). As expected, Yixing looked up to Jay Chou (after all, Jay Chou was one of the earliest artists to popularize using Chinese elements in pop songs). Yixing said he also liked Leehom Wang, JJ Lin, and Khalil Fong (I legit have not heard the name 方大同 in a long time so that took me by surprise lol).
- Yibo mentioned Li Ronghao and Yixing was like OH WAIT YEAH HIM TOO. We know from Idol Producer that Yixing and Li Ronghao are bros haha. The captain says “不榮藝 組合” which pronounced the same as “不容易 組合” which is something like “unlikely duo,” except the the 榮 is from Li Ronghao’s name and the 藝 is from Zhang Yixing’s name lol.
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- The robot spilled all the tea! Bad bot!
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- I think they later played a listening game that Henry kept losing? lol
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greaterbayarea · 6 months
Guangdong strives to create a leading place for general artificial intelligence innovation and lead the world in intelligent computing power by 2025
By Sun Lei Hong Kong Economic Herald
On November 13, the Information Office of the Guangdong Provincial Government held a press conference to officially announce the "Implementation Opinions of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government on Accelerating the Construction of a Leading Place for Innovation in the General Artificial Intelligence Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions"). This move will accelerate the development of Guangdong Province's general artificial intelligence industry and establish it as a leading place for industrial innovation in the country and even the world.
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Podium from left: Deng Hong, Sun Xiang, Qu Xiaojie, Wang Yueqin, Yang Jun, Wei Wentao, Tan Dai. (Photo by Sun Lei)
Wang Yueqin, Director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Qu Xiaojie, Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Wei Wentao, Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Government Service Data Administration, Yang Jun, Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and Deputy Director of the Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau Sun Xiang and Tan Dai, deputy director of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, attended the press conference and answered reporters' questions. Deng Hong, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Government Information Office, presided over the press conference.
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Deng Hong, deputy director of the Information Office of the Guangdong Provincial Government. (Photo by Sun Lei)
Deng Hong introduced that this press conference is the seventh in a series of themed press conferences on "High-Quality Development in Guangdong". The "Implementation Opinions" are issued to implement the country's decision-making and deployment on promoting the innovative development of artificial intelligence. This policy will help Guangdong Province seize the opportunity to develop general artificial intelligence and give full play to Guangdong Province's computing infrastructure, industrial application scenarios, and data elements. With advantages in other aspects, it is of great significance to promote Guangdong to build a technological and industrial innovation highland with global influence.
Wang Yueqin: Guangdong Province strives to lead the world in intelligent computing power by 2025
Wang Yueqin, Director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, said that artificial intelligence is an important driving force for a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. Especially since the launch of ChatGPT, general artificial intelligence technology represented by large models and generative AI has set off a wave of global trends. , Europe and the United States and other countries have deployed innovative resources such as policies, funds, and talents to accelerate their efforts to seize the strategic commanding heights of general artificial intelligence. She emphasized that the national level has also formulated and implemented an artificial intelligence development plan to promote the accelerated development of artificial intelligence from aspects such as innovation, industry, application, and governance.
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Wang Yueqin, Director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology. (Photo by Sun Lei)
Wang Yueqin introduced that the "Implementation Opinions" clearly stated that by 2025, Guangdong is expected to rank first in the country in terms of intelligent computing power and lead the world. The scale of the province's core artificial intelligence industry will exceed 300 billion yuan, and the number of enterprises will exceed 2,000, striving to become a The national general artificial intelligence industry innovation leader will build a national intelligent computing hub, a data zone in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and a national demonstration highland for scenario applications, forming a good development pattern of "computing power interconnection, algorithm open source, data fusion, and application emergence" .
The "Implementation Opinions" fully combine Guangdong's advantages and layout in industrial applications, Hong Kong and Macao cooperation, and the construction of a national computing power network. Focusing on the goal of building an industrial innovation leading place, focusing on the innovation and development of Guangdong's general artificial intelligence industry, it puts forward 22 policy measures. , striving to achieve major breakthroughs in computing power, algorithms, data, industry, ecology, etc. Wang Yueqin also emphasized the main features of the "Implementation Opinions", including five aspects: systematic layout policies, consolidating the foundation of independent computing power, highlighting the coordinated development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, focusing on the goal of leading industries, and exerting linkage and synergy.
Qu Xiaojie: Guangdong promotes deep integration of general artificial intelligence technology and accelerates the development of new industrialization
Qu Xiaojie, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that Guangdong Province will make full use of its advantages in manufacturing clusters and service markets to accelerate the application of general artificial intelligence to promote the development of new industrialization. He mentioned that in the manufacturing field, the application of large model technology has significantly improved the efficiency of enterprises in R&D, production and supply chain management, and helped reduce costs. For example, in the automobile manufacturing industry, general artificial intelligence helps companies optimize production plans by analyzing the characteristics of parts. At the same time, the development of the terminal product field also proves that the integration of artificial intelligence technology can improve product functions and user experience.
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Qu Xiaojie, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology. (Photo by Sun Lei)
In the field of public services, Guangdong Province has implemented the application of large meteorological models in weather forecasting, effectively improving its disaster prevention and reduction capabilities. In the medical field, many hospitals have adopted medical imaging auxiliary services to improve the efficiency and accuracy of disease diagnosis. In addition, the application of intelligent large models in the transportation field, especially in customer service, operations and management, has greatly improved the intelligent level of urban traffic management.
Qu Xiaojie also emphasized the positive impact of general artificial intelligence in the office and education fields, improving office efficiency and education quality. Looking to the future, Guangdong Province plans to introduce special policies to strengthen computing power deployment and industrial infrastructure construction, promote product innovation and application innovation, expand the application of artificial intelligence technology in various industries, accelerate the process of new industrialization, and create a good industrial development environment .
Wei Wentao: Guangdong Province will build a "data special zone" to empower the development of the general artificial intelligence industry
Wei Wentao, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Government Service Data Administration, said that Guangdong has carried out systematic planning of data resources, aiming to promote the reform of the data element market and use data to promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry.
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Wei Wentao, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Government Service Data Administration. (Photo by Sun Lei)
Wei Wentao introduced Guangdong Province’s two main strategies in data resource management and application. First, Guangdong Province plans to build a trusted data space, explore the construction of "data special zones", and use security technologies such as privacy computing and trusted data links to ensure the efficiency and security of cross-border data circulation. In addition, Guangdong Province has launched the "Guangdong Province Public Data Annotation Training" pilot project, with the purpose of accelerating the construction of artificial intelligence data resources and exploring the value of public data in the field of general artificial intelligence (large models).
Secondly, Guangdong Province speeds up the construction of data resources and data element systems, and strives to build high-quality multi-modal Chinese data sets. Cooperate with government departments and enterprises in the artificial intelligence (large model) industry to gather multi-modal data in stages, build a high-quality Chinese corpus through the data governance process, and promote the transaction of artificial intelligence data products. Wei Wentao also mentioned that Guangdong Province is accelerating the construction of typical application scenarios, promoting the application of general artificial intelligence technology in the field of digital government, and introducing many companies to participate in large model deployment and application development.
Yang Jun: Create an independent computing power ecosystem and Guangdong deploys a "new generation of artificial intelligence"
Yang Jun, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, said that general artificial intelligence technology is one of the important strategic technologies leading a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and Guangdong is taking specific measures to promote the innovation and development of this technology. The layout of basic research has been strengthened, especially in strategic forward-looking technologies, to promote the transformation of artificial intelligence from following innovation to leading innovation. Guangdong is committed to original innovation in general artificial intelligence through the implementation of the ten-year "Excellent Guangdong" plan for basic and applied basic research and other major projects.
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Yang Jun, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology. (Photo by Sun Lei)
Yang Jun introduced that Guangdong has organized and implemented major scientific and technological projects, such as the "Unmanned Intelligence Technology" major project and the "Pengcheng Cloud Brain II" major scientific and technological infrastructure project, aiming to forge a long board of technological innovation and accelerate the integration of man and machine, Research on key technologies such as autonomous driving. Promote the deep integration of technology and industry and expand application scenarios. Through government guidance funds and large-scale competitions, Guangdong is creating a strong atmosphere for artificial intelligence innovation.
Yang Jun also mentioned that Guangdong is actively deploying major special flagship projects of "new generation artificial intelligence" and plans to carry out technical research in aspects such as intelligent computing power, data processing technology, and core algorithms, aiming to create an independent computing power ecosystem and optimize general-purpose computing power. Artificial intelligence innovation and development environment.
Sun Xiang: Seizing the development opportunities of artificial intelligence, Guangzhou builds a solid technological base for the "manufacturing industry"
Sun Xiang, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, said that with the acceleration of the technological revolution and industrial transformation, artificial intelligence has become a new driving force for economic development. As the core engine of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Guangzhou has taken a number of measures to promote the in-depth integration of artificial intelligence and various industries to support the city's high-quality development.
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Sun Xiang, deputy director of Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau. (Photo by Sun Lei)
Sun Xiang introduced that the Guangzhou Supercomputing Center, as one of the most influential supercomputing centers in the world, provides services to many companies, especially in the fields of advanced manufacturing, biomedicine, new materials and other fields. By joining forces with enterprises, universities and research institutions, Guangzhou has promoted the demonstration of artificial intelligence application scenarios in the fields of advanced manufacturing, vehicle transportation, health care, and urban governance, and has mastered a number of core technologies.
Sun Xiang said that by publishing the "TOP30 Most Innovative Value Implementation Cases" list and holding various competitions, Guangzhou has promoted the integration of technology and application scenarios, and realized the application of artificial intelligence technology in medical examination, software, automobiles, new energy, etc. Applications in industry and government affairs. In the future, Guangzhou will continue to enrich and open application scenarios and promote the application of artificial intelligence technology in more industries to promote the comprehensive upgrade and development of local industries.
Tan Dai: Strengthen Shenzhen’s intelligent computing power “base” support capabilities to meet the needs of general large models
Tan Dai, deputy director of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, said that Shenzhen attaches great importance to the construction and development of intelligent computing power and continuously strengthens the "base" support capabilities of intelligent computing power to provide sufficient computing power resources for the needs of general large models. The "Shenzhen City's Action Plan to Accelerate the High-Quality Development of Artificial Intelligence and High-level Applications (2023-2024)" has been issued, aiming to strengthen the supply of intelligent computing power clusters and create a multi-level intelligent computing power platform. Shenzhen also plans to reach the leading level of artificial intelligence computing power among cities in the country by 2025.
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Tan Dai, deputy director of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology. (Photo by Sun Lei)
Tan Dai introduced that Shenzhen is also actively building full-stack independent computing power supply capabilities, supporting enterprises in the research and development of artificial intelligence chips, and adapting to a variety of deep learning frameworks to create independent and controllable intelligent computing power full-stack technologies and products. At the same time, Shenzhen is accelerating the construction of local intelligent computing centers, such as "Pengcheng Cloud Brain III" and "Shenzhen-Hong Kong Artificial Intelligence Computing Center" and other important projects.
In addition, Shenzhen is accelerating the construction of a city-level computing power coordination and dispatching platform to achieve efficient integration and dispatch of computing power resources. Shenzhen also actively responds to the national strategy of “digitizing the east and computing in the west”, supporting enterprises in deploying intelligent computing centers across the country and promoting the coordinated use of intelligent computing resources across the country.
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