lionroot · 11 months
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"The Spectral Sisterhood"
In the heart of the Neverlands, a domain teetering between the tangible and the spectral, roamed three ethereal entities known as the Triptych of Fated Femininity. Eternally bound to the world of the living, they manifested as wraiths, each with a poignant story of their mortal plight.
First was Tenebris, once a fearsome pirate queen. Known far and wide, she commanded her ship through treacherous waters with a temerity unmatched. It was her insatiable greed, however, that eventually led her to a cold, watery grave. Bound by her past, she drifted as a wraith, the essence of her audacious life echoing in her ethereal form.
The next was Vivara, a sorceress of unmatched beauty and allure. Consumed by vanity, she fell prey to her own magic in a quest for eternal youth. Trapped in her spectral form, she roamed the Neverlands, her tragic tale echoing the spell she had spun and the beauty she had desperately sought to retain.
Finally, there was Ossium, a queen who stood fearless in the face of war. With her kingdom at stake, she fought with unyielding spirit but was tragically slain in battle. Her spectral form lingered, a symbol of the realm she fought so valiantly to protect and the sovereignty she tragically lost.
Together, these three wraiths roamed the Neverlands. Their mortal tales were etched into their very beings, their shared feminine strength tying them together. Bound to wander in eternal restlessness, they remained forever lost between life and death.
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ianfulgar · 8 months
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A stalwart of avant-garde design, Iakov Chernikhov's contributions to the Constructivist and Suprematist movements are unparalleled. His Russian heritage, steeped in the socio-political changes of the 19th century, shines through in his works. The "Suprematist Composition, 1922", influenced by Malevich's Suprematism, is a masterclass in blending form with function, using stark geometric contrasts to captivate and convey the spirit of the movement. #artist #iakovchernikhov #suprematistcomposition #avantgardeart #constructivistmovement #russianart #geometricdesign #20thcenturyart #artphilosophy #formmeetsfunction #artisticrevolution #malevichinspired #abstractexpression #artandpolitics #designinnovation #chernikhovlegacy #suprematistmovement #arttranscendence #visualnarrative
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Saddam Hussain. My part in his downfall. . . . Twenty years ago - March 2003 and a six week long Boy’s Own Adventure began for me across the Middle East. This particular work of fiction authored by the comedian Mr A. Blair was a tale of conspiracy, intrigue, weapons of mass-distruction and oil, lots and lots of valuable, filthy oil. Saddam Hussain was certainly no angel, as very few angels carry gold plated sidearms but then, was Blair? One was hanged, the other was knighted. And still the world keeps turning. . I was planning on wheeling out the old cliché, the world’s a very different place now. But is it though? Ok we’ve had covid, but political scandal and unjustified invasions - plus ça change!? I’ve learned that the only thing we human’s seem to learn from history, is that we never learn from history🤦🏼‍♂️ . I myself received a medal from the queen (just for turning up), which was nice 🎖and visited the Garden of Eden (last pic), mildly underwhelming and no apples🍎anywhere. I had a ball and owe the good people of both 1 and 4 Para a debt of gratitude for taking such good care of me and returning me home on one piece - multiple bruising, but totally intact. . . . #operationtelic #optelic #SecondGulfWar #1Para #photojournalist #photojournalism #4Para #photographer #photography #reportage #documentary #photostory #editorialphotographer #editorialphotography #canonukandie #iraq2003 #liveforthestory #visualstorytelling #visualnarrative https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSHUL4s7vK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Crafting a Visual Narrative with Lifestyle Product Images
Tell your brand's unique story with lifestyle product photography. Dive into the nuances of crafting a compelling visual narrative. Tap to tell your story! 📸🔍 #VisualNarrative #LifestyleStorytelling
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captioningstar · 4 months
Visual Harmony: CaptioningStar's Subtitling Mastery Unleashed
Introduction: Step into a realm where visual storytelling meets universal understanding. CaptioningStar takes the spotlight with its exceptional subtitling services, weaving a tapestry of words that transcends language barriers and elevates the impact of your visual content.
The Power of Subtitling:
Global Accessibility: CaptioningStar's subtitling services open doors to a global audience by making your videos universally accessible. Break language barriers and ensure that your message reaches every corner of the world.
Enhanced Engagement: Studies show that videos with subtitles have higher engagement rates. CaptioningStar doesn't just add subtitles; they enhance the viewer experience, keeping audiences captivated and connected to your visual narrative.
SEO Optimization: Subtitled videos are not just visually appealing; they also contribute to improved SEO. CaptioningStar ensures that your content is not only seen but also discovered, maximizing its reach and impact.
CaptioningStar's Unique Approach:
Precision in Subtitling: Accuracy is paramount, and CaptioningStar's team of experts ensures precise subtitling that complements your visuals seamlessly. Every word is meticulously chosen to capture the essence of your message.
Customization for Impact: Recognizing the uniqueness of every video, CaptioningStar offers customization options. Whether it's font styles, colors, or formatting preferences, they tailor the subtitles to align with your brand identity and visual aesthetics.
Efficiency in Turnaround: In the fast-paced digital landscape, time is of the essence. CaptioningStar doesn't just deliver subtitles; they do it promptly without compromising on quality, ensuring your content is ready to make an impact when you need it.
Quality Assurance: CaptioningStar is committed to delivering subtitling services that meet the highest standards. Rigorous quality assurance processes are in place to guarantee that your visual content is presented flawlessly.
Conclusion: CaptioningStar emerges as a game-changer in the world of subtitling services, transforming visual narratives into powerful, globally resonant stories. With a focus on precision, customization, efficiency, and quality, they elevate the impact of your content, one subtitle at a time. Step into a new era of universal storytelling with CaptioningStar's exceptional subtitling services.
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sliceoflife90 · 5 months
Lascaux Caves
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The Discovery of Lascaux Caves
Lascaux Caves, defined as the "Sistine Chapel" of Prehistory, emerged from the darkness of history in 1940 in the picturesque Dordogne region of France.
World Heritage: Lascaux in the UNESCO List
Recognized as the pinnacle of prehistoric pictorial expression, these caves have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage since 1979.
Iconographic Repertoire of Lascaux
Originating from the Upper Paleolithic, the captivating paintings, dating back to an estimated period between 13,000 and 15,000 B.C., feature an iconographic repertoire dominated by magnificent creatures, from the visceral power of bulls to the grace of horses, from majestic bison to imposing ibexes, some of which are now extinct.
Artistic Technique: Paintings Directly on Rock
The rock art of Lascaux is a testament to the technical skill of its creators, as the paintings are executed directly on the limestone rock without the use of plaster, challenging the usual definition of "fresco."
The Vibrant and Enduring Impact of Paintings
The permeable limestone rock and the surrounding humid environment favored the deep penetration of colored pigments, giving the works a vibrant and enduring impact.
The Mystery of the "Chinese Horse" of Lascaux
Particularly intriguing is the famous "Chinese horse" of Lascaux, outlined with a thick contour line obtained through the use of black charcoal. Details such as the fur emphasized by shaded strokes and the coat painted with ochre, red, and brown, interspersed with black stripes on the back, reveal an extraordinary technical mastery.
Dynamism and Realism: Details of Representations
Carefully observing the dynamic action depicted, with arrows coming onto the horse's back, we note the realistic rendering of the mane, painted with such skill as to mimic the horse's mane with shades of black. The figure of the horse, strategically placed on a rocky protrusion at the abdomen, is an eloquent example of the spatial and compositional awareness of the prehistoric artist, accentuating the abdomen in a suggestive manner.
Transcending Time: Lascaux's Timeless Legacy
Ultimately, the rock art of Lascaux transcends time, transporting us to an era when humanity communicated its world through primitive brushes but with timeless mastery.
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bogdansavchenko · 9 months
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The name "PROPAGANDA" A3 format, paper, ink, brush, pen.
Я почав працювати над цим твором у жовтні 2022 року, через півроку після повномасштабного вторгнення. У той час мій інформаційний простір був переповнений новинами про війну. Я стикався з пропагандою, навіть з боку ворога, і це було просто жахливо. Наповнена брехнею і ненавистю, я не можу зрозуміти, як люди в тій країні могли її слухати, тому що в той момент, коли я почав її чути, я відчув, як вона забруднює мою душу.
Дозвольте мені розповісти вам, як я підходжу до більшості своїх робіт. Я беру чистий аркуш паперу і починаю малювати випадкові лінії або плями з випадкового місця, а потім гармонійно поєдную їх у цілісну композицію. Іноді цим роботам бракує конкретних образів чи сюжетів, і все ж, часом, вони перетворюються на інтригуючі шедеври. Але для цього мені потрібно чимось надихатися. У той час мене надихали емоції, про які я згадував раніше. Але цього було недостатньо. Щоб створити графічний твір, який я відчував, я заглиблювався у свою підсвідомість, спрямовуючи накопичені емоції на папір через руку. Це не так просто, як здається. Я намагалася зосередитися на своїх відчуттях під час малювання, час від часу роблячи невеликі перерви в процесі.
Але я вважаю її закінченою приблизно у квітні 2023 року, коли я був змушений дати назву великій кількості своїх творінь. Раніше я дотримувався концепції залишати свої роботи без назв, дозволяючи глядачам інтерпретувати їх на власний розсуд. Однак, коли деякі з моїх робіт були відібрані для виставки кафедри дизайну Черкаського державного бізнес-коледжу, в якій я з гордістю беру участь, я переоцінив свій підхід. Влучна назва надавала роботі відчуття завершеності, допомагаючи глядачам зрозуміти основну ідею, яку я переживав під час їх створення. Коли робота не мала назви, люди часто відзначали її загадковість і моторошність, тоді як я відчував, що робота, хоч і здавалася простою, все одно несла в собі тривожну якість. Але як тільки вона отримували свою назву, все ставало на свої місця. Якщо хочете то можемо поговорити про те чи варто називати роботи? інші деталі в описі роботи.
I began working on this piece in October 2022, six months after the full-scale invasion. During that time, my information space was inundated with news of the war. I encountered propaganda, even from the enemy side, and it was simply horrifying. Filled with lies and hatred, I can't fathom how people in that country could listen to it, for the moment I started hearing it, I felt it polluting my soul.
Let me recount how I approach most of my works. I take a blank sheet of paper and start drawing random lines or spots from a random place, then harmoniously merge them into a coherent composition. Sometimes these works lack specific images or plots, and yet, at times, they turn into intriguing masterpieces. But to achieve that, I need to be inspired by something. During that time, I was inspired by those emotions I described earlier. Yet, that alone wasn't enough. To create a graphic work that felt like a protector, I delved into my subconscious, channeling accumulated emotions onto paper through my hand. It's not as simple as it seems. I endeavored to concentrate on my feelings while drawing, occasionally taking short breaks from the process.
By April 2023, I considered the artwork complete, as I was compelled to give names to a significant number of my creations. I had previously adhered to the concept of leaving my works untitled, allowing viewers to interpret them as they wished. However, when some of my works were selected for an exhibition by the Design Department of Cherkasy State Business College, in which I proudly participate, I reevaluated my approach. Apt titles seemed to bring a sense of completeness to the works, helping viewers grasp the underlying idea I experienced during their creation. When a work lacked a name, people often remarked on its enigmatic and eerie nature, while I sensed that the piece, though seemingly straightforward, still carried an unsettling quality. But once they received their titles, everything fell into place splendidly. If you want, we can talk about whether it's worth naming the work? other details in the job description.
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jtsteiny · 1 year
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Big Books Page One Hundred And Eighty Seven - ABAW Publishing House #lineattack12 #lineattackactivitybook10 #activitybookten #highhopes #beautifullylettered #beautifulwords #letterlove #art #artnarrative #visualnarrative #inarow #listeningclose #storytelling #linearwords #lineart #lineworld #cattlewrestling #cowlove #dogdancing #wordtreats #newcomics #goodcomics #goodstories #freepeace #letletterslive #pigtwist #ok https://www.instagram.com/p/CqCDtBDrVqy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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10tinbluebirds · 1 year
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‘Under the Walnut Tree’ for @folktaleweek day 2, I’m using an Iranian folktale called ‘The Farmer’s Son and the Magician’ for my inspiration. Last year, my dearest Persian friend held my hand when I cried over the trees being removed in my neighborhood. They were a fence away, but still felt like my own private forest. My friend told me in Iran you cannot just go and cut any tree on your property because trees are valued for what they do for both the earth and the people. I loved that. So I’m telling you this story, in which Kian travels far from home eventually coming to rest under a walnut tree where he meets a man wearing a fresh green walnut turban with a very long beard dragging the ground, who is only as tall as his knee, for my dearest friend. ✨🌲🍄💕 This piece is made from images I generated using #artificialintelligence I use #digitalcollage to form the whole. Thanks to this year’s hosts: @anazenun @andrea_stegmaier @thebrotherskent @deborah.j.stein @devonholzwarth @debrastyer @jennifermpotter @kalyquarles @laure_illustrations @louve.draws @matejalukezic @pinghe.art @sirjanakaurart @tanja_stephani 💕🍄🌲✨ @children_illustrations + @ema_malyauka will be checking out all the work to, so be sure to follow everyone! & always big thanks to @storycamp_disco 💕🍄🌲✨ #ruthallendrawsandpaints #folktaleweek2022 #visualstoryteller #visualstorytelling #childrensbookillustration #picturebookart #visualnarrative #folktaleart #childrensbookart #digitalartist #aigeneratedart #wombodream #wombodreamart #storycampdisco #storycampdiscoartist https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-s7AYLYBy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skaucher · 2 years
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Two things arrived today 😍😍🤩🤩 Week made! It only took several months for the print to arrive. Thank you @glenefriedman for the beautiful image and signed neg strip 😘 #glenefriedman #beastieboys #art #photography #visualnarrative https://www.instagram.com/p/CeD-P5zKqQejW0LxAKNm-n6rd0Co-CAkQ4ulHc0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ianfulgar · 7 months
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Iakov Chernikhov's contributions to avant-garde design are underscored by his unique philosophy: art should be a dialogue between the creator and the observer. Engaging with the Constructivist and Suprematist movements, he crafted pieces that beckoned viewers to participate in this dialogue. The "Suprematist Composition, 1922", inspired by Malevich's ethos, is a testament to this belief, using geometric forms to spark conversation and introspection. #artist #iakovchernikhov #suprematistcomposition #avantgardeart #constructivistmovement #russianart #geometricdesign #20thcenturyart #artphilosophy #formmeetsfunction #artisticrevolution #malevichinspired #abstractexpression #artandpolitics #designinnovation #chernikhovlegacy #suprematistmovement #arttranscendence #visualnarrative
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I had a fascinating glimpse into the future recently during this commission for BAE Systems. Project OdySSEy - the high tech operations room of the next generation is a fully immersive, synthetic training facility where all stakeholders can collaborate in a single 3D space using virtual and augmented realities. I’m not a gamer so maybe I’m the last person to hear the news that ‘gaming’ is the future. Particularly in education. Everything can and probably will be taught this way soon. In classrooms, the chrome books will be replaced by VR headsets and pupils will walk virtually through France learning the language by talking to the people they encounter in the meta verse - It’s coming, ready or not! . . . #ProjectOdySSEy #BAESystems #visualstorytelling #visualsoflife #visualnarrative #liveforthestory #gaming #defence #syntheticenvironments #photographer #photography #reportage #photojournalism #photojournalist #documentary #photostory #editorialphotographer #editorialphotography #canonukandie #commercialphotographer #commercialreportage #PRphotographer #marketingphotographer https://www.instagram.com/p/CqXU4bws2mx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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El cantar del chamán. The song of the Shaman. 2014
Then the old spirit of the ancient shaman materialized on static smoke. The sound was so deep in the ears of the buildings of the future cities. New times are coming, he claimed. The moles will see and the crows will learn to utter soothe words.
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draldede · 2 years
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Sixtus IV inspecting Mehmet II portrait #conceptualart #conceptart #drawing #illustration #returnofthedarkavenger #karaintikamcınındönüşü #@draldede #comicart #comixandgraphicnovels #graphicnovel #visualnarrative #visualstorytelling #sequentialart #historicalfiction #mehmetkorkutöztekin #korkutöztekin https://www.instagram.com/p/CdSfh7uIAHA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arthistoriansdiary · 2 months
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Sarah Bernhardt, Ophelia (n.d.). White marble in a wood frame, 70 x 59 cm. Private collection, Normandy, France.
In the realm of art and literature, few scenes are as hauntingly captivating as Ophelia's tragic demise in William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Sarah Bernhardt, celebrated for her unparalleled prowess on the stage, extends her artistic expression into the medium of sculpture with her rendition of Ophelia. This piece, a rare surviving work signed by Bernhardt, offers a unique visual exploration of one of literature's most poignant figures.
A Fusion of Art and Tragedy:
Bernhardt's Ophelia is not merely a sculptural representation; it is a narrative frozen in marble. Inspired by Shakespeare's vivid depiction of Ophelia's final moments, Bernhardt captures the essence of the character's tragic end through the medium of high relief. The sculpture portrays Ophelia in a bust form, her head elegantly turned, eyes closed, as if in peaceful resignation to her fate.
The Garland of Flowers:
Adorned with a garland of flowers, the sculpture's Ophelia is enveloped by water that seamlessly merges with her tresses. Bernhardt’s attention to detail is manifest in the intricately carved flowers and the delicate waves of the 'glassy stream', creating a texture that contrasts strikingly with the smooth, bulging form of Ophelia's exposed breast. This duality of texture highlights the sculpture's technical mastery and artistic depth.
A Moment Between Life and Death:
Though depicted at the moment of her death, Bernhardt's Ophelia exudes an undeniable eroticism through her sensuous open-mouthed expression, overt nudity, and languid pose. This portrayal suggests not despair but an ecstatic consummation, presenting death not as a moment of loss but as a profound, albeit tragic, fulfillment. It's a bold interpretation that challenges traditional readings of Ophelia's character, suggesting a deeper, perhaps more complex relationship between the heroine and her fate.
Bernhardt's Artistic Legacy:
Sarah Bernhardt's Ophelia stands as a testament to her multifaceted talent and her ability to traverse the worlds of acting and sculpture with equal finesse. The sculpture serves not only as a memorial to Ophelia's tragic story but also as a reflection of Bernhardt's own interpretive genius and her capacity to imbue marble with the breath of life and emotion.
Reflecting on Ophelia:
In Bernhardt's Ophelia, we are invited to reconsider the narrative of the doomed heroine, seeing her not as a victim of circumstance but as a figure of complex emotional and existential depth. The sculpture asks us to ponder the thin line between life and death, the beauty found in the tragic end, and the eternal resonance of Shakespeare's work through the lens of Bernhardt's sculptural vision.
Your Perspective:
How does Sarah Bernhardt's sculptural interpretation of Ophelia challenge or enrich your understanding of the character? Does this portrayal alter your perception of Ophelia's final moments as an act of despair or an embrace of the inevitable?
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anantamohanta · 17 days
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Dynamic Illustrations: Ananta Mohanta's Children's Book Art
Experience the dynamic world of children's literature through Ananta Mohanta's vibrant illustrations. Each artwork bursts with energy and creativity, captivating young readers and sparking their imagination. 🎨📚 To view more creative art please visit : www.anantamohanta.com
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