visionsofus · 3 years
Wanda and Vision's Mixtape
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track #5: The Best by Tina Turner
| read on AO3 here | mixtape playlist | send me an ask with your request | synopsis: In which Wanda searches Edinburgh for Vision after she arrives late at their safehouse. When she discovers his energy signature floating around the city, she decides to follow the threads to their source. Along the journey she recalls the complications of their long-distance, secretive relationship but by the end recalls exactly why they sacrifice so much to be together.
a lifetime of promises, a world of dreams
Wanda was frantic as she hurried out of the airport. She’d been anticipating this trip for a month, her heart set on the two weeks Vision had managed to buy away from the compound. She’d planned out all the details to make sure she was on the right flight, that her fake passport was in order and that Nat was aware of her location if something went terribly wrong. Even her status as a fugitive was relatively under control thanks to some false information she’d planted over in Ohio last month. She’d left behind a trail of misleading clues that the Secretary of State and his team were lapping up eagerly, thinking they were getting closer to her capture for the first time in eighteen months.
Instead, here Wanda was halfway across the world having just landed at Edinburgh airport.
No matter how much she had planned things out, no matter the scope of her powers, nothing could have stopped the wave of snowfall that the UK had received in the last few days, coming to a head the previous night. She’d timed her flight to arrive, as they’d agreed, at 9pm at a predetermined destination in the city. To her dismay she’d found herself on a crowded red eye flight that had left 6 hours later when the runway had to be cleared of snow.
The worst part was that she’d had to sit there for those hours that dragged on for an eternity, knowing that at that very moment Vision would be waiting at the airbnb they’d rented out, alone. Wanda had no way to contact him, not with such short notice. Technology was too easy to track but it didn’t stop her longing to go and buy a cheap international sim from the technology stand at the airport and use it to just send one message. At this inclination Natasha’s voice had rung out in Wanda’s head, ‘the next time they catch you it’s as a war criminal, don’t give them a reason to decide you’re better off dead than locked up’.
So it wasn’t worth the risk but it didn’t stop the sick feeling that grew in her stomach as she waited nervously to be let through passport control, then at the taxi stand and finally on the doorstep of the flat they had booked just off West Port.
It was early morning by the time she arrived, but the wintery sky was still hazy with the night’s darkness so she hoped that Vision might be waiting inside. The key box, which they’d been given a code to open from the host, was empty which further confirmed this conclusion. She rang the doorbell twice and waited. And waited and waited some more. There was no answer.
Wanda looked at the houses around her, streetlights reflecting their orange glows off of second story windowpanes. There were few lights on inside at this time of morning, but she still needed to be careful.
Leaving her only piece of luggage, a small carry-on bag that held the bare essentials of what she kept with her at all times these days, she looked up to the windows above her. Perhaps one of them would be open.
Wanda took a deep breath and let her power grow in her palms, red mist arcing out to push her from the ground. Her ascent was controlled and slow and she reached the windowsill with ease. It was just wide enough for her to grasp the waterpipe next to it and rest her feet on the sill. She froze when a light switched on next door and what sounded like a radio began to play, rather loudly considering the time of day. She used the music (it sounded like Tina Turner but she couldn’t be certain) to hide the distinct click that sounded from the window as she forced the lock open with her powers. Inside was quiet, all the lights were off, and Vision was not there.
“Vis?” Wanda called out nonetheless.
If he wasn’t here were could he be? Their general rule of thumb was that if one of them couldn’t make it to the predetermined location they had to wait 24 hours given it was safe to do so. It stood to reason that he’d follow the protocol this time, particularly given how long they were due to spend in Edinburgh and the months it had taken to concoct a believable excuse for why Vision wasn’t going to be in America.
Wanda returned to the window quickly and looked out over the limited view it gave of Edinburgh city and the castle rising up behind, providing a somewhat medieval backdrop. She raised her fingers to her forehead and took in her surroundings, focusing on the sound of early morning commuters from the main street, the sound of a ticking clock at her back, a car door closing down the road, and beyond it all she felt for Vision. Wanda hadn’t used the telepathic dimension of her powers in a while, or at least not as much as she had used to. They were a little rusty, making it hard to pinpoint precisely where Vision was but, when she opened her eyes something similar to an energy field could be seen gracing the cityscape before her. Certain structures stood out to her, outlined in a golden haze that couldn’t be anything but the mind stone calling to her.
Without hesitating Wanda vaulted out the window and hit the pavement below, her powers softening the landing. A flick of her hand sent her bag flying up through the open window.
Wanda grinned in anticipation and set off in the direction of the nearest golden glow, her boots hitting the cobbled streets one after the other. It had been freezing when she landed but as she ran through the slowly waking streets of Edinburgh Wanda removed her scarf and let it trail behind her.
The sun had not yet crested the horizon, but its light was turning the sky a nice lilac colour highlighted by the grey expanses of cloud hanging over the city. She briefly wondered whether it might snow today or if it was going to be too cold.
As Wanda rounded the corner onto the main street she nearly lost her footing on a stretch of dangerous black ice on the pavement only just catching herself on a nearby bus bench. She’d reached the first place Vision’s energy signature was calling her to, a small café down a wynd bordered on both sides by the back walls of town houses. The interior of the store was dark but a soft light glowed at the back where Wanda assumed the bakers had started their morning preparing the delicate pastries the café was known for.
Wanda walked up to the window and looked at the ground where a strong outline of gold was hovering just above the icy cobble stones. Vision had been here recently, but he hadn’t gone inside, he’d just stood in the exact space she now hesitated at. They hadn’t had plans to meet here but it was a place they frequented any time they met up this side of the world.
Beyond the dark glass a few inches from her nose Wanda could see the cozy window seat that had become their spot. The café opened early and closed late at night so the pair had become frequent patrons what with Wanda sometimes kept up by recurring nightmares from her childhood and Vision who refused to let her be alone in those darkest hours.
Wanda’s fingertips brushed against the cold glass, leaving little prints in their wake at the tenderness of those memories, of her leaning against Vision, her hands clutching a warm cup while his arms encircled her waist. They’d sit there until the late hours when the store finally closed often talking about the other patrons in hushed tones. The students nursing late night coffees as they sat before computers, the lonely ones in new cities come to reclaim some control over the evening hours and, like them, the other insomniacs all drawn to the same place in this historic city. The conversation inevitably turned to their future and Wanda enjoyed thinking up ridiculous scenarios where they had a house in suburbia and didn’t have to run from anyone anymore. Things stayed lighthearted until they both grew too invested in the imaginary life they were discussing and returned back to wherever they were staying.
Wanda looked skywards again in the lightening morning and caught site of threads of gold leading her further down the street.
A mere block away was the only bookstore that stayed open 24 hours in the city. Some nights when the café had closed for the evening they had come here. The bell jangled, sharp in the serene silence of the store, as Wanda entered the maze-like stacks. Her fingers tingled in response to the energy signature that Vision had left here and she followed it to the back of the store which housed a few comfy armchairs and a long couch that they’d often set themselves up in for the night.
She could see it now as Vision’s energy shifted around her, as though it was responding to her presence. Could see him sitting across from her in her minds eye, a memory tucked away for safe keeping of when they’d last been in Edinburgh. He’d sat reading a book of poetry that he’d found amongst the stacks, his hands running gently across worn pages as he took in each word. She’d been perched at the other end of the couch, legs tucked beneath her and a sketch book resting on her knees as her pencil arced across the page creating the basis of his form, the curve of his shoulders, bend of his elbow, his legs crossed at the heal as he relaxed. Every now and then he’d glance up and she’d tilt the sketch away form his watchful eyes with a smile, or he’d take the moment to read out a particularly beautiful piece of poetry from the collection he was perusing.
Wanda had picked up drawing in the aftermath of the events in Sokovia and had been encouraged by Steve and Nat who had acted as her caretakers in those first few weeks after arriving in America. It had started as a simple activity to quiet her mind and draw what was happening within her, the first drawings hadn’t been good in skill or message, they’d started out dark. Vision didn’t know it, but she’d been drawing him for years, fascinated by trying to capture the feeling in his eyes or the gentle grace of his movement. Most of all this act of creation served to remind her that her hands could create beautiful things too, it didn’t all have to be death and destruction.
Wanda started as the energy rolled around her ankles before arcing back to the door. So, he wasn’t here either.
Out on the street gold threads guided her further up towards Edinburgh castle, the energy was growing stronger, and Wanda ran faster no longer just concerned about where Vision was but whether he was worried by her absence.
A small thread of energy darted off to the side and was so imperceptible that Wanda almost missed it. It was so weak that she knew there was no chance he’d be there but nonetheless she slowed down to a stop in front of a small newspaper stand that was being set up for the day. It was one of those metal domes that folded out to reveal the magazines and papers within. The elderly gentleman behind the counter gave her a warm smile as Wanda turned to the magazines, the cogs in her brain turning.
Of course he’d tried to stop here. Before they had brought Natasha into the picture, Wanda had communicated with Vision through the missed connections pages of local newspapers and gossip magazines. They’d leave each other a note, usually encoded so only they would understand it, detailing a time and place for their next meeting or what magazine they were going to put their next message in. In hindsight Wanda smiled at the memory but at the time she had been something of a mess. She’d come to rely on Vision for so much in the year they had spent living together, their first home. Being torn away from each other the way they were had been difficult, and the challenge of meeting each other in safe places for both of them had weighed down their evolving relationship. She wondered what might have happened if they’d been given the time they needed.
The owner of the stand was twirling the dial of a small radio moving from static to static until he found the radio station he wanted. To Wanda’s surprise, it was Tina Turner once more:
Each time you leave me I start losing control.
You’re walking away with my heart and my soul.
Wanda realised she was wasting time and hurriedly thanked the man before turning on her heel and starting down the street again. From here the incline grew but she hung onto the knowledge that when she eventually reached the thread’s end, Vision would be there waiting for her. Another lyric from Tina Turner’s song fluttered around her head as her chest burned from the running.
I can feel you even when I’m alone.
It was true that she always carried him with her when they were apart, but it was never the same as being with him in person. Nothing could beat that.
Wanda hadn’t realised but, whether from the intensity of the moment, or the cold, little tears had started to trickle down her face, blow away by the brisk wind.
The energy was growing stronger.
In your heart I see the star of every night and every day.
She ran faster, leaping up some steps two at a time and spinning around the corner.
In your eyes I get lost.
The gates to the public entrance to the castle tour were yet to open but Wanda wasn’t about to let a bit of steel stop her from getting to where Vision was. She did a quick 360 to make sure that she was alone before pushing off the ground with her feet and a jolt of power. She was up on the nearest rooftop and past the entrance in moments. Running around corners and up steps she felt like the threads were pulling her up towards him. She finally reached the top section of the castle – the battlements.
Just as long as I’m here in your arms
That was when she caught sight of him, the energy grew stronger until it was so bright, she might as well have been looking at the sun. For one horrifying moment as she waited for the light to clear she feared she had imagined it all. As fear seized her heart, she slowed down a bit, gasping a little at the exertion.
I could be in no better place
There he was, looking out over Edinburgh’s fading night lights in the early morning. He turned around in surprise, immediately glamouring his appearance before he caught sight of who was there.
“Wanda,” he whispered, the illusion dropping instantaneously as she stepped towards him.
“I’m sorry,” she said so quietly that she was worried he might not hear her, “my flight got cancelled.”
He reached her in a few large strides and wrapped his arms around her waist, squeezing her close to him. Wanda led out a shaky breath that was somewhere between a sigh of relief and a sob she’d been holding in since that morning. She buried her face in his shoulder relishing in having him here before her at last.
“I know, I know,” he whispered into her hair. “I figured you’d been held up with all the cancelled flights from Heathrow.”
They held each other for a few moments longer, swaying back and forth a little.
“How did you know where I was?” Vision asked pulling back a bit and brushing Wanda’s hair over her shoulder so he could cup her cheek, his eyes searching her face as though not quite believing that she was here, before him.
“I’d always find you,” Wanda said before laughing softly, “I can feel you even when I am alone.”
Vision tilted his head at the abrupt change in her tone, but Wanda couldn’t help it. It was impossible not to be happy as she stood there, atop Edinburgh castle in his arms halfway around the world from all of their problems.
“Well, I’m glad you found me.”
They stood there watching the sun rise, colouring the clouds in soft hues of lilac and lavender. Vision sighed in contentment, his chin resting on her shoulder from where he stood at her back, arms wrapped around her and holding him warmly to him. It wasn’t until sounds of the morning rush in the city below began to reach them that Wanda pulled away to look at him.
“I don’t suppose you’d mind if we spend the day in bed? I need to sleep off last night’s flight and recover a bit,”
“Of course not, my love,” he said raising her hand and kissing it. “You rest, I’ll pop out to get something for you for breakfast.”
Wanda sighed in happiness as they started to walk down the hill together. “I got lucky y’know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I have my perfect synthezoid partner willing to go and get me breakfast in bed despite the fact that I basically stood him up.”
Vision chuckled, swinging their hands back and forth together. “Not quite what happened, but I suppose you could say I am simply the best,” he said nonchalantly waving a hand.
“You caught me! You should have told me you knew the song before I tried to use it as a romantic line,” Wanda mockingly scolded.
“I’ll always catch you,” Vision replied, pulling her closer as they emerged after the eventful night into the city welcoming them home together at last.
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visionsofus · 3 years
have you ever thought about/already written, a fic where vision survived IW but wanda was still dusted? and how he would deal with that, pain and more pain🥲 currently reading your mixtape and adore the way you write!!!
hey anon! funny timing because the part of my Wandavision mixtape that I'm working on at the moment definitely unpacks a bit of Vision’s grief. Not quite through that lens of if he had survived IW but I would be really interested in exploring a narrative like that - I absolutely love writing about Vision’s humanity!
I really hope you keep enjoying the series, and thanks for reaching out with this idea! I definitely want to try it in the future (maybe a little bit in this one-shot series but I’d like to dedicate something longer to an idea like this) 
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visionsofus · 3 years
how will I ever update my mixtape fic now that the word length has hit exactly 50k on Ao3? Like what are the chances all the one shots/drabbles would add up that perfectly?
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< there it's immortalised on my blog now
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visionsofus · 4 years
hmmm might fuck around and idk uhhh update the spiderman fic I left for three months because I was depressed? 
Christmas/holidays present for those of you who are still reading <3 
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visionsofus · 5 years
Unexpected Guests
Thanks for requesting this @geekofmanythings16 and I am so so sorry this is so incredibly late! Post-endgame so it is a little sad but I hope you enjoy it anyway! 
Prompt 8: Peter’s graduation except most of the Avengers show up to the ceremony and no one can work out why they are there.
Send me an ask with a prompt from this list 
Rating: all ages, a little angsty at times 
Word count: 3068
Ao3 link: on the way...
Peter's eyes were locked on the table at the front of the hall, upon which sat roughly a hundred and fifty scrolls of paper, tied tightly with blue and yellow ribbons. Somewhere amongst them was one with Peter's name printed in curly letters announcing that he had graduated from Midtown School of Science and Technology. It was Peter's ticket to the future.
"-and heck, if we could all make it through dying and being brought back to life and stillgraduate after that, I cannot wait to see what we go onto do in the next 5, 10, 20 or even 100 years. Thank you for having me as your valedictorian." MJ said ending her speech a little more formally than Peter knew she would have liked. He'd spent the last two weeks listening to MJ repeat and edit the speech and, in the process, had suggested she remove some of the more… questionable jokes that she had tried to include. The ones about the principal's wig and the inability of the school system to actually teach students to learn had definitely not made it into the final speech.
As Michelle stepped down from the podium the graduating class broke out into reverent applause and Peter joined in, clapping his hands loudly as he watched his sort of girlfriend leave the stage. Peter wasn't sure if he was supposed to be calling MJ that yet… things were still a little bit unsure but that didn't stop Peter's heart swelling with pride as the applause continued long after MJ had left the stage. He knew she had been nervous going up there, though she had done her best not to show it.
Peter wasn't sure if it was the stuffy air in the gymnasium making him sweat or if he was just that nervous. He tugged at his academic robe, pulling it back onto his shoulder and in the process almost elbowing the person next to him. Midtown's Principal and Vice Principal stepped up to the podium and began reading out the list of names. Peter watched, as one by one his fellow graduates stepped up onto the stage, shook hands and took their diplomas.
Peter clap dutifully alongside the rest of the students as he watched his friends and classmates graduate, waiting patiently for his name to be called.
Peter had always felt a little out of place at these high school events. As a kid, whenever he had received academic awards at assemblies, he'd felt embarrassed as everyone else had their families stand up in the audience and applaud their achievements and he'd only had Uncle Ben and Aunt May… and eventually it had just been May. That feeling had been lost over time and now he had a new appreciation for the enthusiasm with which May had applauded and cheered for him all those years ago.
Seeing everyone's families getting ready to go into the Hall with their kids hadtugged at Peter's heart a little as he thought of all the people that he had lost on the way to this moment. His parents… what would they have thought if they saw him now? Saw the person he had become? What would they think of him being Spider-Man? What about Uncle Ben? He'd always had such high hopes for Peter, had dreamt of Peter following in his father's footsteps and going to MIT.
Then there was Tony Stark. It had been a year since Peter had watched Tony die in the wreckage of the Avengers Compound, but the pain was still as fresh as yesterday. As fresh as the paint that MJ had helped Peter hurriedly put on his graduation cap earlier that morning in the shape of an arc reactor. What would Tony think of Peter now? Of where he was going? Would he regret making Peter an Avenger? Or would he be proud?
Peter sighed and turned his attention back to the stage, watching as the students seemed to fly past. Before he knew it, his best friend was stepping up to the podium, shaking hands with the Principal and turning to the crowd to grin at Peter.
Peter grinned and clapped as Ned left the stage looking immensely proud with the paper in his hands, as he should’ve been. Peter couldn’t forget that Ned, like half the students in the hall, had been through a lot to get to this point. Peter raised his hands to his mouth to cheer as the clapping died out and grinned as Ned gave him a wave as he returned to his seat.
Peter slipped his cellphone out of his pocket and swiped it open, trying to be surreptitious as students continued being called to the front. He glanced down at his conversation with May, dismayed by her reply.
Peter: Any sign of Pepper and Morgan?
May: not yet, I saved them seats though. And happy is here! He says hello.
Peter: Hi happy!
Peter: how about now
May: Still not here, I’m sorry Peter but you know how busy things have been at Stark Industries this last month. Will text if she arrives. Xx
Peter shut his phone off and tried not to sigh as he put it back in his pocket. He sat back in his chair. Peter had cautiously asked Pepper if she might come to his graduation a few weeks ago and at the time she had seemed more than enthusiastic and certain that she would be in attendance. Having been working with SI for the last year as a sort of intern/ part timer Peter knew how busy the company could get, especially considering the financial year was coming to a close.
Peter heard the gymnasium doors open behind them and watched as the Principal momentarily stopped what he was saying, stuttering slightly before continuing with the name he had been reading out. The principal got back on track before the students could look around and wonder what had made him stop his speech so suddenly.
Peter breathed deeply as the Principal worked his way down Peter’s row, eventually arriving at the P’s, of which Peter was first.
“Who’s that?” Someone whispered near Peter and he saw heads craned around to look at the back of the gymnasium.
“What are they doing here?” Said another excited quiet voice but Peter could barely hear the whispers he was so nervous.
“Peter Parker.”
Peter took a last breath of air and pushed himself from his chair to his feet, ensuring that he didn’t trip on his academic gown as he stood up. Peter stepped out of the rows of chairs and walked swiftly down the aisle that lead to the stage. He looked at the principal who was smiling warmly at him, diploma ready in hand.
Peter grinned as he shook the principal’s hand and looked out to the crowd of students and parents before him, eyes searching for May. He found her quickly, Happy sat next to her but the two seats beside them still vacant. May was smiling brightly, her gaze proud.
Peter took his diploma and was met with applause and jerked his head up in surprise when he realized how loud it was. At first, he wondered whether it was his Spider senses that were making the applause sound so disproportionately loud but then he looked out to the back of the gymnasium and his jaw dropped. Students and parents alike had twisted around in their seats to try and figure out why Peter was getting an unnaturally loud applause compared to the other students.
At the back of the hall, standing behind the seats looking like the most out of place group of people he had ever seen, were the Avengers. Or what was left of them.
Thor, dressed smartly in dress pants and a white shirt, was clapping his hands and Peter had to wonder if he was adding a little bit of thunder to make it seem louder. Next to him, and about two heads higher was Dr Bruce Banner still as green and large as ever. Beside him was Bucky Barnes, stoic as usual but Peter felt he could detect faint appreciation in his eyes. Beside Bucky was Sam Wilson who was smiling widely and clapping enthusiastically, though their relationship had started off on rocky ground, Peter was pretty sure they were friends… like at least 68 percent sure. Wanda Maximoff was there too, clapping beside the newly resurrected Vision.
As Peter’s eyes shifted to the last person in the group, Pepper Potts, he was distracted by the voices which had quickly filled the gymnasium, that he hadn’t properly registered before.
“Why are the Avengers here?”
“Are they clapping for Peter? Surely not!”
These voices where interrupted by the sound of little shoes slapping against the gymnasium floor.
Peter stepped to the side a bit, just in time to see Morgan Stark running down the aisle, the back of her blue coat streaming out behind her. Peter’s face broke into a grin. He’d completely forgotten what was happening on stage, he wasn’t sure if the ceremony was still proceeding or if he, or rather the arrival of the Avengers, had put a bit of a pin in the cogs for the time being. It certainly seemed that no one in the audience was paying any attention, too preoccupied with craning their heads around to try and get a good look at the group of superheroes at the back of the room. Peter left the stage.
“Peter.” Morgan said as she flew into his arms, Peter picked her up as he hugged her.
“Hey Morgan, how you doing?”
“Good.” Morgan said sweetly and then tugged at the tassel of his graduation cap. “Mommy said I could come see you.”
Peter looked up, casting his eyes to Pepper at the back of the hall. She mouthed a sorry, shaking her head slightly. Peter understood, Morgan was so stubborn that he doubted anyone would have tried to stop her once she put her mind to it.
“Ok, well we better head back now, we’re holding things up here.” Peter said, setting Morgan on the ground. She took his hand tightly in her own. He looked around at the Principal, who like most of the audience, was still distracted by the Avengers in his gymnasium. The VP stepped up behind him to remind him to continue with the procession.
“Right!” The Principal said straightening and watching as Peter began to return to his seat. “Where was I…”
“Can I stay with you?” Morgan asked as Peter maid to take her back to Pepper.
“Uhm…” Peter said looking down at Morgan and the puppy eyes she had just pulled out. They were lethal. “Of course you can.”
“Yay.” Morgan said quietly as silence fell throughout the hall again and Peter led Morgan back to his seat.
Once they were back at his seat, Peter sat down and pulled Morgan onto his knees so that she could see the stage.
“What’s this?” Morgan said, turning around to tug at the tassel on his graduation cap again.
“Here you can have a look if you like.” Peter said quietly, pulling the cap off and handing it to Morgan. He paid half attention to what was happening on stage while also keeping an eye on Morgan as she ran her fingers in circular motions over the arc reactor Peter had painted there.
“You ok?” Peter asked, rubbing Morgan’s arm fondly. Flash’s name was called, and he approached the stage.
“Yeah.” Morgan said quietly, moving to put the cap back on Peter’s head. With some difficult they managed to get it sitting straight. Morgan then turned away, casting her attention to the stage as she swung her legs back and forth from where she sat.
The rest of the ceremony proceeded normally and while everyone seemed quite distracted, the attention was directed more or less back to the students. Once the last student had been called and accepted his diploma the procession rose and began to file out onto the lawns outside the gymnasium. Morgan slipped away to the back of the hall and Peter watched her go, rising to join the rest of the students as they left to the applause of onlookers. May was on her feet, Happy beside her, both clapping enthusiastically but when Peter reached the back of the gymnasium and went outside, he found that the Avengers were nowhere to be seen.
Peter was crestfallen as he left, disappointed that the Avengers hadn’t even stuck around to say hello. Though he supposed he should feel somewhat honored that they came along at all.
“Congratulations Peter.” May said grabbing Peter’s shoulders from behind and turning him around to give him a tight hug. “Your parents, uncle Ben they all would have been so proud – I am so proud.”
When she withdrew Happy clapped him on the shoulder, “Good job kid, Tony would have been proud.”
Peter tried to smile but it must have fallen short and not reached his eyes so May quickly jumped in before the mood soured.
“Look who showed up though!” She said indicating somewhere behind Peter’s head.
Peter turned and sure enough standing on the far side of the oval, away from all the people, were the Avengers. His mouth dropped open slightly and May flicked his chin lightly, encouraging him to close it.
“Come on.” She said pushing him towards them and Peter found his feet taking one step after the other as he walked over. Somehow this was making him more nervous than when he had gone up to accept his diploma which he was still clutching in his hands. It was silly really, he had been on quite a few missions with the other Avengers in the last year, he had no reason to be worried.
Sam was the first to step forward as Peter reached the imposing group. “Congrats kid! I was beginning to think they wouldn’t read your name out, you were pretty far to the end though – didn’t get the grades you wanted?” Sam said jokingly, throwing an arm around Peter’s shoulder and ruffling his hair before withdrawing.
“It was alphabetical order.” Bucky said quietly.
“I know I was making a joke Barnes.” Sam chided, smiling regardless.
“Congratulations Peter, we’ve got big expectations for what happens next.”
“Thanks, Mr Barnes.” Peter grinned, shaking Bucky’s extended hand.
“Good job Peter, we always knew you had it in you.” Wanda said stepping forward to embrace him in a quick hug.
Like Bucky, Vision held his hand out and Peter shook it eagerly, marveling at the fascinating texture as he did. “I anticipate great things.”
Peter swallowed nervously but tried to nod anyway. Bruce came at Peter with a bone crushing hug and seemed to have teared up a little. “So proud.” He sniffed.
“Congratulations Peter, we’re so proud of you! Everyone at Stark Industries has been asking how it went.” Pepper said hugging Peter tightly. “Tony would have loved to have been here.” She said quietly so that only he heard and withdrew.
Morgan was last and Peter knelt to give her a tight hug.
“Thank you all so much for coming.” Peter said grinning.
“Ah what are you talking about,” Sam said waving a nonchalant hand, “it’s not like we had anything else to do on a Friday afternoon.”
“For god’s sake someone touch wood.” Bucky whispered and everyone laughed.
“Peter honey, they’re expecting you back there.” May said jerking her finger over her shoulder. Peter followed her gesture and saw that the rest of the graduating class were gathered together, photographer ready.
“Crap.” Peter muttered and, holding onto his cap as he did, rushed over to the group. He was met with a few scowls at having kept them all waiting but mostly everyone was gaping at him and trying to figure out why Peter of all people had been talking to the Avengers. Peter grinned as he joined Ned who fist bumped him enthusiastically.
“Everyone is gonna think crazy things now.” MJ said in his ear and Peter jumped, somehow, he hadn’t felt her arrive by his side.
Peter beamed and put his arm around her shoulders, a little more smoothly than he might have normally done given how on top of the world he was feeling in that moment. She smiled back and threw an arm around his shoulders and squeezed back.
“Who knows what they’re thinking, heck they might even think I am Spider-Man.” Peter said quietly, and MJ snorted.
“No one would ever think that, don’t worry.” She said looking into his eyes knowingly.
“To the graduating class of 2024!” The principal said from behind the photographer and with a cry and thunderous applause and cheers from around them the students took their caps from their heads and turned their faces to the sky.
Peter bent his knees slightly and launched his cap up into the air with a little more force than was necessary. He stood there face upturned, one arm around MJ and one extended around Ned, his eyes peeled open as he took a mental image ensuring that he would never ever forget that moment. As the caps sailed down around them Peter was reminded of everything that had happened to him since he was bitten by a radioactive spider all those years ago. The choices he had made, the battles he had one and the ones he had lost. It was all in the past now, but each experience served as a lesson to be learnt, a story to be told and something to be remembered.
He watched the black caps floating down as though they were in slow motion and his thoughts turned to Tony and in that moment caught a glimpse of his own cap sinking down towards him. The arc reactor spinning as the cap spun in midair and in that moment, it seemed to glow with recognition. Tony was still there, no matter where Peter went or what he did, a part of Tony would always be with him as it was with Pepper and Morgan and Happy and Rhodey and every other person whose life had been touched by Tony Stark and who had felt the imprint of his absence. Tony had given Peter another chance and he sure as hell wasn’t about to waste it.
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