#visage; supergirl
jadegretz · 10 days
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Kitana's Fan-Fueled Justice by Jade Gretz
Kitana gripped the hilt of her fans, knuckles white, as a kaleidoscope of memories, both real and imagined, assaulted her senses. The throne room of Outworld shimmered and wavered, the obsidian pillars dissolving into twisted gnarled trees. Her mother, Sindel, stood before her, her once regal visage replaced by a skull adorned with a mocking crown of thorns.
"Kitana," Sindel's voice, a chilling rasp that sent shivers down her spine, echoed through the warped chamber. "Do you not remember your true purpose? Do you not crave the power that rightfully belongs to you?"
Kitana fought back a wave of nausea. She knew this was Quan Chi's doing, the vile sorcerer weaving illusions to exploit her deepest wounds, her vulnerabilities. But these weren't just distorted images; they were laced with a cruel truth, a twisted reflection of the rage and resentment that gnawed at her since Shao Kahn's demise.
"This isn't real," Kitana snarled, her voice brittle with the strain of maintaining a façade of strength. "You're just a figment of Quan Chi's twisted magic."
Sindel's spectral form cackled, a sound like wind whistling through a graveyard. "Reality? What is reality but a cage, a prison of your own making? Embrace the darkness within you, Kitana. Become the Empress you were meant to be!"
The illusion shifted again. The phantom Sindel vanished, replaced by a scene of carnage. Edenia, her homeland, once a jewel of beauty, lay in ruins. Smoke plumed from ravaged buildings, and the screams of her people echoed through the air. Standing amidst the wreckage was Liu Kang, his once noble face contorted in a snarl, his eyes burning with an unholy red light.
"You failed them, Kitana," Liu Kang's voice, dripping with venom, resounded in her mind. "You failed Edenia. You failed me."
A wave of despair washed over her. This was a fear she had harbored for so long – the fear that her alliance with Earthrealm had been a mistake, that she had condemned her people to this fate. Her loyalty, her sacrifice, seemingly in vain.
Suddenly, the battlefield morphed into a desolate wasteland, a tw …(see the rest of the story at deviantart.com/jadegretzAI). For more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)
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formsofcontinuity · 10 months
I cannot even express how excited I am to share this story I wrote for the 2023 Supercorp Big Bang (@supercorpbb) -- plus the absolutely stunning artwork created by @darbypea and @noctilia, both of which are linked from the story (I'll reblog them here shortly).
Special thanks to chimonantus_signifies for beta-ing, @sneezewizard for emotional support and encouragement, and @wolfsong02 for cheerleading.
The story is an Epic of Gilgamesh AU that I've been wanting to write for ages (if you don't know anything about Gilgamesh, it won't matter, but if you do, you might find some fun parallels).
Summary: What if Kara had crash landed on a far younger Earth, only to be mistaken for a goddess? And what if Lena were ruler of a great Sumerian city-state on that Earth, chafing at the bonds of sovereignty? An Epic of Gilgamesh AU.
Rating: M
A little teaser:
Kara was now openly staring at Lena, her eyes wide and sparkling. "And what of me?"
"What of you?"
"Am I your captive? Or am I your guest?"
Lena did not respond right away, time pulling on her ribcage with the weight of the question. She could not hold the woman here without using the stone. Lena's stomach twisted at the memory of Kara's pain, her face veined with green and her cries filled with agony. The young warrior was looking at her now, face belying no traces of suffering, expression cautiously hopeful.
"You are free to go, if you wish." Lena gestured gracefully at her curtained door, her tone formal and serious. "I will not hold you here provided you neither threaten me nor Uruk again. However," she softened her gaze, willing Kara to recognize her sincerity, "perhaps you would like to stay for a few days at least, and I can show how my city prospers? We have many wonders here."
Something about the warrior's demeanor eased and then she smiled, an expression that transformed her face into the visage of someone much younger. "You are not what I expected," Kara admitted. "I apologize for my assumptions and my impunity, invading your city as if I had a right to it."
"You are not what I expected, either." Lena returned the warrior's smile, finding it came to her more easily than it had since she was a girl. "You are unlike any goddess I have ever met."
Kara laughed sharply, a pleased sound. "Have you met many goddesses?"
"None save you." Lena began to reach out, seeking further contact with the other woman, before restraining herself and allowing her hand to fall to her side. She twisted her fingers in the tufts of wool decorating her skirt. "And yet somehow," she continued, backing towards the door, "You continue to surprise me in our brief acquaintance."
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still can't stop thinking about kara accidentally referring to hal as "dad", even in a more low-key context and how something that could usually be played for comedy is nothing sort of devastating.
maybe kara's having a bad day - the sort where her chest is tight with frustration, every little minor convenience makes her fingers twitch, the sort where the schoolwork and reminders of the ordinary life she has alongside her life as supergirl is smothering her, all the missed phone calls from the friends who only know her as linda danvers. she's snapped at people throughout the day, blurting out a tired little, "i'm sorry" when they frown or look at her in shock. every little reminder of when her ill temper leaks through the cracks is like a stab to the side. i should be doing better, she thinks to herself, everyone says it's okay, that i'm still only a kid. but i don't want to be just a kid. i turn sixteen in september.
she runs into hal and waits for him to say or do something - anything - that will make that horrid little knot of agitations that's formed in her chest tighten further. but he sees the sting of bitterness to her dark blue eyes, the way she's trying so hard to twitch her lips into a solemn but neutral expression. hal must know and keeps himself at arm's distance; they've both had their fair share of bad days aplenty. he only walks away after giving her a slight nod through the green of the mask he wears, leaving her be.
hal comes back a few minutes later with a small cardboard box of juice and hands it to her. apple juice - her favorite, no pineapple or fruit punch on the label to be found. just plain apple juice. she tears the straw off the back and pushes it through, taking a a sip. the rush of sugar is a balm, even if only a small one. the barest hint of a proper smile stirs upon her visage for the first time in a while today. after a few engrossed sips:
"thanks, dad."
her smile vanishes.
they both stare at each other with the depth of something fathomless - horror, maybe, or some sort of flooding, viscous mess of all sorts of feelings. she remembers for a moment the way her father back on krypton would wordlessly give her comfort on bad days - drape a blanket over her shoulders as she stared out at the openness of dark red sky before departing, ensure she had a small snack even as she sulked alone in her room. and hal...
well, kara remembers he only told her a little bit about his father. but that is enough for her to know.
she takes a deep breath, the smile on her face not quite so genuine this time - moreso some sort of crumpled, uncomfortable mimicry of the real expression. "sorry about that. it just sort of slipped out."
"it's fine. sometimes things like this happen."
"still..." the words coat her mouth, fuzzy under the apple juice she'd been drinking. "thank you for doing that. i've been having kind of a crappy day today, and it helped."
the sting from earlier still persists, hal's face settles into a fixed, solemn look. "no problem," he says. "i'm glad i could help, even just a little."
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Rhea's Curse, Pt 4
Over the following days, Lena first tries to force herself to speak. But when her most successful attempt results in little more than a wheeze, she shifts her focus elsewhere.
After asking for an internet-connected tablet and a pair of headphones, Lena throws herself into research american sign language. Within a day, she can fingerspell with clunky but consistent accuracy. Within a week, she has a first grader's understanding of basic signs.
Kara understands Lena's need to keep occupied, as well as the need to communicate, so she too takes time to learn the language. It's beautiful, once she gets the rhythm and cadence down. It takes her less time than Lena-- or any other human-- to become fluent, and though Lena acts disdainful of having been left in the dust, Kara glimpses the glint of gratitude in her eyes as they practice together.
Kara splits her time between Lena and rebuilding National City. Even when Lena is released from the DEO to return home, Kara alights on her balcony every night to talk. And sometimes in the morning too. And for lunch.
Which makes her acutely aware of the sudden change one day when Kara touches down and knocks on Lena's balcony door, only to be confronted with the visage of sadness that is Lena Luthor.
"What's wrong?" Kara says aloud, while signing with her hands. She follows Lena to the sofa, and sits on one end as Lena curls up on the other.
Lena's lips screw to one side, and one shoulder lifts. "Silly," Lena signs, wiggling her thumb and pinky at the side of her mouth.
"It's not silly if it's making you sad," Kara continues. She's careful to keep her finger movements to a legible speed.
Lena hesitates, then taps her chin once witha single finger, before mimicking the motion of placing eyeglasses on her face with the same hand.
Kara pauses. Then, she repeats Lena's signs. "You miss... your glasses?"
Lena huffs a short chuckle, then fingerspells a name before repeating the sign for glasses.
Suddenly, Kara realizes that she's spent so much time with Lena as Supergirl, she's almost forgotten to be Kara Danvers at all.
She's only put in enough face time at CatCo to keep her job, relying on James' understanding that she's busy rebuilding. But for Lena... she's lost sight of the fact that Supergirl isn't Kara.
"I'm sure she's busy," Kara signs. She's acutely aware now of the sleeves that cover her wrists, the color catching her eye with every sign.
Lena's features fall into uncertainty. With both hands curled into claws, she carves them up her chest in the sign for anger.
Kara immediately sputters to correct her. "What? No! Of course she's not angry! Why would she be angry with you?"
Long fingers spell again.
Add another thing Kara had forgotten to worry about. She assumes Mon-el was still on the stateship when it left orbit without a queen, no doubt perched to become the next King of Daxam. He hasn't tried to contact her, and part of Kara is quietly glad for it.
Lena has needed her more, and any word from Mon-el would have simply been a distraction.
"No," Kara says firmly. "She doesn't blame you for any of that. In fact, I saw Kara Danvers yesterday, and she mentioned she was looking forward to seeing you again. I wouldn't be surprised if she came to visit soon..."
Lena gives her a look that communicates her disbelief better than any sign possibly could.
Kara swallows thickly.
Then she changes the subject.
"Do you... have a sign for me?" she asks timidly.
Finally, Lena cracks into a small smile. She nods. Kara grins back.
"Can I see it?"
Fisting her hand into the sign for the letter S, Lena draws up and toward her opposite shoulder, combining it with the sign for flying.
A flying S.
Kara beams.
"I love it."
Lena's cheeks and the tips of her ears turn pink. She waves away the sentiment, but Kara persists.
"I mean it. I do." Kara reaches over and clasps Lena's hand in one of hers. With the other, she brings a flat hand to her chin and pushes it out a short distance, towards Lena.
"Thank you."
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sofya-fanfics · 2 years
Seconde Chance
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Voici ma participation pour le Tropetember 2022. J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Lena entra dans son laboratoire. Elle n'avait pas beaucoup dormi durant la nuit et elle était exténuée. Cela faisait deux semaines que ça durait. Elle passait ses nuits à faire des rêves étranges. Mais plus le temps passait, plus elle avait fini par comprendre que se n'était pas de simples rêves, mais des souvenirs.
Disclaimer : Merlin appartient à Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Johnny Capps et Julian Murphy et Supergirl appartient à Ali Adler, Greg Berlanti et Andrew Kreisberg.
Lena entra dans son laboratoire. Elle n'avait pas beaucoup dormi durant la nuit et elle était exténuée. Cela faisait deux semaines que ça durait. Elle passait ses nuits à faire des rêves étranges. Mais plus le temps passait, plus elle avait fini par comprendre que se n'était pas de simples rêves, mais des souvenirs.
Des souvenirs d'une vie passée dans un monde moyenâgeux, rempli de magie. Des noms et des visages revenaient tout le temps dans ses rêves. Arthur, Merlin, Guenièvre, Morgause, Uther et celui qu'elle portait, Morgane. Ils étaient des personnages de légendes qui pourtant ont fait partis d'une de ses anciennes vies. Elle se voyait enfant, jouant dans les jardins du château de Camelot avec Arthur. Elle se voyait se lier d'amitié avec Guenièvre qui était sa servante. Elle se voyait cacher sa magie à Uther, elle ressentait encore la peur qu'elle avait d'être découverte entrain de pratiquer la magie et subir les châtiments qui étaient réservés aux sorciers. Elle voyait sa rencontre avec Morgause et l'influence qu'elle avait eu sur elle et sur sa magie. La magie avait été une partie d'elle, comme elle l'était encore aujourd'hui.
Il y a encore quelques semaine, Lena aurait ri de tout ça. La magie, les vies antérieurs, tout ceci n'était pas réelle. La science était réelle et concrète. Elle avait toujours cru en la science. Pourtant, elle était bien obligé de croire que l'impossible était désormais possible.
Elle repensa à sa vie passée. Elle aurait très bien pu refaire les mêmes erreurs que Morgane. Comme elle, elle avait perdu sa mère très jeune. Uther et Lillian n'étaient pas les parents idéaux et Morgause avait eu une forte influence sur Morgane, comme Lex en avait eu sur elle. Lena aurait pu devenir Morgane. Elle avait touché les ténèbres et aurait pu y plonger comme elle. Mais Lena avait quelque chose que Morgane n'avait pas. Elle avait…
« Lena ? »
Lena sortit de ses pensées. Kara lui souriait. Elle portait son costume de Supergirl. Elle venait de sauver les passagers de deux trains qui étaient entrés en collision.
« Est-ce que tout va bien ? »
Lena acquiesça et sourit.
« J'étais juste perdue dans mes pensées. Tu as besoin de quelque chose ?
-J'onn m'a demandé de réunir l'équipe.
-Très bien. Je range ces dossiers et j'arrive. »
Kara sourit. Oui, Lena avait eu de la chance parce qu'elle avait Kara. Elle était sa lumière et son espoir. Sans elle, elle aurait pris le même chemin que Morgane. 
Morgane avait eu droit à une seconde chance en devenant Lena. C'était grâce à cette seconde chance que Kara était dans sa vie.
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timelesstimesgoneby · 2 years
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EPISODE SEASON 1 DISC 1 S01E01 PILOT S01E02 METAMORPHOSIS S01E03 HOTHEAD S01E04 X-RAY S01E05 COOL DISC 2 S01E06 HOURGLASS S01E07 CRAVING S01E08 JITTERS S01E09 ROGUE S01E10  Shimmer S01E11 HUG DISC 3 S01E12 LEECH S01E13 KINETIC S01E14 ZERO S01E15 NICODEMUS S01E16 STRAY DISC 4 S01E17 REAPER S01E18 DRONE S01E19 CRUSH S01E20 OBSCURA S01E21 TEMPEST Season 2 Disc 8 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume I: Intro The Chloe Chronicles: Volume I: Video 1 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume I: Video 2 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume I: Video 3 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume I: Video 4 SEASON 2 DISC 5 S02E01 VORTE S02E02 HEAT S02E03 DUPLICITY S02E04 RED 02E05 NOCTURNE S02E06 REDUX S02E07 Lineage S02E08 Ryan S02E09 Dichotic DISC 6 S02E10 SKINWLKER S02E11 VISAGE S02E12 INSURGENCE DISC 7 S02E13 SUSPECT S02E14 RUSH S02E15 PRODIGAL S02E16 FEVER S02E17 ROSETTA S02E18 VISITOR DISC 8 S02E19 PRECIPICE S02E20 WITNESS S02E20 ACCELERATE S02E21 CALLING S02E22 EODUS Season 3 Disc 12 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 1 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 2 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 3 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 4 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 5 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 6 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 7 DISC 9 S03E01 EXILE (1) S03E02 PHOENIX (2) S03E03 EXTINCTION S03E04 SLUMBER S03E05 PERRY S03E06 RELIC DISC 10 S03E07 MAGNETIC S03E08 SHATTERED S03E09 ASYLUM S03E10 WHISPER S03E11 DELETE S03E12 HEREAFTER DISC 11 S03E13 VELOCITY S03E14 OBSESSION S03E15 RESURRECTION S03E16 CRISIS S03E17 LEGACY S03E18 TRUTH DISC 12 S03E19 MEMORIA S03E20 TALISMAN S03E21 FORSAKEN S03E22 COVENANT SEASON 4 DISC 13
S04E01 CRUSADE S04E02 GONE S04E03 FAÇADE S04E04 DEVOTED S04E05 RUN S04E06 TRANSFERENCE DISC 14 S04E07 JINX S04E08  SPELL S04E09 BOUND S04E10 SCARE S04E11 UNSAFE S04E12 PARIAH DISC 15 S04E13 RECRUIT S04E14 KRYPTO S04E15 SACRED S04E16 LUCY S04E17 ONYX S04E18 SPIRIT DISC 16 S04E19 BLANK S04E20 AGELESS S04E21 FOREVER S04E22 COMMENCEMENT SEASON 5 DISC 17 S05E01 ARRIVAL S05E02 MORTAL S05E03 HIDDEN S05E04 AQUA S05E05 THIRST S05E06 EXPOSED DISC 18 S05E07 SPLINTER S05E08 SOLITUDE "S05E09 LEXMAS C" S05E10 FANATIC S05E11 LOCKDOWN S05E12 RECKONING DISC 19 S05E13 VENGEANCE S05E14 TOMB S05E15 CYBORG Season 5 dvd only Disc 4 Vengeance Chronicles 1 Vengeance Chronicles 2 Vengeance Chronicles 3 Vengeance Chronicles 4 Vengeance Chronicles 5 S05E16 HYPNOTIC S05E17 VOID S05E18 FRAGILE DISC 20 S05E19 MERCY S05E20 FADE S05E21 ORACLE S05E22 VESSEL Season 6 Disc 22 Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom: Part 1 Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom: Part 2 Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom: Part 3 Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom: Part 4 Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom: Part 5 SEASON 6 DISC 21 S06E01 ZOD S06E02 SNEEZE S06E03 WITHER S06E04 ARROW S06E05 REUNION S06E06 FALLOUT DISC 22 S06E07 RAGE S06E08 STATIC S06E09 SUBTERRANEAN S06E10 HYDRO S06E11 JUSTICE S06E12 LABYRINTH DISC 23 S06E13 CRIMSON S06E14 TRESPASS S06E15 FREAK S06E16 PROMISÉ S06E17 COMBAT S06E18 PROGENY DISC 24 S06E19 NEMESIS S06E20 NOIR S06E21 PROTOTYPE S06E22 PHANTOM SEASON 7 DISC 25 S07E01 BIZARRO S07E02 KARA S07E03 FIERCE S07E04 CURE S07E05 ACTION DISC 26 S07E06 LARA S07E07 WRATH S07E08 BLUE "S07E09 GEMINI C" S07E10 PERSONA DISC 27 S07E11 SIREN KNIGHT S07E12 FRACTURE S07E13 HERO S07E14 TRAVELER S07E15 VERITAS DISC 28 S07E16 DESCENT S07E17 SLEEPER S07E18 APOCALYPSE S07E19 QUEST S07E20 ARCTIC Season 7 Disc 28 Supergirl The Lost Daughter of Krypton Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 1 Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 2 Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 3 Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 4 Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 5 Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 6 SEASON 8 DISC 29 S08E01 ODYSSEY S08E02 PLASTIQUE S08E03 TOXIC S08E04 INSTINCT S08E05 COMMITTED S08E06 PREY DISC 30 S08E07 IDENTITY S08E08 BLOODLINE S08E09 ABYSS S08E10 BRIDE S08E11 LEGION S08E12 BULLETPROOF DISC 31 S08E13 POWER S08E14 REQUIEM S08E15 INFAMOUS S08E16 TURBULENCE S08E17 HEX S08E18 ETERNAL DISC 32 S08E19 STILETTO S08E20 BEAST S08E21 INJUSTICE S08E22 DOOMSDAY SEASON 9 DISC 33 S09E01 SAVIOR S09E02 METALLO S09E03 RABID S09E04 ECHO S09E05 ROULETTE S09E06 CROSSFIRE DISC 34 S09E07 KANDOR S09E08 IDOL S09E09 PANDORA S09E10 DISCIPLE S09E11 ABSOLITTE JUSTICE PART 1-2 DISC 35 S09E12 WARRIOR S09E13 PERSUASION S09E14 CONSPIRACY S09E15 ESCAPE S09E16 CHECKMATE S09E17 UPGRADE DISC 36 S09E18 CHARADE S09E19 SACRIFICE S09E20 HOSTAGE S09E21 SALVATION SEASON 10 DISC 37 S10E01 LAZARUS S10E02 SHIELD S10E03 SUPERGIRL S10E04 HOMECOMING S10E05 ISIS S10E06 HARVEST DISC 38 "S10E07 AMBUSH H" S10E08 ABANDONED S10E09 PATRIOT S10E10 LUTHOR S10E11  Icarus S10E12 COLLATERAL DISC 39 S10E13 BEACON S10E14 MASQUERADE S10E15 FORTUNE S10E16 SCION S10E17 KENT S10E18 BOOSTER DISC 40 S10E19 DOMINION S10E20 PROPHECY S10E21 FINALL Bonus 1 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERBOY -the Original 1961 Pilot AQUAMAN Pilot
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violetren · 9 months
The second half of the film is better. It might even be good, but it's hard to tell when it's coming fresh off the heels of the first half which might just be the worst hour and a half of cinema DC has ever put out.
Supergirl was a little underbaked but at least not fucking awful and basically every Bruce/Batman that wasn't the one the film started with was pretty ok but only because they were allowed to be at least a little ridiculous, which was probably meant to be unsettling or jarring but just came through as some of the most authentic moments of the film despite being so off the wall.
The montage or different supermen were either fully CGI or airbrushed beyond having believable human visages, either way their uncanny valley vibes kinda broke my immersion during The Big Showy Moment of the movie, but it was almost interesting.
Long story short, if you must consume this movie in some way find GIFs of supergirl and memes of the different Bruce variations.
Thank fuck I didn't pay money to witness this.
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danviers · 2 years
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random dialogue.
@glaemour​ asked:    “take my hand.” / mags
The terror - stricken lump that’d seated itself in the hollow of her throat the moment Supergirl’s cape adorned visage had taken off for the Daxamite mothership was almost impossible to breathe around — the tension that held her jaw razor - edged with the unwilling focus it took to accept the president’s executive order to fire an immediate trigger for the glassy sheen that arrested her once - soldierly gaze.   
Restrained by her hesitation to comply,  to fire the killing shot necessary to annihilate the horde’s heart with Kara’s whereabouts still unknown, the outstretch of Alex’s unsteady hand hovered haltingly over the cannon switch.  Orders were orders;  And the oath she’d taken on her assignment to the DEO — to defend the planet, to remain loyal to the highest office in the country to ensure it — weren’t to be denied.  
Not when the fate of the planet was at stake.
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One misfire,  one second too late and the entire city’s populace could be overrun, cast into a kind of chaos that the initial firefight that had broken out on National City’s streets couldn’t possibly begin to foretell.  ( One second too soon, and the incendiary fate awaiting the Earth’s hostile invaders would more than certainly take her sister too. )
Drawing back a vacillating half - step, the fingers of her right hand still straying scarcely a formidable inch above the WMD’s trigger, Alex extended her other hand for Maggie to take into a white - knuckled grip that did little to alleviate the weight of conundrum she faced.  Though Maggie’s presence almost made it easier to loosen a shaking breath,  to regain the feeling in her fingers,  the choice at hand was hers alone.  
“ She’s still up there.  ”  
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historiestold-a · 4 years
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AGENT MYERS ( @myersbprd ) & SUPERGIRL ( @historiestold ) @ THE DEO
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merveiilles · 2 years
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solarastro · 5 years
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you lose your way, just take my hand  you're lost at sea, then i'll command your boat to me again don't look too far, right where you are, that's where i am
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jadegretz · 2 months
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Deceptive Siren: Mileena's Vicious Waltz by Jade Gretz
The crimson sands of Outworld shimmered under the twin moons, casting an unsettling glow on the gladiatorial arena. In the center stood Mileena, her scarred visage contorted into a predatory grin. Her sais gleamed with a hunger for battle, reflecting the anticipation burning in the eyes of the bloodthirsty crowd.
This wasn't just any fight. This was the Eclipse Games, a tournament unlike any other. Every ten lunar cycles, champions from across the realms were invited to test their might in a series of increasingly brutal encounters. The victor wasn't awarded earthly riches, but something far more potent: a glimpse into the Netherrealm, a chance to bargain with the demon queen herself.
Tonight, Mileena faced D'Vorah, the insectoid sorceress notorious for her venomous touch and ability to control swarms of chittering insects. The air crackled with tension as they circled each other, each warrior a grotesque masterpiece of evolution and brutality.
The match began in a flurry of movement, D'Vorah unleashing a wave of locusts, their razor-sharp wings cutting through the air like malevolent windchimes. Mileena danced through the swarm, her agility honed by years of navigating treacherous court intrigue. But D'Vorah was no mere brute. She weaved spells into the insect swarm, their iridescent bodies contorting into monstrous shapes, snapping at Mileena with sharpened mandibles.
Driven by her insatiable hunger, Mileena countered with ferocity. Her sais sliced through the insectoid horde, their ichor painting the sand a sickly green. But D'Vorah fought with cunning, using the distraction to launch a venomous projectile. The acidic splatter grazed Mileena's shoulder, causing a hiss of pain and rage.
The crowd roared, their bloodlust rising with each exchange. But Mileena, fueled by the sting of betrayal and the promised Netherrealm audience, wouldn't be swayed. She channeled her pain, unleashing a series of teleports that left D'Vorah disoriented. Finally, with a swift move, she sank her sais into the sorceress' chitinous exoskeleton, ending the fight in a spray of venomous go …(see the rest of the story at deviantart.com/jadegretzAI). For more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)
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carehurt · 5 years
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marsdinarchive · 6 years
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Now I know I have met an angel in person And she looks perfect I don't deserve this You look perfect tonight
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Tag Dump! - The Basics
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lena-kieran-zor-el · 2 years
Fun little head canon that will absolutely end up in my fic:
Brainy had no idea about Kara and Lena when he first travelled back to the 21st century; the records always had them as close friends, but history lost a lot of the rest. Then, when Lena took a dark turn, he began to worry he’d somehow dismantled the timeline and undone the incredible good the two would have done together.
After the two finally reconcile, it’s Nia who points it out to him first.
“Not possible,” he retorts, citing the deep repertoire of 31st century historical texts on Supergirl (that he’s read his whole life). “We certainly would have known about something like that.” Nia smirks, holding up her hands and smugly mutters something about “Sappho and her ‘friend.’” Brainy sputters for a moment, begins to realize something may be missing.
During the few weeks after William’s funeral (before the wedding), Brainy spends his time in the 31st century reviewing the books he’s read since he was a child: “The Legend of Kara Zor-El”, “The Supergirl”, “Hope of Steel,” even “Early Superheroes and Vigilantes of Earth.” As he goes over them, he finds more and more inconsistencies, things that jar with what he saw with his own eyes. The chapters about Lena Luthor never cover the lingering looks, the soft words, the endless hours the two would have snuck of to some corner of the Tower where Brainy would have to ferret them out for a mission briefing.
“Oh sprock,” he mutters as he realizes, “I’ve been a truly abominable wingman.”
Suddenly, he realizes: this is what makes a hero truly powerful - love. That having that powerful connection makes anything worth fighting for, even dying for.
Something he is about to let go of forever.
In a flash, Brainy dons his finest dress wear. He swiftly tidies up his books and looks at the cover of “The Legend of Kara Zor-El” again, paying it a bit more attention. The Kryptonian’s visage stands boldly at the front of a group, filled with faces Brainy now recognizes extremely well, including his own. Specifically, he sees, a sharply dressed human woman with flowing dark hair stands directly at Kara’s side, and tucked away almost out of view by their side are their hands.
Fingers perfectly intertwined.
“Kara Zor-El,” he chuckles softly, “you’ve saved me yet again.” A flick of his wrist flies the books back to their place on the shelf as he calls Winn over his communicator.
“Hold the ship, Mr. Schott. You’ve another passenger to take.”
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