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azian-ckicks · 2 years
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hellcatt-unfound · 1 year
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Photo credit: @ethevagabond www.vagabondportraits.com
Stay out of the light,
Of the photograph that I gave you.
You can say a prayer if you need to,
Or just get in line and I’ll grieve you.
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mielmoto · 3 months
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wingposting on the dash??? wings.
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placesyoucallhome · 2 years
Me: I want to stream but my voice sounds wrong :c
Murdercatte: Use your, your people voice.
Me: ... my what?
Murdercatte: Your-- uh customer service! That one.
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phosporo · 2 years
draw time tomorrow. where i draw whatever the fuck i want . all day
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frick-it-sugar-spice · 2 months
I lied today is not the day I'm fixing my tags
It's the day I wear a disappointingly small oversized sweater and blanket burrito until further notice
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wcdonaldo · 1 year
personal favorite counterpart to "he would not fucking say that" is "she would not fucking wear that"
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lespuni · 2 years
Why are they called.... wifebeaters......
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sednas · 1 year
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['CAUSE HE'S A F×CK BOY² ─ s. gojo]
꒰ ͜͡➸ reader should have hooked up with shoko in my humble opinion
part one
pairing: virginkiller!gojo x virgin!fem!reader
tw: [N]SFW, college!au, virginity kink, bratty!reader, loss of virginity, dubcon at first, slight humiliation, slut used once, sextoy, gojo is still annoying, fluff at the end
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you've never been so sexually frustrated in your life.
and it was all gojo's fault.
nothing could come close to what he made you feel during that halloween party.
nothing could come close to the feeling of his soft lips on your neck and the way his indecent touch set your skin on fire.
"hey, did you even pay attention to what I was saying?" shoko asked, snapping her fingers in front of your face.
you blinked, your eyes finally focusing on your friend.
"sorry. I was lost in my own thoughts." you apologized, your hand starting to write on your notebook again.
"yeah... it happens all the time recently..."
the old lady who kept the library sent you and shoko a death glare, which your friend responded with a lazy smile, still, she lowered her voice when she talked again.
you nodded at what she was saying, not paying attention again. you felt like a bitch for not listening to her, but your mind couldn't help it, the white-haired man was now living in every single one of your thoughts.
it was like no one ever looked at you before him, being the center of his attention was something you didn't know you needed. you knew he was a fuck boy, you were also aware that he was only interested in your virginity, he wasn't in love and he wasn't deeply attracted to you either. he just wanted to ruin you for any person that would come after him. and for that part, you slightly wanted to laugh.
"something funny happened sweetheart?"
you raised your head up from your notebook, coming face to face with satoru gojo. how long had he been there? since the beginning? shoko didn't really seem to pay attention to him, as if they had already talked before, her eyes were focused on the health book she was studying.
he tilted his face to the side, smirking. he could see it in your eyes. how frustrated you were. he could almost see what happened during that halloween party playing on repeat in your mind.
"do you even know how to read?"
mean. maybe a little bit too mean. it has always been your way of flirting, it probably explained why you've never been in a relationship with anyone.
wait... flirting?
you rolled your eyes when he put his hand on his chest, pretending to be physically injured. you tried to ignore him, keeping your eyes on your notebook.
"this one was particularly harsh, even for you."
despite his words his tone was playful, you stopped yourself from looking into his shiny eyes and kept reading.
"but actually, I'm waiting for suguru. he needed to find a specific book for one of his exams. what about you? what are you doing here?"
as he casually explained this to you, you felt a strange sensation on your leg, you raised your head again, ready to answer him, but you quickly closed your mouth.
someone was rubbing your inner thigh with their leg.
you glanced at shoko. of course it wasn't her, her head was buried into her book.
your eyes came back to gojo's face, he was observing you, still smirking.
you uncomfortably shifted in your seat, carefully choosing your words before speaking.
"I'm rewriting some of the notes in my own words, it helps me to..."
you silently gasped.
"it helps you to what? c'mon finish your sentence sweetheart." he teased, delighted by the way you were looking at him.
was he really playing footsie with you right now? in the fucking library?
his long leg grazed your ankle, and slowly raised up to your inner thigh again.
the sensation was strange, it was a bit ticklish, and the friction was pleasant, like light shocks of electricity running through your lower body. before you could process what was happening you felt something sticky between your legs and your skin got hot.
he arched an eyebrow, both of his legs now rubbing your thighs, forcing them open with his knees. if he wasn't in the library he would have been laughing right now, seeing you all flushed, your eyes going from his face to all the people around, terrified of being caught doing something so naughty.
"hey. I found the book, let's get out of here."
startled, you looked up to see geto, who quickly smiled at you.
"alright, see you later girls!" exclaimed satoru, his words definitely louder than they should have been.
and like the halloween party, you found yourself here, without the warmth of his body and with a mess between your legs that nobody could help you with.
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"hey shoko, what's up with all these people in our house?" you shouted, your voice barely covering the loud music echoing on the walls of the small kitchen.
"oh hi you're back." she greeted you with a lazy smile, an unlighted cigarette between her lips.
she moved closer to the window, opening it with one hand and lighting her cigarette with her other hand.
"I already told you about it. it's nanami's birthday, we threw him a surprise party this afternoon. he didn't seem to be happy about it." she laughed, shaking her head.
you nodded. she was probably talking about this in the library the other day. you didn't know the blond man well enough to know the date of his birthday, but judging by the look on his face as he sat silently on the couch, he'd rather be alone.
"go have fun, I'm sure there are people you know here." she says, in her usual motherly tone when talking with you.
"I sure will." you sighed, heading to your room.
as you made your way through the guests, you suddenly felt a hand grab you by the wrist, and before you could blink, you were sitting between geto and gojo, among other people, a bottle in the middle of the little circle they had formed.
hell no.
"here's our sixth player!" claimed gojo, clapping his hands.
you gave the white haired man a death glare, but he only smiled and brought his big hand behind your neck, forcing you to stay still. you felt shivers running down your spine as a redheaded girl spinned the bottle.
"whoever it lands on will get a hickey from... geto!"
"let me fucking go satoru." you whispered, and he smiled, bringing his mouth close to your ear.
"c'mon, it's gonna be fun..."
the bottle landed on you as he finished his sentence.
you didn't know why but your first thought was to look at gojo. he was wearing a peaceful expression, arching an eyebrow in your direction, but you could feel his grip on your neck tightening and you did your best not to squirm at the feeling. you turned around when you heard his friend cleared his throat.
you were greeted by geto's dark gaze, a relaxed smile on his face. you swallowed hard and he seemed to notice it.
"if you don't want to that's okay." he said, but you quickly shook your head.
you could already hear gojo's laugh if you refused the challenge, and besides, maybe feeling another pair of lips would break the spell satoru had cast upon you.
"yeah I'm fine with it. what about you?"
"if I'm okay with giving a hickey to a pretty girl? yeah I think I'll be fine." he laughed, and everyone laughed around him too.
everyone except gojo satoru.
you couldn't really tell when he removed his hand from your neck, your head felt dizzy as soon as geto put his lips on your skin to start sucking on it.
his lips were a little rough compared to gojo's, probably because the white-haired man used lip balm.
god, why did you have to think about him in every situation?
geto took his time, circling his tongue around your skin and you could feel his hot breath caressing your neck.
you missed gojo's hand, and when geto finally removed his head you immediately turned to look at gojo.
he was nowhere to be seen.
"was I that bad?" you heard geto say, and you turned to face him again.
you brought your fingers to your neck, gently touching the purple mark and shook your head.
"no, that was good. I'm sorry I need to go to the bathroom."
you quickly stood up as they watched you disappear into the guests. you headed to your room, immediately locking the door once you were inside. you let out a sigh of relief, finally getting some alone time.
the hickey tickled you, so you touched it again.
"did you like it?"
you almost screamed, turning around to see gojo, who had his back to you.
"why are you asking? jealous?" you smirked, crossing your arms on your chest.
your comment met with nothing but silence, you frowned, taking a few steps toward him.
"now get out of here, you're in my room."
he let out an amused laugh, and when he finally turned to face you you felt like your whole body was on fire.
he was holding a pink dildo in his hand.
"so, this is yours right? since I found it in your room."
despite your whole face burning you felt anger running through your veins.
"did you really go through my fucking stuff?!"
advancing toward him, you tried to snatch the sex toy from his hands, but he raised it in the air so that it was out of reach.
"calm down, calm down! honestly it's kinda your fault, I just had to open your nightstand drawer to find it."
his eyes dropping to where your hickey was, you felt something twitch in your stomach, as if your instinct was suddenly telling you that you were in danger.
before you could react, he pushed you onto the bed with his legs, immediately closing one of his hands around your wrists to pin them above your head.
despite your efforts, you couldn't free yourself from his hold, his tall body was too heavy, resting on top of yours.
"and here I thought you were innocent..." he sighed, faking a disappointed tone.
you frowned, your eyes throwing daggers at him while he was still observing your face.
"you really thought I was some helpless little virgin uh? what were you expecting? please satoru! it hurts! you're so big, I can't take it!" you scoffed with an unnaturally high-pitched voice, your legs trying to kick him.
with a strange look in his eyes his strong thighs pinned your legs on the bed, and you were now perfectly still and at his mercy.
"don't get me wrong, I've never done anything with anyone but still, the fact that you thought I was that innocent is so fucking naive, especially for you."
you hoped to have destabilized him, just a little. just the pleasure of leaving him speechless for a few minutes would have been a victory.
but he hummed, bringing your toy closer to your face.
"you thought you really did something here didn't you sweetheart?"
with his condescending tone he dragged the dildo on your cheeks, rubbing them with the fake tip.
"so, I repeat the question. did you like it?" he asked, deliberately ignoring what you just said.
"fuck you." you mumbled, feeling completely humiliated with the way he was playing with you.
"did you get wet? was he better than me?" he kept asking, his face so close you could see each of his white eyelashes fluttering.
you looked away and a toothy grin appeared on his face, he brought his mouth against your ear, making you shiver.
"only one way to find out."
you eyes widened as you felt him rubbing the dildo between your legs, and within a second he removed your pants with dexterity. his thighs were now forcing your legs open, your underwear in perfect display for him.
"oh baby..." you heard him say, and you squirmed when his fingers grazed your panties.
he raised his head to look at your face, his pink lips just a few inches away from yours.
"you're fucking soaked."
you whined, this needy feeling emerging in your chest again, making your clit throb and your head spin.
you managed to free your hands from his hold, putting them on his chest and pulling on his shirt a little.
"you're not even trying to hide it anymore uh? you want me so bad right?"
you quickly nodded your head and he urged you into a deep kiss. maybe if you wasn't so fucked up already you would have noticed how desperate he was too, how his hands were slightly trembling while grabbing your skin, or the way his heart was pounding against his chest.
his fingers slided under your panties, coating themselves in your wetness as he pressed them against your clit. he suppressed your moans by kissing you harder, deepening the kiss.
your eyes rolled back when he finally moved his fingers around your bundle of nerves, and he allowed you to catch your breath for a moment, his eyes never leaving yours.
"feels good sweetheart?" he asked in a surprisingly comforting tone.
"fu... fuck! I..." you cursed, your words falling into incomprehensible moans.
"you're too loud." he whispered.
before you could react he shoved the pink dildo into your open mouth, thrusting it in and out as his fingers worked faster on your clit.
you moaned around the toy, your hips jerking against his hand as you could finally savor that feeling of pleasure that was building rapidly in your lower abdomen, that feeling you had craved for weeks, and that only gojo could give you.
your eyes rolled back, your clit pulsing against his fingers. you could feel your release coming closer and closer, it was just here, just a couple more seconds and you were going to...
he stopped. abruptly removing the toy from your mouth, causing a loud "bop" echoing through the room, he brought his soaked fingers up to his face, smirking.
"why... why did you stop?!"
"so fucking whiny... he sighed. I wonder if you're gonna cry on my cock too."
you opened your mouth, ready to insult him, but his lips crashed into yours, and you felt him groping your breasts.
"shut the fuck up." he mumbled against your lips.
he couldn't help himself now, your whines and the way you were reacting to his touch were driving him wild, unconsciously rubbing himself on your naked thigh while his tongue was still exploring your mouth.
"think a toy can fuck you better than me uh?" he asked as he unbuckled his belt.
you could feel your heart beating faster, your hands were shaking slightly, why were you nervous? it was probably going to feel like when you were using your toy, right? and the fact that gojo was acting like the god of sex annoyed you.
"I'm sure I won't be able to tell the difference between you and my toy."
somehow you immediately regretted what you just said. his heavy cock in his hand, he slapped the tip against your sensitive clit and your body jolted a little. he was definitely bigger than your toy, maybe not thicker, but longer, a prominent vein was circling all around it.
"you're such a brat for a virgin."
and without waiting any longer his cock slided into you with a cruel motion of his hips.
"well, you're not a virgin anymore sweetie, congratulations." he chuckled just before biting back a pathetic moan as your walls were sucking him in.
he let his head fall in your neck while you were trying to adapt to his size, biting your lower lip and ignoring a familiar pressure in your lower stomach as he was still pushing himself inside you.
you could hear him breathing heavily against your ear, babbling and muttering mindlessly.
"so tight... good... so fucking warm..."
when his cock finally was fully inside your back arched, your hands flying to his chest and trying to push him away from that overwhelming feeling.
your reaction seemed to bring him back to earth and he smirked, starting to move slowly.
"wai-wait... I... I can't..." you brought your hands to your face in a pitiful attempt to hide your face and your eyes that were rolling back uncontrollably.
if your pussy wasn't driving him mad already he would have laughed right now. since your hands weren't in the way anymore he lifted your shirt, revealing your breasts, and one of his hands started to play and pull on your nipples without any mercy.
"already loosing your mind slut? and I haven't even started yet."
it wasn't like when you were using your toy at all. you weren't in control, you couldn't control the pace, you couldn't do anything against gojo adding more stimulation by playing with your nipples.
unlike your toy, the white-haired man gave off an addictive warmth and body odor that made you feel dizzy. and as he predicted, a few tears began to fall from the corner of your eyes.
seeing your tears made him go faster, grabbing the underside of your thighs and lifting them up to go deeper, his hips relentlessly snapping against your skin.
grateful for the music blasting in the apartment, you cried out his name and you felt his cock throbbing inside you at the sound. it was hard to think straight now, you could feel all the thoughts in your brain fading away as his cock rubbed your insides, pushing again and again on your g-spot.
satoru grunted, feeling your pussy getting tighter every time he thrusted inside you. he leaned his body over yours, licking the tears from your cheeks, replacing them with his saliva.
"it feels good uh? getting your pussy stretched out like this, it's what you fucking need."
"please satoru... I'm gonna..."
you couldn't finish your sentence, feeling his thumb return to your clit, you threw your head back on the pillows, your whole body trembling with stimulation.
"I'll let you cum sweetheart." gojo said, but despite his words he kept going slower and slower.
his blue eyes stared into yours, and your hands flew once again on his chest, still covered by his clothes while you were half naked under him. you tried to bring him closer to you, still trembling and your eyes full of need.
gojo couldn't resist any longer and urged you into a hard kiss, draining the few energy you had left in you, and when he pulled back your lips were slightly swollen.
"I'll only let you cum if you say you love me." he purred.
you didn't even have the energy to frown, your clit pulsing and your heart pounding inside your chest, you wanted to laugh at his face and say that he could only dream of it. but instead you pulled him for another kiss, and when you pulled back his face was still a few inches away from yours, your lips brushing together.
"I love you satoru, please, keep fucking me." you whispered and his cock throbbed once more inside you.
was it the truth? was it a lie? you didn't really know yourself. right now, all you wanted was him to move inside you again. and all he wanted was to stay inside you forever. when his hips started to thrust inside you again, you both moaned at the feeling, his thumb working on your clit in fast circles.
"good... good girl, that's it I'll make you cum." he said, trying hard not to stutter as he spoke.
his free hand moved to your neck, covering your hickey with his fingers and squeezing the sides of your throat, enough to leave a mark.
the lack of oxygen made you feel dazed, weakly holding on his strong arm, and this time you screamed his name, your vision blurring as a strong orgasm, stronger than any other, took control of your whole body.
gojo had to strengthen his hold on you to keep you still, moaning with you as he felt your pussy spasming uncontrollably around his cock.
barely able to hold back any longer, he cooed a few praises at you before thrusting into you in an erratic pace, now chasing his own high while you were still cumming on his cock.
"fuck... fuck I'm cumming..." he whined.
he shot his load inside you before he could even finish his sentence, his warm seed painting your insides as you could finally catch your breath, relishing in this new sensation of being full.
still inside you, he raised his head to look at the hickey, it was now barely visible, hidden behind the red mark of his big hand.
he looked as ruined as you, sweat glistening on his forehead, panting and blushing from the heat your two bodies were giving off.
a few strands of your hair were stuck to your forehead, your lips were swollen, your eyes still red from crying from pleasure.
"pretty." you both thought at the same time.
was it the truth? one thing was sure, it was certainly not a lie.
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"god I'm so glad this year's over!" gojo sighed, stretching his arms while walking through the shopping mall.
geto frowned, giving him a hard slap on his shoulder.
"you haven't studied once during the year dickhead."
satoru let out an exaggerated cry of pain, holding his shoulder as it was severely injured.
"don't hit me so hard! I had a busy year okay?"
this time geto smirked.
"too busy falling in love uh?" he asked with a smug look on his face.
usually the one who liked to tease, the white-haired man rolled his eyes but didn't deny his friend's words. he was about to over react once again but someone caught his attention through the people walking around the place.
you waved at him, coming closer, and the smile on his face said it all.
"I missed you." he softly said, before kissing your lips and then your neck.
"me and shoko only left for two hours satoru." you giggled, his breath tickling your skin.
"I know, the wait was endless."
"you're so clingy and dramatic." you chuckled but despite your words you took his hands in yours.
"get a room!" shoko and geto said, a few meters away.
you could feel gojo's smile on your skin, his body close to yours.
"oh we will." he whispered, only for you to hear.
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🔖tags: @foulvillain @akuroses @nonproblematicfave @forwardpair
jjk masterlist
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autoexsanguine · 7 months
some day we'll figure out how best to actually make women with Too Many Arms look right and draw some eyecandy necromancers.
tfw your local surgeon walks around in a virginkiller sweater bc she has like 12 extra arms grafted to her to keep them fresh. tfw this is just normal.
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metalcultbrigade · 10 months
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Uli Jon Roth and Rudolf Schenker at the Scorpions' show in the Luxembourg theater, 1976. This was just before the recording sessions for the "Virgin Killer" album. 🎸🔥
#wearewithuli #UliJonRoth #RudolfSchenker #Scorpions #VirginKiller #1976Throwback
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namikawa · 2 years
thinking about meandom!kyoutani and how he abuses your “stupid” little cunt, or at least that’s what he calls it! fucking into you at a brutal pace and when you cry out telling him “s too much” all he does is mock your words and spit in your face, explaining how “you say this every damn time” or that you should “shut the fuck up” and take what he’s so “generously” giving you.
thinking about virginkiller!oikawa who seems so sweet and caring when you first start your “relationship” but as soon as he ruins your virgin hole he wants nothing to do with you. claiming you were just another trophy in his case. after all, he didn’t earn that title for nothing, right?
thinking about touch deprived tsukishima when he’s in between your legs as you both lay on the couch, gripping at any parts of your skin he can get to with his hands around your waist. or when you’re cooking and he towers behind you, holding your hips and resting his chin on your head. but when you call out the clinginess he gets upset, slinging you over his shoulder and mumbling about how “if he’s so clingy you can watch him touch himself instead of you while you’re tied up”.
thinking about sub!aone and how his tall frame contrasts with yours. everybody looks at him like he’s some monster, so large and hostile. they’d never expect him to be crying and begging somebody as small as you as he fucks you. “please, wanna stop! hurts too much! i can’t cum anymo-“ is what he gets out before you’re grabbing his face harshly. “didn’t ask if you could, now keep fucking me or i’m gonna tell everyone how much of a slut you are.”
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steeiydan · 8 months
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i'm never gonna stop drawing characters wearing virginkiller tops, they're just the best way to dress characters with wings or multiple pairs of arms lmao he looks kinda wonky and very similar to another spider guy oc of mine, but maybe they're just related, who knows lmao the name's just a placeholder for now, so if anyone has a better idea, tell me lol
meet Blake!
An Arachne living in the Demon Realms. His bite is highly toxic, but he's a gentle person and doesn't really have any reason to hurt others most of the time. He tends to wear a lot of clothing "imported" from the human world, and likes stuff he can move well in.
He works for the Demon Emperor and is a tailor, which is helped by the fact that he has six hands and can use them all for different things. The Emperor also of course offers him lodging at his castle, so he's pretty comfortable there. Eventually, he'll be made immortal if he so wants (Arachnes have a longer lifespan than humans but are very much not immortals and don't just stop aging at a certain point like Demons) but for now, he's just his mortal self.
Just a really pleasant guy, pretty much, he's not involved in any drama and while he has killed before he came to the castle 25 or so years earlier, when he was still on his own, he's always been gentle to those who don't deserve punishment lol
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pinupcitizen · 5 months
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