artreider · 3 years
Maybe an unpopular opinion but im not big on vic and theo. Sure he's great and the storyline for travis is awesome but none of her relationships have hit like ripley so like as long as she's happy cool but its not a relationship im throwing myself on a sword for. Im not even sure id love her with miller.
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God damnit shonda
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confused-and-hurtzo · 5 years
GREY’S 15X23
I will be talking about the ep... so this post is packed with spoilers. 
Okay so... we can see that the episode’s central theme is being in love, not only the monologue talks about it, but every grey’s couple takes a step forward in their own relationships (including Jolex). 
Jaggie: I am not a Jaggie fan just b/c its weird to me that their parents are together and they honestly don’t have the chemistry that makes my heart melt a little (no offense to Jaggie stans). BUT... I just loved their last scene where Maggie was telling Jackson how she needs to analyze things, “measure and weight them.” I felt like this was so me!!! I loved how Jackson reacted, he was roasting her but in a comprehensive way. This made my heart melt a little, NOT GONNA LIE. 
Toddy: THEY ARE SO CUTE. They don’t make me go crazy like Merluca does, but I feel their relationship is so mature, uncomplicated and steady. They don’t even feel like a Grey's couple. Teddy brings out the best of Tom, and I love that b/c I never really liked him (he was more of a meme and a creep than anything). I loved how he was joking around with Owen. Owen was just so serious, and Teddy was having a blast (ACC MADE ME CRY FROM LAUGHTER). Teddy deserves to be this happy and Tom deserves someone that makes him do all of the “unbelievable” things he is doing. WE STAN. 
Link/ Amelia/ Owen: So... for the longest time I have been an Omelia fan, since before they were a thing. But, Owen’s behavior this season made me quit the ship and start shipping Amelink a little. I am not crazy about them b/c I feel that Caterina has more chemistry with Kevin, but that just my honest opinion. I get that Owen was an ass to her and everything. But, now he is going to therapy, holding himself accountable and apologizing. I love how awkward they were in their third scene together, just like in season 11. I love how Owen smiles and flushes a little, and Amelia just sits there knowing that she is feeling something but doesn’t know what it is. I wouldn’t mind them getting back together. We have seen Amelia standing up for herself and choosing herself, and we have also seen Owen trying to be a better person, an excellent place to start things over without it being toxic and where Amelia has the freedom to choose what she wants (I am honestly ok with anything... I just want her to be happy). 
Jolex: I just want them to be okay. I am glad that Bailey knows b/c she can now support both Alex and Jo. I love them so much, and it hurts to see them like this. 
Merluca: My favorite couple at the moment. So I have watched the episode twice just b/c I wanted to analyze Merluca LOL. I was shocked at Andrew’s “I love you,” I wasn’t expecting it, Mer wasn’t expecting it, I don’t think he was either. Anyways... there are three things that I want to bring up. First, I love the parallel between Jaggie and Merluca (even Vickley). I liked that all three relationships have a person that doesn't say the thing back right away b/c they have to deal with other things first. In this case 1. This is the first time someone tells Mer they love her since Derek and 2. she is afraid of losing people, so it's understandable that she walked away (I WOULD TOO TBH). We just have to give her some space to think and also realize that she loves him too (we all know she does, this girl lights up every time someone talks about him, so pure). Secondly, I love the parallel between Mer’s medical decision and Andrew’s emotional one. Mer says “I know that is though to hear, and it's not what you are looking for, but I cannot apologize for it. I am not going to change.” I think that these words perfectly describe how DeLuca feels about saying “I love you,” he just feels it, and he has to say it. This thought brings me to my last point. I hate comparing Merder, but the reason why we are all shocked is that we all thought he was going to be mad at Mer for jeopardizing her career, just like Derek. Instead, the very reason that makes Meredith the person she is (a fearless and compassionate woman) makes DeLuca love her and admire her even more. This is the reason why I love that he said it now and not later. Andrew was so in “awe” of her actions that he couldn’t help but just say it. This man didn’t punish her or walked away. Also, we have seen Andrew be persistent with Mer not wanting to date him at the beginning, I think that was training for him to deal with how complicated (in a good way) she is, which is why I think he is going to be patient (and we should too). I want to see Mer saying I love you before the season ends though. I imagine Andrew trying to justify his declaration and Mer explaining why it is so hard to say it and his understanding. But then, Mer realizing how understanding he is and her just being like fuck.. ok I love you too. 
Ok. So these are my general thoughts, but I also have some concerns about the season finale. From the promo pics, I can see that 15x24 and 15x25 are taking place on the same day and that Miranda and Catherine are dealing with the Mer situation. I am afraid that she might end up going to jail or something, and that would be the cliff hanger. What do you guys think?
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nephelite · 5 years
dadstiel-n-sammy replied to your post “I feel like every since Vicley was destroyed the Station 19 tag has...”
Imo Station 19 was never an amazing show. It still feels like a long pilot episode where it's finding it's footing on what makes it exciting. They found it in vickley and then killed it off for the drama. Except it's not Greys or HTGAWM. It's just not engaging enough on its own to kill off 1 great plot and have a dozen to fall back on. They had 1 great story in a sea of mediocrity and okayish stories. The show is on the verge of being great but it always feels lacking
I watched the show since the beginning and always liked it but Vicley is the thing that really got me attached to it and tweet about it constantly and make gifs and start writing fanfics and just be a part of the fandom and want to talk and discuss the show all the time. It was the main thing I was looking forward to each week and why I stayed up at 3am to watch the show live but with Vicley gone and esp in such a stupid and rushed way I don’t any joy for the show anymore.
The show has potential but the writers need to realize that a pretty cast and funny one liners or heartbreaking moment are not enough to keep people interested. They need to really develop the storylines and characters and their relationships.
And while Vicley wasn’t the only good thing about the show it was a main draw for a lot of people and it’s gone now.
Also they really fucked up getting new viewers with the crossover by killing him.
People were obviously interested in seeing where the story with the Chief that is desperate to say yes to Vic would go and tuned into S19 and then they were let down by him dying. I would not continue the show. I have no idea what they were thinking with this decision. It makes no sense to me whatsoever.
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bionic-penis · 5 years
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they’re those kids everyone thinks are atheists but they sit in the front pews every sunday
info under the cut!!
Belial-- sophomore, 15 y/o, straight As, skipped a grade, loves elves and wears fake elf ear all day every day, nerd, would probably get stuffed into lockers if Lillith and Azazel weren’t his sisters, adopted by Lucille (Lucifer), nb and bi and out
Lillith-- Senior, 19 y/o, straight C’s, on the football and wrestiling team, friends with most people, always getting in trouble for shaking the vending machines when they eat her change, brings gifts no matter the holiday, runs a bike gang called Vickleys that’s just a bunch of lesbians going around helping homeless ppl, adopted by Lucille, polyam lesbian and will not shut up about it 
Azazel-- junior, 17 y/o, B’s and C’s, co-cheer captain, does no harm but takes no shit, met Gadreel when she accidentally kicked his camera out of his hands, big softie energy, skips class to buy coffee, adopted by Lucille, bi and out
Gadreel-- junior, 17 y/o, Mostly B’s but has a D in math, in the yearbook committee, nerd, best friends with Belial, the only one of his friends who cannot drive, full of love but pretends to not be, goes to every game and brings Azazel snacks, adopted by Astaroth, bi but not out
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artreider · 3 years
wait except ben/bailey and montgomery/michael. The other other two marriages were paper weddings. Weddings done for another reason besides just love. And vickley was almost a third. Thats not to say the couples arent in love but they have an motivating reason to get married behind it. That makes me kind of sad.
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socialexecution · 7 years
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How despicable.
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socialexecution · 7 years
It's beginning to hurt.
Rickley feels as if he's drowning, but he's not fighting to resurface. He's already too far down in the water to get back up in time. Rick is gone and he doesn't know what to do. Everything hurts. His arms are covered in bloody slashes that seep through his pale blue sweater. He is afraid. But the sting keeps him awake and numb to the pounding emotions holding his heart hostage. God, he still loves Rick.
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socialexecution · 7 years
I forget if u said Rick could sing but I totally imagine him singing this to Rickley @bloodyhellricksanchez
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socialexecution · 7 years
@bloodyhellricksanchez @multiversalmuses @plugrick Rickley much? Reminds me of their relationships.
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