#vhelani lavellan
mylavellanclan · 4 years
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My Lavellan Clan Top to bottom:
Maeve: Just a soft girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time
Vhelani: Tragic elf who is tired
Llewellyn: A boy who loves adventure and animals and books
Ashling: She will cut you, but is a very good bean
make your own here
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markedbysolas · 6 years
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Vhelani finally has something of a face claim. Lori Petty. Artwork by @dreadwolfiscoming
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sneakywitchthieves · 6 years
OC name meanings
Based on this post by @sassylavellen about meanings behind their Ocs names and I just have to say that my first warden on my first ever playthough and my Cousland warden are the only two I didn’t name specifically with meanings in mind. 
My Dalish and first warden is named Sibyl because it was a name I had used a lot in my online handles over the last 15 years. Then I found out the meaning and thought it was kind of interesting as it means “prophetess” or “oracle.”
I am a giant nerd when it comes to that kind of thing and have literally spent hours coming up with names for them based on what I want to fit to their stories. Some I took from stories of characters I enjoyed, others from languages like Welsh and Gaelic cause of the elves often having an accent of one of the two, or I have taken some liberties with Elven in some cases.
Faron: A bit of a slide from the Elven, but basically meaning or as I have created it to be loosely “A friend to all.” cause he is a bit of a dork and also he is somewhat like a friendly little dog.
Yvaine: The name of the fallen star from Stardust by Neil Gaiman that I picked for my Hawke. Strong willed and resigned to not put up with any shit.
Maeve: “the one who intoxicates” or “nimble”- beautiful rogue who everyone is a little bit in love with.
Ashling: “Vision or dream” I made her with the intention of romancing Solas, it just worked.
Llewelyn: “Lion-like or Ruler” I chose this for him because I wanted him to be a bit pf a peacock and for him to be comfortable with his position cause he lived for a bigger life.
Vhelani: another loosely made up by me Elven name meaning “the one who helps the people” she is a healer above all else.
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sassylavellen · 6 years
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OCs In My Style Meme
So I saw this going around and there was NO WAY I’d pass up the chance to do it! I picked a few Mutual OCs and had fun!
@gugle1980‘s Anya Trevelyan @wardenofmyheart‘s Rosie Cadash (SHE’S SO CUTE!!!) @sneakywitchthieves‘s Vhelani Lavellan @underthedreadwolfsgaze‘s Faye Lavellan @ironbullsmissingeye‘s Shokrakar Adaar @seboostianillustrations‘s Hallalin Lavellan (I might have drawn the wrong Vallaslin... I’m sorry if I did) @tabrishawkelavellan‘s Emory Tabris @tessa1972‘s David Trevelyan @elevanetheirin‘s Kallie Tabris
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markedbysolas · 6 years
OC Interview meme
tagged by @dreadhobo Thanks! I might do another for my @sneakywitchthieves son Llewelyn!
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1. What is your name? “Vhelani Misera Lavellan.”
2. What is your real name? “See above.” 
3. Do you know why you were called that? “My parents always stressed how much the clan meant to us as a people, and they named me as such- Vhelani means “helper of The People or one who puts others before themselves. Misera was my mother’s name, it means “Blade of the sky” she was pretty fierce and hoped that strength would carry on in me.”
4. Are you single or taken? “I... I don’t know.” Sets her brows firmly so you know it is time to move on.
5. Have any abilities or powers? “Apart from my obvious ability to manipulate magic as a mage, you mean? I have some skill with herbs and healing concoctions.”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue ”I don’t know what that means, but I do know that it isn’t polite to alienate the person you are asking for help.”
7. What’s your eye colour? “Amber? Gold? I’m not sure really, I haven’t given my reflection that much thought as to giving it a name.”
8. How about your hair colour? “Reddish brown I suppose.”
9. Have you any family members? ”None still with us. Can we move on?”
10. Oh? What about pets? “I’m on the road too much to give an animal the love and attention it deserves.”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like. “Rudeness, unfinished tasks, being in the spotlight, violence, raspberries... I guess it depends what kind of thing you mean.”
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?   “I enjoy experimenting with my potions and reading about different healing magics, I enjoy a quiet stroll in the woods, and have been known to take in a game of chance when the opportunity arises.”
13. Ever hurt anyone before? ”Unfortunately, too many.”
14. Ever… killed anyone before? “Yes, but only when I had to.”
15. What kind of animal are you? ”Mammal.”
16. Name your worst habits. “Over thinking/obsessing, biting my fingernails, getting lost- I mean that literally, I have a terrible sense of direction.”
17. Do you look up to anyone at all? “I admired my Keeper Deshanna greatly, and..” She looks away briefly and adds quietly, “Solas.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual? “There is a beauty to appreciate in every soul, but I have only had sexual experiences with men.”
19. Do you go to school? ”I have never been traditionally schooled by human standards, no.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day? “I did that once, life determined that was not to be my fate.” She clears her throat. “Next question, please.”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls? “It seems walking in the Fade guarantees you some fame, whether you want it or not.”
22. What are you most scared of? “The Unknown.”
23. What do you usually wear? “When I’m at Skyhold I prefer to wear leathers for functionality and comfort, I usually layer clothing for travelling,and prefer simple armour for ease of movement in battle.”
24. Do you love someone? ”Many someones, in fact.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself? “When I was recovering from labour, I did not realize that my sneeze would have that effect, I make sure to warn all my new mothers now.”
26. Well, it’s not over yet! “Continue then.”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class) “I don’t think it works the same way for my clan, I suppose all of us are low class, but the Inquisition makes me high class, I guess that means I’m squarely in the middle then?”
28. How many friends do you have? ”Some.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie? “I prefer a savory pie to a sweet pie, but both have their merits.”
30. Favourite drink? “Water?”
31. What’s your favourite place? ”I have never been to one like I have read about it books, but I think I would love a beach, not like the ones on the coast with rocks and rain, a nice one. The sound of waves would be much louder there than the quiet lapping of a lake, and the feeling of warm sand instead of cold earth. If I had to pick somewhere familiar, I suppose the Rotunda.”
32. Are you interested in someone? “Sexually you mean? of course you do... what is this interview for again? Yes, I suppose yes then.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy? “If you are asking about my breast size I suggest you use your skills of deduction and get flowery with the language to describe it to your readers, I really don’t know how else to answer.” She sizes you up with a look that expresses her disapproval, “Next.” 
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean? “Lakes are usually safer, less chance of floating away.”
35. What’s your type? “Someone who could challenge me without making me feel small, someone who has suffered losses and understands that part of my life, someone who is interested in what I am interested in... someone who cares about people.”
36. Any fetishes? “Are you hitting on me?”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive? “I don’t like where this is going.”
38. Camping or indoors? ”Camping, preferably by myself.”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end? “I was wondering how long you could drag this out.”
40. Now it’s over! “Thank you.”
Tagging some mutuals/followers (sorry if you’ve been tagged, I am terrible at figuring out who to tag): @vivalaegghead @solastrophe @catherea @dickeybbqpit @rhunae @pinkypancake @crystal-grace @water-whisp @sweet-holy-andraste 
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markedbysolas · 6 years
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based on this post  I’m classifying this as canon
Solas and Vhelani Comic by @vantastrophe (She was wonderful to work with, please consider commissioning her)
(Please do not tag as your inquistor, thank you.)
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markedbysolas · 6 years
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Trespasser Part 1 stream today: in 1 hour at 9:30am MDT. Get ready to say goodbye. www.twitch.tv/MarvelMaven
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markedbysolas · 6 years
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I made my husband wear matching armor.
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markedbysolas · 6 years
Vhelani Lavellan- A Tragedy
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Remember how Varric said the Inquisitor had the worst luck? She really does. TW for a terribly tragic death filled angst ridden backstory that can only get worse once I start writing her into my fics. (skip to the end for the backstory)
Full Name: Vhelani (meaning helper of the people/one who puts others before themselves), Misera (Her mother’s name meaning Blade of the Sky) Lavellan.
Origin: Dalish elf
Age: 35 at Conclave
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Titles: Healer/Midwife to the Clan, Inquisitor Lavellan, Herald of Andraste
Varric’s Nickname: Angel
Class: Mage
Specialization: Rift Mage
Weapons: Staff
Magic: Creation/Spirit Healing/Elemental/Blood/The Anchor
Skills: Healing, Herbalism
Myers-Briggs: ISFJ
Enneagram: Type 2 The Helper
D&D Alignment: Lawful Good/Chaotic Good (her personal bias overrules her morals at times)
Archetypes: 53% Caregiver, 33% Spiritual, 13% Intellectual
Zodiac: Eluvia
Gift: Spirit magic/ secretly studies blood magic
Color: Green
Metal: Bloodstone
Flower: Arbour Blessing
Born: 11 Cloudreach 9:06 Dragon
Nationality: Ferelden
Place of Birth: Outskirts of the Brecilian Forest
Religion: Non-believer/questioning
Languages Spoken: Common, Elvhen
Languages Read: Common
Height: 5'7”
Hair: Ginger/ Copper
Eye Color: Yellow/light Amber
Vallaslin: Ghilan’nain
Romance: Solas
Parents: Misera Boranehn and Athras Of Zathrian’s clan (both deceased)
Husband: Ithelanas (deceased)
Children: Ellas (deceased)
Siblings: Asvhalla, twin sister (alive at the time of conclave)
Friends: Sera, Dorian, The Iron Bull, Krem, The Chargers, Varric, Cole
Vhelani’s mother Misera (a name she chose for herself when she joined the Dalish) escaped from the Edgehill Alienage as an orphan when she was 8 and began to show magical talent. Confused, and afraid to be sent to the circle, she was taken in by the Dalish and fostered until she was forced to leave for another clan because of her abilities. As a particularly skilled arcane warrior she joined what would be Zathrian’s clan as a warrior and met her husband, Athras. They had 4 children but only 2 survived- their twin girls.
Vhelani and her twin sister Asvhalla were both sent to the Lavellan clan at the age of 14, (They refused to be separated but as a mage Vhelani was the only one who had to go.) Vhelani was a potential First to the keeper and her sister  had a gift with the Halla.
Vhelani married Ithelanas at age 19 and became pregnant shortly afterwards. Ithelanas died protecting the clan from bandits shortly before their son, who Vhelani named Ellas, (meaning our hopes), was born. Ellas did not live past his second birthday due to an undetected heart defect. She buried him next to her husband and entwined the branches of their trees to grow into knots that would bond them in death. 
Vhelani began to study and learn every known form of healing magic and secretly practiced blood magic. In the early years after losing her family she was often tempted by demons but she was always careful to keep her feelings grounded through her connection to her sister. She was determined to heal as many as she could and believed it to be her true calling, her sister often chided her for exhausting herself and giving too much but asking nothing. 
She became the midwife to the clan and even went to the Alienage in Wycome to see to mothers and children that needed her skills. Occasionally she would be called on to discreetly assist with a human birth and was paid to keep quiet about it. It was the only thing that helped her grieving to pass and made her feel like fully living again.
Shortly after their 26th birthday Vhelani and Asvhalla got word that their parents had died, their father to a plague that took many of his clan and their mother in the battle of Denerim.
The Keeper allowed her to remain as the First, but Vhelani did not take her position as seriously as she should. She was not interested in the cultural history the way she once was and did not care to learn the traditions required to fill the role when the time came. Everyone in the clan was kind to her and knew of her losses, but they saw her as cursed. Vhelani was respected for her strength and skills but she had few friends apart from her sister and she had no desire to make any or to remarry.
Knowing she could no longer be the First and seeing others who were more suited and enthusiastic about the position, Vhelani volunteered to go to the conclave. Keeper Deshanna knew that Vhelani needed to leave her sadness behind with the clan and told her she hoped she would find something in the journey that could inspire her to live again as more than she had been. She told her she loved her as a daughter and wished her to live beyond what she had endured, “Life does not always mean pain, I hope you can be reminded of that.” They had spoken about Vhelani going to another clan before, hoping she would find a spark again, but this was the first time Vhelani had started to feel she could actually do it…
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mylavellanclan · 4 years
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Vhelani and her twin sister Asvhalla
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markedbysolas · 4 years
Can I ask who your canon Solasmancer is? Also I was glad to see you Ao3 update!
Hey thanks for the ask
I have completed the most Solasmanced hours with Ashling Lavellan. She flirted with Cullen before skyhold but firmly fell for Solas and then was broken by Trespasser and vowed to save Solas from himself.
Vhelani is my other Solasmance but she swore to destroy him if she had to.
All my Lavellans can be found on their own blog (that I never update cause I have too many blogs) @mylavellanclan but basic pictures and some personality can be found there. From top left to bottom right: Llewelyn, Vhelani, Ashling, Maeve.
I’m very slowly dipping back to into writing, I’m not very confident about it at the moment so I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks again.
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mylavellanclan · 4 years
Stats for Vhelani Lavellan
$  financial.  // wealthy / moderate  /  poor /  in poverty 
✚  medical.  // fit  / moderate  /  sickly  /  disadvantaged /  disabled /  not applicable 
✪  class.  //   upper / middle-working / poor  / slave  /  unsure 
✔  education.  // qualified /  unqualified /  studying  /  other 
✖  criminal record.  //  yes, for major crimes  / yes, for minor crimes  /  no / other
◒  children.  // has one or more children /  has no children /  wants children /  verse dependent/ child deceased 
◑  relationship with family/ close with sibling(s)  /  not close with sibling(s) /  has no sibling(s) / siblings are is deceased 
◔  affiliation. //   orphaned /  adopted  /  disowned / raised by birth parent(s) /  not applicable
♦  extrovert // introvert // in between 
♦  disorganized // organized // in between 
♦  close-minded // open-minded // in between/contextual 
♦  calm  // anxious // in between 
♦  disagreeable // agreeable //  in between/contextual 
♦  cautious  // reckless  // both/contextual 
♦  patient // impatient // in between 
♦  outspoken // reserved // in between 
♦  leader // follower // in between 
♦  empathetic //  indifferent  // in between 
♦  optimistic //  pessimistic // in between // realist 
♦  traditional // modern // in between 
♦  hardworking  // lazy  // in between 
♦  cultured  // uncultured  //  in between 
♦  loyal // disloyal  //  in between 
♦  faithful // unfaithful  // in between
★ faith.  // monotheist  / polytheist  / atheist  / agnostic  / it’s complicated 
☆ belief in ghosts or spirits.  // yes /  no /  don’t know /  don’t care 
✮  belief in an afterlife.  // yes / no  /  don’t know /  don’t care 
✯  belief in reincarnation.  // yes /  no / don’t know / don’t care 
❃  belief in aliens.  //  yes /  no  /  don’t know  /  don’t care 
❀  philosophical. //  yes /  no  /  sometimes
❤  sexuality.   / heterosexual /  homosexual  / bisexual /  asexual  / pansexual /  demisexual / questioning 
❥  sex.  //  sex repulsed  / sex neutral / sex favorable 
♥  romance.  // romance repulsed  / romance neutral / romance favorable 
❣  sexually.  // adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced  / curious / inhibited 
⚧  potential sexual partners.  //  male /  female  /  other  /  none  / all 
⚧  potential romantic partners.  // male / female  /  other  /  none  / all
☠  combat skills. // excellent /  good / moderate / poor / none 
≡  literacy skills.  //  excellent /  good  /  moderate  /  poor  /  none 
✍  artistic skills.  //  excellent / good  /  moderate  / poor /  none
 ✂  technical skills.  // excellent / good /  moderate / poor  /  none
☕  drinking alcohol.  //  never / sometimes / frequently /  to excess 
☁   smoking.  // never / sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess 
✿   other narcotics.  //  never /  sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess 
✌  medicinal drugs.  //  never  / sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess 
☻  indulgent in food.  //  never  / sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess 
$  splurge spending. //  never /  sometimes / frequently /  to excess 
♣  gambling.  // never /  sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess
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sassylavellen · 6 years
Followers Appreciation Month Videos Masterpost
Sam Draws Master Post
First things first, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED!!!!! You guys are the best followers anyone could ever ask for and I loved drawing all your beautiful OCs!! ❤️
I don’t have names for some of these OCs so they’ll be listed as “OC”, but I can fix that if y’all let me know! :)
Also I was gonna tag everyone but some usernames have changed and when I was typing this all up, I hit a wrong button and already had to relink EVERY SINGLE LINK for the videos so I’m too tired and pissed off at tumblr and my own mistakes to fix that part lol
Anya Trevelyan for gugle1980
Sylvhen Lavellan for elevanetheirin
Vaella Lavellan for tabrishawkelavellan
Shokrakar Adaar for ironbullsmissingeye
OC Adaar for goldfishfiasco
Abigail Henderson for laraslandlockedblues
Athera Lavellan for historioitsija
Emily Shepard for aceaspieanxietyadhd-ohalsofandom
Shaera Lavellan for elfsplaining
Demelza Tabris for shannaraisles
Jessabelle Cousland for hedwigs-travel-companion
Ilsa Lavellan for solasy
OC Lavellan for missmajora-hearts
Nimue Lavellan for inconspicuous-cupcake
Illyra Lavellan for doctor-whothefuckknows
OC Warden for yuki-assassin
OC Lavellan for princessbatteringram
OC Lavellan for grltoworld
Amerinel Lavellan for glasshallas
Vhelani Lavellan for marvel-maven
John and Junia for john-cousland
Ellana Lavellan for dickeybbqpit
Rion Lavellan for the-tevinter-biscuit
Evelyn Lavellan for ladymdc
Farek Lavellan for numberonetribble
OC Lavellan for cloakinghawk
Faye Lavellan for under-thedreadwolfsgaze
Ryan Trevelyan for tessa1972 (OC by nikashepard)
Sunari Ryder for sayurinitta
Illyria Lavellan for sayurinitta
Bryenna for sayurinitta
Aafje Lavellan for fortheloveofsolas
Lydia Trevelyan for a-shakspearean-in-paris
Xabiere Hawke for hurtled-into-the-chaos-you-fight
OC Lavellan for ivyadalyn
Eveline Trevelyan for nexustation
Amara Lavellan for queen-of-the-crows
Kahlia Mahareil for katalyna-rose
Hallalin Lavellan for seboostianillustrations 
Aiwenor Lavellan for ellieisnotoldyet
Jeremy Ryder for imbiowaresbitch
OC Lavellan for rhunae
Dalynn Suruna for thebeautifulsilverhare
Lyanna Trevelyan for myfinalfrontier
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sassylavellen · 6 years
💛 Llewelyn or Vhelani Lavellan?
Thanks, lovely!
Moira seeing Vhelani:
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Moira seeing Llewelyn: (I had to look up a picture lol)
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She may be in a relationship with my Stephen Trevelyan OC, but she can appreciate fine arts... like Llewelyn’s face.
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sneakywitchthieves · 6 years
he's not a DA oc, but have Tycas LeFram. He has very short, curly brown hair, warm brown skin, dark eyes, and a narrow build. In the universe he's built for, Tycas is an arcane archivist, who can tell what magical artifacts do and who made them. He's very empathetic and soft spoken, but also a total pushover unless he's confident with the particular person he's with. The poor boy is a little lonely in his travels, and while the quiet time was once appreciated, he needs some friends
Aww he sounds wonderful!
Fallin love with: Ashling Lavellan would love to just talk for hours with and is in need of someone empathetic that she can relax with.
Adopt: Yvaine Hawke is always eager to take a shy soul with an interest in magic under her wing and she could always use more family.
Best Friend: Vhelani Lavellan would be all to happy with have a friend with such a wealth of knowledge and a kind heart, but she would also be the one to push that pushover into standing up for themselves.
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sneakywitchthieves · 6 years
You wish an oc? I give you an oc. Geles Aeducan, dark brown, magnificent hair, lovingly braided beard, skin the color and smoothness of cream. He's snarky, funny, the perfect prince. He can be a leader, but he much prefers simply being in a fight, swinging his greataxe around. Flaws: he is a little spoiled, and gets frustrated when he has to live on the road in tents; somewhat slow to do things outside of the battlefield, and is less than comfortable with animals.
Thank you for the ask! I already love such a full description for your OC!
Fall in love with them: Llewelyn would love to find a way they could braid each other’s hair and he is into charm and snark in a big way. He would have to work him around toward animals though because my boy is a bit of a Hagrid when it comes to beasties.
Adopt them into the family: Vhelani Lavellan, she is a bit more serious and gaurded at first but once she warms up she is everybody’s mother.
Warden Sibyl Marhariel would be down to bff with your boy: she has a bit of a temper but is also a procrastinator and has a wonderful sense of humour, she also hates tents but that is because she prefers the open sky 😁.
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