behardonyourself · 4 years
I have been pretty open about the fact that I eat plant based. While I do like the environmental and moral benefits, I have also been pretty open that my primary concern is health and performance.
I don’t attack people about their dietary choices, rather, I would rather be a positive example (for example, doing some crazy ultra-endurance activity, a crazy physical transformation, the changes in my bloodwork, etc).
Is it the optimal way to eat for health and fitness? Based on the last 12 months of my life, I do believe it is. Basically every aspect of my health has improved. I am the last person on the planet that I ever expected to give up meat.
If you don’t think that it’s optimal, that’s ok too. I mention it for context of my journey - not in a way that makes me In anyway superior to anyone else.
I can guarantee that absolutely nobody has ever been shamed into going plant based because they were attacked. Yet, that is the predominant method of a large majority of non-meat eaters (eerily similar to political and religious discussions).
Be fucking nice. I have no problem answering plant questions and sharing my opinions on plant based nutrition, but if either side starts acting insane, adios.
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A trois jours du départ du triathlon L, c’est une randonnée en famille que j’ai fait. Le Sancy est fabuleux et les paysages étaient superbes. C’était aussi un merveilleux moment en famille avec les fils de mes cousins, l’un d’entre eux étant non voyant, chaque pas a été une prouesse dont nous nous souviendrons tous toute notre vie. Le mental est un don phénoménal, c’est une des nombreuses beautés de la Nature.
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apuyameli · 4 years
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#TiosBuenosConCorazon #tiosbuenos💞 #TiosBuenosEInteligentes #TiosBuenosVeganos #VeganHandsome #VeganIronman #VeganNiceManForMe❤️#VeganManLovePets https://www.instagram.com/p/B9XHex0p69C/?igshid=1xnu55s4i06bj
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Half Ironman Vichy : c’est dans UNE semaine !
17 août 2019, Bazoches sur le Betz (Loiret)
Et voilà, il me reste maintenant moins d’une semaine avant le half ironman de Vichy. Je serai - j’espère bien - sur la route à cette heure ci.
Comment est le mental à une semaine de l’épreuve ?
C’est étrange, car j’ai à la fois hâte, et en même temps je n’ai pas envie que cet objectif soit de l’histoire ancienne. Je vais m’acharner sur mon sort pendant l’épreuve, et voici quelques éléments récapitulatifs dans le désordre.
La météo
Ciel bleu dès 6h47, et une température entre 11 et 26 degrés 
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Le matériel
Tout est quasiment prêt. A part le hayon pour le vélo qui n’est compatible avec la Toyota Prius de mon Papa (merci Décathlon !), il reste à faire rituellement le sac de préparation avec :
Vélo : vérifié, vitesse “basse” pour le démarrage
Lunettes de nage
Pinces à nez
Montre Garmin (chargée !)
Chaussures de vélo 
Lunettes de route
Porte dossard
Chaussures de course à pied
Barres d’énergie
Etc (liste non exhaustive)
J’ai testé tous les produits, je vais faire le petit sac de ravitaillement en conséquence, et pour le jour de la course, ce sera “healthy”.
D’ici samedi, c’est aussi une hygiène alimentaire stricte. Rien de nouveau, pas ou peu de choses qui me rendent mal, pas d’alcool, mais de bonnes choses à bases de plantes : des jus de fruits/légumes frais avec l’extracteur, des patates, des salades et légumes du jardin, et surtout de l’eau, beaucoup d’eau.
Le mental
Je suis prêt. Je ne veux pas trop en faire pour cette dernière ligne droite avant la course, j’ai déjà bien préparé le terrain. D’ailleurs Strava me l’a indiqué ce matin. Voici deux cartes qui résument mes parcours de préférences d’itinéraires.
Popularité de mes trajets en course à pied depuis un an :
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Popularité de mes trajets en vélo depuis un an :
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Pour ce qui est de la nage, je n’ai pas de carte mais à vrai dire, j’en ai fait des allers-retours à la piscine de Keller qu’une carte ne serait d’aucune utilité.
Je me suis entrainé à fond pendant un an, avec toute l’énergie et le dévouement que je pouvais y mettre. J’ai tout le matériel, il ne manque rien. Le mental est là, maintenant... j’y vais. Il va falloir tout donner pour franchir cette ligne d’arrivée, et ce sera un jour mémorable, j’en suis sûr !
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behardonyourself · 5 years
My Ironman Journey - August 14, 2019
This is the “Getting the Fuck After It” edition of my blog.  Today is my first day off in a week, but I was at the gym as it opened and the first person in the pool at 5:01am on the dot.  FYI - I’ve thought this for years, but I can almost guarantee you that the highest average net worth you’ll ever find at the gym is between the hours of 5-6am.  Winners get up early and get after it.
Today is the first day of 9th grade for my son Peyton.  I am having a hard time believing he is entering high school.  Hell, it doesn’t seem that long ago that I was a freshman, but here we are.  I have a plethora of mixed emotions - excitement, optimism, happiness, sadness, fear, pride, and so much more that I can’t really explain, but I guess parents have felt this for years.  It has been crazy having a baby in the house, but he’s still my oldest and my baby boy, and I’m excited for this chapter.
Training is going amazing.  I have become so good at partitioning my focus that I’m able to get more done in my life than ever before.  At work, I’m killing it.  When I’m in “work mode”, it’s 100%.  Training is the same.  While something as grandiose as an Ironman requires a ton of time and focus and is always somewhere in the back of my mind, I’m not letting it hurt my professional life.  My wife would argue that my ridiculously early bedtimes are killing her, but she understands what I’m doing.  My appreciation for her is absolutely limitless, and today she welcomes a new herd of first graders into her world.  She has the patience of a saint, which is the only explanation of how she’s hung out with me for over 12 years.
Prior to this week, I made myself completely reduce volume for 2 weeks to allow myself to recover, and it was just what the doctor ordered.  I didn’t “feel” like I needed it, but somewhere about the third “easy” day, I think it all caught up with me and my body welcomed the added rest and complete lack of intensity.  The second week was a bit tougher psychologically, but I hit the pool for a 3000 yard nonstop swim (my longest nonstop to date) and I was so excited.  I followed that up with a 75 mile ride Monday, a short recovery run Tuesday, and another swim today, and today’s swim is a big reason for this post.
I’ve been so focused on becoming an excellent freestyle swimmer, I haven’t even considered training any other strokes.  I’m a decent backstroke swimmer, so I figured if I needed it to get my bearings and breath, I could flip over and do that.  After speaking to a few seasoned open water swimmers, they suggested I practice the breast and side stroke.  While I technically “know how to” do those strokes, I haven’t even considered them in training for this race, until today.  This morning’s swim was awesome.  I would swim 50 yards free, and then switch to breast stroke for 25.  I was shocked to see that a) I was completely “resting” during the breast stroke and b) I wasn’t losing a significant amount of time off of my freestyle race pace.  I then started mixing laps (half free, half breast) and was pleasantly surprised at my energy levels, heart rate, and speed.
I also did a couple of laps with a side stroke and while I’m not sure I have it done from a form standpoint, I do think it’s a viable option if I get into trouble.
Being a complete novice and mostly self-trained, little bits like this are extremely motivating and exciting.  I feel amazing comfortable right now with where I am.  I have become a serviceable swimmer, I feel that I’m really good on the bike, and I am a better than average distance runner.
Oh, and I’m SOBER.  Yeaaaaah, today is day 202 and while I’m extremely proud of how far I’ve come as a triathlete, I’m more proud of the man I’m finally becoming, although it took me a bit of time to grow up.
I’m taking my son to school here in a few minutes, and when I get home, I’m going to ride the indoor bike for an hour or so (it’s actually raining here in Texas in August.  I would be less surprised to see a chupacabra walking down the street) and then hit the row machine for some sprint work later today.  As it stands right now, I’m planning a rest day tomorrow. 
Find your why for the long term, and search for motivation everywhere you can to keep moving forward.  Someone is looking at you for motivation.
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behardonyourself · 5 years
Put Some ‘SPECK On It!
When I have a spare minute (typically, the few minutes after I climb into bed and before I fall asleep), I browse different groups and forums where people are training for Ironman Triathlons this year, especially Ironman Arizona.  When I first committed to compete in an Ironman, it was so inspiring to realize that so many people were beginning the same journey that I was on.  My blog is full of posts on how this has completely improved my life in so many different ways, and my hope that was that my fellow athletes were sharing the feelings of personal enrichment that I had experienced.
In the earlier months, I felt like everyone was going full speed and that inspired me.  I mean, I’ve never competed in an Ironman or even a half Ironman, so I could only guess where my fitness level should be.  To see people coming out of the gate and putting in the miles they were putting in was both daunting and inspirational, and it drove me to keep pushing myself further and further, harder and harder.
From a time that predates my journey to Ironman by probably 20 years, I have always looked at people that complete the race with a bit of awe - almost like a superhuman.  While I always thought it would be totally bad ass to complete an Ironman, I also knew that the trek was not one that could be taken lightly.  So since I first uttered the words “I’m doing an Ironman this year” I haven’t taken anything about this goal lightly in the least.  This isn’t something I’m doing to get in shape, not something I’m doing for attention, not something I’m doing because someone else is doing it - I’m doing it because it is a rare club that so few people on earth are willing to join.
Unfortunately, as time has ticked on, a large number of people that had committed earlier seem now to be more committed to excuses about why they are struggling with staying the course with their training:  Family issues.  Working too much.  Injuries.  Sickness.  Financial woes.  No time.   
Which leads me to ask a very simple question:  What in the fuck did you think you were getting into that makes those things seem like such hurdles?
Simply put, they decided to race in an Ironman for the wrong fucking reasons - and that is the reason why people let those six common happenings become insurmountable obstacles in no matter what they want to accomplish.  Whether it is opening a new business, sticking to an exercise plan, losing weight, or, yes, training for an Ironman.
They just didn’t respect the goal enough.
At first, this thing seemed like the most physically daunting thing I had ever done, and it still is, but my healthy respect for it since long before I started preparing for it has brought me to an understanding that while humbling, the sheer magnitude has also been completely empowering in a way that would never let me make excuses about why I’m not doing absolutely everything in my power to be nothing but my best on November 24, 2019.
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behardonyourself · 5 years
Always love seeing positive stories on the Plant Based lifestyle.
I think the biggest benefit for me is that now my body feels like the food that I consume works with my body instead of against it. Throughout my life, especially once I was extremely conscious about what I was putting into it, I always felt heavy after meat consumption, and it typically lasted for several hours.
Now, my digestive system works amazingly. Joint pain I had lived with for years is nonexistent. Energy levels are through the roof and my recovery is absolutely amazing, even though I am training at a higher volume than I have at any point of my life.
Don’t take my word for it, just do it yourself and prepare to feel amazing!
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behardonyourself · 5 years
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Brick workout day! What is a brick workout? Going from one discipline straight into another with minimal (or no) rest. Triathlon is unique because it doesn’t matter how fast you can run, it matters how fast you can run after you swim and bike. Running a marathon is awesome, but even moreso if you do it after swimming 2.4 miles and bicycling 112 miles. I like brick workouts because they are time efficient and they closely simulate the demands of race day conditions. They also offer a nice contrast to the longer, grueling endurance sessions that I often partake in. Later tonight on my blog, I will share my favorite brick workouts. #ironmantraining #tritraining #fitnessmotivation #plantbased #veganathlete #veganironman #ironman #sbr #brickworkout #marathon #peloton #fitafter40 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByFWjk0Hj-x/?igshid=11rbg713230gc
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Les photos de la sortie course à pied du jour. Et en récompense : un sandwich beurre d’amande avec de la confiture. Ça s’appelle en anglais du peanut butter and jelly et c’est très bon. Un goût qui étonnera certainement, mais c’est un snack équilibré et riche en protéines (10g sur les 100g du sandwich).
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behardonyourself · 5 years
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My pre-long ride staple (and today it is also my post-swim meal). Here I have 3/4c of steel cut oats, a banana, 2 large spoons of almond butter, hemp seeds, and other mixed fruit. #vegan #vegantriathlete #veganironman #plantbased #plantpower #tritraining #triathlon #ironman #ultraendurance #cycling #swimbikerun #myplantpoweredrecipes https://www.instagram.com/p/Byks17pnU0N/?igshid=1gcct5ehxok4i
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behardonyourself · 5 years
Maybe I’m Losing My Mind...
Tomorrow is May 24.  Incidentally, that is exactly 6 months until my Ironman race in Tempe, AZ.
Tomorrow’s workout consists of a 21-plus mile run.  
I live on veggies.
Am I crazy?
Is a 43 year old man supposed to swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and then run a full marathon (26.2 miles) on the same day?
Is that same man supposed to do that on a plant based diet?
Is that man supposed to do that after not being able to run for 1/2 mile just 6 months ago?
I know my work ethic has played a huge role in my transformation and my progress, but understand this: prior to becoming a fat ass for the last 5 years, I was a bodybuilder and a powerlifter for over 15 years, and I have never had anywhere near the recovery that I have now on my whole food plant based regimen.
I feel absolutely limitless.
I’m strong.
I recover like someone half my age.  Or less.
I never, ever, ever have cravings.
I quit eating all animal products cold turkey.  
And I’ve never looked back.
I’m not the guy that’s going to be searching people out on Social Media to yell and argue with them.  All I can be is an example for the plant based lifestyle.
I said yesterday that I wasn’t interested in being a normal 43 year old man.  
I am loving the fact that in 6 months, I’ll be a 43 year old, plant based Ironman.
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behardonyourself · 5 years
Vegan and Plant Based Basics
While I realize 99% of you have no interest in having anything to do with a plant based diet, The Vegan Plate website provides some essentials that keep things very simple and easy to follow.
Three of my favorite books for plant based athletes are The Plantpower Way by Rich Roll, No Meat Athlete by Matt Frazier, and Meat Is For Pussies (for real) by John Joseph. If you are interested in the plant based lifestyle and some amazing recipes, definitely give those a quick read.
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behardonyourself · 3 years
199 days until Ironman Cozumel!  Training, mindset, and more.  I know I have mentioned alcoholism a lot lately - NO, nothing bad happened that led me to needing to address it.  I just came to the realization that I don’t know if I could completely give it up if I wanted to, and in MY MIND, that is an addiction.  Nonetheless, it’s poison and I’m better off without it - I just want to STAY without it long after Ironman Cozumel!
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behardonyourself · 5 years
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Quick run with my new @hokaoneone #carbonX shoes, what I will be running #imaz in. Then chilling in the yard with the other #plantpoweredathlete in my home. One month til #IronmanArizona! #swimbikerun #runningshoes #training #pigs #pets #tritraining #veganironman #poweredbyplants (at Krugerville, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4AaVS_nZoz/?igshid=1666ezp97oru
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Lionel Pailloncy - Finisher IRONMAN 70.3 Vichy 2019
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25 août 2019, Montecheneix (63)
J’ai réussi : Je suis un IRONMAN !
La course a été incroyable à bien des égards. J’ai eu tellement d’émotions depuis la fin de la course que je n’ai pas su quoi écrire sur le blog, enfin me voilà.
Le réveil du samedi était matinal. 3h10. Direction la cuisine, la salle de bain, l’ultime vérification du matériel de nage et je partais à 4h à pied pour le parc à vélo qui était à 45min de marche. Je suis donc arrivé tôt et habituellement bien anxieux comme sur les deux précédentes compétitions et j’ai pris le temps de gonfler les pneus, de faire des mouvements, de parler avec d’autres athlètes. J’ai croisé Laurent Jalabert qui était aussi sur la ligne de départ, et son beau vélo blanc. La classe !
06h40, premiers départs de la nage. J’ai opté pour partir à la fin, compte tenu de mon niveau très en deçà des athlètes présents. Et tant mieux. A 7h30 environ je plonge dans l’eau, et c’est parti. Les bouées IM sont loin et l’eau est froide mais la tenue Néoprène aide. Je ne réfléchi pas, il faut enchaîner trois grandes distances. 1900m, c’était long. Mais j’ai tout donné dans les bras. J’ai pris le temps de respirer, et de respirer, et de respirer. C’était fondamental sur cette discipline, mon point faible. Je visai 60min de nage, j’ai réussi en 55min. La 1ère transition (T1) c’est bien passée. Tout était dans le sac et dans le bon ordre. Les répétitions ont bien aidé ! Je file a la rangée des vélos et la c’est simple : φτερό était le seul restant sur le rail. Entre un départ tard dans l’eau et la quasi totalité des nageurs devant moi, j’ai du monde à rattraper (rires!).
Armé d’Φτερό, je m’élance dans le bourbonnais et les montées seront rudes. Je les ai vues de la voiture lundi dernier et même si c’était pas comparable, les sensations attendues étaient là. J’ai été patient dans les pires cotes (j’ai des souvenirs inoubliables à raconter à vos petits enfants !), et j’ai profité des descentes du mieux que possible. La boucle de 90km était interminable, mais quels fabuleux paysages ! J’ai profité du chemin, bu, mangé, remercié celles et ceux qui m’encourageait tout le long... waouh... que de bons moments c’était.
Je voulais faire la boucle vélo en 4h, je l’ai terminée en 3h40 environ. Yeah! Encore une bonne nouvelle pour cette compétition... mais... en descendant du vélo, j’ai gueulé à moi même « c’est pas possible ! » je n’arrivais pas à placer une jambe devant l’autre. La course à pied s’annonce terrible. J’appréhende et je continue à courir déposer le vélo puis je change de chaussures et j’opte pour mon joker : ma paire de chaussettes préférées. Rien à faire, mes jambes sont des bâtons et dur dur de lever les pieds. J’ai compris alors que tout le travail en montagne a dépasser des vélos ne servira à rien : tout le monde me dépasse. Pas grave. J’ai envisagé 2h pour ce semi, ce sera impossible sauf miracle... ce sera au final 2h30, mais j’ai refusé de regarder la montre. J’ai souri tout le long. J’ai salué le public qui encourageait. J’ai bu énormément (34 degrés à l’ombre). Et puis la ligne d’arrivée s’est approchée... partiellement. Il fallait faire deux boucles et cet exercice n’a pas été facile. La deuxième boucle était plus dure encore. Tout ne tenait qu’à un fil. Je me faisait même doubler par des athlètes en marche rapide. Je n’ai pas voulu arrêter de courir.
J’ai tenu bon.
J’ai vécu les derniers kilomètres comme je les attendait : chaque foulée était un défi au fond de moi même.
J’ai souffert dans cette foulée comme jamais avant. Même au marathon de Paris j’étais en meilleure forme.
J’ai vu l’arche d’arrivée grandir peu à peu sous mes yeux, et cette fois ci c’était la bonne.
En 7heures et 20minutes d’émotions, de douleurs, de sensations, de joie, d’espoir, de désespoir, d’attente, d’envie d’y arriver... je l’ai fait. Veni Vidi Vici.
Je suis finisher du Ironman 70.3 de Vichy.
Jamais, je n’ai autant aimer sentir mon coeur battre.
Je dédie tout ce défi à ma famille et à mes bonnes étoiles ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, vous étiez là avec moi.
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