#vagueposting the shit out of tumblr dot com
snixx · 2 days
might lowkeyhighkey be developing an honest to god crush on a mutual…is this my allo era godcurse
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nataliekabra · 10 days
do you ever talk to your best friend for twenty minutes and remember everything you love about life
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why are people so fucking obsessed with the idea of trans men detransitioning and becoming radfems like
how do people see us talking about the fact that there are AMAB cis gays telling us we can't call ourselves faggots or transfags even (though we've done so historically) because we aren't AMAB and go "ah yes they are talking about transfems and transfems only actually" and not "oh shit TEHMs are a thing". Why are they obsessed with this idea that we're all gonna call ourselves "TIFs". I hate it here man
Holy shit lol that person was vagueposting abt me. Screenshots of the post underwater (with alt text if you can't read it for whatever reason) + responses under the cut.
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I never said this shit was coming from trans women. I make it very clear in everything I post that I am fully blaming cis people for the transandrophobia that I face, and while anyone can contribute to the issue, that doesn't mean that this issue isn't entirely the responsibility of cis people. The person who posted this is projecting onto me because I rarely if ever talk about transfems being shitty on my blog. I talk about cis people. If you're transfem, me calling out cis people doesn't apply to you because you aren't cis.
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This is literally gaslighting. I've seen these types of posts before. I've been told this by cis men and some AMAB nonbinary people. I'm not making up a guy to get mad at. That guy exists and is getting mad at me.
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Ah yes, the pipeline from calling out the way cis gay men don't treat me with basic respect for being trans to becoming a TERF. This totally exists and makes sense (sarcasm)! Why is it that transmascs can't talk about our issues without being told to shut up because we're speaking over trans women? Oh wait.
Me: talks about an issue that I face due to being a transmasc
Random "TMEs" on Tumblr dot com: "OMG STOP SPEAKING OVER TRANS WOMEN! YOU'RE A female invading the community of real gay men TRANSMISOGYNIST!"
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tarajenkins · 4 years
And then there's the matter of the crap people have brought to my yard in the tags they put on my art and errant vagueposts, and my need to no longer smile and nod silently like the WoL. GANGWAY, IT’S THE DISK HORSE
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When I was posting a lot of art with the Chais and Vauthry, it didn’t take me long to notice there was a distinct double standard at work in the tags of the reblogs. People who lovingly cooed over rat grandpa would tag my art--why they reblogged it in the first place, I wish I knew, I started blocking ones who did this--they would tag my art about how ew Vauthry is, how they were triggered by Vauthry, how they DEFINITELY WEREN'T REBLOGGING FOR VAUTHRY, etc. 
Even though there is a very good case Vauthry had no choice in his behavior at all, as perhaps the Ascians didn’t. Even though what he did do is a fraction of the atrocities the Ascians have done, the breaking point for these people was literally the lesser of two evils. Rat grandpa is afforded an amazing level of sympathetic theorycrafting, Vauthry is just dismissed as a “bloated parasite” (interesting choice of adjective to the person who made that comment). Despite all in-game evidence the Lightwarden corruption rat grandpa forced on him before he was born likely twisted both his body and mind. Despite all in-game evidence Ascians took full advantage of their newborn pawn.
When @kasunshine​ pointed out that vaguepost in the Vauthry tags aimed at me, I saw a second one by the same person--it seems to be gone now?--calling me a "Vauthry Stan" who had gall to talk shit about rat grandpa for what he did to an unborn child.
Why does it take a “stan” to find what was done to him monstrous? Oh--right. Because rat grandpa. I probably would’ve made it under the radar if Lahabrea had done it.
No matter how much people may say it’s because Vauthry did bad things (that was sort of the point of rat grandpa corrupting him), or that he had no character development (hi Zenos), the fact remains that somehow, fat jokes are the preferred method of mockery. 
Creating, liking, reblogging, not speaking out against (unless confronted), fat jokes. Fat jokes, imagine that. 
Fat jokes even got defended in this recent round of discussion, under the guise of "concern", of course--even though it’s been thoroughly documented that shit is bullying and helps no one but the bully to feel better about themselves. Imagine upskirting Dulia-Chai’s model and laughing at her body, because haha, fat people are fat, gross! Imagine laughing at Dulia-Chai for eating because haha, fat people eat, gross! I’ve even read so many comments elsewhere about how Vauthry is absolutely a sexual predator, although nothing in-game backs that up. Yet when rat grandpa practically brags about all the kids he's had with unwitting partners, there is only silence from the same people. Silence, or excuses.
But haha, fat people would totally be predators, amirite? They’re gross!
I've dealt with this attitude before when drawing big guys in other fandoms.  I’ve seen this phenomenon happen with them too. It’s always the same. Tumblr will gleefully reblog a fat woman for progressive brownie points (like my Dulia-Chai art), then will point and laugh and otherwise dehumanize fat men like kids on a playground (see disclaimers for EW VAUTHRY in the tags of the aforementioned Dulia-Chai art). If Vauthry had been a woman, or if rat grandpa had Vauthry's model, I am pretty sure most of this argument would not happen. In fact, if Vauthry’s model were reversed with rat grandpa, I would bet money people would all share my pain over the injustice of the Eulmore arc and all its poorly thought out shlock.
Square played the fat hate themselves, to the hilt.They used nothing but fat bodies in the trailer to represent the evils of Eulmore. Vauthry's introduction made sure to begin with a long, slooooooow pan from the stomach up. In German, Alphinaud straight-up called him a "fatass", apparently. Implications of cannibalism because we’re back in the Austin Powers days, I guess, even though meol made absolutely no sense if you bothered to do the math. But why bother to do the math? “Get in mah belly” haha fat people would totally eat people, amirite?
And finally, in the end, Square elevated the man who did this to Vauthry to a hero, because it seems they guessed correctly--not a lot of people would give a shit what was done to the fat guy, they’re too busy blaming the victim (and everyone else rat grandpa killed) because rat grandpa is just soooo tragic and
"aesthetically pleasing". (Modding rat grandpa into bed for screenshots is just a coincidence, it’s all about his character.)
I've read long discourse on how rat grandpa is innocent of all things he's done because Tempering, though rat grandpa's dialogue sounded like the Ascians expected to be Tempered ("of course" Zodiark Tempered them, "it was only natural".) It would be tragic if it pans out the Ascians were puppets, but before they were, there was a choice made -- of free will and immortal wisdom -- to commit to this bloody course. I don’t really buy the bullshit rat grandpa was selling about looking for other ways to achieve their goal. If there was really a less tragic path and they could choose it, why didn’t they choose it in the first place? They’re immortal. They have all the time in the worlds to achieve their goal. Yet they went headlong into the murder of billions of sentient creatures. Made a game of it. Oh, the WoL was being tested? Why does the WoL need to pass a test, when if they disagreed with the Ascians’ methods, it was stated plainly that the Ascians would then kill them anyway? Why does anyone on the Shards need to pass a test for the right to exist? Yeah, yeah, “moral relativism”, I know. Cool motive, still murder, and by rat grandpa’s own admission they freely chose to become the thralls of a primal, apparently fully aware of the monstrous things they may do in Zodiark’s name. Of course, rat grandpa said he’d do it all even if he weren’t Tempered. Hm.  And I thought Raha was a shitty actor, lmao. BUT ASCIAN HUBRIS AND GENERAL JACKASSERY ASIDE
For all the mental gymnastics to excuse the Ascians of the deaths of entire worlds, the people I've countered about Vauthry go through comical, armchair-psychologist lengths to claim Vauthry was ABSOLUTELY aware and responsible for everything he'd done since rat grandpa corrupted him before he was born (corrupted him with Light, which the latest patch implied was very much like Tempering). 
There are no examples in-game of Light corruption leaving a person unscathed, mentally or physically. Not Pixie Kings, not even the Hydaelyn-blessed WoL. But these people will look at rat grandpa, sigh lovingly, and absolve him of all these atrocities because Tempering--then look at his creation, his Light-Tempered corrupted from birth creation, the twenty-foot-tall Hume with the bendy straw neck and a Lightwarden forced into his chest, the guy quite clearly mad, the guy who was never asked if he wanted this and who wasn’t even born when it was forced on him, and condemn him for acting as he was made and conditioned to act by rat grandpa and rat grandpa’s pal, Vauthry’s father, because obviously Vauthry is not affected by the corruption forced on him at all, no sir. Against every bit of evidence to the contrary, Vauthry was in total control of himself, and so is to blame for everything. Because reasons. He was fully aware of reality despite being brainwashed into a bubble of lies. That uncontrollable urge to violence that was going to make your WoL kill their own friends? Nah, wouldn’t affect that kid without Hydaelyn’s Blessing, what a leap of logic that would be! Certainly wasn't rat grandpa’s fault, nope! Vauthry would’ve become a Lightwarden without anyone’s help! The Ascians just accidentally corrupted an unborn child and then saw him groomed to a “desired end”. Happens all the time.  (Yoshi-P saying he would like us to consider if Vauthry was “really just a friend of the Sin Eaters, or was he being controlled by someone” was just a really oddly specific red herring. ) The folks I’ve countered definitely don’t give a thought to how frightened his mother looked while The Men (tm) discussed what to do with her body, either. Consent is only valid if convenient when it’s rat grandpa. (”Respects women” my fat ass.) And whatever happened to grooming children being fucking gross, Tumblr dot com? Because Vauthry was a child. Just because he didn’t grow up into your dating sim wet dream doesn’t mean what was done to him was remotely okay.
These people couldn't just relent neither one may have had control. There isn't a fraction of the Deeper Understanding spared to Vauthry that they seek to give rat grandpa for genocide.
They just have to make sure the fat guy they don’t want to, uh, take screenshots with gets what he "deserves".
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snixx · 8 days
babygirl if you knew how many homewrecker fantasies I daydream about on a daily basis it's gonna be so over
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snixx · 7 months
do you ever randomly remember that you're your best friend's best friend and just feel elated like HA. fuck you universe fuck you everyone else IM her best friend ME and she is MINE TAKE THAT SHE FUCKING LOVES ME I WIN YOU ALL LOSE
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snixx · 27 days
rip fags the random self mutilating urge to text my ex in the middle of math won out today
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snixx · 6 days
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sometimes i start typing a comment and then remember the T-H-I-N-K acronym checklist. and then I remember I have a tumblr blog for exactly this reason
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snixx · 1 month
i am DONE with slutty europeans. this is a desis only blog henceforth
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snixx · 5 months
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just sent this to this girl from college i barely know send help lol
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snixx · 1 month
someone is ignoring my asks and dms and I know for a FACT they don't have a life. this close to disowning
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snixx · 4 months
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snixx · 6 months
feeling like no one around you cares is such a shitty feeling and it never fully goes away. everyone leaves you and nothing lasts and I'm tired of carrying this aching loneliness everywhere with me and overinvesting in people who just don't give a shit
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snixx · 3 months
my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends aren't sick of me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me my friends don't hate me I'm not annoying they're my fucking friends my friends DON'T hate me
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snixx · 4 months
once again i thank my forced extensive knowledge of everything taylor swift for giving me social currency despite how ambivalent i am of her and how much i shit talk her on here 🙏🏼
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snixx · 4 months
this girl in my college has watched all fifteen seasons of supernatural and has a whole ass poster of it in her room now i have not watched one episode of that shitshow but do you think she's...yknow...
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