#uzi getting traumatized
Pre-Episode 4 Theory
Post Episode 4 Theory
I knew I was right to be skeptical about Uzi going full Murder Drone! But wow—there is a lot too unpack with what this one introduced.
First off, what’s wrong with Uzi’s classmates? Why were they so afraid of her when Doll was going all prom murder? The first time I slightly get cause they were surprised by her speaking a bit suddenly. But the second time? They all saw Uzi exit the tree lining before she spoke!
Unless it’s right in front of them—they barely react/register tragedy, going as far as to play it off as a joke. I thought Lizzy was a singular case due to being best friends with Doll. She at least seemed far more nonchalant about killing off her classmates. And she isn’t even AS infected!
The promo showed who was going to be killed.
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Once again, I’m reminded these are robots trying to mimic human society. Their emotional intelligence is pretty poor overall considering they barely react to deaths afterward. Following mob/herd mentality, no continuous sense of self-preservation, and having very loose morals.
The fact they found more comfort in known murderers is concerning. Makes me wonder how their parent's generation even survived.
(Also, it was Nori’s idea to create the doors and not Khan's? “Build doors against the coming sky demons!–The singularity awakens...”)
Two; How in the world can Uzi’s AbsoluteSolver create organic matter?! I was under the strong impression that it used nanites to affect general things. Yet this is on a completely another level.
Something which her mother seemed to be aware of. Uzi made f*cking bat-like wings and a mouthed tail out of nothing. People appear to be debating whether she was fully herself or AS crazy during that scene in the ep comments. It. It could either way to be honest. We see her puke up (streaming) oil from Daren and look at her oil-covered hand in horror. Her eyes/visor flickering between a Murder Drone X to high temperature warning to AS symbol in one eye.
And yet she goes into murder mode pretty quickly. Laughing eerily similar to V from Ep 1.
She tricked V by begging to speak to N, then during the falling talk was clearly in full control of herself. I hate the Absolute Solver program.
Sidenote, We see how V has indeed been hiding things. “New body, same horrors, huh, Cyn?” Who from a very brief flashback from N is the fourth yellow-eyed drone Tessa restored. We kinda knew about her from the beginning since we see “Absolute Solver attempt block by Administrator CYN.” post-reboot slap. She had the AS symbol plus the large distended mouth in the flashback. She—she had a human arm in her mouth showing it off to N (I think.)
How she maintains an Administrator position in the JCJenson corporation—shown to hate rogue/free-thinking AIs—I’ll never know...
Another, or the same arm, was shown in a chandelier a few seconds after. The flashback ends with what I believe to be a black hole in the sky. Or maybe a blotted out sun?
Red eyes were visible when N fries that monitor touching the buttons. Except for them being rounder than a drone’s so we can rule out Doll.
Thirdly. There was more to Nori than we could imagine given the little bug recognizing 02.
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Register Torture Chamber complaint??? Either Nori used torture chambers(!) on other drones or was subjected to one. She seemed to have a descent into madness after the core explosion. If the box of “Family Memories before Nori went Kooky & Insane” was any indication. I did miss that when I first watched the episode...
Nori didn’t just see the three Murder Drones, she saw countless descended from the sky that the doors were her idea in the first place. There are so many questions we can ask about this: Did Nori and Yeva know about the Zombie Drone thing? Did they not use their abilities in public to avoid turning as Uzi does? Will Doll eventually turn—or is it only older AS “02”? How often did Worker Drones turn into Zombie Drones back on Earth that there needed to be a training tape about them? I really hate AS.
4th—AbsoluteSolver does indeed cause the same overheating issues in Murder Drones. It feels nice to get a confirmation for this since we could only speculate. Uzi burns in sunlight now. She can regenerate like a Disassembly Drone too. All while still having wings, a stinger/mouthed tail, and the AbsoluteSolver abilities. The purple protagonist has the programming to become a far deadlier AS/Murder Drone hybrid.
Took down V like it was barely anything. Where did her new wings and tail even go when N caught her? Do they fold into her body like the Murder Drone's own ones do?? Her tail??? I thought J’s AS heart-thing was fleshy cause it used human ribcage remnants. Clearly, we know otherwise that it becomes an extension of advanced AbsoluteSolvee users... What did Cyn/Tessa/JCJenson create? (nightmare fuel)
Lastly, character growth! Uzi showed her softer side and insecurities in this episode. N appears to be losing his doormat qualities defending himself. V’s still mean—but worried mean~ She is looking out for N, and very afraid for them.
Glitch and the crew really stepped up their animation ability in this episode. Characters are far more fluid. We see their expressions range, the episode was less joking to bring home how serious Cabin Fever was. At least more so compared to the other three episodes—nice.
More in the tags. >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd Post-Ep Four Theory
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livvylubug · 4 months
I really love your style for some reason and your After Death au is scratching something in my brain in a good way. I really like the sibling dynamic for Cyn and Uzi here, hopefully it helps both of em because god knows both have been through the horrors and now with N out of the picture pretty much entirely ;-;
Thank you so so much!! The compliments mean a lot!
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Also yes, Uzi and cyns sibling dynamic is like my favorite thing ever LOL. The after death trio needs eachother, even if one doesn’t admit it (COUGH COUGH V COUGH)
As for N however.
He’s not completely out of the picture, after all they currently have the same goal.
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starlypenguins · 2 years
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designation-zi · 9 months
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Something that makes me even sadder about what happened to V is how she went from being hostile and threatening towards Uzi to becoming actually pretty protective over her in the last episode
It initially seems like a quick shift, but it actually makes a bit more sense when you know most of V’s hostility to Uzi was because of the Absolute Solver. V was scared and distrustful of Uzi because of it and the traumatic events that happened with Cyn at the mansion, so she wanted to get rid of her (and Doll too) since she knows the AS is dangerous
But I think what started to change V’s view was the Worker saving her alongside N from getting their minds digitally wiped, since technically Uzi could have just saved N, but she helped V too
Ironically, since it involves the AS, another factor I think was seeing Uzi later overexerting herself with her powers from fear of N getting hurt, and then seemingly stopping the Sentinels from getting to V despite being practically unconscious (at least that is what I think happened when watching the episode)
I think all of that played some role in V beginning to realize that yeah, despite the very real threat the Absolute Solver is, Uzi herself is genuine and is someone she can put trust in
Which makes the scene where she calls Uzi by her name for the first time and tells her she trusts her more sad and impactful 🥲
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thecattishdragon · 4 months
I'm just gonna... -dumps all of my N headcanons-
- Pansexual
- Adhd & Autism
- 20 years old
- Born/created on April 22nd
- Height: 6’6
- Ptsd, scared of loud noises
- Likes carrying Uzi around. Mostly does it when she’s tired or feeling sad.
- Knows a lot about many animals, not just dogs. Often randomly brings up facts about animals during conversation. 
- Has dents and scratches from J and V. Most of them are covered by his coat, so nearly nobody knows.
- Collects random things he finds interesting. Stickers, Books, Rocks he finds cool, and various shiny things are some of the things he collects the most. He gives shiny things, cool rocks, etc. to Uzi :>
- Rubs his claws together and taps them on things to stim
- Curls his tail around himself holds it in his hands when uncomfortable/nervous/scared
- Launches self into the air like a cat whenever startled
- Pets Uzi’s tail like a dog whenever it’s around (It LOVES him for this)
- VERY fluffy and soft hair. 
- likes headpats and scritchies ^^
- Sometimes chases tail when bored (Did this A LOT before the events of Episode One)
- Defensive of Uzi when J is around, Curls tail around her, pulls her closer, etc.
- Gets VERY flustered VERY easily. He can go from chill to a blushing mess just with a small kiss or a flirtatious remark
- His hair is just long enough to be pulled into a little ponytail. Uzi finds this absolutely adorable but TELLS NOBODY
- Often eats things he’s not supposed to. Chalk, wood, dirt, etc. His thought process is “I wonder what this tastes like.. Nothing bad will happen if I eat this, right? 
Ehhh it’ll be fine” Most of the time it’s fine. *most*
- His voice can go veeerry deep.
- Just as oilthirsty as J and V are, he’s just most excited about the HUNT, not the killing itself. He has single-handedly contributed to around 2/4 of the corpse spire
due to him wanting to be seen as somewhat useful
- Does like most anime, even the violent and gory ones.
- Sometimes has flashback episodes or nightmares where he vividly relives all the traumatic stuff that’s happened to him. Completely silent most of the time, tail curled around himself, trembling, sometimes wings covering himself, eyes closed tightly or just staring into the void
- He loves reading. He can read BIG WORDS like DISCOMBOBULATE and ABOMINATION
- Freaks out whenever he’s near a cute animal. Which, to him, is EVERY animal. Tessa has had to stop him from petting a crocodile before.
- Gets spooked and hides under the nearest bed, table, chair, couch, blanket, pillow, etc. or behind Uzi like a dog whenever there’s fireworks or lightning. He does 
think that fireworks are pretty when he doesn’t hear them
- Carries Uzi when she’s tired on long flights
- Separation anxiety
- Has the urge to touch EVERYTHING. Whether it be a cute animal or weird thing he found on the ground, he wants to touch it.
- You know this boi gives the best hugs and cuddles <3
- Clings to Uzi in his sleep and covers her with his wings. Most of the time he doesn’t even do it consciously, he just automatically does it.
- Frequent :3 :0 :D :) :( D: XD :3c etc. user
- Extremely skilled in making/preparing all kinds of drinks
- Was never really the same after the events of the show. He’s recovered well, but he’s not exactly the same. More easily saddened/angered, jumpier, anxiety levels higher, etc. 
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erinartemis · 2 months
OMGOMGOMGKFMSGSKB IM FREAKING OUT IT'S HERE!!! MURDER DRONES EPISODE 7 TEASER!! EEEEEE!!! I went frame by frame and picked out some cool scenes I wanted to scream about, so get ready for a bunch of crazed ramblings and some theories !! (Long post ahead, folks)
Okay first of all- just- the lighting in these shots ✨ simply gorgeous... Also that "poster" thing in the background of the first image is very interesting.. obviously it says HELP (though that looks scrawled-on afterward with probably blood), and it looks like there could be possibly eyes? EDIT: it's not eyes it's two drones standing !!!
Also can we appreciate how creepy cool that hole in the ground is :00
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Good to see we've still got a bit of that classic md humor: "not to be overdramatic but core collapse" xd
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N oh no N IS HE OKAY?? what am I talking about ofc he's not (I'm going to cry at this episode)
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This thing. What is this thing. Probably part of the Solver, as it's all organic and eldritch-y, and it has veins. It looks lit from behind, almost like we're looking out from the inside of something? I think it's possible somebody gets dragged into one of those physical manifestations of the Solver, and this could be their perspective from inside it! Oooor we're looking at it from the outside, and there's something glowing inside the mass.
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Next up, these guys??? So many possibilities here... They look like humans, but they aren't necessarily so, just like the "Tessa Isn't Human" theory. And from what little you can see in the teaser, they are moving in an odd way- suspicious. I originally thought they could be manifestation of the Solver or something, created to confuse, but after considering it for a bit, I realized it's more likely this scene is a flashback to when the core collapsed.
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Okay. This shot is a bit confusing; can't really make out what's going on- To me, it looks like something is possibly exploding? And the red string things are lasers or something? Also the blobs in the foreground definitely look like Solver hands, but- that's all I've got for this one
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Tessa. Tessatessatessa tessa are you pulling a sword on Uzi? oh no, you are, aren't you, ohh no
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WHAT DID UZI SEE. ON THAT TV SCREEN. HELP SHE LOOKS SO TRAUMATIZED- Also also wanted to point out the "freaking ninja star" on the ground.. little callback there :,)
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the crucifix will be important, oo religious imageryyy eee
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Small thing, this is clearly the same scene from the GLITCHx 7/8 teaser, but it's the shot from a little bit before the clip in that teaser plays. I wonder how much control Uzi has over herself at this point... These robots are going to so much pain someone help them
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OMGOMGOGMOGMOMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HYPED I WAS WHEN I SAW THIS- WE'RE GETTING MURDER N YALL!!! FIRST TIME SINCE THE PILOT EEEE!!! Oh my gosh I just KNOW it's going to be an emotional response to something horrible happening- something to do with Uzi getting fully possessed, or almost dying, or N THINKING she's dead, or just all the stress of EVERYTHING, along with V's (hopefully not actually) death, and it just pushes him to his breaking point OH AND all the repressing he's been doing this whole time WILL NOT BE HELPING WITH THAT !!! I'm SO EXCITED TO FIND OUT AAAA-
Oh it could also be that N gets factory-reset, causing him to actually lose his memories or something, which is AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PILE OF ANGST, but personally I hope/think it'll be closer to the first one... It seems very likely to me that all of the stuff N's been going through (and how he's just been pretending everything's fine) would catch up to him, and it would lead to an "outburst" of everything he's been bottling up. PLUS do y'all remember that merch ad?? I know it was just a promo, but merch stuff has been shown to be kind of relevant to the plot in the past soo... yeah I'm feeling very good about this theory-
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Okay so this is the same guy from the earlier image with all the humans- That feels notable, like they're going to be important. And is it just me and my poor video quality or does the Sentinel hand look glitchy?? Could it have turned on the humans like the one that turned on "Tessa" in Cabin Fever??
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Oh dear, that's oil (or blood; they whole thing's too red to tell) coming from Uzi's eye... Feeling like the same thing that happened to Doll happens to Uzi... agh the ANGST hdfbsjsb
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DOOOOOLL DOLL DOLL !!! SHE'S THERE !! I THINK SHE HAS BUTCHER KNIVES AGAIN !! I wonder who she's fighting... (I mean it could be a sentinel, but it looks like she's talking, so I'm guessing it's one of the group) ee I'm excited to see where Doll's character goes from here !!
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ALLLLRIGHTY!! This has been a breakdown of my personal thoughts on the teaser! I am SOOO excited; these next two weeks need to go by FAST but ik they won't- Anyways... thanks for reading ! :D
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zehecatl · 19 days
i genuinely love Doll so much, and while we don't get a whole lot of screentime with her, the fact that she's a fleshed out character still shines through so clearly
she's very much Uzi's foil- their situations are mirrored, but slightly skewed. Uzi lost one parent, Doll lost both; Uzi has people to rely on, whereas Doll has no one. Doll has been pushed past her limit, whereas Uzi still retains some sense of morality. it's such a clean set up, and it works perfectly to add foundation to Doll, and very quickly build up her character
but then there's the smaller details- like Lizzy! Doll obviously cares about Lizzy, and trusts her in some capacity, at least enough to let her in on the whole murder V plan- and Lizzy is completely unphased when she sees Doll's apartment, so obviously she's aware of that situation to some extent
i don't think Lizzy was ever in on the Solver situation, and i don't think Doll ever fully saw Lizzy as someone she could rely on, but. that's her friend. like, they're friends and Doll cares about her?? even going so far as to risk being spotted with the Solver mark, to protect Lizzy. like!! Doll cares about Lizzy, genuinely, even if she still partly keeps her at arms length
and!! when she realises Uzi is in the same situation as her, she's instantly willing to help her out too. not to work with her, which is another insight into her character, but to give her the Patch, if she finds it
like! that's character depth! Doll keeps people at arms length, is quite insistent she doesn't need help, but she's got soft spots. and it makes sense! we knows she eats other Drones, and considering Uzi in episode 4, it's probably something she has to do. of course she wouldn't let others close, especially after losing her parents in such a traumatic way. she's trying, in the best way she knows how to, to protect herself
and OUGH, her parents. the whole situation with her keeping them, having them in the living room, posed... she talks to them. that's a kid. she's a kid, who misses her parents, and is clinging to the little shreds she has left
like! Doll is such a fascinating, and well-written character, and i love her so much
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edupiii · 2 months
*slams head into marble counter top, causing cups to fall onto the floor with the sheer amount of force*
or im just late as hell to the party
Spoiler Warning for Episode 7 of Murder Drones Below
ALRIGHT! Now I KNOW this shit is going to sound kinda crazy but STICK WITH ME HERE PLEASE-
I was just wondering around YouTube and I got this video made by @sutekh94 (sorry if you didn’t wanna be pinged Sutekh, if you’d like i can take the @ out) suggested to me. I watched it cause I like to see what other people say about the cringy media I consume rapidly.
At one point in the video, Sutekh is talking about the end shot of Uzi being in sppaaaaace saying that she was “shot into Copper-9s orbit”. I paused the video and looked at the clip on screen which was this BEAUTIFUL scene. Absolutely stunning.
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Now at the end of the new episode I had a brain thought that this could be an outside shot of Copper-9, but then I found that too odd. However, seeing someone else say it has me looking into stuff. So I went through all the times we’ve seen Copper-9 within the series and found that yes, this very much is Copper-9 and Uzi stuck on its orbit:
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highlighted circle is of the Little Rock’s orbiting Copper-9 that bump into Uzi
We can see the rock orbits, the space between Copper-9 and the (possible) moons it has. The Saturn moon being close up in the first angle we see from the first episode, but it being far away in the newest episode. This shows the distance and that despite being seen as farther away now, the Saturn moon is still the one we see so commonly in MD during the night.
But I was confused why it was like this? Why would it lead to the planets orbit? I understand the planet has a massive hole in it, but still it seemed like an odd occurrence.
Now- this is where I start sounding like I should never be let outside in public spaces-
Before we see this final scene of Uzi in spaaaacee, we watch The Solver/Fleshaa/Cyn go down that exact same hole saying: “honestly, I’m starving.”
It also references eating earlier on in the episode when talking to N: “Let’s eat.”
The Solver/Fleshaa/Cyn came to Copper-9 to initially get rid of other solver users that it knew of (Uzi and Doll), as well as find the cross with the patched code in it. First it destroyed all possible evidence involving the solver and the patch (scene where it explodes the computers and lockers in episode 7).
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Secondly, it goes after Doll. Doll was against the Solver because she refused for it to use her to “eat the planet”, to which Flesha says, “not sure it needs you buddy”, then killing her.
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Next it went for Uzi. It was originally going to kill Uzi acting as Tessa, however when N decapitated her that was no longer an option. Instead, it shifted into using Uzis body. At this point, she also has acquired the cross thanks to N. It goes ahead and destroys that too, checking another box off the list.
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The Solver then went to kill N but was stopped by Nori, causing there to be a new target added to its hit list. In the fight with Nori and N, the Solver shows little respect for Uzis body. On multiple occasions it try’s to get Uzi killed. It knew N would try to stop this from happening, but even if he didn’t save Uzi, that would still be a win for the Solver.
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It then try’s to eat Nori, wanting to get rid of her as quickly as possible since she poses the most threat to its plan. It’s interpreted by N and then loses control over Uzi. However, Uzi then proceeded to PUNT her mom down the flesh hole, resulting in Nori to be checked off the hit list as well since she would be assumed to be dead.
With Nori, Doll and the cross/patch gone and Uzi no longer under its control, the Solver retreats back into its Flesha form, surprise attacking N and Uzi. I would assume that the Solver doesn’t perceive either of these traumatized goobers to be a threat, seeing as it try’s to kill the pair but ultimately fails.
With all other players out of the field, The Solver no longer has anyone it deems as a threat. Dropping down the hole in victory and into Copper-9s orbit.
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The Solver as we have seen eats oil, drone cores and human flesh and blood. With all human life (possibly) being wiped out entirely by being eaten, the Solver is starving. The next best option: drones.
Copper-9s current residents are only drones. Specifically worker drones who have no weaponry or Solver powers. The drones have governance over themselves (aka, sentient), so the Solver can’t just brainwash or order them into being eaten. So it plans to do it in one big final swoop.
It has been said on multiple occasions throughout the show: eating the planet, eating worlds, etc. but i (personally) never thought of that being an actual possibility. With the Solver/Flesha/Cyn in the orbit of Copper-9 and all possible obstacles taken care of, it is free to gorge itself on the drone inhabited planet, finally satisfying its endless hunger.
I would think it would do this by creating a NULL void, as the endless void/black hole can be acquainted with the idea of a always starving being. Something that can never be full. Never satisfied. We see this with earth and the core of Copper-9. We can also see this in the other times we have seen the NULL void appearing: a flash back in episode 4, killing the Sentinels in episode 6, it being in the sky in episode 7 during the murder drone apocalypse and probably a bunch of other times I didn’t write down.
The Solver didn’t get to fully eat Copper-9 all those decades ago, but now it’s come to finish its meal.
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If this has already been a known thing and im joining in late, i profusely apologize for wasting both your time and my own.
As for a motive for The Solver doing this: to eat. It isn’t fighting for the freedom of drone kind or fighting against humanity because of the way they treated the AI they created, but rather uses drones as vessels and a food source. Often, Eldritch beings have little reason to care for anything. They do what they please and it’s horrifying because there is absolutely no way to deter this force or even try to talk it down. It’s above emotion and morality. It is all that matters and those beneath are seen as nothing but insignificant animals to yield to its power. It doesn’t want to dominate or rule a universe, it just wants to consume it.
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dreamii-krybaby · 8 months
Behold my essay on why plp shouldn’t be sleeping on the ship involving Doll’s parents.
Ok ok but like- ISTG doll’s folks are driving me crazy HNNNGNGNFJF
(Btw watch of all if this get absolutely ripped to pieces by future canon)
Even we have very few info of Yeva, in the pictures she has appeared she looks distressed, paranoid, anxious and doesn’t seem to have the same social skills and relaxed vibes as Nori. She gives me the impression she was recluse, shy even or standoff-ish
For all we know she could have a drastic change of character after the core collapse.
What am saying girlie definitely developed all kinds of fucked up issues.
ok but like the fact that Yeva decided to stay and live with and make a family with her parter got me thinking
Like girl witnessed and lived THE HORRORS and if my theory is correct, she ALSO got momentarily possessed by the AS causing the Site-48 “incident”. (Which I theorize she created a massive black hole on the site similar to how the AS controlling Uzi’s hand did it on the elevator in EP6)
Her first meeting with her-now-husband was literally traumatizing and was probably very awkward (group photo after the core colapse in EP4)
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They saw something, and it wasn’t good news.
But after that, like- how did it go down?
Bc I speculate Yeva’s husband knows a bit more surrounding the AS:
-like I mentioned before, his overall expression in the group picture shown in EP4 post core collapse alongside Yeva’s expression seems to imply they saw or witnessed smth horrifying around the camp 98.7 which left them scarred
-the fact that Tessa’s quote in EP6 implies the idea that he is also infected (Either he may be a runaway experiment or he wasn’t necessarily involved with CFL and somehow had the AS, or maybe the quote is a red herring)
“She reckons the humans did something to her folks down there, gave them a sickness she inherited”.
Like, the idea that her partner saw past the horrors, the AS, the shady things Yeva was involved, and just- decided to be a couple, and saw yeva…as an individual, not a danger, not a monster, not a sinner, not some lab rat, just, her, a sentient being capable of feeling just as he is.
He saw her as “Yeva”, not as “048”, not someone whose just her “sickness”
Like the fact that YEVA was also to look past her traumas and her knowledge of the danger of the AS to live and become her partner’s wife
Just the idea of them going, “you know what? I want you as my partner, live in a place that we can call home, and raise our own kid”
Its just- *screams*
also Yeva would actually be introduced to the concept of home, not a house, a home
AND SHE ACTUALLY HAD A PERSON WHERE SHE COULD PROBABLY FEEL COMFORTABLE AROUND (we don’t know exactly how Nori’s and Yeva’s relationship went, they could have gone through drastic changes)
AND WHEN THEY WENT OUTSIDE BEFORE DEATH THEY DECIDED TO GO TOGETHER!?!?!? (If my theory that they died outside is true)
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(Imagine if it’s later revealed that they are actually a super fucked up couple- or just created a family for any other reason but wasn’t out of sentiment)
Me when I realize my favorite ship that is actually canon has barely any content or fan-content:
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I want to claim myself as CEO of this goddam ship if it blows up in the fandom after future canon info.
Bc bro I shipped them when there wasn’t a single edit of them and when there was like 1 or maybe even 0 fanfics of them on AO3. Bro there wasn’t even fanart of them.
Bro I have doodles of them, created AU’s involving them, I have made moodboards, stimboards, have made HCs of them, made fan desings and plan to make fanart of them.
I am so normal about them I swear-
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nuzipilled · 1 month
I adore the Pacific Rim/Murder Drones Au! :o I wonder if its fine to ask questions.
Who was N's partner that he lost?
Are J and V possibly as well pilots for jaeger's?
OMG @limeinaltime we got fanz
i’m still parsing together the lore™️ but i imagine that in this au the worker drones were built originally to help assemble the jeagers, and then repurposed as pilots as the kaiju threat and human losses grew. the setback was the mechanics of the jeagers were too much for the worker drone’s little bodies, so they needed to be modified to accommodate that—hence disassembly drones. Tessa was the daughter of the ceo at JcJenson who were the original manufacturers of the workers and also a rookie pilot at the time, so it made sense that her drones would be the prototypes. Their AI originally proved to be ineffective when drifting with another drone and so they needed a human counterpart to drift with while the company worked out the kinks in their programming.
it just so happened that because she was so close with with them all and generally just an openhearted, good person she was sort of considered the MacGyver of the jaeger program and was virtually drift compatible with all of them. she would take turns drifting with them in their respective jeagers and training them until their AI was developed enough to be compatible with each other. then i think that N was paired off with V while Tessa stuck with J.
An incident happened shortly afterwards that ended up getting Tessa killed and N was so traumatized by the experience that him and V started to have issues with their drift and he eventually was retired as her partner, with J taking her place. J taunts N about this relentlessly. N was delegated the responsibility of training rookie drones, still in their worker bodies in preparation of their modification so that they can become pilots too and effectively make humans obsolete and therefore safer.
As time goes on, and the threat continues to grow, the company has no choice but to recommission N, but since the incident his terror of stepping back into a jeager hasn’t faded. It is virtually impossible to find somebody that’s compatible.
he ends up taking a liking to Uzi, a spunky, rebellious rookie, whose parents just so happened to also be pilots during the experimental days where jcjenson was still using worker drones as stand ins for humans. Khan also lost his partner, Nori and is very much opposed to the idea of Uzi following in their footsteps because of it. Uzi however is practically foaming at the mouth to get into a mech and eventually, despite her not being modified, N warily to take her to the launch bay for a joyride and finds out to Uzi’s joy and N’s horror that they are drift compatible.
I have more to say on this, but I’m actually driving right now and using voice to text I got so excited to answer this and was afraid that if I let it sit, I’d forget my autistic ponderings. Long story short, to answer your question via incredibly winded ramblings, yes, V and J are also pilots, Tessa was N’s original partner, Then got rotated to V, watched Tessa die And it all went downhill from there. Thank you for the ask, anon!
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ramunemaruu · 2 months
Okay, so I'm pretty sure we now about the teaser tomorrow
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Admittedly, I am an amateur when it comes to theories BUT I had an epiphany just now.
In that one teaser back in November (I think), there was a scene where Uzi was holding a crucifix:
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This could actually take place after Uzi leaves the spooky door she's about to enter. While N stays behind, she leaves to retrieve the crucifix in order to exorcise the AS out of her. In the previous gif, there seems to be flames or candles:
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In order to get the crucifix, she may have to cross some sort of "sea of flames." After doing this, she will be (rightfully) traumatized, which leaves her vulnerable enough for the AS to take over and unwillingly hurt N in the process by crushing his hand.
However, as some people have said before, the triangle on her hand isn't yellow. This could mean that she's perfectly in control of herself. Something must have happened when she got the crucifix...Possibly, she could've met someone who told her information about N.
I know this has been said a thousand times over, but I firmly believe that Nori (if she's even alive) is going to reveal that N is responsible for his disappearance for most of Uzi's childhood.
If that's not it...I'm stumped, literally. There are so many possibilities to the point where it makes it hard to say for certain.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my rambling.
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miss-emmie · 1 month
Uzi and N have suffered so much together bro, I may not be a psychiatrist but those two have suffered so much psychologically it would make sense that they would be each other’s comfort person and despite being drones there’s literally no way they’re not severely traumatized
I mean Uzi has been treated like a freak and has been ignored all her life and gets left for dead by her own father and literally watches a hologram of her dad get torn in half and eaten right in front of her, sees another hologram of her first and only genuine friend betray her, has an entire emotional breakdown over her body doing things that she has no control over like killing and cannibalizing her classmates, getting held hostage and getting tortured by one of her mother’s former friends watching a person she finally built a friendship with sacrifice herself after being told she trusts her and then learning her mother was responsible for everything horrifying in her life and to top it all off being controlled by the solver and being forced to watch herself hurt the only one she genuinely loves and cares about.
Then theres N, who lost his memory has also been treated horribly by the people he knew his whole life one of them he had a crush on, also being left for dead when he starts questioning who he is what he was made for while trying to be helpful, being pulled away from his first genuine friend because her classmates didn’t like her, getting memories back just to learn he had an unwilling hand in destroying humanity that was forced by his possessed sister that he genuinely cared about, him witnessing his first crush trying to kill him unwillingly, also learning that he might have to kill his first genuine love that he felt his feelings reciprocated in, getting trapped under rocks and sawing his fucking ARM OFF saying “I deserve this” getting his arm ripped off then dragged and tormented by his sister and a hologram of the person who sacrificed herself for him and his lover then being forced to fight said lover that they both unwillingly want to do but have no choice, being forced to kill the person that presumably was like a mother to him to protect his lover just to learn she died years ago and was killed by his sister again used her skin and voice to mask as her and then attack him and his lover and watching said lover sacrifice herself and being forced to not help just so he could he safe so not only does he believe his closest and longest friend and lover are dead but the one person he first met as his own person that he probably considered his mother and not just as a friend, he probably thinks he’s responsible for everything that’s happened.
Man these two are so tragic I hope when everything’s done they get closure and feel safe enough to live with the past behind them happily,
They remind me of Everlark (Katniss and Peeta) where they are surrounded in a world of fear and everything comes down to them while they’re literally just kids being forced to kill to survive
If they ever in a thousand years ever decide to have a family It would make total sense if they had to have a long long LONGGGG talk about having children, I would too, who would want to bring a child into a world of violence and fear?
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hanayanaa · 9 months
regarding the symbolism of V's glasses:
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(plain text in read more)
** addendum: when she gets posessed in the middle/end of episode 5, and she's on the ceiling, her glasses fall off, because...gravity, duh.... but it symbolizes the loss of her true self in that moment, as well as telling the audience it's V that got posessed without having a character say it. the loss of the glasses also represents a loss of innocence, as she's actively being traumatized there, since she's still conscious, but unable to control her body as Solver uses her.
after N gives her back her glasses, she comes back to her senses, therefore returning back to her true self.
oh, the glasses she had during the sentinel fight were the same ones she had during her worker drone days by the way, if you look closely at the frames, the damage is the same! she had them this entire time....
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pic 1:
discord message:
idk why but the glasses still on her mutilated fucking body hurts me so bad
like almost a representation of her innocence, or her true self
brain blast
bc every time she has the glasses on or they're shown, she's her true self, or is coming to or revealing her true self
in EP 5 when N puts them on and she slowly comes to, and in EP 6 where she drops her defenses and is genuine to Uzi
(animated emoji of guy slamming the ground)
and the fact she's been carrying them this entire time, her true self never left her
her true self is still there, behind all the layers of hurt and fear, and all her defenses that she puts up
that kind and sweet and shy girl is still there...
the one who loves puppies and blowing bubbles and waving around dumb flags 😭
pic 2:
(replying to previous message i sent saying "ahhh...now that she's lost [her glasses].....")
brain blast..... before she always had them, but she was hiding them on her body, much like she hid her true self in order to protect herself, because she's so scared of everything. But now that she pulled them out and couldn't get them to hide them again, her full self is now always going to be shown, mostly anyway
but the shattering of her glasses means two things:
1) her protective walls coming down, being vulnerable and honest with her friends and teammates
2) her hope and innocence being completely lost. She's in despair. She really, really doesn't think there's any light at the end of the tunnel for her. She's given up. She's given up, and she knows she's either going to be abandoned or die, and that right at that moment, that place of death was the most peaceful option for her solemn scared mind. She would be free from her endless cycle of pain, and her body would be torn apart to never be able to be used agsin. And her teammates no longer care for her, so she's not hurting them by dying in this way, surely. Her and her body are no longer going to be a burden on everyone either. She can finally find peace, her expression at the end is solemn, but in a strange way, hopeful and at peace. Her only hope at that point was to be released from her pain, however.
10.3 hours !!!! 🎉🎉🎉
(referring to the total hours spent literally just ranting about V at that point LOL...it's like at 12 1/2 now)
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lilblucat · 4 months
How was it traumatic though? Can we see? (This sounds like a kid asking what happened and asks if they can see lol)
It's played as horror (and rightfully so). When I say "birth" I actually mean it. Uzi gets reinfected with Solver flesh and it starts incubating inside her. This leads to a loss of autonomy as it starts wanting more matter. By the time they figure it out, she's begging N to open her up and tear it out. "It" ending up being their daughter.
It's meant to contrast Colt's creation. Colt was a natural "birth" for them since they're robots. Their daughter being biological came with a creation very resembling of biological beings. Colt was just uploaded data into a premade body, but Uzi was pretty much pregnant with their (actually just her) literal flesh-and-blood daughter. It's a resemblance not lost on Uzi and naturally she doesn't take it well because it's Uzi and there's a billion reasons why she'd be uncomfortable about going through that. Because there's definitely some real life parallels you can draw here, I don't wanna joke about the topic - and that's been part of the reason why she hasn't been around in the comics.
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md-confessions · 1 month
sort of in response to that one ask about doll not being 'uzi if she never met n.'
both her and uzi were changed through grief and disconnect from their peers even if it showed in different ways. both of them have themes of loneliness & both of them have an intense festering hatred that fuels their motivations.
the difference between them is that through the connections that uzi formed after being forced into a situation where she had to open up, she deterred herself from the path she was slowly going down.
like her quote en quote villain arc was stopped before it started because of the connection she formed with N but doll never had that.
doll refused to form connections despite the chances she was given because it happened too late. her anger festered for so long that she wasn't able to make a comeback. her hubris was her downfall. she became the very thing she sought to destroy.
the point of promening and her 'hypocritical murder plan' was that she was so blinded by her anger and hatred, she didn't really think too far about the logics of her plan; she probably fantasized killing v and then took the first chance she could to actually do it.
she has some kind of tunnel vision, focusing on her goals until she's gotten them; no matter the cost, no matter who or what she has to get through. (another similarity between her and uzi, imo.)
Uzi basically stated "hey we should stop fighting cause there's bigger shit at play and we can deal with it better if we team up" and Doll responded with "No I can do this on my own also die"
sort of. imagine you spend years upon years seething and imagining ways you're going to kill this sky demon that killed your parents in front of you and lead to the activation of a virus that has plagued you for years since that point. you have to actively kill and eat people from a young age & you are alone in your struggles; presumably the singular person who is aware of them finds your trauma humorous to an extent, and even if she sticks by your side, you feel like she doesn't really get it. i reiterate; you are alone in your struggles.
one day, you finally get your chance. you fantasize this moment for years, to the point where it becomes the only plausible solution to your problems. you don't plan it out thoroughly, because you know the universe will deal its hand correctly and allow you catharsis after years of festering that hatred. it finally happens. you have her in your sights, you have her pinned, she knows who you are now and you're about to kill her, to inflict all the pain on her you have wanted to for years; no matter who may have gotten in your way, you will have this, it's all you want, its all you HAVE wanted.
and then someone stops you. she tells you some things that if you were in a clearer mind, you would have thought deeper about, but you're so fucking angry right now and you want her to get out of the way. you don't listen.
you fight. you lose. you come back.
she has the same virus as you. you're not alone anymore. and that's when the conflicting feelings start. but despite that start, they never quite come to any meaningful conclusion because you have more important things to do. perhaps she inspired you a little to understand that the fate of the planet is more important than your fantasy for revenge, but you're so set in your ways you can't quite admit it yet. and again; when you get that chance again, to enact revenge, you take it.
and in the end, it ruined her & she died. she died as she lived; alone.
essentially, 'doll is uzi if she never met n' doesn't mean that exactly; it means doll is uzi if she never formed meaningful connections. the friends she had in school don't count in my eyes. literally the very first proper interaction we see between her and lizzy is lizzy playing doll's traumatic experience off as a joke. no hate towards lizzy also just to specify i love them as friends i just don't think it is on the same level of healthy as n and uzis friendship is?
okay.. i can't add any more to this it's so fucking long also it's 1 am GOODNIGHT i hope this doesn't look weird or aggressive
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wafflebroski · 7 months
Okay, um... Can I see a scenario of Uzi comforting an adopted human child that is heavily implied to have had a sad, difficult, painful past before she took them in? The kid is quiet, timid and fearful, and is prone to nightmares and crying. Um... You can just take this concept and do whatever you can think of with it, okay?
Let's be honest, the chances of Uzi taking in a human child of all things are pretty low.
So the only way I can think of her sparing you, let alone taking you in is if you had a traumatic past that she can relate to! Which was the prompt I was given.
She would definitely try to be distant at first, just give you the bare necessity's like food and water and warmth so you don't die on a hypodermic planet.
Eventually, like N, she get's attached to you.
And suddenly, she's making sure you have the best life possible for you on this planet.
Even when other worker drones are pressuring her to get rid of you, including her dad. She's still sticking it out for you.
But, having a traumatic past meaning having a traumatic breakdown!
She has absolutely no idea how to deal with something like a breakdown when she's still panicking about her own problems, let alone yours.
So, she'll try to repeat what N did, trying to make you focus on something that isn't so bad. She'll try to point out the good things you or you and her did.
"Hey, that drawing you did the other day was... good. How about we do that instead?"
So once she does manage to calm you down and the situation is under control, she'll find something you two can do for fun instead of doing all the depressing stuff.
So, this girl has almost no idea what she's doing, and she took in a human child when she has a virus inside her that's hellbent on killing all humans, but she's doing it anyway.
Speaking of the virus; Since it doesn't have full control yet, all that it can make Uzi do is make her think about killing you, since making her go out of control doesn't really work since cabin fever.
She, obviously, make the thoughts go away quickly as it came.
When she does eventually introduce you to N or V, she is keeping an eye on them since she doesn't really know how they'll react.
N is absolutely appalled that you managed to survive in hypothermic conditions on a planet that's unforgiving. He does treat you similarly to Uzi though.
V has more or less the same reaction as N, but is more on board of getting rid of you. Which doesn't work since both N and Uzi is protective of you.
Yes, N did get attached that fast.
Back to Uzi, once that's all and done with introductions, you'll be happy or frustrated to know that you rarely get to go outside the bunker.
Humans can be fragile in certain conditions. These are those certain conditions and Uzi knows that, so even if you ask her endlessly "Can I come with you?" The answer will always be the same.
So overall, her treatment of you does ease into her actually caring about you. And all things considered, I think she would do a great job with caring.
The actual parenting part? It could use some work.
I made a longer chapter this time! These are more headcanons for human child rather than traumatized child reader, but I had a lot of headcanons for this so sorry. :p
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