#unless y'all want me to
nagihono-stan · 1 month
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Haruka Haruno is the girl of all time and I'm tired of pretending she's not 😌
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= y'all are not surviving this
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Alright, I’ve been sitting on this for a while and I think i’ve managed to sort out my thoughts so it’s not just agonized internal screaming. Time to finally talk about Monkie Kid Season 5.
Quick Disclaimers before we get started: please keep in mind i’m probably gonna be a little negative here. I’m not going after the animators or the writers or anything of the sort, I just need to get this out and slapping it on my blog just makes sense so people have the option to ignore it. Yes, I’m still grateful we still have the show, yes I’m still happy we have the same VA’s, don’t come at me. I’m not gonna get too salty cause I’ve gotten most of that out methinks and too much salt is bad for ya health, but I still do wanna talk about it and I’m still gonna be at least a little salty. If you’re not interested in hearing anything negative about the future of season five please don’t feel obligated to read. And please DO NOT take this as an invitation to bash on the new studio or anyone else in the replies, I really don’t wanna see that, go make your own post if you want to do that. I’m going to keep it under the cut so it’s easy to scroll past.
Welp, if you’re here to read, buckle up and here we go!
To start off, let's get the big personal bias thing out of the way: I strongly dislike puppet animation.
I say ‘strongly dislike’ and not hate because, while I hate most puppet animation, there is Bluey which is the best puppet animation can offer. I didn’t even know it was puppet animation for a while because of how beautifully it’s animated, so, puppet animation does have potential, I’m not gonna deny that. However, I hate that it is always used to replace 2D animation. It’s the cheaper, faster option and I can’t even begin to count the amount of shows that have started off with the plans for being 2D before being ultimately scrapped in favor of either puppet animation or 3D. Monkie Kid was the outlier in all that for me. It was 2D and it felt right. It was gorgeous and good for my brain to look at, it made me excited for animation and for art. It really was so incredibly special to me in a way it just can’t be anymore without Flying Bark’s animation. I probably won’t stop watching but, because of my dislike of puppet animation, it might be a bit of a struggle to get my brain to focus on it the way it used to, (we’ll see.) Absolutely no shade to Wildbrain (the new animation studio) they have worked miracles in the short time that they’ve had, they’ve managed to very closely replicate the style of monkie kid, and they are excellent at what they do, but when things are rushed (LEGO, [derogatory]) it makes it very hard to maintain a high standard, especially when we have something like Flying Bark’s animation to compare it to. And listen, please don’t tell me it looks similar to Flying Bark’s animation, please don’t send me shots and tell me but look how close it is! This one’s gorgeous! Because, at least to me… it’s not.
I’m the kind of person who sits in a room and I see a picture is crooked while no one else in the room notices. It could be off by centimeters but I still notice. It hurts my brain to look at and I go a bit insane until I can get up and straighten it, which usually makes people laugh and honestly yeah it’s kinda funny, but I really can’t stand things looking off, and, despite Wildbrain’s valiant attempt and excellent replication of the style, everything in the trailer we got looks off to me. From the framing, to the animation, to the design of the new characters; from the perspective to the coloring, everything is off and my ‘PLEASE LET ME STRAIGHTEN THE PICTURE’ brain hurts looking at it. I’m not trying to rag on the animation, I know they’re doing their best. Off things just hurt my brain to look at.
That’s why I loved Flying Bark’s animation so much. From Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Monkie Kid to Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Flying Bark’s animation has scratched that itch in my brain that has desperately wanted things to look right. Everything is just so shaped!!! AAA!!!
Now, there are episodes of monkie kid that I’m not as big of a fan of. Impossible Delivery is one of them. I’m not a fan of how some scenes are drawn in it, so I tend to avoid it a lot. And that was done by Flying Bark so, this new animation for Monkie Kid is really doing a number on me.
…that being said: I still aint’ about that ‘flying bark started out awkward too’
Once again, ABSOLUTELY NO SHADE TO WILDBRAIN, (or anyone who’s said this at any point, I ain’t coming for your kneecaps,) they have done a SPECTACULAR job replicating Flying Bark’s style in the time that they have and I’m sure LEGO has been putting them through the wringer and rushing them through stuff (which I’ll complain about in a minute) but that’s the thing… They replicated Flying Bark’s Style. Style and animation are two completely separate things. This same drama was used by critics to bash the crap out of ROTTMNT when it first came out; they kept saying the animation was ugly, but it wasn’t, the animation was gorgeous, it was the style that they disliked because, most shows right now start off clunky and a little ugly and that’s just how it is. (Also the promotional material for Rise dragged it through the mud. I will always be salty about that.)
The pilot of monkie kid’s style wasn't all the way there, I’m not gonna deny that. The crew at flying bark were still figuring things out how to draw lego, BUT. The perspective, the framing, and the animation were all on point and just as gorgeous as the rest of the series. When I hear the argument that Flying Bark wasn’t great at first either it makes me want to tear my hair out because it WAS great. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY GREAT, FROM THE BEGINNING, THEIR ANIMATION HAS BEEN GORGEOUS IN MONKIE KID SINCE DAY ONE. The style is what was off. With this new animation we have the opposite experience. Instead of an awkward style with a god tier animation, we have a pretty excellent replication of a good style with an animation form I personally am not a very big fan of. It’s jarring. And even though I’m sure wildbrain will indeed get into their own groove, it will likely never be as earth shattering as Flying Bark because Flying Bark is Flying Bark and what they did was possible because of 2D.
Onto yelling at lego here we go: 'Be grateful it wasn’t canceled'
I’ma be real, this one bugs me the most.
The animation industry right now sucks. There’s no denying it. We have incredible artists left and right being messed over by studios and companies, entirely completed series being deleted, artists being ripped off, overworked and underpaid, outsourcing in every way they can, the disrespect of A/I, and 2D animation especially being dragged through the mud, even with groundbreaking 2D+3D movies like Spider-Verse and award winning movies like The Boy and the Heron, proving 2D is far from dead. Shows are being canceled before their second or third seasons, ideas are being recycled, so many people have watched their favorite things end too soon, and I’m one of them. Bro I was into DRAGON BOOSTER as a kid. Do you know that show? Probably not. It was canceled after one season YEARS ago and ended on a cliffhanger that makes me hurt to this day and I was a kid back then. (Incredible show btw you should give it a watch.) This cancellation thing isn’t new. I got on board with Rise only to see it sniped because Nickelodeon is stupid. Legend of Korra got messed over by Nickelodeon too. I have experienced cancellation/rushed endings before and it sucks. And it fills me with rage to see the bar is so low, that we should all just be okay with what happened because ‘at least it wasn’t canceled.’ I’m not mad at the people saying this, I’m just upset that this is what the reality of animation is. Heck I'm allowed to be upset about it.
And, let’s be real for a second here… Monkie Kid is LEGO’s product for China. It’s making them money. Canceling monkie kid would be shooti ng themselves in the foot more than anything else. LEGO is not hurting for money. Ninjago ran for FIFTEEN seasons and is still running today in this soft-reboot with even better animation than before. LEGO has the means. They don’t need to rush animators to finish things or underpay people. Flying Bark is in big demand right now because more and more people are noticing how good their stuff is. I’m willing to bet their schedule is packed, (they’re working on the ATLA movie which I have mixed emotions about but at least the animation’s gonna be BANGER and last I heard a stranger things animated series??) and when you’re in that high of demand you have to raise your prices, that’s just how that works. But even with that, given enough patience, time, and proper pay, I have no doubt they could have done Monkie Kid as well. We know Lego was pushing them way too hard to animate Monkie Kid and that animation is INSANE and not cheap. LEGO can afford that. But they decided it wasn’t worth that.
Okay don’t quote me on that last bit. I really didn’t want to start going off about conspiracy theories but I admit I get really frustrated when I hear the ‘at least it wasn’t canceled’ thing because I know there’s more going on behind the scenes, people just aren’t transparent about it. Studios and companies right now don’t really care about the quality of things, it’s the artists and the writers and the creators that care about the quality. There are other 2D studios out there but LEGO chose to go with puppet animation because it's faster and cheaper. I am always going to be upset about that. Am I grateful Monkie Kid wasn’t canceled? Sure. But at the same time I don’t want to feel grateful for the bare minimum. I’m angry at the state of the animation industry that no one in the higher-ups of these industries seem to respect 2D animators or 2D animation in general, that no one seems to understand how much skill it takes to animate and how worth investing in it is. And seeing people tell others upset by this that they should be grateful they have anything at all just rubs me the wrong way.
And the audacity to change the animation is ridiculous to me because a huge part of the audience for LMK is here because of the animation. It’s not like Ninjago, which started off with low budget 3D and slowly got better and better over time with a few dips here and there. We started off with one of the best 2D animated shows of all time, (in my monkey obsessed opinion,) animated the way it was to draw in an audience, and suddenly for no reason at all and no prior warning we’ve dropped down to what every pilot of every puppet animation children show looks like these days. It feels like a crummy thing to do. Yes, I’m aware we’re lucky we still have a show, yes I’m grateful we still have the same VA’s and the same writers. But this is a big and abrupt change and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t suck.
Okay, onto my biggest concern: how the writing of the show will pair with this new animation.
With all due respect and love to the writers, Monkie Kid is awful when it comes to biased narration in their storytelling. It has relied so so heavily on visual storytelling to fill in the gaps and tell us what’s actually going on while the dialogue is lying to our face. If you’re not looking, it can lead you to woefully misunderstand the characters and what is happening. It’s a style of writing that I’m not a super big fan of, BUT I, for the most part (aside from fandom craziness,) enjoyed it! Because the animation helped it hold up. What made the storytelling work was the nuance and incredible detail in Flying Bark’s animation. You could analyze every expression, every style difference in flashbacks, and it would tell you so much; I am a SUCKER for that kind of stuff--drawing expressions and emotions is something I love so much--and Flying Bark served it to me on a silver platter with a golden spoon and crystal clear mountain water. The scope of what Flying Bark was able to do… I just don’t know if it can be replicated in puppet animation and that scares me a bit storytelling wise. Because I don’t want to be stressed out by Monkie Kid and unreliable narrators have a habit of stressing me out. It’s not to bad as long as it’s resolved later, but Monkie Kid has a habit of blowing over things, especially in regards to the lies told about Wukong and the only thing that tells us something different happened are the visuals, which stresses me out cause it results in INTENSE fandom bashing my favorite monkey and it’s really hard to avoid. (This is why I stepped back so far from interacting with the fandom.) I don’t want something that brought me comfort in my darkest times to be twisted into something I no longer want to see.
Is this the worst possible thing to have happened? No, of course not. It’s definitely not all that awesome either. For me it’s like eating at a gourmet restaurant having their insane mac n cheese every day for years and then suddenly you’re served KD from the dollar store and told you should be grateful because it could be worse, all the while the restaurant keeps its gourmet title. There’s nothing wrong with KD but bro I want my mac n cheese--
The fact that there was no prior warning is what really makes all this feel so sucky. I know this isn’t the end of monkie kid, but the animation is one of the biggest things that made the show unique, it’s what drew so many incredible artists in, it’s what inspired me to create and make friends and keep living. The animation provided nuance to the characters when the writing sometimes fell flat. It gave insights and information that worked well with the face-paced storytelling and brought the incredible voice acting to life. It’s not really going to be the same without it.
There is ofc more than just the animation that made monkie kid great. The voice actors, the SOUNDTRACK, the sound effects are all off the charts insanely high quality but man. It’s not complete without it. There’s a big ol’ gaping hole in the show and in my heart and as much as I love the show, that’s really rough. Because it’s not as though this makes things better. The quality didn’t drop because people wanted it to be easier for animators to animate, Wildbrain I’m sure is having a time meeting LEGO’s crazy deadlines right now, just like Flying Bark did. There was so much reused animation in season 4 because of how hard LEGO was riding animators' tails and pushing them to get things out faster and faster and I was more than alright with the reused animation so the animators could catch a break. But instead of backing off and being respectful of the time it takes to animate, LEGO dropped Flying Bark like a hot potato and immediately went to the cheaper, faster puppet animation. (JUST A THEORY/VENT DON’T QUOTE ME.) It’s not like there aren’t other 2D animation studios out there but they picked the puppet. And that SUCKS. I would have been okay waiting another year for monkie kid easy because Flying Bark is WORTH IT. I understand how long things take and that if I want a high quality product its going to take skill and time. It hurts me to watch animators having it rough because no one else seems to get that.
Alright in conclusion: We’ve only seen a few seconds of the trailer.
It’s hard to judge what the entire show will look like based off of that little. It could be incomplete, Wildbrain could get better, they could find their groove, I ain’t gonna rag on the animation because it’s giving you exactly the quality--maybe even higher--expected of what it is. It’s puppet animation. I dunno what to tell you man. But it’s not about that for me. For me it’s about 2D. It’s about some of the greatest animation I’ve ever seen being replaced when it didn’t need to be and that sucks. Flying Bark gave us the world and we didn’t lose that for any reason other than money and greed and impatience. That is so discouraging and upsetting. It is something else to go from every frame leaving me breathless and staring and in awe over the quality of the animation to Puppet Animation. The change hurts. Honestly, I never thought I would be as devastated as I am. I’ve processed a bit but I think it’s always going to suck because of how important monkie kid has become to me. I miss flying bark so much already. I’m still going to try and watch the show, but we’ll see how my brain does with the puppet animation. Don’t go ragging on the animators, guys, they’re doing their best and I gotta respect em.
I do wish we’d gotten more time to mourn flying bark’s absence. I wish people had gotten a heads up when season 4 had ended so they could have time to adjust and then get ready for the new style, because watching everyone hype themselves up for flying barks’ animation only to be told they're gone by a trailer kiiiinda sucks. But I digress.
I do find it funny it took changing animation studios for us to finally get a trailer and poster on time before the eps drop. So in a way, I appreciate that much of a warning at least. Better than nothing! And we’ve always wanted a trailer out first lol HGLKJSDF
I ain’t even gonna pretend I ain’t spoiled as HECK by flying bark’s animation. Honestly without it, I don’t know if I’d be as attached to the characters as I am. Real talk, I don’t know if I ever would have even watched Monkie Kid without it. I’m gonna miss flying bark with all I have in me and it's going to make rewatching and enjoying the show hard because of all this. I’m going to miss the time when every part of this show was a comfort to my brain and soul. Flying Bark's energy is unmatched, they bring a life to things that I haven’t seen anywhere else and I’m always gonna be grateful for the time I had with them animating Monkie Kid.
This is it. No more more Flying Bark monkie kid. The end. And that’s going to sting for a while. And probably keep stinging throughout the new season because… well… I love monkie kid. So seeing it become something else is going to hurt, especially if you hold it so close to your heart.
These new animators are doing their best and we can’t fault em for that. It ain’t their fault the animation industry is what it is. It’s great we still have the show going when so many other things have gotten canceled but the fact the bar is so low can hurt like heck too.
We’re gonna miss flying bark for a long time. It’s so goofy that something as simple as animation could have burrowed so deep into our hearts but it has and that’s truly wondrous and the magic of storytelling. I love shows. I love movies. I love what monkie kid was, and I hope I can learn to be okay with what it will be now. (Even with my ‘STRAIGHTEN THE PICTURE’ brain screaming at me lol.) Wishing you all the best, don’t make fun of the animation needlessly or go after the animators, be kind to them and to each other. If you wanna be salty don't send it to me just make ur own post thanks ima drop this and then go try some positivity lol. Until next time! I’ll see you in Monkie Kid season 5
Knox out
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cosmics-beings · 1 month
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I wanted to make a post like this for a while, but since i was asked the question i can make it here!
i'm also speaking as an actual black person....so if you don't like these conversations where black people speak on black issues and how we feel, then just ignore this.
So in the past, yeah I agreed with this but my opinion has kinda changed with TF One.
However, I am still extremely uncomfortable seeing depictions of Black human formers Megatron because most of it, especially in ship art is extremely racist and relies on racist stereotypes of black men being abusive, violent, and problematic when his partners are drawn white or lightskinned (i see this all the time in megastar and megaop art. megatron is portrayed as the huge brutal black man and starscream/optimus are the small white twinks who are being beaten by him - it's gross and racist but for some reason it's common).
In general, I think it can be harmful to make a slave character, who inevtibly turns into a genocidal war lord and a generally awful person, a black person (even with his redemption arcs). it also racializes slavery, when we know that slavery doesn't have a race, and Megatron himself is a gladiator. Gladiators are slaves, and one of the most famous gladiators was from Thracia. This again is mostly a fan issue, because I at least have always seen Megatron coded as white in the comics and in the shows. In many depictions, he has a European accent, voiced by white European people (posh english lmao, or in ES Scottish).
That said, in TF One, I'm willing to let it slide. That's because Megatron isn't the only slave. Optimus, who is voiced by a white man, is also a slave, as is Elita, and Bumblebee. I think you know, not racializing slavery and having this notion that slave = black by default, is what makes it okay.
I still wouldn't feel super comfortable seeing Black megatron fanart because again, none of the depictions have been good in my opinion, as a Black person. And i mean none of them, and I do wonder where the thought in this fandom came from that making a person who canonically is violent and aggressive, was okay, just because he happened to be a slave. It is a far too common trope that I see in fanfic and fanfart, especially again...in a shipping sphere.
But I think TF One is able to balance it out, and since this is D-16, he is. a lot calmer, kinder, etc. I think things can get in muddy area when he eventually does turn into Megatron and he becomes the genocidal tyrant we all know and love....especially when you make the black one of the group the one who chooses violence whereas the white voices ones don't.
but who knows? My opinions are ever changing depending on how things are handled.
if you disagree with this, that's fine just do so respectfully and i mean at least be black
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atsumu spotting omi's tongue piercing and falling into a half full volleyball basket. that's all <3
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revenantghost · 5 months
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ALRIGHT!!! I'd been trying to find a Vash to match my Wolfwood papercraft (thank you again for him, @beremy-from-trigun), and I found a Vash one out there for free, but he's in color, he had two earrings, wasted ink, etc. But I've got him kinda color-corrected for black-and-white printing, and the test print came out okay. I haven't made him yet, but he's the same layout as Wolfwood so it should be fine, and I wanted to chuck him out there in case anyone else wanted to join along in making him. So! Have at 'im!
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dootznbootz · 5 months
I really think it's important to give credit where credit is due but for example, on tumblr you can always @ someone...but then I feel like I'm calling for attention!!! Or like I'm coming off as "Oh I mentioned you!!! You have to reblog this!!!" when that's not it!!!
Like I know that's the simplest way to give credit. And when just tagging someone, most of the time I know it's a simple "I'm thinking of you" or "I think you'd like this!" and that's definitely how I see it but I know that I'm a chaotic lil gremlin who likes collecting everything as "I absorb everything in sight". I know other people are more particular about what they toss up on their blogs.
I usually just put url names so then people KNOW who's the person with said idea first and then link the specific post so then the person doesn't need to feel like they have to like or reblog my thing as I'm just trying to give credit and the source.
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return-of-the-queen-au · 10 months
I was bored and wrote this. I ain't the greatest writer, I'm more of an artist, so apologies if it sucks lol
Where it all started.
chapter one, the prince's return.
Everything got covered in snow, it looked like it was winter, but it was the middle of August!
Snow was everywhere, gigantic spikes of ice covering and towering houses, ice statues that once used to be people were around, screams of agony by other victims who were dying because of the now headless and animated statues, children running away, others trying to save their loved ones by the many dangers around, it was a mess. What was he thought was gonna be a joyous day, turned into a nightmare.
There he laid, the prince, on the verge of death, with the chains now made of ice, and snow covering the floor entirely.
Despite his energy being gone, he still found some to shiver. He was so so tired, but his body shivered, shook anyway.
He couldn't feel a thing anymore and he what he once knew started to slip from his mind.
His body was numb, he could barely feel it, the more he stayed here, the more he forgot he was on a wall dying.
Where was he again? What was he name?
What even happened?
All he wanted was to sleep, really. He wanted to say sorry to Vanessa, but he has long forgotten why, or maybe he never understood why she was mad in the first place, he thought she liked flowers?
his name has been forgotten along with many other things, in his head there was only that accident that happened not so long ago..maybe a few minutes ago..an hour? He doesn't know. He wasn't counting. All he could think of was the sight of her love turning into that monstrosity upstairs, and for some unknown reason, he still found some tears to cry about it. Not like he had anything else to do. His throat hurt, he couldn't move. All he could do was cry and wait for his death.
And when it came, he almost didn't believe it. it felt like he was reborn again, full of energy, full of emotions and thoughts, so many things that he almost thought he was really just alive, and that whole accident was just a bad dream of his.
but he was wrong, he could tell, as much as he wanted to believe it wasn't real, it was. Very much so.
he could hear screaming, death, he could somehow smell death coming from all places. He looked down at himself, standing, where he once was. No body, for ..some reason, but instead just him. Just his dark purple hands, his dark purple feet, and snow. Nothing else.
He couldn't see himself in the face, but it didn't really matter, he was free.
Sad for him, the door of the basement was closed, the snow was probably covering it to the other side, and it was too heavy for him to push off,
So that meant he had to pass through the manor. But no big deal! He knows the manor like the back of his hand! He can probably just say sorry to Vanessa now, too.
What can go wrong?
Everything. Everything can go wrong.
he doesn't know how, but everything went from bad, to horrible. the moment Vanessa saw him, she screamed and started to chase him like a predator would to a pray. He is now hidden under a table, she is roaming around. He is scared. He doesn't know if he's hyperventilating or not. He doesn't know even if he's breathing, but now he just wants to get out.
She's too mad, he can't talk to her, he has to wait.
Also, he doesn't wanna get hurt, not after he finally feels so great!
so he had to wait for Vanessa to get out of the room so he could sprint out of the manor, and that was oddly easy. he didn't even make a sound! maybe because he's not wearing shoes? Is he wearing shoes? He just has some..purple feet. Are those his boots? They were purple right?
Dosen't matter, what matters is what he found outside! He couldn't even recognize his own village!
It was his, right? He remembers wearing a crown, he was a prince or something. So, it must have been his, right?
His kingdom! What has happened!?
he could still see blood around, dead people, headless statues walking around, ice..ice everywhere!
He felt like throwing up, but he couldn't. He felt like crying and even if he was crying, he couldn't feel his eyes tearing up.
he also thought of hiding from those ugly headless statues (he never liked those statues in the first place. They gave him the chills. Now they move and are headless?! the worst!) But they ignored him. They attacked everything but him. Is it because he's the prince? Or because of his weird purple look? (He still hasn't seen his face, he wonders if it looks weird too.)
but again, it wasn't something that really mattered for him, he didn't even wanna deal with those. But instead he ran as fast as he could (he felt oddly light, like if he was floating, but he could see his legs moving like if he was running!) To the village, but there wasn't any chance anyone survived!
Half of the Village was completely covered in snow the ice spread until the bridge and more statues appeared. But they weren't headless or the ones he hated so much, they were..ice statues. the moment it clicked on who these ice statues were, he had to look away and take a breath.
"Alright...alright.. it's-it's fine. Y- t.. it's okay..m-maybe there's.. survivors?..gosh, I hope so." He felt like he was out of breath, but could he be out of breath?
was it because he was crying? Was he even crying? He felt numb for the most part, but unlike in the cellar, this numb feeling felt normal, rather than exhausting.
But to his surprise and relief, thanks to him avoiding making eye contact with the ice statues, he found a small child. He was shaking, he was probably freezing there like the prince did in the cellar.
"Oh, little child! There you are! And I here I thought there was no one else here..uhm...alive." were the ice statues even alive?
The more he talked, the more he got close to the child, and for a moment he thought he could hug them and comfort them, but...
They ran in fear, screaming about a scary ghost or something.
He wasn't a scary ghost! He was the prince of subcon! Prince....the prince! Yeah!
He felt almost offended, but maybe he just didn't look like himself? I mean, maybe he looked super tired or- blue from the cold! he needs a mirror.
But later!! Now his mission was to go after the kid, who knows what they could find there! It could be dangerous! They could trip and get hurt! Or trip and fall and die! Or get eaten by a bear! Or meet those scary spiders that were always around the forest! Or more of those statues!
Vanessa wasn't kidding when she said he needs to stop overthinking.
But- whatever!! it's- he can overthink this, the kid might actually be in danger!
So he went after the kid. again with the feeling of floating, but it was easy to get used to it.
He really wonders what he looks like. Maybe instead of blue he's purple? Or maybe it's the lighting? He surely dosen't look good! I mean he was trapped for like..an hour. Ugh, he doesn't know! In that cellar, while he froze to death. Maybe he looks like those ice statues.
But wouldn't that mean they are always awake and conscious like him? he doesn't seem to be covered in ice though?
if he could find a mirror he could - ugh right! He could have seen himself in the mirror in the manor! He was being very sneaky anyway, Vanessa wouldn't have heard him, he's so stupid sometimes! His memory really needs to be checked.
Maybe once this is solved he can go to a doctor, he probably need a doctor, right? I mean, he's purpl-
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taigastyle · 7 months
hey (golden) lover
Hey, hey, hey, lover You don't have to be a star Hey, hey, hey, lover I love you just the way you are
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gardenianoire · 10 days
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my one lunch break is my one break and this is the coworker that was "helping" me in my class yesterday. And by help I mean she sat and a chair and left me to do everything by myself
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Chapter 14 Yap Session: 48 AQUIFERS! You didn't want to leave him a half-measure, huh?
Other Yaps (To Be Updated as I Go): 14, 15
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Chapter 14 was very heavy in terms of historical and cultural context. Here are the things I've found so far:
The Lava Rock's Powers Are Based on Hawaiian Culture and Belief
Meryl Mei's words confirmed that the lava rock relies on human emotion and societal beliefs to become attracted to items.
While there are variations of how the Hawaiian Islands came to be, it all comes down to Pele. One retelling mentioned how Pele left volcanic craters on the islands, which would spew rock and ash that would land and create the mountains and fertile lands we know of today. However, volcanic eruptions and raining volcanic matter is nothing safe to be around, especially because it represents Pele herself being angry. So, Native Hawaiians would provide Ho'okupu to Pele as a means to appease her and therefore stop an eruption from escalating further. These are gifts considered to be of high value and given genuinely. Until the end of the 19th century, these gifts ranged from foods to literal diamonds.
A case in 1801 occurred where Kamehameha I was asked to provide offerings to Pele to stop Mt. Huālailai's eruptions. He gave various gifts but only when he gave up his hair did the lava stop flowing; note that hair cutting is only done during mourning or defeat. Mt. Huālailai has since then stopped erupting.
Nowadays, there's some conflicting info on what is appropriate and not appropriate. Most say acceptable gifts can be prayers, acts of service to Pele (i.e. volunteering, donations), or generally practicing gratitude. There are those who will still give gifts like traditional food or hula. Regardless, they are given because they are believed to be valuable and therefore necessary to give to Pele.
Howler's Lands Being Mostly Water Is More Trouble Than You Think
The purpose of infrastructure is to ensure society's needs are met. This includes maintaining and sustaining society's source of water; after all, fresh water is a very valuable resource in all human societies since the beginning of time. Meryl Mei notes how most of Howler's deeds involve water resources.
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In Hawaii, fresh water come from permeable rocks called aquifers. There are many types of aquifers, but experts say the best are made from basaltic and volcanic rock; the only places that have such aquifers in the US are the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii. Despite being surrounded by water, Hawaii relies on aquifers for freshwater and the same aquifers rely on rain water to be replenished. Unfortunately, aquifers are not as accessible and there has historically been cases of aquifer water being mismanaged or contaminated. You might have recognized the controversy regarding the Wai Kai pool.
Not only that, climate change also affects this issue. Since 2008, Hawaii has been suffering through a drought, causing it dry season to last a lot longer than its rain season. Aquifers rely on rainwater to be replenished, so the lack of rain water means they are not being refilled to continue meeting demands. Rising sea levels also mean less land to live on as well as sea water contaminating the aquifers. There are efforts proposed to stop and prevent this, but it doesn't help that many aquifers sit on top of salt water. Most aren't contaminated yet because there is a good amount of things between the two to separate them, but that's only if that thing has not been tampered with or by, say, construction or natural disaster.
An infrastructure company holding power over the most valuable resource of Hawaii? Surely, that allows them to have power over lots of things in society as well.
The Number 48 Holds a Lot of Symbolism and Significance
In literature, there's a famous self-help book called The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. This book follows the belief that life is a never-ending game of power and presents 48 pieces of advice on how to pursue one's goals. This book became popular among musicians, politicians, and other celebrities, especially when they are in some sort of controversy at the time they reference or are seen with the book, and the book has been criticized for glorifying brutal and inhuman approaches as a means of success. Some might even say whoever tries to achieve their tasks without considering morals or the emotions of others as... psychopathic...
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In history, the year 1848 marks the second most important event in Hawaiian history called "The Great Māhele". Prior to this, land ownership was a more feudal system, and laws were suddenly put in place to transition to the allodial system of land ownership. This event would go on to set more laws regarding land ownership and things like The Hawaii State Land Registry to maintain it. On paper, it made land ownership accessible, as one can simply buy land to call it their own, rather than jump through hops caused by things like status. In practice, however, it made it very easy for foreign powers and businesses to buy land in Hawaii and oftentimes prevent Native Hawaiians from doing so; keep in mind that this approach to land ownership is also very unknown to Native Hawaiians, so they themselves have no idea how to approach this. This led to more foreign influences into Hawaii that became a factor in its annexation (the most important event) later on and contributed to the socioeconomic struggles still faced today by Native Hawaiians.
Notably, the year 1948 was when President Truman proposed turning Hawaii into a state. This was 55 years after Hawaii was overthrown and annexed as well.
In Chinese numerology, 48 is an auspicious number. Any 3-digit number ending in 48 (i.e. 748) is lucky because it sounds like you're saying "prosperity in X lifetimes" in Mandarin (so 748 is "prosperity in 7 lifetimes/ 七世發"). As a result, 48 became a number associated with businesses. The number 8 is particularly lucky in Asian cultures while also having ties with financial success in other cultures. 48 is also considered be auspicious because it combines the good qualities of 4s and 8s (diligence and ambition), so many consider it a manifestation number (working hard will bring achievements).
As an added bonus, 9 is considered lucky in various Asian cultures because it sounds like the word for "everlasting". It is also associated with dragons in China, so lots of government things and royalty are based on number 9.
See you in the next chapter to see what else I can yap about.
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kakusu-shipping · 3 months
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Last year I started this huge project of redrawing a bunch of my Self Inserts in my more plump body style, a few of which I posted sporadically as I made them. The plan was to full a whole page with all my old S/Is and then full color all of them and post them all together.
I recently picked that project back up and added a few more S/Is but.. The longer I look at my massive canvas the less motivated I am to color it and then the less motivated I am to do other art
So! Here's the clean sketches for all the ones who go together, the rest I'll be posting as before, just random bunches of unrelated S/Is, uncolored until someone asks about them.
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aidansplaguewind · 1 year
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Aidan in The Second Woman
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
hi hello i just want to say that the Dazai analysis you sent lotus made me tear up bc SO. MUCH. YES. 😭👏 i don’t feel so alone in my Dazai interpretations anymore haha :’)
have you written any other Dazai analyses (or Chuuya... or anything bsd related), or would you be willing to? bc i would LOVE to read them!!!! 🥹
also, if your dms are open, i would love to pick your brain on some Dazai/skk things if you're open to it (no pressure tho!!) <333
Omg thank you!! I'm actually pretty surprised it's getting so much love. I just wrote it to help fellow writers in case somebody needed another perspective on his character for references. I could've written more but,,,,,, Character limit is my enemy. But it feels nice to know people liked it <3
I have studied their characters a lot but I've never posted anything besides what you just read ngl. It's kind of surprising to me too because it's literally my favorite manga ever and Dazai is, like, my favorite character of all time (and Nikolai. Add Nikolai there too). But my asks are always open if you wanna know my opinions on stuff and I will answer happily because I am obsessed with BSD !!!!!
I feel like this is whispering in some way it's so funny- Just matching the energy. You can DM whenever you want. I actually saw you reblogged the ask with an addition to the analysis and I don't have the time rn to read it but I definitely will. No doubt. Read the first line and instantly knew I'd agree with everything you said. So you can DM me whenever!
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thegetdownrebooter · 1 year
i'm sorry but it actually kills me that people think kendall telling roman he fucked it (which he did) is the worst thing he did last episode like bffr.
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#like y'all can't be serious#what about him making rava cry and blocking her car like a psycho??#what about him blowing up at jess and giving her the “your nothing without me” speech#what about him threatening to take the kids ????#that's actually really fucking scary because he COULD#he is not some middle class man from ohio like he can paint rava as hysterical woman keeping him from his kids and then it's over#it doesn't matter that he's a deadbeat#it doesn't matter he nearly commited suicide in front of them#it doesn't matter that he is an addict#he's still a rich man#rava is a woman that clearly isn't a one percenter like she is fucked fr#unless she escapes to canada with the kids and changes her name#why do people not realize how scary it is ???#he wants CUSTODY like it's over#also him telling roman he fucked it is very mild compared to what the roys do to each other#roro made incest jokes about his future nephew/niece being his but you draw the line at kendall telling him the truth???#be fr#also kendall was never interested in being co-ceos with roro lmfaoo he only did that to ice shiv out#he has always wanted the crown but since he doesn't consider roro a threat (unlike shiv) he was fine with aligning himself with him#roman woobifyers have lost the plot#none of the roys are normal like they were raised to compete with each other#and it's not like kendall lied like mencken had no interest in blocking the deal anyway so kenrome fucked democracy for nothing#and it's partly roman's fault for getting played#and the crying didn't help either#kendall roy#succession#succesion hbo#fandomshit
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