#unlarrying? in this economy?
After all the shit that’s happened on twitter I decided to make this post. People would rather believe that their idol does stereotypically queer things so they can profit off their queer fans. Like? That’s a horrible thing to do. Queerness is not something you can shrug on and off for the sake of profits and popularity amongst a ceratin group. If we are going with the theory that Louis is straight I, a queer person would be highly irked by his behaviour. First off, Only The Brave is about queer love. Louis didn’t write it, so if Louis sat down, read the lyrics and said “I’m straight and can’t relate to any of these lyrics but tons of my fans are queer and I know they’ll eat this up so I’ll take it instaed of passing it to a queer artist who would have a personal connection to the song” That would be such a fucked up thing to do. Not to mention that the song has literally become a beacon of light for his queer fans and the venues become literal pride parades for the song. He literally did a shoot with polari. That is a language created by the queer comminuty so they could communicate with eachother without getting fucking arrested or killed by homophobes. I would find it highly inappropriate for a famous straight man to promote and profit off a brand founded on the struggles of the queer comminity without having any connection to the community or those struggles. Especially when there are so many artists who are queer who could understand those struggles. Also, Louis knows what Larry is, he knows what blue and green mean. He goes out on stage every show and sings a song with Larry in it. He gets the venues to light up in blue and green. He points at Larry signs. The only shirt he wore twice on tour was blue and green. If we think he does all these things on purpose but that Larry isn’t real, it means that he is misleading an entire part of his fandom for profit and popularity. Plus, the Larry fandom is made up, primarily of queer people. It would be absolutely shit of him to constantly bait his queer fans just so he can make more money. Because that is what he’s doing if Larry isn’t real. He’d be preying on his queer fans and making himself more marketable to them because he knows they make up a big chuck of his fandom. But do you know how fucked up that is? Pretending to be gay and queercoding just for money? Like it’s something that people aren’t killed, disowned, beat and abused for? Like being gay is some trendy thing that makes you seem hip and woke? People would really rather believe that Louis is doing all that than believe that he might be in a relationship with his ex bandmate. Because if I wasn’t dead set on the fact that Larry is real, I would actively despise Louis with a passion for misleading his queer fans and profiting off the queer aesthetic.
Same with Harry. If Harry is straight than all his queercoding and coming outs would means he’s literally just ‘playing gay for fun’. What is light’s up? What is She, medicine, fine line? LIke?? How do you explain those in a cis/het way? They’d rather think that he has to get drunk to think of his girlfriend and that when they have sex is the only time he knows her than the possibility that the “her” in question is a reference to his gender idenity. Same with She. It’s like the thought of Harry being anything but cis/het is an absoutle tragedy. They’d rather create a version of the story where Harry actively hurts queer people. And the whole Holivia thing. You really want Harry to be the kind of guy who sleeps with his boss while she’s in a relationship with a man who she has with two young kids with? She also just happens to be Harvey Weinstein's right hand man and she’s also ten years older and in a position of power over him and can impact his career in the industry. You really think Harry would do that? And if he did, you should be concerned. That is a recipe for a relationship built on manipulation and power. Why would anyone want that for Harry? Because it’s better than him being queer? Because it’s better than him being anything other than the cis/het fantasy you’ve been sold since the day he auditioned for the X factor. So when people say that Larry is fake and clearly they’re both straight I just want them to evaluate what that means for them. Because if they are straight and Larry has never been real, not only are they profiting off the queer aesthteic and their queer fans, they are causing harm to real queer people who can’t come out, who can’t be themselves because guess what? Being queer is still a sin and bad to so many people. Also, do you really wanna believe that Louis, a world famous singer was so irresponsible he got a one night stand pregnant? That’s the first rule in Hollywood! If you’re gonna have sex, use protection! And if you do get someone pregnant? GET A PAT TEST! Lord knows some people would use a baby just to get money and fame. Also, Louis has always kept his private life to himself. He would not all the sudden take his baby on walks so he can get photographed for publicity and relevancy. Like? You want to believe that Louis is the kind of day to expose his newborn to the paps just so he can get media attention? Or make so many Billie Jean references? Get his own sons birthday wrong? Let the media believe he’s a dead beat dad? Is that who you want to stan? A man who refuses to acknowledge his girlfriend of 10 years? A man who treats his girlfriend like a dog walker and trophy wife? I would not support a man like that.
So all of this is to say, which narrative paints Louis and Harry in a bad light? Which one makes them seem like queerbaiting homewreckers? The one where Larry isn’t real and where Louis isn’t a dad.
If there day ever comes where Larry is confirmed to be nothing but a wise tale, H and L will lose my support because of how much they interact with the fandom and continue to push Larry.
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luckyagain · 1 year
how do people think harry and louis broke up when harry LITERALLY DRESSED UP AS DANNY ZUKO FROM G R E A S E like two months ago?? and then louis said HOPELESSLY DEVOTED TO YOU is his FAVORITE song from grease like ???? that is fanfiction level type of behavior what the fuck
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
Weirdly enough I’m the opposite and last year after years of being on the fence I started to believe they are together. All those weird coincidences with Louis’ tour lighting, and his clothes (maison shirt day Harry’s house announcement, blue/green shirt 28 days apart in states same as Harry’s initials) amongst many other things. All the themes of home. Also being Mia around the same 2 weeks and having the same time off during tours which were rescheduled as it was. I’m sure covid messed up their plans but I’m sure they still saw one another as much as they could. Also I could never take H*livia seriously so knew him being with her was a big NO.
Obviously we’re not gonna get anything concrete anytime soon but from what I saw some things made me go :O maybe there really is something going on with those 2
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Well, like I said, there's something for everyone 😂 I obviously agree with you all and I also think it's a shame if there are people who can't see it, they're certainly missing all the fun! LOL last year was a very larry year, I didn't even know people *unlarried* in this economy! But people have different perspectives I guess and tbh I highly doubt these people had any strong beliefs in the first place, because once you get an epiphany and realise how much it makes sense and consistent it is, there's no way back regardless of doubts like they may or may not be on each other's shows, you know.
And it's fascinating to see what makes people change their minds about it, what tips them over the edge and makes them fully believe it or just give up on it. It's so subjective for everyone.
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hi i hope you're doing well.
It's a stupid question but why so many people are unlarrying?
LOL! I don't know what you're talking about. My inbox is full of people talking about their origin stories. I've had a barrage of messages from people telling me that Louis wearing that Maison shirt was their last straw and they're full-fledged larries now. If you're unlarrying now, in this economy, I don't think you ever really were a larrie. Sorry not sorry.
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youresogoldn · 5 years
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robinsmoyo · 3 years
So many ppl on twitter are unlarrying... in this economy ?? Wild
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pop-punklouis · 4 years
I truly don’t know how people can unlarrie when They Don’t Know About Us, Happily, Something Great, 18, Strong, Home exist. And that’s not even counting solo songs. Like really? Unlarrieing? In this economy?
yall really unlarrying when if i could fly and habit exist you good?
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who unlarries in this economy
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canyonemoon · 4 years
Unlarrie-ing? In this economy? Weak!!
imagine going houie and then hearing louis talk about chicken with parma and princess park like it's 2012 all over again agagshsdh embarrassing!!
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