brianbrianbrain · 2 months
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IDs are of 4 slides from this Instagram post by perfectunion. Each is a screenshot of a tweet by American Economic Liberties Project @econliberties, with an American flag hanging down sideways as their profile picture.
ID. Slide 2:
"But Apple is innovative!"
Apple's greatest innovations were the result of dynamic & begin underline competitive end underline markets. Today, its own executives admit that its monopoly power allows the company to ship products that are simply "good enough."
Competition, not complacency, drives innovation. End ID.
ID. Slide 5:
"Apple is better at privacy!"
From begin underline degrading the security end underline of text messages to begin underline selling your data to foreign govts end underline, Apple's clock of privacy is mainly a self-serving branding strategy.
Apple can improve privacy at anytime without engaging in anti-competitive conduct. End ID.
ID. Slide 7:
"Apple doesn't harm me with its dominance!"
Apple keeps prices sky high for consumers, charges as much as begin circle $1,599 end circle for an iPhone now, a fee for every "tap-to-pay" transaction, & more.
By begin underline blocking other hardware developers, there's no pressure to lower prices or increase quality end underline. End ID.
ID. Slide 9:
"I don't even use Apple products, why should I care?"
Apple begin circle exploits end circle its market power to hobble innovation by rivals across the economy.
Now, they're begin underline expanding their monopoly power to automobiles, content creation, and finance end underline -- using the same exclusionary conduct playbook. End ID.
aw yea... the u.s. centrism, the subtle xenophobia, and all the classic economic illusions.
2: consider that collaboration is what drives innovation. fricking capitalist BS that "innovation" requires "competition." usually "innovation" that occurs under "competition" is just new and fucked up ways to control people as much as possible. i'd argue that apple, or at least those that dominated apple operations, were already in the exclusivity mindset from the beginning, and so the natural next step was to continue "innovating" ways to create a monopoly.
5: seriously, selling data to foreign governments? this just feels like xenophobic fearmongering. hit me up with a source, please. i can, however, guarantee you that apple is "selling" data to the surveillance state in the us. to act as if they are only selling to foreign governments, or that it's only an issue if they're selling to foreign governments, is classic union nationalism and just so incredibly harmful and untrue.
7: so u.s. centric here. are you kidding me, whining about an expensive phone? it's not that hard to buy secondhand, or simply not buy a new phone at all. think of the folks who are being murdered and/or worked to death for cobalt and check yourself. do you really want to live in a world and support an operation where constant murder is the norm? because that's what you're supporting when you won't even talk about issues like rare earth metal mining when talking about tech companies.
and sure, there's something to be said about how the expensive phone is an example of how this entire system is bullshit, but you can't talk about that by only focusing on a price / without talking about the constant violence that it requires.
9: again, so u.s. centric.
and more vague economic propaganda. what do you really mean by "market power"? what "innovation"? what "rivals"? is the issue that things are not transparent / open source, or are you still for the worst of private ownership? do you care about people, or are they all just "consumers" to you?
also the fearmongering. apple does not have monopoly power over autos, content, or finance whatsoever. i genuinely have no idea what bro is talking about. cars??? content??? finance??? i mean ok maybe autos in the sense that i know newer cars might only support certain kinds of phone connections, but the rest??? hello??? google exists??? facebook exists??? and who tf only accepts apple pay? + all the real money is still in the banks, which apple does not own.
also like. that american flag is lowk suspicious ok. and the "American." like yea seeing that, i expected all of this shit. but i wonder what a world where perfectunion platformed more supply chain and establishment critical sources, even just very occasionally, would look like. and like, this guy already panders to Trump supporters, okay? why not balance it out? (i mean we all know the answer – at the core of today's union organizing is usually a lot of white nationalism).
obligatory yes i talk shit about unions all the time but it's still important to support them. which you can still do while criticizing them and thinking of ways to push them further.
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krem-aclassis · 10 months
Hot labor summer babyyyyyyyyy 😎
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voidmountain · 1 year
auugggfh (vibrating with love and solidarity for my fellow workers)
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mosscaps · 9 months
are you a cool author who supports workers' rights? please join some very cool authors in supporting Powell's workers as we fight for a contract and a living wage! ursula k le guin would! (no, really, she would).
(not an author, but still cool? support us here! or donate to the strike fund if you are free and willing. solidarity!)
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doing my due diligence and watching the state of the union address
ft. mike johnsons many emotions
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ft. whatever marjorie taylor greene is wearing (this isnt even business casual babe)
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ft. george santos? ok. WAIT hes running again??
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ft. boomers struggling to take selfies (biden took over some representatives camera at a point of time bc she was struggling that badly)(the whole tiktok hearing is starting to make sense)
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Im voting for whoever i thimk is a blaseballer. Everu union desc makes me go this is a blaseballer. Blaseballers love unionposting.
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Glad you're having fun! And yes, blaseballers do love unionposting.
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pythagoreanwhump · 3 years
Hey guys Rem is here with random unionposting again
Don't be afraid to join a general union if you have a part-time or temporary job! The jobs that a lot of people don't really see as "super serious" are actually jobs that you probably need the most protection in. I've heard so many people say stuff like 'oh I don't have a union I'm just a student working at a fast food place'. Everyone has a union! There are multiple general unions out there for all workers/working class people! "Expensive dues" is capitalist propaganda* and pretty much all general unions have dues that depend on how much you earn and could be as cheap as a dollar or two a month. Also keep in mind they will help people with labour rights issues even if you're not a member! There is always a place for you, a general union if you don't have a trade union and sometimes they even support establishing specific unions if there are enough people who are able to organize.
Also for people who say 'oh it's not a serious job I don't really care about treatment', remember that most jobs usually regarded as "life experience for high schoolers" such as minimum wage retail/fast food jobs are occupied by many many people who rely on it for living. Those people often don't have the option of fighting for their own labour rights because they can't afford to lose their jobs. If it's not that serious for you, use that as a chance to fight and help others.
*There are totally unions out there with expensive dues tho. they're not really "real" unions. A lot of them are mandatory and basically serve as a way to distract from real organizing to get things done. Make sure your union works for you and isn't just there to say that they exist
Feel free to DM me about this stuff too! I'm not a union rep or anything but I can always talk about it from my own perspective and point you to resources
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dailyhistorymemes · 2 years
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Casual Unionposting(via)
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janederscorearchive · 4 years
you know i’m glad that my unionposting has gotten attention but now i get to watch in real time as it goes through terf circles much the same way one would watch cracks in the ice spider out underneath every step on a half-frozen lake
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realwizardshit · 4 years
fellas, its unionposting night. slam that like button to sieze the means of production
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brianbrianbrain · 4 months
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ID. Screenshot from Instagram post by @perfectunion, which is a screenshot of a Twitter post by Kooper Caraway @KooperCaraway: The Pharaoh didn't build the pyramids.
Caesar didn't build the Coliseum.
The facts on Mt Rushmore didn't build this country. Workers did.
And if we choose to, we could build any kind of world we wanted. End ID.
so like. please do. instead of sucking up to multinational companies that steal and lie and are happy to fund violence upon violence upon violence in the name of "efficient" extraction. unions can y'all please put more of your energy towards longer term strategies? thanks.
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pythagoreanwhump · 2 years
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pythagoreanwhump · 3 years
Someone: [a really funky whump prompt]
Me: -and this is wHY WE NEED UBI
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pythagoreanwhump · 2 years
Ur definitely the cool unionposting mutual, basically I associate you with rly good torture writing and union posting and sometimes osha stuff
thank youuuuuuuu
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