#understanding your snake
tastytofusoup · 2 months
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Elden Ring (2022) ↠ Volcano Manor
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heyhollow · 2 months
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Fellas, is it gay to bandage up your best bud in your bedroom after he got into a fight?
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I'm so ill about them rn-
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like actually because this is something I’ve noticed and it’s concerning me:
there’s a level of paranoia going around about CCs that I’ve noticed that seems genuinely fucking unhealthy. obviously do not put people on pedestals but also like. you absolutely should not assume all CCs are hiding being a fucking abuser or a groomer that is genuinely unhealthy levels of paranoia. the victim in this case Is A CC and it’s disrespectful to her if nothing else.
there is a baseline level of trust that is healthy to show CCs and complete strangers, and that’s basic good faith trust that someone’s going to be a decent human being. obviously, the second someone violates that trust, you shouldn’t continue doing that, if you feel ever weird and in danger trust that feeling, but if you go around treating everyone with zero trust at all you’ll never form bonds, and those are important. including parasocial bonds! those are a normal and healthy part of human life people have had for millennia, they can be unhealthy but simply feeling parasocial attachment is a normal part of being a human you shouldn’t feel like is a dangerous amount of trust to put into absolutely anyone.
because… you have to realise, this is not a mcyt problem. not entirely. this is how humans are. humans in any community, humans you are friends with. there are shitty people out there, but letting that make you have no trust in anyone isn’t a healthy coping mechanism- its trauma. automatically assuming strangers are dangerous and seeing the worst in them is a trauma response. and like. i don’t like seeing people encouraging that as a healthy way to watch streamers? like, don’t be a fucking shooter for any cc, but at that level of paranoia where you take everything stated in the worst light possible is unhealthy, and i mean this as genuinely as possible. this isn’t saying to ignore red flags and people genuinely being awful, not at all, but if you're assuming there’s always going to be a red flag when you turn the corner then very gently- that's trauma. those are called emotional flashbacks. i get those too, they suck. but being on constant vigilance isn’t healthy. take a deep breath. get a drink of water. make whatever decision you think is right, but if you're feeling paranoid and angry and alone, all the time, that genuinely isn’t mentally healthy please do some research into cptsd and ptsd
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brehaaorgana · 6 months
People joke about ADHD all the time, even swear up and down they totally think they also have it, but then if you ask for an accommodation, to please please please provide things in fucking writing, EXACTLY what they want and need, you will even work it out WITH them, like they promised they would do — repeatedly over and over, and then you don't get it people really will fucking be like:
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I am using the incorrect bathroom (TM) to place my shelving and store my things. Homegirl literally removed various sundries and toiletries from a CLOSED CABINET and SHELF because she's interested in boundaries and accountability for my mess.
I said months ago I wanted to improve things for her comfort level and needed a written list of what precisely that fucking looked like in order to achieve it and not miss anything she deemed important. I explained how ADHD works, why I needed a written reference. Why I had to have it laid out, and if something needed changing we needed to write it all out. I would've made the list myself, but they said they would make it for the whole house to hold up their end of things. And, thinking this was a very reasonable adult solution to keeping the house in good shape, I said okay, come up with the list of expectations and what is needed and that way we can update how we handle chores. Awesome. I will do that to uphold my end.
No list ever gets made or drafted or anything despite my bringing it up, knowing we need to do it, but I DO get berated for failing to meet expectations and boundaries that were never fucking provided or delivered and include "don't store toiletries in this particular bathroom because I don't like it."
I can't believe I am a goddamn adult who gets treated like an idiot child for expecting adult communication instead of snide ass passive aggressive bullshit and basic respect for my things.
Because when I fucking get home, my shelving has been removed and a cabinet emptied of my things and placed in the "correct" bathroom.
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Oh shit she solved it, this doesn't look cluttered at all!
What a vast improvement to storing things in appropriate storage!
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mitsuki91 · 5 months
Blaming and hating Coryo for president Snow action is the same fucking thing that marauders stans say when they say that the marauders were justified to bully Severus Snape because he will be a Death Eater later on.
Take your head outside your ass and think about causes and effects.
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just-mebs · 1 year
I said it once, but I'll say it again: we were robbed of Solid and Liquid brotherly moments.
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hexjulia · 1 day
anyway this site lmao. I briefly went into the endometriosis tag to see if maybe people were having experiences similar to mine (no pain, super high CA 125 etc) and instead was faced with a loki (marvel) x reader with endo cramps fic. hello??!! Huh?!
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stumbled across a ballad of songbirds and snakes critique video and I couldn't even watch it because the person so did not get what the book was doing and saying and the comments were complaining about the unnecessary romance when it's super obvious it's not intended to be a romance. suzanne collins is, yet again, ahead of her time because I remember the hate mockingjay got when it came out for killing prim and having katniss vote for new hunger games when those plot points are crucial and are meant to act as a commentary
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tamelee · 3 months
your art is one of my favourite things to see when i open this app. every time i see you made a new post i get so happy to see it😭 i'm sorry if this sounds a little weird! i just wanted you to know that your art is honestly soo pretty that it always amaze me! your style is so unique and distinguishable that one can tell is you even before looking at the user. hope you keep making art and having happy days♡
(also please pardon my poor english)
oohhhh 😭 thankyou so much 💕 and for taking the time to send this- I'm really, really happy you like my art! And that you recognize it as mine as well?!?! Honestly I'm very grateful, ily, I hope all your wishes come true and have happy days also. I definitely want to continue to make art ;-;🥰🧡
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fadewalking · 3 months
this post is about spiders
I'm scared of spiders just as much as the next guy. I do however, own several of them as pets at this point (hands off, display pets only as my fear keeps me from ever wanting to actually touch one), including a black widow and as of today, a brown recluse. And i know that they're the United States boogey monsters of spiders, but the lack of knowledge around them from the general population is staggering, and im getting kind of tired of it. Every single person in my life has reacted with anger and horror at my perceived stupidity from "Keeping an animal that can and will kill you if given the chance". And very few people are even willing to believe me when I tell them the truth.
Like the fact is that it just isn't true that either spider can kill me. Unless im allergic to them, which would be like winning the lottery (of pain and death), then I as a healthy adult cannot be killed, not even close. I'm not saying they're puppies or anything, they do have a medically significant bite, or more accurately- they can have a medically significant bite. But they can also choose how much venom to deliver in a bite, and they do not want to waste it for something that isn't prey.
Both of these spiders are also incredibly shy, and you have to be actively squishing them to death for them to want to bite at all. If i was bitten by either of these spiders, i would spend an afternoon at the ER, and then go home and for the next few weeks/months (depending on venom amount), i'll be in a good deal of pain while i recover. Is it a walk in the park? absolutely not. But these spiders just.. aren't life threatening. I also don't plan on touching them at all let alone harassing them aggressively enough to get any kind of bite.
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Why has it become so normal to film in theaters ???
Stop it! You have no excuse to have 0 brain cells this has never been okay!
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cthulhusstepmom · 1 year
Ghost is a walking dichotomy, Soap has discovered. He's watched him strip the layers of a man's skin away to get information from him, seen him snap someone's neck in as little time as it takes to take a breath. But he's also so capable of heartbreaking kindness. His genuine concern for the fish, the way he saves the best part of his plate for Soap; offering it to him with reverence. The way he's cleaning Johnny's wound so tenderly. It's in these moments of gentleness where Johnny almost forgets what they do, what they've seen, who they are.
So when Ghost's voice snaps into that serious tone it's almost like a slap in his dizzy, goofily smiling, face.
"Where is it? I'll get rid of it for you." Under the sharp tone is still that lethal gentleness, and even under that is a shaking fear.
"Oh, oh Ghost." He shifts, uncomfortable in his skin and wanting to be anywhere but here. "Ye... Ye cannae get rid of it."
His Lieutenant draws back a little, a mix of apprehension and offense in his eyes.
"It hurt you, nothing else matters."
Soap can feel his heart splitting as his throat starts to burn. Ghost stares up at him with fiery eyes, hands still holding his wrist so so softly.
"Where is the snake Soap? I promise you it'll never hurt you again. Whoever brought it in is going to have hell to pay too." He earnestly promises and Soap feels a single hot tear slip out of his eye.
"Ghost..." He chokes out. "Simon... It's mine."
The small room goes silent. Nothing even dares to move but for the violent flinch the sentence rips out of Ghost.
He doesn't dare say anything, doesn't dare to move or even breathe. He looks down at Ghost and Ghost meets his stare with turmoil roiling in his gaze.
Soap doesn't know what he expected, screaming or sobbing or angry silence but the frantic confusion he can see in the other man is as far as can be from what he'd thought he'd get.
They sit there like that for a few long moments, each absorbed in his own thoughts, before Ghost slowly rises from his kneel. If Johnny were in better spirits he would tease him for the quiet cracks his knees make. And with that violent tenderness he slowly curls an arm around Johnny and leans him down into the bed, pressing behind him and holding him close just like they'd done on any number of frigid nights out in the blind. And they just sit there holding each other in silence as they slowly drift into a dreamless sleep.
#in this canon this is the first time theyve done something that can't be explained away by extenuating circumstances#but you don't really save the best parts of your meal religiously for your subordinate who youre friends with#Ghost is devoted to Soap#full stop#and Soap is dedicated to Ghost 100%#i hear you “Cthulhu why are the emotionally constipated military men just cuddling instead of resolving their issues unhealthily?”#to which i say:#Ghost just had his world tilted on its axis#a constant in his life is that snakes are bad and the people who keep them are bad people who do bad things#like his father#but here's John “he owns my soul” MacTavish bleeding profusely and still not letting Ghost kill the snake also being unquestionably good#even though he understands intellectually that Soap has done bad things#hes watched the little punk blow up shit for the sake of it and literally clip a car battery to a man's ears#that doesn't matter because Johnny is Good with a capital G and he is the exact opposite of Ghost's father#so he really doesnt have it in him to be angry and he just needs to hold close to the constancy and try to reconcile his new information#And Soap is just so so ready to be immediately rejected and never see Simon again#he doesn't want to sacrifice what he maybe has with Ghost to protect his rescues#because they need him and they didnt ask to be what they are or where they are#so hes just so so relieved that Ghost hasnt ordered him out and killed all of his babies#because he's seen Ghost shoot a dog in yhe head on a mission for barking and Ghost loves dogs#he doesnt want to see what Ghost would do to an animal he doesn't like#I HOPE THIS IS BETTER THAN THE CLIFFHANGERS#GUYS THERES SO MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT COMING#AHOFFBIDKSHAIAKBZJA#cod mw2#fish person gaz#ghost x soap#ghostsoap#reptile person soap
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squishosaur · 10 months
Consider: Fem!Jamiazu as Kuromi gf x My Melody gf dynamic. No I don’t know anything about sanrio characters, I just know the aesthetics of the two characters and how they are almost opposites. Anyway hopefully you understand this because its so silly to me
-Snake Anon
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considered :3 i think jamil would also keep a diary of 10,000+ instances where azul was mildly irritating.
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songbird-in-hell · 8 months
My brow arches when your hands raise, wondering if you’re going to press your luck, knowing what I could do to you if you do.
“Good boy,” I commend you when you stop them.
I can feel your pulse quickening against my hand, and I hum low as part of me is tempted to squeeze anyway, to make it race faster just to slow it to a near stop. But that would mean silencing your pretty begging and apologies, and I don’t want to do that either. So, I suppress the urge and loosen my grip instead. After all, you are behaving now.
“It’s alright, I understand. I’ll give you another chance.” I caress your cheek and find it’s wet. Settling my palm against it, I softly wipe away your tears with my thumb. “And it’s okay to cry. I like it.” Propping myself up on my other elbow, I lean over you to watch it happen, unable to hide my smirk. “Tears suit you, too.”
I give you another kiss on your other cheek, my tongue flicking at your damp skin to take a quick taste of your sorrow.
“I can smell your fear.” There’s a tinge of concern in my voice, though I’m sure it’s obvious I’m still enjoying it too. I move my hand back to your hair, running my fingers through it.
“Know that I picked you because I’m all too familiar with your sort of loneliness. I could just tell you needed a friend like I did. But no one ever trusts me when they meet me.” I use my nails to scratch at your scalp, hoping to soothe you. “So I skipped the hard part and bit you, so I could bring you home with me, and here we are.”
Tucking my finger under your chin, I turn your face toward me so I can kiss your lips, smiling.
“It might take some getting used to for you, but I’m sure we can get along with a little effort. If not, well….” I trail off for a moment, looking down as I let the tip of my nail drag down the column of your throat, before piping up again cheerfully, “Oh, I’m sure it won’t come to that.”
— 🐍
‘Good boy.’
I blush at the praise. I’ve heard it before, but never from someone who’s held me like you are now. It’s always from someone who wants to hurt me though. I’ve never heard it from someone genuinely kind to me, someone I wanted around. Then again, I haven’t met many people like that.
But you loosen your hold, and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. When I feel your touch, I lean into it slightly. I want to lean against you, to get more of your affection…
My blood runs cold when you tell me you like my crying. It’s something I’ve heard before, always from the most brutal torturers, the worst of my captors.
“Please… don’t hurt me…”
The tears only keep coming when you kiss me on the cheek, and I close my eyes when you tilt my head in to make me kiss you. At least you’re being gentle now, your hand through my hair makes me shiver, as I curl towards you. I don’t know what else to do.
I’m afraid.
Loneliness? I’m not lonely… am I? You say you want to get to know me. I don’t think I want to get to know you, no matter how enticing your affection is. No matter how much I like you playing with my hair.
Your finger at my throat makes my breath catch. I’m sure I look pathetic, tears running down my face as I sniffle. There’s no hope of me being defiant, not when I’m so taken off guard by everything.
“I can be good, I promise.”
I need to get out of here, I need to get away from you. But I need to wait for my chance… if you catch me- there’s no telling what you could do. I need to behave, to be exactly what you want. When you let your guard down, I’ll make my escape.
“I… could I have some water? Please? I… the tears and the- the paralytic… I’m just thirsty.”
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snake-rattler · 20 days
You’re a terrible brother
..Were not related.
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yore-donatsu · 2 years
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One Tarnished among many others
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