zhongrin · 1 year
Hii, It's my first time sending you a message after following you! I hope you don't mind! I just wanted to say that I love Zhongli and your tumblr makes me happy and I always wait for your posts/reblogs! I don't care if it's posts with you interacting with your followers or just ranting,it always makes my day better! Thank you! (1/2)
i'm crying bc 1) this is such a nice message, and 2) i only received this 1 ask and now i'm wondering if tumblr ate the other one-
but anyway thank you so much aaaa i think i remember seeing your username in my notifs <333 (and i don't mind, i love ppl coming in my inbox!!)
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dogcircle-scans · 2 years
Thanks for chapter 104! I hope you're all healthy and safe! I re-read Natsume Yuujinchou a few times this year and chapter 104 is one of my favs chapters BECAUSE Matoba actually asked the cat vessel if they're willing to go with him! To me, Matoba is the kind of character that would probably take the cat away regardless of it's will. I wonder if we can see it as a character development? (I hope the author gives Matoba more screen time... Gosh, I love him ;-;)
Thank you <3
As always, I can't speak for the others but I can at the very least say that I've been doing very well lately!
And, wow, this question really put into perspective just how focused I've been in trying to release the rest of the Homura arc. I forgot how much of a bad rep Matoba has.
Since Matoba's a major player in this arc, I've had to really put myself into his headspace, so I've had to really think about him a lot. Sometimes I disliked it because I much prefer being in Natsume's headspace. But before anyone asks, I don't hate Matoba.
Matoba's just a complicated guy.
And based on how I interpret him, I don't consider that cat scene a sign of character development. To me, it's a glimpse into Matoba's true self—a part of himself that he had to set aside in favor of fulfilling his duty as his clan's leader. Matoba may be a forceful person and unhinged about gaining power, but it's usually for the benefit of his clan.
Loving cats falls outside the spectrum of those responsibilities. It's why I didn't blink twice when Matoba had asked and was so accepting of the cat decision despite getting rejected by it. Being forceful would've been contrary to that untainted, genuine affection he has for them, and it wouldn't have been considered love.
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youngest-zoldyck · 9 years
unabashedlyminiaturetyrant said: OMGOMGOMGOMG! *freaking out* I want theeeeeeeem!! ALL of theeem! ;___; You have moreee?? *-*
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morefandomscenarios · 9 years
Thank you for the scenario~! It was sooo cuteeee ~ I love it!! >__
Aaaaaah I’m glad you like it (´つヮ⊂)
Hahahah I just had to put that in! Ace is precious (✿˘艸˘✿) That’s a possibility, considering he seems to have more sons than daughters. So he’s a lot more protective towards the girls uwu
Ehhhhh? I-I’m not sure if my blog is worthy for you to stalk, but sldkjflsdf I’m not gonna complain if you do, hun! I’m glad you like this blog (⁄ ⁄^⁄ᗨ⁄^⁄ ⁄) *glomps you*
And your English is absolutely fine! English isn��t my first language too actually. It’s not really spoken much back at my home country either ;w;
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Hello~! I'm here (again)!! Can I ask a scenario where GoM + Himuro + Mibuchi get jealous? Thanks
Akashi: There was something about the boy in your English class who had recently started talking to you that Akashi just didn’t like. From the sloppy way he spoke to the unrefined gait of his walk, Akashi just found himself disliking him. He didn’t feel threatened by this boy’s presence at all, but when the boy gets a little too comfortable around you, wrapping his arms around your shoulder, he has some limbs to break. Before approaching the two of you, Akashi has an intimidation speech that he was going to lay on the boy, but his scary glare had already sent the boy running. You know that look on your boyfriend’s face, so instead of doing anything that would get Akashi even more riled up, you slip your hand in his and ask him how his day was going..“Some people are so pesky,” He replies, “But at least that one knew not to mess with things that aren’t his.”
Aomine: He had thought that bringing you out to watch him play street basketball would be a good idea. One of his favorite things to do was to show off in front of you, and street basketball was a much more raw, uninhibited side of the sport that he wanted you to get a taste of. Aomine did not, however, anticipate just how many of the boys that were going to be playing that day would be into you. He watched as a couple of the players looked you up and down, nodding to each other as they walked past, blood boiling. He knows it’s unreasonable to be jealous, but he hates the way they look at you. When a boy actually decides to talk to you, Aomine can’t hold back anymore. He walks over and wraps an arm around you, growling at the guy. “Don’t fuck with my girl.”It’s loud enough for most of the players to hear, and god help them if they take his warning lightly.He makes sure to make a mockery out of everyone who had been leering at you when the game starts.
Himuro: He tries to go about it the mature way when you tell him that someone had left a love note inside your locker. He could have brushed it off it was only once or twice, but for the whole week this ‘secret admirer’ had been slipping them discreetly into your locker. You seemed so happy receiving them, because they were flattering and always very sweet, and that made Himuro’s stomach do back flips. He needed to stop this, not because he felt threatened, but because he just didn’t like the thought of another person making his partner so happy with romantic intentions.He showed up a little earlier to school than he usually would and watched your locker from afar. When he sees someone walk up to the locker, he confronts them, making sure that they know that he was your boyfriend.“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t do this anymore,” he says, with a smile that is more like a warning. You don’t receive any more love letters.
Kise: You always loved to come watch him work, since Kise always seemed most in his element when he was modelling (or playing basketball, but that’s a given.) That day, Kise had a beach photo shoot with a few other models, male and female alike. The blond was more than excited to do a few poses for you, but he couldn’t help but notice the other male models coming up and talking to you when he had to take pictures. It was getting harder and harder to concentrate, especially when he sees how you laugh at what they say. It gets too much for him to handle, and he respectfully asks the photographer for a short break. He’s glaring daggers at all the boys who are crowded around you, grabbing your hand and squeezing it tight. “Oh, _____-cchi, I see you’ve met my coworkers.” His voice is uncharacteristically low. “I think they’ve wasted enough of their time, haven’t they?”He drags you away from them, still a little worked up. He pushes a few strands of your hair back, looking directly at you. “Eyes only on me, alright, _____-cchi?”
Kuroko: He’s used to people flirting with you due to his lack of presence- most guys don’t even know that he’s right behind them until he speaks up.This time, however, was different. The boy was all over you, obviously a little drunk and just generally being very disgusting. Kuroko clears his throat, glaring at the boy. When he turns around, Kuroko’s hands are folded across his chest, an  unusual scowl drawn across his face. The boy is taken aback, because on top of being surprised that Kuroko was even there, his face was actually pretty intimidating.“Please try to contain your filth and loiter around somewhere else.”The man looks up in confusion, but the way that Kuroko had said it had sent chills down his spine. The man staggers away, and Kuroko takes your hand in his. Just in case.
Mibuchi: He absolutely loved to take you out places. Spending time with you was his most favorite thing in the world, so it wasn’t an oddity that you both were at the mall. After shopping around for a few things for yourself, you suggest that you stop by a sporting goods store for him. Mibuchi, thrilled that you’re thinking of him, happily obliges, taking you into the store. Everything is fine, except for when he looks up from the shoes he was trying on and back to you chatting with one of the workers. He was tall and fit, and Mibuchi couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten at the slightly more than friendly way the employee was talking to you. He stands up, walking over to the two of you before pressing a few kisses on your cheek.“Do you like these, darling?” He says, looking down at his shoes. “I think I’d rather have them in a different color.”He turns to the worker and tilts his head. “Think you could check in the back for white ones?”When the worker dejectedly leaves your side, his chest swells in victory. 
Midorima: He understands that he and Takao’s personalities are vastly different. Since you were dating Midorima, you probably wouldn’t be interested in someone like Takao, but he couldn’t help but stare bitterly at the two of you as you went back and froth with silly jokes and banter. He withdraws himself from the conversation, trying not to scowl at the both of you. It’s apparent that he’s had enough when he interjects the both of you.“Stop being such fools around each other in public,.”“Eh? Does Shin-chan want me and _____ to go somewhere private then?” Takao teases, and Midorima resists his urge to smack him upside the head. When you laugh at him, Midorima can’t hide the blush that spreads across his face. He tries to cover it up, by distracting you guys with something else."The rickshaw, Takao.” He says, leading you outside. “Huh?” Takao asks, taken aback. “The both of you?” He guides you in first, and then himself. The black haired boy sighs, mumbling something to himself as he gets on the bike and starts to pedal.
Murasakibara: Whenever you came back from the supermarket, the cashier who worked there always seemed to ‘accidentally’ give you something for free. Now, at first, Murasakibara didn’t seem to care at all. It was mostly candy and small stuff that he would usually end up eating- but when he learns that it was the same male cashier every single time, he could help but feel sick from the free sugar. The way that you gushed on and on about his generosity didn’t really help, either.“_____-chin, I want to go to the store with you.”It’s unusual for Murasakibara to request this, but you shrug it off and let him. When it comes time for checkout, Murasakibara watches the way the cashier talks to you closely. The boy seems a little intimidated by his height, but that doesn’t stop him from slipping a Snickers bar into the grocery bag.“Eh? What about me?”The boy blinks up at Murasakibara, “U-um, what do you mea-”“You always give my _____-chin free candy. What about me?”The boy awkwardly puts another bar in the bag. Murasakibara grabs the bag before leaning over the counter and looking at the boy menacingly. “Talk to my _____-chin again, and I’ll crush you.”
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Hello~;D Just saw your post in knb-hq-scenarios. Soo~~ I decided to follow you too u.u~ Hope you don't mind :3 Hmm~~ Can I ask a scenario about Gom + Kagami reaction when their crush describe their type and it's exactly like Akashi? (english ins't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.>_
Your English is fine, bby.
"A strong, responsible boy would be nice." You say to your friend one day in passing. "A dominant one- maybe a little intimidating. Wealthy, of course, so they can take care of me. Someone who can really put their foot down and make their orders… Absolute.”
Aomine: His eye twitches, scoffing before looking away from you. Something about that description felt too familiar.
"Shitty type…" He mutters, putting his head on your shoulder. "I think you should think that over some more."
Kagami: He flushes from ear to ear, and you’re unsure if it’s out of anger or embarrassment. 
"H-hey! You can’t really say that without seeing that type of person in front of you, can you?"
He tries to persuade you into reconsidering, but much to his dismay, you brush him off.
Kise: He lets out a long, audible groan at the person who pops into his mind because of the description. 
”_____-cchi…” He whines, dragging out every syllable of your name. “You wouldn’t think that if you actually met that type of person!”
Kuroko: He’s silent for a very long time. You almost ask him if he’s alright, but he looks up at you and sighs. 
”_____-chan shouldn’t fall for those types of boys- they’re no good.”
Midorima: He’s probably the most flustered out of all of them, but he doesn’t let it show. He couldn’t lose to that guy every time… Especially when it came to _____.
"There are better types out there, you know. Your horoscope says that you’re best suited for Cancers…"
Murasakibara: He stops chewing on his candy for a brief moment. That last comment was a bit unsettling. "Eh, _____-chin shouldn’t think that way." He simply states, and refuses to listen to you gush more about your ‘ideal type’. 
Bonus with Akashi (because I wasn’t sure if you wanted him included lmao):
He has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face as he moves closer, looking into your eyes intimately. "Perhaps we should discuss this more when we’re alone, _____."
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