#um. amiya?
burstfoot · 4 months
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civilight-eterna · 29 days
coming to terms
Fandom: Arknights
Pairings: Swire/Amiya/Ch'en established poly
Rating: E - there is domestic fluff but there are a lot of parts that are unabashedly filthy
“I, um. I’d be okay with wearing it. That thing you think about on me so much.” “Wait…wait! How do you-?” Amiya shrinks in the water against Swire, blinking up at her owlishly. “I, wasn’t trying to eavesdrop-! But, some of your thoughts are-louder, than others.” --- Or; Amiya, Swire, and Ch'en end up trying out some roleplay.
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exoticalmonde · 7 months
Chapter XII All Eepy Under The Rainy Day
12-2 Adverse [For the level I used the AFK stratery with: Siege E1MAX, Bagpipe E2, Elysium E2lvl20, Ptilopsis E2lvl50, Vigil MAX, Puzzle E2lvl20, Heidi E2S2 and Lumen MAX]
! Everything ahead is SPOILERS !
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[Text: 'We've confirmed that a high-speed warship belonging to the Duke of Windermere was attacked by an unknown Sarkaz weapon. There were no survivors.] GREAT! WONDERFUL! What the hell would you expect me to do about that? How in the hell do you 'gather intel' all we can do is probably look at it from below as it disappears into a cloud of steam and originium specks and hope that the next thing it fires at will not be ummediately us.
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I keep forgetting that the title Duke is absolutely available for men and women, so when she comes up every time I'm like... I kind of want to be her when I get older but Ma'amn I do not appreciate the way you're talking about Allerdale. At least she has a good and honest (?) opinion on what she's fighting for, because she's at least being real about how this is progressing and what Victorians think about the 'homeland'.
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And are you telling me the Duke of Windermere is dead or... Am I supposed to give up on this model now? They talk about her like she's still alive, so I suppose she was not on that ship.
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Sir... Your model is so good. GOSH I LOVE Victoria's clothes so much. Look at the back of his tailcoat, look at the gorgeous cane he'd holding. What a distinguished man whose real agenda and opinions I do not remember thus I can't say if swooning over the model is tipping my good girl scales.
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[Text: How about a Sankta patron firearm? I just happen to have one stached away back home...]
I know the Sarkaz are famous for their battle with the Sankta, having past history and whatnot, but are you sure you can just brink a dead Sankta's weapon into the conversation and think that's going to be enough of a temptation?
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[Text: Sarkaz Soldier: Interesting... You got your hands on an angel's guardian gun huh? Timid Citizen: Oh, um, it's not mine though. It's just for safekeeping... Heavens, those angels from the Notarial Hall are going to flay me alive if they find out, but if you're interested-]
Dude, you are NOT asking if he is interested because they collect them....
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[Text: I just happened to hear, you- Err, the Sarkaz enjoy collecting them, so...]
Oh, he asked, alright...
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[Text: Listen up. I prefer my angelic toys freshly looted from a pile of corpses. Now, piss off.]
O-kay. Alright, you know what? You can... Do that. I- And that angry guy is dead now, alright. Oh, those two are down the drain as well...
To be fair, he's not wrong. Sarkaz have been living in dar for so long just because other countries are 110% sure that they will be back asking for vengeance and they are such a great of a number that it's going to be catastrophic. This is what I'm talking about when we talk about Arknights' whole 'Who is the good guy?' meter because it is BROKEN. Those who live well do it at the cost of someone else but they didn't really... do anything to get that going, it's all politics. In the meantime those who are mad are mad for a reason you can kinda nod to because it's relatable.
Terrible, really.
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I can't even begin to imagine the damage Kal'tsit would have taken. They say she was already frail, but I wince every time she raises her hand to call on Mon3tr. Don't worry Amiya we can do this. She's gonna be fine, you are gonna be fine, it was all a bad dream. The weight of the Crown of the Sarkaz is heavy but I will hold it up for you babo, I promise.
12-2 Adverse
Poor Golding being told she's probably the reason why all 3 houses got ambushed is really heartrending. She is literally me, for real, actually, and just like how I refuse to give up so did she...
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[Text: You little twat, you think being a knight gives you the right to teach me to look at the big picture? I don't give a shite about wiping out some old Sarkaz monsters. My friends are in danger. My home is in danger!]
Okay, indra coming in Indra-ing all over the place until Siege just says 'Indra, enough.' and we instantly stop Indra-ing.
So who the hell are you, Mr. 'I'm the reason Allerdale died but also all your comrades are safely evacuated as much as we could do' and what the heck is your deal??
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Trillby Asher? What do you want?
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[Text: My sincerest pleasure to meet all of you, ladies and gentlemen. I hope there yet remains room for our objectives to coexist.]
You, Sir, are a clown-
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[Text: 'Doctor', the commander of Rhodes Island... There exists very little information on you. We were under the impression that this was due to a lack of importance. We will reevaluate our internal appraisal.]
"We thought you are useless, but it seems that was wrong."
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[Text: Your subordinates are very strong, even after they heard the word Vampire.]
Which is weird because... what even are you? Your race is undisclosed, W refuses to call you a Sarkaz and bites your backside for having horns, but you also have Baphomet in your E2 art.
What are you????
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But also...
INES INES INES INES SHE COMES IN TO SAVE THE DAY BEING A BADASS ONCE AGAIN. And apparently she's been in cahoots with Ascalon because how was she meant to know that Ines is going to come around after annihilating all the communications- no, all the people waiting on the other side of the radios to hear whether or not they get to attack
Better question
Skin intermission, because I caved. Czerny skin is what I'm saving for next, but it's okay because the new CC and the ExeAlter comes first and I can work on that.
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12-4 Adverse
And after all of that horror I just get to listen about how Logos is just great at darts and apparently unbeatable at... *checks scribble on hand* chair sliding.
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[Text: Cador presses against the door with his body and grabs the axe peeking through the hole back with his two hands. The Man outside makes several attempts to pull the axe back in vain.
Cador: I don't care who the hell you are, but get out of my sight, or I'll have this axe in your brain!]
GET EM CADOR! What a mess, the hecking audacity to be breaking in like that.
This level... Took me like 5 tries and in the end I had to learn the hard way that maybe bringing more robots is a good idea only if I have Chiave and only if I am braced to wait like... what... 200 seconds??? It was insane. I managed though. 12-5 Adverse
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[Text: War is cruel. Suffering and death follow in its wake. It exposes out barest, truest forms to one another. It tears off all disguises.]
Oh yeah, I can absolutely see people going insane with all that is happening already, you don't need to remind us... We didn't learn our lesson with the gold tooth that Per left behind after his body got mauled...
Grannynapping happens, Clovisia used her arts and I'm so sad I didn't get to see what they were. Here and then she's not. I don't really get why the workers would try to save Catherine. I mean, yeah, the attempt is fine, since they do care about her, they want to be safe and giving up at this point is a little useless as she said... The Sarkaz will not be showing mercy anymore and I don't think there is any place safe they can go.
In any case, I appreciate the worry. even if Catherine is gonna be like 'You absolute twats.'
Ayo Originium Dust spoiler, dead Infected explode.
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[Text: Of course, Victoria has never been truly at peace. The things we make are sent to the border region to fight the Sargonians ot the Leithanians and blast holes in their bodies - Not that it has anything to do with us. All we had to do was stay in the factory and turn screws on the iron blocks.] Me: "Why is Victoria fighting Laterano again?" Pinkie: "Because they have all the GUNZ." Me: "I meant Leithania actually." Pinkie: "Because they are right next to each other." Me: "THE SIMPLER EXPLANATION HAHA!" Pinkie: "Well, yeah! You're Balkan, I'd think you'd know that the best." Me: "Oh my god, I would." --- Pinkie: "I'm saying globalization isn't a thing the way I can voice chat with you all. A Leithanian can't voice chat with a Victorian. For me to contact you, Lundi, I have to send a letter to Kazimierz, wait a week, wait another week for a responce and then read your letter." Me: "If he survives." Pinkie: "And that is if the Messenger survives multiple cancer-inducing snowstorms, yes."
Pinkie: "Cador is definitely one of the based ones in the Glasgow gang. When Siege shows up he's like 'Oh would you like us to fight for you M'lady' and Siege is just 'Can you... not?' because she doesn't want to deal with the weight of her title like that."
Me: "That is absolutely hilarious. I like him."
Hope he doesn't die a terrible, horrible death.
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jaibby202 · 10 months
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She's beautiful
Kyojurou Rengoku x Amiya Chiminosa (oc)
Some lovely people in a discord server suggested that I post more of her. So here goes nothing.
"She was... beautiful. No. Beautiful is an understatement. You should've seen her Ten!!"
The blonde waved his hands as he spoke of the woman he saw at the Hashira meeting that day. Uzui just watched as he listened to his friend gawk over the new hashira that had been added to the corps.
"What did you say her name was, Kyo?"
The blonde stopped and twiddled his fingers, "I didn't-"
Rengoku was too in the clouds about this mystery woman he saw, to actually realize that his friend was trying to get more information out of him. Uzui sighed and sat back in the chair while running a large hand through his silver hair.
"Well, looks like you'll have to wait until the next hashira meeting to see her again."
Uzui shrugged, "Then go talk to the master about her missions list. You've been a hashira longer than her, so your the elder here."
Rengoku rolled his eyes, "Fine!" And with that, the blonde stood to his feet and practically raced to the masters estate. It's like Kagaya was expecting him, who knows why.
"You want to know her missions list? Why is that Kyojurou?"
He paused, what was the reason he wanted to know so much about her? She was just another comrade, right?
"Well, um, because I'd like to attend her next mission with her, Oyakata-Sama!"
The master smiled, and informed rengoku of the hashira's mission list for this week. He would appear to attend a mission with her in two days. Maybe he could get her name!! Learn more about her!
Meanwhile, Amiya sat in her home, she lived in the harsh winter mountains, she was often absent from warmer climates because of her breathing style. She was meditating when she heard her kasugi crow caw from the window.
She stood and went to the window and the crow informed her that she would be attending a mission with a fellow hashira within two days. They had to defeat some lower rank demons, nothing just one hashira could do.
Why would the master order a second to tag along with? It would only slow her down. Right?
"Who is the Hashira that will be joining me?" She asked her crow, he cawed loudly, "RENGOKU!" she blinked and her eyebrows furrowed.
Rengoku? Oh right, that fire haired man from the Hashira meeting. The flame pillar.
"But it's lower rank demons, why send two powerful hashira to such a low mission?"
She spoke out loud and the crow just tilted its head and then flew back out the window.
She shook her head and walked back to sit in front of the fire and continue meditating. This is just another mission. Relax. I'll be fine.
Just a lil thing, maybe I'll put more in tomorrow 💙
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Amiya: Need some sleep Closure?
Closure: Um, no?
Amyia: You have bags under your eyes.
Closure: It’s… a look I’m going for.
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so... back then i was havin some urge to draw bugs lola and daffy as arknights's operator(bugs would be guard,lola sniper n daffy specialist) that later on was getting grown into a 'what if' they become an operator,like...at first i just kinda curious about how they would be there then in few days it grown into how they comin to terra until they become operators,n then i draw the e2 ver of bugs first since i already draw his base splash before maybe next would be daffy n lola as well the plot was kinda like this (this one was pasted from a recent chat that i did with a fellow looney tunes enjoyers and also arknights player
grandpa ranger found three of em around an abandoned originium mine at ursus territory,n he reported to us (the doctor) that he also found a certain rabbit hole nearby
he brings em to us along with his reports,there lola told us that they didnt know anything beside few white masked combatants(yeah reunions,kevin included) was try to attack them as soon as three of em was get out from a rabbithole that bugs made (classic, he forgot the turn to alburquerque as usual),sadly one of the caster injured them,both daffy and lola got minor burns while bugs got more heavy damage on his leg,so they take him n running together into nearby cave (the abandoned mine) until those reunions was get away,then they re founded by ranger which doing some daily area scouting
then knowin three of em was have some burns the doctor told amiya to bring em to the medic ward,there gavial help em while doin some chit chat,and since daffy had too much to talk while being cured,she bonk him with her staff
-then after they re out from the room,lola noticed that there's a lot of animals and humans with animals traits around there,amiya start explaining(y know the stuffs,race etc)
-while that daffy was accidentaly bumped into may and had some nonsense arguments
then cut to evening they go back to the doctor,found em standing with kal tsit,and they got some infos that those three needed to know, the possible way how they ended up there and how to send em back to their home
but since it would need a prototype device (welp thanks to originium dust event,now we got an info that makin portal between two world was kinda possible(?)) with huge amount of originium energies they have to wait at least until the next day after tomorrow
at the mean time there s some daily things happened,like lola teach some small kids how to do a threepoint shoot,daffy still arguing nonsense stuffs with may and bugs doin his usual slapstick with daffy in front of some younger operators and kids there (Also if i remember there also a scene where daffy giving elysium advice how to win against thorn in chess but all the ways he give was useless at the end)
and before those um...montages... at the first night when amiya shows them where they can rest for few days and give em blankets, her wrist that has originium crystals was accidentaly shown to bugs which was the only person that was nearby her at the moment (daffy was already on the bed and lola was takin bath)
and she tells about oripathy and stuffs
then after those daily life segments end,at night bugs was inside the bathroom,alone and wash his face before goin to sleep, while he drains his gloved hand
there's a black transparant rock crystal there,but not that big
well Seeing that bugs wipes away his thoughts about what amiya says before about oripaty n stuffs and go to sleep at the next morning the rock was kinda multiplied,but not that much seeig this he go back to the bathroom and try to get rid of it but nothing worked then he go out from the room,seeking well...amiya,since she is the first person that kindly open to him around the place
when he found amiya he tells her like "hey doc....did ya still remember those rocks that ya said few nights before?" then amiya answered "rocks? ah did you mean originiums,mr bugs?"
and he answered like "yeah dat one...well...i guess one of the rock was stickin to my arm doc..." while he showin amiya his own wrist which has those rock that now has multiplied again but in smaller size then amiya gasped and take bugs to kal tsit
she examine him and found out it is indeed oripathy bugs gulped in frightened face and ask how it can be cured quickly but yeah we both know there's still no cure
then he told kal tsit to didnt tell lola and daffy about this later on until finally they can go back home
well they stay still didnt know anything t\about bugs gets oripathy until a night before the day that the device is ready to bring em back home,amiya was walkin by and accidentaly meets bugs outside the room they then had a talk n at the end amiya explains that indeed oripathy still dont have any cure yet but there s some meds that can endure the symptoms and such and she says that s what rhodes is about and everyone that sick there was having hope to be cured so they worked there as operators n helps each others n other peoples not only for getting the better meds but also better lfes and better places
then at the next day,when they finally can go back home at the same time amiya and few operators are assigned to an urgent mission at the same time so she cannot attend the procedure for opening the portal to send three of our toons back home she only can wave short goodbye at the moment that what was the doctor told to lola and daffy
which was also questioning where's bugs since they didnt see him around even on few minuts before they departured then when amiya comin in rush for a short goodbye,daffy and lola ask her that if maybe she did meets bugs,and she says that she meets him and he just being prepared daffy n lola then both kinda confused for what are he prepared then a footstep comin inside,there's bugs comin but he using rhodes's uniform as seen above and have a normal length of blade inside it s holster attached on a belt (which is it was a spare sword that amiya ask from yato to borrow for him) then they ask him like what did he doin and why those equipments he then answer about his reason that maybe they need some much more vacation times so he decide to stay there longer.both lola and daffy confused why he said that,since it kinda unusual but he says that if the portal device was stable then it means they can go home whenever they please,so nothing to worry about and they can be more relaxed there,on terra without thinkin too much about the teleports and having some 'fun' vacations through terra,he also said that amiya told him before that the rhodes landship would go to siesta,a beautiful country that has nice weather and beach,included with it s music festival to enjoy. heard nice beach and blue sea,daffy instantly agreed in happyness makes lola finally also agreed both decisions. thus their journey began on the land of terra
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foxgirlplushie · 1 year
Fox asks for drabble prompts I ask for krangle (kroos fang beagle poly ship if you forgot) fluff. 'Tis the circle of having a fave author
"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey Fang, Kroos? Can I ask you a question?"
"Oh no."
"Kroos, hush. What's up, B?"
"So, hypothetically...would you two be open to the idea of...um...being volunteers for the party Amiya's hosting? Like. Helping to serve food, pour drinks, that kinda thing?"
"Sure! I think we can do that!"
"Wait, the party that's -"
"Ok good. Because I...kinda already told her we would...and it starts in 3 hours. And we gotta get down to Tailoring to get uniforms."
"Oh my godddddddddddddd Beags. You owe me big time for this, I had plans for tonight."
"Sorry! I'm sorry!"
"'Napping' doesn't count as a plan, Kroos."
"Hey, Fang? Shut up."
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johannstutt413 · 1 year
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Someone starts worshiping Dusk or Nian (…probably the Doctor honestly)
“...How do I draw arms again.”
“Hmm?” Amiya glanced over at the Doctor’s desk. “Did you say something, Doctor?”
They didn’t respond, instead continuing to talk to themself. “They’re like bendy straws right?”
“Doctor? Is everything alright?” The Cautus walked over to their desk… and immediately, she understood the problem.
“I can draw a face, but everything after-” They stopped, turning to look at Amiya. “Oh, hey, Amiya. I, uh-”
She picked up one of the drawings scattered across their desk - she’d initially thought they were files being processed, and she was half-right. “Doctor, are you using our reports for drawing practice?”
“Uh.” They turned to stare at their computer keyboard.
“Oh, Doctor…” Amiya hugged them from the side. “If you needed something to draw on, you could’ve asked me. I have legal pads at my desk.”
The Doctor sighed, relieved. “Thank you, Amiya.”
“Of course~ Is there a reason you’ve been drawing so much lately?”
“Well, uh…” They hesitated. “You’re gonna think I sound crazy.”
The Cautus hadn’t let go yet, giving her the perfect opportunity to stare them down. “Are you going to sound crazy, Doctor?”
“I’m… working on an offering.” Their mask couldn’t simulate a blush, but their voice carried the sentiment well enough.
“An offering?” She cocked her head. “To whom?”
Now the part they’d feared most. “To Dusk.”
“Oh.” Well that certainly explained why they’d chosen a drawing rather than something else.
“I mean, she is part of a god, right,” The Doctor began, “and you know I’ve always-”
Amiya patted their head. “Don’t worry, Doctor, I understand. Actually, I’ve heard Deepcolor has been doing the same thing for a while now.”
“I’m not the only one?”
“We already have Operators of many faiths working with us, Doctor; I’m not surprised you would be drawn to one as well.” The Cautus gestured to the ruined reports on their desk. “Religious expression has a place, though using reports we need to file as scratch paper isn’t one of those places. Still, this should be easy enough to prevent from happening again.”
The Doctor nodded vigorously. “Yeah, yeah, definitely. So you’re not mad?”
“How could I be mad at you, Doctor? Besides, we can still read the text perfectly. For the next few hours, though, try and focus on work, okay?” She patted their head again, one of her rings touching the center of their skull.
“Right, yeah, I should….” They’d have plenty of time to work on their drawings later. “Um, thanks, Amiya. I dunno what I’d do without you.”
Probably have drawn on many more reports, but Amiya didn’t say that out loud.
The next day, the Doctor came into their office as the spitting image of death warmed over - even their mask had bags under its eyes. “I… ran out of paper.”
“You ran out?” The Cautus must’ve given them fifty pages at least.
“I did.” They pulled up their sleeve, revealing a tapestry of smudged ink. “And skin, too.”
Their assistant closed their eyes and took a deep breath. “Doctor.”
“I have an offering, though.”
“Oh?” She’d honestly expected a request for more legal pads. “Are you going to take it to her?”
They nodded. “First, I, uh, need a second opinion. Do you mind?”
“Not at all.” Amiya watched the aspiring acolyte slowly, carefully, pull out a piece of paper from their pocket and gently unfold it.
“She likes to draw scenes, but I think I like drawing people more.” The Doctor revealed their offering, and the Cautus gasped. “Is it okay?”
She took another long breath, shaking slightly. “It’s… You drew me, Doctor?”
“You’re always by my side, so I’ve always got a clear view of you.” Her thinking face, chin in hand, elbow on the desk, tapping a pen in her free hand. Determination, composure, an air of royalty.
“It’s beautiful.” Amiya’s brow furrowed. “You’re giving it to Dusk?”
They handed her that drawing; she gasped as she took it. The Doctor smiled. “That’s for you. I made another draft, fixed some of the errors I made-”
“Some of the shading, like there and there.” They casually tore apart their masterpiece in front of her while leaving the paper intact. “The angle of the eye you can see implies your face is split evenly between the two halves of your head, your nose is too sharp here, the pen should be larger or your hand should be smaller - I don’t remember which I decided-”
The Cautus wordlessly grabbed a tack from a cork board hung on her wall and pinned the drawing to it. There was a fire in her eyes as the Doctor’s self-criticism came to a screeching halt. “I love it.”
“Well, that’s all I needed to hear, I guess.” They rubbed the back of their neck; the glove came back covered in ink.
“Do you want to go now?” She gestured to the clock. “As long as you make it back by the end of the hour, you won’t have to stay later today.”
They nodded. “Yeah, that was my plan. I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Okay.” No, it didn’t feel okay as they left the room. How? How could they have made something so beautiful, in such a short amount of time, and then verbally destroyed it so casually?... No, Amiya had to admit, that’s how they always were, how she could be thinking about her own art. The majority of her audience wouldn’t know when she missed a note while playing her violin as long as she didn’t stop and go back to the part she played wrong, right? That self-criticism, that nagging voice of doubt in pursuit of perfection, that tie that connected her to the Doctor and made the fact she’d chosen to draw HER so personal…
The Doctor didn’t come back for two hours. Amiya wasn’t there when they came back; she was in her dorm, taking a sick day.
The Doctor set their fresh legal pad on their desk, called up the reference image they had of their assistant in their mind, and began to draw.
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
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A chimera...is a primordial method of bringing two together as one? Great, that’s...great.
I’m just wondering what this could mean for Amiya. It’s definitely some more information for my theory about her. And it could mean I’m right about her being some kind of mix in her species.
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muse-matrix · 1 year
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"There, there, Amiya... Let your tears flow as long as they need."
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"S-Sorry, Doctor... I don't mean to p-pull you away from your experiments..."
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"It's no matter. For you, I can make a little time. Someone has to look after our little leader, after all~"
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"Y-Yeah, thanks, Doctor... Sorry, I feel a little better now. But, um... Can I stay a little longer?"
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"Ah, but of course. In fact, you can watch the results of my experiment with me- One of the eggs should be hatching soon."
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"Oh, really...? What's going to hatch from it?"
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"If all goes well, a little black snake that will grow into a great serpent. I'm going to name it... Or0brs."
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huehoa17 · 3 years
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The lead role of a star
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dlartistanon · 2 years
Amiya is my first promote and um... Amiya? Are you ok? You're looking not sure about your power now... Your new skill stuns you, is this fine? You're next power takes you off the battlefield AMIYA?!?
Honey, you've got a big storm comin'
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civilight-eterna · 11 months
may i please ask that you write gravel being a fucked up little knight for a pretty girl. pretty girl can be of your choice (though amiya is envisioned during this ask), thank u i love ur writing. may kjera bless you always.
oh god i am always so down to write amiya with most anyone anon. i've been eyeing this ask for days and mulling it over with much care so I hope you enjoy it!!
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"Aww, my. I'd say I was sorry for flustering you so badly, but I'm not in the habit of lying to pretty girls. The way your face gets all red just makes it even better for me."
The clear, instant distress on Amiya's face is to die for. Gravel could only hold the deepest of respect for her, for having the courage to seek her out in private to clarify her intentions in the way she'd greeted her, even as easily embarrassed as she was to be talking about it at all.
"S-So...you kissed me, b-because...?"
"...What if I never told you? Would you seek me out again, just like this time?" Gravel walks her back against the door, her hand coming to rest on the wall beside her face. "Would you let me kiss you again, each time? Would your curiosity get the better of you? Would you keep coming back to see what it makes you feel like?"
Gravel curls her fingers beneath Amiya's chin, her index finger breaking rank and ghosting up over the front of her lips, tracing their shape with a slow stroke down the bottom one to part them.
Soft as the petals of a rose, dewy and tender and flush with color like the rest of her face.
She inclines her chin, tilts Amiya's up, and waits.
She could close the distance. It would be so easy, to eliminate the gap, to ease her tongue into that pliant, pretty mouth until she's too dizzy and lovesick to stand.
"...How does it make you feel, Amiya?" Gravel breathes against her lips, "Can you see anything but me?...Can you think of anything, but this?"
"M-Miss Gravel..." Amiya's voice is wavering with reluctant reproach, her eyes round and wide and teeming with bewilderment; so painfully innocent.
She drops her chin away from Gravel's fingers, laying a hand against the now rapid rise and fall of her chest.
She's adorable. Gravel can imagine so clearly the way she would respond to being kissed senseless-her meek voice whimpering, wobbling lips, fluttering eyelashes, and her jaw falling slack with surrender.
She can sense something of a kindred spirit in Amiya; maybe it's the doe-eyed look of someone in over their head? Maybe it's the overly-serious downturned curve of her mouth?
Things that actually, aren't very alike to Gravel right now at all. Not anymore. Not for a long time now.
"I mentioned before, right? It's just a little hello. Your mouth might stick like that if you keep frowning so."
"Um. I...understand that it might be something that comes very easily to you. I truly do not wish to offend, but, I..." Amiya's throat bobs subtly as she swallows hard, and Gravel can already sense the rejection poised on her lips, "...that sort of expression, might be easy to misunderstand, and-"
"Hehe. I won't lead you astray. I promise."
"A-Ah, no, I didn't doubt you like that...! But all the same...I can't allow others to get the wrong idea. It would put our company in something of a tight spot-"
"So all that's keeping you from letting me kiss you is the idea that others might get, then?" Gravel's smile widened, coy, "I daresay that's even better than I had hoped to get with you, Miss Leader."
Amiya's face ignited bright red, from the bottom of her neck to the tips of her ears. Gravel giggled and placed a chaste peck on her forehead.
"...Hehe, poor thing. You're just too much fun to tease, you know? Here-this might be a little more your speed. Come here."
Gravel pulled her into an embrace, warm, but with the heated atmosphere from before dampened just enough to let her new charge relax into the hug.
"I won't cause you any trouble. I promised, didn't I? I'll take good care of you and your Doctor, and if you have second thoughts about anything...that door isn't closed."
"I'm...sorry, Miss Gravel." Her voice is small but resolute against her shoulder, "But, I think it...should be."
"Hmm. Then you can open it whenever you want."
"...I...will be leaving it that way."
Gravel is not often taken aback, but here she hears such a sense of finality in Amiya's tone that it neuters her carefree buoyancy instantly.
It's been a while since she's felt ashamed. Is that what this is?
Perhaps the world is playing some cruel cosmic prank on her after all. Because now, faced with Amiya's resolute surety to her responsibilities, she can only regard her so much more fondly than she'd ever thought possible.
She won't be the one Amiya confides in. She won't be the one she bares her burdens to. The door is closed and Amiya will hold the handle tight.
Just as unease begins to prick at her heart, Amiya's arms fold around her, returning the embrace.
Almost like she knew just how she was feeling.
"Thank you for looking out for us. Even...if I can't..."
Oh, this is miserable.
"Shhh. I can handle myself. Let me save a little face. My blades are with you regardless. When you're in danger, just call my name-"
They pull back from the embrace.
"-and I'll make sure your kisses are in more conventionally-appropriate places. Like this."
Gravel gives Amiya time to move away-she does not-and presses her lips against her forehead.
"Th-Thank you-" Amiya stammers, "-Miss Gravel."
"...Call me Senomy."
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cerastes · 3 years
I love how Doctor went from “oh um Doctor Kal’tsit, yes, u-um, I don’t know how to respond to that, but I’ll keep watch over Amiya” to “Well well well, look what the cat dragged in and pissed all over: Herself. To what do I owe this torture and how can I get it over as quickly as possible?”
Just loving the Chapter 7 dialogue options for her like 
Kal’tsit: “Looks like we’re working together for the first time.”
Doctor: “aM i SuPpOsEd To Be ExCiTeD?”
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I love how Amiya is the responsible adult here that has to mediate between them and she’s like 14.
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jaibby202 · 10 months
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A Mission
Rengoku Kyojurou x Amiya Chiminosa
I'll do another blurb, but this is just their first mission together.
That day, Amiya appeared at the start of her mission with the flame pillar, Kyojurou Rengoku. He looked at her, she was beautiful. Her cherry red hair was curly, like red spider lilies.
Her eyes were ice blue, pupils in the shape of snowflakes, surrounded by beautiful lashes. Although she had a measly scar apparent on her left eye.
Her body from what he could see, was gorgeous. Her cute thighs were plushy in a sense, he wanted to hold them. He could see her uniform was tight but perfectly fitting to her, and her cape! It was similar to his but it was blue and white, then snowflakes trailing at the bottom.
She was a quiet girl, focused, and very much apparent to the world around her. As he walked by her side when they left the property for the mission, he couldn't help but be drawn to the fact that she smelled faintly like vanilla and cinnamon. She was lovely.
He walked beside her and eventually spoke up, "So, snow pillar, I was informed that you defeated upper moon 5! That's quiet impressive!"
She gave him a side glance and then put her arms behind her back, "Please, just call me Amiya, and, yes I did defeat that creature. With the help of the mist Hashira, muichirou Tokito."
He was making progress! He now knew her name! Fantastic!
"Ah, Amiya-Chan, Tokito-San indeed is quiet powerful, although the young boy has his head in the clouds at times!"
She blinked when she heard that, and then continued walking by his side, "I suppose." Rengoku fidgeted with his fingers and Amiya took notice of this. Was he nervous?
His flame filled personality didn't give off the shy vibes, but perhaps anyone could be shy if they so wished it. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was charming. His golden orbs only showed kindness. Like that red haired boy, tanjirou.
Rengoku's smile was comforting to her, she thought she'd seen that flame haired male somewhere before, but she couldn't place it. As they ran side by side, she felt confident that this mission would be swift, proving to the master that there was no need for a second hashira to attend.
They came across a village, the demon in a full bound rage, smashing building upon building. Rengoku drew his sword but she was already running ahead of him. What are you doing!! Follow her!! He thought to himself and followed her protecting her flank.
She was almost too fast for him, she drew her sword and jumped up, leaving him on the ground to just watch, he was frustrated, but let her do her thing.
"Snow Breathing, First Form."
She drew the demons attention and swung her sword right into his neck, slashing it off with ease, the demons body turning blue at the base of the neck and then cracking until it fell to pieces on the ground.
"Poisonous snow storm."
She landed on her feet and sheathed her sword again. Rengoku's jaw dropped at her swift but powerful strength.
"Amiya!! That was amazing!!" He shouted, She looked back at him and rubbed her neck, "T-Thanks." He ran up to her and started waving his hands excitedly.
"Um- perhaps we should, head back to the corps property eh?" She said before he soon started talking over her a little too much.
"Right!!" He said and they made sure the villagers were okay before taking their leave. Rengoku only hoped that they would slowly become friends. He got along with everyone, but her? She was beautiful.
He wanted to know more about her, and he hoped he would with time. They made their way back to the property and he walked her to the gate.
"I live in the harsh mountains, I don't think it would be very smart for you to exactly, walk me home Rengoku-San." She spoke with a bit of laughter.
"Right!! Um- maybe we'll be paired up on another mission soon!" He boasted and crossed his arms over his chest. Amiya nodded, "Of course, I'll- see you when I see you Rengoku-San."
She said before walking down the path to start her way home.
"Farewell Amiya!! Be safe!!" He shouted and then booked it to tengen's estate to tell him how the mission went.
Snow Breathing Technique Guide
First Form: Poisonous Snow Storm
User jumps high from behind opponent and slashes weak spot, following the slash, small drips of wisteria and freezing water attach to opponents neck, which causes hypothermic symptoms and loss of blood flow to vital organs, which can cause explosions within arteries. Leading to apparent death.
@desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi @mysticalwombatdinosaur
Hai, just a lil drabble. What do you guys want to see next~?
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wyrmmaster · 3 years
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Kal’tsit: Alright.
Kal’tsit: How do we spin this?
Amiya: Training accident?
Kal’tsit: Makes us look incompetent, and we wouldn’t be this far away from Rhodes.
Amiya: Um... Ifrit did it?
Kal’tsit: She was with the Doctor and Silence last night.
Amiya: Wh-
Kal’tsit: They were watching Tangled.
Amiya, tearing up: Why didn’t they invite m-
Kal’tsit, bopping her with a clipboard:  Focus.
Amiya, wiping her eyes: Sorry. You’re right.
Both: Blaze got drunk.
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