#u wild thang
houndfaker · 4 months
Are mercury byte and pluto part of a story or are they more like standalone OCs? They're all super cool I'd love to hear more about their personalities if you've anything you'd like to share :]
iiiii. wrote so much in response to this forgive me.
they ARE part of a story that ive been on and off working on for a little while (development extremely slow and very 'this only makes progress when im REAAAALLY feeling it') to keep things loose given so much of it is still liable to change in development, its about robots fighting and exploring a world with autonomous machines living alongside organic life?
slipping most of this under a cut since im gonna be wordy
mercury is the protagonist, they were created by dr. lumen, a retired hero having sought to make something of a child that doubled as an aid/bodyguard for themselves in their old age. mercury quickly became much more than that as they became familiar with lumen's past as a hero and sought to take lumen's place as a local hero. mercury is relatively young and as a result is a little bit foolish and overconfident. they are extremely well-meaning and love to help people, but theyre also wrapped up in this desire to be adored as a hero and theyre going to have to contend with what parts of being a hero actually appeal to them, what they are capable of realistically and what compromises they'll have to make, and how to mature as a person. they're curious, excitable, and eager.
you didnt exactly Ask for these but i'll throw in funfacts for each character that i like to share
mercury curates a small collection of retro gaming tech; their favorite thing to collect is gameboys!
mercury also curates a physical library of their favorite music and they love dancing. They also often create tunes in their spare time. All of them use some sort of old game soundfont.
mercury has a small camera behind their head's lense! They use this for their photography hobby, and can open up/connect to a small port in the back of their head that lets them download the images/recordings onto a computer.
mercury does not verbally communicate (robots using verbal communication is common in this world) but is able to emit a variety of beeping sounds. (i actually have examples of what this sounds like as i had to create them for a bomb rush cyberfunk mod that puts mercury in the game!)
byte is mercury's adoptive sibling. he kinda has a 'born all alone in a wet cardboard box' thing going on; he's a half-baked computer program (programs are semi-corporeal, able to move between machinery and the real world) that was set for deletion but forgotten about so quickly that he winded up worming his way out of the computer he was made on! hes one of the very first individuals mercury saved after deciding they wanted to be a hero, getting rid of some feral virus entities that were intending to eat byte. merc had lumen smooth out byte's gnarly code and he wound up pretty much adopted afterward. he looks up to mercury but is also their little brother and is thus a little bastard about it. hes also loud, emotionally unstable, scares easy, and loyal to a fault.
surprisingly a huge fan of origami and does it to calm down from stressful situations. mercury keeps emergency folding papers for him in a compartment on their body.
he loves cartoons and animation and will ramble without a second thought if you watch something with him
pluto i have admittedly ironed out the most despite it being the most recent design of the trio, which means i have The Most context to give regarding it. it is the eventual deuteragonist, an old robot that was once a member of the story's main antagonistic faction, DEADSUN, a robot assassin group. pluto was initially built as the perfect champion of an unsanctioned robot fighting ring, but after being cheated out of its purpose, attacked and killed numerous participants, both organic and not, in a blind rage when no one would believe it. after this, it was scouted by a member of DEADSUN that had been observing it. not long into its time as a member of the group, though, it was deemed too reckless and untrainable, and it was forcibly deactivated and left in a basement of the group's headquarters at the time to be eventually used for scrap parts.
pluto was forgotten when DEADSUN transferred to different headquarters. the original base's site became a junkyard. after a planned story beat where mercury unleashes a burst of energy in that specific junkyard after losing the trail of an antagonist, the energy surges into the depths of the site and jumpstarts pluto back to life. it claws its way out of the abandoned facility and instantly tries to pick a fight with mercury because it wrongfully identifies them as a member of DEADSUN.
pluto is my favorite so far as you might be able to gather from the above. it is a machine with anger quite literally written into its soul. DEADSUN was intending to “tame” pluto in a sense. this backfires because pluto never regretted its previous actions. it never rejected its anger. it embraced it, owned what it was; a dangerous and powerful machine with no master. it still doesn’t regret what it is. it feels its reasons were justified. it expects people to be deterred from it when learning what it did and who it is, and therefore kept as few friends as possible. its blunt, rude, and doesn't take any shit. but at the same time, if it trusts you, its very personable and playful.
it likes skateboarding but due to its low capacity of patience it has snapped numerous boards and is always seen with a different one.
its feet are bendy; its able to jump really high and deliver kinda devastating kicks. its body is built to be pretty agile despite the bulk of its arms. it likes parkour and urban exploration.
its wholeheartedly accepted and even cared for by mercury and byte and lumen. without the strings attached for once. it hates mushy shit, but its grateful for them and shows that by being deeply protective.
and to cap this off i'll leave some misc doodles involving the trio. since ive poured my heart out regarding these three i might as well give a peek into their dynamic directly on the post yknow
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barebevil · 6 months
having a dilemma which relates to a piece of erotic fiction im currently writing and its that i cant tell if i am being confronted with the fact that i only know a limited amount of moves or if i simply need to accept that there just is but a finite amount of ways to say "she licked it" and move on
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yo whos samson. Im curious
this guy 👇 my motw ttrpg oc
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used to be a software developer and a normal guy with a wife and kid but then they got possessed/replaced with a monster so he killed them and ran off. Now he tries to avoid any mention or memory of the event of killing them and instead spends his time on reddit, 4chan, mmos, fixing up his computers, adding to his battlestation, sitting out in the louisiana sun, wishing he had a dog, working at a nearby gas station, having gay thoughts, etc etc.
more detailed info will eventually b on my toyhouse, but his artfight page is probably the most in depth rn
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wabblebees · 5 months
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It's my 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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nibbelraz · 4 months
binghe fights sqh and he gives no indication at being powerful or with martial ability. he realises his mistake in approach. sqh makes himself small, pathetic, and easy to bully so that he is underestimated and ignored. fighting a PERSON will only increase that. well thats fine. mobei he's gonna toss ur human into a deathmatch against beasts rq ok? u wanna watch? if he gets too out of his depth you can step in he wont stop you but he knows you ALSO want to know what that little THANG is capeable of. nature doc mobei and binghe watching sqh in some demon forest. the wild qinghua, pressured out of its natural habitat. without greater predators to form symbiotic relationships with he must fend for himself. there comes the sunburst scorpion tailed bear goat- we shall soon see how the qinghua- OH HOLY SHIT HE RIPPED ITS HEAD OFF MOBEI YOUR SCRUNKLY RIPPED ITS GODDAMN HEAD OFF
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He didn't know he was capable of it either
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01zfan · 3 days
sungchan is such a deer and it drives me crazy how so many astrology accs suggest he might have a possessive nature, i can picture him being so insistent on eye contact during sexy time and probing you with questions in that patronising, teasing tone about how much you love him or how much you like it and he would prolly die if you reassured him without him having to ask, told him how good n strong he is, the confidence spike would really make him go insane can you imagine his eyes??? a mix between blown-out and wild, they’re so beautiful and brown too oh my god 🦌
thinking about a sungchan that knows you’re getting bold behind your dirty texts and nasty promises you make in your time apart. he’s busy so you guys can’t spend time together and you try to punish him by talking about all the things you would do to him if he was with you.
he knows your cockiness is purely because you’re hiding behind a screen. sex with sungchan always ends with him taking charge and always ends with you barely hanging on. suddenly the girl that can barely last a minute on top is saying she’s gonna ride him till the sun comes up??? but when he video calls you you’re stammering or acting like you never said those things in the first place. sungchan asks if he can come over just to see your eyes widen in panic. but sungchan knows you have appearances to keep up so you try to be nonchalant and say yes.
fast forward an hour you’re whining on top of sungchan talking about how your legs burn. he’s asking you about your week and mundane things just to show you how incapable you are of keeping it together. you only mumble or whine in response to his questions. the WAYYY he would look at you if you started pouting and stopped completely. he’d be so smug “i thought you were going to ride me all night? you barely lasted a minute?” “you said you were gonna look at me the whole time right?” “aren’t you gonna do all that stuff you said you were gonna do over text?” “you want me to do all the work so bad, don’t you.”
sungchan would instantly start doing his thang if you got all pouty and told him he is stronger than you and has more stamina. after that it’d be GAME OVAAAA.
this is so anything 4 u couple coded…i fear i want to make this into a full fic
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hellonearthtoday · 2 months
3, 5, 7, 14
Thank you 😌I needed a break from this damn drawing
3. Who is your favorite character outside the main 7?
This is kind of harddd man 😭 born to say Cherry forced to say Curly. Cherry's a character that we actually saw more of, but I have this idea of Curly in my head that's so perfect to me...he's like half my oc...I'm superrr attached to Cherry but I do have to be real w myself cuz whenever I see Curly's name mentioned in any fic or any post it's like a wild lion sighting i get sooo hype
5. What are your favorite ships?
this is NOT hard. My favorite ship is purly I'm an evil purly shipper. I don't typically do shipping because I'm that aroace who is romance repulsed not just for myself but in the media I consume too, but idk something about their dynamic I've half made up in my head abt them...I guess I just really like the dynamic of 2 bros who are friends who might also fall in love We dont know
MARBIT. I really like couples who just giggle together. Couples who justtt rock w eachotherrr something about them....Also they got that forbidden love thing going on and idk the power of laughter could save them. But other than that I'm a platonic power ranger
7. What are your fave non-romantic relationships? (This can be close friends, familial, enemies or even just acquaintances)
This thang is about to get so long. I love non romantic relationships sooo bad I'm romance's biggest hater.
TBH can i say purly here too....they got a friends to lovers thing going on I'll shut up abt them for once this time though.
Johnny and Pony are really the best friends ever, and my idea of them might be fandom crutched more than what's shown in canon, but It don't matter anyway that book came out a bajillion years ago.
Johnny and Dally. I know the jally nation is huge and unstoppable and I can kindaaa see where you're coming from even w how I am...but in my head they aren't brotherly or romantic they're a secret third thing. No labels no nothing. They have something that none of us can touch and it's not romantic to me but they're tgt in every universe
Dally and Ponyboy idk they're funny to me. Like 2 cats put into a fighting ring and one is evil and one just want to sleep and go home idk
CHERRY AND PONYBOY I START CHEWING ON THE WALLS WHEN I SEE THEM PIT AGAINST EACHOTHER IN FICS OR WHEN CHERRY IS BARELY THERE goddd i msis them so much there's something so special to me about an opposite sex friendship that prevails even though it's not seen as a normal thing people do at the time.
14. Tell us five of your headcanons you basically see as canon
POC shepards. It's just kind of real man. I like seeing all the different versions the fandom comes up with but they're a black latino family to me <3
Johnny and Curly hating each other so bad. I think it's the funniest thing ever. Especially if they just don't like eadchother solely off of vibes ...or Curly doesn;t like Johnny bcz Johnny doesn't like him and he's like wtf 😕
It's never said outright but Johnny has anxiety disorder to me.
Ponyboy has low empathy and he just does things out of the kindness of his heart and not bcz "treat people how u want to be treated" bcz whatever LOL! he's autistic to me whatt who said that
PB talks really casually but also somehow rlly awkwardly, and u think he's just chill like that but he's just autistic. He could hate your ass but he talks like some unsocialized forest nymph so you dont know bcz he sounds so docile
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
first thanks for acknowledging not every m/f pairing is het, I know most of the people who refer to them as het are not being mean-spirited, and I know how hetnormative our society is, but some people are really weird about bi/pan people... second, I feel like no one submitted Ruby x Sapphire from the pokemon manga and I'm sad 🥲
yr welcome :] ya part of my agenda here is to get ppl used tl saying m/f and not het/straight, one of those thangs i’m determined to get modern fandom to drop. you feel me. you get it. most ppl here get it. ppl who are weird abt it are free to leave
also thank u for clarifying pokemon…. we rly only got jesse/james nommed (& i think an ash ship. i don’t want to take a wild guess. fear for my life etc) so it’s nice to see others mentioned :]
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
hi it's me. bulletpoints
job has concluded! barring sudden expansion on the project I think that's gonna be it for my work here. six character cards in total! this leads to
wrists are bit fucked. I'll be putting that thang (creen tablet) in da closet again for at least a month while trying to hold as few heavy objects as possible for the time being
why one month deadline? well it's bc I made an artfight account. I'm fucking doing it this year on god I'll kick anyone's ass I'll kick my own ass. I'll post a link to my acc a week or so before the event starts, meanwhile I'll keep updating my roster and cleaning up this cardboard box I arrived at their door in. do u guys have a spare pair of suspenders I have a really funny joke to make
will be doing it on the creen tablet, unless I make enough to get a new graphic tablet that works with SAI2 inbetween. on that note
ink comms should come back sometimes next week babeyy I need to get back into da groove! miss my G pen it feels like I was close to something last time. I wanna get back to it. but also
I'm writing a fic now. tis the season it seems this happened last year too. but I'll try my best to not disappear off the face of the earth for 3 months running again lol I'll do my best to pace myself, since this is gonna be one of the heftier writing things.
sk8 people and another very specific subset of people will be pleased to know it's a sk8 Real Steel AU. if this means nothing to u carry on. have a good day. to the five people still here I'll probably be brainposting abt writing this so don't be surprised if that comes up here and there
circling back a bit I'm currently 120 USD away from the graphic tablet I wanna get, so that'll be what the ink comms are going toward. otherwise if u enjoy my art and have a spare doller to buy the baku a coffee I'd absolutely appreciate ur support! not mandatory but I'll definitely be very thankful! especially bc
I'll probably phase out the redbubble store some time in the future. at the very least I'll probably stop uploading new things on there while looking for alternative. ohh baby they are doing some wild shit and I want off the ride please. please
but yeah. that's the current plan for things. I've accepted that comics happen when they want to, and I have faith they still want to see the sunlight some time this year. meanwhile we keep busy keep training keep recovering! thank u for ur patience. have a good night take this sharp object
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mugenloopdalove · 2 months
💕s/i ask game for theil!
1, 2, 15, 16 and bonus 11 because i love fashion!!
- 🦊
1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
their name is theil and i. havent rlly chosen a bday for them esp bc id need to Really Look at a dnd calendar and think for hours sldkjfdsj but i feel like they were a winter baby :3, theyre 5'3 (~160 cm), a tiefling wild magic sorcerer, and a Menace.
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
right at the Canon Tav Start!!! tho i have a lot of backstory for them before that hehehe
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
theyre the Protagonist!! big journey, save the world, look good doing it, worsen ur mental illness. u know.
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
theil has a massive sweet tooth!! they will even eat sweets instead of actual food (the party makes sure they dont do this)
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
OH BOY let me see what ive got stashed in my screenshot collection bc ive done a lot of outfits. im actually gonna put em under a cut lksdjf. itll be in order of how i changed em
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(i just rlly like that mizora screenshot so. camp outfit so nice you see it twice)
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(put those thangs away theil!!!)
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rpfisfine · 8 months
1, 13, 15 for the music asks!
HEYYYYYY JO thank u sm!!! 🐬
1. who is the first artist you remember loving?
manu chao!!! and a slovak chanson singer called hana hegerová
13. do you have a favorite genre or dabble in it all?
i would say dabble in it all because I do consciously try to always be expanding my music taste as much as i can but im gonna keep it real with everyone even despite my best efforts at the end of the day i pretty much stick to everything that is I think most commonly labeled as alternative or modern rock but im a HUGE rap/hip hop fan (both old school and experimental and west & east coast) and i rly enjoy psychedelic genres as well
15. who is the most underrated artist in your opinion?
it’s definitely gotta be this artist called cullah. ive been a fan of him for abt 7-8 years now but he’s still insanely unpopular and the reason im recommending him is not because i think there’s even like a 5% chance he’s ever gonna reach anything close to mainstream popularity but just because I think it’s genuinely criminal that the side of tumblr who listens to weird (not like tally hall & lemon demon weird but actually things with strange ass sounds and lyrics) music would definitely appreciate his insane creativity and what he’s got going on in general. He’s definitely not for everyone i don’t even think i could really compare him to anyone bc i don’t remember ever having heard anything that would remind me of his style and tbh hes got a lot of borderline idiosyncratic stinkers for sure but his album ‘cullah the wild’ is incredible and fun and really accessible. im gonna put his spotify description here for anyone who’s interested bc i doubt I’m gonna do a better job of explaining what his thang is but just look at this shit
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clarenecessities · 5 months
idk who wow toons is but you blinked so nicely asking for asks so: 🧠 what do you like most about this thang
anon i want you to know i laughed out loud at this like a goober <3 thank you vm
i have absolutely no idea why, but 'toons' are what you call different characters on world of warcraft.
in the interest of not Drowning mobile users i'm putting most of them under a readmore but these are my three favs! sétanta, his mom seidrin, and seidrin's brother ulfhedrinn.
the thing i like most about wow toons is you can literally do whatever the fuck you want :) seidrin and ulfedrinn are children of the canonical Wild God (who came back recently! yippee!) Goldrinn, who's an enormous wolf spirit that loves being badass. so those two are technically also wolf spirits who have troll & orc visages respectively
sétanta was my first toon, he's my little baby boy. his dad is a priest of elune (who Goldrinn thinks is a pushover liberal and has no respect for) so he doesn't have a wolf spirit form/visage situation, he's just kind of recreated the worgen curse wholesale. it's awesome. and i can do what i want :) he's not like the other werewolves. he's specifically cursed.
ulfhedrinn is newer but i kind of love him. his visage is technically a Mok'Nathal orc (they're part ogre) (like Rexxar, who's literally Darkwolf from Fire and Ice) but for some reason the game won't let you do "hybrids" with "unplayable races" so whatever u know. whatever. he reproduced asexually by mixing his dna with some demon blood, which is highly inadvisable, but he was like "um no son of mine is going to be so fucking weak that Sargeras could corrupt his mind" and he was right. his son Galdrulf is basically a demon hunter (the class, not like, professionally) and sooooo fucking stupid. but he's good at fighting and loves being a badass, so he's a credit to the pack <3
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scattered-winter · 5 months
ao3 wrapped !!
I've seen a few people doing this and thought I'd jump on the train lmao
1: how many words have you written this year?
uh. um. 319,614 lmfaooo
2: how many works did you publish this year?
just 5!! it's been a slow posting year but I have a LOT of WIPs I was working on in the meantime lmao
3: what work are you most proud of, regardless of kudos/hits?
bound like quintenary stars, without a doubt. it's the largest scale project I've ever done, and it's really forced me to grow as a writer
4: what work of yours has the most hits?
hold onto me has over 15k hits which is still WILD to me lmfao. if only i could write an update to that thang. and if we're talking just this year, then it's buckley siblings and their terrible, awful, no good very bad first dates at almost 3k
5: favorite title you used?
DEFINITELY buckley siblings and their terrible, awful, no good very bad first dates. i read that book as a kid and i think i'm hilarious
6: what artist have you pulled lyrics from the most:
probably bastille. tbh
7: pairing that you wrote the most for this year:
buddie LMAO. of the 5 fics i posted this year, 3 of them are buddie. I'm not counting quintenary stars in this because as of right now it's still mostly genfic and the romance won't come in until much further down the line
8: favorite pairing you wrote for this year:
only a few people know this but I wrote a LOT of adashi. I'm working on a side piece for quintenary stars that focuses on them pre-kerberos, and there are also a handful of adashi-adjacent aus i've been working on including leverage, agents of shield, and rwby. i'm obsessed with them lowkey
9: what work was the quickest to write?
walking out into the dark, cutting out a different path, led by a beating heart was uh. well. i wrote it in a matter of hours in a haze of mental illness in between the promo for 911 s6e11 and the actual episode dropping later that night. for those of you who don't have the context, a character got struck by lightning and subsequently was lingering on the threshold of death in episode 10, and when the promo for 11 dropped we realized there was going to be a coma dream episode in which the character would experience what should have been his Perfect Life but without all the things that led him to where he was, he never would have had an impact on his friends and family, and there would have been disastrous consequences. I distinctly remember skipping out on an entire day of classes because I was writing this fic LMFAO. and to this day I'm still very proud of it. incredible things come from sheer insanity it seems
10: what work took you longest to write?
seeing as quintenary stars is still ongoing, I'll say you're such a heavenly view. i had just watched prince caspian (again) and was feeling insane (as per usual) but it still took FOREVER to get this thang finished </3
11: what's your longest fic of the year?
quintenary stars is currently sitting pretty on 221,491, making it my longest piece of writing ever. which is pretty cool and also kinda scary because bro. bro i have no idea where these words are coming from
12: what's your shortest fic of the year?
buckley siblings !! it was short and sweet. angst and whump. u guys know what i like
13: favorite character you wrote this year?
oogh...i LOVED writing peter's pov in you're such a heavenly view. i actually would love to write more narnia fic someday. and i also love writing in pidge's pov in quintenary stars she is LITERALLY just like me fr
14: what's one pairing you want to explore more next year?
HEITH. i'm not putting them in quintenary stars but BOY do i want to explore their dynamic. and i am also always down for more caspeter
15: how many kudos in total did you get this year?
16: which work has the most comments?
quintenary stars! which statistically makes sense to me because it's a multichapter and the others this year are oneshots. but the fic that has the most comments overall is hold onto me
17: did you do any collaborative works this year?
nothing posted on ao3, but there was a lot of collaboration going on behind the scenes! the voltron leverage au in particular is a pretty elaborate project @frigidboy and i are working on together, and he's also been my soundboard for a lot of quintenary stars stuff. I've also been collaborating with various members of The Groupchat (@dauntingday, @soleadita, @xandromedan, @moonlightperseus) on various ongoing projects and aus including but not limited to some rwby aus with day, red and 13 stuff with leo, COUNTLESS aus, ocs, and wips with mads, and some leverage stuff with abby. I've also made some zombie apocalypse ocs with @0xy--m0r0n. and there are probably more things I've collabed with people on but I FORGOR </3
18: what's your most common category?
gen and m/m !! I tend to lean more gen with just a touch of romance most of the time, but more often than not my oneshots will be more explicitly romance
19: what do you listen to while writing?
it varies, but most of the time it will be some kind of orchestral/instrumental music. I have a list of favorite compilations on youtube from hans zimmer and some other favorites that I rotate through, and I also have some playlists on spotify for when I'm not as picky. it also depends on what I'm writing at the time: if I'm writing quintenary stars, I will usually go straight to the voltron soundtrack (or other space sci fi like interstellar or gravity) just because I need a specific vibe. and if I'm writing a battle scene, sometimes I'll pull up another tab and put some space battle ambience over the music, too
20: favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
oh god there are SO many favorites. but probably in the coma dream buck fic (walking out into the dark) when I used imagery to draw a connection to the Shooting Scene. like of all the literary things I've pulled over the years I think that one is hands down my favorite
"Shit's crazy here, man," Danny said as he stepped up to the sink beside Evan. "Did you know there was a sniper a few months ago? Some crazy cop was shooting firefighters out in the streets." A chill ran down Evan's spine, coldness settling in the bottom of his gut. Danny turned on the faucet. Water splashed in the bottom of the sink, flung up and out.  Droplets splattered across Evan's face. "Damn," Evan murmured, raising a shaking hand to wipe it away. "Was anyone killed?" "One was," Danny said offhandedly. "He got shot right after a call, middle of the street. Nobody even saw it coming.” Evan was shaking, all over his body. Danny just kept going, like he didn’t even notice. “His team was trapped by the sniper and by the time they got him pulled out, it was too late.” Stay there! I’m coming to you! “The news said his name was Diaz. Eddie Diaz." Evan dropped the plate he was holding. Shards of ceramic flew in every direction, pinpricks of pain prickling at his legs and bare feet. Gunshot in the street. Blood splattered on his face. Asphalt against his cheek. Are you hurt? "Evan?" Danny was looking at him, brows furrowed together. "Are you okay?" Evan swallowed, took in a shaky breath, nodded. He bent and began to gently gather the broken shards in his palm, but something made him pause. "Huh." "What?" Danny was looking at him like he was crazy. "I'm not bleeding." And he wasn't. His legs and feet were untouched; smooth, unmarred skin where only seconds before, he'd been so certain he'd felt cuts. "That's weird," Danny said, before shoving a broom in Evan's hands. "Your mess, your job. You get to finish the dishes."
overall that whole fic was just. probably some of my best work I think. I'm so proud of it fr
21: biggest surprise while writing this year?
i was NOT expecting quintenary stars to get as much engagement as it's been getting!! i feel like everyone's kinda trying to forget voltron ever existed (understandable) so i didn't think there would be much of an audience for it. but there is!!! and i love you guys!!!!!
TAGGING IF U WANNA DO THIS TOO: ppl i've already tagged above, plus @scorchedhearth, @ anyone else who wants to do it !! I'm so sorry I am totally blanking on mutuals/followers/friends who are also writers so if u see this and want to, consider urself tagged !!
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ocglaze · 1 year
Hi! Finally making a pinned post for this danm thang LOL
This blog is for my ocs or posts that remind me of my ocs! Sometimes I'll accidentally reblog a post meant for my main @ceaselessbeholder here, but most of the time I'll just leave it
I cannot stress enough how much I acidentally rb normal posts to this blog without noticing. Maybe their about my ocs u dont know.... leave me alone 😒🤨🪲
Tags are #my unfortunate art, #my unfortunate ocs, #annoying tag and #[character name], all of which are self-explanatory methinks ☆
I also have tags like #the disappearance of William Crown, but those are grouping tags.
My newest one is RETURN TO DISCO HELL, an arg I . Dreamed. Its about gay furries and peace and love and most importantly the immortal power of DISCO!!!!
☆The exception to this is Delphi, who you can be as weird about as you want. Go wild idc.*
(*"Go wild idc" is an exaggeration. Dont push it.)
☆Ermmmm I hate proshippers. Get off my blog lol
☆You can request any oc art!
☆Yes, that includes YOUR OC! I love drawing other people's ocs! <3 Go wild!
☆This blog is mostly doodles and stupid posts so if you don't like that get awf lol <3
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☆My prns are he/she use Mr or Ms idc
☆Oh right and my name is Jonah lol
☆ Some epick older art x x x x x
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Okay byeeee! <3
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genderfluideadpool · 2 years
intro for the thang. hello my name is Link or Marc. He/him agender. I am very adhd and my hyper fixations rn are moon knight, marvel in general but in a gay way, and archeology.
interests i like a normal amount are breaking bad and the other two, breath of the wild, undertale, sonic 2, avatar the last air bender, out flag means death, house md, umbrella acedemy, saiki k, supernatural, and doctor who.
I like making sexuality, gender, and agere headcanons and i like giving characters disability rep.
If u want me to do agere headcanons for characters, just ask i would love to talk about all my little ideas.
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moss-flesh · 1 year
ahhh tell me about Aila's eating habits and what calms her down after a bad day?
AHH I started answering this then got distracted SORRY !!! ily thanku for asking viper!!! also this is ?? so long i just kept typing im sorry im gonna make this small font coz god damn
(sort of a tw for disordered eating just a bit)
but when she was in the circle and a little bit after, she had a big food problem? in the circle i feel like the food they served was not very good nor nutritious and over time she just got use to barely eating it. but also it was a control thing for her. she hates feeling out of control and i guess in a weird way it was kind of like ‘okay they can give me this but i decide how much i eat it and when’ and that wasnt often.
it changed for a bit coz for a while she was able to work in the kitchens ! which she loved a lot cos she does genuinely love food. and she loved what she helped make so she ate it. and also she was just happier so it was easier for her to want and enjoy it. she had access to the better stuff that they served the templars and often snacked on it. i feel like the circle would usually serve a gruel type thang with old gross ingredients to the mages like idk maybe im circle and chantry phobic but it feels logical they would save the best food for the templars to keep them strong and the mages weaker. or even if its not a conscious thing it happens.
but anyway stuff happens that im unsure if i wanna talk about but she wrongly loses her job in the kitchens and her habits get bad again.
BUT BUT when she leaves the circle she really starts to enjoy cooking and eating again. she loves cooking for alistair and everyone else, even tho she acts like shes just doing it coz she is the best cook so duh she has to cook. she loves fresh fruits and veg, and meat. she wants to try seafood instead of freshwater fish from lake calenhad even tho that was her fave in the circle coz it was the freshest.
but anyway when she leaves the circle, she genuinely saves most of her money for yes gear and other supplies but she tries her HARDEST to get the best food she can on the road. she snacks on bread and cheese and dried fruit all the time. though she wasnt exactly rich growing up before the circle. she was decently well off but for the millionth time her dad was living his noble fantasy life(even tho he shoulda been spending money on more important things) he usually had very good food served(mostly for his own pleasure). so she always had a taste for well cooked food. im rambling anyway my brain feels so proud of her tbh for growing in that aspect and learning feel free in her eating habits. my beby<3
ANYWAY !! after a bad day my bitch loves to read, bitch loves to study. in the circle shed just distract herself by constantly learning and it just calms her so well. after leaving the circle she continues this, but she finds so much comfort in alistair its wild. she loves a cuddle, even if she doesnt admit it. she loves to look at the stars, and she loves a hot tea. she is kind of bad at realizing when shes stressed or overstimulated. she will be on the verge exploding and ali will be like “should i make u some tea? u seem frustrated my dear” shes like “oh… i am frustrated ur right. lol.” alis like “yeah :) <3 want me to get out ur journals?” shes like “okay… but also come here im cold” CUDDLE COMMENCE! hot tea commence !
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