#tym ask
automatonknight · 9 months
tell me more.. about the fisher oc concept I'm very intrigued :0c
ok so!!! he'd be called the angler (as for a legitimate name idk, maybe stanisław or tadeusz? don't think i'm going to give him a surname since i technically don't need to, but angler is fine as a name too i think). idk, in my head he's this grumpy but level-headed old guy that just wants to fish for god's sake, now that i'm thinking about it i have no clue why he'd end up being hired as a mercenary but let's say we'll figure it out along the way. or not
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^onto more thought-out things, here's an initial concept for him and a doodle i did just now, which is i think closer to how i want him to look. he'll probably have a team colored rain jacket, and black waders. and the lure earrings i mentioned but only on one ear since the other is torn. maybe i'll give him gloves maybe not. onto weapons since that is also something i thought about. so for the primary, my first thought was a giant fish hook (kind of like what sanford has going on in madcom), but i don't know if i won't make it an anchor on a rope/chain, which is absurd but also it's like. tf2 so i might get a little silly with it. i was also thinking of a harpoon gun but i think he's more of a melee guy. for a secondary i was thinking a needle gun, which i have no reasoning for other than it suits him. and for a, in his case, smaller melee, a gutting knife. not sure about the emblem yet but i'll probably make it a hook
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sygneth · 2 months
wdym "łódź mentioned" czy mój ulubiony artysta jest z łodzi??? jest z miasta, w którym m i e s z k a m ? ? ? ?
waiiitt whattttt mam fanów w moim własnym mieście???? :o Jestem zaszczycony 😳
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Widziałam twój reblog o języku polskim, nie wiem co dokładnie studiujesz, ale jeśli to coś z jezykowawstwa języka obcego albo filologia języka obcego to możliwe, że będziesz mieć zajęcia z gramatyki kontrastywnej czyli porównywane dwóch języków i tam możesz liznąć trochę fonetyki języka polskiego
Lingwistykę stosowaną!
Ooo nie miałam o tym pojęcia! Szczerze, bardzo na to liczę, mam nadzieję że gdziekolwiek będzie to wspomniane przynajmniej mimochodem. Patrzyłam na zajęcia filologii polskiej i logopedii m.in., ale wygląda na to że w ogóle nie funkcjonuje u nas taki przedmiot jak fonetyka języka polskiego. A mimo wszystko im więcej się uczę o obcych fonetykach, tym bardziej sobie myślę, że polski pod tym względem musi być bardzo ciekawy...
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shklovsky · 10 months
graduated (again)
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lesboguy-moved · 3 months
Noże nadal aktualne?
noże zawsze aktualne
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lexihowardhoney · 3 months
ja tłumączacx w 2065 moim wnukom geniusz shipu wokulski x wąsowska, wiedząc że wcale nie takim związkiem się zakończyła lalka:
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ferdydurke · 1 year
ten poprzedni ask made me think, i myślę że transowość (i queerowość ogólnie) jest bardzo gombrowiczowska, nawet niezależnie od tego co myślałby o niej sam gombrowicz - kwestionowanie i przełamywanie narzuconych nam ról, transformacja, zacieranie granic, tworzenie własnych zasad i własnej tożsamości, jednocześnie obnażając normy społeczne jako arbitralne i ograniczające - z tego co słyszałam o gombrowiczu, sam nie lubił być określany jakimiś kategoriami, czy to politycznymi, czy dotyczącymi jego orientacji
Oj tak, na pewno!
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Generalnie ta negocjacja "siebie" ze społeczeństwem... no i gęba oczywiście. The main thing i think is - cis people and trans people are really the same thing, as my favourite saying goes, cis people are a type of trans person that got really popular. So a book interrogating the ways in which society is fake and the ways in which that fakeness is real is gonna be relatable to trans and gay (who ofc are also trans in a way- inherenrly deviating from what in out society "man" and "woman" should look like) people. Bycie trans to tak samo "gęba" jak bycie cis czy hetero czy homo, i to jakim "typem" osoby zostaniesz po coming oucie to też wszytko... Dla mnie ferdydurke jest też o tej bezsilności w tym wszystkim i w odnalezieniu się w tym...w tym że się nigdy do końca nie odnajdujemy... w byciu osobą która nigdy nie będzie tym prawdziwym "kimś" bo tak naprawdę wszystko czym możemy być jest określane przez innych, okropne i piękne w pewien sposób.
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Ta transformacja właśnie jest kluczem, chęć, odwaga i możliwość żeby uciec od siebie w coś innego... mnie zawsze wzrusza to rozmarzenie które miętus czuje, też pewnie po części bo ten piękny audiobook na yt słuchałem i lektor to tak sprzedaje...
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lured-into-wonderland · 5 months
the coyote trots into his home after a rough day of work ensuring a client's safety through one of the more harsh neighborhoods of the city, his back riddled with holes, the remains of his commitment towards the safety of the client and his dedication of ensuring so. his jacket is taken off, revealing the crimson-stained dress-shirt, the metallic stench still lingering despite the wounds had already been healed during his walk back home. shoulder-slung handgun holster, complete with the heavy piece of iron is hung on the same hanger with his coat. almost expectantly, Nunnally comes rushing to greet Khaz after he was seemingly home much later than he had initially anticipated and estimated, surely an accident and not wanting to Nunnally to worry her poor, little head for his welfare. a rare sight for her, the coyote offers her a reassuring smile that he was fine, the scar at the corner of his lips stretching with the friendly expression.
"-sorry fer' makin' a trend out of this, I promise it's not on purpose. jus' got some piss-poor luck sometimes." a hearty, yet quieted chuckle rumbles tenderly through his chest. "say, how about I put on some coffee and we take the day to relax? I need a few days t' cool down and was thinkin' about spending time with someone with a certain someone."
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She is sitting on the sofa, seemingly reading a book, but Nunnally is not able to focus on it. It is more like idly flipping the pages. Khaz is late. Again. She should have gotten used to it by now, but she didn’t. She is listening to clock ticking, her mind painting the worst scenarios in front of her eyes, she's waiting for the so-desired sound of they key unlocking the door. Finally, it is! The door opens. She rushes to the door not sure if she’s more in the mood to hug him or scold him.
Whatever she intended to say or do, it all vanishes upon seeing the blood stains on his shirt: --
“Khaz…” – his name slips her lips, but she just cannot find herself being an additional burden for him. Nunnally reciprocates his smile, stretching out her small hand towards him, her long digits gently caressing his cheek – “Welcome home. I…I’ve been waiting for you…” – she quietly listens to his explanation. He should quit his job. It’s not worth it.
“That’s okay…” – she says although it isn’t; it should become easier for her, but it only gets worse – “But it seems there were others who had even worse day…” – Nunnally attempts to joke, but she’s aware it’s rather a poor one. She kisses his cheek, gently, quickly, shyly. But his words fills her heart with joy: --
“I’ll put the kettle on and prepare some coffee…if you like. You can change…or take a shower.” – her eyes wander onto his gun. She shivers, she doesn’t like it; she never did like guns. She sighs deeply, taking his arm and pressing her small head onto his shoulder; her hair a mess – “It sounds great Khaz…We need some peaceful time…together. You need to rest.” – she underlines ‘you’ and ‘rest', though Nunnally is aware Khaz will not listen to her. She should rest, too, but she'd not think about her own needs. She never does.
“There’s a winter fair downtown. We could go and see the lights…or simply stay at home and enjoy a movie together.” – she guides him inside to the living-room. The light is dim, but Nunnally prefers it that way. A cup with already cold tea. The blanket on the floor. The forgotten book. These little signs of her nervousness from just a few moments ago. So similar surrounding every time he’s late.
She’s just about to disappear in the kitchen. But just before she’s to enter there, she stops. Her head and shoulders fell down: --
“…have you ever thought to quit…?” – her voice is less than a whisper.
“I apologize, Khaz. I really do.” – she’s quick to withdraw; Nunnally finally disappears. No-one promised it would be easy. But no-one warned it would be that difficult either.
Though she doesn’t want to leave. She’ll stay.
“Would you like some cookies to go with the coffee…?” – she tries to make her voice sound cheerful. Casual. As if he didn't just come back with bloody stains. She can pretend he didn't. She's good at pretending. Usually. But not today...?
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chuuyrr · 1 year
hey chu! i hope you’re doing well now that school is somewhat done! (つ_-*)。οΟ
how about 10 and 33 for your asks?
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ what do you wish you hated, but actually like?
um, academic validation? HELP HSJEKDJSK ok but hear me out. i wish i hated it, because it's not ok, but the thing is, i kinda live for it. i secretly like the praise i'd receive for doing well in school, but i wish i hated it because it does take a toll on me in the sense that i tend to get real upset with myself when i mess up or something (๑-﹏-๑) . . .
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ do you have any strange fears?
hmm, i don't think i have any strange fears. given how i only have fear of insects which i think is common and not strange at all. i'm scared of those nasty little cockroaches (especially the ones that fly) and spiders, and i'm scared of big moths, like big, big, moths and not itty bitty, and hairy caterpillars ... like, the ones that look fluffy 💔
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ ask game !
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appalachy · 8 months
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How i sleep after coming back from my 12 hrs shift at work after just standing there not being able to hold a simple convo and not talking to anybody anyway nc no one there likes me 😍
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villanevehaus · 1 year
hi!!!! cat anon here https://pin.it/6kMegz5
Question: what was/is your favorite villaneve au you have written? And how do you deal with critique of your work
Okay goodbye 🫡 https://pin.it/57RHcen
this is what i assume it feels like to be asked which of your children is your favourite child wtf how could you do this to me. i think i have a soft spot for My Sweet Girl tho ngl, i had a lot of fun playing with the formatting and nelle's mindset during her psychosis- and i looooove My Sweet Girl eve <3333
i am very very very fortunate to have gotten more positive feedback over critique, which i think is (in fic specifically) due to properly tagging work? if i tag eve undone with "pregnancy", people who don't want to read works with pregnancy in them wont come across them and i wont get comments about how they don't like that it's in the work- same with relationships that aren't villaneve. similarly with "slow slow burn", if you leave a comment 100k in about how they haven't gotten together yet, that's kind of on you at that point.
i think in more of a general sense tho i have been through 4 years of art school critiques including written work so im kinda used to it! i know what makes good crit and what doesn't and then how/if to work with it
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lengthofropes · 2 years
Hi Anz!! 10 & 12 ♥️
hi Lauren! omgg I fell asleep yesterday and forgot to answer nfhfhhfhdh!!! XD
10. what’s something you’re excited for? -im gonna finally see a few close friends on Thursday! they came back to Kyiv recently, and I just can't waittt!!!
12. how are you? - not bad, all things considering) I made four jars of jam today, and gonna make some more tomorrow. it's like a new hobby or what??
ask me some
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sapphire11 · 2 years
Looking forward to your 3x04 fic! 🤍 Also: Shaking hands & Seizures?
Hey Anon!!! Thank you so much!! I love 3x04 and am excited to be writing my first fic for it. 💛 In case you missed it, I talk a little more about it in this ask here
Oooh Whumptober: Shaking hands & Seizures - this one is some TK whump, worried Carlos, married Tarlos.
I don't really know how to talk much about this one without spoiling it 😬 But here is a tiny snippet that I do have ...
TK blinks up at him as tears leak out of the corners of his eyes. “It hurt so bad,” he admits.
“Okay, can you make it to the car or do I need to call 911.” Carlos’ voice is still steady, but even in his state TK hears the fear, he can see the way Carlos glances frantically around the room, before pulling his phone out of his pocket. 
TK rocks back and forth a few times, his pain muddled brain flashing through all the possibilities that he researched earlier and how he’s feeling now to decide if an attempt at getting to the car is a good idea. The decision is taken away from him when Carlos gently squeezes the back of his neck and even as careful as the touch is it still causes a muffled cry to burst free as he falls onto his side on the bed.
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platinummice · 2 years
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I know quality is gonna be bad but here are some pictures i took :)
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emlos · 11 months
How was Pyrkon?
oh a fellow pyrkon enjoyer!! it was great, i met some punks from my city, and took some pics with dd cosplayers (under the cut!)
im planning to actually cosplay paracelsus next year so keep your eyes peeled!
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ferdydurke · 7 months
chce tylko powiedzieć że miałam dzisiaj na historii filmu gabinet dr caligari i pierwsze o czym pomyślałam to ten fancam który zrobiłeś……..
(nie wiem czy to się wysłało wcześniej bo dostaje error więc sorry jakby to się wysłalo 3 razy)
Hehe cieszę się :P powinni byli pokazać na wykładzie jako supplementary material
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