#i am missing khaz
lured-into-wonderland · 6 months
the coyote trots into his home after a rough day of work ensuring a client's safety through one of the more harsh neighborhoods of the city, his back riddled with holes, the remains of his commitment towards the safety of the client and his dedication of ensuring so. his jacket is taken off, revealing the crimson-stained dress-shirt, the metallic stench still lingering despite the wounds had already been healed during his walk back home. shoulder-slung handgun holster, complete with the heavy piece of iron is hung on the same hanger with his coat. almost expectantly, Nunnally comes rushing to greet Khaz after he was seemingly home much later than he had initially anticipated and estimated, surely an accident and not wanting to Nunnally to worry her poor, little head for his welfare. a rare sight for her, the coyote offers her a reassuring smile that he was fine, the scar at the corner of his lips stretching with the friendly expression.
"-sorry fer' makin' a trend out of this, I promise it's not on purpose. jus' got some piss-poor luck sometimes." a hearty, yet quieted chuckle rumbles tenderly through his chest. "say, how about I put on some coffee and we take the day to relax? I need a few days t' cool down and was thinkin' about spending time with someone with a certain someone."
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She is sitting on the sofa, seemingly reading a book, but Nunnally is not able to focus on it. It is more like idly flipping the pages. Khaz is late. Again. She should have gotten used to it by now, but she didn’t. She is listening to clock ticking, her mind painting the worst scenarios in front of her eyes, she's waiting for the so-desired sound of they key unlocking the door. Finally, it is! The door opens. She rushes to the door not sure if she’s more in the mood to hug him or scold him.
Whatever she intended to say or do, it all vanishes upon seeing the blood stains on his shirt: --
“Khaz…” – his name slips her lips, but she just cannot find herself being an additional burden for him. Nunnally reciprocates his smile, stretching out her small hand towards him, her long digits gently caressing his cheek – “Welcome home. I…I’ve been waiting for you…” – she quietly listens to his explanation. He should quit his job. It’s not worth it.
“That’s okay…” – she says although it isn’t; it should become easier for her, but it only gets worse – “But it seems there were others who had even worse day…” – Nunnally attempts to joke, but she’s aware it’s rather a poor one. She kisses his cheek, gently, quickly, shyly. But his words fills her heart with joy: --
“I’ll put the kettle on and prepare some coffee…if you like. You can change…or take a shower.” – her eyes wander onto his gun. She shivers, she doesn’t like it; she never did like guns. She sighs deeply, taking his arm and pressing her small head onto his shoulder; her hair a mess – “It sounds great Khaz…We need some peaceful time…together. You need to rest.” – she underlines ‘you’ and ‘rest', though Nunnally is aware Khaz will not listen to her. She should rest, too, but she'd not think about her own needs. She never does.
“There’s a winter fair downtown. We could go and see the lights…or simply stay at home and enjoy a movie together.” – she guides him inside to the living-room. The light is dim, but Nunnally prefers it that way. A cup with already cold tea. The blanket on the floor. The forgotten book. These little signs of her nervousness from just a few moments ago. So similar surrounding every time he’s late.
She’s just about to disappear in the kitchen. But just before she’s to enter there, she stops. Her head and shoulders fell down: --
“…have you ever thought to quit…?” – her voice is less than a whisper.
“I apologize, Khaz. I really do.” – she’s quick to withdraw; Nunnally finally disappears. No-one promised it would be easy. But no-one warned it would be that difficult either.
Though she doesn’t want to leave. She’ll stay.
“Would you like some cookies to go with the coffee…?” – she tries to make her voice sound cheerful. Casual. As if he didn't just come back with bloody stains. She can pretend he didn't. She's good at pretending. Usually. But not today...?
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untoterxhund · 4 months
also still no excuse really except for the same ol' trying to get myself financially stable and stuff BUT also had my 25th couple days back and oh boy, i am not excited for 30 at all if this is how i feel rn
but also also- been feeling bits and bops of khaz' muse bubble here and there but no big implosions of creativity or anything. still thinkin' of y'all and how much i genuinely do miss writing here like i used too.
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kenobihater · 8 months
WAIT i'm having blorbo thoughts about khaz and astarion... you see, khaz is a drow, right? a seldarine drow, but a drown nonetheless. he was born in menzoberranzan and his parents fled with him to waterdeep before he could be sworn to lolth. so, bottom line, he's a child of the darkness. it took him a good few months of squinting at sunlight to get used to the surface (ik d&d rules are that drow ALWAYS have sun sensitivity but i think that's stupid and am electing to ignore it), and he loves the surface and the brightness, he does, but a part of him almost misses the underdark. almost. because no matter how beautiful the location, the lolth worshippers suck shit in his opinion and aren't worth dealing with just bc he feels a little homesick at times.
astarion, on the other hand, has always lived on the surface and walked in the sun. well, until he was turned. then it was a life of shadows for him, whether he liked it or not. iirc, when shadowheart says the underdark is beautiful, he seems to agree and says he's used to a crypt's gloom, and that the underdark is "something else". so, despite missing the sun he finds beauty in the underdark AND love from one of its children. and i didn't plan it that way, but i'm honestly spinning the concept in my mind endlessly rn bc i adore the symmetry of it all
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theguardiandragon1 · 3 years
Fencing into the Heart
Breathe in. Breathe out. Deep breaths.
Akko exhaled as she steeled herself. This was it. The final moment. She held her fencing sword straight as she looked at her opponent. Diana Cavendish. One of the most world renowned fencers in the tournament and the one Akko needed to beat to win the championship and gain her school’s favor. She was so close, she could taste that trophy. She looked over her shoulder to see her friends in the stands cheering loudly at Akko to do well. She looked over at her opponent and felt her own throat tighten.
Must be the nerves.
It was the first time she had even seen Diana without her mask. She watched videos on her to get an idea on who she was facing but never once did they ever show her face. The video cut out once the fight was over. She was gorgeous if Akko was going to say. An angular face that could almost have been sculpted by the gods themselves. Did she say that out loud? Her beautiful platinum blonde hair, accented nicely with green highlights was tied up into a bun on her head as she chugged water. Akko swallowed her own saliva to quench her dried up throat. That didn’t work. Piercing blue eyes quickly made eye contact with hers, observing like she was prey to the most powerful predator in the world. Akko felt her face heat up.
Just the heat from my previous events. But, she is a gift from the gods. They weren’t kidding. Diana is beautiful. Strikingly beautiful. That has to be her tactic. To distract her opponents.
“Miss Kagari.”
Akko jumped up, nearly out of her suit. Her coach, Ursula, stood next to her.
“Akko, are you okay?”
“Yes. I am fine. I’m better then fine. I’ve got this. Cavendish is going down.” She made a motion of pointing her thumb down.
“Good luck. You are up next.”
Akko nodded before slipping her fencing helmet on. She gripped her sword and walked to the mat set up for the tournament. She continued her mantra over and over again.
I’ve got this. I’ve got this. I will win for my school. I am going to be the best.
Akko smiled at that thought. This was her dream. A dream stemmed from watching Chariot Du Nord fence during the Summer Olympics of 2008. A true showmanship. But her name had been raked through the mud due to rumors of steroid usage and cheating. Rumors Akko didn’t believe in at all and she was going to the Summer Olympics to prove that. But first, this tournament and then future tournaments and then training. She steady her stance as she looked at Diana. She grinned.
I’ve got this. I’ve got this. I will win.
She didn’t win. It was all over in the blink of an eye. The electric board was ringing constantly from Diana’s jabbed into her chest. The rumors were true. Diana was quick and powerful. A true site to behold. When she shook Diana’s hand, she nervously laughed.
“Sorry about the sweaty palms. It’s from...well. You know. The blade.”
“I am very well aware. Good game Miss Kagari. You played well.”
“I doubt that. I barely landed a hit.”
“You landed one. More then my other opponents had been able to. Don’t doubt yourself Miss Kagari. You are a worthy opponent. Maybe next year.”
Diana bowed before her.
“How about next week?” Akko couldn’t stop her mouth from ushering out the words. Her face lit up like Rudolph’s red nose. Diana’s face was just as red.
“Excuse me. What?”
“I’m sorry. Forget about it. Um...good game Diana. Thank you. It was an honor.”
Akko almost ran out of there with her tail in between her legs. She was so embarrassed with herself for blurting that out to Diana Cavendish of all people. She would probably think she was a dork. Akko slipped into the bathroom and splashed water onto her face. Now she was beating herself up over her stupid move.
Must be because I lost the tournament. I’m beating myself up over it. Next year. Yes. Next year.
“You said next week.” Akko jumped at the voice. She spun around to see Diana standing in the bathroom doorway with a large grin on her face.
“I was joking.”
“I doubt that. Did you mean another fencing or you mean a date?”
Akko felt her throat go parched.
“I would like to think a date but now I am not so sure,” Diana sadly shook her head.
A date? Did Diana mean she wanted to date her.
“A date?”
“Was that a question or your answer?” That stirred something in Akko.
“A date. Next week.”
Diana cracked a smile before leaning down and pecking Akko on the cheek.
“Then it is settled. Next week. Here’s my number. Text me where you would like to go.”
Akko clutched the paper in her hand as she goofily smiled. She had somehow scored a date with the famous Diana Cavendish. ——————————————————————————————————————————-
Akko’s leg bounced up and down as she sat in the restaurant. She was across from her once deemed rival and now girlfriend, Diana Cavendish. She was surprised that Diana even agreed to the first date in the first place. But now, here they were, three years later. Akko was scooping a spoon full of ice cream into her mouth. The brunette grinned stupidly as she spotted the reminds of chocolate ice cream on the corner of Diana’s mouth.
“Diana, here. You have something on the corner of your mouth.”
Akko leaned over the table to wipe the melted ice cream off with her thumb. Diana looked up at her a mixture of shock and happiness. It made Akko’s heart flutter. This woman was hers and she loved her with all her heart.
“Marry me.” Diana blurted out.
“What?!” Akko almost reared back in shock.
Diana fumbled with her purse. She pulled a velvet case out and fumbled to open it to show a diamond ring.
“Akko, marry me. I’ve been in love with you since we meet. Even before then. I watched your videos before we were set to fence that day. You were wonderful to watch and I could feel my heart beat for you. It beats for you now and it will beat continuously for you forever. Please. Marry me. I want to watch you train everyday now and forever. We will reach the Olympics together. I love you.”
Akko felt the tears stream down her face. Diana was crying as well.
“I love you too Diana. Yes. Yes. I will marry you.”
Akko collapsed into Diana’s arms as hugged tightly. —————————————————————————————————————
Breath in. Breath out. She had this.
Akko smiled as she glanced up. The crowd cheered as the famous Olympic torch was passed. She had worked hard to get here and it finally showed. She felt a hand land on her shoulder. She looked over to her wife, beautiful platinum locks was illuminated by the stadium lights. Diana gripped her shoulder tighter.
“You did it love. Welcome to the Olympics.” Diana leaned down to kiss her wife on the lips.
“I had some pretty amazing help to get here.”
“Now, let’s see which one of us gets the most gold.”
“You are on.”
Akko punched Diana in the shoulder who laughed out loud.
In the end, they both tied in the number of gold medals but that didn’t matter. They had what they wanted. A dream they both achieved together and the hearts of the other. Akko deemed herself pretty lucky to have someone like Diana Cavendish as both her rival and her wife in the same breath. She know they both wouldn’t have it any other way. Diana leaned down to kiss her fully on the lips. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
A birthday fic for a dear friend. Happy Birthday Khaz.
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khzmc · 3 years
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                      ‘ °   ♯𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖘.       /   CONNECTING TO KHAZ MASON MCCOY    ⁺  ◞
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. ⎠ ᴋʜᴀᴢ ᴍᴀsᴏɴ ᴍᴄᴄᴏʏ.
𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘. ⎠ ᴀғʀɪᴄᴀɴ-ᴀᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀɴ.
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄.  ⎠ 𝟼 . 𝟷𝟷 . 𝟿𝟹 / 𝟸𝟾.
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄. ⎠ ʙʀᴏᴏᴋʟʏɴ, ɴʏ. 
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍. ⎠ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛᴏʀ / ᴍᴜsɪᴄ ᴄᴜʀᴀᴛᴏʀ.
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒. ⎠ ᴋʜᴀᴢᴇᴇ , ᴋᴀᴢᴇ , ᴍᴀsᴇ. 
𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: ᴇᴀʀʟʏ 𝟸𝟶𝟶𝟶s ᴜʀʙᴀɴ ᴍᴀɢᴀᴢɪɴᴇ ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴄᴀᴍᴇʀᴀ, ᴘɪᴛ ʙᴜʟʟs, ᴍᴏᴛᴏʀᴄʏᴄʟᴇ, ᴄᴜʙᴀɴ ʟɪɴᴋ, ᴡᴇᴇᴅ ᴅɪsᴘᴇɴsᴀʀʏ.
                   ‘ °   ♯𝕬𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙   /    UNDERSTANDING HIS NATURE  ⁺  ◞
𝐈𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒. ⎠  Out of the four relationships KHAZ has ever been in, three of those relationships ‘just happened’. That’s not to say he doesn’t take the initiative to court the woman that held his attention. In any situation where he felt a commitment was necessary, he knew well enough to know he didn’t want to live without her or see her with anyone else. His approach to relationships borders toxic when you think about it in said instance. In hindsight it’s basically: ’You’re mine. I’m yours. Don’t fuck that up or not have others on notice about that.’ He’s naturally protective and attentive. In his relationships, KHAZ takes pride in taking initiative. So long as there’s effort in communication and affection, there’s truly nothing he wouldn’t do for you to make you feel appreciated. Spontaneity is key or he wouldn’t hesitate to make it known that he’s bored or that things aren’t working. There’s never any miscommunication with either of his exes. When it ends, it’s known precisely why.
ᴏɴ ʜɪs ᴛʏᴘᴇ: “I don’t date outside my race although I am biracial; understand I realize how contradictory as shit that is. I love you, mommy. I also work with all types of people, yes. But to the core to be my woman? You gotta know why having animals in the kitchen just ain’t okay, and why using more than one wash cloth and washing your legs is just the right thing to do…that’s like a nonnegotiable, my nigga. That’s not something I’m up for convincing someone that that’s normal. I am working on reconsidering things, though.” KHAZ really isn’t.
ᴏɴ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄᴀɴᴅᴀʟ: If you listen to R. K*lly still and willingly, KHAZ will not date you or communicate with you; if you’re not just blocked immediately.
ᴏɴ ᴘᴏʟɪᴛɪᴄs: “I vote. I just couldn’t be a politician. I invite muthafuckas to my dick too much. We at the debate, they start talking bullshit about my policies? ‘AYO, SUCK MY DICK!' that easy. I can’t do it.”
ᴏɴ ʜɪs ᴘʀᴇғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ: He admires women with big foreheads, gaps, who have Y2K video vixen allure, Naomi-esque mystery, Kelis + T-Boz swag and Ananda Lewis-like charm.
ᴏɴ sᴀɪᴅ ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏᴠᴇʀsʏ: “I grew up in the hood and had to unlearn mad toxic ideologies and behaviorisms rooted in homophobia, misogyny and other weird shit. It’s time people just say they’re stupid and like being stupid. Than to waste people time to justify why you still think like that. Nigga, I’m not reading your dumb ass take. You’re an idiot. We got it, movin’ on.”
…ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏᴠᴇʀsʏ: KHAZ misses when Stacey Dash used to be black….Kanye, too.
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
Life at stake
A/N: Sup, my name is Khaz. So I was binging Kakegurui lately (and rewatching one too many times), and then watched the ep where Mary’s bday was revealed just the other day, looked at my laptop calendar, and went, “woah- it’s Mary’s Birthday?!” So I was super excited to make my first Kakegurui fic a Mary bday fic, but then exams hit me like a truck so...
I love Mary. So Happy birthday Mary. My first Kakegurui fic goes to you. (even if it’s late lmao so I’ll make it a multi-chap)
Self indulgent af because... Because.
This. Might suck. Not the best author. Regardless, hope you at least...
~Shintori Khazumi
Kirari continued twirling the coin ‘round her finger. It was getting boring in the office lately. She needed something. Some toy to mess around with. The recent days had been rather uneventful for her corporation. Nothing interesting had popped up, and all the business chains under her rule were working rather smoothly.
In short,
It sucked.
High school was definitely better.
Sayaka was by her side, ever faithful in her duties as she filed the last of today’s paperwork. Kirari eyed her expression, watching Sayaka bite her lip, a sign she was contemplating something. The ex-president of Hyakkaou guessed it was about whether or not she should get a head start on tomorrow’s scheduled responsibilities. A good insurance move for the unexpected future. How logical of her. How rational. How very Sayaka.
Ah. But Kirari was her opposite. Always had been. And much unlike her secretary, she adored the unexpected future.
You never know what could happen in so few seconds.
Be it life or death.
It filled her with a pleasurable electricity coursing through her whole body just from the thought of the Destiny stringing her along to its predetermined design. It reminded her of that one match of Fate she had with one Jabami Yumeko all those years ago- okay, maybe like... four years ago, but that was some time in the past, right?
Speaking of Yumeko...
Kirari watched Sayaka berate the girl as she sat on-yes, on, not at- the conference table just across from her now-boss, Kirari. Why she was here, well...
Yumeko was simply too uninterested in college, but unwilling to just settle down to do nothing. Thus, upon graduating from Hyakkaou, she had accepted a modified version of her “life plan” in high school that her relative had offered.
It was better than anything else to her at the time. More interesting than going to college or back home, Yumeko had told Kirari. So the girl was found working for her, managing one of the teal-eyed woman’s underground Casinos. That was it. No other conditions attached. Who was Yumeko to reject such a generous offer that was right in line with her one true love, gambling?
Okay, so maybe Kirari had been the one to scout after her and laid her bet of being Yumeko’s patron for a lifetime of gambling ahead. Yumeko didn’t actually find her offer all that appealing at the beginning, but then a bet had been set in place.  A bet with a risk of whether or not this new business would go under or if it would flourish, regardless of Yumeko’s presence.
One billion dollars. If the casino couldn’t make that much profit in a week without the girl, but could with her, then Kirari would win, and Yumeko was hers forever. If it succeeded, Kirari could not touch her. Yumeko would be gone from her grasp, out of her paradise aquarium.  
Of course Yumeko agreed to it.
She loved a good bet. Especially if it was one as intense as the ones she’d shared with Kirari. Kirari loved good, unpredictable wagers too. You could win it all, or lose it all. That was in gambling’s nature. But well, Kirari never gambled games she’d lose. Not on purpose at least.
And that was how she’d gotten Yumeko aboard in her little aquarium once more.
For what it was worth, Yumeko had been able to offer her the entertainment she desired. However, the more successful their whole group had grown, the less Kirari was able to enjoy messing with her very competent, and now very busy staff.
Staring at Yumeko looking over her work seriously despite being in such a position on her table was becoming dull, Kirari getting used to its oddness.
Why was everyone in this room so dedicated and serious in work?
Couldn’t they offer Kirari some semblance of entertainment right now?
Who else could she bother... ah- Ririka. Her dear twin sister. Who had just walked into the room. Surely she’d care enough to save her own flesh and blood, the spitting image of herself from the claws of death by utter boredom.
“Not now, Rari. I have things to do.” The girl had her brows knitted in a frown, and Kirari suspected that the meeting she was sent to attend did not go as well as they hoped.
Guess that’s another thing for her to smooth out tomorrow. Something to spice up her bland work life. Somehow. But that was for tomorrow.
For today, however, now what... what else could she...
“Excuse me? I’m Hanatemari from HR. I have some files I’d like to have looked over for the recent proposed project.”
A rather fluffy-looking girl was bid welcome into the vast office, Sayaka approaching her and handling the business, as per usual, leaving Kirari to sulk in nothingness even more.
She decided to occupy her mind with this new arrival, eyeing her from head to toe discreetly. Hmm? There was something about the her... something familiar... Hanatemari, Hanatemari...- Oh.
Kirari internally grinned, memory clearing. Hanatemari Tsuzura-san. Hoho. Since when had she been working for Kirari? This was exciting! This was interesting! This was something unforeseen! Now maybe if Kirari could just get her to-
“Thank you very much. I’ll be taking my leave now.” The girl, before Kirari could even utter a single word and get up from her chair, had already began to clean up, and turned on her heel, walking across the vast room heading for the door.
Ahh. And there went her last resort. Would anyone be willing to just take this terrible monotony of a work routine away?
Her final hope, little Hanatemari was slipping away! Kirari would have stopped her. Kirari could have. But she was leaving now, and would it be odd for Kirari to stop her? But since when had she cared about such a thing? That’s right! She didn’t! And so she would get up right now and chat the poor employee up and try to fish for something, anything of any worth.
Before she could do that however, the girl seemed to have taken a turn to have a word with Ririka. She would have frowned, but then a voice at the back of her mind told her to watch; to observe the girl’s interaction with her currently perplexed sibling, showing her some papers that made her sigh at first, but then oddly enough, suddenly light up in poorly concealed excitement.
“Yes. As Igarashi-san has said, I will be in direct supervision of this project. Thank you for coming all this way to show me this-” Ririka attempted to speak with her usual leveled tone of professionalism, but Kirari knew her twin well enough to notice sudden brightness in her voice, and the immediate disappearance of her earlier displeasure.
Now Kirari’s attention was definitely caught. It wouldn’t be fun to remain a spectator then, now would it? Not when fate’s dice had begun to roll once more.
“Hello.” She cut in between them, an unreadable smile on her lips as both ladies showed their surprise in their own ways.
Tsuzura had visibly jumped, almost dropping her folder and clipboard, while Kirari smirked at being able to get a flinch out of Ririka.
“M-m-ma’am! Madame! I... why- I’m...” For someone supposedly in Human Resources, this girl couldn’t hold much of a conversation. Kirari was a little worried about that department now.
Or maybe it was because it was Kirari that she acted this way? The sadistic little demon in her grinned, pleased.
“And what is it that you have right there?”
“O-oh! N-nothing someone as noble as you should trouble yourself with.” The girl squeaked out quickly,  papers held tighter to her chest.
“But of course, I should trouble myself with this. This is my company, and those seem to be some documents related to a new project, I heard? Do tell me what it’s all about, Miss...” Kirari trailed off, waiting for the girl to introduce herself.
“Hanatemari. I am Hanatemari Tsuzura.”
But of course, Kirari already knew that.
“Lovely name. And what do you have right there, Hanatemari-san?”
“Oh! Um...” Kirari smiled as the papers slowly inched their way towards her itching hands. What could they possibly contain-
“Just the profiles of incoming interns and trial members.” Ririka quickly snatched the thick folder away, mixing it in with her own. “I’m sure Sayaka has approved of them for you, and I do too. You needn’t worry, dear sister. This is part of our jobs.”
Now this was suspicious. Ririka never really hid much from her. The only time she’d do it was when... ara?
This was it. This was what Kirari had been wanting.
With Ririka’s sudden, careless actions, a few sheets of paper had spilled out the bottom of the files and onto the floor, one particular face-up profile causing a grin to spread wide on Kirari’s face.
Blonde hair, shimmering golden eyes, and that signature scowl of headstrong defiance that Kirari absolutely loved to coax out from this particular girl.
Ah, of course. The one who despised her so, and was one of the people who always gave her a thrill. She never disappointed Kirari, and always entertained her. She was confident, capable, faultily prideful and cocky at times, and was a tsundere.
The perfect amusement. Ever the perfect toy.
Kirari couldn’t help but voice her desires. Her need to bring back this little fishy into her lovely, deathly aquarium.
“I want Saotome. I want to make her mine.”
If a few papers on the floor were already enough for Sayaka to consider it “a mess”, then all of those applications now dropped and mixed together on the floor surely made her head hurt, Kirari assumed. Maybe she should help clear it up later if she wanted to maybe not sleep on the couch again.
“What did you just...” Ririka began, but failed to continue. Her nails dug into her palm, teeth clenched and brows furrowed.
Kirari raised a brow at this reaction.
She vaguely registered the sound of a pen clicking, before there was the tap of the plastic onto the table surface.
“What a bold declaration.” Yumeko suddenly stood up, walking towards the gathered group, eyes hidden behind bangs. “To say you want Mary-san to be...” A pause as Yumeko got all up in Kirari’s face, eyes that dangerous red glint as she breathed the last word into Kirari’s ear. “Yours.”
Oh, that delicious chill that ran up her spine.
Mary Saotome. She wasn’t even here, and yet her name had so quickly already stirred up quite the fun. As she thought, Kirari truly needed her here.
Even Tsuzura had an odd tint to her gaze, a frown marring her soft features.
Kirari was certain she knew why they responded the way they did. It was all too obvious, and all the more exciting. Just... weren’t these girls misunderstanding something?
Well, it didn’t matter. If misunderstanding meant an end to her daily gray, then Kirari would utilize it to its fullest extent.
And what better way to do that than...
“It seems as though you disagree with me. Don’t tell me... you all want Saotome Mary to yourselves?”
Only Yumeko vocally confirmed in her usual light-hearted, ‘but of course!’, with that deceiving cheery smile; but Kirari knew the other two shared the sentiment.
“Well then. How about...
We gamble for her.”
Yes, Kirari savored those burning gazes, the exhilaration coursing within her. They all looked way too up for it. It was perfect!
Ah, gambling your life away in high risk games was always a pleasure.
But well, this time it wasn’t Kirari’s own life. She should probably apologize to the girl once she sees her, for betting “ownership” over her.
Meh. She’d cross that bridge when Mary got here.
For now,
Mary Saotome’s life...
is at stake.
“A-aaa...ACHOO-! Ugh...whad da heck...” Mary reached into her pocket for her handkerchief, clicking her tongue when she couldn’t feel it there. She began to grumble, hands rummaging her bag for possibly a pack of tissues... that were non -existent as well.
Just as she was about to curse the heavens, a clean cloth was held out to her. She took it grateful to the person who she knew could be no other than her usual companion on campus.
“Thanks, Suzui.”
“Always welcome, Mary.” The brunette lad replied with a smile. “You really can’t get used to my first name, huh?” Ryota chuckled as Mary rolled her eyes at it.
“It feels weird and uncomfortable if I suddenly call you so familiarly like that.”
“And yet you’re fine with me calling you ‘Mary’?” He asked.
“Well, it’s my name, isn’t it? Everyone calls me that.”
“If you say so.” Ryota shrugged.
The pair continued walking in silence, the afternoon sun beginning to set in the visible horizon.
While Mary usually preferred this quiet between them, today she would’ve have liked it better if Ryota just... chatted her up like he always did. Lately, her mind had been swirling with a lot of thoughts, and she kind of wanted a distraction from them now.
It wasn’t like they were terrible thoughts, or things that tortured her psyche to a horrible degree that she’d be left sleepless and distraught. No.
They were rather plain, actually.
The musings of her mind were simple, and maybe related to all her insecurities and complexes growing up that had all but exploded when she was in high school.
Why those thoughts and feelings were coming back to her years later, she had no clue.
What she did know was that Mary liked to think she wasn't special.
Odd thing for her to think about when her talk was usually about being a winner, and now wanting to be looked down upon; wanting to be equals with her insane best friend; being someone who wanted to claim her life for herself as her own.
For someone so ambitious and prideful-she was self-aware of this-, she didn’t think this train of thought existed within her mind.
Looking at herself objectively, however, Mary knew she wasn’t really all that spectacular or gifted. Saotome Mary was nothing special.
Okay no, not that she wasn't special. She was, well... Not average, at least.
But compared to the other intense gamblers at school name she was at least.. Sane..r. than most of them.
And like the normal person she claimed to be, Mary went to college. Just like anyone her age would after graduating from high school.
So yes, if she really thought about it, she was going about, using her free will to choose the most mundane life route. Still beats following a pre-writen life plan, though.
If one were to talk about special- Crazy special, crazy and special, now that, that was Jabami Yumeko.
Yumeko, and the Momobami clan, and fucking Kirari, especially. Mary shivered at the thought of the latter. It was no secret that she hated her guts. They sort of got along? Maybe? But she would still sock her if she had the chance.
And yet, as much as Mary claimed to loathe the woman, she had found herself on the long list of applicants to Kirari’s very corporation.
Mary found herself registering as an intern for their a new branch of the employee services. A new project that Tsuzura- her dear old friend who she’d been reunited with recently, had shown her; and upon finding out Mary’s course, excitedly assisted her with the paperwork.
Mary sighed. Maybe she shouldn’t have agreed after all.
“It still surprises me.” Suzui suddenly cut into her thoughts, meeting Mary’s curious gaze as they crossed a bridge on their way home, Mary spotting the building of their shared apartment in the distance.
It wasn’t as though they were in any sort of engagement other than being friends. Mary just felt that it would be better to split the bill with someone else while in college, and maybe living with someone would help ease some other kinds of life burdens- heck she didn’t know. She wasn’t loaded like all their other friends, neither was she working for someone as filthy rich as Kirari-fricking-Momobami.
There were weird rumors that had floated around them for the first year of Uni, with how often they were together, and apparently living under one roof. Almost. Mary had to explain that they had separate bedrooms and bathrooms. However, Mary was very keen on making it known that she was very much not into Ryota, and very very much gay.
At most, Ryota was her platonic husband, or something. Or dog. Whichever sounded better.
But back to the issue that had just flown over Mary’s head.
“What surprises you?” She responded to him naturally, as if she wasn’t just thinking about their whole arrangement and a dozen other things instead of replying to him right away.
“That you’d choose to take this course.”
“Hah? You saying it don’t suit me, Mr. Commerce?” Mary challenged with a glare.
Ryota’s eyes widened, hands held our defensively in front of him. “No! No, that’s not it at all! Actually...” He gave her a once over. “It might suit you a little too much. The uniform.”
“Oi, creep, what were you just thinking of, huh?” Mary growled, slapping his shoulder. “Stop treating my uniform like cosplay, gosh.”
“First of all, Yumeko was the one that called it that. Second, you have to admit, it almost looks like you are-geh! Mary, we’ve talked about violence!”
“Can it, mom.” Mary grumbled, walking up the steps of their apartment complex, already fishing for the keys in her jeans pocket. “You deserved that one.”
“Okay, but nursing, Mary. You. Someone as violent as you, who causes pain. You being a nurse- please put your fist down. This is exactly what I’m talking about.”
Mary sighed, other hand pushing their door open. “Whatever. You all make fun of me and constantly ask me why. I told you why so many times!”
Ryota laughed at Mary’s expense as the girl continued grumbling about judgmental friends not appreciating her goodwill.
“I mean. You all are wack.”
Ryota gasped,a little offended. “Says you-”
Mary chose to ignore that.
“Itsuki somehow keeps hurting her nails lately, someone like Sayaka looks like she could take a break from stress or else she’d collapse. Girls is bordering insanity, I tell you. Yumeko just... doesn’t give a shit about her health in general. I swear, if she gets one more fever this week, Imma-”
Mary inhaled to calm her nerves. Ranting about Yumeko would only stress her more. Speaking of which, she should message her about her meds later.
Continuing on, “Ririka can’t cook a substantial meal to save her life.” Mary complained, remembering the time she came over to the twins’ Condo, only to see stacks of various takeout on the counter. Sayaka had been gone on a business trip for about two weeks, and Mary didn’t think these two were the type to feast on fast food, of all things.
They wanted to ‘try out commoner food’, as Kirari put it, a teasing smirk on her face as she looked down on Mary again.
“She needs to learn to cook healthier! Essential life skills!”
“She has chefs for that-”
“It’s actually pretty relevant.” Ryota pointed out. “And what does that even have to do with nurs-”
“Anyway! I’m doing this because I want to, and because you all are... i-important to me or whatever.” Mary suddenly turned bashful. “Health is wealth and all that shit.” Her cheeks were dusted red as she turned around, marching towards the kitchen for a glass of water to cool the burning feeling overcoming her. “And because med would take too long before one of you fools accidentally kills yourself.” Mary added before Ryota could ask anymore questions. That last statement, she shook her head, believing that it really was plausible.
With all they’d been through, it wasn’t unbelievable at all.
Ryota smiled, raising his hands in defeat.
“Okay, okay. Got it. Will never ask about it again.”
“That’s what you assholes always say.” Mary growled, looking ready to pounce again before it was cut off by a sudden chill running up her spine, bringing about another strong sneeze that shook her whole frame. “Gosh, what is up with today?”
“How ironic. Our little nurse is getting sick?”
“Fuck no, screw off, Suzui.” Mary barked.
“Hmm...” Ryota rubbed his chin with his fingers, pretending to be in thought. “Maybe someone is talking about you behind your back?” He jokingly provided.
“Ugh, if I had to say...” She sniffed. “It feels like my life is in danger. Or like someone's looking at me like a "thing" again. Ugh... It feels like all those times with Kirari. Or Yumeko... or both. Are their ghosts haunting me now?”
“Don’t just go off killing our friends like that.” Ryota scolded, approaching Mary and gripping her shoulders from behind before pushing her towards the direction of their rooms. “Maybe getting changed into warmer clothes will help.”
“Maybe.” Mary began walking on her own just a few steps before reaching her room. “Ayt, see ya then.”
Before they could both enter their respective quarters, their phones went off, a message from the same person, they figured.
Sure enough, the sender couldn’t be any more familiar to them.
���Guess I’ll just grab a coat then.” Mary sighed. “Can’t really turn down an invitation from her.” She chuckled.
“You’re right about that.” Ryota shook his head, amused.
“Let’s go meet her then.” Mary finalized, to which the boy nodded in agreement. “Come on Suzui. Time to meet up with Yumeko.”
Somehow, deep down, Mary had a bad feeling.
She wasn’t special. So she hoped this meeting would be as normal as normal gets.
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thesundiaries · 7 years
New Delhi & Agra, India
Turns out April in regions near the equator is the hottest time of the year. We were vaguely aware of this before booking our trip to India but it really only hit us when we walked out of our plane onto the searing asphalt and blinding sun of the tarmac at Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi. It was the beginning of a trip that had high highs and low lows but that really truly leaves a lasting impression on you. There is nowhere quite like it, this mixture of urban sprawl, ancient history, and tropical air.
Delhi is a city that has to be seen to be believed. It is sitting in LA-level traffic in an air-conditioned Uber with Bollywood music playing in the background while green-and-pink tuk tuks and motorcycles packed with whole families whiz by, horns blaring as a monkey climbs on a nearby car. It is women walking to temple by a freeway in beautiful jewel-colored saris with shining gold filigree, the colors dulled by a haze of red dust that billows up from the ground and the smog that permeates the air. It is having a 10 rupee pakora in a grease stained napkin for lunch in an alley of Chandi Chowk and then spending 11,000 rupee on dinner at Bukhara at the ITC Maurya, where you wait next to a giant orchid arrangement in the mahogany paneled lobby for the taxi the concierge called for you. It is walking out of a 400 year old sandstone fort directly into a maze of stores and tangled electric wires that nearly block out the sun, looking for the neon lights of the closest McDonald's to buy a Fanta. 
Truth be told, it can be a bit overwhelming and there were times we felt defeated by the heat, the blaring traffic and a stomach bug or two. But I can safely say that it is unlike any of the other metropolises I have been in and if you fly into Delhi you should definitely take some time to explore the city. And save up for a meal at Bukhara. 
If you're looking for historical sights, the Red Fort is probably near the top of your list. This expansive structure was built in the 1600s and served as the main residence for the Mughal emperors for 200 years. It is hewn out of red sandstone and white marble, with green gardens criss crossed by the long dry beds of canals that used to carry the water that surfaced inside the ornate carved pavilions and cooled their shadowy, pale interiors and noble residents. In its courtyards and dungeons the emperor used to carry out Coliseum-style fights between exotic animals like lions and elephants. In the present day, you can find many families picnic-ing on the lawns and pigeons roosting in the intricately carved marble walls, their former bright white color faded to beige and streaked with dark grey smudges from age. Bring water. And if you dread roaming the fort underneath the bright Delhi sun the night can be a preferable time to visit when you can also witness the Sound and Light Show, which projects colorful art onto the facade of the fort to the sound of music. Buy tickets in advance and note the separate (usually shorter) line for tourists.
Chandi Chowk is a market area in Delhi adjacent to the Red Fort that is rife with small shops and food stands. We were there on a Sunday where most shops were closed but walking in the narrow alleys, dodging motorcycles and cast iron pans bubbling with fried loops of orange jalebi and peeking inside the occasional sari store or barbershop is still an experience. I would likely not have worn open toe shoes if I went again and instead of waiting for an Uber, would have grabbed one of the many tuk tuks rushing by to find a ride home. As for food, this site provides a comprehensive list and Karim's Kebabs nearby is a particularly popular spot. As is just looking for what looks good (and well-fried if you are wary of Delhi belly). 
If you are pleased with how far money can stretch in India, Bukhara will be a bit of a rude awakening. You can easily spend $100 USD per person here but if you can't tell by the refined interiors of the ITC Maurya hotel that houses Bukhara and the genteel English-speaking service, this is a pre-tty nice establishment. The food here, a lot of it flame-grilled over charcoal pits, is exceptional. No doubt one of the best chicken dishes I've had and together with the blistered naan, buttery black lentil daal, cool creamy raita and giant cubes of life-changing seared paneer cheese - probably one of the best meals of my life in general. The waiter threw in some free dessert, saffron tinged and pistachio topped firni (an Indian rice pudding) and we left very happy if unexpectedly $160 USD poorer. If we went again I would skip the cocktails (save the room for more daal then get your cocktail fix at the 1911 bar The Imperial Hotel) and take note of the rupee to USD conversion rate, which were blissfuly unaware of the first day in Delhi.
Hotel prices in Delhi can range from $2 USD a night for a bunk bed in a shared room in a hostel to $1000+ USD for a room at one of the Taj properties. Although Airbnb is not as popular in India, we still found interesting properties in the Delhi area. Although some of them can be further from the city center, note that Uber is safe, widely used and very affordable (we rarely spent more than $2 USD on a ride). Hauz Khaz, Greater Kailash and New Friend's Colony are all good, safe, relatively upscale neighborhoods to stay in that are not too far from main attractions. And there are some sights and eats within, including the Lotus Temple and Seventyseven restaurant, both in New Friend's Colony. We booked a fairly large apartment in Greater Kailash that easily accommodated five people (and could have accommodated at least 2 more) with a rooftop garden that had quite the sunrise and sunset views. There was also A/C, filtered water in the kitchen and it included a prepared breakfast every morning (for about $100 USD a day). Link here.
There are many places we missed as we only had 3 days total in Delhi. Besides the attractions we saw Akshardam, Humayan's Tomb, Jama Masjid Mosque, Qutb Minaret, Lodhi Gardens, the Stepwells, Connaught Place and Dilli Haat (for hand made goods) were all stops on our list we didn't get to. As for restaurants, SodaBottleOpenerWala , a traditional tea house (like this one or this one) and this list from CN Traveler were all noted down too.
You can get to Agra from Delhi via train (2-3 hours) or private transport car (~3 hours). The train is significantly cheaper and a chance to ride with nearly all locals if you take the regular train instead of the express. Make sure you reserve seats and if you are a woman traveling alone, there is a women-only car. We sat across from a family with two small children and some locals perched on the bunk beds that were in for much longer trips than us. Although few people spoke English the few that did were fun to chat to and wonderfully helpful when the conductor came by and (angrily) noticed we were seating in the wrong area as we had not reserved seats. It's a long ride, the benches are far from comfy, and there is no AC but the company of your fellow passengers and the Indian countryside whizzing by the open windows is quite the experience. Maybe book it only one way and then take the more comfortable express with it's airline style seats or a private car back the other way. Bring snacks and bug spray.
If you missed the Red Fort in Delhi, the Agra Fort in Agra is it's bigger and badder cousin. Similar to the Red Fort it is not solely a fort but a large complex and the Agra Fort is so massive it can be considered a walled town. It was also a residence for Mughal emperors and part of the fort is still in use by the Indian military. You can find multiple courtyards and gardens, some framed by imposing arches hewn out of red sandstone and others all delicate terraces and carved white marble. Be prepared to walk a bit and definitely bring water with you. There are many guides that will offer their services to you if you want a more complete tour. We opted to just wander around. Also, in my opinion I would skip the Red Fort entirely or just go for the Light & Sound show in Delhi if I was also visiting the Agra Fort, which in my opinion is more impressive and has a similar enough architectural style that there is no need to go to both. 
I don't know about you but despite being a big fan of Indian food, the variety of Indian food we get in the US is quite limited and although most people know what vindaloo curry and tikka masala is, there were times when I would look at a menu and not understand what a single dish was. I now am much more well-versed in what constitutes a dosa, a paratha, a vada and an idli. And if you are not, the lacey thin crepe you see above is a dosa. 
Dosas are a thin crepe-like pancake, made of a rice and lentil batter. They cook up so that they are crispy and feather-light, and are often filled with golden spiced potatoes or thickly sliced paneer cheese. On the side, they are served with a wide range of hot and cold sauces like cool coconut chutney, pickled onions, warm lentil daal, and tomato chutney. The onion dosas we got at Dasaprakash were laced with tiny flecks of caramelized onions and I would highly recommend them. The restaurant had friendly servers and was also where I discovered my favorite Indian beverage: salty lime soda. If you are worried about the salty part, you can get them sweet and salty - but the salty is SO much more refreshing. Lastly, if you are in the mood, besides their top-notch dosas, Dasaprakash also has a very extensive ice cream selection for dessert. 
Note that in general if you arrive by train to Agra you will need to hire a car to drive you around. There is a taxi station right outside the train station that shows fixed prices for the driving fares. Although we were skeptical of how pushy the drivers were, it is the way to do it (unless you are staying in Agra and have arranged a tour thru your hotel). The prices are all inclusive although you are expected to tip at the end. Usually you can see multiple sites, like the Agra Fort and the Taj Mahal, while your driver waits outside for you. They will also take you to lunch and dinner if you are staying late: if you have any preference as to where you can request to be taken there, if not they will likely take you to a friend's restaurant. It is also common for them to stop at shops that sell marble inlaid items and gems, both characteristic of Agra. Although they definitely get a commission if you buy anything we found both shops to be of good quality and bought a small marble table and a pair of earrings. Likely because it was the off season and we spotted very few other non-Indians around (even at the Taj Mahal), we were able to get generous discounts (...at least from the initial price stated). 
I guess if it's your first time in India it's difficult to not go to the Taj Mahal. Many times when I first visit a city I eschew the big, more time-consuming uber-tourist spots - I only went to the Louvre the third time I went to Paris and despite living in Toronto, I've yet to make it to the CN Tower. But there is a reason they are such major attractions. And even if you feel like you already know exactly what the Taj Mahal looks like, seeing it in person, with the sunlight gleaming off it's curved white walls, is quite a thing. In the off season when we went, it is not terribly crowded at all, and you can walk around and linger wherever you want. Our guide also suggested going later in the day to catch the sunset and to avoid the midday heat, which I wholly endorse.  When it's busier, I hear sunrise and sunset boat rides thru the river that runs beside it are a serene and unique way to see this wonder of the world.
Note that as a foreigner, your ticket already includes a guide, a bottle of water and covers for your shoes. So no need to go with one of the "official" guides that try to tell you they can help you cut the line at the outside entrance. 
If you miss your weekly burrito, try a chicken kathi roll! Spiced chicken and/or paneer are rolled in fluffy kathi rolls, fresh off the griddle. Cheap, fast, and tasty, we were big fans of Mama Chicken in Agra. They also have biryani, mutton and momos if you want to stray from their specialty.
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second-nature - muse a runs their hand through muse b’s hair who’s leaning into them from behind - pls forgive the self-indulgence
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Nunnally was standing on the rooftop, close to the railing, where she had a splendid view of the city. She liked it there. It was not only the view, but also the feeling that all her problems were left somewhere down below.
Suddenly, she heard the steps. She did not have to turn around to know it was Khaz. She could tell it by the way he walked, by the scent she could feel when he approached. It was the feeling of safety she had when he was close. When she was with him. Her hand moved up to gently touch his hair. It was supposed to be a quick gesture, a quick brush, but Nunnally let her hand stay there a bit longer. Caressing the soft blond hair of the other, then moving her hand lower to touch his cheek, and finally ending up hugging his neck and pressing herself close to him to almost melt into Khaz. He was much taller and she felt almost like a doll in his embrace. Although this feeling, the feeling of being a doll, usually made her annoyed, it was much welcomed when she was with him. Nunnally did not feel necessary to speak for a few moments just enjoying them being together, when finally, she whispered: --
“I missed you. It was too long since I saw you.” – she knew she should stop there but she just could not avoid adding – “Every time you’re gone, I am all scared I am not going to see you again…” – there were so many reasons why that might have turned to be the reality, but she did not want to discuss them. Instead she just pressed herself closer to him.
“It’s good to be here…with you…Khaz…”
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
Khaz’s Manga/Manhwa/Anime Recommendation Corner #1
I’ve been thinking about this for weeks. I’ve been going through finals and just couldn’t get to my fanfic chapters because my mind is incapable of writing plot atm. Hopefully my sem ends next week and I can devote myself to updates. For now, I’m gonna be doing this thing from time to time. So I read A LOT. Whether it be hard-bound books, e-books, fanfic or manga/manhwa. And am an otaku so... So, if you’re like me, and searching for some stuff to get into or pass the time with, lemme recommend you:
 1. one yuri title manga/anime, 2. a manga/manhwa that is either slice of life, villainess+reincarnation, sport, or whatever, and 3. an anime that may have flown by your radar! I’ll try not to spoil too much! Might not even give a decent synopsis haha!
Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It /Ichido Dake Demo, Koukai Shitemasu (manga)
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One of the yuri stories I am most invested in as of the moment. I love the plot, the art, the story flow. It is GORGEOUS. Basically, OL turned NEET (becoz of harassment, if i remember right) can’t pay off her rent debt is offered a compromise by her gorgeous younger landlady to pay through “favors”. It does start that way, but please. Stay. It ends up being favors like cooking and cleaning, and doing nice things and living with her landlady, all the while both are exploring their own feelings. (okay, there are still cuddling, head pats, hand hold favors too)  The nonsexual intimacy is amazingly portrayed. Actually wait... how to explain. They explore an erotic/sexual intimacy OUTSIDE the actual act of doing ‘it’. 
This has a chapter that’s basically why the “hand-holding is lewd” schtick exists. It was hot. Hotter than A LOT of doujins out there.
Ohayou toka oyasumi toka/Good-Morning's and Good-Night's
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This is a gorgeous slice-of-life that will tug at your heart strings. It’s a family-centric manga of a man, finally free of his crappy parents and past, getting his sisters from another mother that he knew nothing about dumped on him cause his dad and their mom are just that irresponsible. Here, his view and definition of family will be explored, and together with his sister, they will discover what it truly means to have a ‘home’ and a ‘family’. It’s heart-wrenching and heart-warming. My fav character is the eldest sister, Hotaka. The pain and sacrifice she’s been through, acting as a mother instead to her younger sisters, not knowing how to be a child. The twins are growing up with no parents, but their super responsible and amazing siblings, and really, they can see and appreciate the sacrifices. It’s just so beautiful and warm. Really. Give this one a read.
A Place Further than the Universe/Sora yori mo Tōi Basho
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I don’t even know where to start with this one. I had nothing else to watch at that time, I was looking for a past-time. This. Changed my life. It may feel a bit slow at the start, plot wise. It’s about these 4 high school girls going on an expedition to Antarctica, each with their own motives. The 2 i was most invested in was the one searching for her mother who had long since been missing in Antarctica, and the other searching for something special in her life. She felt like she hadn’t accomplished anything, like she was living such a mundane life. That is what initially caught me. The emotional climax, the stages of grief, got me tearing up. I would recommend this anime.
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