usamirenko · 7 months
me: wow this soup is so good... i've never tasted anything like it before. what's in this?
person im visiting for dinner: oh i just tried out some new spices i got from poisons.com
me: wow that's amazing... i should go check that out later
*Later i die but it's unrelated to the soup (struck by lightning)*
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Watched one episode of the Sandman, and then I dreamt of him at night. A+ advertising campaign, if I ever saw one.
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mehyawl · 2 years
Guys I don't think we're ready for Deltarune ch3. Don't get me wrong ch4&5 we aren't ready either, (emotionally) but like ch3 specifically, the stuff we're gonna learn in this one... After looking closer at it... Probably gonna be a shock...
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vomit444 · 23 days
god i need that fat boy..,
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wounderphi · 5 months
(。>﹏&t; ? ♡ !! random layouts.
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⨳   ʾ   👠   role   .   ♡ ﹒   ⊹   🝮   role   ✩   🍒 ★   ₊   ➲   ( ´ ˘ `)   🍷   role ₍ⁿ⑅..ⁿ₎   ˇ   ⩩   role   ❀   🚨 ≥≤   ﹕   ⤷   🧣   role   ◍ .   ⊹🎒   ✦   ﹕   role   ⫖ ⋆   ᶻᶻ   🍉   role   ﹒   ★ by zurril
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✭   🍓   ❒︎   role   .   ♡ ☆⃞   🍅   ┊   ‧  ⬭   role ⊠   ʾ   🍎   ﹕   role   ✧ ﹒   ⨯   🍿   role   ˚   ⊹ (≧◡≦)   ⌗   ˚   ﹕   role   🥫 ‹3   ﹒   role  ﹒   ‹   🍟 ♡   .   (˃̵o^)   role   ˚   🥊 ﹒   ★︵   .   role   ☎️   ☆ by zurril
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(・⩊<)☆   🍊   Name 🥐  prn/prn ❀ age ♡  ┆  text text ♡  ┆  text text ┄   🏀   link by zurril
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.   ❏  ✦  🛍️  serv name       ➢  .gg/link  🎨
⇉ 🌈 ♡ what you offer  ⧉  ✸  ⤷  what you offer ⇉ 💐 ♡ what you offer  ⧉  ✸  ⤷  what you offer ⇉ 👾 ♡ what you offer
 .  ˚ ( ˘ ³˘) 💝 join us 4 a kiss! by zurril
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  ᶻᶻ ﹒ 🍞 ﹒ welcome, {user} ﹕ ‹3 🥯 ﹒ ⊹ ﹒ ♫ ﹒ #channel ♡ ﹕ ✿ ﹒ 🥐 ﹒ #channel ⅄ ﹒ 🍭 ﹒ >﹏﹐we hope you enjoy your stay!
  ᶻᶻ ﹒ 🍽️ ﹒ goodbye, {user}__ ﹕ ‹3 🥞 ﹒ ⊹ ﹒ ♫ ﹒ it's sad to see a lovely member go :( ♡ ﹕ ✿ ﹒ 🥓 ﹒ but we still have plenty of members ⅄ ﹒ 🥧 ﹒ >﹏﹐we hope you enjoyed your stay! by zurril
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⚰️   ⊹   ﹒   ❝   @name ∥ ┊ ⤹ txtxt txt  ♯ 🦇 ﹕ ✧ link/carrd/rentry etc ₊ㅤ﹒ by zurril
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✿﹒👾﹒∫﹒➴﹒chnl ⊢﹒◍﹒☔️﹒♫﹕chnl ♬﹒‹𝟥﹒♡﹕🧬﹒chnl 🔮﹕ᶻᶻ﹒✦﹒≥﹒chnl ❀﹒🪁﹒✧﹒♩﹒chnl ♡﹒❁﹒☂️﹒✽﹒chnl ⟡﹒┈﹒⋋﹒🌂﹐chnl by zurril
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_ 🏀﹒ ✩ ﹒_ {servername}'s rules__ ✿ ﹒ ﹒ rule one ﹒ 📙 ﹕text ✿ ﹒ ﹒ rule two ﹒ 🥐 ﹕text ✿ ﹒ ﹒ rule three ﹒ 🍊 ﹕text ﹒┈﹒┈﹒❀﹒┈﹒┈﹒ by zurril
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⋌ ﹕ ✿ ﹒ ❄️ ﹒{server} ﹒ ⩄⩄ ᶻᶻ ﹒ ○ ﹒ 🌙﹒__txttztztxtt . . . ⊹ ┈﹒⑅﹒┈﹒♡﹒┈﹒⑅﹒┈ ⊹ ♩🍶 ﹕ ✦ ﹒text text text text text text ♡ ﹒ ‿🥝 ﹕ text text text text text text by zurril
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  (⟡˘ᵕ˘)   e   ➷   Server Rules   ✿  1   ︵   ⁺   e   text text text text  ‹e   ⊹   ˚   2   text text text text  3   ︵   ⁺   e   text text text text
(ᴗˬᴗ)   ˘   ⤼   Category Name e
   ┄   ⌑   [e]   role    [e]ᵎ   ┊   ˚   role    ┄   ⌑   [e]   role    [e]ᵎ   ┊   ˚   role    ┄   ⌑   [e]   role    [e]ᵎ   ┊   ˚   role by zurril
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🐳 ﹒ ⌕ ﹒ ⫟ ﹒ Thank you for boosting our server ∬ ﹒ ( 🪼 `) ﹒ ☆ ﹒ We now have 00 boosts ! ◞‸◟ ﹒ ⌣ ﹒ 🌊 ﹐Claim your perks at #ticket by zurril
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_ _  ♪   ⌣   🗯️   server _ _  🐇 ₊   ⌅   text ﹒text ﹒text _ _  ︶︶   ˚ ♡ join us !   ⭔ by zurril
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⤹(e)﹐✿﹒﹒chnnl ︶︶﹒(e)﹕chnnl ⊹(e)﹐♡﹒﹒chnnl ⬚⬚﹒(e)﹕chnnl
┈﹒✩﹕chnnl e﹒✽﹒﹒chnnl ✮﹒e﹕chnnl ﹒✹﹒﹒chnnl by zurril
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  ᶻᶻ ﹒ 💀﹒ welcome, {user} ﹕ ‹3 📡 ﹒ ⊹ ﹒ ♫ ﹒ #channel ♡ ﹕ ✿ ﹒ ⛓️ ﹒ #channel ⅄ ﹒ 🌌 ﹒ >﹏﹐we hope you enjoy your stay!   ᶻᶻ ﹒ 🎆 ﹒ goodbye, {user}__ ﹕ ‹3 🛸 ﹒ ⊹ ﹒ ♫ ﹒ it's sad to see a lovely member go :( ♡ ﹕ ✿ ﹒ ⛓️ ﹒ but we still have plenty of members ⅄ ﹒ ⚰️ ﹒ >﹏﹐we wont miss u lol! ⛓️﹒ ⌕ ﹒ ⫟ ﹒ Thank you for boosting our server ∬ ﹒ (🛸) ﹒ ☆ ﹒ We now have 00 boosts ! ◞‸◟ ﹒ ⌣ ﹒ 💀﹐Claim your perks at #ticket by zurril
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( 。>﹏<) ﹒ 🥨﹕ ✼ ﹒ Server rules ! 🥯﹒ 1 ﹒ ᶻᶻ ﹒ [rule] ✦ ﹒ ┈ ﹕desc
2 ﹒ ∬ ﹒ 🥐 ﹒ [rule] ⌣ ﹒ ✿ ﹕ desc
🧋 ﹒ 3 ﹒ ᶻᶻ ﹒ [rule] ✦ ﹒ ┈ ﹕desc
4 ﹒ ∬ ﹒ ☕️ ﹒ [rule] ⌣ ﹒ ✿ ﹕ desc
🥞 ﹒ 5 ﹒ ᶻᶻ ﹒ [rule] ✦ ﹒ ┈ ﹕desc by zurril
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✿﹒👻﹒♪﹒role . ⧽﹑✦﹒ 🎃 ﹒ role ✩ ﹒ 🐈‍⬛﹒ ⪨ role ⚰️. ♡ ﹒ ♫ ﹒ role ➷ ﹒ 🕸️ ﹒ ♪ role ⪩ . 🌙 ﹒ ✦ ﹒ role by zurril
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✿﹕🧩﹒┄﹒chnl ♪﹒🌰﹐✿﹒chnl ⬚﹒☆﹐🪴﹒chnl ☕﹒♬﹒∬﹒chnl 🍵﹒✦﹒♩﹒chnl ➷﹒◍﹒🥥﹕chnl ⊂﹕🌿﹒★﹒chnl ❀﹕🪑﹒◎﹒chnl ⌕﹒ᶻᶻ﹒🐸﹒chnl 💼﹒⊢﹕➜﹐chnl 🍏﹒⿴﹒➷﹒chnl ✦﹒📦﹐▨ ﹒chnl by zurril
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e﹒➷﹒♪﹒chnnl ❛﹒e﹒ ┊﹒chnnl ⊦﹒✾﹒e ﹒chnnl e﹕⊞﹒⊹﹐chnnl ⌑﹒e﹐✿﹕chnnl ⟢﹐➷﹕e﹒chnnl e﹐✦﹒⬚﹒chnnl ★﹒⿻﹕e﹐chnnl ▨﹒e﹒➜﹕chnnl by zurril
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✧﹕☀️﹒▨﹒chnl 🌊﹒⩄⩄﹒⌆﹒chnl ✿﹒🍌﹒⪩⪨﹒chnl 🍉﹒︿﹒✩﹕chnl 🍹﹒‹𝟥﹒♬﹒chnl ✩﹒﹢﹒⛱️﹐chnl 🏖️﹒⪩⪨﹒⊹﹒chnl ♪﹒❥🏝️﹒❁﹒chnl by zurril
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(🏼˘ᵕ˘) ﹒ ⁺ ﹒ ◍ ﹒ 🧺﹒🏼 R🏼ules ⤷ ﹒ 🧚🏼‍♀️ 🏼﹒ ♡ ﹒ ○ ﹒ ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦ ⌣ ﹒ ❛ ﹒ text text text ♪ ﹒ ┊ ﹒ text text text ⌣ ﹒ ❛ ﹒ text text text ♪ ﹒ ┊ ﹒ text text text ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦ 💐 🏼﹒ ◦ ﹒ ⟣ ﹒ ⫟ ﹕ Thank you for reading by zurril
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⿱﹒⏖﹒🧺﹒channel 🍓﹒␥﹒⁾⁾﹒channel ➷﹒⌅﹒🌿﹒channel 🌺﹒⪨﹒⊹﹒channel ⩌﹒❛❛﹒🥛﹒channel 🌳﹒✦﹒⫟﹒channel ♫﹒⌑⌑﹒🥪﹒channel 🐾﹒❁﹒ᶻᶻ﹒channel ≻﹒♡﹒☀️﹒channel by zurril
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mrfortunates · 13 days
  red  +  brown  themed  layouts
  ꣑୧   ̮ ̮  txtxt  ₊⠀ 🧸⠀⠀⑅
   🎀  ‿‿  txtxt  ◞   ೀ
  𝜗 ﹒  txtxt  🧺  ꒱⠀⠀ϱ
   𑣲  🍓  ₊  txtxt  𝒞
  ੭  ⸜⸜  txtxt  ❞⠀ ☕⠀⠀ᴗᴗ
   🌹  ➷  . txtxt  ♡⃘
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ghostlier-templates · 1 month
type (rentry, pk, sp): rentry
it’s for (alter, system, etc.): syshost
character: mangle from fnaf
leave space for your own pixels/emojis/theme for pixels or emojis: no
information you would like included: space for names, pronouns, labels, interests
simple complex or somewhere in between: simple
any specific colors (preferably color codes): pink and silver
anything else you’d like me to know: :3
hope this is okay!
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plural-templates · 1 year
Helloo!! Could you possibly make a Bendy themed template (Bendy from Bendy and the ink machine!) /nf !
∯﹕︶ name ⥾ : age ⁺∕∖ :key2: :candle:, ∠ prns . prns . prns ∿ . ⋘﹐ txtxt ,, ∈ ―:black_heart:︷ txtxt ∝:
◖⊂. boundary 1 .. y|a|n .◜��� :pencil: :movie_camera:—◟ boundary 2 .. y|a|n ﹒⪨⸝⋆ ᶻz﹢◟ boundary 3 .. y|a|n ﹚:unlock:.
:bulb:﹒▸ txtxt !:black_nib: ★ :thought_balloon:–⊂ txtxt ⸝⸝>:8ball:
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i hope this works!!
(sorry that it took so long i thought i posted this already :headinhands:)
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ccattxox · 1 year
about me template (for discord)
੭₊˚ ⸝⸝ **NAME** ``🍱``๑˚⊹
꒰꒰✦୧・__age__ ♪ *prn* **++** *prn* ◜◡◝ ꜝꜝ
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xkryan · 2 years
Minimal perks layout?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ( ⑅ ˘ ˑ ˘ ) ﹒ ꜛꜛ ﹒ 🪴 ﹒ㅤㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤMnml/Semi Mnml Perks Lyt
ㅤㅤLmk if this isn't what you wanted
ㅤㅤㅤThanks for requesting ! <3
ㅤㅤ✿˘͈ᵕ˘͈) ゚ㅤ⊕ㅤ⌣ㅤ TXTXT PERKS
> ㅤㅤᶻᶻ﹒⿴﹒e﹒PerkㅤPerkㅤPerkㅤㅤ
> ㅤㅤ┊⟡﹒┄﹒e﹒PerkㅤPerkㅤPerk
> ㅤㅤᶻᶻ﹒⿴﹒e﹒PerkㅤPerkㅤPerkㅤㅤㅤ
﹒🪴﹒These are f2u, if you want to repost/reblog this please put credits ♡
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usamirenko · 9 months
we all thought squidward was funny when we were 7 but now we're all adults with jobs that we hate doing and bosses we also hate. and also we all have funny nose and play the clarinet as well and we live in a house shaped like a moai. such is how life goes
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*drunkenly* tell me all of your OC's secrets
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mehyawl · 2 years
i'm home what's up
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vomit444 · 6 months
are you actually a proshipper or is is just for jokes??
yea h h,?? Amm prosshipp p.,..Prretenddin g wou ld be ah fucckkin sttupid joke e XD
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bk201 · 2 years
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st-ravioli · 3 years
Please tell me I’m not the only mf who wanted to be an Odd Squad agent.
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