#twits & Crits
ohwhoadude · 6 months
fellas i've been watching my first episode of raw just to see what You Know Who says and BOY HAVE I BEEN BORED, only one match excited me and only rhea ripley, jey uso, and shinusuke nakamura have made me go HELLO, sorry
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
How STUPID and up her own ass can Viv be?
Making a strawman character of the crit community... isn't the epic clapback she thinks it is. She wasted so much screen time and budget diverting her plot to write a OOC vent fic with her cast. Sure, the white knights are cheering like "HAHAHA YEAH, TAKE THAT HATERS!"
but the average passive viewer (which is the majority of most audiences) is just going to be confused/bored at these super random plot lines and the OOCness of Fizz since she suddenly out of nowhere chose to self insert in him. This would be the real reason she's hemorrhaging views.
Its not going to deter her critics either. All this ep has done has become a further call to action. All the people she's spurned who could RUIN HER are BUBBLING OVER with indignation at what essentially is her calling herself the victim while reminding them what she did to them through Mammon.
all the criticals are like "OH DAMN she so mad she's tanking her own show 😂" <- that's not going to make anyone who wants her to crash and burn stop. She's flashing her sonic adventure 2 battle cockpit at us like "YOU'LL NEVER GUESS MY WEAK POINT."
Really if she didn't prove over and over she's reading every single negative thing and seething, people would probably just move on with their lives, find new fandoms and forget about her forgettable show. If all of HB wasn't one big self jerk off (eg meta jokes about how she's so funny that again, will pass right over the average viewers head), and she wasn't pulling off nonsense with Lackadaisy and the other indie shows her victims moved on too, the people she's wronged that have landed back on their feet and found success might be able to let things go.
But she can't accept them thriving anywhere so she chases and indirectly harasses them and that's going to bite her when the yellow tape clears.
Maybe she really DOES know how to foreshadow after all 'cause every day she's looking more and more like that twinkle eyed satanist twit from episode 1 and you have the ex spindles just chomping at the bit to prove 'SHE IS NOT THE HERO'
Especially when you remember that this episode was years in the making. The criticism she got back in the day was nothing compared to what she gets now, and she still found the need to devote an entire character to strawmanning anyone who dislikes her work.
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So, ah… my school textbook started hating on liberals, especially in an educational aspect of liberal “values” in the classroom.
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Soooo being the rational person I am, I wrote this:
1. divorce rates: because people are now allowed to get divorced instead of staying in abusive environments
2. Child/spouse abuse: Because they weren’t reported before due to victim blaming
3. Lack of ethics in business and government: ever heard of southern plantations? Marie Antoinette?
4. Drug and alcohol addiction: you know they used to legally administer cocaine to kids often as a form of treating the common cold, and the only difference is now it’s illegal so it’s being reported as an illegal offense, who knows how many people have been addicted in the past?
5. Teenage pregnancy rates: huh, they used to just call that obligatory legal pregnancy after being married off to some sick middle aged fuck
6. Excessive reliance on childcare: because you republican fucks won’t raise minimum wage, and parents have to get second jobs to support their families ya dingus
7. Acceptance of immortality on television: oh, you mean gonzo coming out as non-binary? You scared of that twit? Your stone heart felt something awful? Well I hope it’s a heart attack you dinosaur
8. Cheating scandals: it’s not anything new that liberals have conjured up in their crit race theory cauldron or whatever, ever heard of the Reynolds pamphlets, otherwise wrote by Alexander Hamilton, a founding father, one of those dead people you treat like another gaggle of jesuses
9. Bullying and explosive violence in schools: wooooow. I WONDER what’s the root of bullying? Whatever could it be? I wonder if ya’ll have ever heard the story of 14 year old Mexican me running for my life as people in TRUMP MASKS paraded round the school saying I don’t deserve to be here. I wasn’t even an immigrant fuckwad
I got more and more unhinged as I went through the list haha
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cextra-loz · 4 years
At that point in life where I'm about to google "Is it possible to set up and play a DnD Game by yourself"
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rabdoidal · 5 years
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last-of-the-jaded · 5 years
I need someone to make edible fancy dnd dice so I can get the forbidden crunch out of my system
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gaelfox · 6 years
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I want a spin-off series
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envy-starlight · 4 years
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shrack · 6 years
dirik: being gay isnt a choice
dirik: its a game, and im winning
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bellia-25 · 6 years
*friends want to put together a dnd campaign
me: well time to binge re-watch all of those dnd podcasts. 
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billfahey-blog · 7 years
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Funhaus - Twits & Crits - Grimo & Shattercock Cover by Bill Fahey
(Illustration based on a Sword Art Online poster adapted to look a bit like and old dnd book cover)
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tenyall · 6 years
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alright yall im going to bed but first here’s a rant in the tags yeehaw
#i deactivated my vld twitter and changed my insta to otterhugged#ill make a new twit when i wake up#and then unfortunately im prob gonna go on a big ol vld unfollow spree#i might still rb some vld posts on here occasionally but itll mostly only be crit stuff#i just feel so empty bc i came to the vld fandom only bc the pjo fandom is dead and there were some characters that were similar to the#characters i loved from pjo like keith n nico and its just#disappointing how ive had to see the writing for lance and hunk and allura just deteriorate in quality while chars like pidge and keith just#get so much screentime!!!! its the same damn thing we got irritated with when rick started just adding all of these chars like frank and#hazel and leo and then he just puts percy and annabeth in the spotlight all the time and we never get to know any of the others#i am just so exhausted with shows/books/whatever where i fall in love with the characters but the show treats them like shit#i feel like bnha is gonna be a better opportunity for me to be able to latch on to characters and not be disappointed by what theyre given#like sure its not perfect but i think itll be a good fandom for me to grow into#ive already made some absolutely phenomenal friends from bnha and ive only been in the fandom for a month so#im just excited abt whats to come and just kind of letting it be my main fandom instead of something that will always just#disappoint me in the end u kno ???#but god after this new season i just dont think i can call myself a voltron fan anymore#like!!!! my keith stannie ass got some GOOD content but that sure as hell didnt make up for all of the other fucked up shit that happened#theyve just waited too long to give lance and hunk any kind of arc even though they’re p much the most beloved characters by the fans#and after having to go through rick riordan being too lazy to write arcs for frank or hazel or leo he just slaps em in a relationship with#another character and assumes everyone else will just forget about them too#i do not wanna support a show thats just gonna be too lazy to write out actual arcs for allura and lance so they just regress all of th#maturity and friendship theyve grown from seasons 1-5 and then just go back to fucking annoying loverboy lance from episode fucking 1#but anyway yeah i need to SLEEP and i will handle the rest of the things i need to do later#but yeah sbjdvkdghs#vld critical#cleos corner#vld#vld s6 spoilers
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zandiiangelspit · 7 years
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Commission for the amazing @Sanderness of the boobilicious beauty Shattercock~ What's better than a sexy Tiefling lifting hella weights? Nothing.
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eviesweetly · 7 years
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the twits and crits og journey is at an end!!
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last-of-the-jaded · 5 years
Me, someone who has never once played DND, following yet another artisan fantasy dice marker: “must one day hoard and consume the flashy tumble cubes”
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evercelle · 3 years
I’m also trying to ascend my venti back to godhood and I have two crowns on him but his skill only does 16k per crit ;u; please share your wisdom...and maybe a bit of luck bc the viridescent domain hates my venti :’)
hi anon--for you & all the others that sent asks about it i'll post my build, but let me preface by saying that dmg showcase is SUPER cheesed on top of the fact i'm not f2p (spent all my merch money on venti...)--so temper your expectations accordingly haha ;;
here's my build from twit, and here's the moments where i post my solo venti clips and other genshin gameplay stuff!
that 90k screenshot is the result of stacking a butt ton of buffs (food + pot + pyro resonance + guoba pepper + benny ult + noblesse buff + mona ult + TTDS buff) on top of venti's constellations, so this build's normal e crit is usually 25k - 30k lol. i'd say 16k sounds pretty good depending on your loadout!! good luck in VV domain i am praying for ur substat rolls
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