#tw johnny depp
franzkafkagf · 1 year
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juanitasupreme · 8 months
Mind you Jawny Depp stans paid for those documents which yet again just highlights how wronged Amber was during this whole trial
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evansbby · 3 months
In my opinion the best Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film adaptation was the 2005 one directed by Tim Burton. Mostly bc of nostalgia reasons since i watched that movie so much as a child but also the songs??? The oompa loompas ATEEE (or rather, the one actor who played every single oompa loompa and thus had to learn the choreography of each individual one). But like, the Augustus Gloop song?? The Veruca Salt song??? So good. Also the whole dark and creepy vibe of the movie and the amazing visuals! And Johnny Depp (tw) as Willy Wonka??? Till this day i cannot believe that was Johnny Depp. It doesn’t look or sound like him at all, how did he DO that??? Also Mike Teavee was so funny. Also the whole side story of Wonka and his dentist dad??? Christopher Lee being the dad??? I ate that shit up as a kid and still do!!! I love that movie and i know a lot of people genuinely found it creepy how this maniac Wonka was offing the kids one by one. But as a kid i love it and I still do!!! Thoughts???
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taylorkellyreporting · 9 months
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i see nothing wrong with this
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traumatizedjaguar · 5 months
Why people need to stop being obsessed with Johnny Depp:
JD defends film director Roman Polanski in 2010 interview about Roman Polanski's arrest in 1977 and 2009.
Here is what we know about Roman Polanski from 2010 and years before:
In 1977, Roman Polanski was arrested for raping 13-year-old Samantha Geimer in Hollywood.
Roman Polanski arrest in 2009
Y'all wanna keep supporting a rapist who defends rapists? What about when JD lied to the police about his 15 year old daughter, Lily-Rose at the time, dating a 23 year old man by the name of Ash Stymest?
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We're still ignoring the fact that JD dated Winona Ryder when she was 17, in her own words, while he was 25/26 years old.
He has a history of ignoring child rape, minors dating adults, and defending child rapists.
Want me to go over all the close friends he has?
And the abuse/murder accusations against his friends by their ex-wives and CHILDREN? You can literally just google search it but since I have to do all the work:
His best friend Marilyn Manson abused:
Esmé Bianco
Evan Rachel Wood
Ashley Morgan Smithline
His best friend Beatles member Paul McCartney abused two of his exes, Heather Mills and Linda:
Here's some articles and interviews. One of the victims was painted as a liar, a gold-digger, bullied and told misogynistic things which is typical that victims go through "revenge" by their abusers and labeled these things. Other members of the Beatles were also extremely abusive to their partners, John Lennon admitted to it in a PlayBoy magazine and interview. Abusers stick with abusers.
His close friend, Keith Richards, was accused of sex crimes.
Damien Echols was accused of murdering three 8 year old boys with evidence presented in court which is why he was arrested, convicted and served time.
Johnny Depp raised money to pay for tests and legal fees for Damien Echols and preached publicly that Damien Echols was innocent. Johnny Depp and Damien Echols became close because of JD's ongoing support for him, and Echols stated, "We’ve grown to love him [Johnny Depp] dearly. He’s become like a brother to me.” Echols and Depp both got matching tattoos together.
 Greg Ellis, incarcerated 5 times for making threats to his ex-wife and their children.
There was violent stalking Greg Ellis committed, he lost visitation rights to his children, and was violent to his family in which his ex-wife and children accused him of abuse. In 2003, he worked in another movie with JD, 3 movies in total with JD and they knew each other well. JD also wrote a forward to Greg Ellis's book, The Respondent, stated he sided with Greg Ellis, said Ellis deserves to tell his side of the story, and in JD's own words exactly said as, “If you’re trapped in the dungeon that is the family court system, The Respondent should be your constant companion."
Johnny Depp has about 100 best friends, but you can go do your own deep-diving research into each of his close friends or people he actively supports and gets along with.
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reidselle · 2 years
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you sound like every johnny depp stan ever.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months
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The Sparrow Family
Parents: Jack Sparrow
Kids (by birth order): Nerina
Location: The Black Pearl
Title: Captain
Family Words: Time & Tide
Quote: Bring me that horizon
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madamtrashbat · 1 year
Is Johnny Depp a womanizing creep? Is Amber Heard innocent?
You know, I was very invested in their libel trial on Twitter but I don't know if I ever mentioned it here so good job, anon, you asked me an inflammatory question I actually have an answer for.
What I have to say in this is bound to upset somebody, because this is a very charged situation and I know many people have strong opinions on these two, but if you want my honesty here, what I think happened to Johnny and Amber is the same thing that happened to my partner, Sawyer, with their ex.
They went balls to the walls too quickly and it got ugly.
I don't think Johnny is sainted, given his history of anger issues and outbursts, but when every woman he's ever been romantic with previous to Amber came to his defense, I think that indicates at least a boundary he tended to keep in check with regards to his anger. I don't think Amber is the innocent victim, either, given what those around her have commented on her behavior and attitude.
What I think they did was mistake boundless passion and sexual chemistry for love and threw themselves into a relationship without giving any time to build a foundation. I think they brought out the absolute worst in each other. They maybe had wild sex and decided that was enough until it couldn't cover up the cracks anymore.
I have no idea who shot first here. I wasn't there, I don't know them, they're just celebrities to me. But I followed that trial closely and Johnny, to me, appeared perfectly willing to air out the bad things he had done, willing to admit the things he had done to Amber with ample evidence to explain as well what had been done back to him. Amber, at the trial, refused to drop the facade of blameless angel subjected to a terrorizing monster, even when she was caught in a lie more than once. That is, to me, at the very least, suspect. If she was telling the truth, she was not doing it very well.
At the end of the day, the only think I think with any certainty about them is that I think they turned each other into the worst versions of themselves without a lifeline. And it's a shame that it happened the way it did instead of them realizing they needed to walk away before it got worse.
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agentmarcuspike · 6 months
can a man tell me that men's lives are ruined by ~accusations~ one more time soon so i can tell them that omg yes i know, j0hnny d3pp went three whole years without a job and only made like $20 million dollars on his most recent film this year </3
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ursie · 1 year
I cannot stress how much I hope Johnny Depp and all his supporters die a painful and humiliating death 🙏
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ceceswepe · 2 years
I was going to put this to rest, but now I can’t. I just want to make a list so you who still believe Amber is a victim can open your eyes a tiny bit more. Reminder I am not saying Johnny is innocent, I am sure he said and done some hamful shit, the difference is he has been genuine since the start of the trail and admitted to his own flaws. Also why is it important to lift up this issue? I can not imagine being a dv victim and watching this trail because it never happened to  me, but I would assume sitting and watching this woman can be extremely triggering and mentioning these stuff she does might help people in the future to know who the fuck they have in their life. If you don’t walk away from thie trail knowing Amber is a shit human I am not sure what to tell you.. So, this is a list of shit that shows Amber is a narcissisitic liar. 
Not only has she showed up to court in the same clothing Johnny been wearing, but also people in his team. This is a tactic narcissistic people do to try to get under someones skin.
She quotes movies on the stand, not sure what to say more here, but ya pretty bad.
She is claiming Johnny done things that she herself have done, for example saying Johnny holding the dog out the window of her car, meanwhile there is video of her doing it herself. I am pretty sure that it is not the only thing.  Abusers do this a lot, they try to gaslight their victims claiming they done things that themselves are resposible of.
Not to mention she has major claims about Johnny sexually assaulting her in a very brutal way that would indeed put you in hospital , but has no medical record on it. Same with other claims, she often mention there has been people around, but yet there is literally no one who can witness it.
Her stories does not add up. She says I remember this to go on the next line to say she doesnt remember it. Stories doesn’t make sense and she goes in circles.
Everyone acts differently to abuse, but many who is a dv victim has spoken about how the way she acts on stand does not add up for someone who has been through the truama she has. Not to mention that Amber mentions things like her thinking about how dirty a rug is after being hit. As a dv victim said, you are in such shock when that happen there is no way you even have a rug in your mind. And yes I know everyone acts differently, but come the fuck on.
Not sure about the reasoning, but a lot of Amber witnesses has been dismissed and not allowed to witness.
Amber stare at Johnny every now and then during the trail. If you been abused by someone would you really want to look at them?¨
Her fake crying and mostly not wearing eye make up so it be easier for he to claim she was crying even if it was not visable? she managed to force out one tear. And not to be that person, but for someone who has panic attacks weekly it was easy to see the panic she had was not real.
She posed with the tissue up her nose to the media. 
Overall her whole tesimony seemed scripted and as another acting job for Amber. There is a reason Amber did not want cameras in the court, I think she is very aware of that the public isn’t going to fall for her bullshit, now lets hope the jury see through her act.
Also remember Amber Heard was already and abuser going into this case. 
Also I did not want to make this a point because I don’t want to say too much about it, however I do want to mention it because I think it is interesting. I have seen a lot of people talking about Amber Heards child. Some say that the reason she used surrogat is because she would get a hard no for adoption due to all of shit that has been happening during the years, which probably is true, but it has also been speculated that Amber got this child because of her image. It looks better for her if she is a mother. This is also very common. For example Diane Downs, she got herself pregnant midtrail to gain sympathy because she knew a pregnant woman in court would make people feel something. I do not know if that is true, it might as well just be Amber wanted to be a mother or maybe both idk. I just thought that was a intreresting thought.
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kutyozh · 11 months
you know, every time sth like this comes to light, be it J////y D/pp or now T/ll L//////nn, it makes me wonder if the person who caused my trauma keeps watching their films, listening to their music. or even defends these abusers. this is not strictly important for me, since i'm not in contact w them, but what i really wonder is if they are out there going around hurting others who are like me. like yeah they understood what was going on with me after That Happened but do they understand that there are many people like me out there. that it's all structural and not "just" a fatal mistake they made that one time
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bybdolan · 1 year
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This is dumb on sooo many levels but the comparison kills me bc as the child of a doctor who knows quite a few ppl who are also doctor kids and are studying to become doctors it gives u a HUGE advantage in the field lol
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joy-in-opera · 2 years
... I couldn’t sleep. This has been on my mind for quite a while, and just... Fair warning; I’m not going to sugar coat anything here. I needed to get this out somewhere.
I’m probably gonna lose some followers over this, but maybe that’s for the best, given the topic... I'm going to get into some thoughts on the Depp vs Heard case.
[4AM EDIT- I apologize in advance for how heated I get here, I had some emotions to get out. Also there's a lot of cursing: fuck, shit, damn... those fun words.
Some folks might not like what I’ve said, but I’m open to a more calm and objective discussion in DMs or what not after I get some sleep. I know the situation is not black and white, and I want to know the truth of things... but I also know that some things are really murky, and there’s no possible way to know the absolute truth of them. All we can do is take what we have at our disposal and come to a conclusion.
If you're uncomfortable with this topic or are tired from seeing the news about it plastered all over the place, by all means please keep scrolling; you don't have to read this if it's going to put you in a bad mood or become distressing. Take care of yourself and your well-being first and foremost.]
Before I start getting flamed for what I’ve written below, and after I’m done getting everything out of my system, I intend on doing more research and fully putting together my updated thoughts and observations on this. This will take some time. At this point: I believe the main aggravated abuser of this entire shit-show between Heard and Depp, is Amber Heard. I want to make it known that I believed Amber was the victim when the news first came out years ago. Once I read more into what came out, my opinion slowly changed and I believed that Depp was being abused; this whole defamation trial is just the nail in the coffin, unless it's proven otherwise by reputable sources.
Again, I want to do more research when I have the time, and fully put together why exactly I’ve come to this conclusion, but the biggest factors I have right now that have me leaning this way are: the recordings presented in the current US case (and those that were not admitted into the trial for whatever reason), the testimony of a psychologist and several witnesses while on the stand (look I get it, folks are saying that they’re on Depp’s payroll; this is something I want to look into more as well to confirm, as there could be bias here if they’re being paid off by Depp; if so that shit isn’t okay and it’s pretty fucked up), numerous DV victims online calling out Amber’s behavior, behavioral analysts who are comparing the behavior of both Amber Heard and Johnny Depp and how they align with the abuser and the abused, Amber’s mannerisms while in court versus her deposition from 2016, and shit that is rubbing me the wrong way on how the UK trial was handled. (the judge seemed biased toward Amber's side despite evidence and cops' testimonies, just off the top of my head). There’s more I could add to this list, but it’s nearly 3am as I’m typing this and I just needed to get my frustration with this shit-show out on paper, as it were.
I don’t give a flying fuck if Amber Heard supposedly snorted cocaine while on the stand, or if she actually took a dump in Depp’s bed. This dumb shit that people keep pulling up to make fun of Ms. Heard doesn’t matter; I don’t fucking know if it’s true, and it’s not funny to me. That and there's so much damn click-bait on Youtube, it's insane... it takes away from the actual trial, and people are actively lying about the outcome for views. The trial isn't even over yet for fuck's sake.
I’m incredibly uncomfortable with how Amber has presented her testimony, the way she has used movie quotes in her testimony, how she stares daggers at both the jury and Depp... and I’m not uncomfortable because of how passionate her testimony is. I’m uncomfortable because I can tell when I’m being emotionally manipulated, and that pisses me off. Amber is exhibiting the behavior of someone who is manipulative; the detail dumping, repetition, deflecting before giving an answer, the visible emotional whiplash of changing her facial expression from wildly distressed, to mildly (mildly?) looking annoyed is raising so many red flags to me. She flips on a dime and there are several instances where you can tell she forgot she was on camera, and quickly changes her facial expression. There were smug reactions and eyerolls that made me wish I could reach through the screen and slap her. I can also get into how the visceral description of her rape is the kind of shit you would need to seek immediate medical attention for, but this is something I want to do more research on. Needless to say I don’t have a very high opinion of Heard right now.
So, her bruising; there was a picture shown as evidence that shows a dark black bruise on her arm, which was supposedly acquired from Mr. Depp 2 days prior. Okay... so I was a bit of a dumbass and smacked myself pretty good on some workout equipment a little over a week ago. The bruise is all but gone now, but it hurt like a son of a gun at the time. You know what color it was within the first few minutes of injury? Black/Purple/Blue with some visible redness and swelling around it. By the end of that same day and onward into the 2nd Day, my bruise was all sorts of fun colors: Yellow+Green, Blue, Purple+Red speckled marks. A bruise being dark+black on Day 2, with no visible signs of swelling or any color? I think the fuck not; I'm calling bullshit.
Do I believe Depp is a saint? Fuck no; he’s involved with Hollywood, there’s a lot of shitty stuff that happens behind closed doors and they’re corrupt as all hell. I'll mention that at least he's spent a lot of time with kids with cancer, which is more than can be said of Amber as far as I know. Some of the shit he’s said in texts and other stuff he’s admitted make me genuinely disgusted, but I also believe this is the product of a man who was around someone very detrimental for him and his healing from the shit he went through in his childhood; Depp was not a healthy person for Amber to be around either, and overall it was a hugely toxic relationship. That being said, I’m not surprised Depp was so vulgar in his texts submitted for evidence and he’s had verbal spouts with Amber: wouldn’t you vent or snap if you were being wound up and emotionally fucked with all the time for months on end?? For instance, the day Amber recorded that video where Depp slammed cabinets was the day his mother died. She already knew what happened that day, yet here she is recording this video going “What happened? Did something happen?” The man lost his damn mother, what do you mean “What happened?”?? Not to mention her smile and giggle at the end of the video. This is not the behavior of someone who was fucking abused; you remove yourself from the person, not casually stick around and try to sneakily record them at an emotionally vulnerable time. What the fuck.
Y'know that thing where Amber claimed the cop who got between her and her ex was homophobic? Turns out the cop was a lesbian who recognized abuse in a lesbian relationship. Sure, Amber got it scrubbed from her record eventually, and her ex forgave her, but the internet doesn't forget. (I'm going to need to look into this more though, just to confirm if it's true or not. I'd highly encourage folks to look into it too, as I'm definitely biased here.)
There’s also the situation where Depp lost the tip of his finger; there is a recording (unfortunately it was not submitted for trial; I’m not sure on the specifics of why) that Amber Heard made where she admits she hurt him and he had to go to the hospital, BUT she’s also having what sounds like a mental breakdown in the background, saying she doesn’t want to lose him and she wants to see him. (this is just one instance of her abandonment issues that were touched upon by the psychologist on the stand. Others mostly entailed situations where she’d start a fight with Depp, then when he tried to leave to de-escalate things, she’d hit him so he’d stay and not leave her. Based on this, I think she needs some serious professional help; being in a relationship is not healthy for her if she’s going to be lashing out like this instead of taking steps to handle her mental health issues) In this same recording, she admits that while Depp has some “coke he’s been hiding from me,” she also says “All I was popping was Xanax, Adderall, Esctasy and hallucinogens”. I’m sorry, didn’t she say in court that she wasn’t doing drugs?? Didn’t she say this on the stand??
I just... yeah. I’m pissed. As I said before, I intend on doing more research, and comparing and contrasting what I can... but at this time, honestly? I do not by any means view Amber Heard in a very good light, both Depp and Heard need professional help for their respective mental illnesses and traumas, and the courts unfortunately have a clear bias against men when it comes to DV... and it’s not just the courts. In the US, males are detained and put in the cop car if there’s been a DV call; this is PROTOCOL, it doesn’t MATTER what was said on the call, it doesn’t MATTER who is the aggressor. Cops are TRAINED to respond like this; hell, my own neighbors went through this. The husband was detained while the wife cried on the front porch. She was the one yelling at him for all the neighbors to hear, and unfortunately she was experiencing a bipolar episode. From what I was told, this is the reason they’re going through a divorce, because she isn’t getting properly treated for her mental health issues and keeps taking it out on him. Men can be abused, and holy shit... Heard has done so much fucking damage for DV victims. It doesn’t matter who wins, people are going to use this trial to further downplay what DV victims go through, and it makes my blood boil.
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bluebeetle · 2 years
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