#tw colposcopy
firemedicdiaz · 11 months
It’s over.
It’s finally over.
I’m free.
Had my final appointment at the cancer clinic today.  It was a pelvic exam and colposcopy to make sure that I was all healed up inside after the hysterectomy and that there were no traces of any abnormalities.  I’d been anxious about the appointment for WEEKS.
It wasn’t my surgeon who saw me, it was one of her associates, but she was so kind and understanding and empathetic that I felt good about it going into the procedure. The procedure itself was super un-fun given how one of the symptoms of menopause is vaginal dryness/atrophy.  All the lube in the world didn’t make that speculum go in any easier and it hurt like hell, but once it was in place it was fine.
After a thorough look and feel and a LOT of anxiety on my part, the doctor pronounced me fully healed and fit to return to all activities.  She said that there is no need for them to see me again, that this is it, but that if I have any concerns come up or any questions in the future or issues related to any pelvic health, to give them a call back and they’d take me back on without question.
That said, though, I never need another pelvic exam.  I never need another pap test.  I never need to deal with all of the menstrual bullshit again.  I can bid cancer goodbye and good riddance.
It’s actually, finally over.
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discountedmuses · 1 year
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(( Hey, Hi, Henlo, I come forward with a very out of character post, but it pretty important stuff.
CW/TW - Medical things, AFAB Health, Mentions of Cancer
To make a long story somewhat short, I am a transman, have been on T since 2017 and after having 2 irregular pap smears and a colposcopy to investigate, it was determined that I have CIN2, which can develop into cancer. Considering this popped up within the last 2 years, it's extremely concerning and because Im on T, my chances of getting cervical cancer is much much higher.
I've put together a GoFundMe to help me raise money for the costs of getting a hysterectomy to help prevent me from getting cancer. I had already been wanting to get one done for transitional reasons. I've been told that I need to get this operation done within the next year or so before this can further develop. We're hoping that my insurance will approve it on the grounds of cancer prevention so I don't have to get several therapist letters to get it approved.
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I'm a fulltime artist and fursuit maker so coming up with the funds for this a long with money to pay for my bills while I'm not 100% functional is gonna be difficult for me to come across. Anything and everything will truly help. Sharing is very very much appreciated and encouraged ;w;))
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opha · 1 year
traumadumping, disregard
tws: sexual assault, medical abuse, genital-focused language, cancer, all the good stuff.
there’s a very good informational post about pap smears and HPV going around right now that i struggled for roughly an hour with trying to add info to without traumadumping and i evidently could not.
see, i had a very fun pap near the end of last year where my genius pcp decided that she didn’t need to lube the speculum for her patient with fibromyalgia (which means i experience pain on an amplified scale compared to other people) and chronic pelvic pain. i should know better by now than to think when a doctor says something may be uncomfortable, i’m not going to have to grit my teeth to keep from screaming. in her infinite wisdom, my pcp decided getting it done ASAP was more important than listening to me or mitigating my pain in any way, and settled for giving me half-panicked reassurances that “there won’t be any bleeding!”
she left the room looking scared for her job, and good tbh.
from that pap, i got a shiny new high-risk HPV diagnosis. the fun thing? i only could’ve got it from a guy who i’ve never had any sexual contact with, via kissing my HPV-vaccinated girlfriend who had forgotten she’d just given him head. i tried to google around about vaccinated people being able to transmit HPV from other sources, and it’s basically unsearchable. there’s no solid evidence for kissing as a viable transmission route either. so even if i’d known that routine STI testing (which my girlfriend has all her other partners do before fluid bonding) doesn’t look for HPV, i wouldn’t have been able to account for this. double fun.
cancer in my family has been 100% fatal so far, going back to my great-grandparents, btw.
anyway. i still have to get a colposcopy, which is a more intensive vaginal and cervical exam that may or may not involve biopsies. i had to shop around for someone who’s trauma-informed, and basically no one who takes medicaid is trauma-informed, so i’m having to make do with “a very sweet lady” who agreed to consult with me. (that’s how the nurse described her. it’s funny, but excuse me if i don’t laugh.)
i didn’t realize until tonight, but i’m actually taking the diagnosis harder than the assault. go figure. sexual assault is old hat for me. cancer is fresher. i don’t know how to deal with it. trying to dissociate from it like i do with everything else kind of worked, until this made it real again.
i’m thinking more and more about when i tried to get a hysterectomy in my early 20s, because the pelvic pain was unbearable, i’d been trying for years to find a diagnosis, and i wasn’t in pain management yet. got told i’d want to have kids even after i said my gender identity was incongruent with having children and if i wanted to raise a child that badly, i’d adopt.
people are so fucking fixated on biological children that they’ll deny you your own bodily autonomy to preserve your theoretical ability to have them. i’m intersex, so i’m probably infertile anyway. it makes me sick.
i don’t know where i’m going with this. i just needed to put it somewhere so i can fucking sleep. i’m so tired of being nothing but the accumulation of human damage.
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phoenyxoftheashes · 4 years
Got a colposcopy done. Now to comfort myself with food all night
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mychronicthoughts · 7 years
This post may get a little graphic so if you have a tendency to get squeamish, please feel free to scroll on.
If you have a Pap smear that comes back abnormal, you may need to get a procedure called a colposcopy. Basically the doctor takes a closer look at your cervix and might pinch a few cells from the abnormal area.
Your doctor may apply a mustard-colored solution called Monsel’s solution to help stop the bleeding. They will likely explain that it goes in as that mustard color and creates a coffee-ground-like discharge. Sounds simple. Cool.
What many doctors fail to mention is that days after the procedure, you may discharge a *massive* tissue-looking sample. It will look nothing like what they described. I thought my entire ovary fell out of my vagina.
What actually happens is the solution kind of forms a liquid bandage to help the biopsy site(s) clot and heal before being expelled from the body. Here is 12 pages worth of experiences from women who had the same issue:
Some people vomited upon seeing what they discharged, others went to the ER thinking they miscarried. And a few of them were even in the medical field themselves! Shoot, even my older sister (a nurse) thought I expelled the spawn of Satan. Don’t be embarrassed, many of us didn’t know. My sister called 3 doctor’s offices and none of them knew.
I just want to save someone from extra anxiety and frustration caused by an already stressful situation. Take a deep breath and remember that if you’re not bleeding through your pad every hour, it’s probably just a shitty side effect of your anatomy. Call your doctor to be safe and keep an eye on it.
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torque-witch · 5 years
Health Update?
So I haven’t been here for quite a bit and if you are wondering what’s going on cool, if not just ignore lol.
TW health and blood??
Last time I checked in I was still tapering off prednisone and dealing with psoriasis. I’ve been completely off prednisone for three months I think.
My new (better) GI through the clinical trial program at UPMC basically said I had to get off prednisone ASAP, and I wasn’t having good luck doing that before - but my liver enzymes were elevated and I was having all sort of bad side effects anyway. So instead of doing a three month taper, I did it in two weeks and upon stopping the drugs immediately began to develop constant abdominal cramps similar to my hospital ones, but no fever or internal bleeding (less, at least). So I was put on a low-dose tricyclic anti-depressant which has an off label use for severe IBS, which I don’t necessary have but the doctor explained that Crohn’s patients on long term steroid use can develop a highly sensitive intestinal response similar to it. And honestly? Worked nearly overnight after a week of hell. Slowly the extra weight has been coming off, the psoriasis died down after a bit of a flare, and the instense hand and ligament shaking wore off as well.
Not sure why Tumblr mobile insists on giant paragraph marks, but after all that I had my yearly pap and it was my first abnormal one, so I had to get a colposcopy (which sucks hard but it wasn’t the end of the world) and now I have pre-cancerous cells in my uterus.
So the long story short is I am on four medications currently for life directly related to Crohn’s. I am still at risk for developing worse psoriasis (I get small patches on my face and neck/ears), or will get flares during times of illness/infections. Bad cells in uterus and prednisone literally destroyed my knees (they feel bruised constantly) so I need to see a Rheumatologist really. Ah and without prednisone my anxiety about eating has worsened to the point that my throat closes up at public restaurants and often times I can’t finish my meals until later in private??? I just really tbh feel worse than I did pre-hospital and diagnosis last year, but I am managing well ish, and that’s all I can hope for. My bf made me a rice hot pad out of a sock when I was in a lot of pain at his place. Sometimes sex doesn’t work because my gut just spasms and it hurts like hell. I can’t walk as far as I used to be able to. I’ve had to abandon hikes, I’ve grown too attached to port a potties for my liking, I can’t sleep comfortably ever, I tire easily and sometimes four sips of hard lemonade sends me into a flare for days. Might sound dramatic but I’m not myself anymore. This isn’t ME it’s just the body I was given. And I’m doing my best to take care of it and live my life and be happy.
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jessicakes · 5 years
C*ncer TW
Just finished our appointment with the colposcopy specialist. We do have pre cancerous cells that cannot be removed...
They could change at any time and so I have to keep an eye on it for the rest of my life
If they did remove it, they’d have to remove a large part of my vagina and I may forever be in pain (they compared it to “mutilation”)
If or when things change, that’ll be when I’ll have no choice
But those things she said “you’re only 27... but you’re not out of the woods and I doubt you ever will be until something changes...”
I just feel a little lost for words... to know I’m harbouring that just... I feel really out of it right now...
Good luck to me to ever try and apply for life insurance...
I feel sick that I’m carrying a ticking time bomb that may or may not go off
Sorry this post is depressing... I’m just processing 💗
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whatsinherheadnow · 3 years
TW: Medical update
So I had an appointment with my GP this week to address some ongoing abnormalities with my cycle.
After an excruciatingly painful exam the doc had some concerns so I’ve been referred to the colposcopy clinic and am awaiting results from my smear test.
I am a ball of anxiety.
Do I have cancer? Do I have PID? Is it ends? Why do I hurt? What is the nonsense. What is wrong?
Oh and I started the UK equivalent of Prozac this week. Let’s see how this goes.
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