#tunnel drop
elcucurucho · 10 months
actually foolish in general acts like a looney tunes character that got loose into the real world and has to experience consequences for the first time
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knifearo · 11 days
if you’re aro and participating in any kind of negative conversation about other aro people not being aro enough/not being oppressed/not doing whatever whatever whatever then i’m hitting you with a huge cartoon mallet. gonna treat you like a looney tune if you’re gonna act fucking Silly. take a second while those little cartoon birds flap around your head to remember that we are here to support each other as a community and exclusion discourse of ANY kind has never been productive or helpful to anyone. treat people kindly, focus on commonalities and community support, and use common sense. thank you 👍
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bluefirewrites · 5 months
I will not be ready when this episode comes out-
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hoofpeet · 1 year
I think holy water would burn sugar a little bit . Just a little [dark typing]
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starfall-sea · 6 months
reagent farming for ground spawning stuff is fine. its whatever. reagent farming from mobs/bosses? terrible
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givehimthemedicine · 6 months
which lab tunnel ends connect?
here's the opening One shows El, in the HNL basement.
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"this will lead you out beyond the lab fence to the woods," he says.
and here's the Mr. Clarke opening, where he finds the scrap of El's hospital gown.
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thinking maybe Will crawled into this tunnel, the cops try to follow it to see where he'd have come out the other end, and run into the HNL perimeter fence. so the Mr. Clarke opening is very much Beyond The Lab Fence In The Woods.
pairing One's dialogue (if he's telling the truth) and that scrap of hospital gown, it seems very likely that the basement opening truly does connect to Mr. Clarke's, right?
so then what is this third tunnel opening that the lab's Head Of Security takes the cops to - claiming it to be where the Mr. Clarke tunnel leads?
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Hopper knew the lab was lying because of the lack of rain in the surveillance footage of the HOS opening, which suggests the tape they showed him wasn't really from the night they said.
but are they also lying to him about this even being where the Mr. Clarke tunnel leads? ifthey just don't wanna let the cops into the HNL basement where that tunnel really leads, why fake the tape? what's there to cover up if this isn't even the same tunnel?
is this a wholly unrelated tunnel? could all three Y connect?
while we're here, why does the basement have that huge pipe at all? it's definitely a larger diameter than the outdoor ends, not that that proves anything, but why does it have to be so big? is it just like how in every movie the air ducts are large enough to crawl in for plot reasons?
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actualbird · 1 year
// cn server spoilers, new event pv
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plinchy · 4 months
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taking a break from dnd prepping and drew this.
I feel like the skinwalkers mod is only going to pick up me screaming "BRACKEN". I kept running into that fucker and somehow lived by just screaming shidding and crying while running away from him.
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lotro-tooltips-daily · 5 months
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moe-broey · 7 months
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6qubed · 1 year
frankly it’s just nice to be appreciated
so I was playing Deep Rock Galactic and I join a refinery job in progress, and they’re all on voice chat and when I spawn in I hear someone say with genuine relief “oh thank god, it’s an engineer”.
and shit, there was no way I was gonna half-ass it after hearing that.
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kung-fu-cutbug · 10 months
🎨 Summer Jet in a cartoon character’s outfit >:)
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"Anime counts as cartoons, right? Y'know, all things considered, I'm surprised this still fits me. Haven't worn it since... what, a con I went to back in '18? God, it still doesn't feel like it's been that long... well, I'm a bit of a special case in that regard, but still. Time flies, huh."
(alt vers. under the cut)
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hanayanaa · 8 months
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scatterdemnuns · 1 year
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had to bring back this gem
lana is back. the earth is healing.
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yuridovewing · 10 months
Thinking about name changes for my au and like, logically, Jayfeather shouldn't be named that anymore since he's named after Crowfeather. Leafpool no longer pines after him for years and years, that gets swapped to Crowfeather- she's more disillusioned than anything. And I just might make it so that Jayfeather and Hollyleaf swap places and Jay is a warrior (if only because medic Hollyleaf is BRUTAL imo and I love it) so Firestar names him. But like... the triplet's names are honestly some of my favorites in the series. So I don't want to change them LMAO.
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kaitcake1289 · 1 year
hello i know we’re all fresh off the ian poppy angst from this ep and i am too! it’s just for the first time watching it i couldn’t really get into it. and its not that this doesn’t make sense in terms of the characters! ian losing that creative control that he’s been using as a means to value himself and now that poppy is in charge she’s both the painter and the paintbrush leaving him as. just there. and poppy also in tern fearing that ian will always want her to play second fiddle to him, that they'll never truly be equals, that she'll always be just the sidekick which is makes perfect sense! but i don't know the way that it's presented this season (aside from sarian) feels like great payoff without great setup. this also has something to do with my point that all of the arcs in the first half of the season feel like a B plot, hard to grow attached to anything but im curious to know what others think!
and to be very clear this is not me saying i didn't like this scene in the slightest to be honest its one of the strongest points in the episode and season but without the adequate focus given to them this season, it cant help but make me wonder if this scene could've felt so much better for me
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