whisplion · 10 months
Me making a playlist for breakbee fic: how do I balance slow burn with pining idiots with undertones of betrayal during the war vibes while taking place during the winter in Witwickey?
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wispurring-moss · 12 days
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bouncy bouncy bounce.....~
wonder what he keeps seeing that's causing him to make all these faces~? 🤔🫢
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scrawlingskribbles · 2 years
/strokes my chin & scratches my head & hmmmmmmm's loudly bc writing synopses/elevator pitches for your own content is h a r d . . . .
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hana-the-ghostieee · 1 month
hweeeehhhhhhhhhhh. i finally made a thing. i drew for once. wahooooooo.
this thing. it took like 3 weeks okay??? 3 frikkin weeks TwT
i will say. tw for blood. it isn't graphic in the sense like blood everywhere all red whatever, it's only a small corner but still mhmm
i made this thing
(under the cut obviously i'm not insensitive)
tumblr why must you compress it
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i drew it myself TTTwTTT (obviously like i'm not the type of person to repost either -w- this is my table and those are my fineliners and i created that thing you're looking at and whatever wahoo bahooey wonderhoy yeah)
it looks better irl if you were wondering
so!!! i have redesigned the prsk cover of gehenna uhm jacket cover art thingy??? cuz i wasn't happy with how the cover was just. a cropped version of the art for the mv. i love the original mv's art but like come on. you did this for charles. you did this for icedrop. you did this for buriki no dansu and umiyuri kaiteitan and mairieux and twilight melody. i know they've released the prsk version's mv after the cover got released in-game and that the original mv is an "older style-d" art only mv but come on at least add the extra text/effects. and they can't say they couldn't change it they've done that with machinegun poem doll
uhh-huhh that's all i'm tired -w-
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roseofcards90 · 1 year
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that reminds me, I had to take the tag out of the post earlier so dumblr would show it in the tag but Please for the love of any & all things holy can this be a fandom where I don’t have to put Painfully Obvious DisclaimersTM on everything, I am So tired 😂😂
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falling-from-sanity · 5 years
Pssst. I heard you love both Sally Face and The Cat Lady. May I suggest you...A CROSSOVER??? Like, Larry successfully offs himself, and then Rosenberg kicks his ass back into the world of living to deal with the cultists...I haven't thought about it enough for the specifics, but this is, like, the base idea. Feel free to add. (Please add. I need somebody.)
!!!!!! SOZ MAN I haven’t checked on this blog inna couple days but hghfhHFSS You have... my interest 👀👀👀 finally another actually-cultured person who knows The Cat Lady bless you--- TwT 
But ooooohhh yeah man I can see it~!!! 👀 Bc the cultists are Absolutely probably Parasites if I’ve ever seen any lmfao, so that’s totally a situation where--I guess Rosenburg in this situation xD--would defs wanna pull those strings to get Larry back & taken ‘em all out~ and also Um yanno, keep Sal from becoming a Parasite himself on accident probably fhhjdhHJFJDFSNJ um;;; 
aaaAAAA I’m not in a spot where I can think abt this extensively atm but DUDE yes, Approved, this is Absolutely a thing that should happen x,3c
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ninehundredlives · 5 years
((I posted these tags on my main blog but actually I guess they should be here too so x’3c))
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apticho · 7 years
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a rough storyboard for my final intro to animation project ^^!!! im planning to do a flcl-esque fight scene with kito!! the context of the scene is minah and jeoei are under the notion that kito had disappeared AND HE SUDDENLY APPEARS WHEN THEYRE STRUGGLING AGAINST THE BOSS and basically kito falls from the sky like a bamf
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(Hmmmm… okay TTTwTTT thank you)
Fugji perks up at the sound of his name and looks up at us curiously.
I smile brightly. “Really? That’d be so cute!” I exclaim.
“Also we should be okay. I don’t think he likes eating flowers all too much.” I reach down to pet Fugji gently.
“Just fruits and bamboo for this little one.” I say fondly.
“Aww,” G says. “Let’s do it then. Two flower crowns for us and one little one for Fugji. And after, we could probably find some fruit for him. I don’t think we’ve got bamboo, but I know we’ve got berries and stuff.”
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ghostmadewithlove · 2 years
Can't go to your blog without getting notified it's nsfw 'o' ,,,, you're getting Flagged TTTwTTT
Fuck you tumblr I haven't even posted porn on here for like a year >:(
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the-last-panqueque · 4 years
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...Lo siento... ;u; amo demasiado a este personaje. TTTwTTT
Un Rusia osito con mermelada.
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theolddivorcedzukka · 3 years
Morse code looks like this
.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..-
- Majesty
PS: I Lost My Morse Code Hand Book
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scrawlingskribbles · 2 years
Five year art glow-up! :D
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July 8th 2022 vs. Nov. 7th 2017
my girl is so!!!!! TTTwTTT god, making me fall in love with her a little more each time I see her, ridiculous.....
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hana-the-ghostieee · 2 months
today!!! was a really cool day!!! cuz n-buna did a hikikatari :P at first he was testing out and tuning with kumo to yuurei and a bit of yakou and then he sung haru, sayonara morten and haru dorobou :DDD so @motto-chanto-itte you better watch it in case you missed -w- anyways!! in honor of that!!! i'm posting the last tl!!! in the dakaboku/elma story!!! idk how it took me absolutely frikkin forever to get to this point but i'm finally here TTTwTTT so yay. i present to you, my translation fooooooorrrrrrrrr
nautilus. *ba-kyuun sound effects*
??/??, ノーチラス (Nautilus)
When the alarm clock rang, I finally, opened my eyes Yesterday, that cold that I had, felt like a lie. I kind of want to go out, but, ah… The weather forecast said it'll rain today… Well, it's not like I can do anything, either. Dawn hasn't broken yet.
This throat, it's dry, And this heart, it hurts so much, And all of these human things, they're always in my way…
At the speed of goodbye, please, raise your face If someday, the dawn will break, Please, your eyes, open them, and see, See how many times, I've pictured you, half-asleep.
So I finally brought an umbrella, Which, yes, while that was a good thing, I probably should've remembered... I threw away my shoes... and there's no way I'm going out barefoot. So, all I can say now is I don't really care, Because I've got no idea what to do.
And dinner, for that, what should I do? I think I'll go out when the weather clears up. I don't really want to see the humans outside, though…
Like this, at this speed, through today, I swim And your hand, when I finally reach out and touch you, Please, come on, open your eyes, and see, See how I've remembered that I've forgotten.
In front of that hill, there you stand, "It's really been a while, hasn't it?", you say, As our faces laugh and smile, And then I say, "Come on, The two of us, let's go together!"
That one Lapland barn, under that place over there, And through Gamla-stan's old streets, The summer grass is getting in my way.
Like this, at this speed, I swim through today, And when my hand finally touches yours, Please, wake up, and open your eyes, And see how I've forgotten you.
At the speed of goodbye, come on, raise your face, And when the dawn finally breaks through, Just open your eyes, and see, see, How I've always been picturing you sleepy, all this time.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :'(((( this song always gets me so translating it. you can imagine how that went
i actually ended up writing an alternate last paragraph cuz a part of me wanted the pov to shift towards elma there, like how it shifts completely to hers near the end of the mv, so here's how that goes:
At goodbye's speed, I raised my face, And as the dawn, it finally breaks through, I opened my eyes, and I see, at last I see, How you've been picturing me sleepy, all this time.
...yeah i'll go get some tissues
i tried to make the dawnbreak slowly seem more and more inevitable, like how amy leaving elma and this world was, yk? cuz when we first see amy writing nautilus in the nautilus mv, you could assume it's around late june, so it's like well. when i finish the song plez hear. but amy's songwriting ethic kinda stretched the lyric-writing of both nautilus and elma to the last day of his life, 8/31 (which is when amy oofed himself with the emerald green, and obviously like it's too far gone yk. he was sitting on the dock by the time nautilus was finished. it's time to sing goodbyes and stuff) i tried to make the dawnbreak symbolizes amy leaving elma sooo yeah
oh oh btw!!! i'm planning on making a masterpost for all of these tls, should i keep the dakaboku and elma tls separate or should i make it like [dakaboku song]/[elma song]???
uhmm yeah that's all
wahoo i can finally work on translating natsukusa, makeinu, tousaku, sousaku and gentou -w-
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umirion · 5 years
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I finished this drawing today,yaay TTTwTTT ,gift for @ella-elly-love ,I hope you like /// 
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