#tron theories
artmunstudios · 6 months
Random TRON thought but…
Man. Isn’t it fucked up that The Grid was on that really old computer running for all that time. Imagine if Sam didn’t come. What do you think would have happened? Dust and other shit just rots that computer away in the slowest death. And then one day it just. Dies. The Grid is just suddenly gone in a blip.
Isn’t that fucked up
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exxiion · 6 months
Okay so, proposed TRON Legacy headcanon time:
The disks were never meant to be permanent.
They are, in essence, debug tools to quickly access and tinker with programs' code.
It would never make sense for a functioning society of living individuals to have an object as essential to one's existence be as easily snatchable as they're presented in Legacy and Uprising. It's absurd. But it would make sense from a programmer's point of view, as this whole society is still work-in-progress, not yet ready for its main purpose as a retreat into the digital realm for living human beings.
When you think of the system in Legacy as a digital construction zone, one in which there's one central central programmer who designs and shapes literally everything around him, having every program's code as easily accessible and editable as they are suddenly makes a lot more sense.
In this digital realm, these programs need to be debugged, edited, pruned to perfection at a moment's notice. We see this very thing in action in Legacy when Flynn uses Quorra's disk to quickly isolate and repair her corrupted code on the light sailer.
So that's my proposal. In the 1982 movie, the disks were a symbol of slavery under a tyrannical MCP, forced upon each captured program much the way shackles and a weapon would be forced upon a gladiator. In Legacy, they're the symbol of a powerful but stubborn creator, who's fingerprints are found in the code of each and every program in the grid.
It shows Flynn's brilliant yet shortsighted nature that when he looked upon the disks of the original grid, he didn't see them for their use as shackles, tools of surveillance and slavery, but for their use as diagnostic tools used to touch the soul of each and every program in his grand new utopia.
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starry-saturn-nights · 5 months
You think there were like, buzzfeed unsolvedesque conspiracy videos online on Flynn’s disappearance? And like, maybe a few of the more “outlandish” ones were actually like, the closest to what actually happened to him?
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toxooz · 1 month
ever since that one ask i keep thinking abt Jakkans timeline with the whole 'Ollie's demonic genetics cause him to age super slowly and outlive everyone else' so hes like 1000 years old but only looks like he's in his mid 40s but hes also like a half cyborg at this point
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fights4users · 9 months
I believed in the users once before | A system in disbelief
It’s so fascinating looking at legacy because basically in all of Flynn’s actions he has created the perfect situation to justify hatred and disbelief in the users.
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Flynn did all the heavy work for Clu. There is no need to propagandize and lie when , in your view God has indeed abandoned you. He had taken a Polytheistic society that used to have more more individualized deities and inadvertently turned it Monotheistic. Between him constantly leaving and then going into hiding- to this society he truly has abandoned them. They have no other User input, requests, commands - he is it and he has left them.
As cycles go on belief wanes, this is a system that used to have direct and constant interactions with users and what they’re capable of and hasn’t in generations. Memory wanes, anger stews, distrust grows. And who comes in to pick up the pieces? Clu. He’s not making a single thing up, unlike most dictators he fully believes everything he spews and from a point of view… he’s right. (Again that’s terrifying).
Where the MCP had to forcefully capture and eliminate programs who still believed in the users (that he hadn’t assimilated or drained). Clu doesn’t. Belief was nearly stamped out organically!! In the grid it has truly become a cultish set of unwavering belief— unlike in Encom where it was a organic part of life stamped out by force. This is more “choosing to leave religion” if it’s comparative?
Those who fight in the games are strays- not regular programs but those broken or lost that are out just… wandering. Those are the ones that get tossed into the arena or rectified (from what we see in the movie) it’s not like the MCP. Clu doesn’t have to work so hard to get rid of belief because I cannot state enough, Flynn did all the heavy work himself.
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In this grid the games are a purpose, horrific but using the infrastructure left behind by Flynn. Strays get the games — survival. Regular programs have something to do — watch.
There’s no mindcontrol in the crowd- their user hate and games enjoyment is a necessity if they want a society at all. If it is to believed— as Flynn himself stated Clu can’t create, he can repurpose. He’s the overseer! Not the creator. He’s doing what he can with what he has… he built Rome, which is not good (as sympathetic as I am towards Clu there’s like 12 other things you could’ve done before building Rome)
No one is a better example of Lost faith than Castor.
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He’s fought for Flynn and his beloved ISOs , he was one of the best so much so he’s still sought after. He’s changed. “I believed but what did that do for me?” What did it get him but heartache and so many dead companions and at the end of it , after all this fighting Flynn disappears! His fall into self preservation and sour attitude towards users is completely understandable.
It’s sad that this has happened as the original film and novelization describe belief in the users as this intrinsic and natural thing all programs know to be true. And to have a situation where so many willingly abandon belief because there is no communication (‘user requests are what computers are for’) or purpose. That it had been made so easy for clu to turn that sorrow into a burning hatred. It is sad that this thing they all desire the most has basically been made into a cult sect who can’t let go of something that used to be so basic. Above all it’s just so fascinating that this all happened naturally supposed to by a regime, all Clu had to do was step up and acknowledge it.
In conclusion:
Now I’m not saying Flynn did any of this on purpose, he didn’t want to abandon anything, he didn’t want to create a system with no purpose. He was a excited young man who wanted to recreate something cool and was given the powers of a god. He didn’t know the impact even the smallest action could cause. He did not have bad intentions but oh boy did he fuck up.
I hope this makes even a lick of sense, I just have so many thoughts 😭
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astercontrol · 3 months
it's color theory
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i have made something horrible hahaha
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mayertis-not-a-user · 9 months
Today is the Day of Naval Fleet, and it made me think about Sark's actual status
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As Wikipedia says: "Commander (commonly abbreviated as Cmdr.) is a common naval officer rank as well as a job title in many armies. Commander is also used as a rank or title in other formal organizations, including several police forces. In several countries this naval rank is termed frigate captain. ... Commander is a rank used in navies, but is very rarely used as a rank in armies. In most armies, the term "commander" is used only as a job title like "platoon commander", "brigade commander" and "squadron commander".
Actually, Naval Commander (Royal Navy, US Navy) is equal to Lieutenant colonel (Army) and Captain 2nd rank (Soviet/Russian Naval Fleet).
Captain 2nd rank is the commander of a ship of the same rank: large amphibious, missile and destroyers. BUT, as you know, Sark's ship is an entire aircraft carrier. That's a 1st rank ship so Sark cannot command there as his rank would be too low for that. The ship is commanded by the 1st rank senior officer (captain 1st rank).
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An aircraft carrier is a large surface ship of special purpose designed to provide air cover for the connection of ships, the landing of amphibious forces, air strikes on the connection of ships and individual enemy ships, on its coastal coastal defense, as well as for the transportation of goods and people, communication between the ships of the connection. Equipped with means to ensure the basing and functioning of aircraft. The main armament of an aircraft carrier is deck-based aircraft and helicopters (in case of the classic Grid - recognizers).
So Sark's status of a Commander might be just a job title but not the real rank.
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faeymouse · 11 months
I hate that we know absolutely nothing about Tron’s hideout in Uprising.
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dangoarts · 2 years
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the tron uprising experience
binged the whole thing and commentated on discord
pavel actually turned out to be one of my favorites despite me wanting to strangle him the whole show
bonus theory
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Uprising Script Pages Analysis/Theories
Ok, so I don’t know about you guys, but those Uprising TV movie script pages Bill Wolkoff dropped have haunted me since they were posted. Since I have Many Thoughts I figured I would share them, and Tron’s 40th anniversary seemed like the perfect time! I’m going to analyze all five of the pages we have so far, so this will be a long post, and I’m not gonna put it under the cut in case anything ever happens to my blog. Sorry in advance lol.
The new batch of four pages starts on page 39.
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We see that Quorra and Beck have just escaped from Clu’s ship. The page opens with them falling through the air (fighting as they go), and when the scene shifts Clu is looking at the hatch they just jumped out of. I know this is redundant but Quorra and Beck were in a room with Clu and Dyson and they managed to escape (it appears) unharmed. That’s pretty impressive.
Dyson says, “I... seem to have made a mistake,” and then talks about bringing Clu the real Tron. Which means that Clu and Dyson almost certainly know Beck’s identity. Or at least his face! Depending on how they learned he wasn’t actually Tron, maybe they didn’t get Beck’s name. I kind of doubt he’s that lucky, though.
Based on Clu’s conversation with Dyson here, it sounds like Dyson captured Beck thinking he was Tron and brought him to Clu without actually checking. (Either Beck kept quiet or he does a good enough imitation to fool someone who knows the real deal.) That makes sense, because Dyson saw the real Tron in Argon in “Scars.” I guess he had no reason to think the Renegade and Tron weren’t the same person. However, this mistake costs Dyson with Clu. I have to wonder if this is maybe the latest in a string of mistakes from Dyson, since there were supposed to be a few more episodes of Uprising before this movie aired where he may have been placed in charge of Argon (a theory based on this storyboarded scene), and the situation there appears to have escalated.
When Quorra and Beck land below we see that Argon is under attack from the occupation, to the point that it is a “war zone.” Again, there were supposed to be two or three more episodes of Uprising after “Terminal,” so it’s hard to know whether or not this is a new development. We don’t know how long Clu’s armada waited before attacking Argon.
Beck says “Thanks for the rescue,” indicating that Quorra saved him from Clu and Dyson. (And she appeared to be doing most of the fighting at the top of the page lol.)
Page 40.
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Beck references a “Network” that Quorra is working for. I’m not sure if that would include Flynn, other ISOs, or someone else, but in order for Beck to be aware of that network she would had to have brought it up in one of the scenes we don’t have. That, or maybe Clu or Dyson mentioned/accused her of being part of a larger network while they were onboard Clu’s ship.
Quorra says, “I risked my life to save Tron. Not some kid playing dress-up.” She only rescued Beck because (initially) she also thought he was the real Tron. Beck counters that “Argon’s standing up to Clu,” because of him. This makes it sound like the programs of Argon are actively fighting back against the occupation at this point, which is what season one was clearly building up to. It seems like and Tron made some significant progress in the episodes we don’t have.
Quorra still doesn’t sound interested in working with Beck, but she does say “I am impressed you’re operating outside your programming.” To me, this confirms that Clu and Dyson learned Beck’s actual identity. How could Quorra know that Beck is operating outside of his programming unless she knows what his programming is? If she knows that Beck is a mechanic, it’s likely because she was on Clu’s ship when he learned that Beck was a mechanic.
Quorra knows that Tron is alive because Beck is terrible at keeping secrets.
Page 41.
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Wow Beck is terrible at keeping secrets.
(Quorra uses the word “minute,” why.)
Quorra knows that Clu is after Tron, though she seems to think that this is for different reasons than we learned in the “Scars” arc.
Here we also get a look at some of the tech that’s being used to attack Argon. These “spheres” were also mentioned on page 39, so we can assume that these are being dropped all over the city, and we see that they’re incredibly destructive. At this point it seems like Clu is willing to wipe out the entire city and all the programs in it in order to put down the rebellion.
Quorra is leaving Beck to go somewhere--maybe to get more help (or to check in with someone)? I don’t think she’s leaving Argon (unless she has a change of heart) because she’s back again on page 63.
Page 42.
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Quorra asks Beck to stop being the Renegade, which is interesting considering the brief scene in Legacy where she talks about how Flynn fought back against Clu. Even if she has her reasons, she’s attempting to quash a rebellion here. Beck also seems to have no idea why Clu would be after Tron. Either he and Tron just haven’t talked about this (that tracks) or he tried to ask Tron and he wouldn’t provide any answers (which also tracks).
And then Quorra says THIS: “He’ll hunt you next--because you think you’re like us. He hates anyone who defies their programming. He wants that power for himself. That’s why he’s hunting Tron. Tron is the key to Clu finally being able to create his own programs. So if you really want to help Tron... you’ll stay far away from him.”
There’s so much to unpack here.
FIRST, it was common knowledge that Tron was from another system! Programs on the Grid knew about the ENCOM system. I never expected this show to address that, and it might be my favorite piece of information from these pages. It also makes sense considering that the events that took place there made Tron a legendary hero in the first place.
Next, Clu is hunting Tron specifically because he’s from another system. Maybe Flynn did place some restrictions on what Clu can and can’t do, and having access to code from a different system would allow him to break/work around those? That still doesn’t make a ton of sense though because in Legacy Clu has Rinzler and no one says anything about him making his own programs, just repurposing ones that already exist. Dyson said the repurposing process was crude directly after the coup, so maybe something about Tron’s code could make it better? I also have no idea how Quorra could know any of this unless she’s already been talking with Flynn and he thinks it’s a concern. (Which would mean he suspects that Tron is alive... which didn’t seem to be the case in Legacy...)
Finally--and this is actually the part I find most interesting--is the line about “You think you’re like us. He hates anyone who defies their programming.” From Clu’s perspective, this could be the actual conflict of this show. Not dealing with/capturing Tron. Not finding Flynn. Not defeating the Renegade. Just keeping this one piece of information under wraps. We know that Clu hates the ISOs because they don’t have directives. He sees them as chaotic and without purpose. More specifically, he sees them as a threat because they can make their own decisions. They can act for themselves, however they want. They’re free, as Quorra explains in “Isolated.” BUT this line, and the one about Beck “operating outside of [his] programming,” indicate that ISOs aren’t the only programs who can do that. ISOs don’t have directives, but Beck is proof that basics can ignore theirs. If Argon at large is rebelling, he led an entire city of programs to ignore their directives in favor of fighting against Clu. This is what Clu is going to want to keep from spreading beyond Argon. Not just the rebellion itself, but the realization that every program on the Grid can decide for themselves what they want to do--that they don’t have to listen to him just because he’s the administrator. It’s possible that this is another reason he targeted the ISOs and made such a spectacle of it. He wanted basics to think that ISOs were the only programs who were capable of deciding their own fate, so that no one else would try to fight back against him.
Considering what happened to every place the ISOs went, and the attacks that are already happening here, that spells big trouble for Argon.
The next page we have is number 63 (so clearly there’s a bit of a skip here).
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I assume Quorra is talking to Beck at the beginning of this page. I can’t help but wonder if he’s done something new here when she refers to “your job” or if she just means... starting the Uprising in general. “Let us take over from here” again implies that she isn’t working alone.
Beck was restrained here (?), but he breaks free. I’m guessing Quorra tied him up in an attempt to keep him from following her. No such luck. Once free, Beck notes that “the ship is nowhere in sight.” I’m guessing that they’re waiting on a ship here (since one shows up soon after), but there’s also a chance that one just left. If that’s true, I wonder if they sent someone else away.
(I know Wolkoff said this almost certainly wouldn’t have made it into the movie but just. Let me have this lmao.)
Quorra says “They’ll get us there. Trust me.” She and Beck are going somewhere, and I’m guessing it’s outside of Argon if they need a giant ship to get there. I highly doubt they would be going to Tron in that thing after Quorra spent like three pages talking about how no one can find him.
We also see here that Beck still doesn’t trust Quorra very much. These two seem to be off to a bit of a rocky start.
Annnnnnd those are all the pages we have (for now).
In no particular order, here’s some speculation prompted by these pages.
Dyson changing sides?
So, based on everything we saw in “Scars,” I get the sense that Dyson isn’t an especially loyal program. Tron is loyal to a fault, but Dyson seems more interested in serving whoever can best help him and his own interests. Maybe this is far fetched (some of these theories will be), but part of me wonders if there’s any chance Dyson would have attempted to change sides if Clu continued to treat him like he was disposable. In one of these scenes, Clu literally kicked him out an air lock. He could have died. (I’m assuming he doesn’t.) I think it would have been an interesting development if at some point Dyson became sick of this treatment and attempted to win the Renegade/Tron’s trust (again). Or maybe the writers could have done something less drawn out and had Dyson change sides unexpectedly during a key moment like a fight. I sort of doubt that Dyson would have lasted long one way or the other, but seeing more of Tron’s backstory with Dyson and forcing Tron to deal with some actual emotions (other than anger) would have been really fun to see. And if they somehow reconciled and Tron lost him again? Permanently? Mm angst.
Who is Quorra’s network? / Where were she and Beck going?
So who was Quorra working with (besides Daft Punk lol)? Of course I want to say Flynn, because *gestures at Legacy*. However, I seriously question whether or not Flynn would have shown up in Uprising at all (in the “present” timeline). I highly doubt he would have had a major role in the movie, and I don’t think it makes sense for Quorra to take Beck to Flynn when his location needs to remain secret and she’s already made comments about how Beck can’t keep a secret. I’m not saying that Flynn and Quorra had no connection at this point (cause Evolution), but I doubt he would be very involved here, beyond maybe sending her out in the first place. Maybe there could have been a scene with just those two at some point, but I’m skeptical of anything beyond that.
I think the most logical answer to this question is Castor/Zeus. Legacy references how he helped Quorra in the past, and we see other resistance members asking him for help at the End of Line. We also see Daft Punk at the End of Line, so that could be part of why they’re here in this scene! Since Uprising took place earlier in the timeline, this may be a point where Zeus was more involved in the fight against Clu. Maybe whatever was about to transpire was actually what Quorra referenced in Legacy.
(There’s one more program I can think of who might have been part of Quorra’s network, but I’ll get to that in a minute.)
Point is, I think Quorra was taking Beck to Tron City/the End of Line to meet her rebel friends and maybe get some back up... or at least come up with an actual plan on how to proceed with the fight.
Who knew Beck’s identity? / Paige changing sides?
Again, based on the pages we have, I think the occupation learned Beck’s identity while he was captured. If this were true, it could be the catalyst for a lot of other things--depending on what the occupation did with that information.
If they only spread that information internally, Paige would learn that Beck was the Renegade. There’s no mention of her in any of the pages we have, so we don’t know what she’s doing or thinking at this point. We also don’t know when this all out attack on Argon started. But (unless she was in some very real denial) I doubt that Paige would be onboard with attacking civilians considering her backstory. Taking this into account along with the fact that Tesler (who she was most loyal to) may be gone, I think that Paige would already be on the fence about her loyalties to the occupation. In my opinion, learning Beck’s identity on top of that would either make her change sides completely--or become more loyal to Clu than ever.
Paige knows Beck. She seems to trust him, and maybe even like him. But I feel like Paige would hate being lied to, and when Beck escaped from Clu, Quorra was the one who saved him. If she learned that Beck lied to her about being the Renegade and that he was working with Quorra, who she doesn’t trust at all, her opinion of him might become completely tainted. So I don’t think that Paige learning Beck’s identity means she would automatically change sides. She’s way more complex than that.
If the occupation learned Beck’s identity and decided to share it with the public at large, hoping a civilian would turn him in (a la “The Reward”), all of his friends would know his identity. Have fun dealing with that, Beck. Mara in particular would have some interesting things to say, I’m sure.
Where is Tron?
We always come back to this question, don’t we? In true Tron fashion, none of these pages actually include our title character. I will say, when we only had page 63, I was concerned that Tron had maybe already been captured or Rinzlered since Beck seemed to be on his own. I don’t think that’s the case anymore, because we see Clu demanding the real Tron and Quorra talking about how Beck needs to stay away from him to make sure he doesn’t get captured. I still have to wonder what Tron was doing during all of this. Though that might be the smart thing to do, I find it hard to believe that Tron would just be... in hiding while Argon was under attack. Or that he wouldn’t go after Beck if he knew he’d been captured by Dyson. But maybe he doesn’t know, because a lot seems to be happening here, and Beck appears to have escaped from that situation really quickly. Clearly there are lots of possibilities here and I can only speculate. Maybe Tron was fighting on the ground. We know he has disguises. He isn’t injured anymore, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Maybe he’s even with Beck’s friends, working with them and keeping them safe. Maybe he’s trying to find a way to get to Clu, because I kind of doubt that an Uprising movie wouldn’t have some kind of confrontation between those two, especially when they’re basically in the same place. Maybe he’s waiting at the coliseum where Clu’s ship landed. (That’d be some Rinzler foreshadowing, hm?) If Beck is referencing a different ship in the scene at the docks, maybe Tron also left Argon. Maybe he and Beck met up/talked in the 20 page gap here and he’s sending Beck off with (a begrudging) Quorra to get help. Who knows!
Yori in Uprising?
And here’s the question that I always come back to. I have long hoped that Yori would have appeared in Uprising had the show continued, especially because her suit occasionally appears as an easter egg in Able’s office. I’m not saying that the writers would have taken this direction, but there are a few things in these pages that I think Yori could have fit with.
If Clu was looking for Tron specifically because he was from another system... Yori was from that same system. It makes sense that he would be looking for her too. Beyond that, if Clu needed code from the ENCOM system to create something, Yori worked with the digitizing laser. Creation is her specialty. She would probably be a better candidate than Tron for whatever Clu has in mind.
I also love the idea of Yori working as a rebel leader (we already know she came up with most of the actual plans in the original Tron movie), so the fact that Quorra has a network of rebel friends makes me wonder if she could have been one of them. It seems like Quorra was sent to Argon by someone who knew about the ENCOM system and believed that Tron was alive. Yori might fit that bill better than Flynn. As far as we know, Flynn always thought Tron was dead, but I doubt she would have given up hope so easily.
Possible setup for season two?
This movie was specifically supposed to bridge seasons one and two, so what would it have set up for the next season of Uprising? At the very least, I think Paige would have known about Beck’s identity, and that this would either make her want to change sides or be more dedicated to the occupation than ever. Zed and Mara may have also learned Beck’s identity. I’ve always thought it would be cool if Uprising had a kind of Minas Tirith moment, where the rebels were horribly outnumbered and it looked like they were all doomed, and then help arrived from outside of Argon. If we assume that Tron is fighting somewhere on the ground here and we know that Beck left Argon to get help, maybe we could have gotten a moment like that in the movie. Also, if Beck brought some characters back to Argon from Tron City (say, Quorra and/or Yori), it would have been really cool if they stuck around for the next season. I could see Quorra trying to get Tron to leave with her to help with the larger rebellion and both of them staying in Argon until the fight was finished there. If Quorra stuck around, I’m sure we would have eventually seen a reunion between her and Paige. And if Yori joined the cast (not only would we get a reunion between her and Tron) we could expect Actual Plans from the Uprising in season two. Imagine.
Unless the set up for the next season was gonna be bleak (which is also a possibility), I think Clu probably would have lost this particular fight. We may have seen the rebellion grow into something larger and more organized before the next stage of the fight. But, at least if you’re Clu, the bright side to having more rebels around is that there are more people who can slip up and reveal some fatal information.
Rinzler / Uprising’s Ending?
The more I look at Quorra’s warnings in these pages and how they don’t line up with canon, the more I wonder if Rinzler’s creation could be really different from what we’ve come to assume. I can’t help but wonder if, to some extent, Tron turned himself into Rinzler. The biggest reason I say this is because Rinzler is damaged and Tron isn’t. The damage Tron sustained in the coup had already been repaired at this point in Uprising. And while he could obviously just... fight Clu and get hurt again, Clu is obsessed with perfection. I’ve always thought it was odd that Rinzler makes that damaged purring noise, but maybe it’s because Clu can’t fix whatever’s wrong with Rinzler that causes him to make that sound. This could also be why we also don’t see Clu making his own programs in Legacy like Quorra fears even though he does have access to Tron. Maybe towards the end of the series Tron would have been captured again, and he somehow damaged or corrupted himself so that Clu couldn’t use or replicate his code. Though that would be a grim ending (and I’m sure this show would have had one), in some ways it would be an almost satisfying stalemate between the two. Clu could rectify what’s left of Tron to get Rinzler, but one Rinzler would be a poor prize compared to an army of them. It could also further explain why Clu wanted Alan specifically when he tried to bring a user to the Grid in Legacy. He could have fixed Tron’s code (in theory) and then Clu could make the perfect army he wanted to conquer the user world.
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masschase · 11 months
Is casey also in AOM??
Yes and no!
If I ever get around to playing AOM I might heavily regret not having Casey Casey in that universe. But I've already implied that she was changed pretty drastically by the reset.
As I recall, you (the asker) weren't too keen on my theory on this, but(and I'll do a more visual representation of this some day):
Greek mythology name choice 1, mom's eyes (hazel) dad's hair (dark blonde), parents didn't take a potential move to Paris, parents didn't invest in some (as it turned out very good) stocks they wanted to -> Cassandra Clark
Greek mythology name choice 2, dad's eyes but bluer (his are blue-grey), mom's hair (v. dark brown/black), parents did take a potential move to Paris, parents did invest in those stocks -> Persephone Brimstone (née Clark, presumably)
Now obviously in Casey's universe Johnny doesn't make that choice, so any situation where he did was already an AU prior to the reset. So in that universe, was she already Persephone but the leader of the Saints, or was she Casey but became Persephone when the universe reset? I personally would choose the latter.
It's not something I'd probably ever explore fully(maybe a random drawing/oneshot about Persephone having nightmares where she's eating Freckle Bitch's or something), but I do love the potential links, even not taking into account the obvious stuff like the logo and the shared team members. Persephone= the queen of the underworld, which could be both underworld as in crime or as in God literally being afraid of the Boss raising an army against heaven. It's also forbidden to speak her real name which links back to Casey's secrecy around hers.
tl;dr: Casey is Sephy. Sort of.
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artmunstudios · 10 months
Okay, 18+ TRON fans- this is TOTALLY random but I'm legit curious.
What are some NSFW/sexuality headcanons you have about programs? This can be physically or on the psychological side like what programs may find attractive, etc.
l'll list a few of my own but since it's NSFW in nature it'll be below the cut.
-100% believe that on the new system Flynn built, sexual encounters are more User-like than more almost a metaphorical and/or code exchange experience like how we have learned of in the old system based on Tron and Yori’s deleted love scene based off of the script and scene itself. For several reasons, but two in particular:
•Flynn himself doesn’t/can’t understand the old system’s sexual advances/encounters because, well—he’s a human! Its not exactly a shock.
•In Uprising especially, it seems pretty evident with the way Paige and Beck “flirted” with each other while fighting in the pilot, Mara’s physical body language in State of Mind, Lux’s behavior in seducing Beck, etc, that sexuality is a lot more physical than it was in the old system. Hell, Tron and Yori didn’t even know what kissing was until Flynn decided to lay one on Yori (okay I get he legit thought he was gonna die and she looked like Laura who was an ex he probably still had feelings for at that time but COME ON MAN REALLY??????)
-Because of last stated headcanon, I honestly don’t think Beck even realizes that Cyrus assaulted him. Do I think Cyrus knows? 100%—Absolutely he does. He’s predatory by nature and he probably knows a little more about the old system because of just talking and hanging out with Tron. Beck probably felt, and maybe still feels, gross and violated in a way he can’t really describe. He was put through torture and pain, but somehow it doesn’t feel like the same kind of emotional distress he felt when being in trouble when taking hits. It feels personal, internal, and I think that’s a big reason why Cyrus scares him. It’s not just his ability to read Beck so easily. It’s because he did something to him that has changed him forever, but he can’t figure out or understand what that was. And that probably scares Beck even more.
-Physical sex and code exchange must genuinely be a mind-bending experience, and probably a very emotional one, too.
-Because of that, I genuinely think the few programs who know/discovered that aspect of sex probably will only reserve that for long term/really close counter.
-AIGHT LETS ADD ANOTHER LAYER TO THIS—I always wondered if programs could connect their disks via a wire much like ghost in the shell. I bet it’s not exactly sexual in nature, more of a emotional thing, but the idea of programs connecting and meeting in an internal lobby and sharing memories/data is goddamn romantic. Probably can feel each other’s physical experiences too which can potentially be either overwhelming or maybe a really sweet experience
-I think it was kinda hinted at in Legacy/Uprising, but I’m willing to bet Sirens aren’t just assist programs but probably are prostitutes too. It seemed like Uprising was kinda indicating Colbolt was her pimp and not just an abusive panther but that can just be me.
-Having said that, you wonder if prostitution/brothels are legal in the Grid? I do a lot, because I think it says a lot about the Grid and Clu’s ruling more than I think people probably think.
-Okay, building on that too why not—1000% Clu visits these clubs all the time taking in who knows how many sirens back with him. I don’t think about sex headcanons usually in a “damn that’d be hot” kinda way, I think sexuality and sex culture genuinely just says a lot about society—the good and bad. I just think that Clu is so obsessed with being worshiped he can’t even be sexually pleased without having a whole ass crowd praising/worshiping him.
…FUCK IT LET’S TALK ABOUT DYSON TOO I JUST THINK HE’S INTERESTING (imo the most interesting character to dissect in Uprising but again that’s just me) this is stuff me and @stemgalhatesmath talk about ALOT
-Dyson is 100% emotionally and sexually stunted and you can’t convince me otherwise. His mind is always in work, or Clu. So you know, not a lot else on the mind when it comes to relationships, even on a surface level.
-Also fairly certain he’s gay (pretty sure that’s the consensus all around) BUUUT I think Dyson either doesn’t realize he’s gay, or is deliberately ignoring that fact because. You know. The man can barely get a grasp on his own emotions I don’t think he can get through understanding his own sexuality without help and we all know DAMN WELL Clu ain’t gonna give that shit to him.
-HOWEVER, I do think the second Dyson experiences ANY form of relationship he’s gonna cling on so damn tight you better believe that man will have no escape. Nope. None whatsoever.
-I’m just gonna say it. I think Dyson has rizz. I’m not even joking. I just think he’d be naturally good in bed (totally not because he’s afraid of failure in ANY WAY so he’s going to keep himself as adaptable as possible nah no stop what are you talking about)
In conclusion: Dyson—Bad man? Yes. Probably the best partner you will have once he learns/understands how relationships romantically work? Absolutely.
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mochiimadness · 11 months
Hey, I dunno if your still taking requests but I have one!
What about s/o having hair like Entrapta's from She-Ra? I would love to see how they would react to their s/o with that!
Hello, I'm sorry for the long wait! I'm finally getting around to answering old requests, before opening new ones.
I haven't seen She-Ra, but I did look Entrapta up, so I hope I haven't gotten anything wrong!
Neon Leon
Leo is both insanely fascinated over your hair-
But also, very very terrified at first.
Remember when Leo wore that blond wig that ended up being completely and utterly evil??
Leo does.
Leo has flashbacks of this when he first sees you using your hair to grab a mug off the counter that was just out of hands reach.
May or may not have screamed.
"S/o, I don't mean to freak you out but- YOUR HAIR IS CURSED!"
"What- wait no it's just-"
"Don't worry- I got this!" he says, as he whips out his sword
Cue panicked screaming from everyone in the room as Leo attempts to 'save' you
He really thought you were in danger okay-
After managing to convince Leo to not chop off your hair,
You have to explain to him that your hair isn't actually cursed by some weird dude looking to steal stuff
"I was born like this, I can just make my hair move and stuff."
Cue Leo's suspicious squinting.
He does believe you! He just cant help peaking around corners detective style to spy on your hair at first.
Once he gets use to it tho, he's got to admit, having hair you can use to grab things jussst barely out of reach is amazing!
His jaw drops when he realizes you can fight using your hair too-
Your hair wraps around a rather slippery warthog mutant and launches him several feet away
Leo is staring in shock and possible fear
They'd been trying to get a hold on that mutant for ages, and you just managed to grab him no problem???
And launch him like a soft ball???????
Mad respect
Enchanted/cursed hair or not, Leo's just glad it's not using you for evil!
Plus, you seem to be having fun, so he's cool with it now.
Don Tron
Donnie's insanely curious about your hair
Absolutely runs some tests and experiments (with your permission ofc)
He's seen you lift mugs and smaller objects-
But what's the weight limit???
Is it like a muscle that can be trained to lift more over time????
Is it possibly sentient?!
You let him come up with new theories
But as soon as the conspiracy board and red strings come out,
You're lifting him with your hair and carrying him away for a break.
He loves when you help him out in the lab
Using your hair to grab and hold tools or parts
It's similar to using his spider arms, but 10x better since it's his s/o helping him.
Your hair also inspires him to make a different version of his spider arm battle shell-
This one using a more fluid movement to match your hair!
He lowkey looks like Doc Oc...
Villains do their best to avoid you both
Having one person who can grab and yeet them away was bad enough-
But now there's two??????
They are sprinting as fast as they can
Not fast enough though!
You're able to use your hair to grab and swing from walls, catching up to villains with ease
Donnie's impressed, you didn't even need a tracking device!
You two also found out another trick you could do,
You're able to use your hair as a extra set of arms- so you both came to a realization
You could use your hair to hold more controllers.
You two need an extra player???
Bam, you're holding two more controllers
Donnie cackles manically every time you two score extra points using this method
Is it technically cheating????
You can't deny it takes a lot of skill and practice to do though, so who cares?
Not you and Donnie, that's who!
Mystic Mike
:0 !!!
Your hair can move?!?!
Please please show him what you can do!
Absolutely loves seeing all your tricks
From lifting a mug, to scaling a building-
He thinks you and your hair are awesome!!
One day, he's literally in the middle of talking to you when he interrupts his own sentence in a huge realization-
"So then I chased them down on the shells hogs and- WAIT WAIT HOLD THE PHONE-"
"You can use your hair to paint!!!!"
Cue both of you jumping up and sprinting to his room
You can, in fact, use your hair to paint!
Whether it be using your actual hair as a paintbrush,
Or holding multiple brushes and items at once!
It makes art time ten times more efficient- but also extremely chaotic
Sure, now you both have easy access to art materials, but now your hair can literally spin everything
The guys entered the living room one day and saw it absolutely covered in buckets of paint
You are now banned from holding stain causing items in the common areas and Donnie's lab.
When you two go fight together
Mikey quickly learns that you can use your hair to help climb and scale buildings
Which leads to you crawling upside down on a ceiling at full speed, with Mikey floating beside you, at enemies
There are high pitched shrieks whenever you join the battle
You may or may not be a local cryptid now.
"S/O, they're calling you a spider mutant!"
Big Red
Like Leo,
Raph also thinks your hair is alive
Though, he's more concerned than fearful
If your hair is alive, then should he ask it if he can pat your head??
You reassure him that your hair is not alive or sentient
He's still wary about it though
Definitely gives it suspicious looks when you're not looking just to test it
When you catch onto this though, you start moving your hair 'without your knowledge' just to play around
Raph shrieks
"I KNEW IT!!!"
You'll have to explain that you were just pranking him lmao
He does realize that your hair isn't alive eventually though.
Is genuinely impressed by what your hair can do
Especially when he realizes you can lift heavier objects too
If you're able to lift him with your hair, he'll scream
Definitely has a fanboy moment
"WHAT!? How is it so strong?!?"
Even if you can't lift him with your hair,
He's still impressed!
Throughout the day, you'll use your hair to grab things that are out of reach and hand it to him
Usually it's subconscious,
Like when he just barely got into a comfy spot after a long patrol and realizes his phone is just out of reach
You grab it and hand it to him offhandedly
Or when he's sleeping and the blanket slips off, you'll reach around to pull it back up and make sure he's covered
He appreciates these little gestures so much
Absolutely warms his heart and makes him a little misty eyed.
During battle,
He sees you literally form a fist shape with your hair and deck a rather aggressive yokai right in the face,
Sending them flying down the street
Raph will stop and stare in awe
"Woah!! S/O that's amazing!"
He's so proud of you
Then he realizes the hidden city police are making their way towards the two of you
Cue both of you hauling it towards the nearest portal
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Hey everyone, I'm going through my old requests and writing them. I can't promise I'll get to all of them, but I'll do my best when I have time!
Sorry for the huge wait, life got crazy
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I think that the main problem with all of the scrapped Tron ideas/scripts that keep popping up every few years is that they keep focusing on the wrong characters/stories.
I feel like not many people who like Tron actually care about Sam Flynn. People care more about Quorra, but I think that interest in her falls short as well. And not a single soul wants Jared Leto anywhere NEAR this franchise.
The next Tron movie should be a Rinzler movie.
First of all, people WANT more of Tron himself and have been saying so since Legacy came out. One of the things that made Uprising great was Tron’s involvement in, well, Tron. Plus, this is Tumblr so I don’t need to go into how insane Tron fans have gotten over Rinzler for the past decade.
I want to see how Tronzler copes with his split self. I want to see his flashbacks and fractured, contextless memories of his time as Tron. (kinda like the ones he had at the end of legacy). I want to see what he went through to be reprogrammed. I want to see how he copes with his life as gladiator and elite soldier. How does he deal with all of the derezzing he has to do? I want to see a deep dive into his relationship and dynamic with CLU. How does Rinzler act when he’s alone? Where does the purring come from? Does Jarvis hate him as much as I think he does?
Maybe some of this was answered by Uprising and I just don’t remember (It’s been a decade since I’ve seen that show).
Anyways I just think the whole Tronzler thing is super interesting and unexplored in official media. It would be interesting to see what Disney writers come up with and which fan theories they humor. Plus I neeeeeeeed more “Rinzler being a freak” content.
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fights4users · 9 months
Sleep cycle | Speculating how sleep would look in the system/grid
Who’s ready to sound really pretentious about beddy-bye?! I made a half joking post about God mandated bedtime before, but now I have a more concrete idea.
For one thing programs aren’t like us they don’t take something like food and convert it to energy. It’s absorbed straight and directed to whatever function they need/want. There’s Energy used to run but it can also be directed and transferred. An example being, Yori uses some of the energy Tron gave her to transform the apartment and herself. There’s purpose and intent behind the way they use energy. It’s what differentiates X from Y ( Thus not every energy transfer = sex )
They get power from just about everything they do and the world around them, if everything is running properly (when we see the ENCOM system and the grid they are not running as intended). Honestly I’d say a energy cycle is like a water cycle except transferred between programs,  vehicles and their surroundings etc. (I don’t know a thing about computers this is all speculatory based on the world we see in the films,) I think the occasion where a program would need to drink energy or find a pure source would be rare, and it’s more of an extra boost. Like how the only setting outside of the cavern we see anyone drinking is the End of Line club, a bar. In both films it’s shown getting that excess/pure energy can pretty much get you similar to our idea of “being drunk”.
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Anyways, what’s this have to do with sleeping? Well,
Sleep is a self-regulatory thing, just like people it’s saving that extra energy and sort of “recharging”, honestly with programs I think it’d be fun to take that literally. For programs it’d be storing the unused energy and absorbing more from their surroundings ->charging (again it gets more fun the more literally you take this). It’d be different depending on purpose and type, some may follow the “God mandated bedtime” whenever the computer shuts off or goes to sleep while others may not sleep at all! (Like how some constantly run in the background even with your stuff turned off). Additionally like drinking power/energy I think it could sort of be recreational? Someone said it before me but programs are their job- so the occasional rest might be thrilling? I don’t know.
Ok so now we’re getting into headcanon territory as opposed to me theorizing. Beds! What, where, how- or is it like a stand up thing in a tube. Looking at Yori’s apartment and the brief glimpses of furniture and how the Novel vaguely explains- furniture is Function> looks- even after Yori’s designs come through it’s sort of “a put a nice warm electric pillow on the lounge seat”.
I’d say it’s Ancient Greek very table/sofa like beds mixed with 80s contemporary meets liminal space. I think beds being table/slab like would make sense… charging table like a phone lmao. Some are completely content “Frankensteining it” but mattress, sheet, pillows are more for fun. (Yori would probably rather de-rez than not have it decorated, can you blame her? Her styles great.) basically computer lounges,  conversation, pits etc
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coupleofdays · 9 months
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I have a theory that the laser in Tron, and Tron Legacy, can only re-materialize people from the digital world if there's already organic material stored in it. Meaning that once Kevin and Sam were both on the Grid, it would only be possible to bring two people out again. It's possible that Kevin knew this, and was prepared to stay behind all along. It would also mean that the Real World-Quorra is made out of Kevin's organic material, moving her a step farther from just being his metaphorical, adopted daughter.
What's really interesting about this theory is that it would mean that Clu's plan for invading the Real World with a huge army was doomed to failure from the beginning. At most, he could get two people out. This lead me to imagine some different "what if Clu won" scenarios:
One creepy scenario would be that Clu would hide out in the arcade basement and send out a lackey (presumably Rinzler) to kidnap people, who are then digitized to get more organic material to materialize more of his soldiers, slowly growing his army beneath the arcade. This would probably not work in the long run, since sooner or later someone would notice that people keep disappearing in the vicinity of Flynn's Arcade, so Clu would probably never get all his thousands of soldiers out.
An alternative to this scenario would be that Clu pretends to be Flynn, and makes Flynn's followers in the Flynn Lives movement his own computer-obsessed cult, which he grows into a huge organization, until he eventually digitizes them all in some big ceremony, replacing them with his soldiers. Again, pretty creepy.
Then there's the comedy option where Clu and Rinzler try to pretend that they're Flynn and Alan (kidnapping and digitizing the real Alan, of course), but are really bad at it. Especially the mindwiped, emotionless killer Rinzler, doing a really poor, Terminator-esque attempt at pretending to be human. Just imagine them having dinner with Lora, for example:
Clu: "Mmm, isn't this food good, Ri... I mean, Alan?"
Rinzler: "Yes, Flynn. I am delighted to consume this organic matter to replenish my energy reserves."
Clu (laughing nervously): "Oh, that Alan, what a kidder!"
Rinzler: "Yes. I enjoy saying unusual things to elicit an amused response from my fellow Users."
Clu (sweating): "Humans, Alan, you mean humans."
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