#treasure your friends
It seems to be easy to make Stephen cry
What hurts worse? When your enemy hurts you or your friends hurt you? Stephen loves fiercely, and when that love is betrayed, it breaks him. So yes, he cries. I’ve seen him endure torture, press on through pain that would make any other grown man sob, but not him. Stab him in the heart, though…
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sonchop · 4 months
The Odyssey // The Odyssey, if Odysseus' men hadn't opened the bag of winds
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hamofjustice · 9 months
nemona feels like an obscure blorbo instead of the main rival character from the latest pokemon game because to get to her really good content from people who really get it, you first have to wade through the ocean of yandere pervert obsessive stalker annoying punchable bimbo amazon goddess interpretations of...
... a neurodivergent and possibly disabled high schooler who's desperately trying to make any friends or get any support from her rich neglectful family - while everyone in her school is jealous of their own imagined version of a privileged asshole version of her they made up - who deeply and platonically loves and supports the one new kid who agreed to take the time to get to know and respect her and her special interest without having to hold back her true self
unlike her, it's not great!
kinda feels like she has the same problem in our world that she does in hers.
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ufolvr · 5 months
Kieran: um... Uh... Do you. Um. Do you want to start over and be friends again 🥺???
Me: oh honey dear... I never stopped being your friend
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Mercenary Arthur: [shining his sword]
Bard Merlin: [strumming his lute]
Mercenary Arthur: [looks at Merlin] I'm not sure if I asked you this before, but why did you decide to become a bard?
Bard Merlin: Hmmm, I had the talent for singing and enjoyed making music...it was the one thing that made my mother smile freely.
Mercenary Arthur: Not even your magic?
Bard Merlin: My magic always worried her, in our tiny village the folks there didn't like strange things or strangers. [Snorts] People forget magic is a part of nature, it will remain "strange" to those who don't understand or learn to accept certain differences.
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
it’s okay if your reason for living isn’t for yourself, and it’s okay if that reason isn’t a person either
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jennamacaroni · 26 days
the best thing about fandom is absolutely the people and the moments you share experiencing the same joy together
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whump-on-a-string · 3 months
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Based on that Ask about if it's Parish who usually patches up my blorbos. The answer is Yes.
Parish has been dealing with Dallan's tendency to run into unfortunate shenanigans for the past 10 or so years. Dallan would probably have died a long time ago if he weren't pals with/working for a very good elven doctor. Poor dude's got Chronic Whumpee Disease.
ANYWAYS. What really started it was a dinner party Dr. Parish and a half-elf friend attended at Mr. Richard's greathouse. Dallan was just the lil resident servant boy cinnamon roll who took their coats & stuff. The head maid wasn't a fan of how the half-elf friend was critiquing her methods of keeping her staff busy so she tried to play a bit of a prank on him by messing with his food that backfired horrendously and nearly killed Wolf (and littol babby Dallan by proxy because Wolf was sharing his snacks because look at him. He was just so smol and helpful and looked like he needed a lil treat 🥺)
Doctor Parish was furious.
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nari-kami · 5 months
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💜💚Fem Sengen and Gin-chan thirdwheeling ✨
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isa-ah · 21 days
spite is a good motivator when you can't pull yourself out of the hole by any other means but teaching yourself to find the silver lining of any given situation is a MONUMENTAL tool to not only better your own mental health but to make everyone around you a lot happier too.
it's something you have to teach yourself. put down the fatalism let go of the catastrophising. if you want to find the good in life, you need to learn how to look for it.
this thing happened and it hurt me and it sucked and you have a right and obligation to FEEL those emotions, but afterwards you also have the option to find the silver lining. I may have failed, but I learned something. plans may have flaked, but I got to try somewhere new. that person hurt me, but now I know not to talk to them. we got lost, but the landscape out here is beautiful. I feel trapped, but if I wasn't here, I'd of never seen that beautiful bird that perched on my wondowsill.
if you only ever focus on the negative, you're going to become a tar pit. if you only ever complain to your friends, you'll bog each other down. you make yourself more and more bitter and wonder why people can't palette you. try to spread a little sunshine instead. by force, at first, it's a hard thing to teach yourself to do. but keep going bc one day you'll be surrounded by people who love the sun and the bitter mire you used to be in will feel centuries away.
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thedeadthree · 11 months
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-`. introducing LILIA LAURENT and the band two headed mother.
for @infamous-if featuring @umbertors dead romantics ! 🎸 -`. THIS IS TWO HEADED MOTHER // -`. GOOD BAD IDEA
TAGLIST (please feel welcome to ask to be tagged or removed!): @fragilestorm, @griffin-wood, @risingsh0t, @florbelles, @marivenah, @kingsroad, @roofgeese !
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lico-tomato · 1 month
Hi, S. lycopersicum here! The tomato currently known as Lico.
So, I was gearing up to post a new thing, a neat optical illusion to show everyone, and then came across the sad news of my own demise.
I've already mailed my complaints to the circus, but I can't say I expect much from the clowns in charge. For now, I'll just set up shop in this old account. Give me some time to clean up first.
So... yeah. Real bummer.
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Hello! John Silver from Treasure Planet is friend shaped!
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John Silver is friend-shaped!
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hawkzeyes · 3 months
why does Jeremy Renner have such a chokehold on white women😭 I'm not even trynna flame anybody it's just really funny and fascinating to me, what aura does that man possess???
I wish I had the answer for you friend. I really wish I did. It baffles me as a white person myself. Free yourselves
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Templar Arthur: [observing]
Cleric Merlin: [oblivious to Arthur watching him sorting out potions]
Arthur smiles, before it disappears from his lips quickly once Merlin turned around to see him standing in the doorway.
Cleric Merlin: [surprised] Arthur! What are you doing here? Are you injured? [Walks over to the Templar, eyes scanning for any visible wounds]
Templar Arthur: [chuckling, staring fondly at his friend] I'm fine, I just came to inform you that we'll be leaving early tomorrow so best pack what you need now instead of later.
Cleric Merlin: [nodding and smiling] Okay, thank you for telling me.
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moxiebility · 3 months
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studious vs treasurers
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