#totally hypothetical of course
ye-olde-trojan-horse · 9 months
question for any mcdonald’s employees. when someone orders 24 nuggets, do you individually count each one?
or is it, “this feels like 24 nuggets.”
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myososheep · 9 months
what are the odds that you :
buy one(1) plush for preorder
recieve two(2) that are labled as the same character and with your exact name and adress
that second plush is actually another character
they are your favourite duo/ship from the franchise
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Guys. Can we, as a fandom, just take a moment to appreciate that Jupiter is a genuine celebrity? Like he famously vowed against taking a candidate. When he was announced at the C&D meeting, everyone clapped way harder for him than anyone else, and quieted down instantly when he spoke. He was a celebrity to them, and keep in mind this was a room full of automatic celebrities (they are part of the most prestigious and hard-to-get-into society in the country). 
If Jupiter is a celebrity’s celebrity, imagine what he would seem like to an average Nevermoorian? 
Also, Jupiter is super powerful. Sometimes it seems like Morrigan is overpowered, but Jupiter is the real MVP here. Mog has crushing anxiety from a terrible childhood, half the people who know her knack hate her, has had only about three years worth of experience in various dangerous situations, and she can barely control her abilities, so she’s far from the power of Squall and other fully-fledged smiths. Jupiter, on the other hand, has the strongest confidence ever, is a complete celebrity, has years and years of experience in the society, and has had his whole life to master a powerful ability. Hey, Jupiter can  tell when you freaking murder someone (remember when he got called on to solve a murder case anyone?), so I definitely wouldn’t bet against his Witness powers. 
I’d just like to say that Morrigan got the most absolutely incredibly amazing luck on a patron ever. She could have had someone like Baz, Mildmay, or Onstald as her patron but she got the Great and Honorable Captain Sir Jupiter Amantius North, Esquire.
This has been a Jupiter appreciation post. Thank you and goodbye.
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lovebrushed · 7 months
hypothetically if i cut away like 2 pages from a fic would u guys still be down to read those two pages in a hypothetical alternate version......
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You're so annoying please bite me please bite me bite me bite me bite me bite me I'm going to scream
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dreamsaboutdreams · 2 years
Why haven’t I seen a polycule all play stardew valley ??? >:((( hello??? That’s literally the cottagecore dream. There is even a mod with unlimited players, use it! Enjoy the dreams! Get married to the npcs and expand the polycule! Make the whole of pelican town part of the relationship!!! >:(
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liquidstar · 2 years
Anyone else who went to highschool in the mid-late 2010s have to learn about a real life murder trial via a true crime podcast as an english assignment or was that just our school
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literaryspinster · 10 months
The thing is with ships like Melvika Melco or whatever else is that...they're such tiny ships. Apart from a few popular fanarts, I've only seen a small handful people on here *actually* "shipping" Melvika and most people who do are just lesbians who think they're hot. It's never going to be canon and it's just a fun thing that a small group of people are doing. It's just a crackship and in no way threatens the canon-ness of Meljay. It's cool to not enjoy it or the characters but the reasons like "They're not good for each other" or "doesn't do anything for her story" or whatever is a nonissue as it's not canon and never will be. Shipping Mel and Jayce with other people isn't always a malicious act of trying to separate them. You don't need to believe a crackship make a good couple because...that's the point of a crackship, sometimes they don't make sense and some people enjoy that. If you don't, that's absolutely fine, but the thought that you need to be convinced if you're not interested in a ship anyway is like...why bother? Let people have their fun and you have yours. And to be honest, people know these ships are never going to be canon. Genuinely! sorry if this comes off as a rant, not my intention to offend and this is not in bad faith, just a responce. It's just I think people in fandoms, in general, should focus more on things they enjoy instead of things they don't, especially if it's small and essentially harmless.
I get all that, and I am a pretty big proponent of focusing on things that I enjoy over things that I don’t, or at least not letting my negativity reach much further than my little corner. You’ll never see me butting into a M*lvika post to hate on them, you’ll never see me spreading negativity in their tag, and this is likely the last I’ll really say about them as I’m truly not trying to be a fan cop or anything of the sort. But I got the ask and wanted to explain my feelings on the matter, even though I knew they probably wouldn’t be taken all that well.
I do get rather frustrated with seeing so much toxicity under Mel and Meljay posts for all sorts of reasons (it seems to stem from the fandom accepting it as canon that she was up to no good with very little pushback) I never want to replicate that energy, that’s not the sort of fan I want to be. My thing isn’t that I think Meljay is being threatened, it’s me not wanting to constantly see hate directed at them in spaces that should be free of that. I can’t control what happens in the show, but I can attempt to curate my fandom experience as best as I can.
As for needing to be convinced that a ship is good actually, again, that’s just… kind of the way I am. If I don’t understand something or see the logic in it then I want to try to understand it, I want metas and breakdowns that find the depth in something that I can’t quite see. If I’m going to ship a pair, it has to be because I think those two people would get along and enrich each other’s stories. And yeah, I was open to shipping them at first, which is why I was initially seeking a good analysis, as I don’t really have a canon interaction to go on.
Lastly, and this is a big one, if I have to see comment after comment about why this character I like’s canon relationship sucks and why this other one would be better, even when I am not at all seeking content about that alternate pair, then it’s natural for me to get curious about why.
That’s me, that’s always been me. But it’s definitely not the way I expect everyone else to be or need everyone else to be.
And I don’t think you’re ranting, I’m glad you came to me with this, and I hope I’ve made my feelings clear.
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the good thing about silent films is that you can watch them at double speed without having to suffer through sped up voices. it doesn't really make that much difference.
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voloswag · 2 years
thinking about high fantasy au volo dressed up in goofy puffy clothes like some flamboyant colorful troubadour singing songs about old legends
kass, he’s human kass
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jadedrrose · 1 year
we’re allowed to post boobs right….. I can draw fem Law with boobs out and post it right 🫣
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designernishiki · 1 year
hot take (aka headcanon) but I kinda think that nishiki and kiryu’s relationship pre-split wasn’t on both sides platonic/familial or fully romantic; I feel like nishiki had a thing for him (not sure if he fully realized it though) and that he had developed feelings for kiryu over the course of a good long time that were deeply confusing on their own, but even more so considering they would’ve been hard to sort out with what could just be attributed to close friendship or a familial-type bond.
and on the other side of this, kiryu was utterly oblivious and never thought to question what they had as being anything other than a close friendship or familial-type relationship or whatever it was being called out loud (we know kiryu, he’s blunt as hell and takes things at face value– not the best at reading between the lines) hence why the split between them, though both were clearly hurt a ton by it, hit nishiki harder and more acutely– because on top of losing the most important person in his life, which is bad enough, it would’ve crushed any tiny shred of hope he may have had to live out his long-time, perhaps even since-childhood fantasy of being by kiryu’s side forever as his one true confidant, in a more intimate way than as a friend.
#rambling#sad boy hours#this also ties into why I hc nishiki as being gay rather than bi for the most part (though both are absolutely valid and understandable)#won’t get into that here too much but yeah there’s just… a lot of tragic gay angst that can be associated with him and the way he handles m#(or doesn’t handle) their little… breakup and whatnot#and as for kiryu’s side of things. honestly if things went a different way than they did I don’t think something beyond friendship would be#out of the question. it’s just. I don’t think kiryu would’ve ever considered the concept because he’s so clueless#when it comes to relationships and romance and so on and furthermore because of the way he was brought up- which of course wouldn’t really#highlight the idea that falling for a guy (or vice versa) is even a possibility let alone that it’d be applicable to him and someone so#close to him and whatnot. learning about nishiki’s past feelings for him in a hypothetical post-kiwami situation I think would make#him short circuit. and to literally anyone else who knew about nishiki’s actions after the split and all it’d all click and make perfect#sense hearing that. but to kiryu it’d take some fuckin Time to process#I think the past would be in the past by whatever hypothetical future point this is but still its a lot to apply to some of the most#important and fundamental parts of/events of his life. hh. yeah. tack on some guilt if you wanna say kiryu would be with majima at that#point (however you define ‘with’– important part is It’s Not Straight) so the potential there- whatever it was- wasn’t totally nothing like#it would be if he was simply straight and thus it would’ve never been a possible relationship outcome#but. yeah. anyway. sorry I’m. I need to stop I’m going insane I think l#I hope I don’t sound too insane or controversial for this take gahdhshdh have mercy on me#it’s. it’s all just ideas. thoughts. in a game. in minecraft. etc#nishiki#kiryu#yakuza#long post
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meringuejellyfish · 1 year
people who believe that modern precure is “falling off” are kind of insane i think
#very broad statement because i totally understand what they mean. i feel like a lot of more recent precure series' have been a little#more on the forgettable/mid tier (saying this just purely based on appearances alone. because thats a huge factor for me)#but thats always sort of been the case ... theres eh precure series from every point#kira kira has some of the most delightful designs and one of the strongest casts from any precure series#and i just was looking at a bunch of tropical rouge stuff (i will finish it someday LOL) and my gawd the fight scenes go hard#and the stylization in tropical rouge in my opinion is really lovely. it has sort of that average anime look to it but defines itself with#really fun shapes and expressiveness. i also think the color usage is just really good#wont ever get tired of the rainbow lineups where every cure just gets 1 color basically because its still done in a very appealing way#but i like when cures in a series get more interesting palettes#anyway - theres always more to want from precure. i know id go crazy if i made my own precure series. but theres also so much about precure#thats just so delightful and its quite a shame i think that its crazily popular in japan but was never properly brought over here#and when it was with smile precure (turned into glitter force) it was ... mangled#they also brought over doki doki (still under the glitter force title) and i only ever watched a bit of the dubbed version ... but i think#they might have kept it more intact ? but also havent tried any series after those two ?#i dont know all i remember is draculaura voiced the main girl (cure heart)#anyway my point was something. something something oh yeah i think the only thing id say aside from various things id hypothetically want#from future precure series (the list could go on forever) that i'll say right now is. i wish they went a little crazier with the styles for#each series. of course the style differs from series to series already but i want ...even more stylized ones#of course id be saying this when my second favorite series is heartcatch which has the coolest style and animation ever but oh my god#precure is precure and is basically appealing no matter what but ... also im a guy who just leans towards more interesting styles#i would like to continue star twinkle precure of course and think it is cute for what it is style wise but its also not my favorite#kind of style. this is more nitpicky hyper specific tastes though. im just rambling#most appealing looking precure series' in my personal opinion are futari wa. heartcatch. kira kira a la mode. and tropical rouge
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paririeofmxses · 1 year
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Hypothetically, how would you flirty with one wolfy lad?
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genshintwstfan · 1 year
Does anyone ever by complete accident find the nsfw side blog before the main blog?
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seungcheorry · 10 days
svt answering to "would you still love me if i was a worm?"
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seungcheol: stares at you, so ready to tease you - pouts when he realizes that "yeah, i would". he's a simp.
jeonghan: "yeah, i would adopt you~ you could be my new little pet"
joshua: "i would love you in any form as long as you are you, baby" 🥰
junhui: thinks too hard about it. goes to sleep thinking about it, ponders everything. the next morning, when you already forgot that you even asked him, he says "yeah, probably not".
soonyoung: secretly googles if tigers mean no harm to worms because of course that if you turned into a worm he would turn into a tiger. his answer depends on what google tells him.
wonwoo: "...it's 3am, you should go to sleep" "but i-" "go to sleep".
jihoon: "well, i would try not to step on you, that's for sure".
dokyeom: "yes, i would 🥹 would you love me too?" "um... yeah, i don't think so".
mingyu: asks a hundred hypothetical questions such as how would you two still kiss, just so you get tired and go to sleep. doesn't have the heart to tell you that he wouldn't love you.
minghao: "i'm not even sure i love you right now" then chuckles and pulls you closer. he would still love you, deep down.
seungkwan: "would YOU still love ME if i was a worm?"
vernon: "yeah, totally" - at least he thinks so.
dino: "turn me into a worm with you and put me out of my misery, please!!" "...are you okay, babe?"
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