#too much red wine and too much fanfic makes phoenix something something
phoen1xr0se · 2 months
But the tragedy is that after everything that passed between us, I still love you. I carry so much love for you I am fit to burst, overflowing with it, and it's heavy and I can't just give it to someone else because it doesn't belong to them. I can't give it to you because you cannot accept it, and I respect that but darling what do I do with all this love that spills from me, flows from me, I feel as though I will spend my life drowning in all the love I cannot ever give you.
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agent-calivide · 6 months
Seraphina Enya "Phoenix" Ardeat full backstory
Content Warnings for: Mental and Emotional Abuse,Child Neglect, Alcoholism, Drug use, Eating Disorder, Car accidents, mental health struggles, inferiority complex, and feelings of expendability.
This story is not a happy one, you do not need my Phoenix's full backstory to appreciate her as a character, nor to follow the premise of any of my fanfics. This is just a little bit of bonus content for those curious, but if any of the above are triggering:
Do not feel like you have to read what's below to follow my fanfics or any of my other IEYTD work.
The information explains my Phoenix's mannerisms, but lacking the context does not make any of my other works unreadable.
So, it occurred to me recently that, while I talk and write a lot about my Phoenix, I've never sat down and given y'all her backstory about how she got to the EOD, especially seeing how she's rather young (something that becomes much more obvious in Glaring Gears once I actually start editing it)
Seraphina Enya Ardeat was born to Caine and Mary Ardeat, and they were the spitting image of a 1950's family... With an emotionally abusive father and a mother who was clocked out of life with a mixture of red wine and opioids.
Because of her mother's physical presence but otherwise complete absence in every other way, Seraphina was pushed to take up the mantle of homemaker very, very early in life. Growing up, she was expected to cook and clean for her father while also balancing schoolwork, leading to shaky grades and sub-par results at home. This was not good enough, which lead to many, many nights of Seraphina sobbing while her father berated her and her mother simply watched.
As the years went by, the treatment only grew worse, with her father speaking terrible things to her through middleschool and into highschool, making her feel like she couldn't do anything right.
"Not smart enough to go to college and not pretty enough to be a trophy wife" was a go-to insult that clung to her skin and carved itself into her mind. Especially as she grew a love for technology, loving flashing screens and spinning dials and the magic of radio waves and magnetism and how electricity travels, but feeling like she was never going to be smart enough to properly follow it in any significant manner. This road block leads to her idolization of Zoraxis tech and Dr Roxanna Prism, even if she'd never switch sides for it.
Of course, the other comment ate at her just as much, Seraphina starting to calorie count and manage her waist far too young to be worrying about such things. She's shorter than average because she stunted her growth greatly by not feeding herself properly in her youth. Handler started giving food after missions because she neglected herself so greatly in the early days of missions she'd usually be on the verge of passing out after most of them. She shrugs it off as exhaustion, but M knows what it is.
As Seraphina grew tired and burnt out, she desperately tried to find a way out, ending up finding herself at the bottom of one of her mother's wine bottles and being given the liquid courage to try and drive away in the middle of the night. The combination lead to a massive car wreck that, while it didn't kill her, did leave her rather bloodied and in a lot more trouble with her father.
She couldn't save up money from an actual job, but she pinched pennies wherever she could from dollar bills left lying around, stashing coins, and taking odd jobs like helping clean up other people's homes and other under the counter gigs all through highschool, and the second she graduated she was gone.
Took all of her life savings, sunk it into the only jalopy she could afford, grabbed a few sets of clothes and vanished. She drove for days on end until she was sure she was far enough away nobody would find her and spent all of her time filling out job request forms. She slept in her car and cleaned up in public bathrooms, it wasn't pleasant and at times she'd wondered if she made the right decision.
But, after ages of radio silence, someone finally reached out, the EOD.
While the EOD prided themselves on being a highly specialized division, they also were... incredibly desperate. Agents were dying at astronomical rates thanks to an up and coming enemy known as Dr Zor, and even their most professional of agents were dropping like flies. They needed hands, and fast. Even if they were simply canon-fodder placeholders while they learned this new foe's tendencies. Sure, they knew about combination locks, plastic explosives, how to unwire and rewire bombs, but this odd puzzle aspect was throwing them for a loop. They were desperate for someone, anyone to join their forces.
Desperate enough that when they got an application from a girl with no past, no place of residence, no paper trail, and nothing to be tracked, they simply counted their lucky stars that they finally found someone who wasn't gonna wake up to a poison powder in their air vents or a bomb in their mailbox.
Seraphina was put into training on an accelerated course that had her skip the position as cadet, and most positions frankly, and she quickly became the agent the EOD knows and loves today.
But, unfortunately, she has yet to get help for all of the trauma she underwent while growing up. Hell, she has yet to admit that there even was trauma there an that she wasn't just a deeply fucked up individual as a person and not as a result of her family.
She feels like she has to push through sickness, injury, exhaustion. She has to keep busting her ass and being her best, the best, or else she'll be discarded and left to fend for herself all over again. And the EOD has only exacerbated this issue with their revolving door of agents that they quickly replaced and nonchalant behavior to agent deaths.
Sure, it was because the others were failing missions in the "setting off a death trap to the face" way, but she could never chase the nagging feeling that if she, as an agent, didn't succeed every mission flawlessly with no evidence she was there and all of the intel, the day saved, what have you she'd be fired for failing. This has lead to extreme cases of self negligence and overworking often, but she hides it with a snarky, sassy attitude and a fake smile.
She's the best of the best and she has to stay that way... lest her family be proven right.
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Why the Hell Red-Haired Shanks is Here?:
Perona and Zoro were shocked at seeing Shanks in the castle. Then they learn about two major secrets. (Zoro and Mihawk have a father-son moment about love too)
Okay okay firstly last two days I was searching on source material which means fanart and headcanons and fanfics so I kinda lost myself and forgot to write but here we start ready go
Perona had been on Kuraigana Island for more than two months, and she had generally gotten used to her new life. Even if it was very difficult at first… Zoro and Mihawk were both uncute and at times rude, but for the most part, they were nice to her. Although Zoro was still lost from time to time, his body gradually got used to the castle. In this way, Perona had stopped following him constantly.
They even had a certain routine. Mihawk and Zoro were going to training before breakfast before Perona woke up. Meanwhile, if Perona woke up, she was making breakfast for them and herself, and if not, Mihawk would prepare and wake her up. Then there were the first wine hours of the day with Mihawk. They were doing this mostly to torture Zoro. Mihawk was forcing Zoro to cook their lunches. While teaching him how to eat a healthy diet in this way, he was also educating him in other areas as well, although she didn't quite understand why. Then they were going to training again. Perona was following them in order not to be alone. When they were done with the day, Perona was tending to Zoro's injuries that day, sometimes helping Mihawk with dinner. They ate their dinner together as they did every meal. Sometimes they were talking and sometimes it was quiet, which was pretty annoying, but as she said, she got used to it.
But Perona was for some reason very restless today. All-day long she had felt as if there was a stranger in the castle. But neither she nor her ghosts could see anything. So she tried to calm herself down and sleep, but she couldn't. So she decided to wake up Zoro, but he was already awake and he was aware of the situation. Seeing Perona, they agreed without speaking and decided to search the castle. Without waking Mihawk because a newly awakened Mihawk was not a good Mihawk.
But there was something they didn't know. Mihawk was already awake. On top of that, he knew very well what the awkward situation was, because it was in his routine, too. Red-Haired Shanks… The truth was that Mihawk and Shanks were mates and were seeing each other every few months. Sometimes more often, sometimes less. This time it was Shanks who visited.
“For a sun-loving man like you, it must have bothered you to stay in the shadows all day, Red-Haired.” “Hawk-eyes… WHAT THE HELL?! Why are the Pirate Hunter Zoro and a strange pink flying girl in your castle?!” “It just happened. Roronoa will be training under me for two years, but I'm not sure about Perona." “Are you training Zoro? Are you?!" “He is a passionate man. It is so hard to find.” “Two years huh? So that's what Luffy decided…” “Did you know that they were a pack?” “Huh? Luffy formed a pack? I told him not to though. Take me as an example…” “Your student… No, your son will follow a different route than you, but of course, the pack complicates things. During his first weeks here, he suffered from separation sickness, apart from his wounds.” “Separation sickness is really hard… Even I had a hard time getting used to it…” “Me too…” “So?” "So what?" “What are you thinking about them? Will you tell them? I mean I could easily hide but…” “I am not thinking anything about them besides one of them being my student and the other one being a noisy woman. And I will tell them. As much as I want it to stay hidden they will be here a quite long time and it would be unfair to you. Unless you…” “Omegas are more intuitive than Alphas.” "Yes…" “And I feel that those two will be important to you. So it's okay. You can say both things.” "Are you sure?" "Yes." “And…” "And what?" “What were you doing?” “Oh… I was with Marco.” “Phoenix?” “Yeah.” “How is he?” “He is in ruins. What do you expect but if anyone can get through this, it's him. I have known him for a long time. He will be okay.” “Hmm… You are worrying about Straw-hat right?” “How can I not? His brother…” “Don't worry. He is strong and not stupid as I thought. Besides I could tell you if anything bad happened. Zoro would feel it.” “Yeah… Whatever… Now I've come all the way, won't you call me to bed?” "Aren't you old?" "Hey! You are older than me and I wasn't talking about that geez. just sleep. Together!”
Mihawk grinned slightly. Unlike himself, his mate loved skin contact.
“Well, come here. Tomorrow will be a long day.” “Horray!”
So the two of them fell asleep beautifully. While hugging each other…
*** Perona and Zoro had not slept all night, searching the castle. They looked everywhere except Mihawk's sleeping room. That's why they fell asleep in a corner of the dining room in the morning from exhaustion. Mihawk was of course aware of this. Before he woke up his mate, he got up and made breakfast. Then he decided to wake the children.
“Roronoa, Noisy-woman! Wake up!”
Both woke up startled.
“W-what?” “What is the smell?” “Breakfast is ready. Change your clothes and come to the table.” “But what about training?” “Today is special. We'll make up for it later. We have a guest. Now go.”
He decided to wake his mate after they were both gone, but when he went to the room he saw Shanks already changing.
"Do you need help?" “Hahaha, Hawk-eyes. Don't underestimate me for being one-armed, but you're right. Sometimes I think it's easier for me to fight than to change." “Whatever. The kids are awake and breakfast is ready.” "You call them kids? I see I see...
He saw Mihawk rolling his eyes so he laughed once again.
I'll be there in five minutes." “Okay.”
So he went back to the dining room. Zoro and Perona had already taken their place.
“First of all, I believe that you will behave properly in front of our guest today. Secondly, you cannot tell anyone about his presence here or what you will learn later. Know what I mean?" “Who is he?” “You will see Perona.” “Okay.” “Whatever. I don't care about your lover.” “Ahhh… You are really troublesome.” “Huh? What do you call me?!” “I call you what you are.”
Perona was used to the two of them bickering. Just like Mihawk got used to their bickering, or Zoro got used to the other two. Such was their dynamic. Differences… That's why she started to drink orange juice without messing with them, but she sprayed it on Zoro with the person who came in.
Zoro shouted and picked Perona up. Perona was still staring at the person who had come, ignoring him. Zoro then turned to where she was looking and, as soon as he saw, dropped Perona to the ground.
“Oh… today is already painful.” “Hahaha, Hawk-eyes you got quite a company here!”
Mihawk sent him death glares. Zoro and Perona were still staring in surprise.
“Sit down. Let me introduce you."
They both sat down as if fascinated.
“This is my mate Red-Hai-“
Mihawk was already tired enough.
They both shouted at the same time.
“Yo! How is it going pals? okay okay. I take it over from here. As you can see we are mates.” “So you are…” “An omega. Bravo Pirate Hunter.” “And you are mate with him?” “Yes, Pinky-chan. We are mates for… How many years now Hawk-eyes?” “Nearly 18.” “You are old!” “Your Moria is way older than us!” “Yeah but he looks like it. You don't!” “I am not old. I am just 37!” “As I said, old.” “Don't mess with them, Red-Hair. You can't." "Ah…"
Shanks sighed. He was right. So they started to have breakfast. After a while Zoro:
“Did Luffy know?” “Oh. Yeah, he knew it. But only me being an omega. Not about Dracule.” “So he was looking up-“ “It is a no. Because when we met he still wasn't presented.” “Oh…” “Yeah… But I taught him quite a few lessons. Although he seems to ignore one of the most important.” “He said you saved his life.” “Yeah… He is important to me.” “He didn't let anyone talk bad about you. We met Buggy-“ “You met Buggy! We have our conflicts.” “Yeah. He seems to hate you.” “He kinda does. Hahaha! So Zoro… How is Luffy?” “Keep going… Not at his best but… He will be okay. He will come back much stronger than before. We all will. Then everybody will know the name of Straw Hats.” “You trust your captain that much?” “Luffy is the only man that I will take order.” “He really found a good crewmate.” “We all are. We are a strong pack." “Hmm… Good then. Nothing to worry about.” “Yeah…”
After this conversation, their breakfast continued in silence, but the two young people saw the love between them very well. Mihawk was passing Shanks' favorite things from his plate to his. Shanks was smiling at him too. Perona didn't know whether to find it cute or disgusting. Zoro was confused. After breakfast, he had decided to clear his confusion.
“Psst. Perona!”
Zoro called out in a whisper. Likewise with Perona:
“What, uncute?” “Can you stall the Red-Hair?” “Are you kidding? Please tell me it is a joke. You do realize he's an emperor, right?" “Yes.” “What do I get in this?” “I will let you dress me for the whole week.” “Month.” “No.” “Then no.” “Offf… Okay.” “Yes!”
Then she flew to Shanks:
“Shanks-san! Can we talk for two minutes? You know I'm stuck in this big dark nasty castle with two wild alphas and as an omega-"
While Perona was distracting Shanks, Zoro had gone to Mihawk.
"Can we talk?" “We talk in training.” "No. It's a bit… Special…”
Mihawk glanced at the people behind and said:
“Okay. Come with me.”
Together they went to one of the rooms of the castle. Mihawk poured himself a glass of wine. As much as Zoro wanted to, Mihawk had strict rules.
“Now talk.” “I wanted to know… You and him… I mean…” “I met him at the execution of Gold Roger. There was a rivalry between us. I even learned that he was an omega a few years later. Don't ask how. Actually, being a mate was not in our plan. We were both drunk. We regretted it the next day. At least for a while. We both wanted it, we just ignored it. Being mate made that clear, and we've been together ever since.” “To mate with your opponent…” “It is not as difficult as it looks.” “There is someone in my crew that I see as my rival. An omega…” "Cook?" “Yeah…” “So?” “I don't know what I am feeling about him. He helped me…” “He helped you?” “Do you remember my wounds when I first came here?” "Yes." “I needed a recovery rut after that. He… He helped me…” “He probably likes you.” “WHAT?! How do you know that?!” “You said he helped you. Not everyone would do that.” “Yes but we all helped our captain during his recovery heat as a pack. I am his pack. Is not it the same?” “Did you all help your captain sexually?” “No. He is not a sexual person. I think he is on the asexual spectrum.” “Interesting. How about you? Did he help you sexually?”
With the question, Zoro blushed. Mihawk got his answer.
“You can go now Roronoa. It's a day off. We will start your training again tomorrow.” "But I didn't get my answer." “You will figure it out.” “But-” “Go! I wanna day with my mate.” “Okay… Thanks…” “You are welcome.”
Shanks entered just after Zoro left.
“Young love?” “Oh… He doesn’t even realize.” “Well, you know… We didn't either.” “What Perona asked?” “About that. I heard that you forbade Zoro from using suppressants." “Yes. He should learn haki without any distractions.” “The poor girl must be dying of pheromones. If you're going to do that, Perona shouldn't be using suppressants either." "Both would be hard to control and alpha-" “No no no. Don't give me that lecture. Alphas this alphas that. She didn't even have one nest. You know how important nests are.” “I only have nest for you.” “Well if you let her stay here then you will have a nest for her too and off suppressants.” “But-” “No, but Dracule.” “Okay. What should I do?" “It depends on how Pinky-chan wants to spend her heat. If she wants to spend them with someone, you will take her to the nearest island. Then you will get her back. Did you understand?" "Yes." “Same for Zoro.” "But…" “Zoro also has a right to have his ruts painless. Besides, they're not together yet." “Okay.” “I will visit more often.” “It would be nice to see you more.” ��Yeah. You guys need it. Now you will come to nest with me.” “Really? Right now?” “Right now!”
So the two lovers went to their rooms.
*** “Have I stalled enough?” "Yes." “What did you talk about?” “None of your business.” “You are really annoying. Anyway, I can't still believe they are mates. When I saw him I thought ‘Why the Hell Red-Haired Shanks is Here?’.” “Yeah. me too. But it kinda makes sense.” “Oh totally. I wonder if I will meet my mate like them.” “You will and if somebody breaks your heart I will cut them.” “Oh… You know you are sometimes cute but in a bad way.” “Whatever. Let's prepare dinner for them." “Yeah. For love!” “Disgusting.” “You are the one. Go get a shower before everything.” “No.” “Oh, You will. We have a month and I will make sure you get your shower too.” “It wasn't our deal.” “It was. Go now.”
Even though Zoro grumbled, he did as he was told. These two years were going to be very interesting.
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