#tony jayawardena
orth82 · 27 days
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Michael Sheen=the greatest.
Despite how exhausted he was after Thursday's performance (he was on FIRE that night) he still took the time to see all of his adoring fans at the stage door and make loads of people's day.
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Friday's stage door was truly magical, and the energy in the crowd was off the charts. Loads of hardcore fans and talented fanartists were there and it became a spontaneous mini Ineffable Sheen Convention of sorts.
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Everyone was interacting and supporting each other like the fabulous family we are. One girl was so nervous she almost threw up. Another adorable fan had a full-on breakdown of the most joyous and beautiful kind after meeting their hero. Shy and trembling fans were gently encouraged and helped by the complete strangers next to them (as well as MS himself).
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An international delegation of Sheenie fans comprised of some of the loveliest and most talented people on earth, all brought together by our adoration of this beautiful man.
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So many hugs, happy tears, stories and wee handmade gifts were exchanged. I am so grateful to have been lucky enough to be a part of it all.
And yes, that's his handwritten bratty Bastille Azi quote on my collarbone, freshly tattooed this morning in Soho (he kindly wrote it on a post-it note for the specific purpose).
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Oh, and then this happened. Irene, you are a cinnamon roll and we all think you're just the bee's knees ☺️
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Toward the end of my third magical stage door encounter I finally had the wherewithal to ask for a photo. Still not brave enough to request a hug but my hand went straight for his glorious tummy of its own accord. My brain ceased to function at that point and I am now deceased 💀
There are no words to describe how grateful I am to Michael, the phenomenal cast and the best fandom on earth for this unforgettable experience. I genuinely hope MS knows how loved he is and how much we appreciate all he does. This world is a better place because of him 🖤
(btw that adorable Nye kewpie doll is the creation of the talented @buzzinglarrieee and the Nye watercolour was a gift to MS made by @dennissima)
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losingbenni · 9 months
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ABDUL + SIBLINGS East is East, 2021 | National Theatre
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I watched Nye, in February, in London. I am French so I knew I need a little more time to process everything so I read and learn all I can about Aneurin Beuvan (or at least what I had the time to read because you need to work to make a living...). And Aneurin... Wow ! Aneurin was incredible. The more I learned about him, the more I learned about Michael and about Wales too. Michael Sheen has strange side effects XD
Before the play I was teased by everyone tweets saying how much they cried XD
I thought I wouldn't.
The play in itself was gold. I must admit I didn't understand every joke. I don't have the cultural background yet but I knew they were joking at politicals XD
There are scenes that will stay in my mind forever.
The young Nye stunned by the library and the possibility to read books for free. To learn. It talks to me so much because I was like that when I was little. Fascinated by those portable worlds that learn you so much.
Nye, witnessing the violence of poverty.
Churchill, played by Tony Jayawardena gave me so many chills ! He was impressive, and he scared me. He only has to step in and you already know who he is. The bombing scene was terrifying.
Jennie Lee, played by Sharon Small who I already saw in Good, oh what a pleasure it was to see her !
Nye, submitting to Jennie the alpha male... Oh I laugh so much and I'm still laughing !
And the song... Don't forget the song ! But I want Lee Mengo's version, who also played Nye, for science, obviously.
Oh, there is so much scenes. The mine ! What a clever setting !
I could talk about it for hours !
I didn't cry. I was like "OH I survived :D :D"
Then in the end I understood.
What Nye was fighting for... We are losing it, pieces by pieces. In England. In France.
When Nye asked "Did I take care of everyone ?" (oh gosh I'm crying), the answer is yes and still today... Without our french NHS, I wouldn't be alive. I have asthma. I had severe asthma when I was younger and needed emergency care.
Nye saw the humans behind the numbers.
Nye talked about us. About poverty. About dignity.
And we are loosing all he (and the others) did today. And it make me feel so much rage !
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invisibleicewands · 3 months
WORTH A LOOK?: *****
WHEN?: Saturday 24 February, opens 6 March and runs through 11 May 2024 RUNTIME: 160 minutes (including a 20-minute interval)
A grieving son wraps his dying miner father in his arms, apologises for everything he could have done better to look after him and vows to make good by helping others.
The son is Aneurin ‘Nye’ Bevan, the Labour politician and founder of the National Health Service on 5 July 1945, and Nye is the warts-and-all story of the man who would improve the health of countless millions of us and how he did it.
Nye died almost 15 years to the day he founded the NHS from stomach cancer and the conceit here is that he’s in hospital at the end of his life having a fever dream and wanders, pink pyjama-clad, through moments of importance.
Reading the article by former Labour leader Neil Kinnock in the programme about Bevan we discover his education was cut short at 13 when he followed his miner father down the pits to work in 1910.
In an almost reverse of film Dead Poets Society we meet the bullying schoolteacher who would cane a young Nye because of his speech impediment, the classmates who would protect him and the very Manic Street Preachers-like realisation that free libraries could give him the power to overcome his stammer by finding alternative words to those he could not utter.
Riffing on Dennis Potter’s Singing Detective Sheen’s Nye even sings Judy Garland’s Get Happy at 1 point as he and his miner colleagues use the time unemployment has afforded them to bone up on the way their home town of Tredegar in Wales is run and get themselves elected onto the boards of the bodies involved to finally do good by its people.
From our 4th row seats we see director Rufus Norris, also outgoing artistic director and chief executive of the National Theatre, tread the boards at the beginning of this 1st preview to remind us as such there might have to be a pause in proceedings because of the freshness of the material but perhaps 1 of the reasons its star Sheen is beaming so much during the curtain call (see picture below) is because it all actually went so well.
The action is staged as if in a hospital ward for much of the time with beds on wheels used to great effect and curtains around beds featuring prominently and at 1 point, rather brilliantly, lowering to become rows of seats in Parliament.
Tony Jayawardena (Marjorie Prime, Menier) is quite brilliant as Nye’s nemesis Winston Churchill, a man who succeeds in doing what Labour were unable to by uniting all classes in opposition to world war.
Sharon Small (Good, Harold Pinter Theatre) is more than a match for a revelatory performance by Sheen, at 1 point seemingly channelling the boyish enthusiasm of a young Declan Donnelly from Ant and Dec, as she explains the sacrifices she made to support her husband.
There’s a lot of injustice to make the audience angry here and there’s some terrific political theatre in London at the moment to both challenge the mind and make the heart soar – An Enemy Of The People and Standing At The Sky’s Edge for example.
Like the outstanding Dear England, this is an example of a venue at the top of its game doing exactly what it should be doing in offering insight into stories of those who have shaped our country and influenced the people we have become.
Another one who sang "Get Happy":
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pigeonwit · 7 months
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it's about the found family of it all...
from left to right: rob kershaw as brody benson, tony jayawardena as harry hamhandler, jodie steele as betty belle, kymberly cochraine as miss banks, olivia saunders as billie belle, ki griffin as mouse harrison, ryan kopel as david frances, hannah victoria as peaches harrison, and yuki sutton as marybeth gilbeaux in billie the kid!!
(photos by minnale_photography, thanks so much oviya!! tumblr fully ate the quality of this one so be sure to check out her instagram for the actually GOOD quality images)
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Título Original: Tower Block
Año: 2012
Duración: 90 min
País: Reino Unido
Dirección: James Nunn, Ronnie Thompson
Guion: James Moran
Música: Owen Morris
Fotograf��a: Ben Moulden
Reparto: Sheridan Smith, Ralph Brown, Russell Tovey, Jack O'Connell, Jill Baker, Julie Graham, Christopher Fulford, Kane Robinson, Nabil Elouahabi, Harry McEntire, Montserrat Lombard, Ralph Laurila, Tony Jayawardena, Michael Legge, Jamie Thomas King
Productora: Tea Shop & Film Company
Género: Thriller
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thestageyshelf · 2 years
SOLD 🎭 Young Marx @ Bridge Theatre 2017 (#219)
Title: Young Marx
Venue: Bridge Theatre
Year: 2017
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Condition: Good condition
Author: Richard Bean and Clive Coleman
Director: Nicholas Hytner
Cast: Duncan Wisbey, Rory Kinnear, Joseph Wilkins, Nancy Carroll, Oliver Chris, Laura Elphinstone, Logan Clark, Rupert Turnbull, Joseph Walker, Tony Jayawardena, Eben Figueiredo, Dixie Egerickx, Matilda Shapland, Harriet Turnbull, Scott Karim, Alana Ramsey, Fode Simbo, NIcholas Burns, Miltos Yerolemou, Duncan Wisbey, Sophie Russell
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nightafternightpod · 3 years
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With SPECIAL GUEST, the ever-cool @allisonpregler!!! :D
ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/3Ldn6RBzJic
While Shirley's out of town, Laverne decides to take a shot at an audition for a production of West Side Story. Her pop Frank may not be supportive, but Carmine and the boys go with her to help her try to make her dreams come true. Will she break a leg?!
On pod, we're joined by a fellow Toni Basil fan Allison Pregler, overwhelming them with information about the show and talking the zaniness and quality dancing to be had!
The referenced Breakdancing clip of Penny Marshall on The New Show can be found here.
CHANNEL ART BY @navtastic!
This episode also available on:
Anchor: https://anchor.fm/nightaftnightpc/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4SlNeOM28Qjm4R7ZV3xuci Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/night-after-night/id1511414778 Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/w2fm50ud Breaker: https://www.breaker.audio/night-after-night RadioPublic: https://radiopublic.com/night-after-night-GKpvqk
https://www.twitter.com/nightaftnightpc https://www.facebook.com/Night-After-Night-Podcast-106971477637043/ https://nightafternightpod.tumblr.com
THE HOSTS: Lisa Fernandes (@thatbouviergirl) Chris Jayawardena (@ChrisJabberwock) GUEST: Allison Pregler (@AllisonPregler)
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globefan · 4 years
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From Tony Jayawardena, Maryhippychick and Louise Voce - setting up for Snow Globe.
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peterviney1 · 7 years
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Young Marx review London's first new commercial theatre in 80 years, The Bridge, opens with YOUNG MARX by Richard Bean & Chris Coleman, starring Rory Kinnear as Marx and Oliver Chris as Engels. And it's very funny. Don't look for debates on dialectical materialism!
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kwebtv · 2 years
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The Duchess  - Netflix  -  September 11, 2020 -  April 29, 2021
Comedy Drama (6 episodes)
Running Time:  30 minutes
Katherine Ryan as Katherine
Rory Keenan as Shep
Katy Byrne as Olive
Steen Raskopoulos as Evan
Michelle de Swarte as Bev
Sophie Fletcher as Jane
Doon Mackichan as Cheryl
Beau Gadsdon as Millie
Tony Jayawardena as Mr. Michaels
Anwar Lynch as Tom
Ash Rizi as Gareth
Ciaran Dowd as Dave
Geoff Norcott as Brian
Naz Osmanoglu as Leo
Maya Jama as Sandra
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
Yank! - Gallery Players, Brooklyn - November 11, 2007 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Bobby Steggert (Stu), Maxime de Toledo (Mitch), Todd Faulkner (Sarge / Scarlett), Tyson Kaup (Tennessee), James Stover (Czechowski), Chris Carfizzi (Rotelli), Daniel Shevlin (Professor), Jeffry Denman (Artie), Nancy Anderson (The Women), Jonathan Day (Dream Stu), Chad Harlow (Dream Mitch), Matthew Marks (Melanie), Brian Mulay (India) NOTES: Excellent video, just ever so shy of proshot quality. A few occasional heads, but absolutely amazing for an off-Broadway shoot. A Year with Frog and Toad - Broadway - June 13, 2003 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jay Goede (Frog), Mark Linn-Baker (Toad), Jenn Gambatese (Bird, Mouse, Squirrel, Young Frog, Mole), Danielle Ferland (Bird, Turtle, Squirrel, Mother Frog, Mole), Frank Vlastnik (Bird, Snail, Lizard, Father Frog, Mole) NOTES: Decently shot but suffers from gen loss. Some washout, warbly but listenable audio. Yerma - The Young Vic - August 31, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  AVI (SD) CAST: Billie Piper (Yerma) You Can't Take It with You - First Broadway Revival - 1984 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alice Drummond (Gay Wellington), George Rose (Boris Kolenkhov), Nicolas Surovy (Tony Kirby), Orrin Reiley (Wilbur C. Henderson), Maureen Anderman (Alice Sycamore), Jason Robards (Martin Vanderhof), Arthur French (Donald), Christopher Foster (Ed Carmichael), Bill McCutcheon (Mr. De Pinna), Jack Dodson (Paul Sycamore), Rosetta LeNoire (Rheba), Carole Androsky (Essie Carmichael), Meg Mundy (Miriam Kirby), Richard Woods (Anthony W. Kirby) NOTES: Taped performance during its Broadway run, and broadcast on "Broadway on Showtime." Three acts with two intermissions (one minute), at about 44 minutes and 82 minutes. You Can't Take It with You - Third Broadway Revival - December 26, 2014 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Julie Halston (Gay Wellington), Reg Rogers (Boris Kolenkhov), Fran Kranz (Tony Kirby), Rose Byrne (Alice Sycamore), James Earl Jones (Martin Vanderhof), Will Brill (Ed Carmichael), Patrick Kerr (Mr. De Pinna), Mark Linn-Baker (Paul Sycamore), Crystal Dickinson (Rheba), Annaleigh Ashford (Essie Carmichael), Kristine Nielsen (Penelope Sycamore), Elizabeth Ashley (The Grand Duchess Olga Katrina), Johanna Day (Miriam Kirby), Byron Jennings (Anthony W. Kirby) You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown - Broadway Revival - 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Anthony Rapp (Charlie Brown), Ilana Levine (Lucy), BD Wong (Linus), Stanley Wayne Mathis (Schroeder), Kristin Chenoweth (Sally), BD Wong (Snoopy) NOTES: Shot from center balcony. Most faces are washed out. You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown - Pre-Broadway Revival Tour - November 23-28, 1998 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Anthony Rapp (Charlie Brown), Ilana Levine (Lucy), BD Wong (Linus), Stanley Wayne Mathis (Schroeder), Kristin Chenoweth (Sally), Roger Bart (Snoopy) NOTES: Filmed on two different days You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown - Television Production - February 9, 1973 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Wendell Burton (Charlie Brown), Ruby Persson (Lucy), Ben Livingston (Linus), Mark L Montgomery (Schroeder), Bill Hinnant (Snoopy), Noelle Matlovsky (Patty) NOTES: The program was originally shown in a 90-minute time slot with minimal commercial interruptions. The Paley Center for Media lists the actual running time 1:16:58. It was later shown later in a version edited to fit into a 60-minute time slot, which is the video in circulation. Young Frankenstein - Broadway - November 10, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Roger Bart (Frederick Frankenstein), Shuler Hensley (The Monster), Christopher Fitzgerald (Igor), Sutton Foster (Inga), Megan Mullally (Elizabeth Benning), Andrea Martin (Frau Blücher), Fred Applegate (Inspector Hans Kemp/Harold the Hermit) NOTES: The changes from Seattle tighten up the show. Also includes Transylvania Mania, Roll in the Hay, Together Again as performed on The Today Show. A+ Young Frankenstein - Plays In The Park - 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael Louis (Doctor Frederick Frankenstein) Scott Daniels (The Monster) Billy Geltzeiler (Igor) Kelliann De Carlo (Inga), Elizabeth (Ali Gleason) Katie Riley, Bob Nutter NOTES: Pro-Shot Young Frankenstein - Seattle/Pre-Broadway - August 28, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Roger Bart (Frederick Frankenstein), Shuler Hensley (The Monster), Christopher Fitzgerald (Igor), Sutton Foster (Inga), Megan Mullally (Elizabeth Benning), Andrea Martin (Frau Blücher), Fred Applegate (Inspector Hans Kemp/Harold the Hermit) NOTES: A terrifically talented and funny cast. A beautiful capture of the tryout before Broadway, with many changes sure to come. A Young Marx - Bridge Theatre - December 7, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Rory Kinnear (Karl Marx), Nicholas Burns (Willich), Nancy Carroll (Jenny von Westphalen), Oliver Chris (Friedrich Engels), Laura Elphinstone (Nym), Eben Figueiredo (Schramm), Tony Jayawardena (Gert “Doc” Schmidt), Scott Karim (Grabiner/Singer), Alana Ramsey (Mrs. Mullet), Sophie Russell (Librarian), Fode Simbo (Peter), William Troughton (Constable Crimp), Joseph Wilkins (Sergeant Savage), Duncan Wisbey (Mr. Feece/Bearded Man), Miltos Yerolemou (Emmanuel Barthélemy)
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bestbitterplease · 7 years
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Stephano played by Tony Jayawardena in #RSCtempest drawn by me!
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invisibleicewands · 3 months
Tim Price’s new play about the life of Aneurin “Nye” Bevan, directed by Rufus Norris and featuring a wonderful central performance by Michael Sheen in the title role, is a fever dream of a production – quite literally. It follows Bevan’s life from his childhood in Wales where he struggles with his stutter to the heights of his political career and the creation of the National Health Service in 1948, each event in his life told in the form of hallucinations from his death bed in one of the hospitals he himself helped to establish. “So nice. Seeing it. Without everyone… standing on ceremony. Isn’t it?” he says to his wife, and fellow politician, Jennie Lee (Sharon Small) on waking from an operation to remove a stomach ulcer.
The operation has not been entirely successful and Bevan requires pain relief that sends him into the strange world where he relives the events that led to his greatest political success in the NHS, with the occupants and staff of the hospital embodying the people of his past. The matron becomes Clementee Atlee (Stephanie Jacob), the nurse becomes his sister Arianwen (Kezrena James), one doctor becomes Neville Chamberlain (Nicholas Khan) and another becomes Winston Churchill (Tony Jayawardena).
The construct does feel strangely unnecessary, though it provides the opportunity for some wonderful stagecraft with the green curtains of the hospital wards becoming the green benches of the House of Commons and hospital beds transforming into council chambers or doorways that open, despite their occupants – and there is something inherently comic in the permanently pyjamaed and barefoot Nye involving himself in council debates, making parliamentary speeches and standing up to the towering Winston Churchill (notably caricatured by Jayawardena) as war rages across Europe.
Sheen, on stage throughout is clearly the star – full of passion but with an impish quality to his every interaction, you get the sense of a man filled with desire to do good for the right reasons. He also brings Bevan’s sense of his bewilderment at each hallucinatory interaction, balancing how the past Bevan interacted with the scenario with how the older Bevan is now viewing from the future – no mean feat. Other performances across the large ensemble are constrained by the format, with each actor playing multiple roles and only a couple of characters who exist for more than a handful of scenes.
Price finds himself somewhat caught between telling the story of the man who created the NHS and telling the story of the NHS’s creation. It is very much the former, but in its final act, it feels like it sways towards the latter – swelling with sentimentalism for the sheer seismic political achievement that the NHS was, and is. Many may feel the latter elements should have warranted expansion – there may be merit in that, but it would be a different play, for good or bad. Whatever your view on the play, though, Sheen is worth the visit.
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hsews · 6 years
Posted September 08, 2018 05:58:49
Photograph: The Wi-Fi was censored on my current China Japanese-Qantas codeshare flight from Melbourne to Shanghai. (ABC Information)
Not too long ago on a visit to Shanghai, I used to be confused to seek out that as my aircraft lifted off Melbourne’s Tullamarine tarmac, the web companies that I took without any consideration like Google, Fb, and Twitter didn’t load whereas WeChat and Weibo had been nonetheless accessible.
Key factors:
Australia technically owns the air contained in the aircraft however it’s additionally Chinese language territory
Each plane has its personal “nationality” below the Chicago Conference
The Nice Fireplace Wall is corresponding to a digital border that China in-built 1994-1996
I had been making an attempt to browse the web on my China Japanese-Qantas codeshare flight with no success, earlier than I realised the continual buffering was not because of low sign.
As an alternative, I had one way or the other hit the Nice Firewall of China whereas nonetheless in Australian airspace. This confused me as a result of my flight — that I booked on the Qantas web site — was listed with Wi-Fi companies.
Photograph: Social media like Twitter was blocked. (ABC Information)
As somebody born in China earlier than the start of web censorship within the mid ’90s, and having grow to be accustomed to limitless web entry in Australia over the previous decade, I felt uneasy about having to face 10 hours with out web — or extra particularly, restricted web.
With a whole lot of time on my fingers to assume, the censored web companies over Australia received me considering: why was my in-flight web censored in Australian airspace, and which nation’s legal guidelines are in impact once you’re inside an plane?
‘Plane a part of Chinese language territory’
Photograph: The house inside China Japanese aircrafts is seen as an extension of Chinese language territory. (Flickr: G B_NZ)
The questions sound easy sufficient, however they really traverse advanced problems with aviation and telecommunications legislation, in addition to particular person airline insurance policies — a number of pretty dense matters.
Fortunately there are some easy methods to clarify why Chinese language censorship legal guidelines might be enforced on a aircraft flying over Australian territory.
Photograph: Qantas and China Japanese signed a five-year settlement at Parliament Home in late 2014. (Provided: Qantas)
Based on Jae Woon Lee, an aviation legislation knowledgeable from the Chinese language College of Hong Kong (CUHK), the within of the aircraft I used to be travelling on is actually thought-about to be “Chinese language territory”.
He stated as a result of China and Australia have each ratified the Tokyo Conference — the worldwide treaty laying out which nation’s legal guidelines apply aboard an plane — Chinese language legal guidelines and rules had been in impact on my flight.
“The Chinese language registered plane is form of a part of the Chinese language territory, conceptually the concept is true,” Dr Lee stated.
Joseph Wheeler, the principal of the Worldwide Aerospace Regulation and Coverage Group, stated each plane has its personal “nationality” below worldwide legislation.
This implies in the event you’re flying on a Chinese language aircraft, the flight is below the authority of their nationwide regulator, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).
He stated web regulation aboard the aircraft — whether or not it’s accessible and what’s accessible — was decided by a mixture of Chinese language legal guidelines and insurance policies, in addition to the airline’s personal situations.
However I purchased my tickets from Qantas?
Photograph: From left to proper: China Japanese chairman Liu Shaoyong, Chinese language President Xi Jinping, former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Qantas chief govt Alan Joyce. (Qantas, provided)
Qantas and China Japanese signed a five-year partnership settlement at Parliament Home in late 2014, in a ceremony attended by former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott and Chinese language President Xi Jinping.
How do codeshare flights work?
There’s one working provider (on this case, China Japanese) and a number of advertising carriers that promote the tickets
Advertising carriers like Qantas assign the airline code to the flight
It allows airways to coordinate schedules, present extra locations and reduce fares
This settlement led to a codeshare association between the 2.
After I booked my flight by means of the Qantas web site, inflight Wi-Fi was marketed on the itemizing.
The web page made it clear that the flight can be operated by China Japanese Airways, nonetheless there was no particular point out of the Wi-Fi companies being topic to the Nice Firewall of China.
When requested whether or not prospects are made conscious that the marketed Wi-Fi can be censored, Qantas stated:
“Whereas a buyer could guide by means of Qantas.com, it’s made clear that the flight is operated by China Japanese … and as such their onboard expertise is certain by the situation of carriage of China Japanese.”
When requested whether or not prospects on Qantas.com are advised particularly what these “situations of carriage” are, the corporate stated prospects are made conscious that “product options could fluctuate between plane”.
It stated its a matter for the working provider to find out what companies can be found on board.
China Japanese didn’t reply to my questions, whereas a spokesperson for the Australian Competitors and Client Fee — the authority who granted the Qantas and China Japanese joint operation — stated they may not touch upon the difficulty.
China’s Nice Firewall is getting taller
Photograph: The Nice Fireplace Wall first got here into impact within the mid 1990s. (AP: Eranga Jayawardena)
China has at all times saved a decent grip on what can and can’t be accessed on its web, and started regulating it virtually as quickly because it arrived within the nation in 1994.
Probably the most notable of those is the system of know-how most well-known because the Nice Firewall of China, which slows down, analyses and blocks on-line content material from abroad.
Similar to my in-flight expertise, Chinese language netizens can not entry widespread Western social media websites and apps, or international information retailers just like the New York Instances.
Jyh-An Lee, an knowledgeable on Chinese language web censorship from the CUHK, stated the Nice Firewall was basically a digital border.
“Most individuals would consider that there isn’t a border to the web,” Professor Lee stated.
“[But] if you’re flying with the state-owned flight firm, and if you’re utilizing the free Wi-Fi, you might be truly subjecting your self to the extension of the digital border which comes from the Nice Firewall.”
The Chinese language Authorities launched and promoted the idea of cyber sovereignty at its World Web Convention in 2014, earlier than tightening its cyber regulation and cracking down on instruments that permit customers to get across the Nice Firewall final 12 months.
Cyber sovereignty is the concept that states ought to have the ability to handle and include their very own web with out exterior interference.
Chinese language companies anticipated to ‘self-censor’
Photograph: China’s Nice Firewall is ready to form customers’ behaviour within the nation and is getting stronger.
Whereas there isn’t a easy rationalization as to why China is ready to censor Wi-Fi companies in Australian airspace, Professor Lee stated he wasn’t shocked Chinese language firm — particularly a state-owned enterprise like China Japanese — would implement self-censorship.
He stated there was an expectation from Beijing that corporations would self-censor delicate info and web sites even when it wasn’t enforced.
Professor Lee added that China’s Nice Firewall was capable of form customers’ behaviour within the nation and was getting stronger.
Whether or not that is the case or it is government-enforced censorship, specialists say there stays many gray areas on the topic that must be ironed out.
Supply hyperlink
The post The complexities of cyber sovereignty in Chinese language airways over Australian skies appeared first on HS NEWS.
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bradfordzone · 6 years
Ackley Bridge | Channel 4 7 August 8:00pm
Ackley Bridge | Channel 4 7 August 8:00pm
Episode 10
Desperate to make it as a stand-up comic, Naveed’s (Gurjeet Singh) plans are derailed when his mum discovers his arranged marriage to Nas (Amy-Leigh Hickman) was a cover, and that he’s gay. Naveed is devastated and flees the family home. After a few drinks at Hayley’s (Cody Ryan) 16th birthday party, Naveed confides in a sympathetic Cory (Sam Retford). Rashid (Tony Jayawardena)…
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